Politics in Perrenland (with maps!)
Date: Thu, June 08, 2006
Topic: Heretic's Nest

This article is a gazetteer of sorts for the nation of Perrenland. It describes in detail the current geo-political and economic features of all of the cantons that exist in my personal campaign. Three maps which accompany the article illustrate the political situations described.

Politics in Perrenland - Now With Maps!
By: Kirt
Posted with permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission from the author.

This article was originally posted a year ago on Canonfire!. Since then, I have added three maps. This installment serves as un apdate to inlcude the new maps.

This article is a companion piece to my previous work “History of Government in Perrenland”, but it is of greater practical use, being a gazetteer of sorts for the nation of Perrenland. It describes in detail the current geo-political and economic features of all of the cantons that exist in my personal campaign. As such, it contradicts the treatment given to the cantons in the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer and Living Greyhawk campaign. Dungeon Masters who are not entirely bound by recent canon may find it useful and interesting.

The accompanying maps are not meant as cartographic masterpieces, but are “sketch maps” whose purpose is to illustrate the political situations described in the article. As they are in Word, they are easy to modify (add or delete details, change colors), for the use of the DM. The maps are based on the 30-mile campaign hexes of the “Darlene Map”.

All of the maps are overlain with the cities and important towns, trails, naval bases and fortifications described below.

The Geographic Map HERE shows the basic habitat types within the boundaries of Perrenland, color-coded by habitat type.

The Political Map HERE shows the cantons of Perrenland, with each canton having its own color. The colors are referenced in the section below for each canton. The stippled hexes are vassal states within the cantons as described below. Land hexes outside of Perrenland, or within Perrenland but outside the canton structure (Mounds of Dawn, independent lands, Shwartzenbruin, Sepia lands), are colorless but retain the symbols for hills and mountains.

The Geo-Political Map HERE combines the information of the two previous maps, using the hex colors to show habitat type but using solid purple lines to show canton boundaries and dotted purple lines to show vassal states within the cantons. This map requires a higher display magnification than the others to resolve all the detail.

Within Word, each of the maps can be seen in their entirety at a display size of 50% or less. At 75%, all of the east-west extent can be seen, but not the full north-south extent. The canton divisions and sub-divisions are best seen at 150% or better.

In what follows, each of the cantons are described in order of its population, from greatest to least, with the following format:

Canton Name (Name) (color): The first name given is the official canton name, in the Flan dialect of the Quagflow, which I have based on modern German. The name in parenthesis is the Common (English) translation of the canton name. Within Perrenland, only the official names are used, but outside Perrenland most nations use the Common equivalents. Given after the name is the color used on the political map.

Current Ruler: Current is for my campaign, which at present is set in CY 573. The titles follow the nomenclature described in my CF article “History of Government in Perrenland” (HERE). In brief, canton rulers of Flan descent call themselves Voormann, while those of Oerid or mixed descent use Plar. A canton ruler who is also the leader of his clan and who can demonstrate descent from the original Eight Hetmen of Perren is entitled to call himself Hetman.

Population: Estimates as of 573 CY, based on the World of Greyhawk boxed set estimate of all Perrenland totaling 200,000.

Features: The major population features (towns) and military fortifications (naval bases, keeps, forts, and fortresses), referenced to their Darlene Map hex. All of these are shown on each of the maps.

Description: Principally a description of the geographic features, economy and production of the canton. It includes notes on history and culture where appropriate.

Politics: Personal descriptions of the canton rulers and their viewpoints on the main issues confronting Perrenland. These are, whether Perrenland should move to a government with more central authority by granting the Übervoormann more power relative to the canton rulers, and the state of relations of Perrenland with Furyondy, Iuz, and the nomads (principally the Wolf Nomads). In cantons with other important political issues these are outlined as well.

Canton of Geldenfeld (Goldenfield) (yellow)
Current Ruler: Hetman Franz (former Voormann of All Perrenland, 556-563 CY) (1)
Population: 26,250

Hetman Franz has two personal fortresses (H5-80, E5-81). A vassal, the Szek of Freundin, has two personal fortresses (G5-78, E5-78).


Geldenfeld is the most populous canton in Perrenland. Agriculture is clustered in a southern river valley and benefits from its proximity to the market of Schwartzenbruin. North and south of the river valley are rolling hills that make for good pasturage, and many herdsmen, both nomadic and settled, populate the land. Port towns are spaced along the coast such that lake barges leaving Schwartzenbruin can dock every night. The Freundin Woods, in the north (mostly E5-79), is a large forested wilderness area, and is home to many outlaws.

Hetman Franz is a pureblood Flan from an ancient noble line and is a proud descendent of Perren’s first general. Most of the population of Geldenfeld, however, is either Oeridian or mixed Oeridian-Flan. The canton’s most important vassal state, Freundin, is ruled by an Oerid Szek.

Geldenfeld’s leaders are moderate and very worldly. A stronger national government would benefit them financially, with more trade, but hurt them politically, as they are the most powerful canton. While they favor an alliance with Furyondy, they remain dubious of Furyondian sincerity (the land was entirely controlled by Furyondy and Veluna after the invasion of c. 390-400 CY (2)). Likewise they would favor closer ties to the Wolf Nomads to balance the threat of Iuz but are cautious in their dealings with the barbarians (as they are occasionally raided by parties of nomads crossing the lake in war canoes). The only non-moderate position they take is that Iuz is definitely the most dangerous threat facing Perrenland.

Canton of Sudenfeld (Southern Fields) (red)
Current Ruler: Plar Karl
Population: 25,000

Plar Karl has two personal fortresses (F5-83 and K5-86). A vassal Szek has a personal fort (I5-85). Sudenfeld has a national fortress (J5-86) guarding the opening from the Schmaldurchfahrt (see below) into the plains of Perrenland, just north of Krestible.

Sudenfeld has a diverse and productive economy, with mines in the west, cattle and horse pasturage in the center, and many farms in the east. It also garners much income from merchant taxes: together with the Canton of Schmaldurchfahrt, Sudenfeld controls the main trade route from Schwartzenbruin through Krestible to Ket. Although the canton was occupied by Furyondian and Velunese nobles nearly two centuries ago, its position in the center of the Quaglands has subsequently removed it from further conflict and it has long been peaceful and prosperous. It is very rare for raiding parties of either Ketians or Wolf Nomads to penetrate its borders.

Early in the history of the Sudenfeld Canton, its ruling Flan Hetmen died without heir and Perren replaced him with an Oerdian Plar who had provided support during the rebellion. This line of Oeridian Plars has continued unbroken until the present day. Although Sudenfeld is as large as Geldenfeld or Fernfeld, and considerably wealthier than either, it has supplied far fewer Übervoormann than either of the other two large cantons. This is due mainly to the reluctance of the Flan leaders of the minor cantons to support a pureblood Oerid Plar for Übervoormann, other things being equal. Thus Sudenfelders are only elected when other candidates are particularly unsuitable.

The combination of wealth, frustrated political ambition, and access to foreign ideas through trade has made Sudenfeld the most progressive of the cantons, and this further alienates the conservative leaders of the small, rural cantons. Some of the younger sons of the ruling family could even be considered radicals, but they would never become canton leader. They spend most of their time in Swartzenbruin, managing merchant ventures and talking about schemes like proportioning votes for Übervoormann based on canton population or even holding direct elections for the position with all citizens voting!

The rulers of Sudenfeld have always been strong supporters of a more unified nation and a more powerful Übervoormann. They believe that increasing the power of a forward-thinking national leader at the expense of some of the smaller, more conservative cantons would be beneficial to the nation as a whole and to their canton in particular. They are opposed to any alliance with Furyondy, who they see not only as an old enemy but also as a modern regressive state that oppresses its people. They fear the growing power of Iuz and are desirous of an alliance with the Wolf Nomads to check that threat. Ideally they see Perrenland as supplying weapons and food while the Nomads do most of the fighting.

Canton of Fernfeld (Far Fields) (green)
Current Ruler: Voormann Fritz (Current Voormann of All Perrenland, 572 CY - ?)
Population: 25,000

Voormann Fritz has two personal fortresses (J5-84, I5-82). A vassal Socman has a personal keep (K5-82). Fernfeld has a national fortress near a mining region of the Yatils (K5-84), and another national fortress on the border of the Mounds of Dawn (J5-81).

Fernfeld is the third of Perrenland’s three large cantons. Unlike Geldenfeld and Sudenfeld, it has few merchants and makes little income from trade, for it is north of the Krestible-Schwartzenbruin trade route and has no lands adjoining Lake Quag. The land is not poor, however. It claims the upper reaches of the same river valley that flows into Geldenfeld and has an abundant agriculture. Numerous copper mines dot the alpine valleys of its western extent. Finally, the grassy plains of the lowlands support large herds of cattle and are recognized as the premier breeding grounds of Perrender horses. The Voormann allows anyone who wishes to raise horses, but only he or his representatives are permitted to sell horses to purchasers from outside the canton. The highest premiums are paid for well-trained medium and heavy warhorses.

Voormann Fritz comes of pure Flan stock, though many of his vassals are Oeridian Socmen. Fritz is personally descended from one of Perren’s generals, but he is not the leader of his clan and so does not claim the title of Hetman.

Fernfeld provides a counterbalance to the progressivism of Sudenfeld. While not conservative or overly-traditional like some of the small cantons, Fernfeld rulers have always been opposed to strengthening the position of Übervoormann, even when they have held the office (which has been fairly often). Instead, they see the Concatenated Cantons more as a permanent alliance of separate lesser nations than as a greater nation, and strongly value their independence. With little merchant activity and a location threatened more by wandering monsters than foreign raiders, a stronger national government has little to offer them.

Voormann Fritz is tepid on the prospect of an alliance with Furyondy - he feels he can trust the southern nation only so long as Perrenland is negotiating from a position of strength. He does recognize the threat of Iuz, and is willing to ally with and support the Wolf Nomads to counter that threat.

Canton of Nordenshrag (Northern Slopes) and Handelland (Trade Lands) (dark red)
Current Ruler: Plar Hollister
Population: 23,750

Plar Hollister has two personal fortresses (L5-79, L5-77). One of his vassal Szeks has a personal fort in the south (H5-79), and another vassal Socman in the north also has a personal fort (K5-75). There is a national fortress near a mining region (M5-79), and two along the border of the Tiger Nomads (K5-74, K5-75). There is a national Lake Guard naval base in a natural deep-water harbor in the center of the lands (M5-78) and another in the south (H5-79).

The Canton of Nordenshrag as originally defined by Perren included only the land north of the Mounds of Dawn. Two generations ago the Hetman who ruled the Canton of Geldenfeld died, leaving a particularly incompetent son as his heir. While his clan members in most of the Canton bore his rule stoically, the northernmost part of Geldenfeld, where another clan predominated, refused to swear allegiance to the new Hetman and instead swore to the Plar of Nordenshrag. The canton is now known as ‘Nordenshrag and Handelland’, after the recent addition of the southern lands.

Nordenshrag proper is a slim sliver of land between the Yatil Mountains and Lake Quag. It is menaced by raids from the Tiger Nomads (the only canton in Perrenland where this is consistently true) as well as by monsters from the Yatils and the Mounds of Dawn. Very few people in Nordenshrag earn their living as farmers or herders; most work as fisher folk and live in small villages built on great wooden platforms over the lake. Palisades and narrow causeways defend these villages from raiders and terrestrial monsters. The surplus fish, dried or salted, sustains numerous well-defended mining communities in the mountains. Finally, at the top of society are the merchants. Although based in the canton, they ply their wares all along Lake Quag. This canton has more merchants, and a higher status accorded merchants, than any other. Most of the junior members of the Plar’s extended family are involved in mercantile enterprises of one sort or another.

Handelland is a more traditional Perrender locale, with some farming in its center and cattle herding in the south. The harbor in the north of Handelland is arguably the best on Lake Quag, however, and many Handellanders are either involved in the water trade (as merchants or sailors) or in servicing the naval base. The war canoes of the Wolf Nomads only occasionally menace Handelland, preferring easier targets to the south or north, but monsters from the Mounds of Dawn always threaten the land.

The Canton of Nordenshrag has always supported a stronger central government for Perrenland. Beyond the merchant revenue that would be generated by tax standardization and infrastructure improvements, Nordenshraggers persistently argue that the safe, central locations in Perrenland should be taxed more to provide for the national troops in the more dangerous border areas. By custom the Übervoormann is required to tax all cantons at the same rate. This means taxes are never more than what the poorest cantons can afford and are a pittance to the wealthy cantons, restricting the funds available at the national level. Cantons are also expected to supply food for all national troops within their borders, which places a heavier burden on cantons, like Nordenshrag, with a greater military presence.

The forces of Furyondy and Veluna never got farther than Handelland in their occupation of the Quaglands and the rulers of the combined Canton bear little ill will towards Furyondy. Instead, they see it as an ideal trading partner for Perrenland. While they are uninterested in a military alliance, they seek better relations and more trade with Furyondy. Thus, they tend to be the most pro-Furyondy of the cantons. For that matter, they see little threat from Iuz and oppose any active moves against that state. Finally, they are uninterested in any dealing with the nomads, beyond punitive expeditions after raids. It should be remembered that they are the only canton that is frequently raided by both Wolf and Tiger Nomads.

Canton of Ansictsee (Lakeview) (light orange)
Current Ruler: Plar Konig
Population: 15,000 (3,000 without Traft and Sepia lands)

Plar Konig has two personal fortresses (C5-80, C5-78).
Traft (C5-77) has a national Lake Guard naval base.

The Canton of Ansictsee was originally a narrow strip of land along the east coast of Lake Quag, much like Nordenshrag in the west. The deep natural harbor in Traft started as a naval base with a small service community. Over the past century, however, Traft has grown phenomenally as a trade town. It serves as the launching point for all expeditions to the Sepia Uplands and Wolf Nomads, whether military or mercantile. It also is home to a large fishing fleet working the northeastern part of the Lake, and the town itself processes the fish (gutting, then salting or drying) before shipping them to Schwartzenbruin. A common insult in the region is “You smell like the leeward side of Traft”.

Traft has grown beyond its modest beginnings to overshadow the rest of the canton. The Plar comes from a traditional line of Oerid warrior-rulers, and cares little for either the fisher folk or merchants that make up the majority of the population. He does his best to make sure the naval base and military expeditions are well supported, but frustrates the common citizens with his lack of attention to their concerns. Instead, he lives among the numerous horse-breeding stables of the southern plains and seldom visits the northern part of his canton. He does little to direct the growth of Traft and mostly opposes it, by insisting on traditional duties, obligations, and laws. It should be noted that he is the oldest of the twelve cantonal rulers. Although in his mid-seventies, he is in excellent health and still rides.

Most of the population of Traft are immigrants from other cantons, whether of first, second, or occasionally third generation. Frequently they are not of the same clan as the Plar and bear him little love. He insists that they register with a recognized Headman of their own clan, whatever it might be, so oftentimes their choices are rather limited and many are forced into relations with unscrupulous men who take advantage of the legal control they have over the immigrants’ property. Most of the townsmen favor making Traft a Free City, with the personal liberties and guild laws of Schwartzenbruin, but this will never happen under the current Plar. It is entirely possible that upon his death, the leading merchants of the town will present a petition to the Übervoormann asking him to assume dominion over the town.

In comparison with other canton rulers, Plar Konig seems insular, almost reactionary. He is a fervent opponent of centralized government has been a long-time ally of both the young Voormann Fritz and of his predecessor in Fernfeld. He is sure that any Übervoormann with more powers would force “modernization” on his traditional canton. He is opposed to any alliance with the “old enemy” Furyondy, but is rather indifferent to the threat of Iuz. He has on several occasions expressed his opinion that Iuz’s demonic nature is exaggerated propaganda. He scoffs at any formal dealing with the nomads, content to plan and support reprisal attacks against them in return for their raids.

The eventual death of Plar Konig will assuredly throw the canton into turmoil, as there will be little support in Traft for his chosen heir, his eldest son. Jurrigan, as he is known, is a veteran mercenary captain and nearly as conservative as his father. Several of Konig’s more progressive grandsons enjoy considerably more support from the Headmen of Traft, and the selection of one of them as Plar might be the only thing capable of forestalling a secession attempt.

Canton of FluBufer (Riverflood) (violet)
Current Ruler: Plar Indu
Population: 12,500

As one of the principle routes of invasion for Perrenland, FluBufer is heavily fortified. A huge national fortress complex, on both sides of the river, guards the narrow exit of the Velverdyva (D5-84), while behind it lays a naval base for the National River Guard. The ships of the River Guard moor in a series of artificial canals constructed parallel to the river itself. The Plar has two personal fortresses (D5-84, D5-82) and a smaller personal fort (E5-84) where he holds court. A vassal Socwoman has a personal fort (D5-84). Two other national fortresses complement the defenses of the canton (D5-84, E5-84).

FluBufer, as the main exit of Perrenland to the eastern Flanaess, has a steady income from trade, though most of the actual merchants are from other cantons, and reside as guests. The canton has very productive soil and is excellent agricultural land, although fields often have to be changed every generation when spring floods alter the course of the Velverdyva, erode fields, or cover the land with extensive deposits.

FluBufer is staunchly in favor of a stronger central government. Like Nordenshrag, the leaders of FluBufer believe that the central cantons need to do more to support the border cantons. In a good year, the Plar has no trouble feeding the National Army soldiers stationed in his lands. But when spring flooding disrupts planting, he has to import food from other cantons at great cost, and is seldom entirely compensated by the Übervoormann. FluBufer suffered greatly under occupation by Furyondy and Veluna and bears ill will verging on hatred for those states and especially their knightly orders. For this reason, the Plar actually favors an alliance with Iuz, who he sees as an important check to the power of the two states. Personally, he is certain that without the threat of Iuz, a united Furyondy-Veluna under Thrommel or another such leader would again attempt to annex the Quaglands. The Plar is rather indifferent to the nomads, who he regards as a minor nuisance at worst and a minor trading partner at best.

When the Plar had to name a new vassal for his southern lands, he chose to invest his niece, Gretta. It is extremely rare for a woman to hold title in modern Perrenland, but Socwoman Gretta is an exceptional individual. A famed ranger and skilled swordmistress, she has adventured much in the Yatils around southern Perrenland and the Highfolk. She has personally done more to ensure the safety of the region than all the national garrisons in FluBufer and is beloved by the common people. Her selection as vassal Socwoman was unopposed, but it is now clear that the Plar favors her as an heir to replace him as canton leader. This does not sit well with his sons or many of the Oerid Headmen.

The Plar is happy with the land defenses, but he frets that a river-borne invasionary force could sail quickly past the fortifications. His dream is to construct a multi-arched stone bridge spanning the entire river that could control access to Perrenland. He has had dwarven engineers draw up plans, and is satisfied that such a venture is feasible. It would require more money than his small canton could afford, however, and for this he awaits an Übervoormann willing to invest in the project.

Canton of Rauhfeld (Harshfields) (lavender)
Current Ruler: Voormann Schmidt (Former Voormann of All Perrenland, 564 - 571 CY)
Population: 10,000

The Voormann has a personal fortress (I5-87).

The dry, rugged hills and cold mountains of Rauhfeld have few natural resources. There is little good agricultural land and the canton is too far to the east to claim the caravan trail from Ket to Krestible and so far south that has only a minor leg of the trail from Krestible to Schwartzenbruin. Its forests are dry scrub oak and light pine, unsuitable for ships or most construction. Local production consists mostly of goat herding in the hills and copper mining in the mountains. However, the canton is renowned for its mercenary companies, a high complement in Perrenland. The populace is of a very martial outlook, and nearly all citizens drill regularly. The Voormann is a great supporter and organizer of this activity. There are at any time several mercenary companies entirely from this canton active in the Flanaess, and scores more of individuals active in other, mixed, companies. The income of all these expatriates, returned to the canton, permits a much higher standard of living for the people than could be had on the meager resources of the canton alone.

Retired officers and heroes of these companies retain their skills and train new recruits by rooting out humanoids in the mountains to the south, even beyond the borders claimed by the canton. The dwarves of the Yatils appreciate these activities, and reward the canton with very favorable terms on the purchase of both raw iron and finished iron goods, including weapons of excellent craftsmanship.

Voormann Schmidt is a direct descendent of one of Perren’s generals and has the right to call himself Hetman, should he so choose. The tradition in Rauhfeld, however, is for the most direct male descendent to serve as canton leader, while one of his younger siblings (male or female in this Flan stronghold) serves as clan leader.

Rauhfelders traditionally support stronger central government, and Voormann Schmidt is no exception. The canton really has little to gain one way or the other, but the strongly organized, authoritative nature of the people makes them favor a more unified nation. The canton is also worldlier than its isolation would indicate, since so many of its citizens have traveled outside of Perrenland. However, their general reaction is not an appreciation of other cultures and ideas, as in Sudenfeld, but rather a recognition of how many other nations are more populous and have more powerful militaries than Perrenland. Thus, they tend to see the world in terms of potential enemies and favor greater union in Perrenland for that reason.

Voormann Schmidt is opposed in principle to alliance with any foreign power, but he sees Iuz as a greater threat at present than Furyondy, and would be willing to negotiate with the “oppressor state” in order to check the “demonic warlord”. In particular, Schmidt sees Iuz as the principal menace to Perrenland’s annexation and development of the Sepia Uplands, which he strongly supports. Schmidt has little respect for the nomads, but realizes that some sort of relationship with them will be necessary if Perrenland is to control the Sepia. If this relationship includes their attacking Iuz instead of Perrenland, so much the better.

Canton of Schmaldurchfahrt (Narrowpass) (live green)
Current Ruler: Hetman Aakron
Vassal State: Free City of Krestible
Population: 8,250 (not including Krestible)

A huge national fortress with several satellite keeps (M5-91) guards the mountain pass leading down to Ket. The Hetman has a personal fort (L5-90). Krestible (J5-88) is a walled city, and boasts several stone towers.

The canton of the Schmaldurchfahrt is a narrow maze of alpine valleys that connect the heart of Perrenland to the lowland nation of Ket. The canton surrounds the vital caravan trail running to Krestible. Although the canton claims the mountainous land around the trail, much within its borders it is barren wilderness, visited only by occasional human patrols. The dry southeastern slopes have a few copper mines. The northwestern valleys, where glacial runoff collects in rivers that flow all summer, has numerous thorps of goat-herders. This canton is one of the main producers of the cheeses for which Perrenland is famous. The canton limit extends several miles to the north of Krestible, and it is in these lowland open fields that nearly all of the traditional agriculture of the canton is practiced. In total, this is barely enough to feed the native population of Krestible and certainly not the traveling merchants and their mounts that frequent the city. Thus, the canton is a net importer of food, mostly from productive Fernfeld and Geldenfeld.

The canton has been repeatedly raided, invaded, and nearly conquered by Ketians several times in its history, though Krestible has yet to fall. It suffered even more harshly under the occupation of Iggwilv, when any item of value was carried off by her humanoid armies. Later, in the famine which followed her defeat, more than half of the canton’s population died or emigrated (3). The Perrenders that live here now are a hardy and fatalistic bunch, the descendents of tenacious survivors. Many among them revere Istus, testament both to their belief in the supremacy of individual destiny and to the cultural contact with the Bakluni that is lacking in the rest of Perrenland. Baklunish features can be seen on many Perrender faces in the region, though it is impolite to comment on them. Most are the mixed-race descendents of Ketians that have been captured in war or on raids. Though once enslaved, many of these are later freed and adopted into Perrender clans.

Hetman Aakron is an intriguing individual. While he attends to the business of ruling the canton and overseeing his clan in a serious and responsible manner, he treats his position as Hetman as an accident of birth. His real interest lies in mysticism, and he has studied with Istusian mystics, Spirit Keeper priests (4), and a Bakluni monk of Xan Yae. Aakron is fascinated by tales of the powers of Iggwilv, but is sensible enough to have never experimented with the dark arts himself, content to merely have read about them.

Aakron occasionally sponsors adventuring parties, and more than one under his patronage has returned from the mountains with a cache of treasure originally looted from the canton by the humanoids of Iggwilv. To be granted their adventuring license, such parties must be composed at least in the majority by Perrenders, or else the Hetman does not trust that any items of dark magic found will be turned over to the proper authorities.

Krestible styles itself a Free City, which really means that it is directly under the Hetman, with no Socman or Szek as intermediary. It is not truly independent, but the Hetman exercises a very hands-off approach in his rule. He allows the guilds and the Town Council of Häuptling the authority to propose law, and he approves most of their suggestions. One of the peculiarities of the city is the official Guild-enforced two-tier pricing system for residents and visitors, which assures that the native Perrenders can afford food and lodging even while foreign merchants are charged considerably more for them. It is doubtful that most of the natives could afford to live in the city were it not so.

Aakron favors a stronger central government that would provide more troops, funds, and trade revenue. He is opposed to alliance with Furyondy and rather neutral on his stance in regards to Iuz, who he does not see as a significant threat, at least at the present time (he would be far more concerned about Iuz if he knew the identity of the Old One’s mother). He is indifferent to dealings with the nomads.

Canton of Kaltland (Coldlands) (light yellow)
Current Ruler: Hetman Eustos
Population: 3,750

The Hetman has a personal keep (F5-85).

This canton is possibly the highest in Perrenland. Fully half of it is above timberline. Its rugged folk make their living as foresters, hunters, and trappers. They trade lumber and furs for the food they cannot grow themselves. Settlements are small and sparse, with cottages of thick logs plugged with daub. More often than not livestock are kept overnight and overwinter in a half-cellar for safety and warmth.

Hetman Eustos is largely ignorant of affairs beyond his remote canton, except for the happenings in the few towns which are markets for the goods sold by the canton or for those it imports. Traditionally the Hetman here leaves the canton only when his vote is needed for the election of Übervoormann in Schwartzenbruin (usually every eight years). Eustos and the other leaders of small cantons are jealous of their independence, and traditionally vote for the candidate who looks to interfere the least in their affairs. In case more than one contender reflects that view, they favor those of more Flan extraction. Eustos is indifferent towards affairs with Furyondy or Iuz, and largely so toward the nomads, though he regards them somewhat as kindred spirits who, like his clansmen, have little use for the trappings of civilization.

Canton of Zackigspitz (Cragpeaks) (aquamarine)
Current Ruler: Voormann Johan
Population: 3,750

The Voormann has a personal keep (B5-80).

The mountains of this canton offer numerous wide alpine valleys, and the people subsist amply on mining, goat herding, and cheese making. Their chateau-style lodges are architectural delights. The canton is famed for its crack crossbowmen, who hunt alpine birds and mountain goats.

Voormann Johan’s views are essentially those of Eustos, the ruler of Kaltland.

Canton of Hochland (High Lands)
(grey 25%)
Current Ruler: Plar Lolar
Population: 3,750

The Socman has a personal keep (B5-78).

Similar to the other small cantons, Hochland subsists on a mix of forestry, dairy-farming, and mining. The last generation has seen a rise in humanoid activity in the Clatspurs, as the Vesve elves have been forced to turn their attentions to the east in order to combat the encroaching forces of Iuz. The canton is now home to several famous rangers, some native sons and daughters and some recent arrivals. They are busy training a new generation of Hochland rangers to defend their home.

Plar Lolar is primarily of Flan descent, but he uses the title of Plar out of respect, perhaps exaggerated, for those of more pure Flan bloodlines. His views are essentially those of the leader of the Canton of Kaltland.

Freiheitland (Independent Lands) (white)
Current Ruler: No single ruler, many independent Häuptling
Population: Unknown (estimated 500 to 1,500)

None of note. Fortified manors at best.

These barren mountains were never included in Perren’s original delineation of the cantons, and the inhabitants have subsequently resisted annexation by the cantons around them. The status of the inhabitants is unclear - while they are certainly allies of Perrenland, whether or not they are citizens is an open question. Their economy is similar to that of the Kaltland Canton, except that they have little organization or coordination - each mountain hold is a law unto itself.

(1) The succession of Übervoormanns in my campaign is as follows:
Franz of Geldenfeld, 556 - 563 CY
Schmidt of Rauhfeld, 564 - 571 CY
Fritz of Fernfeld, 572 CY - ?

The canon succession dates are a little confused. The WoG lists Franz as the Voormann of all Perrenland and is set in 576 CY (WoG p. 9). Even if this was the first year of Franz’ eight-year term, he would have served for 576 to 583 CY. The LGG says that Franz was succeeded by Karenin, andthat Karenin’s term “ends in 592 CY”. An eight-year term would be 585 to 592 CY. Thus, just who was Voormann in 584 CY is unclear.

(2) The invasion and occupation of the Quagflow by the combined forces of Furyondy and Veluna is described in various of my articles on Canonfire!, including:

History of Government in Perrenland

The Religious History of Perrenland

Voices of the Dead: Part V. The Cult of Perren

Brief History of the Knights of the Hart, Part II - The High Forest Branch, CY 350 - 460

(3) “Perrenland was threatened by a force of overwhelming evil, in the person of the Archmage Iggwilv and her armies of evil humanoids...Iggwilv enslaved Perrenland from 481–491 CY. Its citizens were subjected to violence and robbery; the nation was looted...The nation recovered from this war and a two-year famine that followed, but it has retained a deep fear of Iggwilv.” LGG, “Perrenland”.

(4) Spirit Keepers are the priests and priestesses in the ancestor-worshiping cult particular to my version of Perrenland.

This article comes from Canonfire!

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