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    <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">GREYCHRONDEX VERSION 4.2 (5/15/01) (MASTER)

    compiled by Steven B. Wilson --Tamerlain@AOL.Com

    An attempt has been made to be both thorough with regard to material, and accurate with regard to content. It is possible in this incarnation, that some materials (especially early Dragon Magazines) have not been included. The goal of the original GreyChrondex was to keep a running record of the dated material on Greyhawk® released in official TSR , and WotC, Greyhawk products, considered "canon" material by WotC's Team Greyhawk (1997-1999 group).
    The material herein spans from dated materials from 1981 to 2001 (from 9025 World of Greyhawk Folio, 1981 to the Living  Greyhawk Journal #3, Spring, 2001). Where conflicting dates have been presented, all dates and reference to conflict have been included.  I have also included date conversion charts. Updated versions of the GreyChrondex (version 4.0+) are planned sporadically. These versions will include material occurring after the end of canonical Greyhawk (anything after Die, Vecna, Die by Bruce Cordell and Steve Miller). Note that while this compilation is extensive, it is not "complete." WotC's conception of canon has changed since Team Greyhawk disbanded, and many products (such as Len Lakofka's L3, "Deep Dwarven Delve") are now considered canon by WotC/Hasbro. Versions after 4.0 will include these materials.


    This volume was originally intended only for the use of Team Greyhawk members. Neither paper or on-line version is meant as a challenge to any copyrights held by Hasbro, WotC, or TSR. This resource is meant to be used by DM's in developing their campaigns and is not to be sold, reproduced, or re-posted. Greyhawk® , and the characters and locations presented herein associated with this game setting are properties of Hasbro/WotC, originally created by E. Gary Gygax.


    The original paper volume of the GreyChrondex (1.0) is dedicated to Roger Moore, Lisa Stevens, Kij Johnson, Sean Reynolds, Steve Miller, Anne Brown, Harold Johnson, and, of course, my on-line compadre, Erik Mona…Team Greyhawk 1997-1999, and was made for the Team Greyhawk "Summit," October 19-21, 1998. The on-line version is dedicated to the many Greyhawk fans that kept this setting alive when it was in mothballs, and to the new fans to come in the "Living Greyhawk® " presented by the RPGA. For the "official" dates, see Roger Moore's "The Adventure Begins" and the RPGA's Greyhawk sourcebook, Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, and WotC,’s Gazetteer.  I would additionally like to thank the creative efforts of two people very important in Greyhawk’s ressurection, Gary Holian and Fred Weining for their contribution on the Net and in the Gazeteer.

    Steve Wilson                                                                                     Greyhawk Guru” and Team Greyhawk member, 1997-1999.

     YEAR (C.Y.)




    Pre-Deva-station (Undated)

    All of the following events occurred before the Rain of Colorless Fire and the Invoked Devastation, but their exact date of occurrence is unknown. There is no necessary primacy of order.




    First Dwarven King forges Axe of the Dwarven Lords

    2011A [156]


    War between the Wind Dukes of Aaqa and the Queen of Chaos


    2138 [91]


    High Wizard Priests of the Isles of Woe discover the Codex of Infinite Planes

    Isle of Woe, Nyr Dyv

    2011A [156]


    Isles of Woe sink beneath the Nyr Dyv

    Isle of Woe, Nyr Dyv

    2011A [156]


    Galap-Dreidal lives in Inverness 


    9038 [2]


    Building of Tovag Baragu

    Baklunish Lands

    2023 [99]


    Vecna’s Reign 

    (rumored to be ruled from the Isles of Woe)


    9309 [6]

    (11621 [16])


    Building of Tostenhca

    Griff Mountains

    2023 [93]


    Battle between Elves and Ur-Flannae

    Ivid [NP-Darnakurian’s Doom]1


    Destruction of the Elven City of Summer Stars

    Adri Forest

    Ivid [NP-Darnakurian’s Doom]1


    Death of Queen Sharafere

    Adri Forest

    Ivid [NP-Darnakurian’s Doom]1


    The turning of Prince Darnakurian

    Adri Forest

    Ivid [NP-Darnakurian’s Doom]1


    Tzunk discovers Codex of Infinite Planes


    2138 [27], 11621 [16]


    Tzunk rules City of Brass


    2011A [156], 2138 [27]


    King of the Fire Kings (Shadow infused Red Dragons) appears in Suloise histories

    Hellfurnace Mountains

    Dragon 230 [12]


    Pomarj area inhabited by primitive Flan who worshipped powers of earth and sky


    117435 [87]


    c. –14,400  to –422 CY

    The following events occurred before the Twin Cataclysms but can be placed according to date, note that these events stand in no necessary relation of order to the material above



    c –14,400

    Valley elves present in the Valley of the Mage

    Vale of the Mage

    9270 [11] [assumed]

    -5515 CY

    First year of Suloise Dating system (1 SD)

    [Suloise Empire] (Sea of Dust)

    9578 [13]

    -4462 CY

    First year of Olven Calender system (1 OC)


    9578 [14]

    c –4415 

    Eight House War of the Suloise (c 1100 SD) 

    [Suloise Empire] (Sea of Dust)

    Dragon 241 [47]


    Possible creation of skulks for use in the Eight House War (c 1100 SD) 

    [Suloise Empire] (Sea of Dust)

    Dragon 241 [47]

    -2659 CY

    First year of Baklunish Hegira system (1 BH)


    9578 [14]

    c –2400’s

    According to Olman legend, this is about the time that the Olman gods discovered Oerth and the Olman peoples.


    11374 [42] [assumed]


    Fragmentary records from Tamoachan reveal that a civilization of demon worshipping "troglodytes" ruled the Amedio Jungle.

    Amedio Jungle

    11374 [62]

    c –2400 

    Emperor Inzhilem II, of the House Neheli-Arztin, (5th mage of Power), orchestrates Suloise Wars with monsters in the southern Crystalmist Mts. (today’s Hellfurnaces). (c 3116 SD) [figured]

    [Suloise Empire] (Sea of Dust)

    Dragon 230 [9]

    -2360 CY

    Inzhilem directs Imperial Congress to provide wizards to help in enchanting Orbs of Dragonkind (3156 SD) [figured]

    [Suloise Empire] (Sea of Dust)

    Dragon 230 [11]

    -2354 CY

    Inzhilem II killed in internal feud of the Neheli- Artzin. Junior Branch Artzin destroyed (3162 SD) [figured]

    [Suloise Empire] (Sea of Dust)

    Dragon 230 [11]



    Ubron Thrideen, of House Neheli, crowned emperor of Suloise Empire. (3171 SD) [figured]

    [Suloise Empire] (Sea of Dust)

    Dragon 230 [11]

    c –2350

    Eight Orbs of Dragonkind completed sometime after this year (c 3166 SD) [figured] 

    [Suloise Empire] (Sea of Dust)

    Dragon 230 [11]

    -2150 CY

    First year of Flannae Tracking system (1 FT)

    [Ur-Flan?] Flanaess

    9578 [14]

    c –1900’s

    Tribes of Touv wander the savanna and lower jungles of Hepmonaland, Olman tribes war with each other in the northern jungles.


    11374 [36]

    c –1900 - –1500

    Olman develop develop stone and bronzework. Begin to build great cities in northern Hepmonaland


    11374 [36]

    c -1700

    Fall of "troglodyte" empire in the Amedio Jungle

    Amedio Jungle

    11374 [62]

    c –1600 

    Gnomish creators of the Jermalaine servant race were destroyed by Suel spellcasters (c 3916 SD) [figured]

    [Suloise Empire] (Sea of Dust)

    Dragon 241 [49]


    Rise of intelligent gorillas, the d’kana, in the Amedio Jungle

    Amedio Jungle

    11374 [62]

    c -1500

    Keraptis establishes himself as protector of Tostenhca 

    Note: given the rest of the dates in this section, this date conflicts with the –730 –720 CY entry. This date could be –1100 CY.

    Griff Mountains

    11434 [3]

    -1408 CY

    Crowning of first Touv King in Kundanol. Beginning of the Touv Calendar (1 TC)

    (The Kingdom of Kunda lasts for a little over 1200 years) 

    (First King Onatal gains kingship by defeating his brother Onak) 

    Note: 1200 years is misfigured; this should be over 1100 years (-1408 CY to –240 CY)


    11374 [38]

    (11374 [37])

    (11374 [50])

    c –1400 

    Kingdom of Sulm thrives in central Bright Desert

    [Kingdom of Sulm] (Bright Desert)

    9386 [15] [assumed]

    -1250 CY

    Iyapo declared an official city-state by Kingdom of Kunda (159 TC [figured])


    11374 [50]

    c –1215

    Imperial Suloise Congress votes to create Derro
    (4301 SD) [figured]

    Suloise Empire

    Dragon 241 [40]

    c -1200

    D’kana disappear from the Amedio Jungle

    Amedio Jungle

    11374 [62]

    c –1100 

    Xagy and Joramy forge Queen Ehlissa’s Nightengale

    Oerdian Homelands (Ull?)

    2011A [158]


    The high priests of the Olman city-states of Alocotla and Xapatlapo make a pact with the god Tlaloc. The yuan-ti race is born.


    11374 [47]


    Keraptis driven out of Tostenhca
    Note: could conflict with–730 –720 CY 

    [Ur-Flan?] (Griff Mountains)

    11434 [3]

    c -1000

    Migration of Hepmonaland Olman into the Amedio jungle. 

    Hepmonaland, Amedio Jungle

    11374 [47] [assumed]


    Flannae tribes inhabit the Pomarj region


    11621 [120]

    -805 CY

    Olman of the Amedio declare themselves the true Olman nation. Beginning of the Olman Luna calendar (OL 1)

    Amedio Jungle

    11374 [64]

    -800 CY

    By this time, all seven of the Olman Amedio city-state colonies had declared themselves independent. (OL 6) [figured] 

    Amedio Jungle

    11374 [62]

    c -800

    Keraptis battles and defeats Aegwareth, Elder Druid, for control of White Plume Mountain Note: would be later if the –730 –720 date is correct

    Great Rift, White Plume Mountain (Bandit Kingdoms)

    11434 [3]


    Thingizzard, Witch of the Fens, already dwelling in The Great Swamp, north of White Plume Mountain

    Great Rift, White Plume Mountain (Bandit Kingdoms)

    11434 [15]

    c –730- –720

    Keraptis driven out of his kingdom, goes below White Plume Mountain 

    Note: Could conflict withc –1100 date, and could change c – 1500 and c –800 dates

    Great Rift, White Plume Mountain (Bandit Kingdoms)

    9027 [11] [assumed]

    -720 CY

    Anatal, northernmost Touv fort, constructed (689 TC [figured])


    11374 [47]

    -644 CY

    First year of Oerid Reckoning system (1 OR)

    Oerdian Homeland (Ull?)

    9578 [13], 117435 [23] [assumed]

    c –600’s

    Development of Blowgun by Olman and/or Suel of the Amedio 
    Note: This is probably Olman. Suel didn’t come to the Amedio for another couple of centuries

    Amedio Jungle

    11374 [65]

    -594 CY

    Birth of Lyzandred (2066 BH)


    9580 [2]

    -554 CY

    Lyzandred discovers a portal to a demiplane which enhances his quest to neutralize strong magical items (2106 BH)


    9580 [2]

    -534 CY

    Lyzandred completes his transformation into a lich state (2126 BH)


    9580 [2]

    -490 CY

    Assassination of Emperor Tloqasikukuatl of Chetanicatla, emperor of the Amedio Olman empire, by priests of Zotzilaha (OL 316)

    Amedio Jungle

    11374 [65]

    -485 CY

    Beginning of Bakunish/Suloise War (5031 SD) 

    (Emperor Ad-Zol sends 9000 troops across the mountais to punish the black-haired northerners. Bakluni Padishah Ramif sent similar number to meet these troops. Battle of Fields of Padyr fought to inconclusive end.)

    [Suloise Empire] (Sea of Dust), [Baklunish Empire] (Ekbir, Tusmit, Zeif, Paynim Lands, Ull)

    9025 [5], 1015 [9], 117424  [3]

    (11374 [2])

    -466 CY

    First Employment of Humanoid Mercenaries in Baklunish/Suloise War (5050 SD)

    [Suloise Empire] (Sea of Dust)

    9025 [5], 1015 [9]

    c –465 

    Council of Oerdian Hetman, heeding shamanic advice, begin migrating into the Eastern Flanaess (180 OR)

    Oerdian Homeland (Ull?)

    9577 [55]

    -458 CY

    Oerid migrations east at peak point (187 OR)

    Western Flanaess

    9025 [5], 1015 [9]


    Oerid migrations move into Ket (187 OR)

    Western Flanaess, Ket

    9577 [55]

    -447 CY

    Suloise Migration begins (5069 SD) 

    Eastern Flanaess, Amedio Jungle, Sheldomar Valley

    9025 [5], 1015 [9]

    -446 CY

    Commoners and a few noble houses of the Suloise move across the Harsh Pass to the east (5070 SD)

    Eastern Flanaess

    11374 [2]

    -445 CY

    Zellif, son of the last Suel Emperor, and his followers begin settling Tilvanot Peninsula (SD 5071)

    Tilvanot Peninsula (Scarlet Brotherhood)

    11374 [3]

    -425 CY

    Founding of the Scarlet Brotherhood (5091 SD)

    (Kevali Mauk presents his vision of the Brotherhood of the Scarlet Sign to the Suloise Council of Nobles)

    9253 [105]

    (11374 [2])


    After almost 500 years of prospering, the Olman Amedio city-states went to war. Tamoachan was destroyed in the magical warfare in one day. (381 OL [figured])

    Amedio Jungle

    11374 [64]

    -422 CY

    Invoked Devastation and Rain of Colorless Fire 

    [Baklunish Empire] (Ekbir, Tusmit, Zeif, Paynim Lands, Ull), [Suloise Empire] (Sea of Dust)

    9025 [5], 1015 [9], 9578 [14], 117424 [3] (ref.)


    Axe of the Dwarven Lords lost


    2011A [156]

    Post-Devastation (undated)

    The following events occurred after the Twin Cataclysms, but can not be fixed according to a specific chronological date; Most of these events probably occurred prior to the founding of, or in the early years of the [Great Kingdom].

    Again, there is no fixed relation between many of the events, but where relation might exist, or does exist, early events are listed prior to later events.




    Beginning of Invasion of the Oerdians and Suloise; 
    Note: This could either be the same event as the migrations above (-458_CY/-447_CY) or could be a separate later event in which a more concentrated focus on conquest occurred among the immigrants


    9577 [18]


    Bakluni gods give cup and talisman to Al’Akbar of the Paynims after Invoked Devastation. It is not clear whether Al’Akbar has reached demi-god status at this time.

    Paynim Lands

    2011A [157]


    Battle of Spinecastle (Aerdians vs. Fruztii)

    1064 Atlas [24]


    Paddin the Vain, guided by the Hand and Eye of Vecan, starts Insurrection of the Yaheetes, later crushed by the Malachite Throne

    [Great Kingdom]

    2138 [35]


    Vecna II, with the aid of the Hand and Eye of Vecna, rules Tyrus for 100 years


    2138 [35]


    House Hyeric of Nyrond exterminated by Hand and Eye of Vecna 


    2138 [35]


    Myro the Paladin King corrupted by the Hand and Eye of Vecna


    2138 [35]


    Cup and Talisman of Al’Akbar rumored to be in Bandit Kingdoms 

    Note: happened after 300 CY (see 300-350 CY)

    Bandit Kingdoms

    2011A [157]


    Sultan Jehef Peh’reen possessed Jacinth of Inestimable Beauty before it passed into Ket, and then Keoland

    Ket, Keoland

    2011A [158]


    c. –422 to –9 CY

    As above, some of these dated events could well have occurred before the undated material that occurred after the Twin Cataclysms.



    c –422 - –400

    Band of Suel trapped in the Twisted Forest, as recounted by the purportedly ancient manuscript of Uhas of Neheli


    2023 [96] [assumed]

    -413 CY

    Founding of the Hepmonaland Suel City of Zar, the first Hepmon-Suel city. (5103 SD)


    11374 [55]

    c –412 

    Slerotin, Last Mage of Power, opens tunnel in Crystalmists

    Crystalmist Mountains

    Dragon241 [44] [assumed]

    -411 CY

    Death of Kevelli Mak, Founder of the Scarlet Brotherhood. Reshnek Nes takes leadership of the Brotherhood (5105 SD)

    Tilvanot Peninsula (Scarlet Brotherhood)

    11374 [4]

    -402 CY

    Settlement of Hepmonaland Suel city of Lerga by Duke Medjar (5114 SD)


    11374 [52]

    c –400 

    Birth of Volte the Blue Dragon


    9386 [23] [assumed]


    Oerdian and Suloise settlers arrive in the Flanaess. 

    Western Flanaess

    11621 [120]


    Baron Erkin founds Kingdom of Drachensgrab Note: This date is in error.  It conflicts with the "middle of the fifth century CY" date (See c 440's-460's CY).

    [Kingdom of Drachensgrab] (Pomarj)

    11621 [120]

    c –385

    Founding of Naer’s Well (modern Narwell) (c 260 OR)

    Wild Coast

    9577 [56]

    -368 CY

    Nobles of Suel House of Rhola establish Gradsul on the Azure Sea

    Sheldomar Valley (Keoland)

    117435 [64]

    c –358

    Founding of Niola Dra by nobles of the Suel House, Neheli

    Sheldomar Valley (Keoland)

    117435 [64]

    -350 CY

    An unnamed Suel house reaches Matreyus Lake and the Olman ruins of Elatalhuilhle and restores it. (456 OL/5166 SD [figured])

    Amedio Jungle

    11374 [64]

    c –344

    Suel clans settle on the western shore of Wooly Bay (lost Suel city of the Suss) (c 300 OR/c 5172 SD [figured])

    Wild Coast

    9577 [55]

    -342 - -442 CY

    Sometime during this period, the Good Hills Union of humanity and demi-humans forms.


    LGJ 15 [19] (assumed)

    -342 CY

    Kingdom of Keoland founded by Oerdian and Suel (303 OR)

    (Great Council of Niola Dra [gathering of Oerid and Suel tribes of the Keogh region])


    9577 [55,56],   117424 [3] (assumed), 117435 [64]

    (LGJ 1 [9]5)


    Crowning of Nyhan I of House Neheli, First King of Keoland (First Early King)


    LGJ 15 [9]

    c –330 - –315

    Birth of Tuerny the Merciless 


    9576 [56] [assumed]

    c –315

    Earliest records of the name Greyhawk for the region surrounding Greyhawk City


    9577 [56]

    -314 CY

    Crowing of Malv I “The Defender”  of House Rhola in Keoland


    LGJ 15 [9]

    c -310

    Prior to this time, the Geoffites had erected Gorna with the help of Sylvan Elves and Gnomes from the Stark Mounds


    117435 [48] 

    -295 CY

    Crowning of Lorgyr I “The Seer” of House Neheli in Keoland


    LGJ 15 [9]

    c –290

    Earliest dates of Grossegottell and Greysmere communities


    9577 [55] [assumed]

    c. -290’s- -270’s

    Fall of Asberdies, Suel Tyrant mage of the area comprising what is now the Yeomanry


    117435 [135] [assumed]

    -279 CY

    Ena Norbe, a Suel wizard, founds Norbe Bay (later Hard Bay…then Hardby), and becomes first Gynarch (366 OR [figured]) (Conflicts with CY -278)


    9577 [56] 


    Crowning of Nyhan II “The Forlorn” of House Neheli in Keoland


    LGJ 15 [9]

    -278 CY

    Ena Norbe founds Hardby (Conflicts with CY -279)


    11621 [32]

    -272 CY

    Crowning of Mandros I “The Oerdian” of Sedenna in Keoland (Last of the Early Kings)


    LGJ 15 [9]

    c –265

    Tuerny creates the Iron Flask of Tuerny the Merciless


    9576 [56] [assumed]

    -252 CY

    A disguised priest of Meyanok works his way into the inner councils of the prince of Jolan. (1157 TC [figured])

    [Kunda] (Hepmonaland)

    11374 [50]

    -250 CY

    Jolan secedes from Kingdom of Kunda (1159 TC [figured])

    [Kunda] (Hepmonaland)

    11374 [47, 50]

    -246 CY

    The directives of the Scarlet Brotherhood have almost completely subsumed the goals of the Suloise Council of Noble Houses in the Tilvanot Peninsula (5270 SD)

    Tilvanot Peninsula (Scarlet Brotherhood)

    11374 [4]

    -245 CY

    Tilvanot Civil War, three remaining independent Suel Houses attempt to overthrow the Scarlet Brotherhood. (5271 SD)

    Tilvanot Peninsula (Scarlet Brotherhood)

    11374 [4] [assumed]

    -243 CY

    Scarlet Brotherhood defeats final remnants of rebelling Suloise Noble Houses. Scarlet Brotherhood assumes formal control of Tilvanot government, calling the peninsuala "The Kingdom of Shar." (5273 SD)

    [Kingdom of Shar] (Scarlet Brotherhood)

    11374 [3]

    -242 CY

    Borders of Keoland first expand to present boundaries


    LGJ 15 [9], 117435 [65]

    -240 CY

    Fragmentation of the Kingdom of Kunda (1169 TC [figured])

    [Kunda] (Hepmonaland)

    11374 [47] [assumed]

    -236 CY

    Luschan I of House Rhola crowned king of Keoland (First of the Middle Kings).  Followed by his son Luschan II.


    LGJ 15 [11]


    Founding of Sterich


    LGJ 15 [11]

    -217 CY

    Founding of Kingdom of Aerdy (428 OR [figured])


    [Aerdy] ([Great Kingdom])

    9025 [5, 56], 1015 [9]


    -216 CY

    Lord Mikar, scion of House Garasoth, becomes the first grand prince of Aerdy (428 OR)

    NOTE: This date is in error, see –217 CY due to OR date miscalculation.

    [Aerdy] ([Great Kingdom])

    117435 [23]


    Founding of Aerdy (428 OR)

    NOTE: This date is in error, see –217 CY due to OR date miscalculation.

    [Aerdy] ([Great Kingdom])

    117435 [93]

    2nd Century BCY

    Flan Kingdom of Ahlissa conquered by Aerdi to later form nucleus of the South Provence (5th Century OR)

    Kingdom of Ahlissa (South Provence, Ahlissa)

    117435 [80]

    -193 CY

    Ascension of Malv II of House Rhola to Keoish Throne


    LGJ 15 [11]

    -171 CY

    Battle between Aerdians and Flannae tribe at Chokestone (474 OR/1980 FT)

    [Aerdy] ([Great Kingdom])

    Ivid [NP-Chokestone]1


    Founding of Gran March by Keoland, as an award to the Knights of the Watch to defend the northern borders of the Duke of Dorlin.

    Note: Conflicts with –161 CY

    Gran March, Keoland

    117435 [65]

    -170 CY

    The Suel city Matreyus (originally the Olman Elatalhuihle) falls for unknown reasons. War between Olman and Suel continue in Amedio for the next 700+ years. (636 OL/5346 SD [figured])

    Amedio Jungle

    11374 [63]

    161 CY

    Founding of Gran March

    Note: Conflicts with –171 CY

    Gran March, Keoland

    LGJ 15 [11]

    c -160

    Founding of monastery to Pelor in what is modern West Town in Geoff


    11413 [83]

    -157 CY

    Ascension of Sanduchar I “The Navigator”  of House Rhola of Keoland to the throne

    LGJ 15 [11]

    -142 CY

    Eastfair founded as capital of North Province (503 OR)

    117435 [73]

    -121 CY

    Ascension of Senestal I of House Neheli to Keoish throne

    LGJ 15 [11]

    c –110 - -100 

    Fundamental Thought and Sincere Assertion, mist dragons, arrive at the seven islands later known as the Mist Kingdom

    Mist Kingdom

    11374 [66] [assumed]

    -110 CY

    Battle of a Fortnight’s Length, Nyrondese cavalry defeated by Aerdian forces commanded by the House of Rax (535 OR)

    9025 [5], 1015 [9], 9577 [57], 117435 [23] [correct OR date, wrong CY date], ref. in 114423 [44]


    After the Battle of a Fortnight’s Length, the Duke of Tenh pledges fealty to the King of Aerdy, giving the monarch atuority over the duke and his personal holdings in Tenh and the Coltens.  Other nobles and officials of Tenh maintain Tenh’s independence.


    117435 [112] [assumed]

    c. -110

    Around this time, Vatun was imprisoned by clerics of Telchur

    Barbarian Lands

    117435 [185]

    -109 CY

    During the reign of Grand Prince Almor II, the Rax Aerdi defeat Nyrond in the Battle of a Fortnight’s Length. (535 OR)

     Note: This date is in error, see –110 CY (a miscalculation of OR date)  Text places date at “( 535 OR, or –109 CY).”  This should read 535 OR or –110 CY.

    [Aerdy] ([Great Kingdom]), Nyrond

    117435 [23, 77, 93 {ref}]

    -108 CY

    Founding of the Order of Knight Protectors of the Kingdom of Aerdy (later “of the Great Kingdom”)  (537 OR)

    Note: Because of a date translation error from OR to CY it is not possible to determine whether –108 CY or –107 CY is the proper founding date. Text reads “537 OR (-107 CY)”

    [Aerdy] ([Great Kingdom])

    117435 [157]

    -107 CY

    Founding of the Order of Knight Protectors of the Kingdom of Aerdy (later “of the Great Kingdom”) (538 OR)

    Note: Because of a date translation error from OR to CY it is not possible to determine whether –108 CY or –107 CY is the proper founding date.  Text reads “537 OR (-107 CY)”

    [Aerdy] ([Great Kingdom])

    117435 [157]


    Ascension of Lanchaster I of House Rhola to throne of Keoland


    LGJ 15 [11]

    1st Century BCY

    Flan Kingdom of Ahlissa conquered by Aerdi to later form nucleus of the South Provence

    Kingdom of Ahlissa (South Provence, Ahlissa)

    117435 [80]

    -98 CY

    Ascension of Lanchaster II “The Wise” of House Rhola to Keoish Throne


    LGJ 15 [11]

    -96 CY

    The Yeomanry is brought into Keoland, and its freeholders given voice at the Council of Niola Dra

    Yeomanry, Keoland

    117435 [65, 135], LGJ 15 [11]

    -72 CY

    Ascension of Senestal II of House Neheli  to Keoish Throne


    LGJ 15 [11]

    -63 CY

    Ascension of Lanchaster III of House Rhola to Keoish Throne


    LGJ 15 [11]

    -46 CY

    Suel land of Onnwal conquered by Aerdy, after long and bloody conflict.  Irongate established to control the Headlands for theAerdi. (598 OR)

    Note: Either this date is in error (should be 47 CY based on OR date) or the OR date should be 599 (probably miscalculation of OR date to CY conversion).  Also see long construction time of city (completed in 124 CY)


    117435 [80]

    c –45

    Birth of Hautna Masq, Greyhawk Dragon


    9576 [61]

    -19 CY

    Ascension of Luschan III of House Rhola to Keoish Throne


    LGJ 15 [11]

    c –15

    Temple of Istus built in Wragby


    9398 [74]

    c –9 – 1 CY

    Fundamental Thought and Sincere Assertion raise first clutch of mist dragons

    Mist Kingdom

    11374 [66] [assumed]

    c –9

    It was around this time that the last contact between the inhabitants of the Belching Vortex of Leuk-O and the hill folk of what are now called the Hestmark Highlands occurred.


    LGJ 15 [6]

    Imperial Era

    1 CY to 209 CY

    The following events occur after the formation of the Great Kingdom of Aerdy, which ultimately included lands stretching from the old Kingdom of Aerdy west to the borders of Perrenland, and south to the Lordship of the Isles. The "Common" notation for years (C.Y., Common Year) begins at the founding of this kingdom with CY 1.



    Early 1st Century CY

    Overking Manshen creates sea baronies

    Note:  This is in error, date set at 102 CY, early 2nd Century, not 1st.

    Sea Barons, [Great Kingdom]

    117435 [99]


    Men and gnomes of Verbebonc built walls and many new buildings in the once elven town


    117435 [132] 

    1 CY

    Overking [Nasran of the House Cranden] crowned in Rauxes (OR 645)

    [Great Kingdom]

    9025 [5], 1015 [9], Ivid [ME] 1 , 9577 [57], 117435 [23]


    The Kingdom of Shar resists the expansion efforts of the Great Kingdom. (5516 SD)

    [Kingdom of Shar] (Scarlet Brotherhood)

    11374 [4]


    Frontiers of GK reach Greyhawk village


    9025 [5], 1015 [9]

    4 CY

    Aerdian Captain Maret Nial "conquers" Greyhawk  and declares his domain part of the Great Kingdom


    9577 [57]

    c 6-46

    Travels of Pontus Hardiggin to Esmerin
    Note: See 556_CY


    2023 [101] 

    7 CY

    Ascension of Malv III “The Explorer” of House Rhola to the Keoish Throne


    LGJ 15 [11]

    9 CY

    Flan legend and Oerdian divination were combined to find the Crook of Rao.  The spot of the discovery, Mitrik became the capitol of Veluna.


    117435 [129] 

    11 CY

    Battle between Aerdians and Flan at site of present day Arrowstrand (2161 FT)

    [Great Kingdom]

    Ivid [NP-Arrowstrand] 1

    12 CY

    Scant constructed after the Headlands Peninsula was awarded as a fief to the Herzog of the South Province

    South Province (Ahlissa), Onnwal

    117435 [80]

    15 CY

    Population boom in Greyhawk caused by treasure hunters, Overking grants Maret Nial title of Landgraf of Selintan


    9577 [57]

    42 CY

    Founding of Oytmeet by a merchant company



    43 CY

    Greyhawk City attacked by humanoids, repelled by spellcasters led by Ganz, son of Maret Nial


    9577 [43, 57]

    46 CY

    Death of King Malv III of Keoland (of House Rhola).  Throne reverts to House Neheli, where it remains for two centuries.

    Note: The three year gap between this death and the next crowning is unaccounted for and could be an error.


    117435 [65]

    49 CY

    Maro, daughter of the Gynarch of Harby and wife of Lord Ganz of Greyhawk, becomes Gynarch of Hardby


    9577 [57]


    Beginning of Neheli Dynasty in Keoland (Crowning of Cedrian I, followed by Cedrian II, Nyhan III, IV and Trevvlyan I and II “The Slumbering”])

    Note: The three year gap between this crowning  and Malv III’s death is unaccounted for, and could be an error


    LGJ 15 [11]

    c 50-200

    Suloise Wizards interred in Star Cairns
    Note: see 169-174CY; Might Conflict with 169_CY


    1064 CB [36], 9578 [52], 9577 [54] 

    75 CY

    Death of Overking Tenmaris, Yalranda ascends in the Great Kingdom, this shifts rule from house Crandon to house Rax-Nyrond

    [Great Kingdom]

    Ivid [ME] 1

    80 CY

    Founding of Eastfair in North Province

    North Province (North Kingdom)

    Ivid [NP,Eastfair, Location Key] 1

    c 90’s

    Keraptis leaves White Plume Mountain to further his research and never returns

    Bandit Kingdoms

    11434 [4]

    97-100 CY

    The Aerdians take advantage of  the disunity of other Oerdian clans in what is modern day Perrenland.  The Viceroyalty of Ferrond takes control of the area.  Many tribesmen of the area serve in the Ferrond military.

    Quaglands (Perrenland), Ferrond (Furyondy)

    117435 [85]

    98 CY

    Overking Erhart I allows his son to handle the Orb of the Hatchling which resulted in the youth’s death

    [Great Kingdom]

    Dragon 230 [14]

    100 CY

    By this time, four Viceroyalties of the Great Kingdom had been established: the South Province (House Crandon), the North Province (House Naelax).  Manshen, the first Rax Overking divided the marches of Nyrond (House Rax), and Ferrond into Viceroyalties at this time.

    [Great Kingdom] (Aerdy, South Province {Ahlissa}, North Province {North Kingdom}, Nyrond, Ferrond {Furyondy, Veluna, Highfolk, Shield Lands, Perrenland})

    117435 [23]

    c 100

    Viceroyalty of Ferrond founded on several small states (Feryon  [Furyondy], Voll [Veluna], Highfolk, the Shield Lands area, Quaglands [Perrenland], Northern Reaches);

    (Dyvers serves as regional capital)

    Ferrond (Furyondy)

    9025 [5], 1064 Atlas [5], 117435 [46]


    (117435 [41] [assumed])


    Height of Aerdian power

    [Great Kingdom]

    9025 [10], 9577 [57]

    102 CY

    The mist dragons, Fundamental Thought and Vehement Debate raise a clutch of dragons in the Mist Kingdoms

    Mist Kingdom

    11374 [66]


    House Garasteth lays claim to the isles now known as the Sea Barons. War breaks out between this house and House Atirr.  Overking Manshen declares that a naval competition will settle the dispute.  Atirr wins and the Dominion of the Sea Barons is formed.

    [Great Kingdom], Sea Barons


    108 CY

    In the spring, Aerdian forces mass in  Knurl and drive back Fruztii. The Aerdi free Johnsport from Fruztii hands. 

    Bone March

    117435 [36]

    109 CY

    The barbarians counterattack the construction site of Spinecastle in the winter but are defeated by the forces of Knight Protector Caldni Vir in the Battle of Shamblefield.  Overking Manshen names Vir the first marquis of the Bone March.

    Bone March

    117435 [36, 89]

    113 CY

    Alisedran returns from Hanging Glacier


    1064 Atlas [67]

    119 CY

    Verbebonc formally incorporated into Veluna and Ferrond

    Verbebonc, Veluna, Ferrond

    117435 [132] 

    122 CY

    General Sir Pelgrave Ratik of Winetha leads an expeditionary force to push the Aerdy frontier to the foothills of the Griff Mountains..  He defeats the Frutzii and drives them into the northern fastness of Timberway.  He establishes a fort overlooking Grendep Bay at Onsager Point that he names Marner.

    Timberway (Ratik)

    117435 [90]

    124 CY

    Irongate completed as a fortified Aerdian presence on the Azure Sea

    Note: This is odd considering the city was initially developed in –46 CY. 


    117435 [56] 



    The Great Kingdom sends delegates to the Urnst offering to annex Urnst as a palatinate state rather than invading it.  Urnst declines.

    [Urnst] (D. of Urnst, C. of Urnst)

    117435 [125]

    128 CY

    The Frutzii and Schnai launch a concentrated naval attack on Marner.  This force is defeated by General Sir Pelgrave Ratik of Winetha.

    Timberway (Ratik)

    117435 [90]

    130 CY

    The Overking of the Aerdian Empire elevates Pelgrave to Baron, and gifts him Timberway as a personal fief.  The walled town of Bresht is renamed Ratikhill.


    117435 [90]

    134 CY

    Overking Toran I of House Rax deposes scion of House Naelax as ruler of the North Province and replaces him with a noble from House Attir

    [Great Kingdom], North Province (North Kingdom) 


    150 CY

    First appearance of Rhennee (around Adri Forest)

    [Great Kingdom]

    9578 [35]

    155 CY

    Atirr Aedorich discovers the Sinking Isle


    2023 [93]

    166 CY

    Overking Erhart II sends the navies of the Great Kingdom under command of Lord Admiral Aedorich of House Atirr (see 155 CY) to break the power of the Duxchaners.

    Lordship of the Isles

    117435 [71]

    167 CY

    A copy of the Tome of the Scarlet Sign was delivered to Muratree, court wizard to the Malachite throne

    [Great Kingdom]

    9579 [2]

    168 CY

    The naval forces of  the Great Kingdom defeat the Duxchan forces in the Battle of Ganode Bay.

    (with the naval power of the Sea Barons at the fore)

    Lordship of the Isles, [Great Kingdom], Sea Barons


    117435 [71] (assumed)

    (117435 [100])

    169 CY

    Muratree and companions begin making "Star Cairns"
    Note: Might conflict withc 50-200


    9579 [2]

    170 CY

    City of Tolanok (originally Olman, but later settled by Touv) rendered barren (1577 TC [figured]) 
    (Vegetation withered by high priests of Meyanok)


    11374 [49]

    (11374 [54])

    174 CY

    Muratree dies when his attempts to transform into a lich fail.


    9579 [2]

    189 CY

    County of Urnst (northern Urnst) established as a protectorate by Overking Jirenen of Aerdy

    Southern Urnst lords sell all holdings to the Great Kingdom, the Duchy of Urnst is established from these lands.

    C. of Urnst

    D. of Urnst

    117435 [123]

    117435 [125]

    193 CY

    Creation of the Quarry Garden at Junre by order of Countess Llyra


    9253 [27]


    Overking Jirenen disbands Senate of Urnst and allows authority of the Duchy of Urnst to be placed in the hands of a Duke selected by native Suloise nobles.

    D. of Urnst

    117435 [125]

    198 CY

    Comet appears over Flanaess. Note:  This conflicts with the appearance of the comet in 213 CY (see)


    2023 [91], 9579 [2], 9580 [2]

    200 CY

    Building of Greyhawk City’s walls


    9577 [58]


    Leukish constructed by this time by Great Kingdom

    D. of Urnst

    117435 [125]

    c 200

    Waning of Great Kingdom’s power

    [Great Kingdom]

    9025 [10], 1015 [22]


    More self determined rule in Ferrond

    Ferrond (Furyondy)

    9025 [10], 1015 [22]

    203 CY

    Order of the Knight Protectors of the Great Kingdom shaken by Sir Kargoth’s pact with the forces of evil, when he unleashes a demonic terror upon the Great Kingdom.  The abomination was destroyed, but Kargoth sways 13 of the order to follow him. They become the first of the so-called “Death Knights”  (Also called Demonic Knights of Doom)

    [Great Kingdom]

    117435 [158]

    205-220 CY

    Zenith of Hardby under Gynarch Jik Jonnosh

    (Hardby conquers and burns seven pirate towns north of Safeton. Claims all lands within 10 leagues of the north shore of Wooly Bay. Note: In text placed in "early part of the third century")


    9577 [56], 9577 [58] [assumed]

    (11621 [32] [assumed])

    209-254 CY

    Surge in trade in Greyhawk City. Textile industry develops, meatpacking begins.


    9577 [58]

    209 CY

    Assassination of the Landgraf of Selintan and the garrison commander of Greyhawk. The next officer in line, Ponjes the Bull, leads the "Expulsion of Evil" (burning of evil temples, massacre of worshippers) Ponjes appointed new Landgraf of Selintan, but used the title Mayor of Greyhawk


    9577 [58]

    Imperial Decline

    213 CY to 360 CY

    The Age of Great Sorrows is thought to represent the beginning of the decline of the Great Kingdom, although the Empire would last for many centuries, it began losing holding and influence during this time



    213 CY

    Age of Great Sorrow Commences

    (Death of Overking Jiranen, his son Malev auctioned off the throne to the highest bidder, his cousin Zelcor.  A comet, prophesied by Selvor the Younger some 15 years earlier, was a sign that ushered in the Age.)  NOTE:  Other sources place this comet as having appeared 15 years earlier, see 198 CY

    [Great Kingdom]

    9025 [5], 1015 [9], 9577 [58], 9579 [2], 117435 [14]

    (117435 [23])



    Aerdian soldiers withdrawn from Greyhawk City


    9577 [58]

    215 CY

    First appearance of Wastri the Hopping Prophet, assumed to be one of the original followers of Kevelli. The Brotherhood declares him "an impure creature." (5730 SD)

    Scarlet Brotherhood

    11374 [4]

    219 CY

    During the 16th Processon of Belssing in Ekbir, the Cup and Talisman of Al’Akbar were stolen by “elves as tall as men” (Valley Elves?) (2878 BH)


    117435 [43]

    221 CY

    The Lerara find the Mother

    Crystalmist Mountains

    Dragon 241 [45]

    233 CY

    House Naelax regains throne of North Provence, after death of Herzog Atirr Movanich.  Some indicate that payment to Overking Zelcor I made Naelax’s ascension possible.

    North Province (North Kingdom)

    117435 [74]

    237 CY

    The Duke of Urnst moves his capitol from Seltaren to Leukish and establishes the castle of Shorewatch, in Nesserhead just east of Leukish

    D. of Ursnt

    117435 [125]

    252 CY

    Overking Toran II removes the Holy Censor of Medegia, chief administrator of the Courts on behalf of the Celestial Houses and Overking of the Great Kingdom from office, as Pholtusians fall out of favor with the House of Rax, because of the perception that the religion is attempting to create theocratic control through the courts.  The new Holy Censor is from the priesthood of Zilchus.  Pholtusians began abandoning inner Aerdian lands

    [Medegia], [Great Kingdom]

    117435 [81]


    House Naelax grows more powerful, possibly with the aid of their close connection to the worship of Hextor

    North Province (North Kingdom)

    117435 [74]

    c 254-256

    Karamos, mayor of Dyvers, commissions and builds The Catacombs


    11621 [16] [assumed]

    c 254-261

    Omt the Hairy, son of Ponjes the Bull, carries on secret negotiations with King Thrommel I

    Greyhawk, Furyondy

    9577 [58] [assumed]

    c 254-270

    Voll establishes independence from Furyondy as Veluna


    Ivid [LSF] [assumed]


    Tenh establishes independence from Great Kingdom

    Tenh, [Great Kingdom]

    Ivid [LSF] [assumed]


    Perrenland re-established independence 
    Note: Conflicts with 400_CY


    Ivid [LSF] [assumed]

    254 CY

    Skirmishes bordering on all out war occur between Ferrond and Great Kingdom

    Furyondy, [Great Kingdom]

    117435 [46]


    Ferrond establishes independence from Great Kingdom as Furyondy


    9398 [3], Ivid [LSF], 9578 [9], 9577 [18], 9577 [58], 117435 [23, 77, 103]


    Voll establishes independence from Great Kingdom as Veluna




    Thrommel I crowned in Dyvers

    (Dyvers serves as first capitol of Furyondy)

    (Heir to Viceroy Stinvri) (OR 898)


    1064 Atlas [4,25], 9398 [3], 11621 [6]                                               (11621 [6], 117435 [41])

    (9025 [10], 1015 [22], 117435 [46])


    Nobles along the north shore of the Nyr Dyv refuse to recognize Thrommel, and refuse to support Rauxes.  The “Shield Lands” declare independence.

    Shield Lands, Furyondy, [Great Kingdom]

    117435 [103] 


    Soldiers from Great Kingdom garrisoned in Greyhawk City and Hardby

    Greyhawk, Hardby, [Great Kingdom]

    9577 [58]


    The migration of Pholtusians from the Great Kingdom increases with the independence of Furyondy, citing religious persecution. Most travel through Nyrond and settle in the western valleys of the Rakers among the Flan in a semi-independent Flannae state.

    The Pale, Nyrond, [Great Kingdom]

    117435 [82]


    Tribesmen from Quagland continue to serve in the Furyondian army.

    Quagland (Perrenland), Furyondy

    117435 [86]

    260 CY

    Great Kingdom ends opposition to Furyondy independence, although it takes almost another century for the Aerdian Court of Essences to recognize Furyondian independence formally.


    117435 [46]

    261 CY

    Aerdian troops withdrawn from Greyhawk City

    Greyhawk, [Great Kingdom]

    9577 [58]

    262 CY

    Zagig's year of birth Note: This is very unclear. The reference indicates that Greyhawk and Hardby had troops withdrawn the same year (either 261 CY or 277? See 278 CY)


    11261 [32] [assumed]

    277 CY

    Aerdian troops withdrawn from Hardby


    9577 [58]

    c. 278-286

    Viscounty of Salinmoor founded during this time asan adjunct possession of the Rhola of Gradsul


    LGJ 15 [16] [assumed]

    c 278-578

    Hardby's government develops, shifting from a Gynarchy to a shared form of government (Gynarchy "Despot" sharing power with an alliance of merchants and traders)


    11261 [32] [assumed]

    278 CY

    Zagig's year of birth Note: This is very unclear. The reference indicates that Greyhawk and Hardby had troops withdrawn the same year (either 261 CY or 277? The term "last quarter of the century" seems to favor this date. See 262 CY) 


    11261 [32] [assumed]


    Gillium I “The Mad” of House Neheli crowned in Keoland (Last of the Middle Kings)


    LGJ 15 [11]

    281 CY

    Coronation of Prince Olinstaad Corond of the Principality of Ulek.  Olinstaad moves his capital from Haven hill to Gryrax.

    P. of Ulek

    117435 [121]

    283 CY

    The Building of Chendl  (927 O.R. [figured])
    Note: Attributed to Thrommel III, this is in error, should be Thrommel I


    9253 [83]

    286 CY

    The King of Keoland, last of the line of House Neheli, dies without issue. (Gillium I “The Mad”)


    117435 [65], LGJ 15 [14]


    Tavish I of Gradsul takes throne

    Note: Conflicts with 287 CY date


    11743 [121]

    287-299 CY

    (“3rd Century”)

    Hool Marshes controlled by isolated Suel brigands from Port Toli and inhabited by Flan and humanoid tribes.  Until conquest by Tavish I in the 3rd century.


    LGJ 15 [18]

    287 CY

    The Conclave in Niola Dra recognizes the ascension of Tavish, Duke of Gradsul, to the kingship of Keoland.  He is crowned Tavish I, the first Rholan king in more than two centuries.

    (Tavish I “The Great” [First Imperial King])

    (Beginning of the line of Tavish, the Duke’s of Gradsul, as Keoish Kings [287-488 CY])

    Note: Conflicts with 286 CY date


    117435 [65]


    (LGJ 15 [14])

    (LGJ 15 [13])


    288 CY

    Furyondy's capitol moves from Dyvers to Chendl.


    11621 [6], 117435 [41]

    289 CY

    Keoish forces converge on Fals Gap at Thornward, a town established as a northern watchpost of the Knights of the Watch, and skirmish with the Baklunish forces of Ket.


    117435 [65]

    c 290’s

    Founding of the Lea in Geoff


    11413 [54]

    292 CY

    Tavish negotiates treaty to formalize the union of the Ulek states to Keoland, bringing them into closer cooperation with Keoland

    (Peers of Ulek join the Council of Niola Dra)

    Duchy of Ursnt, County of Ursnt, Principality of Urnst, Keoland

    117435 [65]


    (LGJ 15 [14])

    294 CY

    Mild epidemic in Pregmere in Geoff healed by priests of Pelor from monastery of West Town


    11413 [83]

    295 CY

    An alliance between the prince of Ulek and King Tavish I of Keoland produce an invasion force that crosses the Jewel River and subjugates the Pomarj region.


    117435 [88]

    Early 300’s

    The Brazen Horde, incited by Zeif to move from their distant homes in the west beyond Mur,  sweep through the Paynims, Tusmit and ultimately into Ket

    Paynims, Tusmit, Ket

     117435 [49, 67, 84]


    Birth of Theodain Eriason on the western verges of the Dreadwood


    LGJ 05 [11] [assumed]

    c 300-350

    Founding of Bandit Kingdoms

    Bandit Kingdoms

    9025 [8], 1015 [19], 1064 Atlas [22]


    Nomads plunder Ket


    117435 [67] [assumed]


    Shield Lands form as a response to the threat of the Bandit Kingdoms

    Shield Lands

    117435 [31]

    301 CY

    Tavish I establishes Monmurg


    LGJ 15 [18]

    302 CY

    Bissel brought into Keoish Empire

    Bissel, Keoland

    117435 [32]

    303 CY

    By this time the Kingdom of Thalland (of the Aerdi sub-tribe Thallari) had emerged on the west side of the Harp River.  The Medegian Bladelands, home of the Aerdian sub-tribe Medegi, had settled along the east coast of the Mikar River.

    NOTE:  This date is highly suspect because the Great Kingdom was in complete control of this area by this time.  These dates should be in the c. –150 to c. –300 CY range.

    [Medegia and Kingdom of Thalland] ([Great Kingdom])

    114423 [8]

    304 CY

    Tavish orders construction of Westkeep


    LGJ 15 [18]

    c. 304

    Trade war between Dyvers and Veluna, ultimately decided in Veluna’s favor, but caused a rift between Veluna and Furyondy

    Veluna, Dyvers, Verbebonc, Furyondy

    117435 [129] 

    305 CY

    Zagig Yragerne and an adventuring party enter Lyzandred the Mad’s Cairn, Zagyg is tutored by Lyzandred


    9580 [2]


    Highport founded in order to exploit mineral riches of  the Pomarj


    117435 [88]

    310-360 CY

    Shield Lands become unified

    Shield Lands


    310 CY

    Greyhawk City falls into a slump due to heavy taxation by the Overking and other problems


    9577 [58]

    311 CY

    Discovery and subsequent loss of an Orb of Dragonkind in the Hellfurnaces by a group of explorers

    Hellfurnace Mountains

    Dragon 230 [12]

    316-326 CY

     Ekbir closes its borders to pilgrims and wanderers (2975-2985 BH)


    117435 [43]

    316 CY

    The Scarlet Brotherhood establishes relations with the Suel Barbarian lands of the north. (SD 5831)

    (It is probably shortly after this time that the Brotherhood agents poison King Cralstag of the Cruski, and are, in turn, slain by Cralstag’s heir, Lolgoff)

    Ice Barbarians


    11374 [4]


    (117435 [55])


    Upheval in the south brings large groups of mixed Oerdian/Baklunish refugees from Ull into Ekbir (2975 BH)

    Ull, Ekbir

    117435 [43]


    Geoff peacefully incorporated into the Kingdom of Keoland


    117435 [48] 

    320 CY

    Nomads appear in the North 
    Note: It is unclear if this refers to the Horse and Tiger Nomads, or the Brazen Horde, but given 11743 probably the former.

    (The Relentless Horde sweeps across the Northlands)

    (This horde is entitled the “Relentless Horde.”  They are those Baklunish forced east by the Brazen Horde.  This “Relentless Horde” would become the Tiger and Wolf Nomads)

    (Restless Horde challenges the Rovers mastery of the Barrens.)

    (Ilkhan of Tiger Nomads rules the western steppes under Kha- Khan Ogobanuk, ruler of the Restless Horde)

    9025 [5], 1015 [9],


    (117435 [35])

    (117435 [86, 114 {ref}])

    (117435 [95])

    (117435 [114])


    Outer dependencies of Aerdy gain sovereignty 
    Note: This might refer to Urnst States, Almor, and the Pale

    [Great Kingdom]

    9025 [5], 1015 [9]

    c 320

    Zagig Yragerne builds Greyhawk Castle (date preferred by Team Greyhawk) 

    Note: Conflict with c 375

    (Probable construction time of Zagig’s Bridge )


    9292 [3], 9577 [75]



    (9577 AM [cover] (assumed))

    322 CY

    Construction of Public Baths of Innspa


    Dragon 208 [57], Ivid [NP-Innspa]1

    324 CY

    Bandit Kingdom of Johrase formed by Andrellus, a debauched scion of Aerdy’s Rax dynasty

    Bandit Kingdoms

    117435 [27]

    329 CY

    Rookroost founded by Oerdian Robber-baron Latavius

    Bandit Kingdoms

    117435 [29]

    333 CY 
    (7 Needfest)

    Birth of the Leraran, Elayne Mystica 

    Crystalmist Mountains

    Dragon 241 [44]

    c. 339

    Upon the death of his mother, the last hereditary Gynarch of Hardby, Zagig Yragerne assumes the office of Despot of Hardby


    LGJ 15 [27]

    c. 340’s – 350’s

    Sometime during this period, Tusmit gains independence from Zeif (2990’s – 3000’s BH)


    117435 [115] [assumed]

    342 CY

    The Council of Nine selects its first Theocrat to rule as a semi-independent leader of the Pale

    The Pale

    117435 [82]

    345 CY

    The Death of Kha-Khan Ogobanuk brings about the division of the “Restless Horde” into two camps.  The modern Wolf and Tiger (Chakyik) Nomads.

    Wolf and Tiger Nomad Lands


    117435 [86, 114, 133]


    346 CY

    Death of Tavish I (“The Great”) of Keoland.  His eldest son, Tavish II  Blackguard”  of House Rhola is crowned.


    117435 [65], LGJ 15 [14]

    347 CY

    Elraniel Tesmarien becomes one of the People of the Testing 
    Note: See 584 CY


    1064 CB [80] 

    348 CY

    Tavish II makes “Wealsun Proclamation” asserting hegemony of Keolandish rule of the entire Sheldomar Valley.

    (Prince Corond refuses to join other Ulekki heads of state in disavowing  proclomation)


    Ulekki States (all)

    117435 [65], LGJ 15 [14]

    (117435 [121])

    349 CY 

    Schism in the Order of the Hart caused by priorities in spending. Three orders develop.

    Northwestern Flanaeass

    1056 Hart [2]

    350-360 CY 

    Keoland’s armies press into Ket and Veluna from Bissel.

    (Keoland invades Ket and defeats nomads with the help of mercenary companies from the Quaglands.)

    Bissel, Keoland, Ket, Veluna

    9578 [10], 9577 [18], 117435 [32]

    (117435 [67] [ref])

    c 350-360

    Kingdom of Keoland at peak 
    Note: See 358 CY


    9025 [12], 1015 [27]

    350 CY

    Gran March serves as the staging ground for the Second Expeditionary Army of Keoland for invading Veluna

    Gran Mach, Keoland

    117435 [50] 



    King Tavish II of Keoand marches army across Lorridges and Kron Hills into the southern and western holdings of Veluna. King Avras I of Furyondy protests, but does not aid Veluna

    Keoland, Veluna

    117435 [130] 

    mid 4th century CY

    Buccaneers of the Azure Sea and Jekela Bay began harassing the coastline

    Sea Princes

    117435 [101] 


    Much of the western lands of Verbebonc occupied by Keoish forces

    Verbebonc, Veluna

    117435 [132] 


    Establishment of the Knights of the Holy Shielding

    Shield Lands

    117435 [159]

    351 CY

    Zagyg steps aside as Despot.  The gynarchs elect the first ruling Despotrix of Hardby.


    LGJ 15 [26]

    355 CY

    Second Expeditionary Force of Keoland conquers Devarnish and takes the Crook of Rao.  Canon Turgen IV of Mitrik drafts and enacts the Treaty of Devarnish that cedes Fals Gap, the great wWestern Road and several southern Fortresses to Keolan in exchange for halting the invasion.

    Veluna, Keoland

    117435 [130] 

    c. 356-357

    The Battle of Redspan.  Tenha cavalry route Aerdian forces, Tenh duke ends fealty to Aerdian crown.


    117435 [112] [assumed]

    356 CY

    Sundering of Aerdy, Rax-Nyrond; Junior branch establishes Kingdom of Nyrond; Western branch declared itself free and elected one of their own as king

    (Overking Portillan could not keep his cousin from breaking with the Malachite throne)


    (This rebellion marks the beginning of the decline of the Heironean faith in the Great Kingdom)


    9025 [5], 1015 [9], 9253 [47], 1064 Atlas [5, 31], 9398 [58], Ivid 
    [LSF] 1, 9578 [9],
    9577 [18, 59, 102], 117424 [3], 117435 [14, 77, 82]

    (117435 [23])


    (114423 [44])


    Barbarians from the North invade the Aerdy’s North Province, forcing the Overking to divert troops from the western front thus insuring Nyrond’s survival.

    (Allied host of Frutzii and Schnai threaten to overwhelm Bone March and Ratik and sweep into the North Province.  The Rax Overking Portillan diverts a force headed to contest Nyrond to counter the barbarian invasion.  This is successful, but at a great cost.)

    North Province (North Kingdom)


    North Povince (North Kingdom), Bone March, Ratik, Frost and Snow Barbarians

    117424 [3]


    (117435 [90])

    358 CY

    Order of the Hart begans building Castle Hart at junction of Veng and Crystal Rives


    1056 Hart [2]


    Kingdom of Keoland at peak

    Note: See c 350-360 CY


    9025 [5], 1015 [9]

    359 CY

    Nyrondal forces burn Wintershiven, and annex newly formed Theocracy of the Pale, and, later, the County of Urnst.

    Nyrond, the Pale, County of Urnst

    117435 [ 80], [77] (assumed), [81] [ref]

    360 CY

    "Poor March" (later Pomarj) absorbed by Keoland, 

    Poor March (Pomarj)

    Dragon 167 [PAGE]?

    Era of Zagig

    361 CY to 436 CY

    This is the time of the rule of the most notorious sovereign of Greyhawk, foe of Iuz, and possible demi-god



    361 CY

    Zagig Yragerne discovers the Orb of the Great Serpent


    Dragon 230 [12] 


    The Yeomanry closes its borders with Keoland because of Keoish aggression under Tavish II

    Keoland, Yeomanry

    117435 [65] [assumed], 117435 [135] 

    362 CY

    Tavish II of Keoland extends formal trade road from Thornward to Molvar to Lopolla after having driven the Ketites into the Tusman Hills.

    Keoland, Ket

    117435 [65]

    370 CY

    Zagig begins to lose sanity 
    Note: Apparently, he has been ruling Greyhawk since before 356 CY (according to text)


    9577 [59]

    371 CY

    Latavius, Founder of Rookroost dies

    Bandit Kingdoms

    9253 [2]

    c 375-399

    House Naelax begins using humanoid troops around Adri forest to provision raids

    [Great Kingdom]

    Ivid [LSF]

    c 375

    Zagig Yragerne rules Greyhawk City


    9025 [11], 1015 [23], 9578 [10], 9577 [19]


    Zagig builds Castle Greyhawk 
    Note: Conflicts with 320 CY(preferred date)


    1064 Atlas [4]

    c 386

    Birth of Yrag (later Lord Yrag of the Citadel of Eight), he is taken in and raised by Zagig


    9577 [114]

    c 390

    Zagig and newly founded Grey College build the Free City Arena in Greyhawk


    9577 [98]


    Baron Mukos builds Mukos Castle near White Plume Mountain

    Bandit Kingdoms

    11434 [12]

    c 391

    Foundation of the Alliance criminal gang in Dyvers


    11621 [9] [assumed]


    Founding of Cantona as a fishing village


    11621 [53] [assumed]

    393 CY

    Zagig founds Guild of Wizardry in Greyhawk City


    1043 FFF [16], 9577 [85]

    395 CY

    Zagig plans walls for Greyhawk to be made of elemental forces


    9577 [59]


    Nemonhas of House Neheli refuses the crown of Keoland (“The Spurning”).  Duke Luschan Sellark IV of House Rhola rules as regent.


    LGJ 15 [14]


    Ket (initially under Beygraf Arpad) is at peace with neighbors except for border skirmishes with Bissel and the Paynims


    117435 [66]

    400-420 CY

    Zagig enacts "Trivial Laws" in Greyhawk


    9577 [67]

    400 CY

    Loose associations of clans under clan Perren in what will later be Perrenland 
    Note: Conflicts with 254-270 CY


    9025 [13], 1015 [30], 9398 [3]


    Perren, of clan Perren, identified as strongest Voorman


    1064 Atlas [33], 117435 [86]


    Zagig attends Oligarch meeting in Greyhawk he brings a black dragon, an homonculi, and a flesh golem as attendants, and he brings an odd artifact


    9577 [59]


    After several setbacks, Keoland sets Bissel as its northern outpost

    Keoalnd, Bissel

    117435 [65]

    c 400

    Keoland establishes March of Bissel as its northernmost outpost (Littlemark of Bissel)

    Keoland, Bissel

    9025 [9], 1015 [19], 117435 [32]


    2nd great boom in treasure hunting around Greyhawk


    9577 [8]

    407 CY

    1st addition to Castle Hart


    1056 Hart [2]

    412 CY

    2nd addition to Castle Hart


    1056 Hart [2]


    Silver mine established in West Town in Geoff


    11413 [83]

    414 CY

    Duke Luschan, regent of Keoland, dies.  His nephew, Melv Sellark, assumes the throne as Tavish III “The Boy King”.


    117435 [65], LGJ 15 [14]

    415 CY

    Commander Berlikyn, oppressive ruler of Gran March, reigns

    (Berlikyn initiates program of grim oppression in the occupied lands of Veluna)

    Gran March


    117435 [50] 

    (117435 [130]) 

    420-445 CY

    Halmadar the Cruel gains the Hand and Eye of Vecna conquers region near Delcombon and lays siege to Critwall.  Ultimately he is drugged by his followers and interred alive in the Kron Hills.

    Shield Lands

    117435 [104] 

    c 420

    Construction of Sheerwatch


    9399 [46]

    421 CY (8Coldeven)

    Zagig misses Oligarch meeting in Greyhawk and is not seen again


    9577 [59]


    Castle Greyhawk is abandoned


    9577 [59,75]

    430’s CY

    House Naelex reaches its “nadir” with the ascension of Herzog Ivid I of the North.

    Note: should read “zenith” not “nadir”

    North Province (North Kingdom)

    117435 [74]

    430 CY

    New walls built around Greyhawk City, the "quarters" of the city are established


    9577 [59, 100 (ref)]


    Foreign quarter established in Greyhawk


    9577 [100] [assumed]

    c 430

    Vlek Col Vlekzed founds chiefdom of Hold of Stonefist

    (Rise of an Outlaw Rover called Stonefist who murders the leaders of the Coltens and breaks from Tenh.)

    Note: This second “origination” of Stonefist is not supported outside of 117435.  This date for the rise of “Stonefist” is not supported in the text, but no date is given.  The better case is that Vlek Col Vlekzed is a Colten Ataman who pulls the Colten Feodality under his central rule.

    Hold of the Stonefist (Stonehold)

    9025 [16], 1015 [36],  1064 Atlas [38] 

    117435 [113]

    432 CY

    First of the great guilds of Greyhawk established, the Guild of Butchers


    9577 [59]

    433 CY

    Tavish III’s younger brother, the Duke of Gradsul, disappears in the Amedio Jungle.


    117435 [65], LGJ 15 [14]

    434 CY

    Beginning of the rise of the Sea Princes

    Note: See 444 CY, these could be in conflict.

    Keoland, Sea Princes

    LGJ 15 [14, 18]

    436 CY

    Berkilyn threatens to annex all of Veluna in the name of the Keoish crown.

    Gran March, Veluna

    117435 [130] 

    Turmoil Between Crowns

    437 CY to 455 CY

    This event specifically refers to the succession troubles in the Great Kingdom, but the period of time itself is one of conflict between kingdoms, and royal families at several levels



    437 CY

    Turmoil between Crowns
    Note: Might conflict with 446_CY

    (Hextor's Faith strongly supports House Naelax during this conflict)

    (House Naelex murders House Rax Overking)

    (Nalif, last Rax Overking, assassinated).

    Note:  These assassination references conflict with 439 CY and 446 CY references

    [Great Kingdom]

    9025 [5], 1015 [9]


    (114423 [90])


    (117435 [14, 93])

    (117435 [24, 77])


    438 CY

    Short War (Furyondy-Veluna/Keoland conflict)                                      Note: in text placed in the early 5th century                                     

    (also called “Small War”)

    (Furyondy surges into Veluna, battling south of the Velverdyva in a ferocious series of actions known as the Short War.  The Keoish army is dispatched from Velunese soil)

    Furyondy, Keoland, Veluna

    1015 [19], 9398 [3]

    (117435 [65])

    (117435 [130]) 


    Furyondy wrests Bissel from Keoland

    Bissel, Furyondy, Keoland

    9025 [9], 1015 [19], 117435 [32, 46]


    Keoish influence in Veluna ends

    Veluna, Keoland

    9025 [9], 117435 [32]

    439 CY

    The upstart House of Naelax murdered the entire reigning House of Rax in a series of civil wars

    Note: This date conflicts with the 446 CY date for the beginning of this conflict in earlier products, also conflicts with 437 CY

    [Great Kingdom]

    117424 [3]

    c 440's-460's

    Drachensgrab territories united under Prince Erkin

     Note: Text reads "middle of the fifth century" (This is most likely the correct date.  Although it conflicts with the -400 CY date.). Prince Erkin is called "Baron" prior to his crowning, and also called King in 11621 [120]. For 50 years the Kingdom flourishes until Olarek takes the throne.  This also conflicts with the 463 CY date of the Pomarj uniting under Suel lords from under the Principality of Ulek.

    Drachensgrab (Pomarj)

    11621 [92, 120]


    Alain II of Ratik declares his fief an archbarony, and rules semi-independently (as does the ruler of Bone March).

    Note:  This occurs shortly after the Turmoil Between Crowns but that could be anywhere after the 9 year  period between 437 CY and 446 CY, and is impossible to fix.


    117435 [90]


    Rel Astra becomes independent from the Great Kingdom as a palatinate after the Turmoil Between Crowns

    Note: As above this date is unfixed: “essentially independent for nearly a century and a half, since the end of the Turmoil Between Crowns”

    Rel Astra

    117435 [92]

    443-446 CY

    Crafting of Malachite Throne in Cauldron of Night

    [Great Kingdom]

    Ivid [PL-Fiends] 1

    443 CY

    Ivid I sets about hunting down and destroying the Knight Protectors who opposed his ascension.  He did not succeed, although he killed many and dispersed the remainder.

    [Great Kingdom]

    117435 [158]

    444 CY

    The pirates of the Azure Sea and Jeklea Bay form a loose confederation, naming themselves after the ship Sea Prince

    Note: Might conflict with 434 CY

    Sea Princes

    117435 [101] 

    446-447 CY

    Irongate, Idee, Onnwal rebel against Great Kingdom because of repression and taxation

    [Idee], Irongate, Onnwal

    9577 [18]

    446 CY

    The Overking (most likely Nalif, or Ivid) executes emissaries from Irongate. 

    (Emisaries executed by Herzog of the South Province-not a conflict with above if Herzog were agent of Nalif or Ivid in executions)

    [Great Kingdom]

    9025 [11], 1015 [27], 117435 [24]

    (117435 [57])                                                      


    Nalif’s reign considered part of Turmoil of Crowns 
    Note: Might conflict with437_CY

    [Great Kingdom]

    Ivid [TBC]


    Ivid of House Naelax assassinates Overking Nalif of House Rax, and claims throne of Great Kingdom; Not all houses support his bid (Note: see 450 CY). This also conflicts with the 537 CY assassination of Nalif.

    (Hextor's Faith gains ascendency in the Great Kingdom with Ivid I's rise to power.)

    [Great Kingdom]

    9025 [11], 1015 [27], 117435 [74]



    (114423 [90])


    Rebellion of southern provinces of the Great Kingdom

    [Great Kingdom], South Province (Ahlissa), [Idee], Irongate, Sunndi, Onnwal

    9578 [10]


    Founding of the Iron League 
    Note: Conflicts with 447_CY

    Irongate, [Idee], Onnwal

    1064 Atlas [46], 9578 [10]


    Sea Princes wrest control of Monmurg from Keoland, breaking the kingdoms control of the southlands.

    Sea Princes, Keoland

    117435 [101] 


    Velunese College of Bishops convenes and votes in the Concordat of Eademer to break with Furyondy.

    Veluna, Furyondy

    117435 [130] 

    447 CY

    Entirety of the southern Great Kingdom rebels

    (Only core of South Province [Ahlissa] remains loyal to Great Kingdom)

    (Szek Parmus Destron becomes independent lord of Onnwal)

    [Great Kingdom], South Province (Ahlissa), [Idee], Irongate, Onnwal

    9025 [11], 1015 [30]

    (117435 [57]) 

    (117435 [80]) [ref]


    Founding of the Iron League 

    Note: Conflicts with 446_CY

    [Idee], Irongate, Onnwal

    9025 [5,13], 1015 [9,30], 1068 AB [25], 117435 [58] 


    Battle of a Thousand Banners (South Province vs. Irongate).  South Province forces routed.

    Irongate, South Province (Ahlissa)

    9025 [13], 1015 [30] [assumed], 117435 [57] 


    Bandit Kings sack Trigol

    Bandit Kingdoms

    9025 [5], 1015 [9]


    Rise of Sea Princes

    Hold of the Sea Princes

    9025 [5], 1015 [9]


    Lordship of the Isles declares independence from the Great Kingdom

    Lordship of the Isles

    117435 [71]

    448 CY

    Lordship of the Isles joins the Iron League

    Lordship of the Isles

    117435 [58, 71] 


    Sea Barons gain sole authority over naval pursuits in the eastern Great Kingdom following the Lordships new affiliation

    Sea Barons, [Great Kingdom]

    117435 [100]

    449 CY

    House Darmen backs Ivid’s bid for throne

    [Great Kingdom]

    Ivid [TBC] 1, 9577 [102]


    Sack of University Rauxes, destruction of Imperial War Records

    [Great Kingdom]

    1068 AB [4]

    c 450-475

    Sometime during this span, Halmador the Cruel came into possession of the Hand and Eye of Vecna


    9309 [9] [assumed]

    450 CY

    The logging town of Pest’s Crossing founded in Geoff


    11413 [65]


    Ivid of House Naelax assumes Malachite Throne in Great Kingdom

    [Great Kingdom]

    1015 [10], Ivid [TBC] 1, 117435 [65] [ref]


    Battle of Gorna in the Stark Mounds

    Note: Probably the same as the “Battle of the Stark Mounds” in c. 450 (see)

    (Prince Luschan Sellark VI of Keoland dies in the Battle of Gorna)

    (Baron Anladon of Axewood accompanies Prince Luschan, but does not die)

    Geoff, Keoland

    117435 [146]


    (LGJ 15 [14])

    (LGJ 15 [16])


    Dunstan I of Nyrond calls the Great Council of Rel Mord with representatives from Almor, the Iron League, the Duchy of Urnst, and Greyhawk.  After negotians, Dunstan withdraws Nyrondal troops from the Pale and the County of Urnst.  The council roundly condems the Great Kingdom.  The Pale entered into an “Inquisition” mode shortly after gaining its freedom.

    Nyrond, the Pale

    117435 [78, 82]

    c 450

    Short conflict between Geoff and Keoland

    (related to the discovery missing envoy Dasco who “failed” to reach Duke Arnod II of Geoff to request for troops in the Short War.  The discovery of the envoy’s body beneath the Duke’s castle ultimately led to the Battle of the Stark Mounds in which Geoff [purportedly with the help of the Archmage Vargalian] defeated Keoland)

    Geoff, Keoland

    9025 [10], 1015 [22]

    (117435 [48])


    453-488 CY

    Sometime during the reign of Tavish IV, House Secunforth were appointed stewards of the Viscounty of Salinmoor


    LGJ 15 [17]

    453 CY

    Siege of Westkeep (Battle between Keoland/Sea Princes)

    (King Tavish III of Keoland killed in battle, King Tavish IV crowned king)

    (King Tavish III killed in Siege of Westkeep by forces of the Sea Princes)

    Keoland, Sea Princes

    9025 [12], 1015 [28], LGJ 15 [18]

    9025 [12], 1015 [28], 117435 [65]


    (117435 [101], LGJ 15 [14]) 


    Tavish IV “The Weary” of House Rhola crowned in Keoland (Last Imperial King)


    LGJ 15 [14]


    Sormod of Perrenland mounts expedition to Rigodruok


    2023 [100] (see 460 CY)

    455 CY

    Sunndi joins Iron League 

    Note: Possible conflict with 446_CY and, possibly, 447_CY


    9025 [16], 1015 [37], 9578 [10], 9577 [18], 117435 [58, 110] 

    Era of the Tyrants

    460 CY to 573 CY

    This time is noted for the rise of powerful evil individuals with plans for dominating the Flanaess. Other forces including the Citadel of Eight and the Circle of Eight, rise to check these evil ones.




    Tavish IV orders the construction of many small forts along the Keoland’s southern frontier.


    LGJ 15 [19]

    460 CY

    The purported journal of Henriki Ardand, magician to Sormod’s expedition to Rigodruok surfaces in Greyhawk 
    Note: See 453_CY

    Northern Wastes

    2023 [100]


    Iggwilv first appears in the historical chronicles of Perrenland


    9576 [55]


    Keoland formally recognizes the Yeomanry League as independent

    Keoland, Yeomanry

    117435 [66] 

    461 CY

    Demi-human realms of Ulek and Clene are effected 
    Note: affected/effected confusion

    (Ulek states and Celene sever former ties with Keoland, the Ulek states gain gain complete autonomy.)

    (The Principality of Ulek gains Palatinate status from Keoland)

    (The Barony of Axewood separates from Ulek and remains a part of Keoland in Ulek’s bid for independence)

    Celene, Duchy of Ulek, Principality of Ulek, County of Ulek

    9025 [5] , 1015 [9]


    (117435 [66], LGJ 15 [14]) 



    (117435 [88])

    (LGJ 15 [15])


    Treaty establishes the east bank of the Javan River as the border of the Yeomanry with Keoland.

    Yeomanry, Keoland

    LGJ 15 [17]

    463 CY

    Blue dragon driven from Stark Mounds (dragon named “Volintakulus”)

    Note: conflicts with 465 CY date


    9577 AM [4]


    Minor Suel nobles of the Pomarj foreswear their fealty to the Prince of Ulek and take Highport as their capital.  Keoland does not respond.

    (The barons of the Pomarj break with the prince of Havenhill)

    Note: This conflicts with the CY 440-460’s uniting of the Pomarj under Prince Erkin as the Kingdom of Drachensgrab.

    Pomarj, Principality of Ulek, Keoland

    117435 [66, 145 {assumed}] 


    (117435 [88]) [assumed]

    464 CY

    Keoish navy sinks the Sea Prince in the Battle of Jetsom Island

    Keoland, Sea Princes

    117435 [101] 

    465 CY

    Volte, the Blue Dragon, driven from the Stark Mounds by a band of wizards and paladins aided by Schemely, a Greyhawk Dragon

    Note: conflicts with 463 CY date


    9386 [23]

    c 470-480

    Iggwilv conquers Perrenland
    Note: conflicts with481_491_CY


    9061 [2] [assumed]

    470 CY

    Theodain Eriason becomes a wizard

    (Theodain gives up the warriors life on the death of his father, the Grosspokesman of the Yeomanry League)


    9576 [60]

    LGJ 05 [11]

    477 CY

    Bissel granted official semi-autonomy as a March Palatinate unde Margrave Rollo because of the Margraves defense of visiting Furyondian monarch, King Hugh III, against a jebli army

    Furyondy, Bissel

    117435 [33]

    479 CY

    Petty despot of an independent fief north of Furyondy dies and leaves his lands to his "son," Iuz

    Furyondy (Iuz)

    1068 AB [2], 1064 Atlas [5], 9399 [3], 9576 [55], 117424 [3], 117435 [14, 47, 61]


    Might of Iuz grows, humanid invasions become common


    9025 [5], 1015 [9], 9398 [3]

    480 CY

    Iggwilv begins launching attacks into Perrenland from her base in the “Lost Caverns”


    117435 [86]

    481-491 CY

    Iggwilv enslaves Perrenland 
    Note: conflicts withc 470-480


    9576 [55], 117435 [86]

    488 CY

    King Tavish IV of Keoland (Last Imperial King) dies childless.  Throne returns to an heir of the House of Neheli.

    (Nyhan IV “The Listless” of House Neheli crowned in Keoland [The First “New King”])


    117435 [66] 

    (LGJ 15 [19])

    489 CY

    Invasion of Scarlet Brotherhood lands, collapse of old order

    Tilvanot Peninsula (Scarlet Brotherhood)

    9253 [105]


    Plague wipes out almost ¼ of the population of the Viscounty of Salimoor


    LGJ 15 [16]

    c 490’s

    Huro, of the Scarlet Brotherhood, writes "Millennial Prophecies" 

    Note: See 576_CY

    Tilvanot Peninsula (Scarlet Brotherhood)

    11374 [17] [assumed]


    An adventuring group called "The Tome of the Brotherhood" steals Keraptis’ four implements of power from White Plume Mountain

    White Plume Mountain (Bandit Kingdoms)

    11434 [4]

    c 491

    The Bardschool breaks from Grey College in Greyhawk


    9577 [96]

    492 CY

    Irith Van orders building of Hesul Ilshar

    Scarlet Brotherhood

    9253 [105]

    495 CY

    The Suloise wizard, Valterra, settles in Cantonia and begins his magical modification of the town.


    11621 [53]

    497 CY

    Count Granus of Pregmere attempts to gain the Duchy of Geoff by using mercenaries and members of Knights of the Watch and secret support of the Gran March.  Grand Duke Rohan III is killed, but other nobles challenge Granus.  Ultimately, Granus’ heir takes the tite Rohan IV and rules Geoff.


    117435 [49] 



    Beginning of the dynasty of House Lorinar in the Duchy of Urnst

    D. of Urnst

    117435 [125]

    498-510 CY

    Hateful Wars (Ulek States, Veluna vs. Humanoids) 
    Note: Conflicts with 520_CY

    Duchy of Ulek, Principality of Ulek, County of Ulek, Veluna

    9025 [14], 1015 [31], 11621 [120], 117435 [88] [ref]

    498 CY

    County of Urnst becomes Palatinate under Duchy of Urnst

    County ofUrnst

    9025 [5], 1015 [9], 117435 [123]


    Lord Mayor Paerinn declares Greyhawk a free city


    9025 [5, 11], 1015 [9, 25], 9577 [59], 117435 [52] 


    Ivid I dies, Ivid II assumes Malachite throne

    [Great Kingdom]

    1068 AB [5] [assumed]


    Hateful Wars begin (Last for 12 years)


    9577 [59], 11621 [120, 121] 11621 [121]

    499 CY

    Ket attacks Bissel, besieges Thornward for a year, and continues to raid into Bissel and Veluna for the next 8 decades.  Bissel resists with aid from Keoland, Furyondy and Veluna


    117435 [33]

    Early 500’s

    Shortly after the turn of the century the valley elf king arrived at the Grand Duke’s Palace in Gorna.  The valley elf king and his retinue left several items with the Duke, and information to be passed to his heir.  The king then departed into the Crystalmists, never to be seen again.

    Valley of the Mage, Geoff

    117435 [127] 

    500 CY

    Zagig returns to Greyhawk in secret, calling himself Zagyg


    9577 [75]


    Greyhawk begins to lose influence and authority over surrounding areas (most notably Hardby and the Wild Coast)


    117435 [52] 



    Iuz captures the westernmost Bandit Kingdoms and names Molag his summer capital

    Iuz, Bandit Kingdoms

    117435 [62] 

    501-502 CY

    Infamous “Witch Hunts” in the Viscounty of Salinmoor in which many innocents are killed in an hysterical response.  House Secunforth becomes suspect for acting slowly in the incident.


    LGJ 15 [17]

    501 CY

    Death of Ivid II, Ivid III assumes crown of Great Kingdom

    [Great Kingdom]

    1068 AB[5] [assumed]


    Wastri the Hopping Prophet "disappears" (SD 6016) 
    Note: If this is assumed to coincide with the disappearance of Iuz, this could conflict with 503_CY or 505_CY.

    11374 [4]

    503 CY

    Rel Mord’s Mercenary Organization formed


    9253 [17]


    Disappearance of Iuz (possible imprisonment?) 
    Note: Might conflict with505_CY or, possibly, 501_CY

    Iuz, Greyhawk

    9398 [3]

    505 CY

    Three way power split develops in Furyondy because of policy towards Iuz: Southern Lords, Order of the Hart, King Avras III


    1068 AB [3]


    Iuz imprisoned beneath Greyhawk Castle                                                                   


    (by Zagig Yragerne) 

    (by trap set by Zagig Yragerne set long ago) 

    Note: These might conflict with503_CY or, possibly, 501_CY


    1064 Atlas [5], 9399 [3],  117424 [4] , 117435 [62, 95 {ref}, 117435 [156] {called disappearance}] 

    (9577 [6, 19])

    (9577 [60])


    Last report of Heward (who aided Zagyg)


    9577 [125]


    Essence of the demigod Zuoken trapped in the central Flanaess

    Central Flanaess

    117435 [190]

    506 CY

    Brief siege of Junre by goblins and orcs in Hateful Wars


    9253 [25]

    510 CY

    Last of humanoid tribes driven from Lortmils

    Lortmil Mountains

    2023 [97]


    Demihumans triumphant, Hateful Wars end


    9577 [60], 11621 [120], 117435 [88]


    Sandor of Polvor’s forces destroyed by Csipros Erd (geysers) 


    2023 [98] 


    Senestal II “The Dilettante” of House Neheli crowned in Keoland.


    LGJ 15 [19]

    511 CY

    Battle of Dour Prentess (Tenha troops against trolls)


    9399 [70]

    512 CY

    Black Opal of Syrul unearthed at Maznoth


    11374 [86]


    Pest’s Crossing rebuilt


    11413 [65]

    513-563 CY

    Highport maintains several corrupt governments including humanoid tribal governments and at least two human and half-orc controlled administrations

    Wild Coast

    11621 [89] [assumed]

    513-575 CY 

    Suderham secretly thrives; ruled by Olarek's son (Cedric) and grandson (Rodric)


    11621 [120, 121]

    513 CY

    Rise of Horned Society

    (Horned Society takes area of Western Bandit Kingdoms [between Whytsil Lake and the Ritensa River] formerly controlled by Iuz, as its own)

    [Horned Socitey] (Iuz)


    9025 [5], 1015 [9], 1068 AB [3], 117435 [156]

    (117435 [31])


    Humanoids take Pomarj

    (called "Poor March")

    (taken from "petty human lords." Kingdom of Drachensgrab overrun; the skull of King Olarek "the Mad" becomes the banner of humanoid armies)

    (Rise of pirate problem on Woolly Bay with fall of Pomarj)

    (Highport taken by humanoids)


    9025 [5], 1015 [9], 9853 [10], 9577 [19]  

    (9577 [60])

    (11621 [120])

    (11621 [38])

    (117435 [88])


    Large number of half-orcs begin coming to Greyhawk


    9577 [69]


    After the Hateful Wars, merchants fleeing from the Pomarj to Hardby ultimately wrest control of the city from the city militia.  They eventually formed the Hardby Merchant’s Alliance and maintained control of the city for nearly 70 years.


    LGJ 15 [26] [assumed]

    (11 Planting)

    Humanoids attack Highport (fell on the sixth assault on the "Night of the Bloody Spear")

    Wild Coast

    11621 [89]

    514 CY

    Jemrek Longsight tracks path of Comet of 198_CY


    2023 [91]

    515 CY

    Horned Society and forces still loyal to Iuz soundly defeat the Rovers at the Battle of Opicm River

    [Horned Society] (Iuz), Rovers of the Barrens

    117435 [95]


    Founding of annual Windmarch fair of King’s Justice/Darnagal held during the third week of Harvester 

    [Great Kingdom]

    Ivid [NP-King’s Justice] 1

    c 515 (un-specified)

    Sinking of Duxchaner ship with a cargo of pearls and ingots worth 40,000gp 


    Dragon 206 [40], Ivid [SB-Port Elder] 1

    516 CY

    Velunese Lights first sighted


    9398 [32]

    c 519

    House Highforge of Irongate find starstone (Comet of 198_CY), founding of Azak-Zil

    Note: does not conflict with 520 CY


    2023 [91]

    c 520-530

    Denizens of the underworld begin building staircase to the Tower of War at Castle Greyhawk


    9292 [10] [assumed]

    c 520-584

    Pirates operate along the coast of the Bright Desert, threat of piracy at peak, merchants only put to sea in small armadas accompanied by ships-of-war

    Bright Desert

    11621 [38]

    520 CY

    Beginning of Hradji Beartooth’s ill-fated journey to find Skrallingshold (Tostenhca)

    Griff Moutains

    2023 [83]


    Hateful Wars 
    Note: Conflicts with 498 - 510_CY


    2023 [100]


    An alliance of dwarf clans seeking a fallen meteorite establish Azak-Zil

    Note: does not conflict with c. 519


    9577 AM [4-5]

    521 CY

    Mizaab Zalen, an eccentric wizard, helps trap the Falcon


    9577 [83]

    522 CY

    Belvor III assumes throne of Furyondy                                   NOTE:  This is problematic, Belvor III’s and Thrommel II’s reigns overlap (Thrommel at least 526-530, Belvor 522-537)


    1068 AB [25] [assumed]


    3rd addition to Castle Hart


    1056 Hart [2]

    523 CY

    Storich of the Stone of Holdfist attempts to cross Burning Cliffs

    Stone of Holdfist (Stonehold)

    2023 [97]

    524 CY

    Building of what would later become Otiluke’s house by a middle class family in Greyhawk. Building served as a weaver’s business.


    OJ 7, Shadis 50 [26]2

    c 524

    Mines of Azak-Zil lost to unknown forces

    Note: might conflict with 526 CY, might conflict with 525 CY


    2023 [91]

    525 CY

    Tenser purportedly born in Fax

    9576 [58]


    Maravan established as boundary between Dyvers and Greyhawk (See 585 CY)

    Dyvers, Greyhawk

    11621 [16]


    Azak-Zil lost

    Note: might conflict with c 524, conflicts with 526 CY


    9577 AM [5] (assumed)

    526 CY

    Dyvers declares itself Free City from Furyondy


    (Thrommel II allows this to pass unchallenged as long as taxes continue to be payed to Furyondy)

    Dyvers, Furyondy

    9025 [9], 1015 [21], 1064 Atlas [45], 9398 [3], 11621 [6], 117435 [31] 

    (11621 [6])


    Azak-Zil abandoned

    Note:might conflict with c 524, conflicts with 525 CY


    9577 AM [5]

    530 CY

    Sea Princes arrive in Amedio Jungle

    Amedio Jungle

    11374 [63]


    Thrommel II rules Furyondy                                          NOTE:  This is problematic Belvor III’ and Thrommel II’s reigns overlap (Thrommel at least 526-530, Belvor 522-537)

    9025 [9], 1015 [21]


    Several members of the family owning what would later become Otiluke’s home, died of food poisoning.


    OJ 7, Shadis 50 [26]2

    c. 530

    Birth of Ilena Norbelos, future Despotrix of Hardby


    LGJ 15 [26] [assumed]

    c. 534

    Bigby is born in Oldridge in the Great Kingdom

    [Great Kingdom]

    LGJ 05 [8]


    Warnes Starcoat is born in Leukish


    LGJ 05 [11]

    c 535

    Karellford pronounced Royal Protectorate by Ivid IV

    [Great Kingdom]

    Ivid [R-Karellford] 1

    537 CY

    Belvor III of Furyondy dies in his sleep; Belvor IV ascends to throne


    1068 AB [25, 4 [assumed]] 9398 [4], 117435 [47]

    538 CY

    Hocholve Fortress built to guard Dim Forest


    11413 [50]


    Birth of Nystal in Nevond Nevnend


    LGJ 05 [10]


    Birth of Otto


    LGJ 05 [10]


    King Trevlyan III “the Afflicted” of House Neheli placed on the Lion throne


    LGJ 15 [19]

    c 540-560

    Mordenkainen begins formulating Circle of Eight based on the older Citadel of Eight


    9577 [60] [assumed]

    c 541

    The fishing town of Orz (east of Hardby) founded by a distant offshoot of the noble family of Ahlissa


    11621 [47]


    The forces of the inscrutable Egg of Coot conquer Blackmoor Town and Blackmoor Castle


    117435 [34]

    550-570 CY

    Heavy Skirmishing along the banks of the Ritensa River between the Shield Lands and the Horned Society

    Shield Lands, [Horned Society] (Iuz)

    117435 [104] 

    c 550’s

    Schnai subjugate Fruztii

    Snow Barbarians, Frost Barbarians

    1064 Atlas [25] [assumed]


    Sometime during this time, Mother Storanna (High Priestess of Pelor's temple in Hardby), takes up residence in that town.


    11621 [36] [assumed]

    551 CY


    Mordenkainen first writes of his desire to foster balance on Oerth.

    Yatil Mountains

    LGJ 05 [4]

    553 CY

    After a fall on a foray in the Pinnacles of Azor’alq  in which he breaks his leg, Alhamad retires to Zeif where he becomes an unofficial advisor to the Sultan.



    554 CY

    Ivid V ascends to throne of Great Kingdom after patricide 
    Note: Conflicts with 556_CY

    [Great Kingdom]

    1068 AB [5] [assumed e.g. 582 CY – 28 years] 


    Chelor, cousin of the Overking, is appointed Herzog of the South Province

    South Province (Ahlissa)

    117435 [58] 

    556 CY

    Casket of "noble" halfling of Esmerin found 
    Note: See c 6-46


    2023 [101] 


    Ivid V ascends to throne of Great Kingdom after murdering his father, Ivid IV 
    (Ivid V crowned (6071 SD)) 
    Note: Conflicts with 554_CY

    [Great Kingdom]

    Ivid [IL]

    (11374 [5], 117435 [24] )


    Brewer’s family purchases the future home of Otiluke


    OJ 7, Shadis 50 [27]2

    557 CY

    Lord (Prince) Drax (the undead) of House Garasteth becomes ruler of the city of Rel Astra

    Rel Astra

    117435 [92]

    Late 550’s

    House Neheli looks to be incapable of presenting a potential heir to the Keoish throne.


    117435 [66] 


    Temple of Elemental Evil becomes a beacon for evil men from across the Flanaess

    Verbebonc, Veluna

    117435 [132] 

    558 CY

    Scarlet Brotherhood agents encourage humanoids to raid the Bone March. (6074 SD)

    Bone March

    11374 [5]

    559 CY

    Humanoids began raids into Bone March 
    Note: Conflicts with 560_CY

    Bone March

    11374 [5][assumed], 117435 [36]

    560 CY

    Humanoids (Euroz, Kell, Eiger and others) began forays into Bone March (preferred date)
    Note: Conflicts with 559_CY                                              (raids increase) NOTE:  This “fixes” the conflict between 559 CY/560 CY

    Bone March

    9025 [9], 1064 Atlas [24], 9578 [10], 9577 [19],

     (117435 [36, 91])

    561 CY

    Full scale invasion of humanoids into Bone March begins

    Bone March

    9025 [9], 1015 [20], 117435 [36]


    The rogue wizard Murq kidnaps two-score children of Greyhawk City’s noble families 


    9577 [61]

    c. 561

    Mordenkainen and Bigby lay the foundation of  the Citadel of Eight based equilibrium and neutrality.

    Wild Coast

    LGJ 05 [4]

    563 CY

    Bone March falls to humanoids

    (all humans in that area were enslaved or killed [6078 SD])

    (Spinecastle falls by surprise)

    (Knight Protectors living in the Bone March flee to Ratik)

    Bone March

    9025 [5], 1015 [9,20], Ivid [PL-The Military] 1 , 117435 [35, 91]

    (11374 [5])

    (117435 [31])

    (117435 [158])

    564 CY

    King Trevlyan III of Keoland dies without an heir.  Kimbertos Skotti of Grayhill, an obscure ranger lord from a small province near Dreadwood with little known blood ties to the throne is elevated to kingship by the Council of Niole Dra.  Lashton of Grayhill, an archmage of some notoriety, accompanies him as the new Royal Court Magical Counselor.

    (Trevlyan’s reign marred by disease and rumor of madness)


    117435 [66], LGJ 15 [19] 



    (LGJ 15 [11])

    565 CY

    Freezing of the lighthouse at Icespire


    Ivid [SP-Icespire] 1


    Korund of Ratik sails to Fireland


    9577 [11]

    566 CY

    Rovers/Weigweir begin raiding northeastern edge of Felreev

    Felreev Forest

    Dragon 56 [22]

    568 CY

    Korenth Zan elected to the office of Father of Obedience in the Scarlet Brotherhood (SD 6083)

    Scarlet Brotherhood

    11374 [18]

    569-573 CY

    Stalman Klim founds "The Nine" (the Slavelords)

    Pomarj, Wild Coast

    11621 [121]

    569 CY

    Sack of Temple of Elemental Evil  

    (by Circle of Eight) 

    (Battle of Emridy Meadows. Defeat of the Horde of Elemental Evil)

    (Veluna roused to help defeat Horde of Elemental Evil)

    Note: These conflict with573_CY.   


    1064 Atlas [5] [assumed], 11621 [6] 

    (9577 [61])


    (117424 [4],117435 [15, 132])



    (117435 [130]) 


    The Citadel of Eight falters.  Serten is slain at the Battle of Emridy Meadows.  None of the other members of the organization are present.


    LGJ 05 [5]


    Founding of Tika Town as a mining camp in Geoff


    11413 [80]


    Stalman Klim leaves Suderham 


    11621 [121]

    Prelude to Conflict

    570 CY - 581 CY

    Events that set stage for the Greyhawk Wars (570-581)


    117435 [15]

    c 570’s

    Circle of Eight foils plans of Iggwilv

    Verbebonc, Veluna

    9577 [61]

    570-571 CY

    Rule of Justinian in the Duchy of Urnst, a devotee of the school of Skepticism that questioned the divinity of the gods.  Justinian raised temple taxes 300% on his ascension to office.

    D. of Urnst

    117435 [125]

    570 CY

    Nine demi-gods [including Iuz] imprisoned beneath Castle Greyhawk are freed

    (by Lord Robilar)

    (by Lord Robilar, Quij and Riggby) 

    (Wastri released [6085 SD])


    9025 [12], 1015 [27], 1064 Atlas [5, 28], 9399 [3], 9578 [10], 9577 [6, 19, 61], 117424 [4]

    (117435 [15], LGJ 05 [10])

    (9578 [24], 9577 [99]) 

    (11374 [5])


    Robilar attempts to murder Iuz upon freeing him from Zagig’s trap, but fails.


    117435 [63]


    Iuz “returns” to Oerth, taking residence in Dorakaa, exterminating most “independent” lords in his lands.  Their bones, along with those of the other “unfaithful” he murdered, form the basis of the Road of Skulls.


    117435 [62]


    Belvor IV ignores freeing of Iuz


    1068 AB [4]


    Oswaldon "The Fat" purchases the town of Carnifand


    Ivid [NL-Carnifand] 1


    Nerof Gasgol becomes Lord Mayor of Greyhawk Note: Seems to conflict with the Beggar War information in 571_CY


    9577 [62]


    After the dissolution of the Citadel of Eight, Mordenkainen begans considering the formation of the Circle of Eight based on the philosophies of neutrality and arcana.


    LGJ 05 [6]


    Mordenkainen gifts an unknown sword to an unknown personage to help start a series of events that will help evil devour itself


    LGJ 05 [5]

    c 570

    Death of the First "False Keraptis" at White Plume Mountain 
    Note: conflicts with 571_CY

    White Plume Mountain, Bandit Kingdoms

    11434 [4]

    571 CY

    Conflict between Thieves’ Guild and Beggar’s Guild in Greyhawk City


    9577 [61, 121]


    Great Burn in Greyhawk City occurs


    9577 [61, 121]


    "Keraptis" reappears in White Plume Mountain 
    Note: conflicts with c_570_

    White Plume Mountain (Bandit Kingdoms)

    11434 [9]


    A great, mysterious fire burns the western half of the Celadon forest

    Celadon Forest (within Nyrond, D. of Urnst)

    117435 [139]


    Temple Coalition Revolt in the Duchy of Urnst in response to the raizing of the Temple of Zilchus and high taxes.  Most churches withdraw from Urnst and declare the duke and his advisors “heretics.”  Justinian dies later that year of wounds gained in a battle with Bright Desert dervishes of which no cleric would heal him.

    D. of Urnst

    117435 [125]


    Mordenkainen forms the Circle of Eight.  Its initial members include Bigby, Otto, Rary, Nystal, Drawmij, Bucknard and others.

    (Nystul invited to join Circle)


    LGJ 05 [6]


    (LGJ 05 [10])

    c 571

    "King Garzon," an ogre lord of the Abbor-Alz, slain. His head is displayed at the Mercenaries’ Guildhall in Greyhawk


    9577 [101]


    Judge Alita of Hardby born


    11621 [36] [assumed]


    Mordenkainen meets Alhamazad the Wise in the crisis that ejected the traitorous Kermin Mind-Bender from Zeif.


    LGJ 05 [7]

    572 CY

    Battle of  Medegia.  Sea Barons defeat large naval force from the Lordship of the Isles.

    [Medegia], Lordship of the Isles, Sea Barons

    9025 [12], 1015 [28], 117435 [65, 100]


    Death of Arentol, Grandmaster of Thieves and Oligarch in Greyhawk City. He is replaced by Org Nanshen


    9577 [62]


    Erac’s Cousin turns to evil after being tormented by swearing a pact with a Devil Lord.


    OJ 72


    Karll, younger brother of Justinian, gains the ducal throne of Urnst upon Justinian’s death.

    D. of Urnst

    117435 [125]


    “The Seer” an enigmatic archmage is expelled from the court at Leukish

    D. of Ursnt

    117435 [126]

    573 CY

    Battle of Emridy Meadows---Horde of Elemental Evil scattered 
    Note: Conflicts with 569_CY


    9025 [5], 1015 [9]


    Emissaries of Scarlet Brotherhood appear in the courts of the Iron League (6088 SD)

    (occluded monastic order first reported)

    Scarlet Brotherhood, [Idee], Irongate, Lordship of the Isles, Onnwal, Sunndi

    1068 AB [5,26], 11374 [5], 117435 [96]


    (117424 [4], 117435 [15])


    Prince Thrommel of Furyondy-Provost of Veluna kidnapped (6088 SD)

    (Courtiers in the Celestial Order claim abduction coordinated by Scarlet Brotherhood.  Thrommel’s betrothed, the Supreme Mistress of the Order in Veluna, Jolene of Samprastadar withdraws from the public eye)

    Furyondy, Veluna

    9025 [5], 1015 [9], 11374 [5], 117435 [15]

    (117435 [130]) 



    Prince Jeon II of Monmurg assumes throne of Sea Princes

    Sea Princes

    117435 [101] 


    Xaene, Ivid’s Court Wizard, forces Bigby from his tower in Oldridge.  Bigby moves to Scant.

    [Great Kingdom], Onnwal

    LGJ 05 [8]


    Otiluke purchases House on Summoner’s Court in Greyhawk


    OJ 7, Shadis 50 [27]2

    c 573

    Lord Robilar gives Otiluke an interesting obsidian knife which he had found earlier in the Yatils to Rary


    OJ 7, Shadis 50 [41]2

    Uneasy Peace

    574 CY – 576 CY

    During this time, the tyrants were defeated or set back: Iggwilv, Iuz, and Ivid all are defeated or not active. The Horde of Elemental Evil had been scattered. 



    574 CY

    Entire upper hierarchy of the Guild of Assassins of Greyhawk slain by a mezzoloth. Turin Deathstalker appointed Guildmaster and Oligarch


    9577 [62, 127]


    Stalman Klim and his allies return to Suderham. Klim assassinates King Roderic. The Nine rule Suderham. (Klim the first man in 62 years to leave Suderham and return alive)


    11621 [121]


    One of the founding mages of the Circle of Eight leaves Oerth to explore other planes.  The open position is offered to Tenser.


    LGJ 05 [6]


    Circle of Eight sponsers a group of adventurers who sack Iggwilv’s former stronghold in the Tsojcanth Caverns

    Yatil Mountains

    LGJ 05 [6]

    575 CY (unspecified)

    Appointment of the People’s Constables in Greyhawk (by Glodreddi Bakkanin)


    1043 FFF [14]

    (9577 [62, 66])


    Mordenkainen aids cloud giants against a flight of dragons


    1043 FFF [22]


    Duke Eyeh II of Tenh begins active campaign in Troll Fens


    Dragon 56 [21]


    Ratik-Fruzii (?) alliance defeats humanoids at Blufang-Kelten Pass (probably Ogres and gnolls of Teesar Torrent)

    Ratik, Frost Barbarians

    Dragon 57 [15]


    Herzog Chelor III of the House Naelax-Selor gains throne in South Province

    South Province (Ahlissa)

    Dragon 57 [15] [assumed]


    Arrival of the first Scarlet Brotherhood monks to the Hepmon-Suel city of Zar (6090 SD)


    11374 [55]


    Slavelords lead coup against King of Suderham and take over


    11621 [120]


    Warnes Starcoat comes to prominence after defeating the mysterious sorceress, the Weird of Gnatmarsh


    LGJ 05 [11]

    (11 Reaping)

    Events in Module L1, The Secret of Bone Hill occur

    Lendore Island

    Len Lakofka

    c 576-579

    Iggwilv reappears, but is thwarted by Tenser in events fromWG6, Isle of the Ape


    9576 [55]

    576-580 CY

    Original Slavelords terrorize the coast. 

    Wild Coast, Pomarj

    11621 [120]

    576-582 CY

    Ratik and Frost Barbarians make gains against Bone March

    Bone March

    9317 [4], 9337 [6]


    Snow, Ice, and Frost Barbarians ally against Hold of Stonefist

    Stonehold (Hold of Stonefist)

    9317 [4], 9337 [6]


    Snow Barbarians increase raids on Great Kingdom

    [Great Kingdom]

    9317 [4], 9337 [6]


    Tenh forms more open attitude toward Barbarian States


    9317 [4], 9337 [6]


    Events of Fate of Istus


    9577 [3]

    576 CY (unspecified)

    World of Greyhawk Map and Gazetter Published


    9025 [5]


    Guide to the World of Greyhawk Completed


    1015 [9]


    Theodain Eriason becomes one of first adventurers to enter the rediscovered Passage of Slerotin 
    Note: Conflicts with 577 CY


    9576 [60], LGJ 05 [11]


    Leomund retires from the Circle of Eight 


    9577 [60]


    Otiluke replaces Leomund on the Circle of Eight 


    9578 [23]


    Passing of the "Millennium" date predicted by Huro for the Scarlet Brotherhood, Millennialist Party begins to decline (6091 SD) 
    Note: See c 490’s

    Scarlet Brotherhood

    11374 [17], ref 9253 [110]


    Scarlet Brotherhood discovers Weeping Hexagram (6091 SD)

    Scarlet Brotherhood

    11374 [86]


    Slavelords begin operations

    Pomarj, Wild Coast

    11621 [121]


    After the loss of another mage, the Circle of Eight accepts Otiluke, president of the Society of the Magi and Directing Oligarch of Greyhawk, to its membership

    LGJ 05 [6]


    Warnes Starcoat is appointed Chief Sorcerous Councilor to Duke Karll of Urnst, filling the vacancy caused by the mysterious disappearance of th Seer of Urnst

    LGJ 05 [11]

    (1 Planting)

    Baron Grellus of Restonford assassinated

    Len Lakofka


    Events of Module L2, The Assassin’s Knot

    Lendore Island [Spindrit Islands] (Lendore Islands)

    Len Lakofka

    Years of Skirmish

    577 CY – 581 CY

    This period is one of many open conflicts. The seeds which develop into The Greyhawk War are sown during this time.



    “Prelude to War”

    577 CY – 581 CY



    117424 [4]

    c 577-578

    Spidesa, Holy Censor of Medegia named Imperial Constable of Great Kingdom

    [Medegia], [Great Kingdom]

    Dragon 63 [16]

    577 CY

    Pietain Morvannis arrives in Greyhawk, and begins making his name at "the Pit."


    1043 FFF [67]


    Expedition of the Archmage of Willip lost in Blackmoor


    1064 Atlas [23]


    Royal Mint of Rel Mord moved to Womtham


    9398 [77]


    Iuz commissions 40 galleys to be built at Dorakaa


    Dragon 56 [19]


    Duke Eyeh II of Tenh killed in Battle of Rockegg Pass against Hold of Stonefist

    Tenh, Hold of Stonefist (Stonehold)

    Dragon 56 [21]


    Great Beast Hunt held by Rovers/Weigwier

    Rovers of the Barren

    Dragon 56 [21]


    Cruski and Schnai treaty. Schnai give up the lands south of Glot along the east coast to Cruskii

    Ice Barbarians, Snow Barbarians

    Dragon 57 [14]


    Battle of Loftwood---combined Ratik/Frutzii force destroy humanoid forces under the Vile Rune orcs of the Bone March

    Ratik, Frost Barbarians

    Dragon 57 [15]


    Chelor III, of the South Province, gains all lands from Glorioles to Hestmark Highlands to point where the Flamni joins the Thelly

    South Province (Ahlissa), Sunndi

    Dragon 57 [15], 117435 [111]


    Rieuwood is the site of a major battle in which the South Provence fails to further extend its conquests

    South Provence, Sunndi

    117435 [141]


    Several naval battles between Onnwal and South Province

    South Province (Ahlissa), Onnwal

    Dragon 57 [16]


    Sea Barons defeat a fleet of seven Barbarian Longships

    Sea Barons

    Dragon 63 [16]


    Rediscovery of the Passage of Slerotin 
    Note: Conflicts with 576 CY


    9577 [38]


    Peak of Wastri "The Hammer of Demihuman’s" campaign against demihumans and unbelievers in the south of Sunndi (6093 SD)


    11374 [5]


    “Prince” Zeech, renegade Shield Lands lord, breaks his ties with the Shield Lands and forms the Bandit Kingdom Principality of Redhand

    (The province of Alhaster leaves the Shield Lands to join the Bandit Kingdoms as part of Redhand)

    Shield Lands, Bandit Kingdoms

    117435 [27]


    117435 [102] 


    Prince Jeon II of the Sea Princes puts forth a plan to end slave trade to assembled grand council.  The Prince of Toli, the Plar of Hool, the Grandee of Westkeep, the commodores of the Isles and others shout down his plan.

    Sea Princes

    117435 [101] 

    578 CY (unspecified)

    First naval skirmishes between the Great Kingdom and Nyrond take place 

    Note: This is also the probable beginning of the official war between the Great Kingdom and the Nyrondal “Golden League”

    Overking Ivid V declares war on Nyrond and its allies in the so-called Golden League

    [Great Kingdom], Nyrond

    Ivid [BE]




    117424 [4] (ref.) (assumed)


    King Ralff II of the Frutzii organizes new army

    Frost Barbarians

    Dragon 57 [14]


    Chelor III moves against Iron League states

    South Province (Ahlissa), [Idee], Irongate, Lordship of the Isles, Onnwal, Sunndi

    Dragon 57 [15]


    Ahlissan forces, under Chelor, take the Sunndian lands between the Grayflood and Rieuwood.  Forces under General Reynard cross the northern Hollow Highlands.

    South Province (Ahlissa), Sunndi

    117435 [111]


    Seuvord, Master of the Hold, becomes Rhelt Seuvord I of the Hold

    Hold of the Stonefist (Stonehold)

    Dragon 57 [14]


    Hurricane "Ivid" hits Sea Barons

    Sea Barons

    Ivid [SB-Dangers of the Isles] 1


    Chanda-Three-Lances is made War Sachem of the Rovers

    Rovers of the Barrens

    Dragon 56 [23]


    Rovers move south into Felreev Forest

    Rovers of the Barrens

    Dragon 56 [23]


    Belvor’s Fleet raids Dorakaa , destroys majority of Iuzan galleys under construction


    Dragon 56 [19]


    Bandit Kingdoms make forays into Tenh, the Pale, Nyrond, County of Urnst, parts of the Shield Land and Furyondy

    Bandit Kingdoms, Tenh, the Pale, Nyrond, County of Urnst, Shield Lands, Furyondy

    Dragon 56 [21]


    Tenha Host lays waste to Groskopf ; Baron Skiven cedes lands to Tenh

    Bandit Kingdoms

    Dragon 56 [21]


    Tenha take Rookroost

    Note: Conflicts with 117435 [29] entry

    Bandit Kingdoms

    Dragon 56 [22]


    Rookroost resists Tenha siege, but is forced into treaty to stop raiding western Tenh.

    NOTE: Conflicts with Dragon 56 [22] entry.

    Bandit Kingdoms

    117435 [29]


    Tenha forces take the Fellands

    Bandit Kingdoms

    117435 [26]


    Tenha forces under Duke Ehyeh III invade Grosskopf

    Bandit Kingdoms

    117435 [26]


    Hierarchs capture Wormhall and Warfield

    Bandit Kingdoms

    Dragon 56 [21], 117435 [30]


    First meeting of the Fellowship of the Torch in Greyhawk


    1043 FFF [70]


    Onnwal Navy defeats pirate, Blidg Fanger


    Dragon 57 [16]


    Onnwal Navy defeats Ahlissan (South Province) squadron off of Norland Point

    Onnwal, South Province (Ahlissa)

    Dragon 57 [16]


    Raids from Vast Swamp into Sunndi reach peak


    9577 [29]


    Turin Deathstalker purchases Turin’s Servant Agency in Greyhawk


    9577 [116]


    Guardian General of Warfields pledges support to Hierarchs against Rover incursions

    Note: occurred prior to Goodmonth

    Bandit Kingdoms, [Horned Society] (Iuz)

    117435 [30]


    Force from Ratik wins great victory over the Bone March orcs in Loftwood (Battle of Loftwood?)

    Loftwood (Ratik, Bone March)

    117435 [141]


    Cedrian III, Duke of Dorlin, ends the practice adopted by Baron Maelwig I of Diwych of forcing visitors to pay homage to his dead father, whom Maelwig had embalmed and propped on the baronial throne for years after the man’s death.


    LGJ 15 [16]


    Eyeh III, of Tenh crowned in Nevend Neverond


    Dragon 56 [21]


    Iuz lays siege to Eru-Tovar 
    Note: Conflicts with summer date of siege preparation

    Iuz, Wolf Nomads

    Dragon 56 [18] 


    Wolf Nomad/Tiger Nomad treaty

    Wolf Nomads, Tiger Nomads

    Dragon 56 [19] [assumed]


    Iuz’s army, commanded by Lord Choldraf and Mellard-Plict, advances toward Eru-Tovar 
    Note: Conflicts with Spring date of actual siege

    Iuz, Wolf Nomads

    Dragon 56 [19]


    Combined human/demi-human troops destroy Captain General Gahru’s forces (GK) in Grandwood Forest (called "Gahru’s Folly," or "Grandwood’s Grandest")

    [Great Kingdom]

    Dragon 63 [17]


    Ships and men, under Lord Captain Aldusc from Sea Barons, sent to bolster North Province against Barbarians

    North Province (North Kingdom)

    Dragon 63 [15]


    Light action of Hierarchs against Rovers

    [Horned Society] (Iuz), Rovers of the Barrens

    Dragon 56 [20]


    Host of the Hierarchs defeats Rovers but do not press advantage

    Rovers of the Barrens

    Dragon 56 [21]


    Skirmishes between Bandits and Tenha

    Bandit Kingdoms, Tenh

    Dragon 56 [21]

    (Late Summer)

    Tarkhan Bargru takes troops to break siege of Eru-Tolvar

    Wolf Nomads

    Dragon 56 [18], 117435 [134] 

    (22 Squirrel)

    Battle of Black Water Bend---troops of Iuz defeated by Wolf Nomads under Tarkhan Bargru

    Wolf Nomads

    Dragon 56 [19], 117435 [134] 


    Council of men and demi-humans at Killdeer to discuss demi-human response to threats to Irongate


    Dragon 57 [16]


    Dunhead Bay is the site of many bitter naval battles during the War of the Golden League.

    Relmor Bay

    117435 [148]

    579-581 CY

    Horned Society invades and conquers Bandit Kingdoms

    Note: This appears to be as much alliance as conquering as noted in the several entries on this incident from 579-583 CY.

    1043 FFF [6], 9577 [3]

    579-583 CY

    Ravaging of the Shield Lands by the Bandit Kingdoms and the Horned Society

    Bandit Kingdoms, [Horned Society] (Iuz), Shield Lands

    117435 [15]

    579-584 CY

    During this period, warfare was almost constant in Relmor Bay including the War of the Golden League and the Greyhawk Wars

    Relmor Bay

    117435 [149]

    579 CY

    Reformation of the coinage system of Greyhawk


    1043 FFF [4], 9577 [62]


    Bucknard dissapears while exploring a demi-plane


    9578 [23, 60], LGJ 05 [6]


    Iuz’s forces takes large portion of Vesve


    Dragon 56 [19]


    War between Shield Lands and Horned Society begins

    (Reyhu invades Shield Lands with other Bandit Kingdoms)

    NOTE:  Spring (see below)

    (Horned Society bands together with Warfields and Wormhall [Bandit Kingdoms] and swarms the western territories of the Sheild Lands, the defense of thousands of Shieldlanders is broken at Axeport.)

    Shield Lands, [Horned Society] (Iuz), Bandit Kingdoms

    9577 [62]

    (117435 [29])


    (117435 [104]) 


    Events of Temple of Elemental Evil

    (Resurgence of the Temple of Elemental Evil)

    (“Second Rising” of the Horde of Elemental Evil)


    Greyhawk Summit ’98

    (117435 [15])

    (117435 [132]) (ref)


    The Iron League invites Almor  to join the “Iron Alliance” and the Nyrondal/Iron League “Golden League”

    Irongate, [Idee], Lordship of the Isles, Onnwal, Sunndi, Nyrond, Almor

    117435 [58, 78] 



    Dominion of the Slavelords crumble

    Note:  This conflicts with both the 580 CY date and the 581 CY date.


    117435 [88]


    Baron Lexnol’s heir, Alain IV, marries Lady Evaleigh, the daughter of the count of Knurl.


    117435 [91]


    Cavernous tunnel discovered in the Yeomanry at the foot of the Crystalmists. 

    Note:  117435 [155] indicates that this is the Passage of Slerotin, if this is so, this entry conflicts with the 577 CY and 578 CY entries indicating the discovery of this passage.


    117435 [135] 


    South Province and Nyrond erupt into open hostilities (Aerdy’s war with the “Golden League”)

    South Province (Ahlissa), Nyrond

    117435 [15], 117424 [4] (assumed, vague reference)


    The Gucheck (Wild Dog Nomads) maintains rebellion and independence from Wolf Nomads under Khan Jicta

    Wolf Nomads

    Dragon 56 [19]


    Warfields and Wormhall attack western Shield Lands, later joined by Reyhu, Redhands and other minor kingdoms.  Shield Lands fall.

    Shield Lands, Bandit Kingdoms

    117435 [30, 31]


    Otiluke purchases mysterious bowl from the Sea Prince explorer, Galdin of Monmurg


    OJ 7, Shadis 50 [40]2

    Early 580’s

    Rise of  Turrosh Mak


    117435 [88]


    Beginning of Giant invasions in the west

    Western Shaldomar Valley

    117435 [66] 

    580-582 CY

    Shield Landers flee to Greyhawk during conquest by Iuz


    9577 [62]

    580 CY

    Garakender Talmord, mercenary-bandit flees to Safeton

    Wild Coast

    1064 CB [81]


    The Declaimers foretell the fall of Tenh in Stroun


    9399 [72]


    Glorial moves in with Otiluke


    OJ 7, Shadis 50 [27]2


    Shando One-Foot purchases "Sawbiter’s Tavern" in Pest’s Crossing


    11413 [68]


    Slavelords reign of terror ended by heroes from Greyhawk. Events of the Slavers trilogy. (preferred date) Note: Possibly conflicts with 581 CY date, and the 579 CY date

    Wild Coast, Pomarj

    11621 [120, 121]


    Attempted insurrection by necromancers in Bissel, possibly tied to the plight of the disgraced, evil wizard lord Evard, defeated.  This leads to a suppression of fringe groups.


    117435 [33]


    Intruders from Bone March attempt to steal the Seal of Marner, an object blessed by the Suel Barbarian deities, and a symbol of the Northern Alliance

    Northeastern Flanaess

    117435 [37, 91]


    Rovers have short-lived success against the Horned Society, taking part of the northern frontier.

    Rovers of the Barrens, [Horned Society] (Iuz)



    End of Aerdy’s war with the “Golden League”, Ivid through a series of naval battles in Relmor Bay prevents the alliance from expanding or aiding its armies via naval support

    [Great Kingdom], Irongate, [Idee], Lordship of the Isles, Onnwal, Sunndi, Nyrond, [Almor]

    117435 [15, 58], 117424 [4] (assumed, vague reference)

    c. 580

    Events in the module "Greyhawk Ruins"


    9577 [4]

    581-582 CY

    The Scarlet Brotherhood steps up recruitment of Hepmonaland Suel and enslavement of Olman and Touv (6096-697 SD)


    11374 [5]

    581 CY (unspecified)

    Griffith Adarian calls upon the power of the Gem of Rachleach to defeat a force of 300 sent into the Adri by the Great Kingdom 

    [Great Kingdom]

    1043 FFF [76]


    Destruction of Stankaster Tower


    1064 CB [30]


    Sheroyl Kubiak joins the Golden Scimitar in Sefmur


    1064 CB [74]


    Jallarzi Sallavarian replaces Bucknard on the Circle of Eight


    9578 [23], LGJ 05 [6]


    Glodreddi Bakkanin helps establish "quarter representatives" in Greyhawk City


    9577 [65]


    Forces of "the Falcon" attack Cuthbert’s Temple in Greyhawk


    9577 [89]


    "The Falcon" fails to conquer Greyhawk


    9577 [76, 83, 121]


    Events of Vecna Lives and the Vecna Cultists; Circle of Eight struck down, but revived.


    9577 [119], 117424 [4] (ref.), 117435 [15], LGJ 05 [6]


    Band of mercenaries penetrate defenses of the Hidden City of the Scarlet Brotherhood (Hesuel Ilshar), and steal an Weeping Hexagram (6096 SD)

    Scarlet Brotherhood

    11374 [5, 86]

    CHECK see above (580)

    End of Aerdy’s (Great Kingdom’s) war with the “Golden League”

    [Great Kingdom], Nyrond, Irongate, [Idee], Sunndi, Onnwal, Lordship of the Isles

    117435 [15], 117424 [4] (assumed)


    Red Death Plague in Aerdy, Ivid controls civil unrest.

    [Great Kingdom]

    117435 [24]


    Fellands were absorbed by Grosskopf following a marriage between their ruling families.

    Bandit Kingdoms

    117435 [26]


    The combined forces of the Horned Society and the Bandit Kingdoms complete their conquest of the Shield Lands with the exception of Critwall.

    Shield Lands, [Horned Society] (Iuz), Bandit Kingdoms

    117435 [104]


    Completion of the Castle of Hommlet


    117435 [132] 


    "Farmer Giles’ Squash Incedent" during the Medal of Zagig contest in Greyhawk City


    9577 [46]

    c 581

    Slavelords defeated (events of the Slavers Trilogy) Note: This possibly conflicts with 580 CY date, and the 579 CY date.

    Wild Coast, Pomarj

    11621 [2] [assumed]


    The wizard Sevant attacked and killed by the Black Sorcerer of Verbebonc in Sevant's Cove (north of Hardby)


    11621 [48]


    A distant relative of Duke Karl of Urnst vanishes with his expedition near the Vale of the Lamia ruins


    9577 AM [4]

    The War Years

    582 CY – 584 CY

    Not since the Twin Cataclysms have so many people been affected by related events. The continent wide struggle of the Greyhawk Wars shapes the future of the Flanaess. 

    Note: Although care has been made to arrange events in a relational fashion, unspecified dates are arranged, where possible, only according to logical chronological order, not to a fixed order in time. It is assumed, for instance, that Iuz defeats Adumfort before he captures Lord Holmer, but the texts do not give an indication of when in the year these events occurs.



    YEAR 1

    1st Year of the Greyhawk War



    582-584 CY

    Events of the Greyhawk Wars (and Boxed set)


    9577 [4], 11621 [6, 32], 117435 [46]


    Humanoid and bandit raids increase from Abor-Alz hills. Greyhawk sends garrison of mountaineers to protect Hardby. (unspecified date)


    11621 [32]

    582 (month/time un-specified)

    The events of the module WGS1, The Five Shall Be One, including the rise of the Cult of Vatun

    (Iuz triggers Greyhawk Wars by stirring unrest among Barbarians of  the Thillonrian Peninsula)

    Northeast Flanaess

    9317 [3], 117424 [4], 117435 [15]

    (117435 [62])           


    The events of the module WGS2, Howl From the North, including the arrival of "Vatun" and the gathering of the Barbarians for war

    Northeast Flanaess

    9339 [5], 1068 AB [6], 117435 [15] (ref.)


    Horned Society forces withdrawn from Shield Lands

    [Horned Society] (Iuz)

    9577 [3]


    Beginning of Greyhawk Wars


    9577 [19], 11621 [120, 122]


    Stonefist invade Tenh

    Hold of the Stonefist (Stonehold)

    1068 AB [7], 1064 Atlas [5], Ivid    [BE] 1, 9578 [10], 117435 [113] (ref)


    Calbut destroyed by Fists


    1068 AB [7], 117435 [113] (ref)


    Nevond Nevnend falls to Fists


    1068 AB [8] [assumed], 117435 [26] (ref)


    Turin Deathstalker leaves Greyhawk City, Vesparin Lafanel replaces him as Director


    1064 CB [8], 9577 [126]


    Last reported monster (a crypt thing) to appear from Sourload


    1064 CB [28]


    Hermit of Wavenair appears


    1064 CB [28]


    Iuz conquers Horned Society during the Blood Moon Festival

    Note: Conflicts with 583 CY and 583 (Coldeven) dates

    [Horned Society] (Iuz)

    9577 [91, 108], 11413 [89]


    Iuz conquers Bandit Kingdoms 
    Note: Conflicts with 583_CY__Flocktime_

    Bandit Kingdoms

    9577 [23]


    Scarlet Brotherhood influences Turrosh Mak to take leadership of his orcish tribe, the Nedla. (6098 SD) (Rise of Turrosh Mak)


    11374 [5]

    (11621 [120])


    Hardby comes under the protection and control of Greyhawk City 

    The Despotrix regains the balance of  power lost to the Hardby Merchant’s Alliance

    Greyhawk, Hardby

    11621 [32] [assumed]

    LGJ 15 [26]


    Iuz conquers the Shield Lands.

    Note:  This date is in error.  See CY 583.

    Shield Lands

    114423 [44]


    Circle of Eight in disarray


    117435 [15]


    State of Greyhawk in City of Greyhawk boxed set


    9577 [3]


    Rebuilding in "The 2nd ? Great Burn" in Greyhawk City 
    Note: Conflicts with Second Burn having taken place after the Pact of Greyhawk (584 CY)


    1064 CB [3]

    (28 Harvester )

    First scheduled representative election in Greyhawk


    9577 [63]


    Old Mother Grubb’s House of Fortune burns to ground


    9577 [120]

    c. 582

    Pasha Jadhim/orem deposed by Faris Muammar Quaran.


    117435 [116] (assumed)


    By this time, the Cruski had regained Utsula from the Schnai, to whom they had lost it several decades before

    Ice Barbarians, Snow Barbarians

    (117435 [106]) [assumed]

    YEAR 2

    2nd Year of the Greyhawk Wars



    583-584 CY
    (month/time unspecified)

    Halfling Blight at Elmshire 
    Note: set only in 583 CY in 9577 [62]


    1064 CB [13], 9577 [62]


    Philidor the Blue Wizard arrives in Greyhawk City one year before the signing of the Pact of Greyhawk 
    Note: This is difficult to place because of the confusion on the "Day of Signing" See 584_CY__Harvester


    1064 CB [9] [assumed]


    Dunhead Bay serves as the site for many naval battles during this time.

    Relmor Bay

    117435 [148]


    Lordship of the Isles declares for Scarlet Brotherhood (this is a fix for the 583/584 conflict)

    Lordship of the Isles

    117435 [58] 

    (Spring-both years)

    Lizard Men raid Plains of Greyhawk


    1064 CB [18]

    583-588 CY

    The Thelwood slowly changes in character, its trees change into a bonelike material.  Evil sorcery is suspected.  The forest is renamed Bonewood.

    Bonewood (in Ahlissa)

    117435 [139]


    About 50 Knights of the Hart of the Furyondian branch die during the Greyhawk Wars and the Great Northern Crusade


    117435 [158]

    583 CY (month/time unspecified)

    Iuz’s deception of Barbarians revealed, Iuz returns home

    Iuz, Frost Barbarian, Ice Barbarians, Snow Barbarians

    1068 AB [8]


    Elves subjugate Lendore Island

    1064 Atlas [30], 117435 [146]


    Iuz defeats Shield Lands, Fall of Critwall and Adumdfort

    (11,000 Shield Landers fall in the invasion)

    Shield Lands

    1068 AB [10] [assumed]

    (117435 [104])


    Capture of Lord Holmer, of the Shield Lands

    (carried to the Dungeons of Dorakaa)

    Shield Lands

    1068 AB [10] [assumed]

    (117435 [104])


    Battle of Critwell Bridge, Iuz checked.


    1068 AB [10] [assumed], 1064 Atlas [7]


    Nyrond marches against the Fists into Nutherwood, Phostwood

    Hold of Stonfist (Stonehold), Nyrond

    1068 AB [10] [assumed], 117435 [78]


    Fists stop Nyrondal advance at Ternsmay

    Stone of Holdfist (Stonehold)

    1068 AB [10] [assumed]


    Chendl besieged by Iuz

    1068 AB [10] [assumed]


    Furyondian forces stop Orcish advance at Fairwain


    1068 AB [11] [assumed]


    Siege of Chendl broken 
    Note: Conflicts with 584 CY


    1068 AB [11] [assumed]


    Ivid launches attack upon Nyrond, Almor and the Iron League

    Nyrond, Almor, Iron League

    117435 [24]


    Ivid’s Glorioles Army invades Glorioles, Sunndi

    (The Glorioles Army, under Chelor III, push all the way to Pitchfield and lay waste to central Sunndi)


    1068 AB [13] [assumed]

    (117435 [111])


    Ivid’s Aerdi Army marches towards Chathold in Almor


    1068 AB [13] [assumed]


    Ivid’s Northern Army enters Adri Forest near Edge Field

    [Great Kingdom]

    1068 AB [13] [assumed]


    Grand Field Force of the South Province marches into Iron Hills

    South Province (Ahlissa)

    1068 AB [13] [assumed]


    Osson’s Raid

    [Great Kingdom]

    1068 AB [14] [assumed]


    Battle of Rieuwood, Ossan decimates Glorioles Army

    Note:  Also see 583 CY Autumn and Late entries


    1068 AB [14] [assumed], 117435 [141]


    Osson advances into Medegia

    [Medegia] ([Great Kingdom])

    1068 AB [14] [assumed]


    Signing of the Eastern Pact (Almor, Nyrond, Idee, Irongate, Onnwal, Sunndi, County Urnst)

    Almor, Nyrond, [Idee], Irongate, Onnwal, Sunndi, County of Urnst

    1068 AB [14] [assumed], 117435 [78]


    Prince Frolmar Ingerskatti’s coup in the Lordship of the Isles 
    Note: Conflicts with the 584 CY Scarlet Brotherhood date

    (Tribute on Tilva Strait ceases, Brotherhood enforces blockade)

    Lordship of the Isles

    1068 AB [15] [assumed]

    (117435 [150])


    Treaty of Niole Dra (Pact between Furyondy, Keoland, Gran March, Yeomanry, Duchy of Urnst, County of Urnst, and Celene)

    Furyondy, Keoland, Gran March, Yeomanry, Duchy of Urnst, County of Urnst

    1068 AB [15] [assumed], 117435 [66] 


    Iuz allies with Ket and Tusmit

    Iuz, Ket, Tusmit

    1068 AB [15] [assumed]


    Sental Nurev dies, replaced as Director by Tigran Gellner 


    1064 CB [8]


    Ren o’ the Star found dead in Greyhawk City, Cariel Mansharn replaces him as a Director


    1064 CB [8], 9577 [64]


    Plague of Skorane


    1064 CB [48], 9577 AM [3],    9578 [52]


    Fellowship of the Torch fights incursions in the Vesve


    1064 CB [71]


    Scarlet Brotherhood invades Hold of the Sea Princes 
    Note: Might conflict with 584 CY

    Hold of the Sea Princes

    9578 [5]


    Plot to overthrow Org Nenshen uncovered, principles involved executed


    9577 [108]


    Brother Marshenref appointed Father of Thralls in Scarlet Brotherhood

    Scarlet Brotherhood

    11374 [19] [assumed]


    Brother Renho appointed Father of Arms in Scarlet Brotherhood

    Scarlet Brotherhood

    11374 [20]


    Otiluke discontinues research on a new spell.


    OJ 7, Shadis 50 [40]2


    Giants invade Geoff 
    Note: could conflict with 584 CY


    11374 [55]


    Giants capture Gorna 
    Note: could conflict with 584 CY fall of Geoff


    11413 [49]


    Fall of Hornwood to Cyclopskin 
    Note: could conflict with 584 CY fall of Geoff


    11413 [51]


    Seshey the giant comes to odd arrangement with Midwood 
    Note: could conflict with 584 CY fall of Geoff


    11413 [55]


    Tika Town sacked by giants 
    Note: could conflict with 584 CY fall of Geoff


    11413 [80]


    West Town falls to giants 
    Note: could conflict with 584 CY fall of Geoff


    11413 [83]


    Eruption of continental war


    117435 [15]


    Iuz invades the Duchy of Artsonmay in the Bandit Kingdoms

    NOTE: this probably occurs near or during Flocktime, but the 583 CY date conflicts with the 582 CY conquest of the Bandit Kingdoms

    Bandit Kingdoms

    117435 [26]


    Principality of Redhands allies with Iuz

    Bandit Kingdoms

    117435 [27]


    Johrase allies with Dimre against Iuz but is defeated and its forces scattered

    Bandit Kingdoms

    117435 [27]


    Xavendra installed as new leader in Fellands by Iuz

    NOTE: this probably occurs near or during Flocktime, but the 583 CY date conflicts with the 582 CY conquest of the Bandit Kingdoms

    Bandit Kingdoms

    117435 [26]


    Freeholders ally with Iuz

    NOTE: this probably occurs near or during Flocktime, but the 583 CY date conflicts with the 582 CY conquest of the Bandit Kingdoms

    Bandit Kingdoms

    117435 [26]


    Grosskopf capitulates to Iuz

    NOTE: this probably occurs near or during Flocktime, but the 583 CY date conflicts with the 582 CY conquest of the Bandit Kingdoms

    Bandit Kingdoms

    117435 [26]


    Stronghold of the Midlands allied with Rookroost against Iuz.  Midlands forces defeated on the Midland fields, remaining forces destroyed at Steelbone Meadows (584 CY)

    NOTE: this probably occurs near or during Flocktime, but the 583 CY date conflicts with the 582 CY conquest of the Bandit Kingdoms

    Bandit Kingdoms

    117435 [27]


    Reyhu abandoned to forces of Iuz

    Bandit Kingdoms

    117435 [29]


    Riftcrag abandoned to forces of Iuz

    Bandit Kingdoms

    117435 [29]


    Rookroost allies with forces of Iuz

    Bandit Kingdoms

    117435 [29]


    Stoink allies with forces of Iuz

    Bandit Kingdoms

    117435 [29] [assumed]


    Wormhall allies with forces of Iuz

    Bandit Kingdoms

    117435 [30]


    Perrenland signs  a formal agreement with Iuz recognizing a neutral stance.

    Perrenland, Iuz

    117435 [86]


    Count Cadwale, “The Tunneling Count” of Onnwal, dies at the hands of Brotherhood assassins who occupy his manor house and lands

    Note: This likely conflicts with the 584 CY fall of Onnwal


    LGJ 05 [12]

    583 CY (Early)

    The occupying Hierarch and Bandit Kingdom armies of the Shield Lands began leaving to prepare for the defense of their homelands.

    Note:  Conflicts with the 582 CY fall of these areas

    Shield Lands, Bandit Kingdoms, [Horned Society] (Iuz)

    117435 [104, 159 {ref}]


    Iuz captures Molag

    (Horned Society presumed destroyed during the demonic invasion during the Blood-Moon festival)

    Note:  Both of these entries conflict with the 582 CY and 582 CY (Coldeven) entries

    Iuz, [Horned Society] (Iuz)

    1068 AB [9] [assumed]

    (117435 [156])


    Earl Holmer repatriates Shield Lands

    Shield Lands

    117435 [104]


    Rary gives obsidian knife from Yatils to Otiluke


    OJ 7, Shadis 50 [41]2


    Iuz captures Bandit Kingdoms 
    Note: Conflicts with 582 CY

    Bandit Kingdoms

    1068 AB [9] [assumed]


    Iuz signs pact of non-aggression and alliance with Dimre after having suffered several embarrassing defeats at the Grand Theocracy’s hands

    NOTE: this conflicts with the 582 CY date conquest of the Bandit Kingdoms

    Bandit Kingdoms

    117435 [26]

    (28 Harvester)

    Giants conquer Pest’s Crossing in Geoff 
    Note: might conflict with 584 date of Giant conquest of Geoff


    11413 [65]


    Osson claims Pitchfield


    117435 [111]


    Elmshire signs protection treaty with Greyhawk City


    1064 CB [25]


    Rod of Beguiling recovered from Echo Crypt


    1064 CB [29]


    Giants build Nurok Fort 
    Note: conflicts with 584 fall of Geoff


    11413 [62]


    Osson and his forces arrive in Sunndi.  They ally with native sylvan forces, and in the Battle of Rieuwood meet the Glorioles Army under Chelor and decimate it.

    Note: Happens prior to Autumn of this year.  See above


    117435 [111]

    YEAR 3

    2nd Year of the Greyhawk Wars



    584-585 CY

    Part of the Loftwood despoiled as humanoids set fires

    Loftwood (Bone March, Ratik)

    117435 [141]

    584 CY (month/time unspecified)

    Turrosh Mak invades southern Wild Coast cities

    Wild Coast

    1068 AB [15] [assumed], 9577 [69], 117435 [15]


    Elredd conquered and destroyed by forces of Turosh Mak (but Port of Elredd spared)

    Wild Coast

    9577 [3], (11621 [38] [assumed])


    Population of Fax driven out by humanoids

    Wild Coast

    9577 AM [2, 3], 11621 [46]


    Turrosh siezes eastern portion of Principality of Ulek

    (Turrosh Mak’s forces seize both banks of the Jewel River)

    Principality of Ulek

    1068 AB [18] [assumed]

    (117435 [152])


    Battle of Celene Pass


    1068 AB [18] [assumed]


    Celene closes borders


    1068 AB [18] [assumed]


    Osson’s troops scattered, Osson lost

    [Great Kingdom]

    1068 AB [19] [assumed]


    Castle Sulafrait looted and pillaged by orcs


    1064 CB [55]


    Destruction of Pontylever


    Ivid [RM-Pontylever] 1


    "Night of Terror" (humanoids of Safeton & Narwell killed) (See 1st day of Growfest)

    Wild Coast

    1064 CB [50], 9578 [59, ref]


    Geoff and Sterich fall to giants


    (Dwarves and humans fleeing from Sterich settle in the Good Hills)

    (Stark Mounds invaded by monsters and giants from the Crystalmists)

    Geoff, Sterich

    1068 AB [20] [assumed], 117435 [49, 107] 

    (117435 [145])

    (117435 [146])


    Oytwood overrun by nonhumans and giantkin


    117435 [141] 


    After almost 20 years of silence, the Vale of the Mage is opened to a group of outsiders, a deputation from Geoff and Sterich seeking aid against the giants invading their homelands.  The Black One (as the Mage is called) is recognized by one of the envoys as the exiled Necromancer, Nyeru of Bissel.  The fate of the previous Mage, Jaran Krimeeah of Aerdy and his drow lieutenant are unknown.

    Vale of the Mage

    117435 [127] [assumed]


    Whyestil Lake falls to Iuz


    1068 AB [20] [assumed]


    Veluna checks Ket’s advance on Mitrik

    Veluna, Ket

    1068 AB [20] [assumed]


    Ivid assumes command of the Armies of Aerdy

    [Great Kingdom]

    1068 AB [20] [assumed]


    Aerdy’s drive into Nyrond stops (at Battle of Innspa)

    [Great Kingdom], Nyrond

    1068 AB [21] [assumed] (1064 Atlas [8])


    Ivid begins making animus generals

    [Great Kingdom]

    1068 AB [21] [assumed]


    Ivid IV assassinated, returns as "The Undying One"

    [Great Kingdom]

    1068 AB [21] [assumed]


    Nyrond counterattacks Aerdy’s Army of the North (North Province troops)

    North Province (North Kingdom), Nyrond

    1068 AB [20] [assumed]


    Herzog Grenell leads North Province in rebellion against the Great Kingdom

    North Province (North Kingdom), [Great Kingdom]

    1068 AB [21] [assumed]


    The North Province checks Nyrond’s counterattack 

    North Province (North Kingdom), Nyrond

    1068 AB [21] [assumed]


    The South Province (Ahlissa) declares independence from the Great Kingdom

    South Province (Ahlissa)

    1068 AB [22] [assumed]


    The Great Kingdom of Aerdy fractures into hundreds of petty states

    [Great Kingdom]

    1068 AB [22] [assumed], 117435 [72]


    The Baron of Leastisle is overthrown.  Island falls into anarchy.

    (sacked and captured by marauders)

    Sea Barons

    117435 [97]

    (117435 [100])


    Lordship of the Isles declares for Scarlet Brotherhood 
    Note: Conflicts with 583 CY, Prince Ingerskotti date

    (Prince Ingerskatti uses his ships to harry traffic on the Azure Sea, especially Irongate forces, but this harassment also includes a failed raid on Gradsul)

    Lordship of the Isles

    9578 [7], 9577 [32] , 11742 [4] 4

    (117435 [72)]


    Sea Princes "conquered" by Scarlet Brotherhood 

    (Twenty-seven of thirty nobles making up the nobility and government of the Sea Princes are assassinated by agents of the Scarlet Sign)
    Note: Conflicts with 583 CY

    1068 AB [23] [assumed], 9577 [32]

    (117435 [101]) 


    Fall of Scant

    (Szek Ewerd Destron assassinated by Scarlet Brotherhood agents)

    (Thieves Guild of Scant anticipates city’s fall, and flees, en masse, to the countryside)


    9577 [25]

    (117435 [80])

    (117435 [80])


    Idee and Onnwal fall to Scarlet Brotherhood

    [Idee], Onnwal

    1068 AB [23] [assumed],  117424 [4] , 117435 [79]


    Cobb Darg expels and executes Scarlet Brotherhood agents in Irongate


    1068 AB [20] [assumed],      117424 [4]


    Keoish Elves stop advance of Scarlet Brotherhood "savage" army in Dreadwood


    1068 AB [20] [assumed],      117424 [4]


    Keoland halts attempted invasion of Gradsul

    (by a naval force from the Lordship of the Isles under control of the Scarlet Brotherhood)


    9577 [33], 117424 [4]

    (117435 [66, 72]) 


    Cantona falls to orcs

    (citizens could not use magical defenses)


    1064 CB [57]

    (11621 [53])


    Bandit chieftan, Hendrick, allies with wood elves near Fleischriver to battle forces of Iuz

    Bandit Kingdoms

    9399 [56]


    Greyhawk War Ended except for skirmishing in Pomarj


    9399 [49], 9577 [54], 11621 [122]


    Urnst-Greyhawk Treaty

    (Part of the southern hill country  [of the Cairn Hills] once owned by the Duchy of Urnst was ceded to Greyhawk)

    Note: Also see 585 CY for an erroneously dated entry.

    Urnst, Greyhawk

    1064 CB [6]

    (117435 [144])


    Release of Ranger Knight Lynwood Terfalen by dryads


    1064 CB [46]


    Narwell and Safeton conclude pacts of association with Greyhawk City 

    Wild Coast, Greyhawk

    1064 CB [50]


    Bladestorm emerges from Welkwood and joins Headhunters organization

    Wild Coast

    1064 CB [78]


    Attempted giant/humanoid invasion of the Vale of the Mage 
    Note: This is not a clear reference

    Vale of the Mage

    9577 [35]


    Title of "Petty Noble of Greyhawk" created by ruling Oligarchy


    9577 [72]


    Far Bank established across the Selintan from Greyhawk when immigrants appeared from Wild Coast after attacks from Orcs of the Pomarj


    9577 [76]


    Embassy Circle completed in Greyhawk City


    9577 [84]


    Elskan Saramade replaces "Aaron Strachan" as ambassador to Greyhawk from Furyondy


    9577 [84]


    Arkalen Sammal of Ket, brother of Rary the Traitor, publicly disowns his brother in Greyhawk 
    Note: Must occur after 584 CY (Harvester) or possibly even 585 CY depending on the date of the "Day of Great Signing." See 584_CY__Harvester


    9577 [97]


    Sister Arinohal appointed as Mother of Purity in Scarlet Brotherhood (1st term)

    Scarlet Brotherhood

    11374 [19] [assumed]


    Scarlet Brotherhood forces arrive in Amedio Jungle

    (Matreyus expedition returns with detailed notes and artifacts from the jungle) (1389 OL/6099 SD [figured])

    11374 [63], 117424 [4]           

     (11374 [63])


    Riftcrag made a regional capital by Iuz

    Bandit Kingdoms

    117435 [29, 59]


    Rookroost made a regional capital by Iuz

    Bandit Kingdoms

    117435 [29, 59]


    Stoink made a regional capital by Iuz

    Bandit Kingdoms

    117435 [30, 59]


    As signees of the Treaty of Niole Dra, the Gran March sends troops across the Lowridges to aid Furyondy against Iuz

    Gran March

    117435 [50] 


    584 CY (Early)

    Cranzer marches to Hellstone and demands its surrender, Cranzer’s forces destroyed along with keep


    9399 [53]


    Turrosh Mak begins campaign (Battle of Elredd, then Badwell, then Fax)

    Pomarj, Wild Coast

    11621 [121]

    (1st day of Growfest)

    "Night of Terror" in Safeton and Narwell

    Wild Coast

    11621 [123]


    Ket moves to invade Bissel

    Ket, Bissel

    1068 AB [20] [assumed]


    Elraniel Tesmarien, Sage, moves to Greyhawk City 
    Note: See 347_CY


    1064 CB [80]

    (17 Goodmonth)

    Raising of Chathold, known as "The Day of Dust"


    1068 AB [19], Ivid [AL-Day of Dust] 1


    Great Council Convenes in Greyhawk


    1068 AB [20] [assumed]


    Rary and Robilar plots against Circle of Eight


    9578 [23, 26], 9577 [76]


    Day of Great Signing 
    Note: this appears to conflict with 1068 AB which gives no date for the Great Signing, but places it months after the convening of the Council which would place the signing well into 585 CY. The destruction of Circle of Eight happened at same time, although not specifically dated in 1064 Atlas.

    "Pact of Greyhawk"


    (Scarlet Brotherhood’s peace proposal [6099 SD])
    Note: Synonymous with "Day of Great Signing"

    (Jallarzi is “the first to discover the devastation on the Day of Great Signing”)

    Note:  This text places the signing “six years ago (from 591), but the late date of the Signing and the spring date of the entry could support this year

    1064 Atlas [9], 9577 [5], 9577 [19], OJ 7, Shadis 50 [27]2, 117435 [16, 31 [ref], 38]


    9399 [49], 9578 [11], 9577 [62], 117424 [4] (Autumn), 117435 [16,47]


    (11374 [6])


    (LGJ 05 [8])


    2nd Great Burn (caused by conflict of Rary and Otiluke)
    Note: Conflicts with 582 CY 
    (called "Old City Fire")


    9577 [122, 123]
    (11621 [6])


    Death of Tenser and Otiluke


    9578 [23], 9577 [110], 117435 [156]


    Quij helps in the sacking of Tenser’s Castle


    9577 [98] [assumed]


    Squad of men ransack Otiluke’s house on Summoner Court


    OJ 7, Shadis 50 [28]2


    Bissel falls to Ket


    117435 [33], 1068 AB [20] [assumed]


    Belvor breaks siege of Chendl and drives Iuz back 
    Note: Conflicts with 583 CY


    9399 [4]


    Massacre of at Steelbone Meadows in northeastern Wormhall.  Deranged cleric of Iuz destroys fighting men of Abarra.

    (Freeholders massacred at Steelbone Meadows)

    (Midlands forces destroyed)

    (Wormhall forces suffer great losses)

    Bandit Kingdoms

    117435 [25]


    (117435 [26])

    (117435 [27])

    (117435 [30])


    Cockatrice Riders raid Castle Sulafrait


    1064 CP [55]


    Imric von Suss-Varren, gnome count from the Principlality of Ulek. Comes to visit Otiluke’s house on Summoner Court


    OJ 7, Shadis 50 [31]2


    Destruction of Greenkeep


    Ivid [NP-Greenkeep] 1


    A huge street fight breaks out between a clerics of Pholtus guarding a merchant wagon, and clerics and followers of Tritheron on Summoner Court in Greyhawk. Six are killed. 


    OJ 7, Shadis 50 [28]2


    Years of Recovery

    585 – 590 CY

    This period of time marks the reconstruction after the damage of the Greyhawk Wars



    Year of Peace

    585 CY


    117435 [16]

    585-588 CY

    Earldom of Sterich retaken from the giant and humanoid armies


    9577 [35]

    585-591 CY

    Doomgrinder’s "sails" moves one degree


    9578 [50]

    585 CY (month/time unspecified)

    Nyrondal raid on Prymp


    Ivid [SP-Prymp] 1


    Ratik starts ambitious castle building program


    1064 Atlas [73] [assumed]


    A large school of Dolphins appear in Relmor Bay

    Relmor Bay

    1064 Atlas [73] [assumed]


    Lake Quag runs with "blood"


    1064 Atlas [74] [assumed]


    "Plague" of Midmeadow


    1064 Atlas [74] [assumed]


    Canon Hazen aquires Crook of Rao from Drax of Rel Astra

    Rel Astra, Veluna

    1064 Atlas [76] [assumed]


    "Winter of Hunger" in northern Nyrond


    1064 Atlas [76] [assumed]


    Construction on the River Road/Main Road near Fordkeep


    1064 CB [15]


    Greyhawk Militia render help to woodsmen of the Gnarley Forest

    Greyhawk, Wild Coast

    1064 CB [44]


    Peren Striaken joins Ryell Pass garrison


    1064 CB [83


    Ahlhamazad becomes member of Circle of Eight Note: Conflicts with 586 CY 


    9578 [22]


    Theodain Eriason becomes first demi-human member of the Circle of Eight 
    Note: Conflicts with 586 CY


    9578 [22]


    Warnes Starcoat elected to the Circle of Eight Note: Conflicts with 586 CY 


    9578 [23]


    Furyondian Knights of the Hart call for the annexation of Verbebonc and Dyvers

    (Magister Margus, Lord of Dyvers recalled from office for failing to address Furyondian situation)

    (Larissa Hunter, First Captain of the Dyvers Free Army becomes Magister of Dyvers)

    (Belvor IV insures Dyvers that there are no plans for annexation)

    Furyondy, Verbebonc, Dyvers

    9577 [36], 11621 [6], 117435 [132]  

    (11821 [6], 117435 [42])


    (11621 [6], 117435 [42])

    (11621 [6])


    Magister Larrisa commisions building of Eastguard [See 590 CY] and informs Oligarchy of Greyhawk that any encroachment within 10 miles of Maravan would be considered an act of war See 525 CY

    Greyhawk, Dyvers

    11621 [6]


    Rebirth of Circle of Eight 
    Note: Conflicts with 586 CY 


    9577 [62]


    Warden of the Citidel of Greyhawk imprisoned for corruption, replaced by Etin Derecs


    9577 [81]


    Millstream in Greyhawk poisoned, resulting in 10 deaths


    9577 [93]


    Cartographer’s Guildhall in Greyhawk purchased and connected to "The Pit"


    9577 [103]


    Oligarchy of Greyhawk votes to rebuild burn areas 


    9577 [122]


    Orcish Empire pirate ships began operating out of Port Elredd commanded by Davis the Reaver

    (Orc-crewed cog sunk in Woolly Bay)

    Wild Coast

    11621 [63, 67, 120]


    (11621 [38])


    Resistance fighters in the Tangles aided by priests of Trithereon from Furyondy

    Bandit Kingdoms

    117435 [30]


    King Skotti of Keoland elevates the  exiled  Earl of Sterich, Querchard, to the rank of  Marquis

    Sterich, Keoland

    117435 [107]


    Prince Corond’s forces halt onslaught of Orcish forces of Turrosh Mak

    P. of Ulek, Pomarj (Orcish Empire)

    117435 [121]


    Urnst cedes hill country to Greyhawk, but continues mining the land until the present. Text reads “in a treaty six years ago.”

    Note:  The text is in error.  The text should read “seven years ago.”  This exchange was part of the Greyhawk-Urnst Treaty of  CY 584 (see).

    D. of Urnst, Greyhawk

    117435 [126] (assumed)


    Javka Gernesker enters the service of the Gynarch of Hardby


    LGJ 15 [27]


    Events of From the Ashes boxed set


    9577 [4]


    Events in the Marklands accessory

    Furyondy, Nyrond

    9577 [4]


    Events in Iuz the Evil accessory

    (Furyondian heroes rescue Earl Holmer from Dorakaa.  He dies late in this year)

    Iuz, Furyondy, Shield Lands, [Horned Society] (Iuz)

    9577 [4]

    (117435 [104])


    Death of Tenha refugees in Shack Town in a brawl


    1064 CB [4], 9577 [42]


    Alliance of Tenha Workers formed in Greyhawk


    9577 [77]


    Glorial, apprentice to Otiluke, leaves Greyhawk for Dyvers

    Greyhawk, Dyvers

    OJ 7, Shadis 50 [28]


    Elven ruler in Shelleton disgraced


    1064 CB [47]


    Orcs attack Leraizen, but are routed


    1064 CB [55]


    Filthy effluvium pours from the Ritensa into the Veng


    9398 [26]


    Rumors of Duke Szeffrin’s control of an Orb of the Hatchling


    Dragon 230 [8]

    (1 Flocktime)

    Auction of Otiluke’s House by City of Greyhawk


    OJ 7, Shadis 50 [25]2


    Finalization of the sale of Otiluke’s house on Summoner Court


    OJ 7, Shadis 50 [43]2

    (9-11 Goodmonth)

    Events of the Return of the Eight module


    9576 [3], 9578 [21]


    Jallarzi Sallavarian’s Tower damaged, and Jallarzi kidnapped by Tuerny


    9577 [88]


    Tenser restored, retires from Circle of Eight


    9576 [3], 9578 [21, 23], 9577 [19]


    King Archibold III is discovered to have been poisoned (but not killed), his youngest son, Prince Sewarndt, attempts to seize throne 

    (Archibold appears to have suffered from a stroke, divinations reveal that he had been poisoned)


    9577 [30], 117435 [16, 78]


    (117424 [4])

    (3 Patchwall)

    Nerof Gasgol moves traditional Grand Council meeting date from Patchwall 1 to Patchwall 3


    9577 [46]


    First orcish foray against Stalkara Estates


    1064 CB [55]


    Keoish forces free the Sterich town of Fitela

    Sterich, Keoland

    117435 [107]

    c. 585

    Events in Rary the Traitor accessory

    “Bright Kingdom,” Bright Desert

    9577 [4]

    586-587 CY (month/time unspecified)

    The mercenary Paynim Tang the Horrific summons War Council of Wolf Nomads

    Wolf Nomads

    9577 [22], 117435 [95, 134] (ref)


    Lynwerd enacts 1 GP Baby Bonus for Nyrondese


    9577 [30]

    586-587 CY

    Scarlet Brotherhood agents assissinate several members of Ahlissa’s Oligarchy


    9577 [24]

    586-588 CY

    Great Northern Crusade


    117435 [31]

    586-589 CY

    Several ships captained by half-elven smugglers joined theflotilla of the Sea Barons in their journey over the Solnor.  The half-elves were reportedly searching for the last members of the dispossessed Council of Five of Lendore.

    Lendore Island [Spindrift Islands] (Lendore Islands), Sea Barons

    117435 [70]

    586-590 CY

    Several raids of Adumdfort by military, mercenary and adventuring groups

    Shield Lands

    9577 [21]

    c 586-591

    Civil War fought around Rinloru [House Torquann attempting to overthrow a mad undead cleric of Nerull]

    Note: See 587 CY


    9577 [23], [117435 [72]]


    Piracy increases with evil humans, hobgoblins, and orcs from the Orcish Empire putting to sea to attack ports and shipping from Woolly Bay to Relmor Bay and the Azure Sea.


    11621 [32] [assumed]


    Rumors during this time place the headquarters of the Horned Society along the coast of the Pomarj, , in the Bone March, or even in the Bright Desert or Rift Canyon


    117435 [157]

    586 CY (month/time unspecified)

    Belvor appoints Lady Katarina as Lord Marshall of Shield Lands

    Shield Lands

    9577 [21]


    Graf Reydrich of the South Province conquers much of Idee

    South Province (Ahlissa), [Idee]

    9578 [12] [assumed], 9577 [25], 117435 [111]


    Reydrich magically slays a dozen of Sister Kuranyie’s Herdsmen (lieutenants) from the Scarlet Brotherhood
    (Reydrich, Graf of South Province discovered and slew many Scarlet Brotherhood members in Idee and Onnwal. [SD 6101])

    (People of Onnwal rise up and reduce the Brotherhood’s holdings in that country to the capital of Scant)

    South Province (Ahlissa), Onnwal

    9577 [25]

    (11374 [6])

    (117424 [5], 117435 [16, 80])


    "Reydrich boasts he will ride into the secret homelands of the Scarlet Brotherhood over the bodies of the Brotherhood’s best" (SD 6101)

    Assassination of Reydrich

    (assassinated by Tyrem of the Scarlet Brotherhood [SD6101])

    Note: Might conflict with his disappearance, 586 CY. However, the assassination and disappearance are probably the same event.

    South Province (Ahlissa)

    11374 [6] [assumed]

    9577 [24] [assumed] 

    (11374 [18])


    Reydrich disappears 
    Note: Might conflict with his assassination, 586 CY. However, the disappearance and the assassination are probably the same event.

    South Province (Ahlissa)

    9578 [12] [assumed]


    Last ships to sail the Azure Sea from Rel Astra (stopped by Scarlet Brotherhood blockade)

    Rel Astra

    9577 [29]


    Lordship of the Isles merchants carry "diplomats"

    Lordship of the Isles

    9577 [29]


    Small Fleet from Asperdi (Sea Barons) sets sail across the Solnor Ocean

    Sea Barons

    9577 [29]


    Lynward appeals to nervous citizens of the County of Urnst to move to Nyrond during the renewed Furyondian/Iuzian War 
    Note: Occurs after 586 CY Planting (see)


    9577 [30]


    Baron Baystrayne of Woodwych steals Nyrondal tax monies


    9577 [30]


    Disappearance of Duke Szeffrin from Almor


    9577 [30]


    Nyrondal forces reach Harp River


    9577 [30]


    Battle of Hochoch: Knights of the Watch and soldiers from Gran March save Hochoch from humanoid invasion


    9577 [35], 117435 [50] 


    Attempted humanoid invasion of Celene halted


    9577 [35]


    Circle of Eight reformed after election of new members
    Note: Conflicts with 585 CY


    9577 [37]


    Lucious Stairnezh (believed to be the brother of Karll, Duke of Urnst) attacked Count Reichart Petrides, the Urnst ambassador to Greyhawk City. Lucious was arrested, and died awaiting trial.


    9577 [125]


    Alain IV, Archbaron Lexnol’ son, launches a raid to repatriate Bone March.  It fails utterly.

    (Alain is killed. Baron Lexnol collapses from the news and is rendered unfit to rule.  Lady Evaleigh, Alain’s wife, begins ruling Ratik.)

    Bone March, Ratik

    117435 [37]

    (117435 [91])


    Most resistance cells of humans, elves and gnomes in Geoff have been slain


    117435 [31] 


    Two year seige of Irongate by Scarlet Brotherhood broken


    117435 [58] 


    “Devastation” of Rauxes (?)

    Note: This probably refers to the fall of Ivid and resulting chaos

    Rauxes ([Great Kingdom])

    117435 [74]


    Principality of Ulek regains some of its lands west of the Jewel River in a major battle fought with the forces of Turrosh Mak

    (Corond allies with Knights of Luna and began counteroffensive)

    P. of Ulek, Pomarj (Orcish Empire)

    P. of Ulek

    117435 [88]

    (117435 [121])

    586 CY (Early)

    Priest of Hextor declares Ivid no longer Overking

    Rauxes ([Great Kingdom])

    9578 [12], 9577 [24], 117424 [4]


    Lynward assumes throne of Nyrond after his father, Archibold III, abdicates. Lynward thwarts his brother Sewarndt’s attempt to gain throne.


    9578 [25], 9577 [30], 117435 [16, 78]


    Keoish forces reconquer Istivin in Sterich, the Giant “King” Galmoor is unaccounted for

    Sterich, Keoland

    117435 [108]


    Canon Hazen, using the Crook of Rao, drives demons out of Flanaess (known as the “Flight of Fiends”)


    9578 [11,24], 9577 [19, 27],           117424 [4], 117435 [16, 47, 61, 62], LGJ 05 [7]


    Immediately following the Crook’s use, Ivid declared to be no longer ruling in Rauxes.  His generals and nobles marched upon the city, and Rauxes ingulfed in a “strange magical field.”

    Rauxes ([Great Kingdom])

    117435 [16, 24, 93 {ref}]


    King Belvor IV, discovering plan of Iuz, sets out to reconquer areas of Flanaess and part of Shield Lands.

    Furyondy, Shield Lands

    9578 [12, 24]


    Belvor and Hazen declare "Great Northern Crusade"

    Furyondy, Veluna

    9577 [20, 31], 117424 [4], 117435 [105]


    Knights of Shielding living in Greyhawk join crusade

    Greyhawk, Shield Lands

    9577 [83]


    Lady Katarina, cousin of the deceased Holmer, is made Lady Marshal of the entire Shield Lander Expeditionary force by King Belvor.  The force acquits itself well in recapturing Grabford.

    Shield Lands

    117435 [105]


    North Province declares itself Great Kingdom of Northern Aerdy. Herzog Grennel of House Naelex crowned Grennel I

    North Kingdom

    9578 [12], 9577 [23], 117435 [16]

    (28 Harvester)

    Rioting after Public Council election in Greyhawk, 12 killed, 100 injured, sparks civic reforms 


    9577 [65]


    Beginning of rebellion against Scarlet Brotherhood in Onnwal

    (Onnwallers began to try to recapture the manor of the Count Cadwale) (no month given)


    9577 [25], 11621 [38]

    (LGJ 05 [12])


    Oligarchy of Ahlissa conquers all of Idee (after death of Reydrich)

    Ahlissa, [Idee]

    9577 [24], 117435 [96]

    c 586

    Ships from Safeton, Hardby and Onnwal (Scant) patrol against pirates

    Hardby, Onnwal, Wild Coast

    11621 [38] [assumed]

    587-589 CY

    Prejudice against half-orcs declines in Greyhawk


    9577 [69]


    Treaty Negotiations between Ket and Veluna, Gran March and Bissel resulting in the Thornward Division


    117435 [33]


    Grey Manor put under protectorate of Lord Henway


    9577 [83]


    Guiliana Mortidus purchases the Golden Phoenix Inn in Greyhawk


    9577 [91]


    Guild of Leatherworkers, Tanners, Smiths and Stablers of Greyhawk breaks up into separate entities


    9577 [113]


    Founding of Guild of Clothworkers in Greyhawk


    9577 [115]

    587-591 CY

    Ahlissa, under Xavener, rebuilds infrastructure


    117435 [21]

    587 CY (month/time unspecified)

    Wolf Nomads raid Iuz

    Wolf Nomads, Iuz

    9578 [12]


    Wolf Nomads defeat orc hordes and retake burial grounds

    Wolf Nomads

    9577 [22]


    Katarina leads Knights of the Holy Shielding in attempt to regain Shield Lands…succeed in recapturing Critwell

    Shield Lands

    9578 [55], 9577 [21], 114423 [45], 117435 [159]


    Grandwood declared a Marchland


    9577 [29]


    Beygraf Zoltan of Ket assassinated by one of his generals. Nadid seizes command


    9577 [36], 117435 [33]


    Viscount Wilfrick of Verbebonc dies in his sleep, he is succeeded by his oldest son, Fenward Lefthanded. (see Harvester)


    9577 [37]


    Gnomes of the Kron Hills declare independence from Verbebonc

    Kron Hills, Verbebonc

    9577 [37]


    Viscount Fenward of Verbebonc dies when resisting arrest for treason (on a false charge). (see Harvester)


    9577 [37] 


    Cockatrice Den discovered near the Diamond Lake Mines


    9577 AM [3]


    Iuz names Adumdfort regional capital of the Shield Lands, even though it is cut off from the rest of the Empire by naval blockade

    Shield Lands

    117435 [61, 102]


    Lynward I declares large regions of old Almor, near the Harp River as a protectorate of Nyrond

    [Almor], Nyrond

    9577 [27, 30], 117435 [16]


    In Rinloru, Delgath the Undying, a cleric of Nerull and lieutenant of Ivid’s, holds off forces of the North Kingdom with his undead army

    Note: See 586-591 CY

    North Kingdom

    117435 [74]


    Two captains, loyal to the Sea Barons, are killed and replaced by agents of the Scarlet Brotherhood

    Sea Barons, Scarlet Brotherhood

    117435 [100]


    Secret meeting between surviving Oligarchs of Ahlissa and Prince Xavener in Kalstrand


    9577 [25]


    Oligarchs declare Kingdom of Ahlissa, Idee, and other areas "United Kingdom of Ahlissa"


    9577 [25], 9578 [12] [assumed], 117435 [16]


    Prince Xavener proclaimed first Overking of the United Kingdom of Ahlissa (6102 SD) 


    9577 [25], 11374 [6]


    Reappearance of Graf Reydrich (thought dead); he is invested as "Prince of Ahlissa" 

    (on the condition he kills his relatives of house Naelix)


    9577 [26]

    (11374 [6])


    Viscount Wilfrick dies in his sleep of old age.  His rule is passed to his eldest son, the Right Honorable Sir Fenward Lefthanded.  His policy changes cause the alienation of the Gnomes of the Kron Hills who declare themselves independent under the rule of Clanlord Urthgan the Eldest of Tulvar, and the Assembly of the Kron Hills.  Ultimately, Fenward is slain for supposed treason (unproven) and replaced by Langard, the half-elven bastard son of Wilfrick.


    117435 [132] 


    Keoish forces liberate all of the cities of the heartland of Sterich

    Sterich, Keoland

    117435 [108]


    Keoland repatriates County of Eor on the Yeomanry border, the province is grnted to aRichart Jorgos of the the House Lizhal.


    LGJ 15 [18]

    588 CY (month/time unspecified)

    Master Sevvord Redbeard styles self "Rhelt" (King)
    Note: Occurs during or after the middle of the year, see (Mid-Year)

    9577 [22]


    Sterich freed from humanoid (giant) army

    (The town of Flen, in the Good Hills, is used as a staging area for the counterattacks)


    9578 [12], 117435 [50, 66] 

    (117435 [145])


    End of Battle of Grabford results in the siege which captures Crockport from Iuz for Furyondy 


    9577 [21], 117435 [47] 


    Proclamation of return of Shield Land government (on Scragholm Island and the area surrounding Critwell)

    (Lady Katarina named Knight Commander of the reestablished government of the Shield Lands)

    Shield Lands

    9577 [21]


    (117435 [29])


    War to retake Geoff begins


    9577 [35]


    Murder of guildmaster of Docker’s and Wharfman’s Union of Greyhawk, replaced by his oldest son, Screel Dorfman


    9577 [77]


    Beggarmaster Gaspar disappears from Greyhawk, and is replaced by Simeon Hellwater


    9577 [126]


    Three great cranes built by dwarven engineering and Gynarch magic in the north end of the Dock District in Hardby




    Knights of the Dispatch mount a violent offensive into Geoff from Hochoch into Oytwood.  Although they were victorious against a small army of lesser giantkin, the effort was inconclusive and costly.


    117435 [49, 141] 



    Theocrat Ogon Tillit leads Palish forces (with Tenha converts) and recaptures eastern Tenh from Iuzian forces.

    Tenh, the Pale

    117435 [82] 


    Wilfrik’s bastard half-elf son, Langard of the Gnarley Border, is installed as Viscount of Verbebonc


    9577 [37]


    Keoish forces have reclaimed “the whole of civilized Sterich.”

    117435 [108]


    Iuz loses control of Sevvord Redbeard of Hold of Stonefist, Hold of Stonefist renamed Stonehold

    (Sevvord gathers Fists from across Tenh, kills all clerics of Iuz within reach, leaves rearguard to occupy Calbut and returns to Stonehold, driving barbarians back from Kelten and securing the pass, and the returns to Vlekstaad)

    Stonehold, Tenh

    9578 [12], 9577 [22-23], 117435 [16]

    (117435 [109, 113] [ref])


    Belvor succeeds in reconquering lost territory 

    (Reclamation of all of Furyondy from Iuz)


    9578 [12], 117424 [5],  117435 [16] 

    (9577 [21], 117435 [62])

    589-590 CY

    Gromond opens Gromond’s Rope and Leather in Pest’s Crossing sometime during this period.


    11413 [68]

    589-591 CY

    Invasion of trolls from the Troll Fens into the Pale

    Theocracy of the Pale

    117424 [13] (assumed)

    589 CY (month/time unspecified)

    Signing of the Solnor Compact, a defensive alliance between Rel Astra, Ountsy and Roland

    Rel Astra, Ountsy, Roland

    9577 [29]


    Elven Ship reported seen in the Densac Gulf

    (Elven ships sighted further east on the Solnor by ships from the Sea Barons in the late 580’s)


    9577 [29]

    117435 [68]


    Suspected internal schism between factions of Scarlet Brotherhood controlling the Hold of the Sea Princes

    (In the Hold of Sea Princes, monks of the Scarlet Sign fall on each other in a bloody Civil War)

    (Ancient Temple discovered in  the Hellfurnaces that causes schism between the western Herdsmen of the Brotherhood and their kin in Monmurg which triggers a war of assassination among the nation’s Brotherhood leaders.  The extreme heat of the summer contributes to unrest among the native population and slaves.  The “Black Brotherhood” utilized Hepmonaland slave forces to run rampant through the streets of Monmurg)

    Sea Princes

    9577 [32], 117435 [96]


    (117424 [5], 117435 [16])

    (117435 [102]) 


    Gerda Hollardel replaces retiring father, Bodmi Hollardel, as Guildmaster of Jewlers and Gemcutters and as Oligarch in Greyhawk


    9577 [64, 95]


    Stimtrin Cannasay, Representative of the Union of Merchants and Traders replaces Laup Cobrun as Oligarch in Greyhawk


    9577 [64, 118]


    Attempted assassination of Carmen Halmaster, high ranking member of Greyhawk’s Union of Merchants and Traders and former Oligarch


    9577 [115]


    Sunndi chooses not to join the United Kingdom of Ahlissa (6104 SD)


    11374 [7]


    Scarlet Brotherhood fortifies its closest Hepmonaland ports to help maintain blockade of Tilva Strait.


    11374 [7] [assumed]


    Scarlet Brotherhood loses control of parts of the Hold of Sea Princes. They keep the Flotsam, Jetsom, Fairwind, Port Toli and Monmurg, but lose the rest of the territory to rebellious slaves, free Holders and humanoid mercenaries 

    Hold of the Sea Princes

    11374 [7, 63] 


    Sister Arinohal appointed Mother of Purity in Scarlet Brotherhood (2nd term) (6104 SD)

    Scarlet Brotherhood

    11374 [19]


    Force of Goblins attacks Safetown and is defeated

    Wild Coast

    9577 AM [2], 11621 [46],


    Reynard, bandit chief of the Tangles, captured and slain by forces of the insane Earl Aundurach

    Bandit Kingdoms

    117435 [30]


    Chief Strongbow, centaur opponent of Rary, found murdered in his quarters

    Bright Desert

    117435 [38]


    Loftin Graystand, Mayor of Highfolk, retires.  He is followed by the young Tavin Ersteader, rumored former apprentice to Prince Melf Brightflame


    117435 [53] 



    Freeholder Marius Lindon  elected Spokesman for the Yeomanry League


    117435 [135] 

    (1 Planting)

    Permanent state of war between Furyond and Iuz declared by Belvor


    9577 [21]


    Sunndi declares itself independent Kingdom of Sunndi, Count Hazendel declared Olvenking Hazendel


    9578 [12], 9577 [29], 117435 [16, 111]


    Armies of Furyondy disbanded


    9577 [21]


    Lady Xenia Sallavarian, betrothed to Lynwerd, struck down in magical attack

    Note: the 11743 entry declares the cause to be heatstroke


    9577 [31], 117435 [78]

    590 CY (month/time unspecified)

    Xavener I, expands United Kingdom of Ahlissa north into the old Great Kingdom and meets the southern expansion of Grennel I’s southern expansion of the Great Kingdom of Northern Aerdy

    Ahlissa, North Kingdom

    9578 [12], 9577 [27]


     Xavener moves administrative capital of the Adri Forest to Innspa and the administrative captial of the Grandwood to Torrich


    9577 [26]


    Bigby survives assassination attempts by Iuzian agents


    9578 [22]


    Princess Karasin (formerly Countess) declares Innspa for Ahlissa


    9577 [27]


    Trade between Ahlissa and Sunndi begins

    (through Hexpools, Kalstrand and Nulbish)

    Ahlissa, Sunndi

    9577 [29]

    (117435 [111])


    First Rel Astran caravel since 586 CY arrives in Hardby 

    (Surprises Brotherhood and runs blockade of Tilva Strait in the Summer)

    Hardby, Rel Astra

    9577 [29]

    (11374 [7])


    Sea Baron Fleet returns from expedition across the Solnor

    Sea Barons

    9577 [29]


    Lynwerd I repairs and strengthens Nyrond’s roads, armies, cities and trade routes


    9577 [31]


    Pellak is chosen as new capital for Bissel


    9577 [36], 117435 [33]


    Longship from Fireland sails into the port at Marner in Ratik


    9577 [38]


    Most recent tax census of Greyhawk City


    9577 [68]


    Gustin Longpike elected Guildmaster of Ostlers and Brewers in Greyhawk


    9577 [102]


    Alsi Svenits becomes new high priest of chapel of Olidammara


    9577 [119]


    Military sweep in the Duchy of Urnst drives bandits into the hills around the dwarven hill fortress of Karakest

    Duchy of Urnst

    9577 AM [3]


    Miners and explorers searching for cairns south of Diamond Lake disappear without a trace

    9577 AM [3]


    Castle Eastguard (in Dyvers) completed (See 585 CY)


    11621 [16]


    Force from Safeton retaliates against Cantonia for previous years raid, burn much of town but do not eradicate the orcs

    (Greyhawk Mountaineers attack Cantonia) 

    Wild Coast

    11621 [46] [assumed]

    (11621 [53])


    Stalman Klim returns to Earth Dragon's temple


    11621 [120]


    Overking Xavener directs that a new path for the Windmarch (a trade route from Chathold to Nulbish and Pontylver to Eastfair) be established

    North Kingdom

    117435 [24]


    Full scale assaults by the Bone March over the Blemu Hills into Knurl is attempted, but Ratik holds

    Blemu Hills, Bone March, Ratik

    117435 [37]


    Irongate and Mayor Cobb Darg extend support to the freedom movement in Onnwal.  Sister Kuranyie, ruling representative of the Scarlet Brotherhood in Scant, has asked for relief forces to reconquer Onnwal.  The Brotherhood, being occupied elsewhere, has not granted her request.

    Irongate, Onnwal

    117435 [58, 80] 


    Ongoing naval warfare breaks out between the Lordship of the Isles and the free ports on the Azure Sea, the latter supported Gradsul and the Iron League

    Lordship of the Isle, Irongate, Sunndi, Keoland 



    Querchard, Marquis of Sterich disappears in Istivin.  His wife, Marchioness Resbin Dren Emondav, rules Sterich in his absence


    117435 [108]


    Amphibious monsters from the Vast Swamp, aided by clerics of Wastri increase raids on Sunndi.  Interrogation of captured clerics indicates that Wastri might be contemplating an invasion. Hazenedel orders increased fortification of the southeastern frontier.


    117435 [111]


    Adventurers in appear in Dark Gate near the cavernous tunnel in the Yeomanry with a strange dark metal that disentigrates within days


    117435 [135] 


    Raids from the Jotens threaten Loftwick, Freeholder Lindon sets about strengthening defenses.


    117435 [135] 


    A child of a Reyhu bandit reemerges after being lost in the Lake Aqal region for two months.  She tells of benign, long-featured men who walk on air.  Two parties enter the lake region within the week to find allies.  Neither returns.

    Bandit Kingdoms

    117435 [147]


    Expeditionary force from Keoland captures Westkeep in the Hold of the Sea Princes (SD 6105)

    Keoland, Hold of the Sea Princes

    9577 [32], 11374 [7], 117435 [66, 102], LGJ 15 [19] 


    An entire company of Robilar’s best Paynim and nomad guards vanish while investigating a necropolis in the Bright Desert. Rary orders Robilar’s personal guard to find the lost soldiers, Robilar, in anger, kills a blue dragon (Volt?) considering an alliance with Rary.  Robilar and Rary patch up their differences.

    “Bright Kingdom,” Bright Desert

    117435 [38]

    (Needfest 1)

    King Lynward restructures Nyrond’s provinces

    (and cuts government size…including the Royal Talking Bird from the Amedio Jungle)


    117435 [75]

    (117435 [78])

    The Present




    591 CY

    3rd treasure hunting boom around Greyhawk City


    9577 [8] [assumed]


    Oligarchy of Greyhawk at maximum number of Directors


    9577 [62]


    Jallarzi Sallavarian discovers omens portending the doom of Greyhawk city 


    9579 [2]


    Tyrem appointed the Father of Faith by the Scarlet Brotherhood (6106 SD)

    11374 [18]


    Opening of "Weaves and Leaves" in Pest’s Crossing

    Note: This date is in error. Events in Against the Giants occur in 591 CY, but according to this entry, events would be occurring in 593 CY ("this shop opened two years ago, in 591 CY"). The proper date for opening should be 589 CY.


    11413 [67] [assumed]


    Renovation of Dyver's Lighthouse


    11621 [10]


    The "yellow-sails" of the revived Slavers begin to terrorize the waters of the central Flanaess

    Wild Coast

    11621 [120]


    Braxem makes alliance with Stalman Klim

    Pomarj, Wild Coast

    11621 [63]


    Events of “Die Vecna Die”


    11662 (assumed)


    A frigate flying the colors of the Prince of Naerie (in Ahlissa), docks in Gradsul


    117435 [72]


    Elven Ships from Lendore begin sinking ships from the Lordship of the isles

    Lendore Islands, Lordship of the Isles

    117435 [72] [assumed]


    Theocrat Ogon Tillit was injured  (unknown to the general populace) in a battle to retake Tenh in 588 CY. His wounds have not healed and he is not expected to live to Richfest of this year.

    The Pale

    117435 [82]


    Rel Astran forces under Lord Drax have captured nearly a quarter of the old See of Medegia

    Rel Astra, [Medegia]

    117435 [94]


    Ships flying the colors of the Lordship of the Isles visit Gryrax

    P. of Ulek

    117435 [121]


    Magical Helix appears over the ruined city of Molag.


    LGJ 05 [12] [assumed]


    King Lynwerd I of Nyrond announces Grand Celebration in honor of the fifth year of his reign.


    LGJ 05 [12] [assumed]


    Onnwallers succeed in recapturing the manor house of Count Cadwale and find butchered Brotherhood forces inside.  Several Onnwal troops stay inside overnight to investigate and are themselves found butchered the next morning.  The area is avoided.


    LGJ 05 [12] [assumed]


    Sir Ignatious Nobnose of Perrenland reports capturing a basilisk with stripes, paws and the face of a tiger.


    LGJ 05 [12] [assumed]


    A magical missive from the Hold of the Sea Princes to the Scarlet Brotherhood, intercepted by a privateer of the Iron League, warns of a new leader in the Hold.  This man, Utavo the Wise, led a Touv slave rebllion in the town of Kusnir on the shores of Lake Spendlowe.

    Sea Princes

    LGJ 05 [12] [assumed]


    Guildmaster Elsabone nervanour announces the winner of the woodcraft competition in Verbebonc.  One Jacob Hangerstand’s chest with a carved relief of Corellon Larethian declared the finest woodwork in a decade.


    LGJ 05 [12] [assumed]


    Scheduled first new Windmarch


    117435 [24]

    The Near Future




    592 CY

    End of term for Voorman Karenin.  He is likely to be replaced due to lack of strong leadership.


    117435 [24]

    The Distant Future




    998 CY

    Pluffet Smedger’s compilation of the World of Greyhawk Glossography


    1015 Glossography [cover]


    1 Because Ivid the Undying does not exist in a numbered paper format, the references to Ivid are given in terms of Chapter Headings and Subheadings within the material. Please see the Sources list below for specific heading relation to abbreviations used in the GreyChrondex.

    2 OJ 7, Oerth Journal #7 produced by the Council of Greyhawk (e-zine), Shadis 50 (August 1998). These two non-TSR publications contain the "canon" adventure "The House on Summoner Court" by Roger Moore. TSR granted permission to both of these publications to print this Greyhawk adventure. The OJ 7 version is an earlier, less polished version of the adventure, but contains information not found in the Shadis 50 version.

    3 TSR11442, Bastion of Faith, while not specifically a Greyhawk product is the first WotC "generic" support product (for 2nd ed.).  While not specifically Greyhawk, this product was heavily supported by past members of Team Greyhawk, and has a very strong Greyhawk relation. (Note: The Shattered Circle, 11325, was the first "generic" module related to Greyhawk, but it had virtually no Greyhawk material. )

    4 Beginning with TSR 11742, Gazeteer, “canon” as a concept becomes a non-essential point.  The official WotC stance of anything that is published by WotC with regard to Greyhawk in 3E is canon regardless of source (Dragon, Dungeon, modules, accessories, etc.).  This stance, combined with the policy of freedom of creativity of designers (add, subtract, change without necessary regard to any other Greyhawk product), insures that the setting, while being “freed” in one sense, will also become too confusing to keep up with in another.  The potential for conflicting information is just too great.  Updates will include this dated information, but it does not have any necessary connection to what has been presented previously, and error should be considered highly likely (although it won’t be error, because there is no “canon” in the traditional sense).  I will only include information from modules and accessories specifically related to Greyhawk, and not Dragon articles nor Dungeon offerings.

    5 August, 2000 ushered in the first dated broad distribution RPGA publication for Greyhawk the “Living Greyhawk Journal” (LGJ).  This material is considered “Alternative Setting” but serves as a guide for “canonical” purists, to some degree.  Other Living Greyhawk RPGA material will also be included.

    In all instances the designation [assumed] means that the entry gives probable cause for the date in the GreyChrondex, e.g. "Ten years ago," or "a Century ago" where the comparison base date is known, or the event is directly connected to a dated event.

    The designation "c" before a date indicates the same information, but is generally used when the date is "fuzzy," that is, the events could have happened in a range of years.

    The designation [figured] means that a non-CY date has been converted to the CY standard.

    Text marked in green indicates material that was not considered "canonical" by Team Greyhawk, but that is found in TSR/WotC/Hasbro products, articles, etc. related to Greyhawk, and may easily be used with the setting. Text marked in red indicates WotC/Hasbro 3E material (see above).  And text marked in plum indicates WotC’s RPGA “Living Greyhawk” material.

    In instances where a location name has changed (e.g. the North Provence becoming the North Kingdom), the new name follows the old name in parenthesis.  This is also true in cases where a location “belongs” to another region as when a forest is within a kingdom.  In cases where a location no longer exists as a political entity in any form, the location is indicated by brackets (e.g. the Great Kingdom, Medegia, the Suel Empire, etc.).  In instances where a name or entity changed, but the entity into which it changed no longer exists, the second entity is enclosed in both parenthesis and brackets (e.g. The Kingdom of Aerdy becoming part of the Great Kingdom).

    Sources for the GreyChrondex

    1015 World of Greyhawk Boxed Set, 1983
    1043 The City of Greyhawk Boxed Set, 1989 FFF=Feuds, Folks and Factions
    1056 Castles Boxed Set, 1990 Hart=Castle Hart Book
    1064 From the Ashes Boxed Set, 1992 Atlas=Atlas Book; CB=Campaign Book
    1068 Greyhawk Wars Boxed Set, 1991 AB=Adventure Book
    2011A Dungeon Masters Guide, 1st Ed., 1977
    2023 Greyhawk Adventures Hardback, 1988
    2138 Book of Artifacts, 1993
    9025 World of Greyhawk Folio, 1981
    9027 S2, White Plume Mountain, 1979
    9038 C2, Ghost Tower of Inverness, 1980
    9253 WG8, Fate of Istus, 1989
    9270 WG12, Vale of the Mage, 1995
    9309 WGA4, Vecna Lives, 1990
    9317 WGS1, The Five Shall be One, 1991
    9337 WGS2, Howl from the North, 1991
    9386 WGR3, Rary the Traitor, 1992
    9398 WGR4, The Marklands, 1993
    9399 WGR 5, Iuz the Evil, 1993
    9576 Return of the Eight, 1998
    9577 The Adventure Begins, 1998 AM=Adventure Maps Book
    9578 Player’s Guide to Greyhawk, 1998
    9579 Star Cairns, 1998
    9580 Crypt of Lyzandred the Mad, 1998
    9581 The Doomginder, 1998
    11374 The Scarlet Brotherhood, 1999
    11413 Against the Giants, 1999
    11434 White Plume Mountain, 1999

    11442 Bastion of Faith, 1999

    11621 Slavers, 2000

    11662 Die Vecna Die! 2000

    11742 Gazetteer, 2000

    11743 Living Greyhawk Gazeteer, 2000

    Ivid the Undying, TSR Online (TSR/AOL Online Area), 1996; WotC page, Greyhawk download area, 1998

    Abbreviations of Chapter Headings for Ivid the Undying used in the Greychrondex:
    ME=The Millenium Empire
    LSF=A Long Slow Fall
    TBC=The Turmoil Between Crowns
    IL=Ivid’s Legacy
    BE=The Beginning of the End
    PL=Power in the Land
    BtC=Beyond the Capital
    R=Rauxes NP=North Province
    NL=The Naelax Lands
    SB=Sea Barons
    RM=The Ruins of Medegia
    SP=South Province
    AL=The Almorian Lands

    Dragon 56, December, 1981
    Dragon 57, January, 1982
    Dragon 63, July, 1982
    Dragon 206, June, 1994
    Dragon 230, June, 1996
    Dragon 241, November, 1997
    OJ 7  Oerth Journal 7, produced by the Council of Greyhawk, and appearing on their website
    Shadis 50, August 1998

    LGJ 0  Living Greyhawk Journal #0, August, 2000  

    LGJ 1  Living Greyhawk Journal #1, September, 2000



    All materials cited except for the Oerth Journal and Shadis publications are properties of WotC/Hasbro. Oerth Journal is a publication of the Council of Greyhawk. Shadis is a publication of the Alderac Entertainment Group. Greyhawk is owned by WotC/Hasbro.

    Oerth Calendar conversions for all occasions

    The equivalences:

    CY1= SD (Suloise Dating) 5516; CY –1=SD 5515
    CY1= OC (Olven Calendar) 4463; CY –1=OC 4462
    CY1= BH (Baklunish Hegira) 2660; CY –1=BH 2659
    CY1= FT (Flan Tracking) 2151; CY –1=FT 2150
    CY1=TC (Touv Calendar) 1408; CY –1=FT 1407
    CY1=OL (Olman Lunar) 806; CY –1=OL 805
    CY1= OR (Oerdian Record) 645; CY-1=OR 644

    C1: For conversion of positive CY dates to other calendars:

    to SD: add 5515 to the CY year (CY 1 = SD 5516 [1+5515])
    to OC: add 4462 to the CY year
    to BH: add 2659 to the CY year
    to FT: add 2150 to the CY year
    to TC: add 1407 to the CY year
    to OL: add 805 to the CY year
    to OR: add 644 to the CY year

    C2: For conversion of other calendars to CY (positive dates):

    from SD: Take latest SD date and subtract 5515 (5519 SD = CY4 [5519-5515])
    from OC: Take latest OC date and subtract 4462
    from BH: Take latest BH date and subtract 2659 (2660 BH = CY 1 [2660-2659])
    from FT: Take latest FT date and subtract 2150
    from TC: Take latest TC date and subtract 1407
    from OL: Take latest OL date and subtract 805
    from OR: Take latest OR date and subtract 644

    C3: For conversion of negative CY to other calendars

    to SD: Take CY date and subtract it from 5516 (CY –1=5515 SD [5516-1])
    to OC: Take CY date and subtract it from 4463
    to BH: Take CY date and subtract it from 2660 (-554 CY = 2106 BH [2660-554])
    to FT: Take CY date and subtract it from 2151
    to TC: Take CY date and subtract it from 1408
    to OL: Take CY date and subtract it from 806
    to OR: Take CY date and subtract it from 645

     C4: For conversion of other calendars to negative CY

    from SD: Take the earliest SD date and subtract 5516  (SD 5515 = -1 CY [5515-5516])
    from OC: Take the earliest OC date and subtract 4463
    from BH: Take the earliest BH date and subtract 2660 (BH 2106 = CY -554 [2106-2660])
    from FT: Take the earliest FT date and subtract 2151
    from TC: Take the earliest TC date and subtract 1408
    from OL: Take the earliest OL date and subtract 806
    from OR: Take the earliest OR date and subtract 645

     As a general rule of thumb, it is easiest to convert all dates to CY and then change them to another calendar date when trying to compare dates of two Non-CY calendars.

    Example 1: 166 OR = 3984 OC

    C4: 166 OR = -479 CY (166-645) then
    C3: -479 CY = 3984 OC (4463-479)

    Example 2: -250 FT = 3115 SD

    C4: -250 FT = -2401 CY (-250-2151) then
    C3: -2401 CY = 3115 SD (5516-2401)

    Example 3: 2794 BH = 4597 OC

    C2: 2794 BH = 135 CY (2794-2659) then
    C1: 135 CY = 4597 OC (135+4462)
    Corrections and Additions:  Thanks to Patrice Forno

    The World of Greyhawk

    (official works based on or closely related to Our Beloved Setting): 




    WGA1, Falcon's Revenge

    D&D Set

    WGA2, Falconmaster


    WGR1, Greyhawk Ruins

    D&D Supplement 1: Greyhawk

    WGA3, Flames of the Falcon

    D&D Supplement 2: Blackmoor

    Castles Boxed Set  (Castle Hart Book)

    1st Edition

    WGA4, Vecna Lives



    Player's Handbook

    WGS1, Five Shall Be One

    Dungeon Master's Guide

    WGS2, Howl From the North

    G1, Stedding of the Hill Giant Chief

    Greyhawk Wars box game set

    G2, The Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl

    FOR2, Drow of the Underdark

    G3, Hall of the Fire Giant King


    D1, Descent Into the Depths of the Earth

    DMGR 4, Monster Mythology

    D2, The Shrine of the Kuo-Toa

    PHBR 5, Complete Book of Elves

    D3, Vault of the Drow

    From the Ashes boxed set

    S1, Tomb of Horrors

    WGR2, Treasures of Greyhawk


    WGR3, Rary the Traitor

    B1, In Search of the Unknown (Basic)

    WGQ1, Patriots of Ulek

    T1, The Village of Hommlet

    RQ3, From the Shadows (ref)

    S2, White Plume Mountain

    War Captain's Companion boxed set (SJ)


    Complete Spacefarer's Handbook (SJ)

    Deities & Demigods Cyclopedia

    SJR 6, Greyspace

    The World of Greyhawk Folio


    The Rogue's Gallery

    Book of Artifacts

    C1, The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachen

    DMGR 5, Creative Campaigning

    S3, Expedition to the Barrier Peaks

    PHBR10, Complete Book of Humanoids

    Q1, Queen of the Demonweb Pits

    WGR4, The Marklands

    C2, The Ghost Tower of Inverness

    WGR5, Iuz the Evil


    WGR6, The City of Skulls

    Fiend Folio

    WGM1, Border Watch

    L1, The Secret of Bone Hill

    ALQ4, Secrets of the Lamp (ref)

    A1, Slave Pits of the Undercity


    A2, Secret of the Slaver's Stockade

    Encyclopedia Magica, vol. I

    A3, Assault on the Aerie of the Slavelords


    A4, Into the Dungeons of the Slavelords

    Encyclopedia Magica, vol. II

    I1, Dwellers of the Forbidden City

    Encyclopedia Magica vol. III


    Encyclopedia Magica vol. IV

    S4, The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth

    Night Below: An Underdark Campaign

    U1, The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh


    N1, Against the Cult of the Reptile God


    U2, Danger at Dunwater

    Ivid the Undying (TSR's AOL area)

    WG4, The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun

    Rod of the Seven Parts boxed set



    Monster Manual II

    Return of the Eight

    L2, The Assassin's Knot

    The Adventure Begins

    UK1, Beyond the Crystal Cave

    Player's Guide to Greyhawk

    World of Greyhawk Boxed Set

    The House on Summoner's Court (OJ#7/Shadis 50)

    EX1, Dungeonland

    Ill Omens (pre-Living Greyhawk)

    EX2, The Land Beyond the Magic Mirror

    Star Cairns

    U3, The Final Enemy

    The Crypt of Lyzandred the Mad

    UK2, The Sentinel

    The Doomgrinder

    UK3, The Gauntlet

    Return to the Tomb of Horrors boxed set


    Vecna Reborn (Ravenloft)

    WG5, Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure

    Return of the Pick-Axe (pre-Living Greyhawk)



    Unearthed Arcana

    The Shattered Circle

    T1-4 Temple of Elemental Evil

    Return to the Keep of the Borderlands

    WG6, The Isle of the Ape

    Axe of the Dwarvish Lords


    The Scarlet Brotherhood

    A1-4 Scourge of the Slavelords

    Against the Giants


    Return to White Plume Mountain

    WG 7, Castle Greyhawk

    Bastion of Faith

    Crossover 1st to 2nd

    L3, Deep Dwarven Delve

    Greyhawk Adventures hardback




    WG9, Gargoyle

    (2nd to 3rd transition)

    WG8, Fate of Istus (parts non-canon)

    Die, Vecna, Die (multi-setting)

    WG10, Child's Play

    3rd Edition  (end of "canonical" Greyhawk)              

    The City of Greyhawk Boxed Set

    Dungeons & Dragons Gazetteer

    2nd Edition

    Player’s Handbook (3E)

    Dungeon Master's Guide (2nd Ed)

    Dungeon Master’s Guide (3E)

    Player's Handbook (2nd Ed)

    Living Greyhawk Gazetteer

    WG11, Puppets


    WG12, Vale of the Mage

    Fright at Tristor






    Items in Green were considered “Non-canon”


    Items in Red are 3E “broad canon”


    Items in Purple are RPGA “Living Greyhawk”













    Canonfire! is a production of the Thursday Group in assocation with GREYtalk and Canonfire! Enterprises

    Contact the Webmaster.  Long Live Spidasa!

    Greyhawk Gothic Font by Darlene Pekul is used under the Creative Commons License.

    PHP-Nuke Copyright © 2005 by Francisco Burzi. This is free software, and you may redistribute it under the GPL. PHP-Nuke comes with absolutely no warranty, for details, see the license.
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