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Current Poll Results

Favorite Greyhawk-based Magic Item

Blackrazor33 %33 %33 % 33.33% (67)
Bonewand10 %10 %10 % 10.45% (21)
Daern's Instant Fortress14 %14 %14 % 14.43% (29)
Equalizer of the Gran March2 %2 %2 % 2.99% (6)
Fire Wand of the Suloise4 %4 %4 % 4.48% (9)
Flying Scimitar of Tusmit2 %2 %2 % 2.99% (6)
Fragarach "The Answerer"10 %10 %10 % 10.45% (21)
Heward's Handy Haversack12 %12 %12 % 12.94% (26)
Lucky Ring of the Wild Coast1 %1 %1 % 1.49% (3)
Robilar's Blade of Black Ice4 %4 %4 % 4.48% (9)
Talsiman of Zagy1 %1 %1 % 1.99% (4)
Other (Please Comment below)9 %9 %9 % 9.95% (20)

Total Votes: 201

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"Favorite Greyhawk-based Magic Item" | Login/Create an Account | 12 comments
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Re: Favorite Greyhawk-based Magic Item (Score: 1)
by Duicarthan on Thu, April 14, 2005
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My favorite excluding all artifacts has got to be the Timeglass of the Mage. I've always liked it for its originality and the creator, The Black One! =)

Re: Favorite Greyhawk-based Magic Item (Score: 1)
by starbreaker on Thu, April 14, 2005
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I was just going to post almost the same question.
With Swords only.
Then do Staffs.
I noted the Item that I missed from your post.Thanks.
My 2-cent worth include Swords only-
1) Sword of Ansanther- Treasures of geryhawk
2) Sword of Sword of Azor'alq-Treasures of Grey
3) Sword of Ebon Flame- Mordenkainen Adv.
4) Sword of Kas-Vecna
5) Warblade of the Shieldlands-Greyhawk Adventures
6) Sword of the Wild Coast- G.A.
7) RalAstran sword of Enmity-G.A.
8) Sword of Stonefist- G.A.
THE LOST 5 Blades of Corusk.
a) Dreamsinger
b) The Edge
c) Greenswathe
d) Harmonizer
E) Stalker

Re: Favorite Greyhawk-based Magic Item (Score: 1)
by starbreaker on Thu, April 14, 2005
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I was just going to post almost the same question.
With Swords only.
Then do Staffs.
I noted the Item that I missed from your post.Thanks.
My 2-cent worth include Swords only-
1) Sword of Ansanther- Treasures of geryhawk
2) Sword of Sword of Azor'alq-Treasures of Grey
3) Sword of Ebon Flame- Mordenkainen Adv.
4) Sword of Kas-Vecna
5) Warblade of the Shieldlands-Greyhawk Adventures
6) Sword of the Wild Coast- G.A.
7) RalAstran sword of Enmity-G.A.
8) Sword of Stonefist- G.A.
9) Swords of Dragon/Giant Slaying
The lost 5 Blades of Corusk.
a) Dreamsinger
b) The Edge
c) Greenswathe
d) Harmonizer
E) Stalker

P.S. Excalibar, Stormbringer, Mornblade, and Githyanki swords were to be my Others.

Re: Favorite Greyhawk-based Magic Item (Score: 1)
by setanta on Sat, April 16, 2005
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Gotta vote Blackrazor... the namesake of our home campaign adventuring guild!!!!

10 years and still going strong!!!!

Re: Favorite Greyhawk-based Magic Item (Score: 1)
by bigb451 on Mon, April 18, 2005
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OK, I'll be different and say Leomund's Labile Locker from the Temple of Elemental Evil. This thing is even better than a portable hole for looting your enemies - you can take home an entire room with it! (and I did just that with a very fine alchemist's lab, I'll add....)

Re: Favorite Greyhawk-based Magic Item (Score: 1)
by chatdemon on Mon, April 18, 2005
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My favorite is Lightbringer:


Re: Favorite Greyhawk-based Magic Item (Score: 1)
by Fairylover on Tue, April 19, 2005
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Bucknard's Everfull Purse--it is an accessory for the discerning mage who needs an eveningwear choice not as "rustic" as Heward's Haversack, as plebian as the Bag of Holding, or mystical as a portable hole. Its neutral strong colors accent any wardrobe choice and are easy to match to any combination of boot, shoe or slipper.

Re: Favorite Greyhawk-based Magic Item (Score: 1)
by Scottenkainen on Thu, April 21, 2005
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The "Puzzlebox of Holding"...I believe is found in G2, Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl...

Re: Favorite Greyhawk-based Magic Item (Score: 1)
by PaulN6 on Fri, April 22, 2005
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The Sentinel - because my character became Guardian of Adlerweg on the back of that little glove. Ther permanent Shield spell is also handy if they'd just stop changing the darn rules - my AC keeps fluctuating wildly; but I digress...

Re: Favorite Greyhawk-based Magic Item (Score: 1)
by Varthalon on Thu, February 02, 2006
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Bucknard's Everfull Purse!  Never need to track your daily cash expenditures on your character sheet again, toss handfulls of coppers to the urchins just because you'll have more tomorrow, buy a couple of rounds at the bar in the evening so your daily allotment doesn't go to waste.

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