Bardic Lore - The Treasure of Acherak
Date: Wed, September 05, 2001
Topic: Myths & Legends

The bards know many legends of the Elder Days. Many have been changed over the years by a teller wanting a slightly more appreciative audience - and a better fee. This tale is one of the favourite of Cirrem, called the Dreamer-Minstrel, and should be at least slightly familiar to many readers...

Author: MerricB

Bardic Lore - The Treasure of Acherak

by MerricB (
Used with Permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission from the author.

In the days before the Rain of Colourless Fire and the Invoked Devastation, when the Suloise Empire was at it's height and not yet lost to decadance, there lived a arch-mage called Acherak.

Of Acherak's deeds, little has come down to us save that he was one of the shining stars of a great academy of mages, well regarded by his peers. But as he aged, he grew introspective, and jealous, and determined not to die.

His researches led him to the dark arts of necromancy, and there came a day when no longer walked Acherak the Arch-mage, but instead Acherak the Lich.

As a lich his magical talents were enhanced, and his star burned even brighter, but his creations from that point forward were twisted... unclean. Was the Suloise empire infected by his taint? Who can say?

There came a time when even Acherak's undead magics began to wane, and so somewhere in the wilds of the Flanaess he began the construction of his tomb, filling it with treasure, magic and traps. To there he went, and disappeared from the annals of this world.

Many centuries have passed since that day, and only rumours remain of the whereabouts of his tomb - some say the Bright Desert, others the Nyr Dyv, still others the Vast Swamp. The lich has assuredly gone to dust by this time, but somewhere within his tomb awaits his great treasure of magic, gold and gems.

Acererak, Prehistory

This article comes from Canonfire!

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