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Current Poll Results

Which game products do you feel hold the most potential for future Greyhawk development?

D&D 3.5e - Living GH14 %14 %14 % 14.21% (104)
D&D 3.5e - "Core GH"12 %12 %12 % 12.16% (89)
D&D 3.5e - Dungeon Magazine29 %29 %29 % 29.92% (219)
D&D 4e - Hey, it could happen!3 %3 %3 % 3.69% (27)
C&C - Castle Zagyg10 %10 %10 % 10.93% (80)
Hackmaster - Greyhack16 %16 %16 % 16.12% (118)
D20 - "Generic-Hawk"1 %1 %1 % 1.50% (11)
Lejendary Adventure - The way it should have been?3 %3 %3 % 3.14% (23)
Other - Please explain8 %8 %8 % 8.33% (61)

Total Votes: 732

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"Which game products do you feel hold the most potential for future Greyhawk development?" | Login/Create an Account | 9 comments
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Re: Which game products do you feel hold the most potential (Score: 1)
by chatdemon on Mon, July 04, 2005
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Ok, ok!

So Living Greyhawk isn't technically a gaming product, right? Well, for a lot of fans, LG is Greyhawk, so despite the fact that you can't go down to the game store and buy LG products, I included the option in the poll for those who feel that LG holds the key to further development of the setting.

Re: Which game products do you feel hold the most potential (Score: 1)
by chatdemon on Mon, July 04, 2005
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To kick start the comments, I'll explain my vote of "Other".

IMO, the real future of GH development lies in the hands of fans like those who contribute articles here on CF, run GH related websites of their own, or participate in the various GH forums and discussion groups. With the diversity of fans, there is no one game system that will represent all of the quality ideas being put forth, so my vote of "other" is actually a vote for "all, or none!"

Re: Which game products do you feel hold the most potential (Score: 1)
by GVDammerung on Tue, July 05, 2005
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I'm going to vote along precisely the same general lines as Chatdemon - fan created works.

To quote myself from a CF thread -

I think fan works are becoming more and more well regarded. CF preserves these works for reference. Many are as good or better than anything "pros," who will go unnamed, have ever done. There has begun to be more cross-referencing of one fan work to another. If CF stays around for 10 years, continues to expand, perhaps archiving some LG materials when the LG sunsets, and GH does not see republication - I think the line between "published canon" and "fan canon" will be very much thinner.

I look to the imminent publication of The Gran March Project as a likely example of the shape "fan canon" may eventually take. When complete, I believe there will be no appreciable difference in quality between The Gran March Project and the best of original material in d20 PDFs you can buy online at various places. When fans create professional quality material of a scope equal to professional qualty PDFs sold as d20 supplements, the line between "fan canon" and "published canon" all but vanishes, thee remaining only the "IP holder" distinction that may then begin to erode.

Another example, is the Oerth Journal. Increasingly professional in its appearence and already sophisticated in its content, The OJ might have alredy pushed further the boundaries of "fan canon" were is not for a publication schedule only kindly referred to as eratic. Where the OJ to be published quarterly, I believe it would again blur the distinction between "fan canon" and "published canon" in our present worold where PDFs publish "official" d20 material, or at least as "official" as it gets.

In this last instance, we can look at Keith Baker's "Dragonshards" articles for Wotc. These are free PDF's from Wotc that further expand the world of Eberron, creating Eberron canon through nothing more than a PDF.

The pieces are coming together to perhaps create an entirely new world of game support. CF is, if not at the leading edge, then in the vanguard of such a movement.

Re: Which game products do you feel hold the most potential (Score: 1)
by GVDammerung on Tue, July 05, 2005
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The Dungeon? Please.

Mona is handicapped by Wotc's refusal to allow the name "Greyhawk" to be mentioned above a whisper. Witness the Age of Worms and its "Free City." This is the future? Some future.

The Dungeon is a dead end. And it dead ends exactly when GH is no longer the "default." At that point Mona won't even be able to slip in GH, let alone mention it outright.

Dead end. That's what Dungeon-Hawk is.

This poll is about the future. Dungeon is not the future.

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