In this installment, the lands surrounding Lake Quag, the Whyestil and the Northern Nyr Dyv are examined. This includes the pre- and post-Greyhawk Wars Bandit Kingdoms, the Horned Society, Iuz, Perrenland, the Shield Lands, the Highfolk and the Vesve Forest.
The Greyhawk Adventurer’s Atlas
Part 3 - The Northern Lands of the Central Lakes
This is the third installment of a 13-part series of annotated maps of the Flanaess in pdf format. Its primary goal is to allow DM’s to create campaigns for their players. For those interested in Greyhawk lore, the atlas may also be useful as a reference for adventure creation, fiction writing or general geographic information.
Each atlas installment covers a different set of countries and/or regions of the Flanaess, loosely grouped by geography. In this installment, the lands surrounding Lake Quag, the Whyestil and the Northern Nyr Dyv are examined. This includes the pre- and post-Greyhawk Wars Bandit Kingdoms, the Horned Society, Iuz, Perrenland, the Shield Lands, the Highfolk and the Vesve Forest.