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Living Greyhawk Module Index
Compiled By: Richard Di Ioia
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ModuleNameDescriptionAuthorMid APLAPL RangeSettingDungeonCityVillageUrbanWildernessUnderdarkPlanarBoatCoastalDesertPlainsForestJungleHillsMountainSwampArcticOtherNotes
ADP1-01 A Chance Run-InA One-round D&D 3E Adventure Living Greyhawk Preview Robert Wiese 22Adaptable
ADP1-02 A Chance at FortuneA One-round D&D 3E Dungeon Adventure Living Greyhawk Preview Robert Wiese22Adaptable
ADP1-03 A Chance to ServeA One-round D&D 3E Dungeon Adventure Living Greyhawk Preview Robert Wiese22Adaptable
ADP1-04 What Lies BeneathThe characters arrive in a small town to find an elaborate funeral where the guest of honor is staked and beheaded by villagers reeking of garlic. The graveyard is over run by who knows what kind of evil, and the last troupe to try cleansing the graveyard all mysteriously disappeared. An adventure for characters levels 1-8. Neil Ikerd 51-8Adaptable
ADP1-05 Festival KnightIt's the Festival of the Fallen Knights! There'll be games, food, drink, and a morbid parade as the Flanaess remembers those who died to save it. Keep an eye out, though…you never know which monsters are simply wearing masks, and which are all too real. This is an adaptable scenario for Tiers 1-3.Brian P. Hudson41-6Adaptable
ADP1-06 Snake in the GrassBandit activity is on the rise, and a traitor may be hiding somewhere in the city. You are asked to find him discreetly before he can disappear again. An adaptable adventure for levels 1-6.Kim Winz41-6Adaptable
ADP1-07 An Afternoon Outing (two parts)Just another day on the road to the next town and hopefully, to your next adventure. An adaptable adventure for characters level 1-6. Eric Price 41-6Adaptable
ADP1-08 A Plea From Beyond the GraveA poor, lost soul is locked away from his final peace. His efforts to avenge his family's deaths have cost him his life, and now must haunt his tower until he can achieve a symbolic victory over his murderers. Can you free him from his torment? An adventure for characters level 1-6. Nicholas Tulach41-6Adaptable
ADP1-09 SinkholeRumors have spread across the land of buried treasure found on an old widow's farm. Thy say there are gems just lying in a sinkhole for the taking. It can't be that easy, can it?Christopher Jensen51-8Adaptable
ADP1-10 An Evil MorningText to be entered63-8Adaptable
ADP2-01 Descent into DarknessText to be entered63-8Adaptable
ADP2-02 Scent of a DemonText to be entered63-8Adaptable
ADP6-01 Fane of the DrowFANTASTIC LOCATIONSGwendolyn F.M. Kestrel44Adaptable
ADP6-02 Hellspike PrisonFANTASTIC LOCATIONSTim Sech, Chris Tulach, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, and Jeff Simpson 119-12Adaptable
ADP6-03 The Red Hand of DoomWho can stand against the Son of the Dragon? The Cr ystalmists shook with the thunder of ten thousand screaming hobgoblin soldiers. From the phalanx emerged a single champion. One by one the tribes fell silent as the warlord rose up, blue scales gleaming along hi s shoulders, horns swept back from his head. A hundred bright yellow banners stood beneath hi m, each marked with a great red hand. He stood upon a precipice and raised his arms. "I am Azarr Kul, Son of the Dragon , the Azure Prince!" the warlord bellowed. "Hear me! Tomorrow we march to war!" A five-part multi-round ad apted adventure for APL 6, based on the Red Hand of Doom by Richard Baker and James Jacobs.Harold Austin, Michael Jones, Sean Hillman, Sheldomar Valley triads, the Circle, and Jeff Simpson 96-12Adaptable
ADP6-04 Fields of RuinFANTASTIC LOCATIONSPieter Sleijpen88Adaptable
ADP7-01 Dragondown GrottoThe Suss Forest is home to many strange and wondrous beasts. Not the least of which are long rumored ancient dragons that soared the skies in the past. Rumors of the foul god-queen Tiamat have swept through the region that her worshippers are stealing dragon eggs. Then seemingly out of nowhere a strange man asks for help in recovering these precious eggs. A multi-round Core adapted adventure set in the Suss Forest for characters level 8-12 (APL 10). You must have a copy of Fantastic Locations: Dragondown Grotto to run this adventure. Tim Sech108-12Adaptable
ADP7-02 Scourge of the Howling HordeGoblins set upon the quiet town of Barrow's Edge, and the community cries out for heroes to save them. What has turned the secretive and reclusive goblins into bloodthirsty raiders? Who is the mysterious new leader of the tribe? The truth lies deep within the Howling Caves. A multi-round Core Adaptable adventure set in the Domain of Greyhawk for characters level 1 (APL 2). Pieter Sleijpen22Adaptable
ADP7-03 The Frostfell Rift (Part 1)The depths of the Corusk Mountains can be an unforgiving land where cold and terrain can kill as swiftly as the predators that stalk in the desolation. Few sane people would ever dare enter the place. But hidden within the ice and snow are mysteries and challenges that draw the adventurous nonetheless. A two-part adapted adventure for APL 6 (Part 1) and APL 14 (Part 2), based on Fantastic Locations: The Frostfell Rift by Ari Marmell. Each part is played separately, in any order, and you do not have to play Part 1 to play Part 2. Steven Conforti 66Adaptable
ADP7-04 The Frostfell Rift (Part 2)The depths of the Corusk Mountains can be an unforgiving land where cold and terrain can kill as swiftly as the predators that stalk in the desolation. Few sane people would ever dare enter the place. But hidden within the ice and snow are mysteries and challenges that draw the adventurous nonetheless. A two-part adapted adventure for APL 6 (Part 1) and APL 14 (Part 2), based on Fantastic Locations: The Frostfell Rift by Ari Marmell. Each part is played separately, in any order, and you do not have to play Part 1 to play Part 2. Steven Conforti 1414Adaptable
ADP7-05 Barrow of the Forgotten KingIn a rich and sleepy town set against the Good Hills lays Kingsholm. This little town is just like every other except for one thing – its graveyard. Relatives have gone missing since beginning to make preparations for a funeral and the two local guardsmen that were sent to investigate have not returned. What could have befallen them? Kingsholm no longer seems to be so sleepy. A multi-round Core Adaptable adventure set in the Good Hills for characters level 2 (APLs 4 and 5; two ARs). This adventure costs 11 time units (TUs) to play. Tim Sech 42-5Adaptable
ADP7-06 Expedition to the Demonweb Pits (three parts)The word is that the drow are on the attack hitting and destroying numerous temples of Corellon and various elven villages throughout Oerth. The strange thing is that no one seems to know where their exact location is or who the main leader is ordering the attacks. Adventurers are pouring in to help with the cause are you willing and able? A multi-round Core Adaptable adventure set on numerous planes for characters level 9-12 (APL 10; Three ARs). Tim Sech 119-12Adaptable
ADP8-01 The Sinister SpireThe waters of a sunless sea meet a pebble-strewn shore, beyond which opens a wide Underdark vista shimmering with pale cave-light. Titanic columns as big as castles march miles into the misted distance. The wide, steeply sloping base of the nearest colossal column is carved with streets, walls, and elaborate structures, many with gaping, empty windows. A few glimmer with faint illumination. Are you brave enough to explore the spire-city and face the terrors that lurk within? A multi-round Core adaptable adventure set in the Underoerth for characters level 5-6 (APL 6; two ARs). This adventure costs 14 TUs to play. Sequel to ADP7-05 Barrow of the Forgotten King. It is strongly advised to play ADP7-05 before this adventure, but it is not required. Pieter Sleijpen 66Adaptable
ADP8-02 Fortess of the Yuan-tiCastle Serastis, headquarters of the Vanguard of Sertrous, is all that stands between victory and defeat. The denizens have raced to gather the needed components to raise the Risen King for their own dastardly designs. Will there be any brave adventurers that can stop them? A Core Adaptable adventure set in the outer planes for characters level 7-11 (APL Tim Sech 97-11Adaptable
ADP8-03 Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk (four parts)What secrets protected by fiendish traps and fierce monsters lurk in the dungeons under Castle Greyhawk? A four-part core adapted adventure set in the Domain of Greyhawk for characters level 8-15 (APLs 8-12). Creighton Broadhurst 108-12Adaptable
ADP9-01The Fall of FrostsilverFrostsilver was abandoned centuries ago by the Frostsilver clan of dwarves and lost to history, but with an ancient map discovered in their last adventure the PCs might be able to find it and restore the dwarven clan-home to its former glory. It has been generations since any dwarf has laid eyes on the place. What might now live there, and how far has it fallen? A one round adventure set in the Crystalmist Mountains for characters levels 2-5 (APL 4)Matthew Sernett44Adaptable
ADP9-02The Colorless Spire of Frozen ShadowsWhen a flying machine crashes into the walls of the City of Greyhawk, the dead pilot requests that his remains and the craft be returned to his home. His home just happens to be the Land of Black Ice. But what waits for you there… A four round adventure set in the Land of Black Ice for characters levels 14-19 (APL 16)Rick Miller1616Adaptable
ADP9-03Amid the Deepening DarkA rough maps provided by the temple of Pelor purports to lead to an ancient temple dedicated to the Reaper. Have the dark practices of the priests forever tainted Areth-Langa in the Suss Forest? A one round adventure set in the Suss Forest for characters levels 2-11 (APL 4-8)Creighton Broadhurst64-8Adaptable
ADP9-04Witching SeasonThe Hool Marshes are an unpleasant place, particularly those parts in the Hold of the Sea Princes. The people of Aurasburg on the bank of the Hool River are looking for brave adventurers to bring a witch to justice. A two round adapted adventure set in the Hold of the Sea Princes for characters levels 3-7 (APL 6). This adventure requires the web version of the adventure Witching Season (Dungeon 153, free from WotC).B Matthew Conklin III66Adaptable
ADP9-05Tower of the Black PearlThe Tower of the Black Pearl only rises above the surface of the Solnor ocean once every 10 years. The evidence suggests that, if you want to investigate the tower, tonight's the night... A one/two round adventure set in the North Kingdom for characters levels 1-4 (APL 2)Harley Stroh22Adaptable
ADP9-06Madness at the Mutilated OakThe Axewood is known as a faerie wood, largely untouched by the Suel and Oeridian invasions. But not all faeries are good, as the small village of Cillabar in the Duchy of Ulek is about to find out. A one round adventure set in the Duchy of Ulek for characters levels 3-9 (APL 6)Ken Hart66Adaptable
ADP9-07The Temple's TributeThe old painting is hideous, the sort of gift somebody might give to a person they didn't like. But the map behind the picture could tell a different story, as long as you can work out where the treasure is. A two round adventure set in the Amedio Jungle for characters levels 2-7 (APL 4)Kameron M. Franklin44Adaptable
ADP9-08Frozen WhispersIt is cold in the Timberway. Very cold. In this inhospitable forest between the Rakers and Grendep there is a thief named Keller who flees from justice, and maybe there is something worse... A one round adventure set in Ratik for characters levels 2-6 (APL 3). It is not suitable for 1st level characters.James Jacobs33Adaptable
AHL1-01 Willkommen im AdriAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL1-02 Der Ruhm Vergangener TageAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL1-03 Unheil im WaldAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL1-04 Rauber im AdriAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL2-01 Mord im BadehausAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL2-02S Tod im AdriAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL3-01 Adri Fiend FolliesWhen news of an ancient tower somewhere in the Flinty Hills spread about Innspa, you took an old man's advice and tried a different route. Now you're where the Flinty Hills meet the Adri Forest and there is smoke over the next rise, but no tower. Part One of the Elementary Nature Series. A Tale of faith, divine power and the great outdoors. An adventure for APLs 2-6 Chris Chesher 42-6Ahlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL3-02 Der Letzte WegCaleb, einer der berüchtigtsten Verbrecher des Adri, und seine Bande Halsabschneider sind in die Wälder um Herbergsbad zurückgekehrt. Doch sie sind nicht gekommen um abermals zu morden. Was suchen sie hier und wer ist er, der ihnen schon seit geraumer Zeit auf den Fersen ist? Und was hat das alles mit jenem einsamen Gasthaus in den Feuersteinhügeln zu tun? Dieses Abenteuer ist für alle Charakterklassen und Rassen der Erfahrungsstufen 1-8 (Durchschnittliche Gruppenstufe 2-6) geeignet. Marc „Nimbul" Geiger 51-8Ahlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL3-03 Aufruhr im AdriUnerhörte Dinge ereignen sich im Adri. Kreaturen des Wald es fallen unheimlichen Feinden zum Opfer, und selbst die mächtigen Baumhirten scheinen machtlos. Ist der seit über zwei Jahren schwel ende Konflikt der beiden Druidinnen in eine "heiße" Phase getreten? Doch warum greifen sie ihre eige ne Lebensgrundlage an? Oder st eckt mehr dahinter? Dieses Abenteuer ist für alle Charakterklasse n und Rassen der Erfahrungsstufen 1-8 (Durchschnittliche Gruppenstufe 2-8) geeignet. Rainer Nagel 51-8Ahlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL3-04 IndigoAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL4-??I Ratselhafter AdriAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL4-??I Gnomisches TreibenAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL4-??I Wahre LiebeAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL4-01 Das Gnomische BadehausAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL4-02 Verseuchte TräumeKURZBESCHREIBUNG. In Jennden gibt es viele Gerüchte darüber, dass auf dem Weg nach Herbergsbad in der letzten Zeit weit mehr Reisegruppen verloren gehen als üblich. Auch ist davon die Rede, dass über dem Wald bei Hügelstolz unheilige Lichter über dem Adri aufblitzen. Die Einwohner von Jennden setzen ihre Hoffnung darauf, dass jemand es wagt der Sache auf den Grund zu gehen. Für Charaktere der Stufen 2-11 (Durchschnittliche Gruppenstufe (DGS) 4-10). Thomas Kathmann 74-10Ahlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL4-03 Bierselig Ahlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL5-01 TotentanzAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL5-02 HöllenfeuerAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL5-03 Das HügelgrabAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL5-05 Der Grimme Schnitter der Verlorenen SeelenAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL6-01 Das Schwarze Albino-SchafAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL6-02 Ein Einfacher AuftragAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL6-03 HarfenspielAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL6-04 Ein Vergessener TempelAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL7-01 Wild Wuchernder AdriAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL7-01I Damals im AdriAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL7-02 Ein Güldenes HerzAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL7-02I Endlich! Ein Tempel!Ahlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL7-02S Vermachtnisse eines HochkonigsAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL7-03I Into the LightAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL7-04 Der Siebte TempelAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL7-06 Die GrubeAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL7-07 Quelle des ZornsAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL7-08 Schatten über HerbergsbadAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL8-01 Im Gasthof "Zum Roten Eber"Ahlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL8-02 Von Mittag bis MitternachtAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL8-03 Drachen unter HerbergsbadAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHL8-04 Brunnen in FlammenAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHLE-01 Wiedersehen im AdriAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHLE-02 Unheil über SicherwaldAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHLE-03 Mord im BadehausAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHLE-04 Banditen des AdriAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHLE-05 TotentanzAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHLI6-01 In Tiefster OerdeAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHLME-01 Jäger der gestohlenen StatuetteAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHLME-02 Der lachende WeinbergAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHLS1-03 Die Gestohlene StatuetteAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHLS4-01 Weather Witch of the AdriAhlissa (Adri/Innspa
AHLSM4-01 Dark Wings over DownslopeThough it would be nice to have time to stay in the pleasurable city of Innspa, the Adri Forest is calling you. The peaceful forest village of Downslope needs your help once again. With the terrain you are heading for, perhaps its best to leave the mounts in the stables. And you had better gear up on those healing potions… this might get nasty. A Special Mission for adventurers of levels 2 to 12 (APL 2 to 12). Chris Chesher 72-12Ahlissa (Adri/Innspa
Backstab 33 La Mort et son Cheval BlancEkbir
Backstab 34 La Guerre de la 73e sourateEkbir
Backstab 36 Histoire de MinesEkbir
BDK0-00Bandit Kingdom user guideBandit Kingdoms
BDKR1 The Unofficial Living Greyhawk Bandit Kingdoms Summary (April 2012)Bandit Kingdoms
BDK?s-?? A Charming Person IndeedBandit Kingdoms
BDK?s-?? The Once and Future HumanBandit Kingdoms
BDK?s-?? Theories of RelativityBandit Kingdoms
BDK?s-?? GhostBandit Kingdoms
BDK1-00Bandit Kingdom Gazetteer< GAZETTEER >Bandit Kingdoms
BDK1-01 The PackageFirst in the Hiring Trouble series, the characters find themselves hired in Rookroost to intercept a package and deliver it to their new employer. Recommended for well-balanced parties with at least one rogue, capable of both urban and rural adventuring. For characters levels 1-6. Clayton F. Hinton 41-6Bandit Kingdoms
BDK1-02 Bleeding MoonFirst in the "Steelbone Meadows" series—there are many evils roaming the streets of Hallorn but none compare to the secrets above it. To avenge a friend, the heroes must choose sides in a power play for the control of the town. It is a game where the most sinister adversary can become an unlikely ally. An urban adventure recommended for well-balanced parties with at least one rogue, character levels 1-6.Tom Harrison 41-6Bandit Kingdoms
BDK1-03 The FortressSecond in the "Hiring Trouble" series, this 8-hour adventure pits the characters against an (almost) impenetrable fortress, with help from Gaiyle Markhalla. This "breaking & entering" mission almost certainly requires at least one rogue. An adventure for character levels 1-8.Clayton F. Hinton 51-8Bandit Kingdoms
BDK1-04 Angry BonesA young boy's gift becomes a curse and now the most sinister forces of the Bandit Kingdoms want him for their own. But why? And what is the nature of the lonely shrine in his dreams? An adventure for character levels 1-6.Tom Harrison 41-6Bandit Kingdoms
BDK1-05 Peiper's FerryText to be entered Gerald Blakemore 41-6Bandit Kingdoms
BDK1-06 Elven ConnectionText to be enteredRob Little and Chuck Walbourn 63-8Bandit Kingdoms
BDK1-07 Torrock's LairText to be enteredJimmy B. Ellis 41-6Bandit Kingdoms
BDK1-08 "X" Marks the SpotText to be enteredTom Thowe 41-6Bandit Kingdoms
BDK1-09 The BenderText to be enteredChris Gorsuch 41-6Bandit Kingdoms
BDK1-10 Up Close and PersonalText to be enteredJason Covitz 63-8Bandit Kingdoms
BDK1-11 The Evil From BeyondText to be entered John F. Petty 41-6Bandit Kingdoms
BDK1i-01 A Night in Rookroost BK Triad Bandit Kingdoms
BDK1i-02 In Desperate NeedJason Covitz Bandit Kingdoms
BDK1i-03 The Great HuntJason Covitz Bandit Kingdoms
BDK1i-04 A Marriage Made in HellPrince Zeech is having a celebration in honor of his new wife. The main attraction is a jousting tournament with a reward of truly royal proportions. An interactive for hearty characters of all levels, although higher level PC's are recommended. Characters will have the opportunity to spend between 1 to 3 TU's.Jason Covitz and Tom HarrisonBandit Kingdoms
BDK2-01 The GauntletText to be enteredJonathan Cary 63-8Bandit Kingdoms
BDK2-02 Trouble At Ankheg SpringsText to be enteredKeith Symcox 41-6Bandit Kingdoms
BDK2-03 Body and SoulText to be entered Chris Gorsuch 51-8Bandit Kingdoms
BDK2-04 Rising ShadowText to be enteredTom Harrison 73-10Bandit Kingdoms
BDK2-05 RetributionText to be enteredTom Thowe 61-10Bandit Kingdoms
BDK2-06 Fifty Silver IngotsText to be enteredJerry Blakemore 51-8Bandit Kingdoms
BDK2-07 Spirits of VengeanceText to be enteredChris Gorsuch 61-10Bandit Kingdoms
BDK2-08 The Quick and The DeadText to be enteredJason Covitz 73-10Bandit Kingdoms
BDK2i-01 Blood and SilverKeith McAleer Bandit Kingdoms
BDK2i-02 Founding DayMichael Dean and Jason CovitzBandit Kingdoms
BDK2i-03 Evil, Most FoulRumors abound of evil rituals, ghastly shapes, and evil humanoids swarming throughout the Rift Canyon. Something this sinister can't be good for the neighborhood, and you're here to put an end to it. A Bandit Kingdoms interactive using Master Maze terrain and Reaper Miniatures, for characters of all levels, although higher level PC's are recommended. Characters will have the opportunity to spend between 1 and 3 TUs.Jason CovitBandit Kingdoms
BDK2i-04 Evil Tidings Ed Wetterman Bandit Kingdoms
BDK2i-05 The Great HuntBK Triad Bandit Kingdoms
BDK2i-06 The Return...While rumors of unknown horrors beneath Hallorn are true, you've just signed up for a return trip on account of a kindly old man interested in preserving the remains of his great-great grandfather. Hopefully this quest will be as easy as the old man believes it will be, as you're kind of short on sleep. A Bandit Kingdoms interactive using Master Maze terrain and Reaper Miniatures, for characters of all levels, although higher level PC's are recommended. Characters will have the opportunity to spend between 1 and 3 TUsJason Covitz Bandit Kingdoms
BDK3-01 PawnThe arrival of the Bonefist Legion in Rookroost has everyone on edge. An adventure for characters levels 3-10. Rob Little 73-10Bandit Kingdoms
BDK3-02 Alhaster FogRumors of an army forming in the Warfields lead prudent individuals to move as far from the battlefield as possible. Prince Zeech's capital at Alhaster should be a quiet place to avoid the upcoming war — until His Grace summons you for a personal interview. An adventure for Character Levels 4-12. Jonathan Cary 84-12Bandit Kingdoms
BDK3-03 Trouble at Baco CanyonA request to escort a funeral wagon of an old acquaintance seemed like a good way of getting out of sight after some of the things you have done to Old Wicked's forces. After all, who would ever come looking for you in the Rift Barrens? An adventure for parties of APL 4 – 12. Keith Symcox84-12Bandit Kingdoms
BDK3-04 Torrock's BaneTorrock, a powerful ogre leader, continues to spread evil, death and ruin throughout the Bluff Hills region. Can you bring an end to his rampage? An adventure for characters levels 3-13. Part two of the Bluff Hills Silver series. Jimmy B. Ellis 83-13Bandit Kingdoms
BDK3-05 High Ho SilverThe forces of Cranzer have long held the silver mines in the Rift Barrens, but now is the chance for his enemies to strike back! An adventure for characters level 4 to 12. Dan Deasy and Jeff Moore84-12Bandit Kingdoms
BDK3-06 Quick 'n' EasyOne of Rookroost's social elites is missing. Where has she gone? Why should you care? An adventure for less than honorable characters, APLs 2-12.Jerry Blakemore 72-12Bandit Kingdoms
BDK3-07 The Pale LadyRumors abound about strange happenings in the Fellreev Forest. Nothing unusual there, right...wrong! You have received a message from Fort Hendricks requesting your assistance. Will you go to their aid or will you leave them to perish? An adventure for characters level 3-12. Micah Mogle and Cray Crouse 83-12Bandit Kingdoms
BDK3-08 Change in the AirGeneral Hok is preparing to find a stronghold to use as a base of operations. As he initiates this final campaign before the winter, he has another matter that must be dealt withJerry Blakemore Bandit Kingdoms
BDK3a-01 The Artonsamay FalconA gem long thought lost has suddenly reappeared in Trallant. Can the heroes keep it out of the hands of the forces of Iuz? An adventure for first level characters only. Keith Symcox 11Bandit Kingdoms
BDK3a-02 Johrase JailbreakThe heroes encounter a wounded Johrase Mercenary, left for dead after an ambush gone bad. One of his comrades has been taken captive by the victorious orcs, and he asks the PCs to ensure his safe return… or his permanent silence. An adventure for first level characters only. Benjamin J. Krauter and Leslie A. Maynard11Bandit Kingdoms
BDK3a-03 You've Got MissiveFresh in off the farm, you find yourselves taking your ease in the Dirty Dog Tavern in Rookroost. The pretty serving girl, a high-elf, wants you to do her a favor. "No problem," you think, "piece of cake." That's when she tells you that she wants you to deliver a letter to her sister…in the Fellreev. An adventure for first level characters onlyCasey Brown 11Bandit Kingdoms
BDK3a-04 Disappearance of InnocenceThe road from Hallorn has lead you to a most unusual place. However, even strange things can happen in the most strange of places. A mysterious song is the key to troubled tidings.Jono Hinkle 11Bandit Kingdoms
BDK3i-01 Rebellion?!?Jason Covitz Bandit Kingdoms
BDK3i-02 ShadowkeepPatrick Brown Bandit Kingdoms
BDK3i-03 The Road to PerditionPatrick Brown Bandit Kingdoms
BDK3i-04 The Great HuntOnce abandoned, the Lodge of Borjed has been claimed by the mysterious General of the Warfields, Hok. The recent discovery of a herd of fantastic creatures has ensured one thing: the tradition of the Great Hunt will continue for another year, but will the hunter become the hunted? An interactive adventure for characters level 1-14.Thomas Brister, Karl Johnson, and Carlos Ovalle81-14Bandit Kingdoms
BDK3i-05 Coming of the RoadThe Festival of the Blood-Moon is an occasion celebrated by not only Iuzian priests and Nerull followers throughout the Combination, but also by numerous lesser-known fell deities across the Flanaess. It is during this dark time that you have been invited by messenger to attend a special event in the village of Ethelmere. (Sequel to BDK1-03: The Fortress)Chris Gorsuch, Tom Thowe, and Jon Cary Bandit Kingdoms
BDK4-01 Let Loose the HoundsA man, a dog, and a broken down wagon lead the adventurers on a path towards retribution and redemption. An eight hour adventure for APL's 4-10. Rob Little 74-10Bandit Kingdoms
BDK4-02 Trouble at Centaur MesaA clan of the Rift Barren's Nomads has awakened something that should stay sleeping. Can you determine what it is and keep the disaster from spreading? An Adventure for characters level 1-8 who are not outlawed by the Rift Barren's Nomads, with special significance to members of the Initiates of the Tangles Meta-organizationKeith Symcox 51-8Bandit Kingdoms
BDK4-03 A Hin of TroubleA chance meeting with an aged halfling leads you to travel to Mercy's Bluff and search a long abandoned battlegroundJeff Moore Bandit Kingdoms
BDK4-04 EmissaryAn emissary of the Old One travels to the Fellreev. What his mission is, no one knows. The only thing certain is that things are about to get interesting. An adventure for APLs 2-8. David Finan and Tom Thowe52-8Bandit Kingdoms
BDK4-05 Torrock's LegacyA person's actions in life create a ripple effect that can continue to spread well beyond that person's lifespan. Torrock is dead. Will Torrock's legacy continue to spread death and destruction even after his death, or can a few determined heroes create a better ending? An adventure for characters level 1-13. Part three of the Bluff Hills Silver series. Jimmy B. Ellis and Patrick Brown71-13Bandit Kingdoms
BDK4-06 Scales and SecretsLife in the Combination of Free Lords is often about choosing your battles. Sent with a straightforward mission towards the Tangles, perhaps today is a little different. Or is it? With the changes in Hallorn's leadership, fighting has broken out along parts of the forest. With this brewing chaos, has something dangerous developed, unnoticed by those in power? How will this affect the Warfields? An adventure for character levels 9-15 (APL 10-14). This is the third part to the "Legacy of the Highwayman" Series. Tom Thowe 1210-14Bandit Kingdoms
BDK4-07 Of Friends, Friars and FoesA mysterious stranger wishes you to investigate the death of a local wizard in Stoink. But apparently, he is not the only one interested in the unfortunate occurrence. A Bandit Kingdoms regional scenario for APLs 4-12. The first part in the Fate of the Avenger seriesTheo Judd 84-12Bandit Kingdoms
BDK4a-01 SwampedLizardmen have been attacking villages and towns in the northern parts of the Theocracy of Dimre. Rumors abound that the attacks have been particularly savage. Now a town-crier gives news of a reward out for brave adventurers willing to eliminate the source of the threat. A Bandit Kingdoms Introductory module for 1st-level characters only. Austin "Theo" Judd 11Bandit Kingdoms
BDK4i-01 Dogs of WarRob Little and Britt Frey Bandit Kingdoms
BDK4i-02 The Siege of HallornBritt Frey Bandit Kingdoms
BDK4i-03 Old Enemies, New FriendsPatrick Brown Bandit Kingdoms
BDK4i-04 It Came From the DeepTom Brister, Casey Brown, Keith McAleer, Don Wolf, Rob Little, and Patrick BrownBandit Kingdoms
BDK4i-05 The Demon InsideThe whole land seems to be going to hell in a hand basket, and Mortoth is throwing a masquerade ball? This is your opportunity; can you strike a blow for goodness? A Bandit Kingdoms interactive for PCs level 1-16.Thomas Brister, Carlos Ovalle and Karl Johnson81-16Bandit Kingdoms
BDK4i-05 Where Angels Fear to TreadThomas Brister, Carlos Ovalle, and Karl JohnsonBandit Kingdoms
BDK4i-06 Into RiftcragBritt Frey Bandit Kingdoms
BDK4m-01 The Rules of ImpoundmentA cargo has been impounded in Trallant that the Veth wants back. Can you get it back before sunrise? A mini mission for parties of apl 4 – 10. For parties containing one or more members of The Red Planks MetaorganizationKeith Symcox 74-10Bandit Kingdoms
BDK4m-02 On Kobold FarmsSomeone's kidnapped the best yeoman farmer in the village of Flanhome. The authorities should be searching for the perpetrators, but in the Bandit Kingdoms heroes have to take up the slack when the authorities come up short. Under the watchful eye of the Johrase Mercenaries, can heroes be found to meet the challenge? A ½ half round Dungeons and Dragons® mini-mission for APLs 2-8.Dan Hass 52-8Bandit Kingdoms
BDK4m-03 A Stroll in the Woods…Ever wondered exactly what it was that you did when on patrol for Clan Fanlareshen? An adventure for forest loving adventurers, APLs 4-10. Each party must contain at least one PC who is a member of Clan Fanlareshen. Orcs, half-orcs, Johrase mercenaries, clerics of Pholtus, and residents of the Theocracy of Dimre need not apply unless they have a Favor with the Elves. PCs with Enmity with the Defenders of the Greenkeep, Fanlareshen Elves, or Fort Hendricks may not play this adventure.Casey Brown 74-10Bandit Kingdoms
BDK4s-01 A Stitch in TimeBandit Kingdoms
BDK4s-02 Strangers in the NightBandit Kingdoms
BDK4sm-03 The Two Gentlemen of VelunaHow do you value friendship? How do you value love? What if life pits one against the other? A Bandit Kingdoms Special Mission for worshipers of Rao at APL 4.Bandit Kingdoms
BDK4s-04 To Save a FriendBandit Kingdoms
BDK5-01 The BodyYour drinks are interrupted by a screaming woman. What is it that she screams of you ask? She found a body. You think to your self the more things appear different, the more they are really the same. Part One of Cold Dead Hands. A scenario for APLs 6-12.Jason Lauer and John Williams 96-12Bandit Kingdoms
BDK5-02 Trouble at Dragon Rift"Let's all live in peace and harmony" has to be one of the most uncommon phrases heard amongst the denizens of the Rift Canyon, yet someone is preaching exactly that to the evil humanoids of the Rift. Can you help keep this messenger of peace alive long enough for the message to spread? An adventure for APLs 4-12.Keith Symcox 84-12Bandit Kingdoms
BDK5-03 The Secret IngredientThe Port of Alhaster has been locked down, causing hardship for the local Rhenee traders. A barge captain wants you to recover cargo from his impounded vessel. Do you dare risk the ire of Prince Zeech to recover the man's precious cargo? A Bandit Kingdoms adventure set in Redhand for APLs 2-8. PCs that are "Banned from Redhand" may not play this adventure. Part One of Breaking Up is Hard to Do.Jeff Moore 52-8Bandit Kingdoms
BDK5-04 Leather Bound TomeA letter from a previous acquaintance sends you on travels of exploration and discovery in the Warfields. When you have multiple options, how do you determine which choice could save the region, or doom the world? A Bandit Kingdoms adventure for APLs 6-12. Part Two of The Cold Dead Hands Series.Jason Covitz 96-12Bandit Kingdoms
BDK5-05 The Art of DeceptionA kinder, gentler Grand Theocracy of Dimre? You would not have believed it without seeing it for yourself. In light of the changes, the door has been opened for negotiations to end the eternal struggle between Szek Winvid of Dimre and Boss Renfus of Stoink over the lower Phostwood. Renfus is looking for an impartial escort for his envoy, and your group seems like just the pawns, err, heroes for the job. Characters that are Banned in Dimre or have the Enmity of Dimre are warned to play at their own risk. A one-round Bandit Kingdoms adventure for APLs 6-12.Theo Judd 96-12Bandit Kingdoms
BDK5-06 Necropolis of the Endless DawnThe legend of Nerull's Bane is not the fantasy of a child's tale. The city of the ageless dead truly exists. Rumor comes to you that forces of Iuz desire the Reaper's Ire for themselves. Now the race is on for this ancient hidden myth. The question is…can you beat the Old One to it? The third adventure in the "Cold Dead Hands" series (APL 8-14).Tom Thowe 118-14Bandit Kingdoms
BDK5-07 Ebongleam"Does not the sun bring comfort against the biting cold of Winter? How can one appreciate a good leader if they have not known a taskmaster's whip? Is it not acceptable to work with the forces of darkness if some good purpose is ultimately served? To understand the glory of Light, one must first walk hand-in-hand with Darkness. Dimre and Stoink have begun a new era of cooperation, and through this the glory of the Blinding Light shall purge these lands of evil! But who will be the true power behind the throne?" A Bandit Kingdoms regional adventure set in the Free City-State Stoink for APLs 2-8.Chris Gorsuch 52-8Bandit Kingdoms
BDK5-08 HirelingsAdventurers don't spend every day saving old ladies with lost kittens from marauding orcs. Sometimes you have to take the work of a lowly mercenary. An adventure for APLs 2-8. Part Three of the ‘Breaking Up is Hard to Do' series. Characters that are Banned in Redhand or have similar negative influence are advised to not play this adventure without a good Disguise check.Britt Frey 52-8Bandit Kingdoms
BDK5a-01 Voice in the DarkThings have not been going well for the Rookroost Thieves' Guild. In fact, the City of Ravens has become a very dangerous place in which to live nowadays. Murder and betrayal are rife within the walls of Rookroost, so why not get in on the action? An introductory adventure for first level characters only. Patrick Brown 11Bandit Kingdoms
BDK5a-02 Of Men and BeastsVaried groups of rebels and thieves use the concealment of the Fellreev Forest to avoid capture by the forces of the Old One. However, only a select few know the true secrets – and horrors – that lie hidden in the heart of this great wilderness. This is an introductory module for 1st level characters only.Tom Thowe 11Bandit Kingdoms
BDK5a-03 The Mad MageYou have heard only stories about the mad mage who lives in the northwestern Fellreev. "He claims to be the sole surviving priest of Iuz on Oerth...It is said he razed an entire town to recreate it in Iuz's image!" Now a mortician in Hallorn humbly requests a mission of daring to recover a holy relic: enter the domain of the Mad Mage! A two-round Bandit Kingdoms Introductory Adventure for 1st level heroes only. Theo Judd 11Bandit Kingdoms
BDK5i-01 A Weird ExperienceTheo Judd Bandit Kingdoms
BDK5i-02 ClosureWho would believe a weapon could force people to attack the person who held it and why would such an abomination ever be forged? The storyteller lost all credibility when he swore that those who fell while wielding it vanished in a flash of white light. But somewhere deep his tale stirred a memory... A Bandit Kingdoms regional adventure for APLs 2-16, and Part 5 of the Bender SeriesChris Gorsuch and Beth McCullers 92-16Bandit Kingdoms
BDK5i-03 The Battle of the BazaarCasey Brown, Brian Chalmers, Robert Love, and Chuck Willis Bandit Kingdoms
BDK5i-04 New BeginningsAn Acolyte of Joramy, a Disciple of Norebo, and a Deacon of Delleb enter a bar. What is this, some kind of joke? A Bandit Kingdoms / Yeomanry cross-regional interactive for APLs 2-16.Chris Gorsuch and Beth McCullers 92-16Bandit Kingdoms
BDK5i-05 All for Hok?In an effort to continue his rebuilding efforts in the town of Hallorn, General Hok has recently completed the second wall of his new capital, offering protection to both the poor and exploited. With the city streets of Hallorn newly paved, he is in need of hearty explorers to search and destroy any threats that below the surface that could threaten the newly established peace and prosperity. A BK interactive adventure for APL's 2-12.Jason Covitz72-12Bandit Kingdoms
BDK5i-06 Scratch My BackThe parchment is still crisp and the lettering clear and unweathered, but you still can't believe what you just read: "The High Lady Xavendra seeks the services of skilled adventurers. Amnesty for any crimes against the Church of Iuz is extended within the Northern Alliance for anyone who wishes to answer her call." A regional interactive set in the Bandit Kingdoms, APLs 2-16.Bill Oppenlander, Susan Threadgill, and Tim Harr92-16Bandit Kingdoms
BDK5i-07 Dawn's EndThree days ago, you received a letter in the middle of the night. It contained only two lines,"Your help is needed. Meet at the Drunken Unicorn in Ethelmere on the 17th of Patchwall." The signature was merely a stylized G.Britt Frey 9Bandit Kingdoms
BDK5s-?? Wanna Fight?Bandit Kingdoms
BDK5s-?? Return to Mercy's BluffBandit Kingdoms
BDK5s-02 We're On a Mission from Some God?Bandit Kingdoms
BDK6-01 That Which Slept302 years ago, a blood-red Luna appeared over the Flanaess. Since that time, evil cults have celebrated the Festival of the Blood-Moon from the 10th to the 12th of Coldeven. It is at this ominous time that Gaiyle Markhalla has asked you for help. This will turn out to be a Festival the Flanaess does not soon forget. An adventure recommended for characters levels 5-13 (APLs 6-12).Britt Frey 96-12Bandit Kingdoms
BDK6-02 Of Gambits, Gauntlets and GravesA holy weapon of enormous power is hidden in the Grey Stone Cemetery of Rookroost. The forces of good must move fast lest the forces of evil find it first. But such politics makes strange bedfellows, and successfully retrieving the weapon may require help from less-than-savory sorts. A Bandit Kingdoms Regional Adventure for APLs 8-12 and Part Two of the Fate of the Avenger series.Theo Judd108-12Bandit Kingdoms
BDK6-03 Trouble at the Gul BorthaSometimes secrets thought forgotten are uncovered and problems thought solved are only suppressed. Can you keep the priests of Iuz from discovering a long lost secret before the entire Fellreev is overrun with orcs? A sequel to BDK2-02 Trouble at Ankheg Springs and BDK3-03 Trouble at Baco Canyon. Members of any of the Fellreev Factions and Red Planks are especially encouraged to participate in this adventure. A Bandit Kingdoms Regional Adventure for APLs 8-12.Keith Symcox 108-12Bandit Kingdoms
BDK6-04 The Last WordA simple man in Balmund has a simple task: guard a small shipment of cargo for a few days. But even the simplest missions tend to embroil you in a complex political web that proves tricky to escape. Who will have the last word when the sun finally sets on this tale of adventure and daring? Citizens of Redhand, Defenders of Morannon, members of Hellstone Tower, and members of the Brotherhood of the Sundered Axe are encouraged to participate in this adventure. Part three of the Breaking Up is Hard to Do series. A one-round Bandit Kingdoms adventure set in Balmund for characters level 1-7 (APLs 2-6).Theo Judd and Susan Threadgill42-6Bandit Kingdoms
BDK6-05 Grass RootsCranzer continues his agenda of terror to gain more power; a mysterious woman wishes to find out what his next move will be. Perhaps then his enemies could be a step ahead of him. But she needs help. Are there any brave adventurers willing to aid her? Old Faith Druids, Men of the Rift and members of Moskol's Legion are encouraged to participate in this adventure. A one-round Bandit Kingdoms adventure set in Riftcrag for characters level 1-7 (APLs 2-6).John Filipek 42-6Bandit Kingdoms
BDK6-06 Never Stir the Wasp's Nest"Do not stir a wasp's nest unless you wish to be stung," says an old saying. Boss Renfus and the Free City of Stoink have been stirred. Do you wish to be stung? Members of the Stoink Thieves Guild and the Grand Theocracy of Dimre are encouraged to participate in this adventure. A Bandit Kingdoms Regional Adventure set in Stoink for APLs 2 to 6.Patrick Walsh 42-6Bandit Kingdoms
BDK6-07 Love LetterA charming man with strange red eyes needs your help delivering a note to his beloved. Where does she live? Somewhere deep in the Fellreev, near Lake Aqal. To get there, you'll have to avoid the patrols of Fleishchriver, the dangers of Dahlvier's County, and the various denizens of the Fellreev. Who are you to say no to a man in love? Members of Fellreev Factions meta-organizations and Old Faith druids are encouraged to participate in this adventure. Having a wilderness oriented PC at the table will prove beneficial during this adventure. A Bandit Kingdoms Regional Adventure set in the Rift Barrens, the Kingdom of Johrase, the formerly mighty Freehold, and the western Fellreev for APLs 2 to 6. Casey Brown 42-6Bandit Kingdoms
BDK6-08 Of Ruin, Restitution, and RevivalAs an aged ruler lies on his deathbed, he passes on a dying revelation of a cataclysmic disaster. Now, you must race against time to prevent the prophecy from coming to fruition by venturing to a place where mortals were not meant to tread. All heroes who call the Bandit Kingdoms home are encouraged to participate in this adventure. Part three and the conclusion of the Fate of the Avenger series. A one-round Bandit Kingdoms adventure set in realms beyond for characters level 11-15 (APLs 12-16).Theo Judd 1412-16Bandit Kingdoms
BDK6-09 To Bleed or to DieEither Prince Zeech is preparing for the biggest party of the century or a massive war. Commander Marionnen's garrison has declared their undying allegiance to the Prince of Redhand and has mobilized along the borders. The cambion commander now looks east towards the former lands of the Reyhu and Duchy of the Artonsomay while Alhaster begins a grand celebration. The armies of the Prince now chant "To bleed or to die for Redhand!" Members of Hellstone Tower, Citizens of Redhand, members of the Brotherhood of the Sundered Axe and the Defenders of Morannon, are encouraged to participate in this adventure. Part four and the conclusion of the Breaking Up is Hard to Do series. A one-round Bandit Kingdoms adventure set in Redhand for characters level 7-13 (APLs 8-12).David "Keyoke" Polansky 108-12Bandit Kingdoms
BDK6a-01 Badgered by ProblemsThe Boss is livin' fat and happy on the outskirts of the lands of Iuz. Boss Beare is a man of such stature (or, more appropriately, girth) that not much riles him, but growing troubles have been upsetting his digestion as of late. First is the increasing number of fledgling adventurers in Salfrayfields, piling up like cordwood on the woodpile because they're not yet strong enough to venture farther into the Bandit Kingdoms. And on top of that, the Boss has lost a number of his men (and some of the villagers he is supposed to be protecting) to a series of animal attacks just north of the village. Boss Beare is looking for a solution that will cover his backside and ease his unsettled stomach, all while maintainin' his grip on this cushy job. He knows the shadows hold both the eyes of Iuz and the ears of the resistance, so he has to be careful in what he does. Maybe he can play his problems off against each other. It will be up to you to determine if Boss Beare will feast in peace, or remain badgered by problems. A one-round Bandit Kingdoms Introductory Adventure for 1st level characters only. Patrick Walsh, Eric Cooley, and Holly Feray 11Bandit Kingdoms
BDK6a-02 Two Sides to Every StoryA lieutenant of the Rookroost guard requests you to hunt down a renegade cult of Iuzian heretics. It seems the perfect task; fight followers of the Lord of Pain while contributing to in-fighting. But is the task really that simple? Your story could be one to tell fellow adventurers around a camp fire, or it may be one only fit to speak of at inns with ones you can trust. Which tale will you be telling? A Bandit Kingdoms Introductory adventure set in Rookroost for 1st level heroes only.Joe Aker 11Bandit Kingdoms
BDK6a-03 The Final Sundering (unreleased)(NEVER WRITTEN) Robert WatsonBandit Kingdoms
BDK6a-04 A General ErrandA chance encounter in the Freehold leads to a job offer. A fellow who claims to be a supporter of freedom and independence has associates curious about the recent happenings in the nearby Barony of Wormhall. Running a general errand is all he asks. A Bandit Kingdoms Introductory Adventure set in the Barony of Wormhall for 1st level heroes only.Bill Oppenlander 11Bandit Kingdoms
BDK6i-01 The Great HuntA premonition has led the druids of the Tangles to make peace with Hok this year. Given their past opposition to the Great Hunt, this turn of events seems strange. However, judging from the worried look on the druids' faces the Great Hunt of 596 CY may be one of the most memorable yet. You hope it isn't a memory you'll soon wish to forget. Citizens of the Western Reaches and Old Faith Druids are encouraged to participate in this adventure. This event will include numerous Live-Action Role-Playing opportunities. A Bandit Kingdoms Access Interactive set in the Tangles for APLs 2 to 16.Theo Judd 92-16Bandit Kingdoms
BDK6i-02 Of Weapons, War, and WoeA weapon of great power has been claimed by the minions of Ol' Wicked and is being held in the border city of Marsakeer. The Theocracy of Dimre has gathered it allies, and this coalition is ready to do war with the Northern Alliance in order to stop what ever woe the Pale Lady has planned. A Bandit Kingdom Mass Battle Interactive for APLs 2 to 12 Joe Aker and Theo Judd 72-12Bandit Kingdoms
BDK6i-03 Tomb of ThievesIt is said that the master thief Latavius scuttled a horde of plundered treasure in a hidden location near Rookroost. The Rookroost Thieves Guild wishes to sponsor adventurers to locate Latavius' tomb and "liberate" the valuables within. Do you have what it takes to survive the Tomb of Thieves? Members of the Rookroost Thieves Guild are encouraged to participate in this adventure. This event will include a Master Maze dungeon crawl. A Bandit Kingdoms Generic Interactive set in the Midlands for APLs 2 to 12.Theo Judd 72-12Bandit Kingdoms
BDK6i-04 Master of RooksRumors have been circulating for weeks in the City of Rooks that the Guild Training Master Rhaedrick Avenfear has forged a coalition with the recently revived Gaiyle Markhalla. The High Lord's administration has attempted to repress such seditious rumors but everyone seems to be expecting something exciting to happen soon, very soon. Citizens of the Northern Alliance and members of the Rookroost Thieves Guild are encouraged to participate in this adventure. This event will include numerous Live-Action RolePlaying opportunities. A Bandit Kingdoms Generic Interactive set in Rookroost for APLs 2 to 12.David "Keyoke" Polansky 72-12Bandit Kingdoms
BDK6i-05 A Heroic ReturnThe word is out! The orcs have scattered, and the Johrase are on the march for Kinemeet. Mercenaries need not apply. This is a battle for the true heart and soul of the Johrase Kingdom. Only heroes of impeccable courage are invited to take part in the re-taking of Kinemeet so that a new king of Johrase may be crowned! Members of the Johrase Mercenaries are encouraged to participate in this adventure. This event will include numerous Live-Action Role-Playing opportunities. A Bandit Kingdoms Generic Interactive set in Kinemeet for APLs 2 to 12. Premiere: AbisCon Apr. 21st, 2006. Note: This interactive will NOT be a mass battle Interactive. Casey Brown and Theo Judd 72-12Bandit Kingdoms
BDK6i-06 A Place to Call HomeAfter a chasm opened in the ground near Thunk's Hunting Lodge during a ceremony held to honor the fallen dwarf Ulfgar, a secret city of duergar was discovered. Can you help the dwarves of the Combination clear out a city of their evil, grey-skinned cousins and, in doing so, help them lay claim to a home of their own? A Bandit Kingdoms Regional Master Maze Interactive Adventure set below the Tangles during the 8th through 14th of Flocktime, for APLs 2 to 14. This event will allow regional PCs to spend up to 5 TUs, and does NOT have an item access AR. Casey Brown 82-14Bandit Kingdoms
BDK6i-07 As the Worm CrawlsLord Mayor Marwald of Hallorn seeks brave heroes to recover a lost relic from deep within the Wormcrawl Fissure. Why have so many mages and death cultists arrived to help? Why do they seem so interested in this geographical oddity? More importantly, do you dare enter the haunt of an ancient demigod of death whose followers bear the sign of the worm? Members of the Army of the Warfields, Death Cultists, and Hellstone Tower are encouraged to participate in this event. This event will include a Master Maze dungeon crawl. A one-round Bandit Kingdoms Interactive adventure set in the Wormcrawl Fissure for characters level 1-15 (APLs 2-14). PCs will have the option of spending up to 5 TUs during this event.Casey Brown and Susan Threadgill 82-14Bandit Kingdoms
BDK6i-08 The Count of DahlvierA hero from ages past has returned and wishes to carve out a fief of his own within the Bandit Kingdoms. However he certainly could have picked a more hospitable location. Dahlvier County is crawling with undead and overrun by ogres, not to mention the numerous magical wards that most assuredly protect the castle. The aid of adventurers will be required to quell the inhabitants and make the realm safe for the hero's rule. This event will include numerous Live-Action Role-Playing opportunities. A sequel to BDKI5- 07 Dawn's End. A Bandit Kingdoms Access Interactive set in Dahlvier's County for APLs 2 to 16. Premiere: BK Con Queso 2006, Oct. 19th, 2006.Casey Brown, Theo Judd, and Susan Threadgill 92-16Bandit Kingdoms
BDK6i-09 Negative OutcomeWhat does a dying ruler's prophecy and a series of black pools beneath Hallorn have to do with the fate of the Bluff Hills? Everything! An unlikely alliance of factions have banded together in a desperate attempt to prevent or at least mitigate what may very well be the most disastrous event to strike the Bandit Kingdoms in all of recorded history. Citizens of the Northern Alliance, the Western Reaches, and the Theocracy of Dimre are encouraged to participate in this event. A one-round Bandit Kingdoms Access Interactive adventure for characters level 1-15 (APLs 2 to 14).Casey Brown, Britt Frey, Theo Judd and Susan Threadgill 82-14Bandit Kingdoms
BDK6s-01 Mother of my ChildBandit Kingdoms
BDK6s-02 To Honor a FriendCasey Brown Bandit Kingdoms
BDK6s-03 Natural HealingBandit Kingdoms
BDK7-01 The HalflingA notorious traitor thought dead has reappeared in a very dangerous place. Are you brave enough to go get him? A oneround Bandit Kingdoms Regional adventure set in Johrase and the Rift Canyon for APLs 2-6. Resources for this adventure include material first appearing in IUZ6-02 Red Scales, Blue Secrets by Casey Brown.Keith Symcox 42-6Bandit Kingdoms
BDK7-02 In A Manor of SeekingWhere have the residents of Groucester gone? Can That Which Slept be stopped? Ever since the negative energy burst almost destroyed High Lady Xavendra's city, these are the questions that need to be answered. Luckily, you are just the person to find out, or so someone claims. Are they right? A one-round Bandit Kingdoms winter adventure set in Rookroost, the Fellreev Forest, the Deadlands, and Groucester for characters level 4-12 (APLs 6-10). PCs from Fellreevbased meta-orgs, the Hallorn Fencing Academy, bards interested in the Old Lore, and druids of the Old Faith are encouraged to play this event together. PCs from Northern Alliance-based meta-orgs, Death Cultists and members of the Circle of Crimson Stone are encouraged to play this event together. Casey Brown and Susan Threadgill 86-10Bandit Kingdoms
BDK7-03 Return to Steelborne MeadowsWithin the haunted grounds of Steelbone Meadows lies a dark secret regarding the origin of That Which Slept. Are you strong enough to face the trials that lay therein to recover the forgotten lore? Members of the Northern Alliance, Army of the Warfields, and Death Cultists are encouraged to participate in this adventure. Part one of the Gathering of Fiends series. A Bandit Kingdoms adventure set in the Midlands for characters levels 7 to 13 (APLs 8 to 12). Theo Jud108-12Bandit Kingdoms
BDK7-04 Proof of LoyaltyAn adventurer's wealth and well-being often relies on tracking down rumors to their source. Following rumors of a person long thought dead has led you to the village of Salfrayfields and a potential source. Before you can confirm or put to rest the rumors, you will need to find something even rarer: proof of loyalty. A one-round Bandit Kingdoms adventure set in the Bandit Kingdoms for APLs 2 to 6. Part Two of the Missing Regent Series. Patrick Walsh42-6Bandit Kingdoms
BDK7-05 The Work of ThievesIn the troubled city of Rookroost, one man seeks to set things right. Well, at least he wishes to return things to the way they were. Where will you stand in the coming conflict for Rookroost's fate? Members of the Rookroost Thieves' Guild, Drinkers of the Cup of Midnight, and all residents of Rookroost are encouraged to participate in this adventure. PCs Wanted by the Church of Iuz should have a good disguise before playing this adventure. A one-round Bandit Kingdoms adventure set in Rookroost for APLs 4-8. David "Keyoke" Polansky64-8Bandit Kingdoms
BDK7-06 Trouble at Harpy HollowThe little hamlet of Ankheg Springs has seen more than its fair share of excitement over the last few years. With the reappearance of the blackguard Arvad Michelson, one wonders if the Lammastide festival presided over by his sister Ilyena will go without a hitch. These could be interesting times in the barrens. A one-round Bandit Kingdoms adventure set in the Rift Barrens for characters level 1-10 (APLs 2-8). A sequel to BDK2-02 Trouble at Ankheg Springs and BDK3-03 Trouble at Baco Canyon. Members of the Old Faith and Citizens of Johrase are encouraged to play this adventure. Kobold PCs will find the thorp of Ankheg Springs to be very unwelcoming of their kind. Keith Symcox 52-8Bandit Kingdoms
BDK7-07 The MausoleumA troubled man wishes you to locate his liege lord. Are you willing to brave the sinister depths of a house of death to uncover the rotten truth? Members of the Army of the Warfields, Death Cultists, and Druids of the North are encouraged to participate in this adventure. Part two of the Gathering of Fiends series. A one-round Bandit Kingdoms adventure set in Hallorn for characters level 6 to 14 (APLs 8 to 12). NOTE: This is a combat-intensive module and the management of resources is vital. Bill Oppenlander108-12Bandit Kingdoms
BDK7-08 Little Bit o' PaybackAs the Johrase make their final preparations before attacking Boneheart Cranzer and Riftcrag, a bold group of adventurers has been called upon to find a way to secretly steal into Splinter Keep, rumored prison of the Johrase King's soul gem, at the edge of the Rift Canyon. Mission? Determine if the keep holds the gem by kidnapping a high-ranking Iuzian officer. Sounds simple, right? It's not like there is a gate to the Abyss there or anything. Oh wait, there is? You wouldn't let that stop you from getting a little bit of payback against the Iuzians, would you? A two-round combat intensive Bandit Kingdoms Regional adventure set in the Tangles Forest for characters level APLs 6-12. Those who are squeamish at heart should stay home. You have been warned. Citizens of Johrase and followers of St. Cuthbert, members of Moskol's Legion and followers of Trithereon, Drinkers of the Cup of Midnight, Druids and followers of the Old Faith, and Dwarves of Morakduum, are especially encouraged to participate in this adventure. John Filipek 96-12Bandit Kingdoms
BDK7a-01 Perpetual MotionCaravan guard duty in the Combination of Free Lords is rarely boring. As you escort a merchant, a young man needs you to protect him from the forces that want to see him dead. Can you keep him alive while protecting the merchant and her wares? A three-round Bandit Kingdoms introductory adventure set in the cities of Rookroost, Kinemeet and Alhaster and lands in between for BRAND NEW 1st level characters only (APL 2). This event is designed to run in two convention slots. It is HIGHLY recommended that a balanced table of six PCs be present for this adventure. Players whose PC dies will be allowed to create a new character at the beginning of the following round. Katie Simpson and Patrick Walsh 22Bandit Kingdoms
BDKNAI7-01 The Ruins of Stonehill FortressText to be enteredCasey Brown Bandit Kingdoms
BDK7i-01 Through the Silver MinesChancellor Marischal Calmert Hind's birthday is approaching. As it is his first birthday in a free Kinemeet, the Johrase are planning a festival and all friends of the Johrase are encouraged to attend. Of course, as all friends of the Johrase know, even celebrations in Kinemeet can take a martial turn without warning, so it is always advisable for those who are not combat ready to avoid Johrase celebrations. Perhaps a plan can be formulated to help recover the missing King of the Johrase...A one-round Bandit Kingdoms interactive adventure for characters level 1-15 (APLs 2-14. Note: APL 16 is playable, but PCs cannot earn gp or xp above the APL 14 amounts. Consider it a bonus APL to challenge the toughest of PCs. Partake at your own risk. You have been warned. Seriously. No whining in the BK.)Dan Hass and Brian Chalmers 82-14Bandit Kingdoms
BDK7i-02 The Villainy of the Baron of WormhallRhelt Kor of Abarra has been seen in the Barony of Wormhall, and you have heard wild rumors of rioting in the streets of Obresthrope. Something strange is going on in the western barony and there are numerous patrons in the Bandit Kingdoms who would like to have operatives in place when it all comes full circle. Members of the Death Cultists, Army of the Warfields, and Citizens of the Western Reaches are encouraged to participate in this adventure. This event will include Live Action Role Playing opportunities. A tie-in to the Gathering of Fiends series. A Bandit Kingdoms Access Interactive adventure set in the Barony of Wormhall for characters level 1 to 15 (APLs 2 to 14).Theo Judd 82-14Bandit Kingdoms
BDK7i-03A Demonic Possessions (Azzagat)Text to be enteredBandit Kingdoms
BDK7i-03P Demonic Possessions (Pazunia)Text to be enteredBandit Kingdoms
BDK7i-03P Assault on Wraith KeepBandit Kingdoms
BDK7i-03 The Madness of the Baron UlikSix years ago, a young warrior bested all opponents in the jousting tournament held by Prince Zeech. His reward was a dilapidated place known as Morannon Keep. Now, the eccentric, and often called insane, Baron Ulik has decided to retire and name a suitable successor to his keep, his title, and possibly much more. Heroes and notables from far and wide have arrived to stake their claim in this open competition, but what surprises will the Mad Baron of Morannon Keep have in store? A Bandit Kingdoms regional interactive for characters levels 1-15. Note: The competition is open to characters of all levels, and all characters will be equally capable of winning the prize.Katie Simpson, Charlie Smith, and Doug Emes81-15Bandit Kingdoms
BDK7i-04 Decision: HallornThe choices one makes can dictate the course of history. Recent hard-won successes against the forces of the Old One have emboldened the factions in the occupied lands. Lord Mayor Marwald agrees to allow interested parties to meet in Hallorn to decide the next move. Some demand another strike against Riftcrag, but the shadow of That Which Slept looms large over the entire Combination of the Free Lords and perhaps the Flanaess itself. What course will heroes support? A one-round Bandit Kingdoms interactive set in Hallorn for characters level 1-15 (APLs 2-16).Bill Oppenlander and Susan Threadgill92-16
BDK7i-05 Bandits in the CountyText to be enteredCasey Brown and Jean-Philipe ‘JP' Chapleau Bandit Kingdoms
BDK7i-06 Celebration in the CavesAfter discovering a secret city of duergar, the dwarves of the Combination clear out a city of their evil, grey-skinned cousins with the help of other friends last year, and, in doing so, help them lay claim to a home of their own. A year has passed and it is time to celebrate this anniversary the way only dwarves can, with ale, feast, and ritual holiday of Harnekiah, cleaning out the caves near the city, come join in the fun. A Bandit Kingdoms Regional Master Maze Interactive Adventure set below the Tangles during the 8th through 14th of Flocktime, for APLs 2 to 16. This event will allow regional PCs to spend up to 5 TUs, and does NOT have an item access AR.Joe Aker and Robert Watson 92-16Bandit Kingdoms
BDK7i-07 Barren's SecretsCasey BrownBandit Kingdoms
BDK7i-08 Abyss Bound Soul (aka Soul Train)Casey Brown and Konrad Brandemuhl Bandit Kingdoms
BDK7s-01 An Elf in NeedBandit Kingdoms
BDK7s-02 Red Blooded ManBandit Kingdoms
BDK8-01 The ScourgeA new temple. An old scourge. The fate of Redhand will be settled this day. Whose side are you really on? Citizens of Redhand and members of the Brotherhood of the Sundered Axe are encouraged to participate in this adventure. PCs that are "Banned from Redhand" may not play this adventure. A one-round Bandit Kingdoms Regional adventure set in the Principality of Redhand for APLs 2-8. (Roleplay intensive module.) Ken Jenks52-8Bandit Kingdoms
BDK8-02 Trouble Everywhere You GoVast forces are on the move as word starts to leak out about a powerful artifact that is rumored to confer the rulership of the Combination of Free Lords to its wearer. Can you win the race for the Iron Crown? A one-round Bandit Kingdoms adventure set in various locales for characters level 4-14 (APLs 6-12). This is the third and final part of the Missing Regent series. Members of the Army of the Warfields, Brotherhood of the Sundered Axe, Citizens of Redhand, Johrase Mercenaries and Moskol's Legion, and all those who wish to return Duke Gellor to power, are encouraged to play this adventure. Keith Symcox96-12Bandit Kingdoms
BDK8-03 Brute Cold Force (unreleased)(NEVER WRITTEN)Britt Frey Bandit Kingdoms
BDK8-04 For Country, Kings, Friends, and NeighborsFinally, the plans have been made, morningstars sharpened, and armor made ready. The Johrase march to war on Riftcrag and Boneheart Cranzer! During the final days before the assault, can you help the Johrase accomplish a variety of missions that will give them the tactical edge in the conflict to come? A one-round Bandit Kingdoms Regional adventure set in the Tangles, the Rift Barrens, and the Rift Canyon for APLs 2-16. The results of the premiere of this event will directly influence the BK finale interactive, BDKi8-04 All Evil Things. WARNING! This event features VERY difficult fights at all APLs and should only be played by balanced tables consisting of at least five characters. Printing Warning: This event contains color maps.Casey Brown92-16Bandit Kingdoms
BDK8-05 The Demon That You Know (unreleased)Bandit Kingdoms
BDK8i-01 For the Fellreev!Text to be enteredCasey Brown and Quad Heinicken Bandit Kingdoms
BDK8i-02 Loot Free or Die HardWhen adventurers across the Bandit Kingdoms receive invitations to the retirement party of Thunk, half-orc archer, many suspect a hidden agenda. Thus, they are not surprised when Rhaedrick Avenfear gives an impassioned plea to those gathered to join him in freeing Rookroost from Tadurinal and the forces of Old Wicked for all time. Will you follow Rhaedrick and Gaiyle to glory, or will you follow them to death? A Bandit Kingdoms urban-battle-interactive set in Rookroost for APLs 2-16. All PCs who call Rookroost home or just believe in freedom are encouraged to play.David "Keyoke" Polansk92-16Bandit Kingdoms
BDK8i-03 To Save a Soul (unreleased)(NEVER WRITTEN)Britt FreyBandit Kingdoms
BDK8i-04 All Evil Things...All evil things must come to an end...or so the Johrase hope! Can you help the Johrase force Cranzer into revealing where their missing king's soul gem is hidden? Can you survive the bloodiest battle the region will see since the Greyhawk Wars? The final two-round Bandit Kingdoms battle-interactive set in Riftcrag for APLs 2-16 pits heroes against the region's most powerful villians in a battle-royale that will finalize the shape of the region for years to come. Will also feature one unique master maze table event for a few brave souls. Do you have what it takes to venture forth into Cranzer's tower? Faint of heart or most brave hero need not apply!! Swag will be given away to volunteers who decide to judge the interactive.Casey Brown92-16Bandit Kingdoms
BDK8i-05 The Demon that You Know (unreleased)(NEVER WRITTEN)Casey Brown, Britt Frey, Konrad Brandemuhl, and Susan ThreadgillBandit Kingdoms
BIS1-00Bissel Gazetteer< GAZETTEER >
BIS1-01 Winter WonderlandA wizard has hired you to deliver some items to a colleague before winter blocks the roads and makes travel near impossible. But when Mother Nature wont cooperate, you must find shelter or die. What can go wrong in a small walled trading town anyway? An adventure for characters levels 1-6. Alex Lombardi 41-6Bissel
BIS1-02 The Quest for the Alabaster PalaceText to be entered41-6Bissel
BIS1-03 The Feast of FateText to be entered41-6Bissel
BIS1-04 A Walk in the WoodsText to be entered41-6Bissel
BIS1-05 A Deadly BloomText to be entered41-6Bissel
BIS1-06 A Baron's TaxText to be entered41-6Bissel
BIS1-07 Blind FaithText to be entered41-6Bissel
BIS1-08 Barrier BrewText to be entered41-6Bissel
BIS1-09 The Barrenford FestivalText to be entered41-6Bissel
BIS1-10 A Knife in the DarkText to be entered41-6Bissel
BIS2-01 Legacy of the MaskText to be entered51-8Bissel
BIS2-02 TotemText to be entered51-8Bissel
BIS2-03 The BodkinText to be entered61-10Bissel
BIS2-04 All That WithersText to be entered73-10Bissel
BIS2-05 Chasing the CrownText to be entered61-10Bissel
BIS2-A1 Wizardly PlansA high-ranking member of the Guild of the Arcane Path has been working with the new army leadership on plans for the training and organization of the Battlecaster specialists. But he's gone missing and so have the plans. Time to go find both. A Living Greyhawk Bissel mini-module for characters levels 1-8 which counts a military scenario. Steven Conforti 51-8Bissel
BIS2-A2 Armored CaravanThe army needs some volunteers to escort a shipment of shiny new weapons and armor to Griffon Battle. How hard could that be? A Living Greyhawk Bissel minimodule for characters levels 1-8 which counts a military scenario. Steven Conforti 51-8Bissel
BIS2-A3 One Fine MorningAs dawn breaks in the gateway to the Sheldomar Valley, a quiet beauty whispers across a lake. When a quick trip for the day's water turns deadly, has this fine morning turned foul? A Living Greyhawk Bissel mini-module for characters levels 1-8 which counts a military scenario Kevin P. Hogan 51-8Bissel
BIS2-A4 The Horror Under WrekinIn the township of Wrekin, something is wrong. You've been summoned by the Master of the House of Sense in a cloud of secrecy. What mystery could prompt such a summons, and why are you being sent in an official military capacity? A Living Greyhawk Bissel mini-module for characters levels 1-8 which counts a military scenario. Christopher Ravlin 51-8Bissel
BIS2-B1 Death to FleshBissel
BIS2-B2 Unwanted VisitorsBissel
BIS2-IN2 Grand Festival of BisselBissel
BIS2-IN3 A Baron's FateBissel
BIS3-01 Old Friends and FensAn undead menace in the Fetid Fens was defeated only to reveal a powerful item of Evard's evil creation. After the artifact is stolen, it appears the forces of evil are as active as ever and the signs point back to Arvenshire … this can't be good? A Bissel two-round regional adventure for APLs 4-10 and Part Two in the Fetid Fens saga. Kevin P. Hogan 74-10Bissel
BIS3-02 Shadows in the WoodsThe Whispering Woods of Khartizanum are the source of numerous stories of hauntings and ghosts in the mists. When a nearby village is beset by a strange occurrence, some brave Knights of the Watch enter the woods to investigate. When they don't return, who will brave the haunted mists? A Bissel regional adventure for APLs 2-12 and Part One of The March of Shadows. Kevin P. Hogan and Steven Conforti 72-12Bissel
BIS3-03 OakstaffHe stood seven feet tall and had wings like an eagle. His father was a solar and his mother, a fire elemental. He shot lightning from his eyes and no weapon made by mortals could hurt him. His name was Kanner the Tall and he was … a hero of Bissel? Many are willing to kill for the answer, but are you ready to die for it? A Bissel regional adventure for inquisitive PCs at APLs 2-10. Cameron Logan 62-10Bissel
BIS3-04 First Comes MarriageLord Darius of Bessellar is holding his annual Grand Festival, but rumors fly that this year will finally be the year that Lady Jasmine, his sole daughter, marries. Suitors have come from all across the March to aim for her heart, but for what reasons? A Living Greyhawk investigative adventure for parties of APL 2-12. Part 1 of the Council of Barons Arc.Adam Morse, Anise Strong, Rebecca Slitt, and Raj Shah72-12Bissel
BIS3-05 Circles of LifeKetzia, Baroness of Gerorgos, is deeply worried about some missing children in the remote regions of her barony. What darker secrets lie behind the disappearance of children into a healthy verdant forest, and why are they all the kin of dead Bisselite soldiers?Anise K. StrongBissel
BIS3-06 Loyal to a FaultA Bissel regional adventure for APLs 2-12, and Part Three of the Council Of Barons Series.Adam Morse72-12Bissel
BIS4-01 Murder in PellakThe city of Pellak is the current heart of Bissel, filled to the brim with the most important and influential people in the country. Perhaps this is why people are so upset about the recent rash of madness and feeblemindedness. Is this a strange magical contagion or something worse? In any case you will need your wits as well as your sword to get to the bottom of this dilemma. Just be careful not to get too involved. A Bissel regional adventure for APLs 2-12.Charles Jason Albitz 72-12Bissel
BIS4-02 Two Halves of the WholeNew leaders are beginning to prepare Bissel for the growing threat. A potential weapon has been located, but retrieving it may be more complicated than originally expected – but complications are part of any good adventurer's life. A Bissel Regional adventure for APLs 2-12.Raj Shah 72-12Bissel
BIS4-03 Face of the EnemyFourteen years ago, the Necromancer, Evard, nearly conquered the March, and paid with his life. Or did he? Current events have led many to believe him still active and a once-in-a-lifetime chance to explore his past has appeared. But are you willing to investigate the tales that have scared the children of Bissel for a generation? A Bissel Regional adventure for APLs 8 -12, and Part One of the Dusk Before the Dark series. Matthew Pennington 108-12Bissel
BIS4-04 Such a Great Weight of WaterAmidst the chaos created by a phantom threat, isolated incidents go unnoticed. Now, while the March is focused elsewhere, an old foe returns. Part one of the Cataclysm Arc. A Bissel regional adventure for APLs 4-12. Raj Shah and Nopalzin Torres 84-12Bissel
BIS4-05 Darkest DepthsThe March is still in shock from an unforeseen attack. Now, as it rebuilds, it appears that the worst is yet to come. How can that which you have already lost be used against you? Part two of the Cataclysm Arc. PCs must have played BIS4-04 prior to playing this module. A Bissel regional adventure for APLs 4-12.Raj Shah and Tanis O'Connor 84-12Bissel
BIS4-06 Shadows UnearthedA year ago, the Whispering Woods were haunted by servants of the Necromancer Evard. Since then, life has returned to normal in that area. So why is a bizarre artifact from that encounter with evil leading you back? A Bissel regional adventure for APLs 6-12, and Part Two of the March of Shadows Series. Matthew Pennington 96-12Bissel
BIS4-07 Legions of ExtinctionEvard's secrets are slowly being brought to light, but could there be one so foul that it could spell the end of the March? That's what His Lofty Grace needs YOU to find out. Part Two of the Dusk Before the Dark series. A Bissel regional adventure for APLs 6 -16, and Part Two of the Dusk Before the Dark Series. Matthew Pennington 116-16Bissel
BIS4-08 Keeps Your Friends CloseA message with ramifications that could shake the March. Undecided and conflicted leaders. Who do they trust? Who can they trust? You? A Bissel regional adventure for APLs 2-12. Raj Shah 72-12Bissel
BIS4-IN03 A Little Help for Our FriendsBissel
BIS5-01 That's Rhomstaff!The undead plague from within the Barony of Rhomstaff has deeply affected the lives of many in the March. Many have suffered and perished at the hands of Evard's minions, and entire generations have been forever scarred … now that's entertainment! Can you uncover the evil plot? Can you save the day? Can you think of a word that rhymes with ‘Evard', finish the closing number, and bring the house down? A Bissel regional adventure for inquisitive PCs of APLs 2-12. Jay Babcock 72-12Bissel
BIS5-02 OccupationEvard has established control over Thornward, but now a fledgling resistance movement has reached out, seeking aid. Can you make contact with them and retrieve intelligence valuable to the March in time? A Bissel regional adventure for APLs 2-12. Raj Shah, Chad Brown, Tanis Oconnor, Nopalzin Torres 72-12Bissel
BIS5-03 Trials and TriumphsAll eyes are focused on the front lines, but the true glimmer of hope is hiding in the background. A tome was recovered from the Necromancer's own collection, and it is believed that a great weapon might hide within. Many have worked tirelessly for the past year, and now it is time to test the fruits of that labor. A Bissel regional adventure for PCs of APLs 2-12, sequel to BIS4-02 Two Halves of a Whole, and Part One of the Sun after the Storm seriesCrystal and Jay Babcock 72-12Bissel
BIS5-04 Uncovered TruthsKnowing time is running out, Bissel is willing to sacrifice the lives of a few for the good of the many - and today your number has come up. Will you surrender, or will you fight your way clear? A two-round Bissel regional adventure for PCs of APLs 2-12Raj Shah, Jay Babcock, and Tanis O'Connor 72-12Bissel
BIS5-05 Strange BedfellowsThe honor of your presence is requested at the marriage of Baroness Jasmine Besselar and Baron Cainlain Rashedra on the 20th day of Goodmonth, 595 CY; to occur when the sun drops below the horizon as viewed from Besselar Keep, Calpius Craft. Formal attire requested. A Bissel regional adventure for PCs of APLs 2-12. Cameron Logan and Jay Babcock 72-12Bissel
BIS5-06 Vanity and VexationIn any story there are heroes and villains, and the distinctions between them are usually clear. In Bissel, however, a few of those celebrated heroes have become accustomed to the prestige that comes with the role, and have blurred the lines. Their greed and short-sightedness may cause the downfall of the March. A Bissel regional adventure for PCs of APLs 212, and Part Two of the Sun after the Storm series.Crystal and Jay Babcock 72-12Bissel
BIS5-07 EvardThe end of the war is at hand, but Evard is not entirely powerless. A final, daring mission has been conceived to hamstring the Necromancer. Can you complete the mission that will save untold lives? Or will Bissel need to fight the Necromancer on even footing? A Bissel regional adventure for PCs of APLs 2-16, for PCs who have playedBIS5-06 Vanity and Vexation and are familiar with the Bissel region. Raj Shah, Chad Brown, Tanis O'Connor, and Jay Babcock 92-16Bissel
BIS5-IN1 Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about War (But Were Afraid to Ask)Bissel
BIS5-IN2 Battle of SholemBissel
BIS5-IN3 Closing ArgumentsBissel
BIS5-IN4 ThornwardBissel
BIS5S-01 Lizards in the MistAn undercover agent has disappeared in Thornward, lost behind enemy lines. You've been recruited to find out what happened to him, but you don't even know why he was there. Can you retrace his movements, finish his work, and get out alive? An introductory LG adventure set in the March of Bissel. Jay Babcock 11Bissel
BIS5S-02 A Day at the GAPThe Guild of the Arcane Path has been the premier school and haven for Arcane Spellcasters in Bissel for as long as anyone can remember. One professor has wishes to continue on in his duties, but needs the help of a few brave souls to accomplish this task. Will you be up for the challenge? An introductory LG adventure set in the March of Bissel. Mike Rosenberg 11Bissel
BIS5S-03 Words of WisdomEvery year the Nightwatch hosts Remembrance Day in honor of those who made sacrifices in the service of the March. But in times like these, when new heroes are made every day, who knows what people will have left to remember for next year? An introductory LG adventure set in the March of BisseMichael Hallet 11Bissel
BIS5S-04 Faith No MoreIt's all about perspective – something unimportant to one, may be crucial to another. Two young souls decided to run away from home, and all they needed was a little help. When they found themselves on their own, it shook their faith to its very foundations. An introductory LG adventure set in the March of Bissel. Jay Babcock and Lee Burton 11Bissel
BIS6-01 Splitting HeirsIt is the dawn of a new era for the March of Bissel. With new beginnings comes a new opportunity to rule… and several powerful individuals would kill for the chance. The question is: who did kill for it? A Bissel regional adventure for APLs 2-12, and Part One of the Rebuilding the March series. Chris and Jay Babcock 72-12Bissel
BIS6-02 Seeking RefugeEvard has been vanquished and the ancient capital of Bissel is once again under control of the March. But these grand things mean very little to the common folk. The dispossessed, the disenfranchised, and those just tired of seeing their lives in ruin seek something - anything to make their lives whole once again. They seek refuge. A Bissel regional adventure for APLs 2-12, and Part 2 of the Rebuilding the March series. Christopher Ravlin and Jay Babcock 72-12Bissel
BIS6-03 Back TaxesA clerk at the Department of Tax Collection has discovered that the makers of Barrier Brew haven't paid their taxes in years. During the Ketite occupation records were misplaced and this oversight is just now coming to light. How will the Medigkin clan react to this news? How will you fair as a tax collector? A Bissel regional adventure for APLs 2-12, and Part 3 of the Rebuilding the March series. Don Walker and Jay Babcock 72-12Bissel
BIS6-04 Face of Copper"Out of the shadows come the flash of blades and howls plaintive for mercy. Hope like a robber steals into the hearts of some and shuns the ramparts. Let us reflect back on the tragedies of past times with new fervor. Without doing so would be detrimental to the task before us." A Bissel regional adventure for APLs 2-12, and Part 1 of the Shadows and Sigils series. Cameron Logan 72-12Bissel
BIS6-05 The Unauthorized Biography of Lady Constance LendelAs her husband lay expiring, Lady Constance was already plotting her way to the top. Now that she has been named Baroness of Kynneret, her first move has been to silence her detractors. But not everyone has gone down without a fight. Are you a patriot, or a revolutionary? A Bissel regional adventure for APLs 2-16, and Part 4 of the Rebuilding the March seriesJay Babcock 92-16Bissel
BIS6-06 Opportunity NOCs"The mission is simple," he said. "Travel through hostile, uncharted lands… to a place that few men have ever seen… break into a secure fortress… sneak past the Sheldomar's most skilled rogues… and steal something that might not even be there." His featureless grey face leaned closer, and his yellow eyes met yours. "…all for Bissel. What do you say?" A Bissel regional adventure for APLs 2-12, Part 6 of the Rebuilding the March series, and sequel to BIS5-IS1 Lizards in the Mist. Jay Babcock and Becky Slitt 72-12Bissel
BIS6-07 Grace Under FireRumors abound of bonfires in Bandalar. They are reported to be villages put to the torch. But are these rumors true? The refugees seeking aid claim it so. If these rumors can be substantiated, then who or what is behind them? And how can they be stopped? A Bissel regional adventure for APLs 2-12 and Part 6 of the Rebuilding the March series. Matthew Maranda 72-12Bissel
BIS6-IN1 All Roads Lead…Bissel
BIS6-IN2 We're Gonna Party Like it's CY 595Bissel
BIS6-IN3 Forests for the TreesBissel
BIS6-IN4 Barons Gone WildBissel
BIS6-IN5 If on a Winter's Night an Adventurer...Bissel
BIS7-01 It Always Rains on the DamnedSomething in the background, stirring. Stalking. Lurking. Creeping. Blurring. Claws of smoke, desperately raking. Dark. Foreboding. Hidden. Waking. Hunger growing, never abating. Deadly. Maddened. Watching. Waiting. A Bissel regional adventure for APLs 2-16. Jay Babcock, Crystal Babcock, and Cam Logan 92-16Bissel
BIS7-02 CaravanGuarding a caravan of military supplies traveling through Bissel should be a "Milk Run". But in these dark days a Caravan must travel through the Forest of Nightwatch, and then pass the Bramblewood Gap. Both are wild areas infrequently patrolled and prone to having accidents. Can you prevent this from happening and allow these desperately needed supplies to reach the front line troops? A Bissel regional adventure for APLs 2-12. Matthew Maranda 72-12Bissel
BIS7-03 All That For a Bag of Silver?"To the manse came six, gathered for their great knowledge and experience. A seventh would speed the tasks that were their burden and their destiny. The water bearer was the keystone to success, bound in manacles. The equite, a shade, distorted by avarice, the downfall of one." A Bissel regional adventure for APLs 2-12, and Part 2 of the Shadows and Sigils series. Cameron Logan 72-12Bissel
BIS7-04 Dark Heart of the ForestThe darkest depths of the Barony of Nightwatch have been covered in a strange forest for over a year. Now, darkness is stirring and the land is responding. Wild things known to be there are emerging, and something must be done to reclaim that which has been lost. A Bissel regional adventure for APLs 2-12. Joe Leo, Jay Babcock, Crystal Babcock, and Cameron Logan 72-12Bissel
BIS7-05 BastilleThe Knights of the Watch built many towers to aid in the defense of the Sheldomar. Many of them were destroyed and rebuilt but some were left to be lost. Now old memories from the Greyhawk Wars are being dredged up and some must be dealt with. A Bissel regional adventure for APLs 2-12 Nopalzin Torres and Matt Maranda 72-12Bissel
BIS7-06 The Golden MasqueThe dark revelers gathered amidst the screams and howls: they plead for death. Two captives are held. Release for them spins out the rescue of the rook. One is the younger of two cruel brothers, a mask of jealousy worn. Darker than that is the other, her secrets are wicked and true things. A Bissel regional adventure for APLs 2-12, and Part 3 of the Shadows and Sigils series. Cameron Logan 72-12Bissel
BIS7-07 Radiance and ResolutionTwo years ago, Bissel unleashed a weapon of great power upon the Necromancer's armies. The forces of darkness were decimated and the tide of the war turned, but in the process the boundaries between planes was torn asunder. Truelight was lost, and the land itself became inhospitable. But you now stand before the breech, and have the chance to change Bissel forever. A two-round Bissel regional adventure for APLs 2-12 and finale of the Sun after the Storm series. Crystal and Jay Babcock 72-12Bissel
BIS7-08 Under a Platinum Sky"Convergences draws near, and with every feint and dodge of blade and arrow extinction draws near. The dead who walk are finished; they know not the truth. All that remains to be seen are all that remains after the death knell." A Bissel regional adventure for APLs 2-12, and Part 4 of the Shadows and Sigils series. PCs must have played BIS7-06 The Golden Masque before playing this adventure. Cameron Logan 72-12Bissel
BIS7-IN1 Advantage of Numbers Bissel
BIS7-IN2 Acceptable LossesBissel
BIS7-IN3 Unwelcome GuestsBissel
BIS7-IN4 Embers of the Most HolyBissel
BIS7-IN5 Steady Currents Beneath Still WatersBissel
BIS7-IN6 The Tenth DayBissel
BIS8-01 A Terrible Thing to WasteA horrible legacy lurks in the background. If brought to bear, it could slay thousands of innocents in but a few moments. Only one person knows of its existence, but she is trapped in the most secure of prisons. Setting her free may change the way you think about your chosen profession. A challenging Bissel regional adventure for APLs 2-12, and part of the ongoing War with Ket series. Jay Babcock, Crystal Babcock, and Lee Burton 72-12Bissel
BIS8-02 Wealth Beyond the Measure of Coin"Convergence arrives, mark it with the death of the oasis who walks. Extinction draws close; the agenda of the spheres is righted at end. All memory fades of the ones who walk and move into the dark lands." A Bissel regional adventure for APLs 2-12, and finale of the Shadows and Sigils series. Cameron Logan 72-12Bissel
BIS8-03 Battle of the BandsIn a world where the success of a nation depends on the courage of a few, strength and valor must… no, that's not right. Imagine, the greatest heroes of the March together for one last adventure! Hmm… no. I'll start again. An epic quest, 598 years in the making… You'll laugh. You'll cry… Curse it all, this just isn't working out… Looks like I'm going to need a little help. A Bissel regional adventure for APLs 2-16, and Part 1 of That's Rhomstaff! II, the Bissel finale Jay and Crystal Babcock 92-16Bissel
BIS8-04 Flailing in the DarkThey have long chiseled away at the stone of Bissel's foundation… but to what end? Finally, the key is in their grasp, and their plan is beginning to take shape. Soon, that which lurks in shadow will be brought to light… but will it be too late? A Bissel regional adventure for APLs 2-16, and Part 2 of That's Rhomstaff! II, the Bissel finaleJay and Crystal Babcock 92-16Bissel
BIS8-05 Necromancers on IceFrom the shadows, Bissel's greatest enemy has planned a bid for control. The March's heroes are trapped, far from home, while the final insurrection begins. Can you fight your way free, and make a difference? Can you tell friend from foe? A Bissel regional adventure for APLs 2-16, and Part 3 of That's Rhomstaff! II, the Bissel finale. It is highly recommended that all four parts be run in order, with the same character. Jay and Crystal Babcock 92-16Bissel
BIS8-06 All Good ThingsThe end is nigh. Bissel's two strongest enemies have taken the field, each vying for control of the land. Without the help of her heroes, the forces of good do not stand a chance. A Bissel regional adventure for APLs 2-16, and Part 4 of That's Rhomstaff! II, the Bissel finale. It is highly recommended that all four parts be run in order, with the same characterJay and Crystal Babcock 92-16Bissel
BNM1-00Bone March Gazetteer< GAZETTEER >Bone March
BNM-IN1 Red WaterBone March
BNM-IN2 Bad LandsBone March
BNM-IN3 Frigid BladeBone March
BNM-IN4 Horror AcresBone March
BNM4-01 First BloodA ranger of the village of Nlul discovers two small Orc scout camps at the outskirts of the village. The PCs are hired by the garrison (the military) to neutralize the threat. The PCs will have to get familiar with the Nlul surroundings and by using the Ranger's map, go undetected and neutralize the camps.Spyridon Giannoutsos22Bone March
BNM4-02 Run Like Hell!The PCs are hired to protect a wagon which is carrying important documents, from the village of Nlul to the town of Nivlek. However things will soon get out of control… An adventure for APL's 2-6.Spyridon D. Giannoutsos 42-6Bone March
BNM4-03 Bright SunThe PCs are charged with the responsibility of clearing up a part of the dwarven abandoned mine residing in the County of Knurl, so that it can be used by miners once more. With the ore running fluently from the hills, the village of Nlul might be able to raise funds so that it can be in a position to repel the orc invasion. An adventure made for APLs 28. Spyridon D. Giannoutsos 52-8Bone March
BNM4-04 Call to Arms!The much-anticipated orc assault on the village of Nlul is about ready to begin. The PCs have the difficult task of neutralizing the officers of the enemy horde and capturing their battle plans. Can a handful of heroes change the tide of the upcoming great battle? A two-round scenario for APLs 2-8. Spyridon D. Giannoutsos 52-8Bone March
BNM5-01 Deadly AllianceA beautiful damsel in distress turns to the PCs for aid to save her brother. The poor young man is being held captive by a mysterious powerful humanoid. Can the PCs infiltrate the cave, and rescue the young man? A Bone March adventure near the Blemu Hills for APLs 2-8 Spyridon D. Giannoutsos 52-8Bone March
BNM5-02 A Paladin on the RunA paladin runs for his life and stumbles across a group of adventurers. The poor man is badly wounded and in a state of shock, screaming about a mysterious tower and very dangerous opponents. Can this be true, or it is the raving of a young man on the verge of insanity? Do the adventurers have what it takes to check out for themselves the horrors of this mysterious building? An Adventure for APLs 2-8.Spyridon D. Giannoutsos 52-8Bone March
BNM5-03 Deadly Games Bone March
BNM5-04 Ride the DragonBone March
CGR7-01 Ruins of DiscoveryNeophyte adventurers have long flocked to the City of Greyhawk to seek fame and fortune. This year, however, is different; intrigue and the reawakening of a site of legend, provide the brave and the lucky with plenty of opportunities for glory (or ignominy). It is a shame that murder is the catalyst for rivals to come together in a time of need. A tworound Greyhawk Ruins adventure for 1st-level characters (APL 2) set in the Domain of Greyhawk. Creighton Broadhurst, Chris Chesher, and Sam Weis22CORE
CGR7-02 The Silent BarracksThe discovery of a hidden staircase and the ruins of past battles lure brave adventurers ever deeper into the bowels of Castle Greyhawk. What dangers (and treasures) lie hidden there in the wrack of past battles? A "Greyhawk Ruins" adventure for characters level 1-7 (APLs 2-4) set in the Domain of Greyhawk. Christian J. Alipounarian, Creighton Broadhurst, and Christopher Lindsay 32-4CORE
CGR8-01 Crypts of the ForgottenDeep below the ruins of the War Tower, strange and terrifying creatures lurk in the lightless tunnels of a forgotten temple. Meanwhile, cultists dedicated to the Old One stalk the streets of the Free City intent on their master's diabolical schemes. A "Greyhawk Ruins" adventure for characters level 1-9 (APLs 2-6) set in the Domain of GreyhawkCreighton Broadhurst, Christopher Lindsay, and Colleen Simpson 42-6CORE
CGR8-02 ShatterstoneRumors of cults once again stalking the underside of the free city and the discovery of a long-thought destroyed dungeon level under the War Tpwer call once again for brave (or foolhardy) adventurers to invstigate. The final part of "Greyhawk Ruins". A three-round core adventure for characters level 1-11 (APLs 2-8) set in the Domain of Greyhawk.Creighton Broadhurst, Jean-Philipe "JP" Chapleau, R. Michael Hinds, and Colleen Simpson 52-8CORE
COR1-00 The CitadelBefore there was the Circle of Eight, before even the Citadel of Eight, Mordenkainen saw the need for a personal group of heroes to help maintain the balance in Oerth. See how the Citadel of Eight formed in this daring adventure. This adventure is background for the Living Greyhawk campaign. An adventure for characters levels 7-8, characters provided Robert Wiese 87-8CORE
COR1-01 Dragon Scales at MorningtideStrange black currents and droves of beached fish are being linked to a strange new cult in the city of Greyhawk. Are the cultists responsible, or just part of a larger danger? An adventure for beginning characters, using 3rd edition D&D® rules. For characters levels 1-4. Sean K Reynolds 31-4CORE
COR1-02 The ReckoningA struggling merchant house may hold the key to untold wealth and adventure in the Cairn Hills. An adventure for characters level 1-6. Sean Flaherty and John Richardson 41-6CORE
COR1-03 River of BloodThe Millstream runs red with the blood of the abducted children of Greyhawk's lower class, triggering memories of a crisis thought averted long ago. Absolute Power series, part one. For characters levels 1-3. Erik Mona 21-3CORE
COR1-04 Fires of the Storm TowerWhile on a ship from the city of Greyhawk to Gryrax in the Principality of Ulek, you are blown off-course by a freak storm, and stranded on the shores of the Pomarj. While the sailors do emergency repairs, you search for an important passenger missing since the shipwreck. An adventure for characters level 1-6.Sean K. Reynolds41-6CORE
COR1-05 Brendingund's BrideAuldon Brendingund is getting married, and you have been chosen to escort the groom to Hardby. All's not bliss, though. Even though Bendingund fortunes are in the black, his luck is still foul. Bleak swamps, a dwarven laird, and that strange necklace all stand in the way of the nuptials. Will your aid determine whether Brendingund stays a bachelor or not? A core adventure for characters level 1-6.Sean Flaherty and John Richardson41-6CORE
COR1-06 The Forbidden ChoiceThought lost to antiquity, the remains of an ancient elven chest have been recovered. Why is this relic so important that Iuz's followers would take interest in it? An adventure for heroic characters of levels 1-6.Jason Bulmahn and Chris Tulach41-6CORE
COR1-07 Brendingund's BloodText to be entered41-6CORE
COR1-08 The Future's BrightText to be entered41-6CORE
COR1-09 Swamp ThingsText to be entered41-6CORE
COR2-01 As He Lay DyingText to be entered74-10CORE
COR2-02 Brendingund's BroodText to be entered51-8CORE
COR2-03 Amidst the Mists and Coldest FrostsText to be entered51-8CORE
COR2-04 Birthday BashText to be entered83-12CORE
COR2-05 Beneath the VeilText to be entered83-12CORE
COR2-06 Finder's KeepersText to be entered73-10CORE
COR2-07 Ashes of InnocenceText to be entered83-12CORE
COR2-08 EchoText to be entered71-12CORE
COR2-09 The Final ReckoningText to be entered72-12CORE
COR2-10 Forgotten EchoesText to be entered61-10CORE
COR2-11 Escape from TenhText to be entered61-10CORE
COR2-12 The Plague of the Third SeasonText to be entered86-10CORE
COR2-13 Into the Dying LandsText to be entered61-10CORE
COR3-01 The Hidden FortressText to be entered74-10CORE
COR3-02 Return to the IslesThe eerie words of a decrepit seer lead you back to the mysterious Isles of Woe, now an ominous landmark of the mighty Nyr Dyv. Somewhere deep within this ancient dark tomb lies vital information concerning the destruction of Tenh and possibly the key to sparing other countries from a similar fate. An adventure for foolish mortal characters of APL 2-12. Part three of the Ether Threat story arc. Chris Tulach 72-12CORE
COR3-03 Fury of a Cold Man's HeartSomething has drawn the Old Ones attention away from his war torn border dispute with Furyondy and an old Knight of Veluna seeks to gain advantage from it. An incursion into the heart of Iuz's domain has been assembled to seek an item to right an old wrong. The question lingers though, how many wrongs can be justified for the greater good? A Core scenario for APLs 2-12. Part Two of the To Serve the Greater Good series David Christ 72-12CORE
COR3-04 By Cunning and Forced CauseYou are asked to deliver a book to a wizard living in Longfield, a hamlet just within the borders of Theocracy of the Pale. Longfield is a quiet hamlet plagued by the legendary Swampwood Beast. The beast's next target asks you to help defeat the evil creature. Your investigation may reveal how to send the beast to the afterlife, or you may become its next victim. An adventure for characters levels 2 through 12. David W. Baker 72-12CORE
COR3-05 Circle of SinSomething is wrong in the Free City of Greyhawk. Tensions in the River Quarter have begun to rise as what was good has become evil, a demented dying man sc reams something about iniquity being yo ur downfall and a zealot is one step ahead of you everywhere you turn. The bonds that kept an ol d and terrible evil in check are being loosened by an insane circle of malcontents in this scenario for levels 1 to 12. Stuart Kerrigan 71-12CORE
COR3-06 Witch Hunt"‘Ware the old ways, my son, and suffer not the servants of the Old Ones to live. Raise stake and flame, that their evil may be cleansed from the land in the fires of purity." The old admonition has been passed down for generations in Dunmarsh, but has manifested. An adventure for characters of levels 3-14. Theron Martin 93-14CORE
COR3-08 A Man With NothingDeceit in the College of Bishops, buried temples, and priests of Iuz have turned what was once thought to be Rao's greatest triumph over the Old One into a sham. The Flight of Fiends, thought to have once banished thousands of devils and demons from the Flanaess, was just a ruse used by Iuz for some unknown purpose. Where is the third bishop? Where did the 303 devils go? Why would Iuz betray his own? These questions lead the adventurers into the darkest prison imaginable. Where the most horrid are held until the time of reckoning. There they meet a man with a small child who likes to play with string. A man the boy only calls 'Father'. A one-round Living Greyhawk adventure for APLs 6 thru 14. Part Three of the To Serve the Greater Good series. David Christ 106-14CORE
COR3-09 Face ValueIt seems that every time you head to or from the City of Greyhawk some sort of misadventure befalls you. This time seems to be different. Well, at least some of your traveling companions are. A group of pacifist monks joined your small band a few days back. They seemed quite pleased to have adventurers to travel with. You wonder if they are prepared for the adventure that you know must surely follow. APL 2-12. Part 1 of the Tome of Clarity and Mists series.Craig Hier 72-12CORE
COR3-10 Sepulchre of the Wizard-KingDeep in the lands of the Old One is a tomb long forgotten. Sealed deep inside a labyrinth, behind powerful wards and terrible guardians, waits a guide to defeating the hordes of ether creatures infesting Tenh. Deep within the dungeon is part of the most powerful mage ever to walk the face of Oerth. A 2 round event, part 4 of the Ether Threat story Arc. An adventure for characters levels 6 – 12. Jason Bulmahn 96-12CORE
COR3-11 Forlorn MemoriesChoices of the past and echoes of the present, the future may make memories to resonate through all time. Deep beneath the waves, a terror sleeps no more. The dread voice returns, corrupting those who draw near it. Will it be released onto Oerth, or will it be put to a final rest? Sequel to Forbidden Choice and Forgotten Echoes. An adventure for characters levels 3 – 14. CHRIS TULACH 93-14CORE
COR3-12 EndgameThe wheel turns and turns, from the doomed city of Vrennmii to the famed Isles of Woe. Through it all the heroes have faced adversity at every turn and somehow managed to come through. Now the end is in sight. The item that will lead you to the location of the book is in your hands. The tools to find what can lock away the ethers are almost at your fingertips and all you need to do is reach out and grab it. Who else has their hands in the mix is the problem. An adventure for character levels 6 – 14. David Christ 106-14CORE
COR3-13 Traitor's RoadA lady in distress—a diplomat, not a damsel. In the machinations of the great, the good and the not-so good, appearances are not all that deceive. A LIVING GREYHAWK Core adventure for APLs 2-10 PAUL LOOBY 62-10CORE
COR3-14 Hunt for the RogueOnce every 289 years, the Great Modron March passes through the multiverse. It last touched Greyhawk in the Blemu Hills, in the Northern Kingdom of Aerdy. Usually, some modrons die. Usually, a few get left behind. Sometimes, the modrons come back for them. This time, they're coming in force, with the fate of an entire village at stake…. An adventure for APLs 4-10. RAINER NAGEL 74-10CORE
COR3-15 Nine LivesMagic is such a wonderful thing. Its complexity challenges its students, its beauty dazzles the blooded, and its mystery impresses all. But one day in Greyhawk, magic shows its unpredictable side and unleashes something never before seen. One plea, one in need, one to bare witness, and six to complete the task, nine lives intertwined for one day. An adventure for APLs 2-10 Jason R. O'Gorman 62-10CORE
COR3-16 LeraraThe fabled Passage of Slerotin leads deep beneath the Hellfurnace Mountains, rumored to hold mysteries and treasure. Your group has prepared for a cautious and perhaps lengthy expedition deep under the Flanaess. The town of Dark Gate is your last stop in civilization before leaving on your sunless journey. As you approach Dark Gate, however, you see an ominous column of smoke reaching into the sky. And where there's smoke. An adventure for APLs 2 to 16. Ron Lundeen 92-16CORE
COR3-17 When Orcs AttackWelcome to the city of Eastfair, capital of the North Kingdom. Within its great granite walls, the people are safe from all that might harm them from amongst the countryside. But what of the threats from within? There are children in trouble and the forces of good are greatly in the minority. You are needed to go into the countryside and rescue an orphanage. Sounds simple, right? It would have been. But, with one too many drinks and a fistfight with a human officer, one of the local orc regiments has gone on yet another drunken rampage. Now the population gets another first hand view of… when orcs attack. An adventure for APL 2-6. Part One of the "Running with the Baatezu" series. Chris Chesher 42-6CORE
COR3-18 Through Nature to EternityRecent discoveries in the Grand Duchy of Geoff point to a plot whose endpoint is so hideous, the entire world of Oerth would be at stake. The Old Faith of Gyruff desperately requires your intervention. An adventure for APLs 10 to 16. R. Michael Hinds 1310-16CORE
COR3-19 FollyThe mad priest Entropimus recently made a pilgrimage to the far northern wastes. He hasn't yet returned. His former adventuring companion Lebarat is now concerned he is up to no good. Lebarat invites you to help him investigate what has waylaid Entropimus in Folly, a town rumored to have been built by Entropimus' deity—Zagyg. Recommended especially for adventuring parties who have played together before. A one-round Living Greyhawk core adventure for APL 4-12. The Head Brothers 84-12CORE
COR4-01 Shedding ScalesA knightly order dedicated to stopping a nameless evil, a mysterious sect of an ancient Suel goddess, and a diviner charged with undoing a diabolical ritual: these diverse forces struggle to end a threat in the cradle of the former Occluded Empire of the Whispered One. Is the danger confined to a backwater barony on the edge of the Rushmoors, or is something more at stake? A Core scenario for APLs 2-12. Part One of the "Windows to the Serpent's Soul" series. Shawn Merwin 72-12CORE
COR4-02 The Stone Man's PuzzleThe town of Hardby was in complete disarray when you arrived. The Law Courts were broken into and the accused whisked away by a giant man of stone. The tracks should be easy enough to follow—but who would want to spirit away a mere bookkeeper? An adventure for APLs 6 through 10. RON LUNDEEN 86-10CORE
COR4-03 Tropical IntrigueIn the taverns of the Free City stories have passed down over the years of a shipwrecked adventuring party that explored the Amedio Hook eighteen years ago. However, now the area is controlled by the Scarlet Sign. A beautiful Ahilissan merchant wants to know more. She asks for volunteers for a journey across the Azure Sea. Not another sea voyage! An adventure for APLs 2-12. Part One of the Amedio Hook Series. Michael McKeown 72-12CORE
COR4-04 Red TideStuck on the blue waters of the Azure Sea, stranded in the calms, a simple voyage he said—ferrying goods from Hardby to Marner. Anything can happen on the deep blue waters of the Azure. A two-round continuous play adventure for characters level 4-12. Written for Suel human characters but survivable by all. James Zwiers 84-12CORE
COR4-05 Crystal Caverns of the Cairn HillsOutside of the Free City of Greyhawk lie the burial grounds containing the relics of a era long past. Near one of these cairns is the town Crystalhollow — a settlement of gnomes who mine for precious metals and gems of incredible value. Greed drives them deep beneath Oerth where they've uncovered something... A two-round adventure recommended for characters levels 1-9. Nicholas K. Tulach 52-8CORE
COR4-06 Duke of the DustThe fertile fields of Tenh lie devastated and lifeless. The fate of the Tenha people lies in the balance. Will they unite and survive or be scattered to oblivion like wind-blown dust? Part 1 of the Children of the Dust Trilogy. An adventure for APLs 2-10Paul Looby 62-10CORE
COR4-07 Full Circle to OblivionPride, cowardice, fear, and lack of faith have stripped bare the hearts of many a man of the cloth. Now all that remains is a boy, his broken father, and a village of the once damned on the edge of the Vale of Luna. The journey that started at the Flight of Fiends has come full circle and now all the pieces are in place. Powerful forces move in the shadows each on this night of the forsaken. Who has the best interest of the Flanaess in mind and can the heroes find the right path before the shadows step into the light once again? Part Four of Five in the "To Serve the Greater Good" series. For APLs 8-16. David Christ 128-16CORE
COR4-08 The LetterText to be entered72-12CORE
COR4-09 A Tiger? In Ahlissa?Text to be entered42-6CORE
COR4-10 Riddle of the DustText to be entered62-10CORE
COR4-11 Crimson ThornsText to be entered82-14CORE
COR4-12 Key to the GraveText to be entered42-6CORE
COR4-13 A Wretched SoulText to be entered1310-16CORE
COR4-14 Sympathy for the BaatezuDigging deeper into the dark alleys of Eastfair has cleared up some puzzles, but the sickly dust quickly settles to create new obfuscation. Perhaps it is time to step out for some fresh air. A favor for a favor, new friends may be able to help you help yourself and get to the bottom of this mystery. With the who's and how's covered, its time to gather up a motive. The pillows and linen are freshly changed, so head on over to The Whirling Dervish and get a good rest, you'll need it. An adventure for APL 2-8. Part Three of the "Running with the Baatezu" seriesChris Chesher 52-8CORE
COR4-15 War of the DustText to be entered94-14CORE
COR4-16 The Frozen SpireText to be entered106-14CORE
COR4-17 Real Hero BluesText to be entered128-16CORE
COR4-18 In Never Rains in NyrondText to be entered52-8CORE
COR4-19 That Which Was Not Meant To Be KnownText to be entered42-6CORE
COR4-20 Like Salt on an Open WoundCORE
COR5-01 The Stone Man's MissiveDrell, the peaceful and reclusive stone giant, has gone visiting some local miners in the Abbor-Alz Hills. All he finds are empty homes, and signs that his friends disappeared in the middle of their daily tasks. Drell asks the help of trusted adventurers to solve this mystery: who would want to spirit away a clan of miners? A loose sequel to COR4-02 The Stone Man's Puzzle . A scenario for APLs 6 to 12. Ron Lundeen 96-12CORE
COR5-02 The Voice of ReasonSomething stalks the people of Moorwych. Something steals their cattle and invades their homes. The people of Moorwych know who it is… and they seek justice. But, are the usual suspects the enemy this time? Countess Tasali Bregohan hopes the truth will prevent blood being shed. But if the truth can be found, it had better be found quickly. The pitchforks are readied and the torches set aflame. A two-round core adventure set in the Solnor Compact, and sequel to the Sunndi regional adventure SND4-01 Arrows of the Sun . Pierre van Rooden 72-12CORE
COR5-03 AtonementI have led a wicked life, the man says, "and paid a dear price for it. I have changed my ways and tried to start anew, but the sins of my past now threaten my family. I need your help." A roleplaying-intensive adventure set in the City of Greyhawk for APLs 2 to 8. Theron Martin 52-8CORE
COR5-04 Desecrators of the Lord's TombChrista, wily Greyhawk City thief and darling of the Green Dragon Inn, was about to retire at the glorious age of 29. However, she had to do one last job for an old friend, so she found a way to break into the legendary Lords' Tomb and steal some priceless jewels which once belonged to the dearly departed of that dread complex. For a while it all looked pretty easy … far too easy. An adventure for characters level 1 to 12. Bruce Paris 72-12CORE
COR5-05 A Marked ManSometimes you make the wrong enemy, and you don't know where to turn. The man in front of you seems to have that look in his eye. Are you willing to stick your nose into something dangerous? An adventure for APLs 2-12. Matthew Maddy 72-12CORE
COR5-06 Blood on Bright SandsWar rages across the Bright Sands. Scouting the wastes at the behest of the paladin Karistyne the PCs are caught up in a battle between forces loyal to Rary and nomads yet free from his insidious influence. They must win free to reach their goal, the mysterious and dragon-infested pinnacle of Dagger Rock. The first adventure for the "Blight on Bright Sands" adventure arc. Only newly created characters for this adventure arc may be played in this adventure. Creighton Broadhurst 22CORE
COR5-07 Rings Within RingsYou are en route in the North Kingdom, near the city of Nonsburgh in the Blemu Hills. While investigating some unusual phenomena of nature, the PCs stumble upon… a giant-size dead frog with some weird skin coloring? But that's not all… There is also a human corpse, literally torn apart, and a very weird trail leading to Nonsburgh… reminding some of you of an incident a year and a half ago… A loose sequel to COR3-14 Hunt for the Rogue . Rainer Nagel 96-12CORE
COR5-08 Clipping WingsMany secrets lie hidden in the obsidian darkness of the Land of Black Ice. The fate of the afflicted children of a Keoish barony may rest in the hands of a few adventurers willing to brave the unknown. But are forces in the North hiding a bigger threat? A Living Greyhawk Core scenario for APLs 2-14, and Part Two of the "Windows to the Serpent's Soul" series, which began with COR4-01 Shedding Scales . Shawn Merwin and William Muench 82-14CORE
COR5-09 Gateway to the Bright SandsHardby, City of the Scorned, was for centuries a bastion of independence and female rule, but that changed when it fell under Greyhawk's control in 582 CY. Now the word is out that Despotrix Ilena, the city's nominal leader, is dying. Many factions—both within and without—have begun to vie for the right to fill her influential position. Surely a city so fraught with intrigue is a fertile ground for adventure. . . An event set in Hardby for APLs 2-8. Part 2 of the "Blight on Bright Sands" series. Theron Martin 52-8CORE
COR5-11 Dark Deceit on Bright SandsAt the behest of Lady Karistyne, you are needed to travel into the Bright Desert. There are rumors of dragons afoot, and some things just don't add up. Some claim to have slain, others claim to have allied, whiles others still just scratch their heads. The only fact that is for certain is that the sinister sands have something to hide. A core adventure for APL 2-8 set in the Empire of the Bright Sands. Part four of the "Blight on Bright Sands " series. Chris Chesher 52-8CORE
COR5-12 Return to the UndercityHomes are burned to the ground and whole families vanish. There have been humanoid raids on lands within the elven nation of Celene itself. Along the Wild Coast, dark rumors are spoken about slaver vessels flying yellow sails along the Wild Coast. And now an agent sent to investigate the rumors of the return of the Slavelords has disappeared. Can you ascertain if this sinister force has returned? A one-round core scenario set in the Faerie Kingdom of Celene and the Empire of the Pomarj, for APLs 2-8. This adventure is a prequel to the upcoming "Return of the Slavers" series. Christian J. Alipounarian 52-8CORE
COR5-13 The Price of PowerAges ago a lone group of monks sought the secrets of the mind. Time has almost removed them from the knowledge of Oerth. Scattered tales and misremembered legends still encourage some to seek the lost treasures and knowledge of these monks. Will you tempt fate and search for the monastery? This adventure is a continuation of the " Tome of Clarity and Mists " series. An adventure for characters level 1-17. Craig Hier 82-14CORE
COR5-14 All Roads Lead to Rauxes"When there is no more room in Acheron, the dead shall dwell upon the Oerth ..." — Battle Hymns of the Herald , Scriptures of Hextor. From the border barony of Stel, pursuit of the Footmen leads towards the magical wasteland that was once Rauxes, Capital of the Great Kingdom. To even penetrate the magical veil that surrounds the wasteland is a feat, thus it is not something you or your enemies would do lightly. Whatever waits on the other side will be extremely powerful and deadly, but answers and results never come free for a true (anti)hero. A two-round adventure for APL 6-12 and not for the faint of heart. Part five in the Running with the Baatezu series. Chris Chesher 96-12CORE
COR5-15 Immortal LongingsThe agents of the Whispered One are everywhere! Too much is happening around the Flanaess for all things to be merely coincidental. A grand plot has spawned, clawed its way past infancy, and seems ready for a horrific emergence. The Voice of Vecna has gained in power—what is next? A one-round Core adventure set throughout the Flanaess for Characters level 10-18 (APLs 10 to 16). R. Michael Hinds 1310-16CORE
COR5-16 Here Comes the Sun!Blistering heat has plagued the town of Hardby for weeks, and it has not been without incidents—people get irate, all work has slowed to a crawl, and now the tinder-dry homes fall victim to frequent fires. Mere incidents? Or is there a history to it all? A one-round Core adventure for APL 2-8.Pierre van Rooden52-8CORE
COR5-17 Time's Tide of Bright SandsTime is running out, and gathering what you need to change the future, may only be found by looking to the past. This adventure is Part 5 in the "Blight on Bright Sands" series for APLs 2-16. Bruce Paris and James Dempsey 92-16CORE
COR5-18 KusnirThe world of the Oerth is ever changing one, with a sense of irony. In the Duchy of Berghof slavers are now in shackles while the slaves rules. For those who were neither one constant in these times has been suffering. A morally ambiguous adventure for characters level 1-11 (APLs 2-8). Part One of the I r o n F i s t seriesStuart Kerrigan 61-11CORE
COR5-19 RetributionAn old map purporting to show the location of a hitherto unknown tomb and an eccentric cartographer have sent you tramping around the Cairn Hills for a week of fruitless searching. Your expedition ending in failure, you have returned to the Free City; perhaps there adventure can be found! A one-round Core adventure set in the Free City of Greyhawk for characters level 1-11 (APLs 2-8). Christopher Wills 52-8CORE
COR5-20 Phantoms on Bright SandsThe legacy of Clan Highforge is once again sought. Dark forces move in the desert, searching for the knowledge to reclaim the lost star metal. The lady Karistyne, fears that the metal is vital to Rary's dark schemes and needs brave adventurers to thwart the Traitor's plans. An expedition for the brave of heart. A Core adventure for APLs 2-16 set in the Bright Lands. Part Six of "Blight on Bright Sands." Tom Kee92-16CORE
COR6-01 A Story For Another DayThirty-two years ago, deliberately false accusations resulted in the death of two innocent women in Dunmarsh, which reopened a channel to an ancient evil near the village. Twice in the last three years adventurers have dealt with the deadly consequences of those actions, but the source of the problem remains. It is time to put this tragic story to rest, lest a greater evil grows from it. This concluding sequel to C O R 3 - 0 8 W i t c h H u n t and C O R 4 - 1 7 R e a l H e r o B l u e s is a roleplaying-intensive adventure for characters level 8-16 (APLs 10-16). Theron Martin1310-16CORE
COR6-02 Rallying Point for the Bright SandsLady Karistyne requires you to travel to Hardby to retrieve a package on her behalf, but errand boys are not adventurers. To be an adventurer, you need to make choices, not just travel between two points. Are you ready to look within yourself and discover if you are an adventurer willing to fight for a cause or just an errand boy, sent by a patron, to collect a chest? A two-round Core adventure set in Hardy for character level 1-15 (APLs 2-16). Part 7 of "Blight on Bright Sands." Chris Chesher and Greg Marks92-16CORE
COR6-03 Riders of the GraveA hint of treasure leads to adventure in the outskirts of Greyhawk City. A grizzly adventure set in the Free City of Greyhawk and its environs for characters level 1-11 (APLs 2-8). Jeffery A. Dobberpuhl, Esq. 52-8CORE
COR6-04 A Long Way For A Little KnowledgeA merchant of the Mouqollad Consortium lies dying in a temple in Greyhawk. Magic cannot save him, but maybe someone knows how to keep him alive. It's a long way for a little knowledge. An adventure for characters level 1 to 10 (APL 2 – 8) Jean-Philipe ‘JP' Chapleau 52-8CORE
COR6-05 The Barbarous CoastMembers of the Dyvers Anti-Slavery League wer captured while conducting a raid on an orc slave caravan along the Wild Coast. There is talk that a mole in the organization may be aiding the forces of Turrosh Mak. They ask for your help to fight the evils of the Pomarj. A Core adventure of deception and infiltration for characters level 1 to 14 (APLs 212). Part One of the Dogs of War series. Joseph L. Selby72-12CORE
COR6-06 Elegy for a Broken KingThe trail of a missing son leads you to Dustbridge, in the lands of the former Great Kingdom. A cold wind blows through Prince Strychan's town; something very new, and surpassingly old, is in the offing. A one-round Core adventure set in Dustbridge and North Kingdom for characters level 8-15 (APLs 10-16). Luke Pitcher 1310-16CORE
COR6-07 From the DustThe dust has settled and a new Duke has placed his claim on Tenh. His lands are devastated. His shattered people— rebels-turned-supporters, old guard, or zealous faithful—squabble in their divided loyalties. With such infighting, where will Duke Labahlah begin rebuilding his nation? A one-round Core adventure set in the Stonelands of Tenh for characters level 4-15 (APLs 6-14). Part 1 of the "Legacy of Life" series. Donovan Hicks and Derek Schubert 106-14CORE
COR6-08 Catching BreathA friend in need calls upon a group of heroes to help him deal with problems in a far-off land. These troubles, however, may be ones that even the bravest and experienced of adventurers are not equipped to handle. A roleplaying-intensive one-round Living Greyhawk core adventure set in the Sultanate of Zeif for characters level 1-15 (APLs 2-16), and Part 3 of the "Windows to the Serpent's Soul" series, which began with COR4-01 S h e d d i n g S c a l e s and COR5-07 C l i p p i n g W i n g s . Shawn Merwin92-16CORE
COR6-09 Beneath the Bright SandsTime has buried an ancient evil. Such things are typically left alone to be lost to history. For a millennium this was so. Now a visitor snatched from the distant past wants this evil retrieved to right a terrible wrong. A one-round Core adventure set in the Bright Desert for characters level 1-15 (APLs 2-12). PCs should have completed C O R 5 - 1 7 T i m e's T i d e o n B r i g h t S a n d s before playing this adventure. Part nine of "Blight on Bright Sands." R. Michael Hinds72-12CORE
COR6-10 Murder in ElmshireAn embattled plea from a halfling village leads to dark secrets. What has happened to the poor citizens of this quiet community along the Lake of Unknown Depths? A one-round Core adventure set in the Domain of Greyhawk for characters level 1-11 (APLs 2-8). Michael McKeown and Steve Yee52-8CORE
COR6-11 Return to the Storm TowerFive years ago, a dwarven artisan and a cleric of Fharlanghn were stranded on the shores of the Pomarj. These two unfortunates have been presumed dead for years. New information has revealed they are alive in a mysterious keep called the Storm Tower and may be in great danger. Brave heroes are needed to venture into the Pomarj and bring them home. A one-round Core adventure set in the Pomarj for characters level 1-15 (APLs 2-12). Ron Lundeen72-12CORE
COR6-12 The Calm Before the StormTension runs high in and around Safeton since the Narwell attacks left many brutally slain. The Pomarj is a flurry of activity and the high seas are once again rife with danger. Whisperings of the Mak making his move, numerous disappearances in the middle of the night, and most disturbing of all, sightings of ships sailing the yellow flags sets the entire region on edge. This adventure is loosely a sequel of C O R 5 - 1 2 R e t u r n t o t h e U n d e r c i t y and C O R 5 - 0 5 A M a r k e d M a n. A one-round Core adventure set in the Wild Coast and the Orcish Empire of the Pomarj for characters level 1-15 (APLs 2-12). Tim Sech 72-12CORE
COR6-13 Tears for Bright SandsAccording to legend, Sulm defeated ancient Itar, using dark magic to slay its patron deity and to collapse its capital into the sea. Two thousand years later a relic of those cataclysmic events may be critical to the future of the Bright Lands, but seeking it will require a journey beneath the waves. A one-round core adventure for characters level 2-15 (APLs 4-14). The penultimate part of "Blight on Bright Sands." Theron Martin 94-14CORE
COR6-14 Cloud of DarknessA dark cloud hangs motionless above an ancient sacred site buried deep in the Bright Lands. An ancient power is awaking in the Bright Lands but its true purpose remains occluded. The concluding part of "Sins of Ages Past." A LIVING GREYHAWK core adventure set in the Empire of the Bright Lands for character levels 8- 15 (APLs 10 – 16).Creighton Broadhurst1310-16CORE
COR6-15 The Shrouded Shores of AbanfylHis capital city retaken, Duke Labahlah extends his healing embrace over more of western Tenh, but perilawaits at every border. The young ruler needs staunch friends to fight old enemies and win new allies. Turn your face toward the chill winds blowing from the Griff Mountains and pierce the mysteries of the lost lake. Part 2 of the "Legacy of Life" series. A two-round Core adventure set in and around the Duchy of Tenh for characters level 6-15 (APLs 8-16). Note: Additional TU expenditures are possible. Derek Schubert and Donovan Hicks128-16CORE
COR6-16 Dominion Over Bright SandsFor two years, the paladin Karistyne has sought to stymie the Archmage Rary's seemingly insatiable lust for power. Now, at the threshold of a darkness beyond even the reason of light, the fate of the Bright Lands must be decided. You must make the choice. A two-round Core adventure set in the Empire of the Bright Lands for characters level 6-15 (APLs 6-16). The concluding part of "Blight on Bright Sands." Creighton Broadhurst and Greg Marks 116-16CORE
COR6-17 Something of ValueAll adventurers dream of finding that one thing that will make them wealthy beyond their wildest dreams. Unfortunately, you seem to have found it. Now what are you going to do? A one-round Core adventure set in the Free City of Greyhawk for characters level 10-15 (APLs 10-16). Sam Weiss and Rick Miller1310-16CORE
COR6-18 Storm EbbA natural disaster has struck the small fishing villages sprinkled along Woolly Bay. Refugees need heroes adept at building as well as battling or else something si nister may chooses to nest in their submerged homes. A one-round Core adventure set in Hardby and it s environs for characters level 1-11 (APLs 2-8). David LoTempio52-8CORE
COR6-19 Heir Aberrant"Do not dabble with denizens of forbidden plac es, lest ye would become one." – Zashnichar A bizarre creature needs help rescuing his master. Not a ll damsels in distress are as beautiful as the ones in the storybooks but this one may very well give you ni ghtmares! The players of this adventure should be prepared for several unique challenges and puzzles in addition to more typical dangers. A one-round core adventure set in the Mistmarsh for characters level 1-11 (APLs 2-8). Andrew Lloyd and Andrew Nuxoll 52-8CORE
COR6-20 Shades of GreyA merchants' convention and a stop at an out of the way inn leads to a chance for adventure in the land of a despot. Will you brave tyranny to recover something treasured? A one-round, core adventure set in the domain of G REYHAWK and the Pomarj for characters level 1-15 (APLs 2-12). Gary Milakovic 72-12CORE
COR6i-01The Rushmoors Have Eyes92-16CORE
COR6i-01Beneath the Rushmoors86-10CORE
COR7-01 Wrath of the Tomb of HorrorsThe Bleak Academy has long been quiet. But now the spawn of Acererak have lent their support to the Wastrian armies that threaten to overrun the south of the Kingdom of Sunndi. It is time to put a stop to this… but will you stoop to murder to achieve your goal? A one-round Core adventure set in the Vast Swamp for characters level 9-15 (APLs 10-16). Pierre van Rooden 1310-16CORE
COR7-02 Bitter FruitThe Scarlet Brotherhood is one of the most powerful institutions in the Flanaess, your employer says, "with dark tendrils that stretch into many lands. But even such a mighty organization as they are dares only cross some people at their peril. For the great loss they have dealt to me, I want you to forcefully remind them of that." A mission of vengeance peripherally related to COR5-03 Atonement for those with no love for the Scarlet Brotherhood. A one-round Core adventure set in Rel Astra and the Olman Islands for characters level 8-15 (APLs 10-16). Theron Martin1310-16CORE
COR7-03 Second ChancesThe Free City of Greyhawk can be cruel, and in a place where one can find anything, the hardest thing to obtain might be a second chance. Can you solve a decades-old murder and free a needy soul? This adventure is investigative and roleplay intensive. It is a loose sequel to COR5-04 Desecrators of the Lord's Tomb; however, it is not necessary to have played that adventure to participate in this one. A one-round Core adventure set in the Free City of Greyhawk for characters level 1-8 (APLs 2-8). Christian J. Alipounarian52-8CORE
COR7-04 Freak of NatureThe Greyhawk soldier shows you the letter from home, which tells of a terror that grips the village of Mardin's Field. A horrific beast prowls in the night, gruesomely killing at random. The war against the Pomarj has called the militia from this hamlet on the edge of the Gnarley Forest, leaving it undefended. "Please help my family," the soldier begs. "I am not there to protect them." A one-round Core adventure set in the Domain of Greyhawk for characters level 1-11 (APLs 2-8). Eric Menge 52-8CORE
COR7-05 City of MaliceSlaves keep disappearing at an alarming rate and Highport begins to thrive once more. The Wild Coast has been engulfed by Mak's forces and the last bastion of freedom is Safeton, but for how long? A one -round Core adventure set in the Wild Coast and Highport for characters level 1-15 (APLs 2-12). This is a sequel to COR6-12 Calm before the Storm. Tim Sech72-12CORE
COR7-06 Drowning by NumbersIn the Ahlissan town of Jalpa, a young noblewoman needs your help. Her betrothed is missing. His friends are… indisposed. And whatever is happening, someone (or something) seems intent on making a song and dance about it. A one-round Core adventure set in the United Kingdom of Ahlissa for characters level 8-15 (APLs 10-16). Luke Pitcher1310-16CORE
COR7-07 Storm HarvestTraps. Treasures. Unspeakable horrors. All of these and more spring to mind when a story involves the ancient ruins of a wizard's tower. The Kingdom of Sunndi calls on you to explore such a building out in the wilderness, to negotiate your way across the Vast Swamp and the Spine Ridge, and hopefully find the answer to the bullywug invasion laying waste to their lands. A two-round core adventure set in Tilvanot Peninsula for characters level 4-15 (APLs 6-14). The final part of "When the Wind Blows" (SND3-01 Harvest Time, ESA4-06 Wind Reaping, and ESA5-02 Seeds). It is not necessary to have played these adventures. Maya Deva Kniese 106-14CORE
COR7-08 Sins of the FatherThirty years ago, the Churches of Pelor, Pholtus and St Cuthbert sentenced a man to execution for his crimes. Thirty years later, another trial is convened. Fate has determined the outcome is in your hands. A one-round Core adventure set in the Domain of Greyhawk for characters level 1-11 (APLs 2-8). Jean-Philipe ‘JP' Chapleau52-8CORE
COR7-09 Past DebtsWhen a debt from the past is called in, the soul of an innocent is at stake and a plea for help is made. Do you have the ability to make the tough moral decisions needed to save the child from eternal damnation? Warning – Paladins may find this adventure difficult. Players may change PCs at the beginning of the adventure if they are unable to participate with their current PC. A one-round Core adventure set in the free city of Greyhawk and its surrounds for characters level 1-11 (APLs 2-8). Dean Bailey 52-8CORE
COR7-10 The Dark GemSometimes adventure finds you. Long ago something dark was trapped and hidden. Now it will be released unless heroes can be found to secure it. A one-round Core adventure set in the Cairn Hills for characters level 1-15 (APLs 2-12). Dan Hass72-12CORE
COR7-11 Hidden CacheRumors of a hidden trove of magic and weapons lead you deep into the Mistmarsh. A one-round Core adventure set in the Domain of Greyhawk for characters level 1-10 (APLs 2-8). Christopher Lindsay 52-8CORE
COR7-12 Heart's DesireThe thief showed his heart's desire to his wife. The stolen pendant promised a new life for them if only they could get far enough from Greyhawk and the criminals for whom he worked. Running would make many enemies, but he knew of a small village near the Gnarley Forest where he could lay low until the heat passed. "I'll send for you in a month," he told her. "It will all work out. Don't you worry about a thing." A one-round Core adventure set in the Domain of Greyhawk for characters level 1-11 (APLs 2-8). Eric Menge 52-8CORE
COR7-13 Journey to the Hidden ShrineIt's a quick trip to the Gnarley Forest. How hard can it be? A one-round Core adventure set in Greyhawk for characters level 2-11 (APLs 2-8). Brian DiTullio 52-8CORE
COR7-14 The Densac QueenYears ago a sailing ship mysteriously appeared inland on the busy trade route into the Wild Coast towns. It was quickly turned into a way-station. Not long after, the Pomarj pushed north and trade dropped to a trickle. Nowadays only a few desperate souls are willing to brave this rainy night in the name of the Greyhawk Guilds. A one-round Core adventure set in Domain of Greyhawk for characters level 1-15 (APLs 2-12). Chris Chesher and Gordon Smith72-12CORE
COR7-15 Taking FlightThe primordial force known as The Serpent grows stronger, longing to regain the power it lost to the gods at the beginning of time. At the center of its plans are a young Flan girl, preternaturally gifted in the arcane arts; an honorable kobold following his destiny; and a group of adventurers willing to brave the infernal wastes to end the threat. A combat-intensive, one-round Core adventure set in the Burneal Forest, Greyhawk City, and the plane of Avernus for characters level 9-15 (APLs 10-14). This is the final adventure in the Windows to the Serpent's Soul series, comprising COR4-01 Shedding Scales, COR5-07 Clipping Wings, and COR6-08 Catching Breath. Shawn Merwin and Bill Muench1210-14CORE
COR7-16 Divided We StandThe Tenh has been shattered by the might of armies, decimated by the voracity of Ether creatures, and subjugated to the power of the Pale. Duke Labahlah now seeks to lead his land into a new era of greatness, but a formidable foe arising in Stonehold could dash his hopes. Can you secure the realm long enough to grant it a chance to recover? A one-round Core adventure set in the Duchy of Tenh for characters level 8-15 (APLs 10-14) who remember that the enemy of my enemy might be my friend. The final part of "Legacy of Life". Donovan Hicks and Derek Schubert 1210-14CORE
COR7-17 Rivalry and TreacheryIn the City of Greyhawk, the Royal Opera House and the Grand Theatre are well-known rivals and, on occasion, scathing accusations are followed by open-street brawls. In continued disrepair, the opera house anticipates a new production will keep its doors open permanently. That is, until the Royal begins to experience a series of unfortunate events. The cause is none other than its rival bent on treachery. As the curtain rises and Act One set in motion - insults, street fights and a dagger in the back is just the beginning. A one-round Core adventure set in the Garden Quarter in the City of Greyhawk for characters level 1-11 (APLs 2-8). Rene Ayala 52-8CORE
COR7-18 Into the MistA call for help sends a group of strangers into a trackless swamp to look for a captured child with a familiar name. This adventure is recommended for groups with at least some outdoors experience. A one-round Core adventure set in Domain of Greyhawk for characters level 1-11 (APLs 2-8). Sampo Haarlaa 52-8CORE
COR7-19 Wrath of the SlavelordsThanks to the quick thinking of many adventurers, Greyhawk was warned of the impending doom of Safeton months ago. The Greyhawk Militia sent some 200 men to the walled city in hopes to stop this supposed new slavelord and it looks like it may have. Nothing unusual has happened since the troops arrived. Could it be the slavelord decided it best not to contend with the might of Greyhawk or was he simply biding his time? A one-round Core adventure set in Safeton for characters level 2-14 (APL 4 to 12). This is the third and final adventure in the "Slaver" series. It is recommended that you have played COR5-12 Calm Before the Storm and COR7-05 City of Malice before playing this adventure. Tim Sech 84-12CORE
COR7-20 Murder in the River QuarterTragedy has struck again in the Free City. With Turrosh Mak on the march, half-orcs are distrusted. Unsolved murders abound in the River Quarter, where tensions are strong. Is there a reason to this madness? Is the Maimed God to blame? An investigative one-round Core adventure set in the Domain of Greyhawk for characters level 1st-11th (APLs 2-8). Half-orc PCs may encounter some difficulty in this adventure. This is a sequel to COR6-10 Murder in Elmshire. Michael McKeown and Steve Yee 52-8CORE
COR8-01 MachinationsThe wealth and glamour of the Gem of the Flanaess mask a fierce power struggle among Greyhawk's ruthless elite. Factions plot against each other beneath a veneer of civility where even indirect details can trip up the most careful of schemers. Those who ask questions will learn too much, but in Greyhawk, innocence is not a defense and ignorance is never bliss. Parties skilled in stealth or guile will flourish. A one-round Core adventure set in the Free City of Greyhawk for characters level 1-15 (APLs 2-12) and the first intrigue of "Honor Among Thieves." Bradley Lester72-12CORE
COR8-02 Raiders of the Chaos FieldsTurrosh Mak, despot of the Orcish Empire of the Pomarj, wants peace. Is this some new stratagem on the wily half-orc's part or is his offer genuine? A period of relative peace along Greyhawk's buffer zone has many worried. Have the orcs really stopped raiding or are they preparing a new, devastating invasion? A one-round Core adventure set in the Domain of Greyhawk for characters level 1-11 (APLs 2-8). Creighton Broadhurst52-8CORE
COR8-03 AspirationsPowerful residents of the Gem of the Flanaess suspect that someone on the Directing Oligarchy may be working with Greyhawk's greatest enemy. As their hands are tied and their moves are watched, it falls to a group of heroes to uncover this plot and follow wherever it leads. Parties skilled in stealth, guile or force welcome. A one-round Core adventure set in the Domain of Greyhawk for characters level 1 to 15 (APLs 2 to 12) and the second intrigue of "Honor Among Thieves." Gregory Hanigan and Ron Lundeen72-12CORE
COR8-04 Bridge Over SvartjetDeep below the western mountains, ancient evils once defeated stir from the pyre of their defeat. A one-round core adventure set in the March of Sterich for characters level 1-15 (APLs 2-14). The fifth and final adventure in the "Gloom and Disunion Cycle." Jeff A. Dobberpuhl, Ken Jenks and Sam Shyamani 82-14CORE
COR8-05 Pyre of the RighteousAdventurers have thwarted Rary on most fronts in his quest to unmake the Scorpion Crown, but that has only irritated the former Circle member and forced him into more direct action. Some may soon learn that continuing to defy one of the most powerful wizards on Oerth comes at a hefty price. A one-round Core adventure set in Hardby and the AbborAlz Hills for characters level 4-15 (APLs 6-14) who know where their loyalties lie. Part one of "Rise of the Ancients" and a sequel to "Blight on Bright Sands." Theron Martin106-14CORE
COR8-06 EntrapmentOld Wicked has set in motion a plot years in the making and two of the most powerful wizards on Oerth, once allies, seem to stand on different sides. You must choose between them; pray that you are correct. Part two of "Ascension", the final core plot arc for the Living Greyhawk campaign and part four and the conclusion of "The Idyll of Tysiln", a Sheldomar Valley plot arc. A two-round core adventure of investigation, danger, and wheels within wheels, set in the Free City of Greyhawk, the Valley of the Mage, and realms beyond for APLs 8 to 16. Joe Fitzgerald, Britt F. Frey, Dave Kayserman, and Joseph Selby128-16CORE
COR8-07 CelebrationsThe centennial of Greyhawk City's independence from the Great Kingdom is here. For most, the weeklong festivities are a celebration of the Gem of the Flanaess, featuring the best Greyhawk has to offer. For a few, exultation quickly turns to terror as the gala cloaks deadly intentions. A one-round Core adventure set in the Domain of Greyhawk for characters level 1 to 15 (APLs 2 to 12) and the third intrigue of "Honor Among Thieves." Kevin Lawson and Shawn Merwin72-12CORE
COR8-08 Lost Souls EternalYou find yourselves in a race against time and the servants of an ancient foe with an island of ill-repute as your destination. Your mission is to discover, and return with, what your rivals wish to obtain... if you can. Not recommended for those with a fear of the sea or a dislike for water. A one-round Core adventure set in the Northern Kingdom for PCs of levels 4-16 (APLs 6-9). Part 3 of the "Ascension" series. A one-round Core adventure set in and around the Isle of Lost Souls for characters level 4-15 (APLs 6-16). Colleen Simpson106-14CORE
COR8-09 Ruins of SlumberThe Tower of Sleep, home to Shemaya, the last human survivor of ancient Sulm has reappeared in the Bright Desert. But something is not right. The tower is changing and decaying. Sounds of great conflict and screams of terror have been heard from inside. Could it be that time's tide has finally run its course? A one-round core adventure set in the Empire of the Bright Lands for characters level 5-15 (APLs 6-14). Bruce Paris and James Dempsey 106-14CORE
COR8-10 Chains of DarknessOld Wicked is on the verge of success, and the forces of good are desperately looking for ways to stop him. When Tenser hears of knowledge hidden on the Abyss, he suspects a trap, but he cannot ignore any chance at victory, however slim it might be - and Iuz is not without enemies in that place. So now he is looking for adventurers, hoping that they have an easier time of remaining undetected in that dismal place than he would have. Are you willing to go in his stead? A 2round core adventure set in the Abyss for character levels 9 to 15 (APLs 10-16). Part four of "Ascension". Pieter Sleijpen1310-16CORE
COR8-11 Restoration & EmpireThe forces of light have fallen and darkness seems poised to swallow the Bright Lands once again. Karistyne lies dead and the Tower of Sleep has fallen; its lady driven mad and its protective wards sundered. Much that was won by the heroic sacrifice of so many has been lost. A dark light grows in the northeast and rumors of terrible and unimaginably powerful dweomers woken from the deranged dreams of He Who Must Not Awaken spew from the Bright Lands like s poison to weaken the greatest warrior. The machinations of Rary are finally laid clear and at this final time the brave and the true must step forth. A one-round Core adventure set in the Empire of the Bright Lands for characters level 9-15 (APLs 10-14). The concluding part of "Rise of the Ancients" and sequel to both "Blight on Bright Sands" and "Sins of Ages Past."Creighton Broadhurst 1210-14CORE
COR8-12 FoundationsThe City of Greyhawk teeters on the edge of revolution. The Directing Oligarchy is in shambles, and the constabulary holds the city together by a thread. As the political rivalry between the Lord Mayor and the High Priest of St. Cuthbert escalates the very future of the Gem of the Flanaess lies in the balance. A one-round Core adventure set in the Free City of Greyhawk for characters level 1-15 (APLs 2-12) and the fourth and final intrigue of "Honor Among Thieves". Eric Menge72-12CORE
CORS1-01 Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil IEvil Never Dies. The folk of the village of Hommlet fear that a new evil might be rising in the nearby temple, once a bastion of a cult dedicated to wicked elementalism.Monte Cook11CORE
CORS1-02 Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil IICORE
CORS2-01 The Fright at Tristor (reissue)The Fright at Tristov is a Dungeons & Dragons adventure suitable for four Ist-level player characters. Though it can be used as part of an ongoing game campaign, this adventure is designed as an introduction to the RPGA Network's exciting new LIVING GREYHAWK'~ sharedworld campaign. Players and Dungeon Masters interested in the Theocracy of the Pale and the LIVING GREYHAWK campaign are encouraged to consult the LIVING GKEYHAWK Gazetteer, though that reference is by no means necessary to play this adventure. This adventure is playtest-balanced for four lst-level characters. It also accommodates parties of more than four 1st level characters, and parties of 2nd and possibly even 3rd level who do not mind an initial bit of easy going. When the player characters achieve sufficient XP to advance to their next level, allow them to advance during the course of the adventure. Keith Poker 22CORE
CORS2-02 Isles of WoeText to be entered84-12CORE
CORS3-01 Assault on the VaultAn adventure for characters level 1-8.Jason Bulmahn51-8CORE
CORS3-02 Dust of the Dead WorldVoices whisper on the winds, and memories lie buried in the eternal dust. Do you dare brave this dead world? PCs must possess one of the following to participate in this adventure: 4 ranks in Knowledge (ether creatures), the Golden Tome of Alcanix, or the Keystone of Kilypsis. A core special adventure for APLs 4 to 12. Steven Conforti84-12CORE
CORS3-03 Return to the Ghost Tower of InvernessText to be entered92-16CORE
CORS4-01Sea of Dust'Time is the fire in which we burn' - Those words echo in your head as your stare across the endless sea of dust before you. The mighty Suel empire, once admired and feared by all, once stood here. Now the fire that burns has washed it clean and time has buried and forgotten it. Sometimes things best left forgotten do not remain so and things thought long dead and swept away in the fires of time return. The shifting winds and dust has revealed a ruined city deep in the Sea of Dust. Time to grab the shovels and see what lurks beneath the dust. A Core Special scenario for APLs 2-16. This scenario will only be available for play at Winter Fantasy 2004 and select over-seas conventions. Jason Bulmahn, David Christ, and Craig Hier92-16CORE
CORS4-02 Here There Be DragonsA timeless dragon-lore prophecy speaks of an empire of serpents and their worshippers who will threaten even the greatest nations of Oerth. In the frozen world of the obsidian North, the desperate, the ambitious, and the foolhardy eke out a meager existence, all pursuing their own mysterious goals. What impact can a few adventurers have on a cruel and barren land and the wyrms that dwell there? A two-round core special scenario for APLs 2-18 Kevin Lawson, David Lotempio, Rich Marflak, Shawn Merwin, William Muench, and Charles Peacock 102-18CORE
CORS4-03 Castle GreyhawkFor years, the dungeons beneath Castle Greyhawk have been sealed but no longer. Crazed followers of the mad god have disappeared inside, inviting the brave, the greedy, the pure, and the wicked to join them. Your invitation arrived this morning. Do you dare to follow them into the most infamous dungeon in all the Flanaess. This is a special event for characters of any level. The event is divided into two parts, the low is for characters 8th level and lower, while the high is for 9th level and up.Jason Bulmahn and David Christ99CORE
CORS4-04 Mad God's Key 22CORE
CORS5-01 The Jungle of Lost ShipsHundreds of leagues to the east, hidden within the trackless wastes of the Solnor Ocean lies the mythical Jungle of Lost Ships. Thought to be nothing but a legend, proof of this fabled place recently surfaced within the Flanaess. Most startling of all, several of the hulks languishing within this graveyard have been identified as belonging to the legendary Lost Treasure Fleet of the Sea Princes. Will you join one of the expeditions attempting to reach the site? Will you be the first to set foot on vessels thought lost for centuries? A module for APLs 2-16.Creighton Broadhurst and Pieter Sleijpen92-16CORE
CORS5-02 Mines of the EyeDeep below the Abbor-Alz the duergar are stirring. Rumors are rife of a fell compact between the duergar's mysterious leader, a being known only as "Father Eye" and the perfidious Rary, monarch of the Bright Lands. What evil purpose is served by this alliance is unknown, but assuredly it serves some goal in Rary's greater design. The paladin Karistyne has determined that Rary's scheme must be stymied. So the call has gone out for doughty adventurers to eradicate this growing threat.Creighton Broadhurst and Paul Looby 92-16CORE
CORS5-03 Secrets of TsojcanthStirrings of a dark malevolence in the Yatil Mountains draws the followers of terrible forces to a once-used demesne of Iggwilv, the Witch Queen. At the behest of others, you journey to the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth to confront the evil that lurks there and unveil its deadly secrets. This adventure is divided up into three levels of play (low level, middle level, high level); each player may only participate in one of them. A challenging special adventure for characters levels 11-17.Tim Sech1411-17CORE
CORS6-01 The Hanging GlacierEvery twenty years the lands of the Snow Barbarians are inundated by a strange plague of monsters boiling out of the Corusk Mountains. Their Jarls believe these incursions originate from the famed Hanging Glacier of Alisedran but to them the glacier and its surrounds are considered holy and they may not send their warriors there to eradicate this threat. The call has gone out for adventurers brave enough to dare the frozen hell of the mountains to destroy this threat once and for all. A LIVING GREYHAWK one-round Core Special adventure set in the Kingdom of the Schnai for character levels 1-15 (APLs 2-16).Creighton Broadhurst and Greg Marks92-16CORE
CORS6-02 Pits of Azak-ZilAn old dwarven mine, buried deep in the Abbor-Alz and infested with undead, holds many treasures. Most prized of these are deposits of precious metals brought by a falling star said to be purer than any other in the Flanaess. Now powerful forces struggle for control of the mines, but with whom will you side? A one-round Core Special adventure set in the Bright Desert and the Abbor-Alz for characters level 9-15 (APLs 10-16). Part eight of "Blight on Bright Sands."Chris Chesher and Bruce Paris92-16CORE
CORS6-03 Shadows of the Dread SpiralA tainted soul seeking redemption draws your attentions to the foreboding Yatil Mountains. Within its hidden recesses lies the Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun, and there, a terrible labor lost in time begins anew, as the veil between worlds grows thin, and a threat more perilous than all others reaches out to touch the other side. This adventure is divided up into two levels of play (low level and high level); each player may only participate in one of them. A challenging special adventure for characters levels 1-15 (APLs 2-16).Tim Sech92-16CORE
CORS7-01 The City of Brass: The Burning MansionA hero of great renown and her loyal friends have been kidnapped from the Flanaess by a vile efreet Amir and taken to his home in the infamous City of Brass on the Elemental Plane of Fire. Heroes and mercenaries are called upon to liberate those kidnapped before they die a horrible death as slaves of the cruel efreeti. Are you able to face the burning heat of the City of Brass and help a fellow hero? This adventure is divided up into two levels of play (low level and high level); each player may only participate in one of them. A one-round Core Special set in the City of Brass for 1st-15th level characters (APL 2–16).Koos Gadellaa, Pierre van Rooden and Pieter Sleijpen92-16CORE
CORS7-02 Rise of the Spider QueenSterich is once more in need of heroes to stand between it and the rising tide of darkness. Humanoid and giant raids boiling out of the Crystalmist Mountains are again increasing in frequency and boldness. Rumors swirling thickly through Istivin's shadowed streets speak of the malevolent Spider Queen and her resurgent interest in the sunlit lands of the Flanaess. A one-round core special adventure set in the March of Sterich and the Hellfurnaces for characters level 9-15 (APLs 10-14).Creighton Broadhurst1210-14CORE
CORS7-03 Into White PlumeLong a place of legend, tales of White Plume Mountain are well known. Once the lair of the infamous wizard, Keraptis, the threat from this mountain was thought laid low decades ago. Now, though, adventurers have uncovered clues that Keraptis remains within the volcano and that another, terrible creature of Evil is seeking a potent artifact that blurs the boundaries between life and death. Divinations reveal that the item rests deep within Keraptis's lair. You have been asked to find the resting place of the crystal skull of Keraptis, hopefully before anyone else can get there. A one-round Core Special adventure set in White Plume Mountain for characters of level 9-15 (APLs 10-14).Britt Frey and Robert Little1210-14CORE
CORS8-01 Whispers of the Obsidian CitadelPeople, objects, and even places seem to be shifting in and out of existence in the Yatil's west of the great city of Mitrik. Chaos seems to be unraveling existence itself and it's spreading. Seers speak of the ‘Door to Perdition' but even the gods themselves seem to be silent on exactly what is happening. Great things are afoot and while nations focus their attention on each other it is up to heroes to find out what is going on before it's to late and all of Oerth burns in the fires perdition forever. This adventure is the 1st part of the final core plot arc for the Living Greyhawk campaign and also concludes the ‘For the Greater Good' series. This adventure is EXTREMELY dangerous and should not be undertaken lightly. True heroes are forged in the glowing hot coals of struggle and true heroes it will take to win through this day. A two-round Core Special adventure set in Veluna and the Yatil Mountains for characters level 5-15 (APLs 6-16).David Christ116-16CORE
CORS8-02 Wheels Within WheelsIuz's magnum opus of power and deception nears its climax. While the gods quake at the consequences of his possible success, the nations of Oerth fight amongst themselves, unaware of what is truly going on in the abode of evil on Oerth. Choose your allies carefully; the fate of Oerth lies in your hands. Part five and the conclusion of Ascension, the final core plot arc for the Living Greyhawk campaign. A two-round Core Special adventure set in the Free City of Greyhawk, Dorakaa, and realms beyond. For APLs 12 to 18. Best experienced at APLs 14 and 16. APL 18 is not recommended for convention play. This adventure includes untiered encounters.Britt F. Frey1512-18CORE
CORSP4-02 Dragon Lore PropheciesThis mini-scenario, which supports APLs 2-18, is a lead-in to the Living Greyhawk Special Event CorS4-02 Here There Be Dragons , premiering at Origins 2004 in June. The mini-scenario should be played with Living Greyhawk characters based on the campaign's normal guidelines. However, the characters playing this mini-scenario receive no wealth or experience points (no AR) for playing, nor do any of the consequences of the mini-scenario count toward that character. It should be played for fun, offering some background information, clues, and a hook into the Origins LG special. This mini-scenario and Here There Be Dragons refer to places and events in the LG series "Windows to the Serpent's Soul." It is not required that the players be familiar or play that series, but doing so may add some enjoyment and continuity to the Special and this lead-in. Kevin Lawson, David LoTempio, Rich Marflak, Shawn Merwin, William Muench, and Charles Peacock102-18CORE
DMC1-01 Horrors Never Die, Part 1Resources: Tomb of Horrors [Gary Gygax], Return to the Tomb of Horrors [Bruce R. Cordell], Tome of Magic [Mathew Sernett, Ari Marmell, David Noonan, Robert J. Schwalb], Crypt of Lyzandred the Mad [Sean Reynolds].Steven Conforti.1816-20Challenges
DMC1-02 Horrors Never Die, Part 2Resources: Tomb of Horrors [Gary Gygax], Return to the Tomb of Horrors [Bruce R. Cordell], Tome of Magic [Mathew Sernett, Ari Marmell, David Noonan, Robert J. Schwalb], Crypt of Lyzandred the Mad [Sean Reynolds].Steven Conforti.1916-20Challenges
DMC1-03 Horrors Never Die, Part 3Resources: Tomb of Horrors [Gary Gygax], Return to the Tomb of Horrors [Bruce R. Cordell], Tome of Magic [Mathew Sernett, Ari Marmell, David Noonan, Robert J. Schwalb], Crypt of Lyzandred the Mad [Sean Reynolds].Steven Conforti.1816-20Challenges
DMC1-04 Horrors Never Die, Part 4Resources: Tomb of Horrors [Gary Gygax], Return to the Tomb of Horrors [Bruce R. Cordell], Tome of Magic [Mathew Sernett, Ari Marmell, David Noonan, Robert J. Schwalb], Crypt of Lyzandred the Mad [Sean Reynolds].Steven Conforti.1816-20Challenges
DMC2-01 Wail of the Banshee, Part 1A demon lord needs your assistance. What could he tell you that would make you want to offer your help? The balance of power on the Outer Planes may be in your hands. DM'S CHALLENGE 1 is Part One in the four part WAIL OF THE BANSHEE QUEEN Story Arc (2007-2008).Steven Conforti.1816-20Challenges
DMC2-02 Wail of the Banshee, Part 2A demon lord needs your assistance. What could he tell you that would make you want to offer your help? The balance of power on the Outer Planes may be in your hands. DM'S CHALLENGE 1 is Part One in the four part WAIL OF THE BANSHEE QUEEN Story Arc (2007-2008).Steven Conforti.1816-20Challenges
DMC2-03 Wail of the Banshee, Part 3A demon lord needs your assistance. What could he tell you that would make you want to offer your help? The balance of power on the Outer Planes may be in your hands. DM'S CHALLENGE 1 is Part One in the four part WAIL OF THE BANSHEE QUEEN Story Arc (2007-2008).Steven Conforti.1816-20Challenges
DUL1-00Dulstrand Almanac< GAZETTEER >
DUL2-01 Dies IraeA mysterious patron has approached the PC's to explore an Ancient Ruin and collect a specific item to return to her. The ruins of Amasis provide the setting for the adventure, and hopefully Role-Playing generated from this simple, Basic Dungeon crawl will open up the Living Greyhawk World's Regional machine.DD Mullany64-8Dullstrand
DUL2-02 Mine Is MineThe Player Characters must engage in discussion with The LOTI-in-Exile Court in order to acquire a copy of the document issued him by Kalag Retnev. They must then make themselves available to The LOTI-in Exile if necessary, and endure certain tasks that the LOTI may assign them to, in order to make their proposals more amenable. They must then investigate Clan Zel's position and take their observations back to the Clan Leadership.DD Mullany 22Dullstrand
DUL3-01 Trouble with TrollThe Svetlow clan is having a slight problem with a few trolls and is looking for a few good adventurers to find out what is going on.Martin Jennings11Dullstrand
DUL4-01 The GiftA local merchant wishes to offer a gift to his best friend and needs someone to procure and deliver it to Zeltown, nothing easier, right? For APLs 2-8 Martin Jennings and François Uldry 52-8Dullstrand
DUL4-03SteelhomeA rich, reclusive scholar wishes to leave the hustle and bustle of city life and retire to an isolated estate by the sea. His agent has asked you to investigate the ruins of Steelholme, former stronghold of the pirate Steel Eyes, to see if it would be a good location to build and settle. An adventure for APL's 2-8. Jimmy B Ellis 52-8Dullstrand
DUL4-04Here Be Monsters!A rich, reclusive scholar wishes to leave the hustle and bustle of city life and retire to an isolated estate by the sea. His agent has asked you to investigate the ruins near the coastal village of Earby. But there are strange monsters terrorizing the poor villagers and all is not as it seems. A One Round Regional adventure for APL's 2-8. Karen Ellis52-8Dullstrand
DUL5-01Recipe for TroubleDullstrand City is in disarray. A rich merchant is marrying off his daughter. The PCs are hired to ensure that the bride gets what is best for her wedding. An adventure for APL's 2-8 with an optional encounter. Chris Clark and Chris Anne52-8Dullstrand
DUL5-02Treasure HuntYou are enlisted by the Pilots of Dullstrand to do a salvage job for them, on a recent shipwreck just off the coast. There's plenty of treasure for you and your friends. All the Pilots want is a certain chest. How hard could that be? For APLs 2-10.Karen Ellis62-10Dullstrand
DUL6-01A Voice in the OerthThe renovations of the abandoned fort Steelholme seemed well on their way, with its past of brigands, banditry, and spooks behind it. However, other unseen forces are at work unearthing strange monstrosities into the harsh light of the day. Can you determine what plagues the simple rebuilding of a coastal fort before it is too late? A two-round Dullstrand regional adventure for APLs 4-12. Part one of the two-part "Rage of the Pirate King" series. It is strongly recommended, but not required, that characters have played the module DUL 4-03 "Steelholme" prior to participating in this adventure.Andrew Lotz84-12Dullstrand
DUL7-01The Sea DevilsRaids from the sea plague the coastal towns, when sahuagin seek control of the coastal waters. For the Masters of Dullstrand, a safe haven is of prime importance. To secure the seafaring trade, sacrifices have to be made. But are the devils of the deep really interested to talk? A one-round regional adventure set in the Dullstrand for characters level 5-14 (APLs 6-12). Note: The Dullstrand and Sunndi version are exactly the same. Only one can be played.Pierre van Rooden96-12Dullstrand
DUL7-02A New ThreatWith all Sunndi's attention focused on the Wastrian war in the south, invaders from the north have exploited an opportunity. A one-round Sunndi region adventure set in County of Ralsond and Hestmark Highlands for characters level 1-15 (APLs 2-12). Tied together with DUL7-01/SND7-03 Sea Devils. Note: The Dullstrand and Sunndi version are exactly the same. Only one can be played per player.Dan Hass72-12Dullstrand
DUL7-03Siren's RockThe Dullstrand Pilot's Guild is concerned about fishermen disapearing in the vicinity of the small village of Earby. Are bad weather and bad luck responsible? Are the fabled sirens responsible? Or is there something more evil at work? A two-round regional adventure set in the Dullstrand for characters level 4-14 (APLs 6-12).Chistopher Clark96-12Dullstrand
DYV-00Dyvers Gazetteer< GAZETTEER >
DYV1-01 Dine and DashVicious murdering robbers plague the roads outside Dyvers. Are the murderers just wild animals as some priests suggest or is something more sinister involved? A scenario for characters levels 1-6. Eric Price 41-6Dyvers
DYV1-02 Dish Best Served ColdDyvers has an underbelly that moves to its own rhythm. Only adventures quick on their feet and careful with their sword-arm can meet its challenges and live another day. Are you shrewd enough to thrive the City of Sails? And adventure for characters levels 1-6. Mick Hitch 41-6Dyvers
DYV1-03 Wrong Place at the Wrong TimePart I of the Gnarley Adventures Series. The Rangers of the Gnarley Forest have closed the Great Forest Road south of Dyvers, and the city is in an uproar. With such potential loss in trade to the city, merchants are hiring investigators to see what can be done. You have been summoned to the Jolly Ogre Tavern for just such an opportunity. An adventure for characters levels 1-6. Andrew VanHooreweghe 41-6Dyvers
DYV1-04 Fair PlayA rumor has filtered through Dyvers, possibly concerning the whereabouts of an artifact sacred to the temple of Zilchus. The church of Zilchus in Dyvers, the Holy Partners of the Golden Coin, would certainly be grateful for the return of an artifact of the faith. There is, however, the little matter of some competition from the rival city of Greyhawk. An adventure for characters levels 1-6. Daniel Vitti 41-6Dyvers
DYV1-05 Setting the StageText to be entered41-6Dyvers
DYV1-06 Bunny Go Down the HoleText to be entered51-8Dyvers
DYV1-07 CorsairsText to be entered51-8Dyvers
DYV1-08 Blinded by the DarknessText to be entered41-6Dyvers
DYV1-09 Bragging RightsText to be entered41-6Dyvers
DYV1-10 The Power of GoldText to be entered51-8Dyvers
DYV2-01 Strike!Text to be entered51-8Dyvers
DYV2-02 Everyman's DreamText to be entered51-8Dyvers
DYV2-03 Out of the BlueText to be entered51-8Dyvers
DYV2-04 Eloped!Text to be entered73-10Dyvers
DYV2-05 The King of Box TownText to be entered51-8Dyvers
DYV2-06 A Crime of FaithText to be entered61-10Dyvers
DYV2-07 Will You Be Mine?Text to be entered61-10Dyvers
DYV2-08 Hard EvidenceA crime most foul has been committed in our fair city. The constabulary is on the scene of course but with the way they've been spread thin over the past few weeks they can only do so much. Perhaps this is the time for true heroes to step in and offer help in the city's time of need. An adventure for APLs' 2-10.Phil Thompson62-10Dyvers
DYV3-01 Feather, Feather, Where is the Feather?Murder has disturbed the characters while they are passing through the lovely Halfling village of Banebridge. The town's marshal is away in Dyvers on business, and won't be back for days. Are the intrepid heroes up to the task of finding the perpetrator? And adventure for characters 1 – 8. Andy Morrical 51-8Dyvers
DYV3-02 Funeral for a FriendThe city mourns the passing of Shenree Cale, one of its kindest benefactors. When she is about to be laid to eternal rest the body turns up missing! Can you and a handful of friends find out what is going on? There are those that would see you fail if they have their way. An Adventure for Characters levels 1-10th level. Phil Thompson 61-10Dyvers
DYV3-03 Tickling the Tail of the DragonThe job was simple: Deliver a cargo from Dyvers to Maraven. In the desperate days of Dyvers, banditry may not be the only crime threatening the City of Sails. An adventure for APLs 2 through 10. Kevin Elmore 62-10Dyvers
DYV3-04 Splintered TimbersEfforts to rebuild the city after the fire are in high gear, and almost everyone in Dyvers is doing their part. After the Gnarley Rangers grudgingly allow increased tree cutting, one carpenter seeks adventurers to escort him into the Gnarley Forest. Are you ready to do your part to help the city in its hour of need? An adventure for characters level 1- 10Matt Maddy61-10Dyvers
DYV3-06 One for Those Long GoneLife is always busy in the city of sails. Now that things have settled down some of the dock district reconstruction is in full swing. Any day now life should return to normal, the homeless settled and again back among the working class. Maybe now you can relax and take it easy for a while? An adventure for 1st to 12th level characters.Phil Thompson71-12Dyvers
DYV3-07 Dock WorkThe sounds of construction are everywhere in the city, but nowhere are they more deafening than the dock district. Still, it is an awesome sight to behold a construction job this large. With all the populace united in this work effort, what could possibly go wrong? An adventure for characters level 1-12.Matt Maddy71-12Dyvers
DYV3-08 A Cure for What Ails TheeA request for aid comes from a strange source, one that doesn't know why he's asking for aid. Will you help him out? Part 1 of the Hidden Treasures Saga. An adventure for APLs 2-12 James Poppe 72-12Dyvers
DYV3-09 ExileThe signal fire has gone out on Merroc's Rock, hampering shipping traffic into Dyvers. The PC's are sent to investigate and to restore the beacon before disaster strikes. An adventure for characters level 2-12.Mason Mines72-12Dyvers
DYV3int-01 Zendrelda's TowerWith the reopening of the Leardyn copper mine, Lord Enruhl seeks to negotiate a safe haven for ingots shipped from the Kron; an overnight way-stop in the caravan commons of Zendrelda's tower. Mason Mines 11Dyvers
DYV3int-02 High StakesA Dyvers spy has reported that the Blade of Chaos, stolen eighteen years ago from the Dyvers temple of Norebo, has returned to the City. Anyone who retrieves this lost artifact of chaos can expect great fortune from the God of Gambles. All of your skills and luck will be on the line, because the criminal bosses of Dyvers' gritty underworld would love to have the Blade, and they are stacking the deck against you. Note: Lawful characters will reduce the party's chances of success in this adventure. It furthers the cause of chaos, and success requires some unlawful activities. An introductory adventure for level one characters. Derrek Burrows 11Dyvers
DYV4-01 Legacy of Elemental EvilPri Tiu-cxi Lingvo... The Mandragore has its eye upon Dyvers. Will you be able to root out the source of an old evil thought long vanquished? An adventure for APLs 4-12.Mason Mines84-12Dyvers
DYV4-02 Basement CleaningThe new Shrine of Kord in the City of Sails was built on the site of a business that burned to the ground with its owner still in it. While cleaning out the old basement storage area, two workers have disappeared. Are the rumors that the land is haunted true? Are you brave enough to find out? An adventure for APLs 2-12.Michael W. Born72-12Dyvers
DYV4-03 Urban RenewalThe damage has been repaired to the Dock District and the Magister has asked several adventurers to speak at the ribbon-cutting ceremony. Not only were you one of those chosen, but you've also been invited to another engagement on the same day! It looks like Dyvers is back to business as usual…or is it? An Adventure for APLs 2-12.Mason Mines72-12Dyvers
DYV4-04 A Dream Given FormAt night, your dreams whisper of a dark deed that will soon come to pass deep in the Gnarley Forest. Only those adventurer's brave enough to delve deep into the Gnarley Forest need to respond. This is the final chapter in the Gnarley Adventure series. An outdoor adventure for APLS 4-12.Brad Gardner84-12Dyvers
DYV4-05 Tiptoeing Among DragonsThe Maraven constabulary is ready to extradite an abominable criminal to the justice system of Dyvers. You have been asked to escort the lawbreaker for his own protection. An adventure for APLs 2 through 12. Part 2 of The Most Despicable Evil series and sequel to DYV3-3 Tickling the Tail of the Dragon.Kevin Elmore72-12Dyvers
DYV4-06 A House DividedTales of the Gnarley Dragon in the Ehlenwood fief have begun to surface just days before a member of a minor gentry house is lost while enroute to the Gnarley Forest for a hunting expedition. Was this the work of bandits? Has the Gnarley Dragon developed a taste for the finer things in life? Or is there a more sinister plot beginning to unfold? Part one of the Machinations Saga. An adventure for APLs 4-12.Andy and Jenn McCullough84-12Dyvers
DYV4-07 Tides of TambroshCrime is up, and the poor have become restless. It seems like trouble will never leave the City of Sails alone. A trio of representatives offers a decent breakfast at the Sword and Tankard, seeking your assistance in solving a dilemma that plagues them. Part 2 of the Hidden Treasures Saga. It is strongly recommended that players have played DYV3-08 "A Cure for What Ails Ye" prior to this event. An adventure for APLs 2-12.James Poppe72-12Dyvers
DYV4-08 LinchpinWhile enjoying a quiet day in Dyvers, you receive an oblique invitation to a secret meeting with the guildmaster of the Dweomercrafter's Guild. As you look at the imposing towers of the guild looming over the walls surrounding the royal district, you have to wonder: what manner of subterfuge are you getting involved in? A pivotal module to the future of Dyvers for APLs 10-16.Joseph L. Selby and Matt Maddy1310-16Dyvers
DYV4int-01 The TradeGnarley spider silk is all the rage amongst the fashionable and well to do in the city of sails and commands a high price. Will the players brave the fabled elven city of Locdrathnaii to obtain it? Mason Mines 11Dyvers
DYV4int-02 City of SalesIn a city where the largest temples are the merchant gods Zilchus and Xerbo, it seems like everyone has something to sell, some angle, or some scheme. There are times, though, when skilled adventurers find someone with a worthy cause. Typically that person is just a better salesman than most. A Dyers introductory adventure for first level characters only. Joseph L. Selby 11Dyvers
DYV4int-03 Lion of WestguardThe Knight Commander of Westguard requests the assistance of able adventurers to solve the recent abductions from Low Town. Interested parties are requested to seek an audience at the Keep. A Dyvers introductory adventure for 1st-level charactersDerrek Burrows, Tom Christy, and Mason Mines 11Dyvers
DYV5-01 Setting in the WestThe lost parts of the Niadeen Codex have been recovered. Adventurers and mercenaries are summoned to escort the fragment of the ancient book to the Keep at Westguard and to guard the ceremony where a new leader will take on the mantle of the Hierarch of the Ring of Steel. Meanwhile, enemies gather from across the Flanaess to prevent the transfer of power. This adventure is the finale of the Ring of Steel series. An adventure for character levels 1 to 14. (APLs 2 to 12).Derrek Burrows, Tom Christy, and Mason Mines72-12Dyvers
DYV5-02 Rising in the EastSix years ago Her Excellency Larissa Hunter, Magister of Dyvers, appointed the Seffren and Herall families to the easternmost fiefs in the Free Lands of Dyvers as a reward for their loyalty. Greyhawk City would no longer be able to subvert Dyvers gentry for their own machinations. But the magister is gone now…. A Dyvers regional adventure for character levels 1 to 14. (APLs 2 to 12)Joseph L. Selby72-12Dyvers
DYV5-03 Dining With The DragonWith civic tensions skyrocketing and accusations of slave traffic increasing, Lord Darian Kesser calls together the entire Gentry Council at a banquet in his city manor. Those people who wish to bring Kesser's dark activities to light ask you to take advantage of his divided attention and infiltrate his manor so that the truth may be revealed. A time-sensitive adventure for character levels 1 to 14. (APLs 2 to 12). Part 3 of The Most Despicable Evil series.Kevin Elmore72-12Dyvers
DYV5-04 No More!No magister. No government. No peace. No hope. No Dyvers. Not any more. The City of Sails stands on the precipice. The only thing keeping it from being lost to history…is you. A Dyvers regional adventure for character levels 1 to 14. (APLs 2 to 12).Joseph L. Selby72-12Dyvers
DYV5-05 RiposteAs foreign troops once again enter the city, the announcement spreads like wildfire. All able and willing volunteers are to report to the docks immediately. The entirety of the Free Army, Free Marines, and Navy has been activated. The largest Dyversian military force ever assembled crosses the Nyr Dyv to the Empire of Iuz as the City of Sails goes to war. A Dyvers regional adventure for character levels 1 to 14. (APLs 2 to 12)Joseph L. Selby72-12Dyvers
DYV5-06 Matters of the HeartAs the siege against the forces of Iuz rages, the Gentry Council approaches you with a request. The demon-cambion Kurault has been located. You are asked to cross the border into the Empire of Iuz to exact justice. A Dyvers regional adventure for characters levels 10 to 18. (APLs 12 to 18). Rogues and Rangers will excel in this adventure.Joseph L. Selby1512-18Dyvers
DYV5-07 End of the LineReward the faithful. Punish the wicked. Reciprocity in the Free Lands. An adventure for character levels 1 to 14. (APLs 2 to 12). It is strongly recommended that players first participate in Dyv5-01, Dyv5-02, Dyv5-03, and Dyv5-04.Joseph L. Selby72-12Dyvers
DYV5-08 Casualties of WarWith success against the Empire of Iuz, the return of the Dyversian armada, and the reestablishment of the Gentry Council, Dyvers finally has time to rest and take account of the past year. With so many great deeds, did anything fall through the cracks? Or worse, anyone? A Dyvers regional adventure for character levels 1 to 14 (APLs 2 to 12) and denouement of the Dyvers 5-year story arc. This adventure follows the events of Dyv5-01 through Dyv5-07.Joseph L. Selby72-12Dyvers
DYV5-09 What Know You of PeaceFor the first time in four years, all three trade routes—the Velverdyva, the Nyr Dyv, and the Gnarley Road—are open and unobstructed. Merchants return en masse and Dyvers remembers that it is a mercantile city, not a warrior state. Can there be peace at last? An adventure set in the Gnarley Forest and the prelude to The Gnarley Threat, a new Dyvers regional story arc, for character levels 1 to 14. (APLs 2 to 12).Joseph L. Selby72-12Dyvers
DYV5int-01 Maraven InnWith the docks restored, ship traffic to Dyvers is increasing, taking more of the Navy's resources. Slavers are taking advantage of the lessened patrols, raiding merchant ships near Eastgate Island. A Dyvers introductory adventure for first level characters. Joseph L. Selby 11Dyvers
DYV5int-02 A House, A Door, A DilemmaThe city of sales, the city of opportunity, but only it seems so if you're already experienced or know someone. Unfortunately, without knowing someone or being experienced already there are few opportunities for the would-be adventurer. Perhaps today will be different. A Dyvers Introductory adventure for first-level characters. Eric Paul Price 11Dyvers
DYV5int-03 Nature's ChildAn ally from the Gnarley Forest has asked for the temple of Obad-hai's blessing upon his child, and they need someone to chaperone the child from the forest back to the temple. A short trip through the Gnarley to escort the child to Obadhai's temple can't be too difficult for a group of adventurers can it? A Dyvers introductory adventure for 1st-level characters. Eddie Montague Jr. 11Dyvers
DYV5int-04 ExonerationIt is not unheard of for adventurers to be hired to retrieve an item from the sewers under the city of sails. It is a little unusual when the Dyvers Sewer Patrol needs a group of daring adventurers to enter the dangerous tunnels. An introductory module for 1st-level characters. Kevin and Crystal Elmore 11Dyvers
DYV5i-05 Old Debts of Old WickedDyvers
DYV5i-06 The Riddle of Bainbridge ManorTragedy in Bainbridge. Can you help the sun shine down on this once benevolent village? A Dyvers interactive adventure for APLs 2-16.Sean Kliethermes92-16Dyvers
DYV6-01 Festival of the Blood MoonThe City of Sails swells with merchants from around the Flanaess. Dyvers is abuzz with news from the Gnarley. Free Army scouts camp near the village of Tricaster, and a festival is planned to celebrate its annexation. A request from a troubled quartermaster gives you good reason to travel, but perils lay in wait. Beginning of "the Gnarley Threat" set in the village of Tricaster. A Dyvers regional adventure for APLs 2-12 for character levels 1 to 14. (APLs 2 to 12)David Blackwell72-12Dyvers
DYV6-02 Into the Dragon's MawThe Dyvers Anti-Slavery League is close to discovering the location of a slaver cell in the area. The DASL needs the PCs' help in uncovering this information. Once they know where the slavers are headquartered, an intrepid strike force needs to defeat the leader and free the slaves. The fourth and final part of the Most Despicable Evil series, a two-round adventure for character levels 1 to 14 (APLs 2-12). This adventure follows the events of Dyv5-03 Dining with the Dragon . In service of the greater good, laws will be broken in this adventure. Kevin Elmore with Andy Terrill and Crystal Elmore 72-12Dyvers
DYV6-03 ForevergreenLocated so near the growing menace, the orc horde has turned its attention on Lockswell Manor. With the annexation of the Gnarley and the expansion of the Dyvers border, the question now becomes, who is responsible for the manor's safety. Both Dyvers and Greyhawk appear to lay claim to the land, a spark that could start a blaze. A Dyvers regional adventure of diplomacy and opportunism and a stage in The Gnarley Threat for character levels 1 to 14 (APLs 2-12).Joseph L. Selby72-12Dyvers
DYV6-04 The Dyvisive DeepSix weeks ago, a group of wide-eyed sailors was fished out of the Nyr Dyv telling tales of terrible beasts of the lake rising up and rending their ship to splinters. Since then, more sailors have been fished from the lake with equally fantastic tales, some even claiming the lake itself was striking against them. It is no surprise then when Guildmaster Nathas of the Dyvers Adventurer's Guild posts a job for a group of adventurers to guard a ship bound for Safeton. The only questions are whether the lake really does have a mind of its own, and if so, are you brave (or greedy) enough to confront it? A Dyvers waterborne regional adventure and part two of the Machinations Saga for APLs 2-12. Membership in the Dyvers Adventurer's Guild is highly recommended.Andy McCullough72-12Dyvers
DYV6-05 Black as NightDyvers involvement with the Empire of the Old One has caused many waves in the City of Sails. A mysterious relic recently found its way back to the City of Sails. Forces now converge with you in the middle. A one-round regional adventure set in Dyvers with particular interest for characters from the Iuz Border States for characters level 8 -15 (APLs 10-16).Michael Mockus1310-16Dyvers
DYV6-06 Walpurgis: The Dark NightThe Blood Moon heralded the coming of great evil and the Dark Night has arrived. The ever-increasing numbers of the orc horde threaten to overwhelm the Free Army and plunge the city of sails into permanent nightmare. Winter is born, the Dragon awakes, and Death walks anew. A Dyvers regional adventure of graphic horror set in the village of Tricaster and a stage in The Gnarley Threat for APLs 2-12. This event occurs after VTF6-05 Autumn and concurrently with VTF6- 06 The Earth Dragon Cometh and contains untiered encounters.Joseph L. Selby72-12Dyvers
DYV6-07 Knave of Box TownThe war with Blackthorn has taken a turn for the worse, but that has not slowed the myriad machinations in the city of sails from continuing forward. Lord Grandhearth would reward those adventurers that saved his daughter, while word of Colonel Dolorrak's kidnapped niece has surfaced. Word on the street is that there is a new king of Box Town, the Circle of Crimson Stone is holding public death matches, and worse, the Jackyll has supposedly returned to Dyvers. A continuation of Dyv2-05 King of Box Town and Dyv5-08 Casualties of War and the conclusion to the Hidden Treasures Trilogy (Dyv3-08 A Cure for What Ails Ye and Dyv4-07 Tides of Tambrosh). An investigatory regional adventure of charity or cruelty set in the Free and Independent City of Dyvers for APLs 2-12. This adventure is not recommended for tables where three or more PCs have the "Disfavor of House Grandhearth" from Dyv5-08 Casualties of War.Joseph L. Selby72-12Dyvers
DYV6-08 In Search of BlackthornBlackthorn Discovered! These two words have set the city ablaze. Merchant prepare to flee the city, warriors sharpen their sword and the commoners wait in fear and apprehension. Now, in a city where information in bought and sold alongside silk, the race is on to discover more about the humanoid activity there. It is strongly recommended you play VTF6-06 The Earth Dragon Cometh before this event. A one-round regional adventure set in Dyvers for PCs level 1-15 (APLs 2-12).Eric Price72-12Dyvers
DYV6int-01Profits from Beneath the wavesA ship has been lost on the river. A journey into the Gnarley Forest is dangerous enough, but with orcs seen prowling the woods, adventurers must be wary at all times. Adventurers need to be hired to help recover the cargo before all is lost forever, beneath the waves of the Nyr Dyv. Make it through the woods, brave the river, and bring the cargo back to Dyvers and you will be rewardedEddie Montague Jr.11Dyvers
DYV6int-02DarkwoodTricaster is growing! Once a small town in the wood it has grown into a bustling town of grand houses and businesses. There is earth to till and cattle to raise. Shopkeepers make a trade, and schools of different vocations are being raised. Yet, it is still a town in the wood, a dangerous wood known as The Gnarley, with the Pomarj are waiting in the shadows. A cinematic one-round Dyvers Introductory adventure set in Tricaster for first level characters.Brandon Dowell11Dyvers
DYV6int-03A sailor's life for meYour teacher has said you are ready. It's time to make your own way in the world. The sun is shining, and the waters of the Nyr Dyv beckon as the bustle of Dyvers surrounds you. All you need now is a job. A one-round introductory adventure set in Dyvers for first-level charactersBob Lauderdale11Dyvers
DYV6int-04Last LaughThe Jolly Ogre – a popular tavern near the south gate of the Free City, and a great place for budding adventurers to find work. What if the work found them though? Would they be curious enough to investigate, and even more important, who would get the last laugh? A Dyvers Introductory adventure for first-level characters.Eric Price11Dyvers
DYV7-01 VanguardThe threat of Blackthorn continues to grow and work for adventures is not hard to come by at prices that are most agreeable. For some reason, a desperate plea, from a small village has gotten your attention. A halfling leader seeks your aid in finding several missing children in the village. A one-round Dyvers Regional adventure set in the Free Lands of Dyvers, town of Banebridge, for characters level 1-15 (APLs 2-12). A stage of The Gnarley Threat.Kevin Elmore72-12Dyvers
DYV7-02 Chain of LiesIn response to a growing demand for fighters in the Circle of Crimson Stone, there has been an alarming increase in the number of indentured servants being thrust into the fighting ring. Some believe that not all these indentured servants were legally obtained. You have been asked to conduct an undercover investigation. A one-round Dyvers regional adventure for characters level 1-14 (APLs 2-12). This adventure is not recommended for PCs that rely heavily on magical or other material items.Michael Born72-12Dyvers
DYV7-03 DyvisionsTrade through the Gnarley Forest has been reduced to a trickle, the Nyr Dyv poses a mysterious threat to the shipping lanes, and a rogue element rises in the west, surging in strength under the cry, "Achos 'r chrau chan Beryn."A request for aid comes from three directions: one unknown, one unlikely, and the other unwanted. Can the adventurers end the divisions, or will more Divisions be required to end the unrest in the west? A one-round Dyvers Regional adventure set in the Westlands for characters level 1-14 (APLs 2-12). Part 3 of The Machinations SagaAndy McCullough72-12Dyvers
DYV7-04 Throw Open the Gates of HeavenAsyth Zomawyn has returned to Dyvers claiming that he has discovered the cure to his father's ailment. The ritual is complex in both composition and application. While he begins the ceremony, he asks that capable adventurers travel to the war-ravaged southern Gnarley and retrieve a component to his spell. A continuation of Dyv6-06 Walpurgis: The Dark Night and a prelude to DyvINT7-02 In Defense of Tricaster. A Dyvers regional adventure set in the village of Tricaster and a stage in the Gnarley Threat for characters level 1-14 (APLs 2-12)Joseph L. Selby72-12Dyvers
DYV7-05 The Angry WoodThe forces of Blackthorn move to the west, threatening to cut Dyvers off from its allies, and calls for assistance go out. A one-round Dyvers Regional adventure set in the Free Lands of Dyvers, in the hamlet of Jonas' Landing, for characters level 1-15 (APLs 2-12). A stage of the Gnarley Threat.Eric Price72-12Dyvers
DYV7-06 Siggoran's GambitOver the last few years, waves of misfortune have befallen the heads of House Siggoran - assassinations, a baffling illness and now embezzlement and outright thievery. But the current Lady Siggoran has had enough, and she's looking for some skilled adventurers who can help her even the score. A one-round Dyvers Regional adventure set in the Free Lands of Dyvers in the City of Dyvers, on the Nyr Dyv, for characters level 1-15 (APLs 2-12). Recommended for PCs who don't mind skirting the edges of the law.Sean Kliethermes72-12Dyvers
DYV7-07 The DyvideHelsim Lord Grift has ordered the evacuation of the Ehlenwood, and refugees are pouring into the Free City seeking protection from the relentless advancing horde of the Pomarj through the Gnarley Forest. Shandara Grift, Lord Grift's eldest daughter, has embarked on a quest of redemption to right her wrongs in the sacking of Tricaster. Rumors of her demise abound, but now word comes that she is in need of aid deep in the Gnarley Forest. Are you willing to risk the dangers of the Gnarley Forest to aid one who has failed the City of Sails in the past? A one-round Dyvers Regional adventure set in the Ehlenwood fief of the Gnarley Forest for characters level 4-14 (APLs 6-12). Part 4 of The Machinations Saga. Possession of the Learyn Tome from DYV6-04 Dyvisive Deep is not required but is highly recommended.Andy McCullough96-12Dyvers
DYV7-08 Crow's NestFrom high on their shadowy perch, cloaked figures scan the Dyvers dock district. Below, a small group of revelers stumble through the dark night, taking a wrong turn into an even darker alley. You have a chance to save them but will the reward be worth it? A one-round Dyvers Regional adventure set in the Free Lands of Dyvers, in the City of Dyvers, for characters level 1-15 (APLs 2-12).Thomas G. Christy72-12Dyvers
DYV7-09 Darkness ComethThe City of Dyvers, once booming with economic prosperity, now languishes with poverty and overcrowding. Refugees flood in from the Free Lands, seeking shelter from the encroaching orc horde. The populace cries for Magister Hunter to protect them. The Gentry Council is less confident in her ability to withstand the invasion and seeks any method or ally to protect the city. A one-round Dyvers Regional adventure set in the Free Lands of Dyvers, for characters level 4-15 (APLs 6-16). A stage of the Gnarley Threat.Michael Mockus116-16Dyvers
DYV8-01 A Small ProblemWhat a nice, quiet night. Then you hear the scream and grab your gear, because somehow you know this is going to ruin your evening. A one-round Dyvers Regional adventure set in the Free Lands of Dyvers, in the City of Dyvers for characters level 1-15 (APLs 2-12)Andrew VanHooreweghe72-12Dyvers
DYV8-02 Broken CircleA simple job escorting a merchant from Maraven to Dyvers turns into an investigation of the Circle of Crimson Stone at the highest levels. Can you find out if the Circle has finally stepped over line they have been skirting for so long and, if so, can you put a stop to it in time? A one-round Dyvers regional adventure for characters level 4-15 (APLs 6-12). This is the sequel to DYV7-02 Chain of Lies.Michael Born96-12Dyvers
DYV8-03 Wake the DeadThe ambition of Turrosh Mak is not the only evil threatening the City of Sails. Another malignant force focuses its attention on the destruction of Dyvers. An unlikely request comes from one of the more controversial figures in Dyvers; the temple of Nerull needs your help in stopping an even greater evil. Warning: This adventure contains at least one untiered encounter. A one-round Dyvers Regional adventure set in the Free Lands of Dyvers, in Dyvers, for characters level 6-15 (APLs 8-14).Kevin Elmore118-14Dyvers
DYV8-04 Gleaning the CubesThe armies of Blackthorn march toward the city. It is foretold that they will infiltrate Dyvers through the sewers. Only members of the constabulary and the Dyvers Vermin & Pest Contractors may lawfully enter, but gelatinous cubes, wererats, a stone golem, and a lich all call the sewers home. Things are afoot—underfoot. A Dyvers regional adventure of investigation and dungeoneering set in the City of Dyvers for characters level 1-15 (APLs 2-12).Joseph L. Selby72-12Dyvers
DYV8-05 DyvinityMolaho Khem: within his burgeoning faith, there are two very different branches in Dyvers. The Followers of the Cracked Shield are devoted to protecting the city, while the Servants of Glory are devoted to destroying the city's enemies. Each branch considers the tenets of the other to be heresy, and so it is strange to have in your hand a letter from the Emissary of Molaho Khem, the pragmatic gnome and Servant of Glory, asking you to join him in meeting Bojan Starsinger, the Hand of Molaho Khem, Defender of Tricaster and Follower of the Cracked Shield. Is the consolidation of the Molaho Khem cults at hand? Or is this a sign of something greater? Perhaps the Hero god himself has brought about the oncoming slaughter to either search for another hero that will rise in Dyvers defense, or simply to view the carnage of battle. A one-round Dyvers regional adventure for APL's 6-12, and the conclusion of the Machinations Saga.Andy McCullough96-12Dyvers
DYV8-06 Plain FactsRobert Lord Navoy leads his Free Army contingent across the Meadowlands in open war against Blackthorn. The city sits behind her walls in roiling terror. The city needs facts of what it is to face. What can you discover? A one-round Dyvers regional adventure set in the Free Lands of Dyvers for characters level 1-15 (APLs 2-12). The penultimate adventure of the Gnarley Threat, leading directly into DYVINT8-01 The End.Michael Mockus72-12Dyvers
EKB0-00Le Cor d'IrianStephen Baker 72-12Ekbir
EKB2-01 La Légende de GlendalochEkbir
EKB2-01M Assassins!Ekbir
EKB2-02 Les Griffes du MorskmogilEkbir
EKB2-03 Un Parfum de RoseEkbir
EKB3-01 Piégés d'avanceEkbir
EKB3-01M L'Appel du Bassin (originally EKBS3-02)Ekbir
EKB3-01S Le Complot (Les Hautes-Eaux)Ekbir
EKB3-02M La Tour d'AtiosEkbir
EKB3-03 Consumé par son AmourEkbir
EKB3-03M Raid sur TalbeyirEkbir
EKB3-04 Les Ombres d'Abn ToubkalEkbir
EKB4-01 Le FugitifEkbir
EKB4-01M Reconnaissance sous-marine à AtiosEkbir
EKB4-02 Pour une Poignée d'EtoilesEkbir
EKB4-02M Le Roi des TritonsEkbir
EKB4-03 Les Tours NaissantesEkbir
EKB4-04 Le Retour de ZuokenEkbir
EKB5-01 Dans l'Ombre de la HaineEkbir
EKB5-01I Grand Sourire, Grande GueleEkbir
EKB5-01M Les Maitres des SqualesEkbir
EKB5-02 Le Chant du TocsinEkbir
EKB5-02I Et pour quelques coupes de plusEkbir
EKB5-03 La Proie pour l'OmbreEkbir
EKB5-03I La Légende de GlendalochEkbir
EKB5-04 Retour à Castel AshirEkbir
EKB5-05 La Mission TusmaneEkbir
EKB5-06 La Mission EkbirienneEkbir
EKB5-07 Un Fil la PatteEkbir
EKB5-08 En Etat De GraceEkbir
EKB6-01 Une Bouteille à la MerEkbir
EKB6-01I L'EscorteEkbir
EKB6-01S Le Défi du PrinceEkbir
EKB6-01X Les Poèmes deEkbir
EKB6-02 Le Cadeau d'Al'ZaradEkbir
EKB6-02M Le Monastère de GlendalochEkbir
EKB6-03 Le Secret du Chevalier noirEkbir
EKB6-03S Les Larmes des AngesEkbir
EKB6-04 Une Lumière dans la NuitEkbir
EKB6-05 L'île du SangEkbir
EKB6-06 InfestationEkbir
EKB6-07 Force et HonneurEkbir
EKB7-01 Les Profundes de RocfailleEkbir
EKB7-01S L'Exode de MurenshiEkbir
EKB7-02 Ames PerduesEkbir
EKB7-02S Le Choc des TitansEkbir
EKB7-03 Dans les griffes du TigreEkbir
EKB7-04 L'HéritageEkbir
EKB8-01 La ReliqueEkbir
EKB8-01S Mélodie en Sous-solEkbir
EKB8-02 En Terre EnnemieEkbir
ESA2-02 Legacy of MadnessFrom once-proud Rauxes rises a dark legacy gifted to Ahlissa by Ivid himself. A missing peasant girl last seen in the dreary village of Barllich draws our heroes into the machinatio ns of one whose vengeance is eternal. Ahlissa's fate hangs in the balance by the banks of the Arisum, awaiting Istus knows what… Creighton Broadhurst 62-10Metaregion V: Splintered Sun
ESA3-01 StonecunningSix years ago, the home of Valthen Stoneheart in the Iron Hills was razed by a small band of invaders; little has since been heard or seen in the region of his lair… Now, a ship of the Scarlet Sign has been spotted near the Azure Coast. What has peaked the interest of the Brotherhood? And what will be the consequences for the Iron League? It's for the heroes to find out… without getting caught! A Meta-regional module for APLs 2-8. Pierre van Rooden 52-8Metaregion V: Splintered Sun
ESA3-04 The Glory of Times PastA troupe of travelling entertainers comes to the city of Innspa, preparing to re-enact some of the most important battles in Aerdy history in a thrilling spectacle. But someone among their number seems to be hunted by deadly assassins... A Meta-Regional for APLs 2-8. Rainer Nagel 52-8Metaregion V: Splintered Sun
ESA6-01 A Knife's EdgeThe treaty of Nonzfyr holds promise of much needed peace between Sunndi and Ahlissa, but a piece of paper is only worth as much as the people that enforce its contents. Tensions run high, and trust low. Is a murder in the Hollow Highlands the spark that burns the agreement to a crisp, or do calmer minds prevail? Sequel to TSS4-04 Crossfire. A 1- round investigative adventure for APL 4–12.Pieter Sleijpen84-12Metaregion V: Splintered Sun
ESA6-02 ShatteredOnce, Crystal Castle was the center for music and art, a memorial to all the great achievements of man. A masterpiece of architecture, it was one of the wonders of the Great Kingdom. Now it lays in pieces, and within its ruins only sorrow awaits. A one-round meta-regional adventure set in New Keep for characters level 1-14 (APLs 2-12). Part four of the "Trust or Treason" series. The other parts in this series are ESA3-01 Stonecunning, TSS4-01 The Verdant Trail and TSS5-01 Ten Minutes.Pierre van Rooden72-12Metaregion V: Splintered Sun
ESA6-03 River to the Sea of ChoicesThe revenue brought in by gemstones panned from the River Thelly is vital in the maintenance of the war-damaged city walls and defences of Nulbish. The Royal Guild of Merchants need guards to protect a keelboat full of grain and gemstones destined to be sold at Kalstrand for the Windmarch fair. The Ahlissan army after all routed many bands of outlaws and humanoid tribes during the recent campaign around Wyverntor, and these are desperate for coin and food. An adventure for APLs 2-8.Grant Featherstone52-8Metaregion V: Splintered Sun
ESA6-04 Gift of the TempestTaking shelter from a storm in the village of Montesser, the PCs awake to find that more than seaweed is being washed ashore by the tide... A one-round Meta-regional adventure set in Medegia (or Ratik) for characters level 1-13 (APLs 2-10), Part 1 of Terrors of the Deep. [Not for those with a dislike for the ocean.]Pieter Sleijpen92-10Metaregion V: Splintered Sun
ESA6-05 A Point of ViewSince 590CY, the Ahlissans have worked to build a fortification to guard the Adder's Pass that separates Principality of Naerie from the Kingdom of Sunndi. The work is nearing completion but acts of sabotage have hindered the progress. Perhaps you can discover what is really going on? A one round meta-regional set in Principality of Naerie for character levels 1-11 (APL 2-8). Recommended for groups of adventurers who do not have conflicting loyaltiesSampo Haarlaa 52-8Metaregion V: Splintered Sun
ESA7-01 Wooden Ships and Souls of IronThe slave trade is a heinous business, but more so when it involves captives taken in war. Slavers are taking a cargo to an unknown fate in the jungles of the Tilvanot Peninsula. Can you intercept and free the slaves? A one-round Splintered Suns meta-region adventure set in Remor Bay for characters level 1-12 (APLs 2-10). [This adventure is NOT for those with a dislike of the ocean.]Thomas Ian Smith62-10Metaregion V: Splintered Sun
ESA7-02 No Parley in the Pirates' CodeMedegia is a land torn by strife, ruled by small time landlords, forever warring over every piece of land. Even its coasts are unsafe. In the See of Medegia, you'll discover that there's no such thing as a "Pirates' Code". A one-round Splintered Suns meta-region adventure set in the See of Medegia for characters level 1-4. (APL 2)Colleen Simpson22Metaregion V: Splintered Sun
ESA7-03 Wake of the TempestThe good ship Kalandra lies wrecked, victim to the furious storm that cast it onto rocky cliffs, its cargo looted and its secrets revealed. But is that truly the case? What more is to be found in the shattered belly of the sunken ship? Visionary messages would have it that mysteries are yet to be found. A one-round Splintered Suns meta-regional adventure set in Medegia for characters level 1-13 (APLs 2-10). Part 2 of Terrors of the Deep. (Not for those who hear ‘run away' in the sea's song.).James Dempsey62-10Metaregion V: Splintered Sun
ESA7-04 Head or TailsDawn. Soldiers are staring silently into the twilight, weapons drawn, and faces grim. The enemy is hidden in shadows. Soon the battle will be on. Soon the sounds of weapons, the shouts of angry soldiers and the moans of the wounded will replace the birds greeting Pelor. Will you be at the battle to aid the good people of Ahlissa and Sunndi? A one-round metaregional adventure set in Ahlissa for characters level 2-14 (APLs 4-12). It is the fifth part of the Broken Chains series, direct sequel of ESA6-01 Knife's Edge.Pieter Sleijpen84-12Metaregion V: Splintered Sun
ESA7-05 And All the Prince's MenPatriotic Knights, a group of Oeridian supremacist and rabble-rousers, and their allies have suffered blows in the past but are hardly a spent force. Now, yet more fuel is thrown into the flames that threaten to tear Naerie City apart. Riots, robbery and revelations, all within one hectic day in the city. Recommended for well-balanced parties who have had past dealings and no enmities with the Nasranite Watch. Closely connected to ESA6-05 Point of View, NAE6-05 Sharafon and NAE7-03 Incognito and introduction to the year 8 meta-regional trilogy Trouble Within. A one-round Splintered Suns metaregional set in Principality of Naerie for Character levels 2-13 (APL 4 to 10). Sampo Haarlaa 74-10Metaregion V: Splintered Sun
ESA7-06 Eye of the TempestFor months rumors have said that an evil fleet sails the Solnor Ocean, preying on ships of all nations and leaving few survivors. The rumors have now been confirmed, and a storm gathers in the form of an armada of the undead. Can a band of brave adventurers sail to a mysterious location and recover a hidden treasure that might avert the coming tempest? A two-round Nyrond and her Environs and the Splintered Suns meta-region adventure set on the Solnor Ocean for characters level 4-16 (APLs 6-14). Part 3 of Terrors of the Deep [Not for those with a dislike for the ocean.]Mark Somers and Renout van Rijn106-14Metaregion V: Splintered Sun
ESA8-01 Calling of the MinesFor years escaped Calling Mines convicts have fought against their former guards and everybody who got in their way. Now with their defeat an almost forgone conclusion, the authorities finally have the time and inclination to look beyond the obvious. They need people to go look under the stones… literally. A 1-round metaregional set in the Hollow Highlands in Ahlissa for character levels 4-15 (APL 6 to 14). Final part of the Broken Chain series and sequel to ESA7-04 Head or Tails.Pieter Sleijpen106-14Metaregion V: Splintered Sun
ESA8-02 Old Debts14 years ago the armies of Ivid destroyed most of Pontylver in an orgy of violence. Now its harbor has finally been fully restored, and its docks have produced the first ships to rebuild the Ahlissan fleet. This is cause for a celebration and all are invited. This close to the cursed grounds of mainland Pontylver a few wonder if it is a good idea, wondering whether violence will strike. A 1-round metaregional with an optional encounter set in Pontylver in Ahlissa for character levels 2-15 (APL 4 to 12). Sampo Haarlaa 84-12Metaregion V: Splintered Sun
FUR1-01 Deep PearlThe Knightly Conclave needs to find a stolen gem to secure the future safety of Chendl. So why is the Noble Council getting in the way? The PCs receive a dose of petty politics in a role-playing intensive adventure for characters levels 1-4. Brian P. Hudson 31-4Furyondy
FUR1-02 Shadows on the MarchA dark shadow is falling across the once lush fields of Furyondy. Across the countryside, crops are dying and workers are missing. This adventure is suitable for characters levels 1-6. J. Allan Fawcett 41-6Furyondy
FUR1-03 Murder Most ElvenThe Celenese ambassador Lanaelith has been poisoned, and hopes for assistance from the Celene may have died with him. In a nation who feels betrayed by Celene who finding the killer may be easier said than done. An adventure for characters level 1-6. Michael S. Webster 41-6Furyondy
FUR1-04 Not All It's Crocked Up to BeKing Belvor IV has proclaimed all adventuring in and around the reclaimed city of Crockport tax-free! Come and help the Kingdom clear out whatever "Old Wicked" left behind. An adventure for tiers 1-3.Daniel and Kieran Thatcher21-3Furyondy
FUR1-05 Parable for the GrowersSometimes, tales are just tales...and sometimes, they carry seeds of truth. As a terrible blight grips the fields of Furyondy, "Cuthbert's Lot" looks to their god for salvation, seeking answers in parables of the past. Can the PCs help? An underground adventure for character levels 1-6. .Brian P. Hudson41-6Furyondy
FUR1-06 Tales from the HartAlthough nearly two years have past since the end of direct conflicts, the Knights of the Hart are still feeling the effects of Iuz's evil occupation. However, some missions cannot be fulfilled by the knights. Do you have what it takes to carry on the fight? An adventure for Character Levels 3-8.J. Allan Fawcett 63-8Furyondy
FUR1-07 The Splintered CudgelThe border between Crystalreach and the Lands of Iuz has been quiet recently, but after a well known Cleric of St. Cuthbert disappears from Fendrelen, tensions rise as fears begin to mount that things are not as quiet as they may have seemed. Is Old Wicked once again on the move, or is something more subtle and evil at work in the war-torn reaches of Furyondy? An adventure for character levels 1-6.Robert C. Bannick41-6Furyondy
FUR1-08 Bring on the KnightA quiet dinner invitation from one of the Kingdom's notable mages promises to be interesting, especially since Mander is rumored to not only be related to royalty, but also have connections with the Knights of the Hart. An adventure for character levels 1-6.41-6Furyondy
FUR1-09 Bronzeblood HauntText to be entered63-8Furyondy
FUR1-10 Sins of the MothersText to be entered41-6Furyondy
FUR1-11 InheritanceText to be enteredFuryondy
FUR1-12 Swords and PlowsharesText to be enteredBrian P. Hudson53-6Furyondy
FUR2-01 A Common DefenseText to be enteredJ. Allan Fawcett 51-8Furyondy
FUR2-02 The Best Laid PlansText to be entered63-8Furyondy
FUR2-03 Sheltering WingsText to be enteredFuryondy
FUR2-04 In The Wee HoursText to be entered73-10Furyondy
FUR2-05 Sleep of DeathText to be entered83-12Furyondy
FUR2-06 More Than GoldText to be entered61-10Furyondy
FUR2-07 RedstoneText to be entered73-10Furyondy
FUR3-01 RedemptionThe War College of Chendl stands closed, believed "cursed" by commoner and nobility alike. The man believed responsible, Sir Rayvelis Lanistor, has died in prison while awaiting trial and likely execution. Yet one man, convinced of his innocence, seeks out adventurers to redeem the Lanistor name and, hopefully, lift the curse from the war college. Are you up to the challenge? Sequel to A Common Defense . This adventure is suitable for characters of levels 1 to 12. Michelle Sharp 71-12Furyondy
FUR3-02 Operation: MolagAcross the lands of Furyondy, a call to arms is being made to all available military personal, including the Furyondy reserves as well as to mercenaries (adventurers) to come to Fort Belvor to defend the eastern front. As for the mercenaries, a special task needs to be handled for the Military. Pay is optimal and tax-free. Mercenaries with infamy in the Furyondy Military are not welcome. A dangerous Military adventure for experienced characters of at least 5th level (APL 6 – 12). Scott Reid and John Wyatt 96-12Furyondy
FUR3-03 Heart of the KingdomToo bad your party in Chendl didn't last. Don't you hate it when vacations are cut short, so you can go out in the muck to serve Crown and Kingdom? Heroes that you are, you can't resist the chance to bring the Kingdom one step closer to putting a stick in the eye of Old Wicked by protecting the delivery of an important magic item to the Council of Four. This module is third in the Defense of Chendl series. PCs having played Deep Pearl and Common Defense are encouraged to play this module, but it is not necessary.Lee Sharp with assistance from Michelle Sharp53-6Furyondy
FUR3-04 The Lost Code of AkanadelThe drunken warrior insists that Geklon, the sage, must be mad with his talk of an ancient dwarven wizard who has left behind a great treasure of knowledge. You are not so sure, and why not explore and find a bit more of this dwarf, Akanadel? After all, it never hurts to have a sage in your debt, especially one who is also a wizard and crafts magical items. This module is fourth in the Defense of Chendl series. A Furyondy Regional adventure for PCs levels 3 to 13. Michelle Sharp 83-13Furyondy
FUR3-05 ReflectionsThe Council of Four has been very active since the recovery of the Deep Pearl. The Defense of Chendl continues to develop, but what could be so important as to draw the aloof Gorn Gydresol into action? Travel from Chendl to places undiscovered in this regional adventure for characters 1st through 12th level (APL2-10). The Defense of Chendl – Part Five.Jeff Detweiler and J. Allan Fawcett62-10Furyondy
FUR3-06 EclipseTraveling north near the Razing Line, you meet a cleric of Mayaheine who cannot complete his mission without your assistance. The task SOUNDS simple enough, except that three have all ready fallen on this mission and the fourth looks near death himself. He insists this is necessary for the protection of the people of Furyondy. Will you take up his task? This module concludes the Defense of Chendl series. An adventure suitable for PCs of levels 1 to 14 (APL 2 to 12). Michelle Sharp 72-12Furyondy
FUR3-07 Assault on MolagA declaration of war has been announced throughout the kingdom of Furyondy against the Horned Lands' capital city, Molag. King Belvor IV has instituted a draft on all experienced adventurers in the Kingdom of Furyondy to fill the ranks of the Furyondian Military in this crusade. This is a very dangerous military mission for character of 5th level or above. Characters with infamy in the Furyondy Military should not play this scenario. Part 2 of the Operation: Molag series. Scott Reid and John Wyatt 55+Furyondy
FUR3-08 Return to BronzebloodA mysterious merchant seeks a brave party to retrieve his great grandfather's remains. But to retrieve it, you will need to enter the ruins of Bronzeblood Keep, a forbidden area shrouded in darkness and danger. Do you have what it takes to complete the quest? This dangerous adventure is for characters levels 5 to 13 (APL 6 – 12). Brian Irwin 96-12Furyondy
FUR3i-01 CouriersFuryondy
FUR3i-02 Hero for a DayFuryondy
FUR3int-03 Tears of GarasthethA series of grisly murders has frightened the citizens of Chendl. Do you have the courage to find the villain responsible and put an end to his nightly reign of terror? An introductory adventure designed for 1st level characters only.Steve Yee11Furyondy
FUR4-01 The Fall of MolagSeveral months have passed as the forces of Furyondy have sieged the capital city of the Horned Lands, Molag. With the perimeter of the city and the inner city secure, the Furyondian forces are moving into the inner sanctum of Molag for the final assault for control. All Furyondian Military that were given leave during the siege have been recalled, as well as new drafted recruits (skilled adventurers) by order of the King. Players with infamy with the Furyondy Military are not welcome. This concludes the Operation Molag series. A dangerous military scenario for characters 5th – 14th level.John Wyatt105-14Furyondy
FUR4-02 Death of a KnightIt all starts when a bad thunderstorm traps you and your companions in a nearby inn out in the middle of nowhere. After you leave the Inn, you find out that more things are happening locally than was originally thought. Now, can you find out the cause of the problems here in this pleasant little countryside, or will you also disappear? An adventure designed for characters level 1-13 (APL 2 to 12).Chris Hoffman with contributions by Michelle Sharp72-12Furyondy
FUR4-03 Bells in GoldSomeone is doing Ralishaz's work in the Gold County. Can you help Lord Ogart Goldsaex discover what or who is behind his recent stream of bad luck? A Furyondy regional adventure for characters of level 1 to 13 (APL 2 to 12). Michelle Sharp 72-12Furyondy
FUR4-04 Broken DreamsLord Vormar of Brancast Keep wants to make amends with his errant, adventuring daughter. Will you help a loving father reconcile with his daughter? An adventure designed for Living Greyhawk characters of 3rd to 14th level (APL 4 to 12). This adventure is the sequel to FUR2-05 Sleep of Death.Steve Yee84-12Furyondy
FUR4-05 An Armor TaleRumor has it that an item thought lost has now been found. But it is being used in an unusual place. Who among you will have the courage and ingenuity to validate the tale? A Furyondy regional adventure for characters of level 1 to 13 (APL 2 to 12).Dylan Norris and Steve Bergen, with contributions by Michelle Sharp72-12Furyondy
FUR4-06 Shadow of the SunWith the dark shield encompassing the whole of Chendl, a permanent shadow has fallen over the city. The citizens are edgy and rumors galore abound. At least one rumor that a nest of vampires has taken over the city is partially true. The church of Heironeous is looking for adventurers to locate the lair of these vampires. An adventure designed for APL 2 to 12. This module is second in the Running Blood series.Brian J. Benoit72-12Furyondy
FUR4-07 Under the Pale MoonThe pale Greater Moon rides high in the night sky. Relaxing after a fine meal at a roadside inn, a sudden, desperate knocking on the inn's door and the pleas of a young child call your attention. Do you possess the courage to aid the terrified boy? Are you brave enough to find his parents…even if it leads to the very edge of the Abyss? An adventure designed for Living Greyhawk characters of3 rd to 14th level (APLs 4 to 12). This adventure is third in the Running Blood series.Steve Yee84-12Furyondy
FUR4-08 Mysteries BelowA desperate mission to stave off the evil stirring deep below the castle ruins of Bronzeblood Haunt. Do you possess the honor, courage and drive to succeed? An adventure designed for Living Greyhawk characters of 5 th to 16th level (APLs 6 to 14). This is the third adventure in the Bronzeblood Haunt series.Steve Yee106-14Furyondy
FUR4-09 Errant SonWhen times are dark, good deeds shine all the brighter. An aging father seeks assistance in reconciling with his errant son. Will your deeds brighten the day? This module is fourth in the Running Blood series. A Furyondy regional adventure for characters of level 3 to 13 (APL 4 to 12).Michelle Sharp84-12Furyondy
FUR4-10 Set in StoneWhile traveling through the Barony of Littleberg, you are asked to perform a service for Furyondy. Once again, your country needs your help. Will you rise to the occasion? A Furyondy regional adventure for PCs level 1 to 9 (APL 2 to 8). Part 1 of the Intrigue in Littleberg Cycle.Scott Reid52-8Furyondy
FUR4int-01 Out in the WoodsFarmers near Kisail have reported raids on their melon harvest. Vandals have broken in homes outside the town as well. Has danger returned to the Dapple Woods? This introductory module is for first level PCs onlyMichael McKeown11Furyondy
FUR4int-02 Oracle's HeirYou are enlisted to settle a dispute between two noble cousins concerning an inheritance, and set forth to the isolated shrine of Istus in the County of Littleberg. But there are evil forces in the land and the answers you seek may not be so easy to divine. An introductory adventure for first level PCs only.Karen Ellis11Furyondy
FUR4int-03 Wreath of the DeadSometimes the dead come back. In this case, the dead man appears to be a former Captain of the Furyondy military who supposedly was killed more than fifteen years ago. Why has he waited so long to ask for help and why is he doing it under such mysterious circumstances? An introductory adventure for first level PCs only.Andrew Nuxoll11Furyondy
FUR4i-04 Search for the Truth Part 2After crossing the Veng river adventurers brought back reports of dozens of Old One's military camp along the banks. Now the leaders of the Furyondian Army have need of aid to investigate the main camp. A new call for the very bravest in the kingdom has gone out. A Living Greyhawk regional interactive for APLs 2 to 16.Michael McKeown92-16Furyondy
FUR5-01 Ties of LoyaltySome serve Furyondy for personal glory. Some serve Furyondy for gold or wealth. Some serve Furyondy because by so serving, they serve the greater good. Some have been here before but may not recognize the location now. The Gaelpyn family again calls for help, not solely for their sake but for that of others as well. Some will hear the call, and answer. Will you be one of them? This regional adventure is fifth in the Running Blood series and is designed for PCs level 3 to 13 (APL 4 to 12). Michelle and Lee Sharp 84-12Furyondy
FUR5-02 Herb HuntingUnrest is increasing in southern Furyondy as the soldiers have been pulled from the outlying provinces for the war and assistance to neighboring nations. Yet for commoner and nobility, life goes on. At the end of escort duty of some gifts for the Rhavelle-Goldsaex wedding, Sir Frehicald Azkagar is anxious for further assistance for his ill daughter. Can you save Lystrilla? Recommended for PCs who have played FUR2-03 Sheltering Wings, FUR2-06 More Than Gold or FUR3-03 Bells in Gold . This adventure is designed for PCs levels 1 to 14 (APL 2 to 12). Michelle Sharp 72-12Furyondy
FUR5-03 Time will TellThe trials and tribulations of keeping Molag in control of the nation of Furyondy continue in the face of full-scale battle with the Old One's forces breaking out elsewhere. While rumors of the war and what directions it will take are rampant, the commander of Molag has his own worries. Extremely lethal guerilla warfare has begun. Whole companies have gone missing or been found slaughtered. It is time to call for expert reinforcements. Are you up to the task of taking the fight to the elite troops of Old Wicked in what is sure to be a down and dirty fight with those adept at hit and run tactics? This is an extremely dangerous Military mission in support of the garrison at Molag. PCs with infamy with the Furyondy Military may be offered a chance to redeem themselves. This adventure is designed for PCs level 5-14 (APL 6 to 12). Morgan Meachum and Andrew Nuxoll 96-12Furyondy
FUR5-04 A Mine. A Plan. A Canard. Pandemonium.Claw Gorge, a gigantic rift in the Furyondian plain, has always been the country's premier source for limestone. Now there are whispers in Littleberg of something far more precious, especially to adventurers. Beware! Greed brings out the worst in some folks and the rush is already on. "There's mithral in them thar hills!" A Furyondy regional adventure designed for PCs levels 1 to 14 (APL 2 to 12).Andrew Nuxoll72-12Furyondy
FUR5-05 Of Blood and BonesHow difficult can it be to rescue a bunch of sniveling kids from the backwaters of the Duchy of the Reach? Come on…the Duchy of the Reach…nothing interesting ever happens there. Now, throw in odd dreams, a pair of backstabbing cowards, two well-versed liars, a bad-mouthing priestess, a run-of-the-mill prophecy, one conniving merchant prince, a bitter old maid and a gaggle of gnomes…. Well, maybe it's better just to stay in bed. An adventure designed for Living Greyhawk characters of3 rd to 13th level (APLs 4 to 12).Steve Yee84-12Furyondy
FUR5-06 The FalconWhile relaxing in the city of Libernen, in Gold County, you see some strange occurrences with a child. Do you get involved and try to find out what is happening or do you continue to enjoy some much-needed time off? A Furyondy regional investigative adventure for APL 2-8. Part 3 of the Fellowship of Nature saga (sequel to FUR 4-02 Death of a Knight and the Interactive The Gathering of Children ). Members of the FAST-C and Twilight Hunter metaorganizations are encouraged to play this scenario. Chris R Hoffman 52-8Furyondy
FUR5-07 Arrow from the ReachAn elven caravan has been way laid on the banks of the Velverdyva River. What were they carrying that makes recovering it so important? A Furyondy Regional Adventure for APL's 2-8Michael McKeown52-8Furyondy
FUR5-08 Be Still My Beating HeartIt seemed so simple: recover the priest of Heironeous from a small town and return him to Chendl. But when people start dying, a terrible secret is revealed that may destroy the lives of all concerned . . . A Furyondy regional adventure for PCs levels 1 to 12 (APL 2 to 10). Andrew Lloyd 62-10Furyondy
FUR5int-01 DownpourSo you're thinking you have what it takes to become the adventuring-type, huh? Everyone has to get a start somewhere so why not start with something simple? After all, how difficult can it be to serve as an escort for a few days out in the wild? An introductory module set in the Kingdom of Furyondy for first-level characters only.Cliff Meggison11Furyondy
FUR5int-02 Baffle 'Em With BardsThe city of Caronis is lovely in the late spring. The trees are budding, the flowers are blooming and the spies are working hard. Well, maybe it isn't lovely, but it certainly is busy and full of information that the King must know. Will you help Furyondy and get this information to the proper people? Sounds simple – deceptively simple. An introductory adventure designed for 1st level characters (APL 1).Shelley R. Stephen11Furyondy
FUR5i-04 Festering WoundsThere is an ugly evil previously left unchecked in Chendl. Now a mysterious stranger beckons you for the betterment of King and Country to take care of what lurks underneath Chendl. A One Round interactive set in Chendl, in the Kingdom of Furyondy, recommended for members of the Twilight Hunters. For APLS 2-12.Brook Cavell and John Ratliff72-12Furyondy
FUR6-01 Master of BronzebloodEvil abounds in Bronzeblood as the Master stirs again. Undead hordes pour into neighboring towns and fields. Can there BE that many undead in the old keep? It's your job to find out. This very dangerous Furyondy adventure is designed for PCs levels 7 to 15 (APL 8 to 16) and is recommended for members of the Green Jerkin Rangers, Furyondy Military, Order of the Hart (Furyondy) and Furyondy Church of Heironeous. This module concludes the Bronzeblood series and serves as the pre-quel to the Shadowgate series.Morgan Meachum and Michelle Sharp128-16Furyondy
FUR6-02 Crop CirclesTimes are tough and the King has many enemies. It is said that heroes are made and not born, and that it is how you react when called upon that shows what you are really made of. In this case, information has come into your possession and it needs to be acted on immediately. Will you wait to give it to those more capable than you or will you seize the day, act for those who cannot act for themselves and protect a nation? An investigative adventure for characters level 2 through 12 (APLs 4 through 10).Cliff Meggison74-10Furyondy
FUR6-03 Shadows on the CoastShadows are spreading in Willip. Now they've reached the coast. A simple delivery trip down to Keristen uncovers some unwelcome visitors. Will you help the town out? This adventure begins the Shadowgate series and is recommended for members of the Furyondy Royal Navy. A Furyondy regional adventure for PCs levels 1 to 7 (APL 2 to 6).Michelle Sharp42-6Furyondy
FUR6-04 When We First PracticeIn the dead of winter, the PCs receive a summons to assist Baron Jemian in a little matter that is of some interest to them. But as usual, not everything goes according to plan when dealing with magic or politics. An intense Furyondy regional adventure for PCs level 3 to 12 (APL 4 to 10). Part 2 of the Intrigue in Littleberg Cycle.Scott Reid74-10Furyondy
FUR6-05 Darkest NightA delightful little excursion to the Barony of Willip is all an adventurer needs to reinvigorate the weary spirit. But what about those pesky rumors of vile undead escaping from Bronzeblood Haunt and rampaging across the countryside? Well, no matter. Just have a quick step, a large staff and plenty of holy water at hand to ward off these fiendish villains. Nothing should spoil an adventurer's holiday…after all they're just undead, how much of a nuisance can they be? A heroic adventure designed for Living Greyhawk characters of 1 st to 10th level (APLs 2 to 8). This adventure is second in the Shadowgate series.Steve Yee52-8Furyondy
FUR6-06 Invocation and IntrigueRumor has it that King Belvor IV is planning to fill the position left in the Chamber of Four by Karzalin's disappearance, and wizards and their associates have begun to breathe life into the streets of Chendl. Of course, where adventurers go, so goes adventure. A one-round Furyondy regional adventure for characters level 1-8 (APLs 2-6). Part One of Eight of Wands story arc. Arcane spellcasters, particularly members of the Mage Council metaorganization, are encouraged to play this module.Steve Bergen and Andrew Nuxoll42-6Furyondy
FUR6-07 Conjuring TroubleFor good or for ill, it seems you have gained the attention of the Furyondy Mage Council. They even trust you enough to send you on an important errand...or perhaps it's just that you're expendable. An adventure for APLs 2-8 and part two of the Eight of Wands arc. Recommended for arcane spellcasters, particularly members of the Furyondy Mage Council. Members of the Twilight Hunters and church-related metaorganizations may also benefit from playing this scenario.Andrew Nuxoll52-8Furyondy
FUR6-08 The Dread Witch Project"Help Wanted: Brave and loyal adventurers to work with Furyondy Players, Church of St. Cuthbert, and Church of Trithereon to investigate unusual occurrences at Gullkeep. Hatred for Old Wicked a must. Those with orc or Rhenee blood or nonhumanoid ancestry must provide references. Interested parties should inquire for further information at the Crockpot Inn." A one-round Furyondy regional adventure recommended for characters of 1st through 9th level (APLs 2-8).John du Bois52-8Furyondy
FUR6int-01 Meals on FeetThe epic battles of the Furyondy military (and its adventurers) against the evil empire of Iuz are sure to one day become legend throughout the Flaness, and the recent siege of Crockport is no exception. But what happens when the battle ends and the adventurers go on to more interesting battles? Who cleans up the mess they left behind? Perhaps new adventurers now have an opportunity to start their careers… This introductory adventure is for first level PC's only.John du Bois11Furyondy
FUR6int-02 A Rustic TaleEntrepreneurs need to be clever to make a living. But when is clever too clever for your own good? A Furyondy introductory regional adventure for PCs of level onePeter J. Cooney11Furyondy
FUR6i-01 RevivificationFuryondy
FUR6i-02 Waves of PeaceFuryondy
FUR6i-03 We're Going Where?Furyondy
FUR6i-04Arcane elementsThere has been a shield of darkness and desecration over the city of Chendl for some time. Recently, adventurers were sent on a mission to obtain assistance in countering this spell. A second call has gone out for assistance from the Mage Council and Churches of Furyondy as preparations for the countering ritual draw to a close. This Furyondy regional interactive is the sequel to FURi6-03 We're Going Where? and is designed for PC levels 1 to 14 (APLs 2 to 12). It is recommended for members of the Mage Council, Churches of Furyondy and Twilight Hunters.Michelle Sharp, Lee Sharp, Pete Cooney72-12Furyondy
FUR7-01 Tune of TransmutationGhosts have unfinished business – everyone knows that. Sometimes that business is even more important to the living. A ghost, a songbook, a bard, a wizard, a spell, a Chamber position – are these related? And what do they have to do with you? An adventure for character levels 1-10 (APL 2-8). This adventure is Part 3 of the Eight of Wands series, recommended for arcane spellcasters, particularly members of the Furyondy Mage Council as well as members of the Furyondy Players.Shelley R. Stephen52-8Furyondy
FUR7-02 Keep Your Friends CloseSir Lanistor has sent word from the War College of his need for a few friends on an upcoming trip. Word has it Sir Lanistor is in trouble, but no one is coming out to arrest him this time, so that doesn't seem accurate. It is not the first time you've been called upon to straighten out someone else's mess. Do you want to get involved? A one round Furyondy regional adventure for APLs 6 to 12. This adventure is sixth in the Running Blood series.Michelle Sharp and Lee Sharp96-12Furyondy
FUR7-03 Illusions and DreamsThe Mage Council is sending you to the war weary County of Crystalreach where more than one candidate may be worthy of the Chamber of Four. This mission is particularly harrowing and fully successful outcomes may not be the norm. Chaotic aligned PCs are encouraged to be on their best behavior. Arcane spellcasters and members of the Mage Council, Furyondy Military, Twilight Hunters and church related meta-organizations are encouraged to play this scenario. Part of 4 of the Eight of Wands story arc. An adventure for APLs 4-10.Andrew Nuxoll74-10Furyondy
FUR7-04 Gullkeep RuinsFor mercenary, noble, and/or inquisitive reasons, influential groups are seeking dungeon-crawling fools to travel to the tax-free Barony of Kalinstren and discover why the ruins of Gullkeep collapsed. This one-round Furyondy regional adventure is written for APLs 4-10 and recommended for characters affiliated with the Church of Pelor, Thunderheart Mercenary Company, Barony of Kalinstren, or Barony of Willip.John du Bois74-10Furyondy
FUR7-05 Cry in the Dark"Good Sirs, I am from the hamlet of Orlan's Tower, in the Gold County; my fellow peasants and I are in need of your assistance." On a dusty, deserted road a desperate peasant begs for the aid of adventurers. A pack of hungry wolves has been preying upon the livestock in the farms about his hamlet and the peasants are defenseless against them. Do you have the decency and courage to help him? A heroic Furyondy Regional adventure for APLs 2-10. This adventure is a loosely-related sequel to FUR6-05 Darkest Night.Steve Yee62-10Furyondy
FUR7-06 Where Angels Fear to TreadFor years since Greyhawk Wars, the Razing Line has lain fallow; a dark shadow on the land near the great forest. But forests have shadows, too, and the land has an anger all its own; when both begin to spread, to whom does it fall to stop them? A loose sequel to FUR5-08 Be Still My Beating Heart, recommended for players with the Curse of Iniquity, as well as members of the Green Jerkins and the Order of the Hart. A one-round Furyondy Regional adventure for APLs 4- 10.Andrew Lloyd74-10Furyondy
FUR7-07 Of Noble SpiritThe Mage Council is sending you to the home of the eminent Thimme de Levine to interview him just a few days before his gala Needfest party. Nobles, military officers and diplomats from around the country will be attending. You are not invited. Part five of the Eight of Wands story arc. A one-round Furyondy Regional adventure set in the Barony of Kalinstren for APLs 4-10. This mission is recommended for stealthy and/or skilled PCs, particularly those who are members of the Twilight Hunters. Arcane spellcasters and members of the Furyondy Mage Council or one of the church related meta-organizations are encouraged to play this scenario. PCs with loyalties to the Gold County or Litlleberg may also gain from playing this adventure.Brian Gray and Andrew Nuxoll74-10Furyondy
FUR7-08 Stake SurveyIn the tortured lands between Old Wicked and Furyondy a seemingly defiled stretch of land might just be inhabitable again and ready to divulge its secrets for those who seek them, but has someone already discovered them? A one-round Furyondy Regional adventure for APLs 2-8. This adventure is recommended for PCs who are members of the Furyondy Players, FAST-C, Church of Trithereon, or Monastery of the Way.Greg Walters52-8Furyondy
FUR7-09 Deep AmbitionsThe deeps of the world are dark and cold—for the most part. Some things always burn hot, even in the cold-blooded. An adventurer must be careful when playing with fire, mustn't they? A roleplaying-intensive one-round Furyondy Regional dungeon crawl for character levels 8-15 (APLs 10-16).Peter J. Cooney1310-16Furyondy
FUR7Int-01 A Growing CrisisThere is a rumor that on the border between Veluna and Furyondy exists a cabal of Druids dedicated to preserving and protecting the balance of nature. Evidence of this cabal has recently been brought to the attention of a noble knight of Furyondy and he has asked for your help in proving whether or not these rumors are true. A Furyondy introductory diplomatic adventure for rangers, druids, scouts; as well as other nature minded first level characters.Christopher Good11Furyondy
FUR7Int-02 The BeginningIn northern Furyondy, the hamlet of Boulder Creek is in need of aid. Do you have what it takes to become a hero or will your name be forgotten in history? A one-round Furyondy Regional adventure for 1st level characters.Michael Combs11Furyondy
FUR7i-01 The Girding of BronzebloodBronzeblood Haunt has been a plague upon the face of Furyondy. Recently, the Master has shown his hand and his desire to destroy King Belvor and his kingdom. Because of this, you have been tasked with moving to Bronzeblood and ensuring that nothing leaves. A one-round combat intensive Furyondy Interactive for characters level 1-8 (APLs 2-6).Chris R Hoffman, Andrew Nuxoll, John du Bois & Richard Rutherford42-6Furyondy
FUR7i-02 Scouring the DiademFuryondy
FUR7i-03 Every End Has a BeginningFuryondy
FUR7i-05 Temple of the BeeKing Belvor IV needs a specially prepared honey extract to ensure the stability of the kingdom. Fortunately, his diviners know where to find it. Unfortunately, humans were driven out decades ago… A one-round Furyondy Regional interactive for APLs 2-14. PCs who cast a large amount of fire spells or otherwise make a regular habit of using fire while adventuring are strongly advised to avoid playing this adventure.John du Bois82-14Furyondy
FUR8-01 Alliances & AbjurationsYou were working for… somebody… and then there was… well, something… and now you're here… Hey, where the heck is "here", anyway? A one-round Furyondy Regional adventure set in… uh… "here"?… for APLs 6-14. This adventure is 6th in the Eight of Wands series, and is recommended for PCs with the best interests of the kingdom in mind. Arcane spellcasters and PCs affiliated with the Church of Rao, War College, Sharpshooters, and/or Viscounty of the March may find this adventuring opportunity beneficial.John du Bois106-14Furyondy
FUR8-02 Caravan guardsEscort a military supply caravan from Fendrelan to Fort Belvor for the occupation of Molag. No problem, right? A loose sequel to the Molag series for lawful-aligned characters. Members of the Furyondy Military, Church of Heironeous, Church of St. Cuthbert, and Order of the Hart will benefit from playing this adventure. A one-round Furyondy Regional adventure for APLs 2-10.J.R. Sullivan62-10Furyondy
FUR8-03 Duplicity DivinedIs it better to kill the message, or just the messenger? In either case, hearts and loyalties can be divided. An exercise in running the gauntlet for PCs level 4 to 14 (APL 6-12). Part seven of the Eight of Wands story arc. Recommended for members of the Furyondy Mage Council, Twilight Hunters and churchrelated metaorganizations. A one-round Furyondy Regional adventure for APLs 6-12.Pete Cooney & Andrew Nuxoll96-12Furyondy
FUR8-04 Blood on the TrailHeroes need many skills. Living by the sword doesn't mean you shouldn't use a shield now and again and sometimes skills beyond those of a sword are needed…like a silver tongue or eyes that can carefully follow a trail. While sometimes a sword is important, equally important is knowledge of when to use it and the ability to look past the surface. PCs with the Ire of the Old Faith from FUR7-02 Keep Your Friends Close may have difficulty completing this adventure. A one-round Furyondy Regional adventure in the Running Blood series, for APLs 6-14, recommended for members of the Church of Mayaheine, Old Faith and Green Jerkins.Michelle and Lee Sharp106-14Furyondy
FUR8-05 Mazed and ConfusedKing Belvor, frustrated with the complete lack of choices for a new member of the Chamber of Four, opens up the field to any powerful arcane caster who is a citizen of Furyondy. A competition will be held wherein each candidate must demonstrate skill with the art of magic, honor on the field of battle, strength of will and dedication to their King. PCs who play this adventure should be prepared to face a mix of puzzles and combat with little equipment or spells. Part Eight of the Eight of Wands story arc. Recommended for members of the Furyondy Mage Council, Twilight Hunters, and players who seek outside-the-box solutions. A one -round Furyondy Regional adventure for APLs 6-14.John du Bois, Brian Gray, and Andrew Nuxoll106-14Furyondy
FUR8-06 An Uncommon DefenseSeeking to end the legitimacy of his ex-son's claim to the throne, our most wise and majestic King Belvor IV has announced his engagement to Baroness Jelleneth Kalinstren. However, such an event will surely be a target from many evil forces, and the advice of consultants is needed to ensure all goes well. The final one-round Furyondy regional adventure, and a direct lead-up to the finale interactive. This adventure resolves old plot threads and supports APLs 2-16; players at APL 2-8 should expect a different play experience than players at APL 10-16. PCs that possess the taint of evil, are Bondsmen of House Estival in Verbobonc, or are from Keoland or Dyvers should have the support of their allies, influence with the churches or nobility of Furyondy, or a very good alibi before attempting to play this adventure.Pete Cooney, John du Bois, Chris R Hoffman, Morgan Meachum, and Michelle Sharp1310-16Furyondy
FURI8-01 Boots on the Ground"Knights & soldiers of the Kingdom, answer the trumpet's call! As long as Old Wicked holds the North, Furyondy's borders will never be secure. The time has come to strike into the Old One's black heart! Very soon Furyondian boots will tread on grounds long past occupied by our demonic foes." A one round Furyondy regional battle interactive for APLs 2-14, particularly suitable for members of the Furyondy Military, Knights of the Hart, Green Jerkin Rangers, Sharp Shooters, and Twilight Hunters Brute Squad.Doug Miles, Steve Yee, and John du Bois82-14Furyondy
FURI8-03 Selection and SeditionFuryondy
GEOIntro-01a Gifts of the Fey - part1When a young boy is lost in the Fey Woods, the party must dare the capricious nature of the fey and journey to the Caves of Twilight Resplendent to negotiate with the Fey Queen. Are you willing to take on the faeries on their own terms? A regional adventure for characters level 1-6.41-6Geoff
GEOIntro-01b Gifts of the Fey - part2When a young boy is lost in the Fey Woods, the party must dare the capricious nature of the fey and journey to the Caves of Twilight Resplendent to negotiate with the Fey Queen. Are you willing to take on the faeries on their own terms? A regional adventure for characters level 1-6.41-6Geoff
GEOIntro-02 Strangers in the NightA small group of farmers outside of Hochoch is menaced in the night. Other "adventures" have laughed at the pittance the farmers have offered as a reward. Will the true heroes of answer the call and help the common folk? Michael McKweon 11Geoff
GEOIntro-03 Lions in HandThe Army of Liberation is looking for freelance adventurers to help deliver low-priority messages. A bit of gold in your pocket, a few days in nice weather, how could there be any better work for adventurers such as yourselves? A Geoff Regional Introductory Adventure for 1st-level characters. Wesley Wright 11Geoff
GEOIntro-04 Fruit off the VineSo you are ripe and ready to go adventuring? Well, the opportunity to travel and meet people can be available to you here in Geoff. With regional travel hot spots such as Hochoch, Preston, and the Oytwood diversity and variety are the spice an adventure's life. A Geoff regional introductory adventure for first level characters. Chrism Kronick 11Geoff
GEO1-01 RunawayRumors in the night can be the beginning of fame and fortune for the unknown of Geoff. An adventure for characters level 1-4. 31-4Geoff
GEO1-02 Cat and MouseTaking a walk on the "wild-side" of Geoff. A regional adventure for characters level 1-6.41-6Geoff
GEO1-03Gifts of the FeyWhen a young boy is lost in the Fey Woods, the party must dare the capricious nature of the fey and journey to the Caves of Twilight Resplendent to negotiate with the Fey Queen. Are you willing to take on the faeries on their own terms? A regional adventure for characters level 1-6.41-6Geoff
GEO1-04 The Gonfalon of GyuffThe years since Geoff fell to the giants stretch without end, and the refugees are giving way to despair and hopelessness. A bard's song sparks a quest to uncover an ancient banner, which could inspire a people to greatness. Will you dare the Contested Lands and the might of the giants to bring back a legend? An adventure for characters level 1-6.Geoff
GEO1-05 A Little Bit of WoodText to be entered41-6Geoff
GEO1-06 Return of the Grand DukeText to be entered41-6Geoff
GEO1-07 Shadows of a Fallen StarText to be entered41-6Geoff
GEO1-08 Floating Down the RiverText to be entered41-6Geoff
GEO1-09 Expedition to the Barrier PeaksText to be entered73-10Geoff
GEO1-10 Shhh...Text to be entered63-8Geoff
GEO1-11 A Pressing MatterText to be entered51-8Geoff
GEO1-12 Feather and FoulText to be entered51-8Geoff
GEO2-00 Interactive - JailbreakOccasionally, a deity or other great power will allow one of their greatest followers to become exceptional petitioners. Exceptional petitioners retain all their feats and skills they had when they were alive. These select few will forever serve the same power in death that they served in life.101-20Geoff
GEO2-01 A Wise Man's SonText to be entered73-10Geoff
GEO2-02 Veins of TrustText to be enteredGeoff
GEO2-03 The Last of NineText to be entered51-8Geoff
GEO2-04 A Flower For A Giant's GraveText to be entered51-8Geoff
GEO2-05 One Good TurnText to be entered73-10Geoff
GEO2-06 Summer's PassingText to be entered51-8Geoff
GEO3-01 A Small Knowing SoulTerror, confusion, mutilated bodies, and missing persons. A typical stroll in the lands of Gyruff. A Geoff regional adventure for APLs 4-10 and Verse Two in the Dirge of Revenge and Loathing.R. Michael Hinds74-10Geoff
GEO3-02 Mourning of a Risen SonThe Ranger Lord Darlon Lea has turned his back on the powers of Geoff and pledged himself to the sylvan elves of the Dim Forest. The Army of Retribution and the Knights of the Watch wish to see justice done and his execution carried out, while Grand Duke Owen wants him to bend knee in fealty. But the outlaw lord hides in the Dim Forest, where powerful forces are at work. The Fades are spreading from Derelion and a mysterious falling star plunged into the Javan River last year. The key to Darlon's past and the forest's future resides with himself, the elusive Darlon Lea. A Geoff regional adventure for APLs 4-10 and Verse Three of the Song of Fading Shadows.Jesse Willis, Eric Menge, and Marc Yudson74-10Geoff
GEO3-03 Curiousity Killed the CatFather Winter's influence on the weather is a memory and anticipation grows that the liberation will soon resume. Before then, you travel to Garin's Field and indulge yourself at the Richfest celebration. Was that thunder you heard? Nah couldn't be! There's not a cloud in the sky. Verse four of the Song of Cats and Caverns. A continuous, two-round Geoff regional adventure for APLs 6-12.William Altizer, David Quick, and Sholom West96-12Geoff
GEO3-04 A Break in the SilenceThe dwarves of the mountains have been silent for too long, and the concerns of the Dwur in Hochoch are growing. It is time for a journey to the lost stronghold of Deepholm. A Geoff adventure for APLs 4-10, and Verse One of the Song of Earth and Stone. Stephen M. Adams 74-10Geoff
GEO3-05 Debts Past DueA person's past deeds haunt in ways never expected. Can you satisfy the bill collector? A Living Greyhawk adventure set in the Grand Duchy of Geoff for Levels 1-8.Jose Ortiz and Byron Stephenson51-8Geoff
GEO3-06 Rites of Eternal SpringLong the Greenman slumbers deep beneath the ground. The sun counts ten long winters ere his seed is found. The White Stag calls the six and opens the Moonlit Way To where the Makers dream in the House of Play. Raiment for the Greenman woven in the tower; Crown from the queen; wreath of thorn and flower; Chalice made of gold revealed by a key; Summer has its price for an apple from the tree. A growing seed forged of fruit, robe, cup, and wreath Shall bind together man, stone, river, and leaf. The hart must be brought to the table made of stone. Six will lead the way, but one will go alone.Eric Menge and Diane Hazlett74-10Geoff
GEO4-01 A Necessary EvilGrand Duke Owen has departed the country on a quest to find new allies for the war against the giants. In his absence, two nobles struggle for prominence in war-torn Geoff, and the unity of the Gyri hangs by a thread. When the days are cold and the nights are long, symbols can shape a country and a future. A Geoff Regional adventure for APLs 4-10, and Verse One of the Song of Bleak MidwinterWes Wright, Byron Roberts, and Alisa Clary 74-10Geoff
GEO4-02 A Stormy Night in HochochThe winds howl through the streets of Hochoch, and sleet falls thick and heavy. The storm hides evil in many forms, but all have murder on their minds. The quarry flees into the night, and the hunt is on. A Geoff Regional adventure for APLs 4-10, and Verse Two of the Song of Bleak Midwinter. Brad Lester 74-10Geoff
GEO4-03 Grace as Pure as SnowSomewhere off on a far horizon, a princess quests through Faerie. The foretelling of the Weirds called to her and bid her take this journey To find three things within the feylands and bring the lost to light: Grace as pure as snow, love as bright as blood, and sorrow as deep as night. The druids bestowed two gifts upon Calisse to help her on her quest: An Old Lore guide who's walked the faerie trods which know no east nor west, The other is the Delicate Knife with its flawless, crystal blade That three times will cut the air itself and summon heroes to her aid. A Geoff Regional adventure for APLs 2-8, and Verse One of the Song of Three Summonings.Eric Menge and Diane Hazlett52-8Geoff
GEO4-04 Forest of StoneOpportunities await those who take risks, and a chance discovery can turn a simple reconnaissance mission into so much more. Those who climb the peaks and look upon the Forest of Stone may find the answers that they seek – and may find an even greater mystery. A Geoff regional adventure for APLs 4- 12, and Verse Two of the Song of Earth and StoneWilliam Altizer and Brad Lester84-12Geoff
GEO4-05 Vision of a Lighted PathWord comes from the Dim Forest. The Shadows threaten to overrun the elves, covering the woodlands in darkness and blotting out the light. But Ehlenestra has not forsaken her people in their time of need. The path has been opened. The path has been prepared. But the path remains to be taken. A Geoff regional adventure for APLs 6-12, and Verse Four of the Song of Fell Shadows.Alisa Clary96-12Geoff
GEO4-06 Winter of DiscontentNothing has been heard from the elves of the Hornwood since shortly after the Giant's invaded. Now some disquieting information has come to the attention of the Knights of Luna. Perhaps it's time to go back into the Hornwood and find out what has happened, once and for all. A Living Greyhawk Geoff Regional adventure for APLs 2-12.Bill Kronick and Leigh Smith72-12Geoff
GEO4-07 Return to Barrier PeaksA harsh winter has beset the Grand Duchy of Geoff, bringing gains and losses in the ongoing struggle against the Giant armies. The heroes of Geoff must risk all in order to find a weakness in the Giants' defenses. A bit of diplomacy and a daring rescue await those brave heroes who choose to…Return to the Barrier Peaks. A Grand Duchy of Geoff regional adventure for APLs 12-16.Scott Edward Benfield1412-16Geoff
GEO4-08 Massacre at Clear SkyA series of vicious raids conducted by half-orcs has shattered the calm between Clear Sky and the rest of Geoff. The half-orcs of Clear Sky claim to have no connection to the attacks, but something isn't right. Either the inhabitants of Clear Sky are lying, or some other threat exists. Whatever it might be, tension between Clear Sky and the rest of Geoff is growing. The answer lies in the history of Geoff, Clear Sky, and the fundamental nature of half-orcs. A Geoff Regional scenario for APLs 4-12.John Pieper & Nora Palmer84-12Geoff
GEO4s-01 The Castle of the Cloud Giant PatriarchThe enormous castle floats ominously above the combined forces of Gyruff. As has happened so often in this conflict, the might of the Gyric wolfpack is used to infiltrate this fortress. What wonders does it hold? Whom does it hold? Can this behemoth be stopped before it lays waste to the armies and Hochoch? Multiple mini-mods ranging from APLs 2 to 16.Mike Hinds92-16Geoff
GEO5-01 The Mantle of HeroesOnce again the legendary Ashwood Avengers are called upon to serve the gnomish crown in its time of dire need. A Grand Duchy of Geoff regional adventure for APLs 2 - 8, and Verse Two of the Song of the Ashwood Avengers.Peter Deschere, Peter Fitzpatrick, Bill and Chrism Kronick52-8Geoff
GEO5-02 Love as Bright as BloodBorne aloft by dreams, where clouds and sunbeams play, Calisse ventures ever deeper into the lands of Fey To find three precious things and what was lost regain. Grace she has found, but love and sorrow remain. She seeks the Biting Mountain and Bad King Tor, Who listens to the wind, hearing secrets by the score. But Tor's frozen heart is as merciless as ice, And those who climb the mountain will bleed a fearsome price. A Grand Duchy of Geoff regional adventure for APLs 2-10, and Verse Two of the Song of Three Summonings.Eric Menge and Diane Hazlett62-10Geoff
GEO5-03 The Weight of WordsA long, cold winter covers the war-torn lands of Gyruff. Anger, grief, hatred, despair, blood, and tears saturate the land. At the top of a mountain, a single snowflake shifts in its tumble to Oerth ever so slightly as the one hidden among the Gyri returns home. She raises a question that must be answered. She calls the patriarchs to hear. But are words enough to start an avalanche that will change the direction of things to come? A Grand Duchy of Geoff regional adventure for APLs 8-12, and Verse One of the Song of the Queen in Solitude.Brad Lester and Eric Menge108-12Geoff
GEO5-04 Facets of PowerA gem has many facets. Does a truth have many sides? Can the faith of three dwarves lead towards the truth regarding the fate of the last dwarven Thane's his Crown of Thanes. Sometimes the truth is far more disturbing than the question. A Grand Duchy of Geoff regional adventure for APLs 6-12, and Verse Three of the Song of Earth and Stone.William Altizer, David Quick, and Sholom West96-12Geoff
GEO5-05 A Key With No TeethOerth has many doors, and the doors have many purposes. Some protect, while others seal. Some are mundane, while others are fantastic. As the sage Iquander has said, "There is a door that leads anywhere you want to go—all you need is to find the proper key." A Grand Duchy of Geoff regional adventure for APLs 8-12, and Verse Two of the Song of the Queen in Solitude. At least one character in the party must have played GEO5-03 "The Weight of Words."Brad Lester and Eric Menge108-12Geoff
GEO5-06 Fate of HeroesAll of those who answer the gnomes' call for heroes seek adventure and glory, but only the tried and true will be regaled as the Ashwood Avengers. During a time of dire need, only the Ashwood Avengers can determine the fate of one of the gnomes' most cherished icons. A Grand Duchy of Geoff regional adventure for APLs 2-8, and Verse Three of the Song of the Ashwood Avengers.Frank Belinske, Laura Deschere, Peter Deschere, & Peter Fitzpatrick52-8Geoff
GEO5-07 Bound in ClockworkThe two moons of Oerth, Luna and Celene, continue their dance across the heavens. Slowly their faces change to the match the ancient chart. The time has come. The key is turned, and the gate opens to a prison fashioned from time itself. A Grand Duchy of Geoff regional adventure for APLs 8-12, and Verse Three of the Song of the Queen in Solitude. At least one character in the party must have played GEO5- 05 A Key with No Teeth.Brad Lester and Eric Menge108-12Geoff
GEO5-08 Sorrow as Deep as NightCalisse presses on to the Pits of Sharpest Frost, Where Tor has revealed that Owen's half is lost. Grace walks beside her, and she carries Love inside: A radiance ever burning to push her fear aside. Down in the depths cloaked in darkness and cold, The dangers are mounting in a grim Faerie hold. As the quest runs its course far from the bright, Calisse learns of loss and sorrow as deep as night. A Grand Duchy of Geoff regional adventure for APLs 4-10, and Verse Three of the Song of Three Summonings.Eric Menge and Diane Hazlett74-10Geoff
GEO5-09 Citadel of the Storm KingThe Storm King's Citadel of Thunderhead looms over the land in the far northwest of Geoff where the Crystalmists and the Barrier Peaks meet. Bigger and greater than the mountains about it, Thunderhead is the heart of the Jotunreike and the source of the Sakhut's power. The Storm King never leaves his great citadel. If the threat to Geoff is to be ended, then he must be faced there at his seat of power. A Grand Duchy of Geoff regional adventure for APLs 12-18, and the conclusion of the Against the Giants; the Liberation of Geoff Campaign.Marc Yudson, Alisa Clary, Eric Menge, and Brad Lester1512-18Geoff
GEO5-IS1 Never TarryGeoff
GEO5-IS2 Heroes Never DieGeoff
GEO5-IS3 An Echo in the DarknessGeoff
GEO5-IS4 Wagon WheelsGeoff
GEO5-02INa A Home in the DownlandsLast year, the Kingdom of Keoland bequeathed the lands south of Preston to the Grand Duchy of Geoff. Lying between the Stark Mounds on the west and the Javan on the east, the Downlands offer the potential of significant resources for the war against the giants. More than this, they offer a new home for thousands of Gyri in refugee camps around the Sheldomar Valley. All of their hopes and dreams ride on the ability of the Wolfpacks to brave the unknown reaches of the Downlands and find the Gyri a new place to call home.. A Grand Duchy of Geoff regional adventure for APLs 2 and 4.David Doughty, Robert Heath, and Matt Eddleman32-4Geoff
GEO5-02INbBlind man's bluffLast year, the Kingdom of Keoland bequeathed the lands south of Preston to the Grand Duchy of Geoff. Lying between the Stark Mounds on the west and the Javan on the east, the Downlands offer the potential of significant resources for the war against the giants. More than this, they offer a new home for thousands of Gyri in refugee camps around the Sheldomar Valley. All of their hopes and dreams ride on the ability of the Wolfpacks to brave the unknown reaches of the Downlands and find the Gyri a new place to call home. A Grand Duchy of Geoff regional adventure for APLs 6 and 8.Alisa Clary, Alli Gonding, and Sean Hillman76-8Geoff
GEO5-02INcNature's ownA Grand Duchy of Geoff regional interactive adventure for APLs 10-12.Pat Lowrey and William Redd1110-12Geoff
GEO5-02INdDownloands interactiveYou have been called to explore a new area of Geoff. Groups have been sent to different areas to explore possible city sites for a new Geoff Capital. An island paradise sounds perfect, but the natives may have other ideas. A Geoff regional interactive for APLs 14-16. Matthew and Michelle Schad1514-16Geoff
GEO5-IN5 StormbreakOverview and Specialized Rules for a Grand Duchy of Geoff regional battle interactive for APLs 2-16.The Regulators92-16Geoff
GEO5-1SP From the FrontFollowing their victory at Pregmere, the various armies in the Grand Duchy of Geoff waited out the winter. Spring has come, and the snow and ice is a distant memory. Now it is time for the summer campaign. The Liberation of Geoff is at hand. A Grand Duchy of Geoff regional special mission for APLs 2-12. Brad, Lester and Eric Menge Geoff
GEO5-MM Reverse DungeonThey say that in the Fires of Brewfest a person may see signs of the past – or even ways to change the future. The gnomes call upon adventurers to play a most unusual role. A Grand Duchy of Geoff regional interactive adventure for APLs 2 - 16.Teos Abadia92-16Geoff
GEO6-01 Shattered HousesThe War of the Giants is done. The Sakhut is gone, but what remains in Geoff is a tattered land. One Llwyress asks for help. A family must be reunited and you may just fit the bill. A Geoff regional adventure for APLs 2-6, and Part One of the Cycle of the Splintered Kingdoms. This Adventure may be of particular interest to those in the Rhychdir Rhos Cantrev metaorganizations.Wesley Wright42-6Geoff
GEO6-02 Dead SilenceThe harsh winters are gone and a warm spring breeze blows through Geoff. The rebuilding begins again and celebrations can truly commence. A Festival in New Midwood brings hope for the new year. But trouble may be afoot in the nearby Dim Forest. With new human cities being rebuilt in the Dim Forest, the fate of the Order of Shining Beacons is more important than ever. A Geoff regional adventure for APLs 2- 6, and Part 2 of the Cycle of Darkened Mirrors series.Chad Clary and Alisa Clary42-6Geoff
GEO6-03 A Dark Realm DividedLachion Stonehouse, prince and heir to the sylvan throne of Derelion, has returned to reclaim the forest home of the wood elven people from the depredations of the shadow dragon. Yet seven of the eight tribes of sylvan elves already have a Kánotaurë, a ‘Forest Commander', in the person of the former Gyric noble Darlon Lea. The war for the Dim Forest is reaching a turning point, as the shadows gather; but will the return of the prince herald a new hope for the elves, or harbinger a new conflict? A Geoff regional adventure for APLs 2-6 and Part One of the Cycle of Corellon's Tears.Jose A. Ortiz42-6Geoff
GEO6-04 Delusions of GrandeurWord comes from the Stark Mounds that all is not well. Strange happenings force the gnomes to accept help from the outside world. A few brave adventurers are chosen to solve the problems and perhaps find more than they bargained for. A Geoff regional adventure for APLs 2-8, and Part 1 of the Stark Contrasts series.Bill Kronick52-8Geoff
GEO6-05 A Gathering of ShadowsA young woman seeks to help a dear friend, unaware of the dark places to which her quest will lead. Places she dare not tread alone. Light and dark, friend and foe, all are pieces in a game that will go far beyond the fathoming of one of Geoff's daughters. A Geoff regional adventure for APLs 4-10, and Part 1 of the Daughters of Geoff series.Sean Hillman & Jose Ortiz74-10Geoff
GEO6-06 A Gathering of StormsThe northwestern cantrevi of Geoff are still wild from their years under the domination of the giants. Bandits, lost steadings, and feral tribes all vie with one another and the returning refugees for the last morsels the land can give. With hunger quickly becoming famine, can someone find a way check the chaos and uncover the mysteries that hold the region in thrall? A Geoff Regional Adventure for APLs 2-8 and Part One of the Path of Purity series. Sean Hillman & Leslie Maynard 52-8Geoff
GEO6-07 Lady of Oak and OraclesWhere there was one, now there are four. Boldly they embrace the coming conflict on the Shadow Plane and ask you to join them on their journey. The physical contest will test your bodies but the battle itself may hinge on the internal struggles of Geoff's greatest daughter. A Geoff Regional Adventure for APLs 4-10 and Part Two of the Four Daughters of Geoff.Sean Hillman & Stephen Mumford74-10Geoff
GEO6-IS1 Grace as Pure as SnowGeoff
GEO6-IS2 Child's PlayGeoff
GEO6-IS3 The Old WaysGeoff
GEO7-01 By Light of Twain MoonsA rare conjunction of two moons, one full and one crescent, haunts your dreams. A sense of urgency tugs at your mind. But to do what? The answer, it would seem, can be found in the Hornwood forest of all places. A Geoff Regional adventure for APLs 4-10, and Part One of The Crescent Moon Rising series.Jose A. Ortiz74-10Geoff
GEO7-02 Blood FeudThe half-orcs of Clear Sky have arrived in Melgorn, and they have started building their homes in the new town of Clear Sky. Their new neighbors drop by for a visit, but old enemies threaten the developing relationship. The PCs may be the ones who keep things from falling apart. A Geoff regional adventure for APLs 2-10. A loose sequel to GEO 4-08 Massacre at Clear Sky and GEO Intro 6-03 The Old Ways.John Pieper and Nora Palmer62-10Geoff
GEO7-03 Breath of the AncientsA new development threatens to annihilate the inhabitants of the Dim Forest. With a dead Bondmate and a withered Heart, everyone in or near the Forest is in dire need of help. Will you be the one to walk the path of fallen heroes? A Geoff Regional adventure for APLs 6-12, and Part 3 of the Cycle of Darkened Mirrors series, as well as Part 2 of the Crescent Moon Rising series.Alisa Clary and Chad Clary96-12Geoff
GEO7-04 The Orb of WarA business opportunity turns serious as the dwur of Geoff extend an open hand to their friends and a bared axe to their foes. A Geoff Regional adventure for APLs 4-10Stephen Adams, Teos Abadia and Jose Ortiz74-10Geoff
GEO7-05 A Whisper of ThunderThe followers of the Ffordd Purdeb, or Path of Purity, are slowly gathering strength, particularly in the wilder cantrevs yet to be fully resettled. Many yearn for a return to simpler days, and fear that they may have regained their homes only to lose their identities among a sea of foreign mercenaries. A fragment of ancient druidic lore may lead to the healing so many are seeking, both for the Land and its people… or it may destroy a fragile nation still reeling from a terrible war. A Geoff Regional Module for APLs 2-10 and Part Two of the Path of PurityLeslie Erwin & Sean Hillman62-10Geoff
GEO7-06 SpearbreakerThe War between the Shadar Kai and the people of Cysgod Annwn is quickly coming to a crisis. New tactics among the enemy require the presence of the Celebrated Brightlings. Can heroes save the Angry Mountain and give back to one of the daughters something she had thought lost forever? A Geoff Regional adventure for APLs 4-12, and Part Three of the Four Daughters of Geoff seriesSean Hillman84-12Geoff
GEO7-07 The Great GameThe Old Faith receives a prophecy from their Oracle: Old roads must be trod and forgotten allies called upon before the coming storm. A Geoff Regional adventure for APLs 2-16.Jose Ortiz and John Pieper92-16Geoff
GEO7-08 Grey MatterThe new king of the gnomes, King "Ingot" Quikbucon, is popular in the Stark Mounds. However, not everyone loves the king and an old companion requests an investigation. The trail may lead curious adventurers to hunt for something that Clan Ramsees has misplaced, and perhaps reveal more than they bargained for. A Geoff regional adventure for APLs 4-12, and Part 2 of the Stark Contrasts series. (Part 1 was GEO6-04 Delusions of Grandeur).Paul Ellison, Christopher Day, and Jim Ghiloni84-12Geoff
GEO7-IS1 Six Swords For HireGeoff
GEO7-IS2 The Hills are AliveGeoff
GEO7-IS3 Pointed ArgumentsGeoff
GEO8-01 Prince of the OytwoodIt has been months now since the first kidnapping, and yet a member of the gray elves ruling body, the Weeping Council, remains missing. Those who helped the elves retrieve the other members tell tales of fey and plant creatures run amok in the Oytwood, and worse yet, the elves blame the Grand Duke of Geoff for their woes. A Geoff Regional adventure for APLs 6-12, and Part 3 of the Crescent Moon Rising series. Parts 1 & 2 were GEO7-01 By Light of Twain Moons & GEO7-03 Breath of the AncientsJose Ortiz 96-12Geoff
GEO8-02 Whisper in the WindWord has spread of the death of Caswallon the Green. Those who revered him are mourning and those who reviled him are celebrating. Everyone else waits for the coming storm to hit Geoff. Even now, as the warm breezes of spring melt away the cold of winter, a gentle and persistent whisper is heard. Who killed Caswallon? Was it the Old Faith? Was it the Brenin? Is he really dead? Will there be war? A Geoff Regional adventure for APLs 4-12 and Part 3 of the Path of Purity series.Sean Hillman84-12Geoff
GEO8-03 Where All Shadows LieThe leaders of Cysgod Annwn and the new mysterious leader of the Shadar Kai have decided to try and bring an end to their war and attack the real enemy: the forces of the dragon Hasforenses. However, when the new leader reveals himself, Sierra Blackblade makes a terrible choice and the leaders of both factions charge you with hunting her down and bringing justice upon her. Can you save the Last Daughter of Geoff from herself or will you be forced to sacrifice her upon the altar of war. A Geoff Regional Adventure APL 6-12 and Part Four of the Daughters of GeoffMark Geary & Sean Hillman96-12Geoff
GRM1-00Area introduction< GAZETTEER >Gran March
GRM1-00Harvest Church< GAZETTEER >Gran March
GRM1-01 Into the RushmoorsYou are asked to brave one of the last wild areas of Gran March in order to retrieve an artifact of incredible historical significance. Are you up to the task? An Introductory Third Edition Living Greyhawk Adventure written for tier one (level 1-2) heroesJeffrey W. Kahrs 21-2Gran March
GRM1-02 Caravan DutyBlurb: You have been hired (or assigned, in the case of Army members) to guard a caravan of supplies traveling from Buxtons Crossing to Hochoch. Humanoid raids have been more frequent in the Dim Forest lately, so there is a good chance that youll see some action. This tournament introduces many aspects of the Gran March region and is intended for characters levels 1-6Pete Winz 41-6Gran March
GRM1-03 Horse PlayOrcs are threatening the peace in the area near Carern, and heroes are needed to put things right. Its a good thing you happened to be in town. This is a Gran March regional tournament and is intended for heroic characters of levels 1-6. Nicholas Perch 41-6Gran March
GRM1-04 Ruins of Velstar KeepThere is a haunted ruin outside Hookhill that some adventurers are being invited to investigate. An adventure for characters levels 1-6.41-6Gran March
GRM1-05 Under SiegeA quick stopover in Fort Endurance turns into a longer stay than you imagined. The goblins are on the rise and it's up to you to do your part in stopping them. Active military members may use Military Time Units to play this scenario. A Gran March Regional scenario characters levels 1-6Pete Winz41-6Gran March
GRM1-06 A Deadly BeginningHumanoids have been spotted moving in number in the Lortmils. What can this mean for the people who live there? An adventure for character levels 1-6.Michael Trezevant Smith41-6Gran March
GRM1-07 Lesser of Two GoodsBlurb: The Church of St. Cuthbert in Shiboleth is looking for a few noble souls with your talents to help them out in the Dim Forest. But what's this? Someone else seeks your help for the same purpose? It looks like somebody's going to be disappointed. An adventure for characters level 3-10. Russell S. Timm 73-10Gran March
GRM1-08 Tears of BloodThe crowds that Richfest brings to Hookhill can conceal many a criminal or dastardly plot. While innocent folk celebrate, evil is afoot and it is up to you to stop it or thousands may die. An adventure for characters level 1-6.41-6Gran March
GRM1-09 Strange DeadfellowsText to be entered41-6Gran March
GRM1-10 Fading VisionText to be entered63-8Gran March
GRM1-11 The Festival of BathildaText to be entered41-6Gran March
GRM1-12 Field ManeuversText to be entered63-8Gran March
GRM1-IN1 A Day at Fort EnduranceThe road through the Dim Forest on which Fort Endurance lies is still being widened for military use. When complete, it will allow the Gran March military to more easily supply Geoff with troops and supplies. However, construction of the road is behind schedule, in large part due to sabotage. Some sylvan elves in the forest are apparently unhappy about the road construction, and they have been stealing and damaging equipment in the work camps to the east. The army has sent road-building specialists here from all across Gran March in an attempt to put this project back on schedule. The Warden of the Dim March is recruiting scouting parties to assist in those responsible. Who will show a display of patriotism and valor by assisting in this effort? A Gran March Regional Interactive for characters of all levels.Brett King 11Gran March
GRM2-01 Eyes on OrlaneText to be entered73-10Gran March
GRM2-02 The mines of Loras MaText to be entered63-8Gran March
GRM2-03 Midnight DawnText to be entered63-8Gran March
GRM2-04 The Free BandText to be entered61-10Gran March
GRM2-05 Depth PerceptionText to be entered61-10Gran March
GRM2-06 The Patrol (voided)Sometimes it's all about getting back alive. This scenario is intended only for those who serve in the Gran March military (active duty, activated veterans, or foreign soldiers on detached duty). An adventure for characters levels 1 - 10.Pete Winz61-10Gran March
GRM2-07 Malficius Ex Malficius (voided)In which the characters attempt to discover the source of a mysterious storm plaguing the Barony of Shiboleth. Characters should be suitable for extended operations in inhospitable terrain. An adventure for characters levels 1 - 10Jeffrey W. Kahrs & Thomas B. Hill61-10Gran March
GRM2-IN1 Exercise in FutilityAt the request of the Commandant and other prominent officers of the March, the Syrloch has assembled south of Red Arbor in the Barony of Cavintus for a demonstration of its Coordinated Illusionary Battle Simulation to take place on Starday, the 8th of Coldeven, 592 C.Y. The invitation has gone out to all prior service and active duty members in the area on leave to volunteer in this demonstration. Likewise, an invitation has been extended to any foreigners in the area that have proof of having served in military action against the forces of the giants in the Occupied Lands or against the forces of the Pomarj. Speculation and excitement grow as the time draws near. An untiered exercise of the imagination for characters of all levels. Russell S. Timm11Gran March
GRM2-IN3 Sewers of SeneshtaAn ancient Flan City crushed during the height of the occluded empire is rediscovered deep in the Lortmils. Trouble is brewing forth from the long abandoned sewers. A Gran March Regional Interactive for characters of 1st through 12th level.Taylor Davenport and Robyn Lewis71-12Gran March
GRM2-IN4 Battle of OrlaneThe city of Orlane has fallen into the hands of the enemy. The 20th Battle is besieged within the city and you are the nearest reinforcements. Do you have what it takes to repel the invaders? A Gran March regional battle interactive for APLs 2 through 10. Militarily oriented characters are highly encouraged.Derrel Weaver62-10Gran March
GRM2-IN5 A Dirty JobHumanoids have taken over an abandoned fort. The military has a job for you, and it may not be pleasant. A Gran March Regional Battle Interactive for characters of 1st through 11th level.P. John Freeman and Greg Gershowitz 61-11Gran March
GRM3-01 The ToecutterYour help is needed on an important mission into the darkest corners of Hookhill. Stealth and subtlety are needed more than boldness and brute force, although there may be some head bashing before the day is out. Law enforcement types need not apply. A Gran March regional adventure for APLs 2-12.Pete Winz72-12Gran March
GRM3-02 Rotting on the VineThe Hospitalers need clever investigators to find one of their clerics, who may have been infected with the plague. Military TUs may be used for this scenario. A Gran March regional adventure for APLs 2-10 and Part One in the "Shadow, Sun, and Sword" series. Will Dover 62-10Gran March
GRM3-03 Shades of the PastA scouting party has not returned from their mission into the Rushmoors. The army's attempt to create a diverse and cohesive rescue party has enlisted you. Are you up to the task of rescuing the missing scouts and finishing their duty? An adventure geared for APLs 2-8. Part 1 of the "Whispers from the Swamp" series.Jerald Eaker and James Lell52-8Gran March
GRM3-04 A Night in Birnham WoodsA trip through the countryside takes a detour when adventurers are needed to solve a string of murders in a small town. Can they solve the crimes before more murders take place? A Gran March regional adventure for APLs 2-12.George Harris72-12Gran March
GRM3-05 It Stalks the NightA simple errand to deliver a message to Fort Endurance turns into anything but simple when a strange and powerful beast of darkness begins to stalk the night. A Gran March regional adventure for APLs 4-12.Bill Edens84-12Gran March
GRM3-06 Training CampThe Gran March army is busy fighting the Giants in Geoff, and refugees continue to pour into Gran March. Now a new force is rising out of the dust, attacking travelers, towns, and even individual homes. A Gran March regional adventure for APLs 4-10.Jenna Moore74-10Gran March
GRM3-07 Rustling in the ReedsThe military has hired you to escort a work-gang to newly uncovered ruins found in the Rushmoors. A short trip, good money, and a festival afterwards…what could go wrong? A Gran March adventure for APLs 2-12, and Part One in the "Whispers from the Swamp" series.Jerald Eaker and James Lell72-12Gran March
GRM3-08 Trick of the EyeHarvest has been plentiful, war in Geoff has been going well, and now a marriage of Elector's children. All Gran March is traveling to Hookhill for their wedding on the 4th of Richfest. Nalsiir Weirwood and Allita Housemann make a beautiful couple. Life this year has been grueling and dangerous. You deserve a little rest and recreation, don't you? A Gran March Regional scenario and a sequel to the scenario Depth Perception. An adventure for characters level 3-13. Edward Tostanoski III83-13Gran March
GRM3-09 In the Blink of an Unseeing EyeThe town of Carern seems to be experiencing a haunting. Considering recent events in the Dim Forest, tales of shadowy figures accosting travelers at the Old Stable Inn certainly require further investigation. And when horses start panicking in broad daylight, it means serious trouble in a town whose four-legged residents are at least as important as the two-legged ones. This is a one-round Gran March Regional Adventure for APLs 2 through 16.M. Sean Molley 92-16Gran March
GRM3-IN1 A Growfest WeddingGrowfest is upon you as you travel to Buxton's Crossing. Rumors of strife across the land have calmed in recent weeks and you look forward to a little relaxation and celebration. Word is that there is even going to be a wedding, which usually means good food, although a gift for the happy couple is appropriate. Designed for PCs of any level, faithful to the Harvest Church a plus, a non-battle interactive.Eric Gearman11Gran March
GRM3-IN2 PRB and Wizards ConclaveGran March
GRM3-IN3 Giant SlayersGran March
GRM3n-01 PilgrimageA man with a malevolent past has been bathed in the Blinding Light and has taken the first step on the One True Path. The next steps of his path lead him on a pilgrimage from Buxton's Crossing to the Halls of Purity in Hookhill. The Church of Pholtus asks you to aid him walking the physical path that he might survive long enough to learn if his future holds redemption. An introductory scenario for parties consisting of 1st-level characters ONLYJoe Masdon11Gran March
GRM3n-02 The Gnome Who Cried MoleThe son of a wealthy gnomish family has played one too many practical jokes on the good people of Holly Hill. Now the citizens of this mountain hamlet pay very little attention to what the youngster says. When the day comes that he actually needs someone's help he may be hard pressed to find volunteers. This is an introductory Living Greyhawk module set in the Gran March and is intended for 1st level PCs only.Brandon A. Mann11Gran March
GRM3n-03 The Militia GamesEvery year during Needfest, the militia companies of Gran March come together outside Hookhill to practice their martial skills and test their battle readiness. Recently, the Militia Council has agreed to open up the Games to outside participants, though some veterans might not take kindly to outsiders in their Games. During the celebration and mock violence, observant contestants might catch wind of murder in the air. Let the Games Begin. The Militia Games is a series of mock battles and contests of martial skill. Players are strongly encouraged to create Gran March veteran PCs who are interested in learning about the various Militia Groups (meta-organizations) available. PCs who would be unwilling to participate in mock combats are strongly discouraged. This is an introductory Living Greyhawk module set in the Gran March and is intended for 1st level PC's onlyJoe Masdon11Gran March
GRM4-01 Homecoming"I need an immediate escort to Shiboleth," says the white-haired man. "Some disturbing developments have endangered some family interests there, and I must address the issues quickly. I would be willing to pay you if you can get me there as soon as possible." A Gran March Regional adventure for APLs 2-12, and Part One of the "For Commandant and Country" series.Michael D. Moore and Jenna Moore 72-12Gran March
GRM4-02 The Royal Road to HookhillYou are tasked to escort an important dignitary across Gran March for an important meeting. A more tedious task could not be imagined, but at least you are out of harm's way and can earn some coin. This scenario counts as Gran March military time. A Gran March Regional adventure for APLs 2-12, and Part Two of the For Commandant and Country series (begun with GRM4-01 Homecoming). P. John Freeman 72-12Gran March
GRM4-03 Ripe for the PickingA military prisoner seeks atonement for past misdeeds, and what he confesses leads to a terrible secret. Players are encouraged to play GRM3-02 Rotting on the Vine beforehand, and Military TUs may be used for this adventure. A Gran March Regional adventure for APLs 2-12, and Part Two of the Shadow, Sun, and Sword Series.Will Dover72-12Gran March
GRM4-04 Justice!A secret mission presents the opportunity to bring justice to the Free Band and its leader Olowyn Aelanthyr. Do you have the skill and fortitude to defeat one of Gran March's most wanted outlaws? A Gran March regional adventure for APLs 6-12 and Part 3 of the Free Band Series. Bill Edens with Michael Moore, Will Dover, M. Sean Molley, and Ryan White96-12Gran March
GRM4-05 Operation Black NightOne year ago, the military discovered the existence of a secret training camp in which boys and young men were being taught to hate their homeland and work for a new master. Now a threat has reached the top-most levels of the Gran March military. The safety of the realm is at stake, but the army is already spread thin. Can the PCs help them track down the culprits before the chain of command falls? A sequel to Training Camp. A Gran March Regional adventure for APL 2 through 12.Jenna & Michael Moore72-12Gran March
GRM4-06 Harvest TimeThe Commandant himself is gravely concerned over a series of disturbing incidents in Orlane and elsewhere over the past two years. He has demanded an accounting for all that has happened, and you have been summoned to Hookhill to participate in the investigation. However, when the light of justice is focused too tightly on one place, its brilliance can cause all of the surrounding shadows to become that much deeper. An evil plot has been set in motion – a plot that could shake the nation to its very foundations. Military Time Units may be used for this adventure. Players are strongly encouraged to play GRM3-02 Rotting on the Vine, GRM4-03 Ripe for the Picking, and GRM4-05 Operation Black Knight before playing this adventure. This Gran March regional adventure is for APLs 2-18 and is Part Three of the Shadow, Sun, and Sword Series.Will Dover and M. Sean Molley102-18Gran March
GRM4-07 A Lack of FocusAn obsessed and power-hungry man seeks to awaken a scourge from a time when the Whispered One walked this land. His key is a young man who knows little of his past and is unsure of his future. Can you follow the faint trail and prevent an evil from being re-released into Oerth? A Gran March regional adventure for APLs 2-12, and Part One of the Occluded Whispers Series.Daniel Wheeler72-12Gran March
GRM4-08 Getting the Point in the EndAn old dwarf sends you a message requesting you to travel to the city of Lortenford as he has uncovered an invaluable lead into the humanoid return to the Lortmils. A Gran March regional adventure for APLs 6-12, and Part Three of the Master of the Lortmils Series.George Harris & Jan Fogleman96-12Gran March
GRM4-IN1 A Simple ErrarGran March
GRM4-IN4 To Fall Upon HonorGran March
GRM4-IN6 A Knight in Ander's FallsA celebration for the men and women who defended Ander's Falls comes at a precarious time. More villagers are missing, and the numbers of undead roaming the region have increased almost overnight. Could the tales of a strange knight seen wandering the mountains have something to do with these terrible events? Rumors of strange lights and horrific voices carried on the wind continue to erode morale of the already troubled inhabitants of Ander's Falls. The survival of the people, as well as the entire town itself, depends on the actions of a few determined adventurers – can they stop what is happening before Ander's Falls is destroyed?Andrew Garbade, Ryan White, and M. Sean Molley11Gran March
GRM4-IN8 Paved with Good IntentionGran March
GRM4-IS1 A Week in the LifeIt is a month before Richfest, and the Weaning is underway. Warriors about to muster out of the military mix with recruits in their last two months of basic training. The barracks talk is about graduation, reassignment, and life as a veteran. What could spoil this beautiful summer morning? An adventure for 1st level characters that are either active duty members or veterans of the Gran March military.Edward Tostanoski11Gran March
GRM5-01 The Commandant's ParlorPetros Gwalchen has more dire tidings for the Commandant of Gran March. Another plot against the strongest military power in the Sheldomar Valley and its duly appointed leader is about to manifest, and, once again, the Commandant appears to be uninterested or unaware of unfolding events. Politics and surveillance prevent Petros from delivering the message himself, but you are another matter. A Gran March regional adventure for PCs of APLs 6-12, and Part One of The Outsiders In series.Sean Flaherty and John Richardson96-12Gran March
GRM5-02 Enemy of my EnemyThree young soldiers have been murdered at the edge of the Dim Forest and neither their commander nor the law seems to care. An Uncle asks for justice at best, and to just know why at worst. A Gran March regional adventure for PCs of APLs 2-12. P. Dennis Waltman 72-12Gran March
GRM5-03 Pruning at the RootThe recent assassination attempt on the Commandant was indeed the last straw in Gran March. The Commandant has called on all available resources in order to find them. Yet, there is another (and less forgiving) group that wants to see the end to this band as well. Parties should be formed into lawful and non-lawful groups. A Gran March regional adventure for PCs of APLs 4-18, and Part Four of Shadow, Sun, and Sword series.Will Dover114-18Gran March
GRM5-04 The Lines are BlurredReleased from his binding prison, an ancient wraith sweeps across the March leaving death and undeath in his wake. Is all this chaos and destruction part of some nefarious plan? A Gran March regional adventure for APLs 2-12 and Part Two of the Occluded Whispers series. Daniel Wheeler 72-12Gran March
GRM5-05 Familiar TerritoryWhat began as a simple escort mission to Fort Tribulation becomes an important diplomatic mission in the Rush March. A Gran March regional adventure for APLs 2-12. James Lell 72-12Gran March
GRM5-06 Family FortunesWatcher Reginar Vlarrian, Elder Oath-Bound Gargoyle has received disturbing news that one of his fallen brothers' souls is not at rest. He has entreated like-minded servants of righteousness to investigate and see the matter put right. At the same time a call for aid from adventurers has been issued by a minor noble from Barony Dragus. His manor has suddenly become haunted, and his new bride is threatening to abandon him and the family home. A Gran March regional adventure for APLs 2-12, and Part One of the War of the Undying seriesSean Flaherty 72-12Gran March
GRM5-07 Justice Be DoneEach year, young men and women from across Gran March mark their 15th birthdays and await the arrival of Mustering Day with a mixture of anticipation and dread. Everyone, from the poorest commoner to the richest nobleman, understands the necessity of serving Commandant and Country. The idea that an entire village would refuse to send its children to the Army is simply unthinkable. And yet, that is exactly the situation that you are being asked to investigate. A Gran March regional adventure for APLs 2-8. M. Sean Molley 52-8Gran March
GRM5-08 Up a Winding StairRumor of several epidemics spreading through northeastern Gran March have reached the ears of the Hospitalers and temples in Hookhill. A call has gone out in Hookhill for healers and adventurers of all kind to attend a convocation to investigate the strange plagues and put a stop to them. A Gran March regional adventure for APLs 6-12, and Part Three of the Outsiders In series.Sean Flaherty96-12Gran March
GRM5-IN1 The Commandant's FistThe ground shakes.  Dozens are dead.  Shiboleth mourns.  And YOU are invited! While the local electors begin the process of rebuilding the district most heavily damaged by the quake, the Order of World Travelers is throwing a party in celebration of the opening of the new fellowship hall in Shiboleth.  Their bards' tales are fantastic, and the new hall itself is said to be a worthy sight.  As party plans go on above, events are in motion below the city that weren't mentioned in the invitation. Before all is said and done, blood will be on the Commandant's fist; and the bards will have a whole new set of tales to tell.  A Gran March regional battle interactive for APLs 1 through 14.Jason Keen and David Swindell81-14Gran March
GRM5-IN2 Trouble at TribulationFort Tribulation has been attacked by bullywugs three times in as many weeks but the military has stood their ground, although not without heavy casualties. Even with an initial group of reinforcements, the number of soldiers is few and Warden Tragorn has sent word calling for reserves and volunteers to help protect the fort until more reinforcements can arrive. The fate of Fort Tribulation may well rest upon who answers the warden's call to temporarily serve in his command. A two-round Gran March military Battle Interactive for APLs 2-18.James Lell 102-18Gran March
GRM5-IN3 The Lich Queen's VengeanceRecent earthquakes in Gran March have done more than just make Shibboleth tremble. The Mountaineers have discovered the newly revealed ruins of an ancient city high in the Lortmil Mountains, a gold rush of treasure hunters has ensued, and boom town merchants have followed. Newly promted Knight Colonel Thero'Kay has been dispatched to secure the region. However, in a recent journey beyond the boundaries of Oerth, the Knight Colonel and others took treasures of their own from fallen enemies. The fanatical bretheren of those enemies have been tracking Thero'Kay and are coming to reclaim what was theirs...A Living Greyhawk Battle Interactive for military-oriented player characters of all levels.Ed Podsiad, Sean Flaherty, Andrew Garbade, Josh Pelkey and M. Sean Molley11Gran March
GRM5-IN4 In the Eleventh HourThe allied forces of Geoff, Gran March, Keoland, Bissel and the Yeomanry are preparing for a final, massive assault on the giant-held city of Gorna. In preparation, Commandant Magnus Vrianian has come to Gorna to toast its warriors, and make a few announcements. You are invited to the banquet to honor the Allies' heroes who march at week's end to the battlefield that is Gorna. The giants however, prefer a different battlefield. A Gran March Interactive adventure for APLs 2-18Joe Masdon and Josh Pelkey102-18Gran March
GRM5-IS1 The Whispered PathA chance encounter while waiting to join a caravan leads to adventure in southern Gran March. Will your relatively inexperienced adventurers be up to the challenges of the Rushmoors. A Gran March regional introductory adventure for 1st-level characters. Will Dover 11Gran March
GRM6-01 All That Is Secret and HiddenEarthquakes, massive sinkholes and an invasion by giant forces in the last year have left Shiboleth bloodied and nearly broken. Volunteers have come to clear away wreckage and death while an army rides to help. But not everyone is in Shiboleth to help. Some who have been there for millennia are visiting for the first time. Some secrets, once released, were never contained. A Gran March regional adventure for APLs 2-12, and Part 2 of the Shattered Reflection series.Joe Masdon72-12Gran March
GRM6-02 Family ValuesThe Nackel gnomes have gone missing in Shiboleth and their sister and mother want your help in finding them, but can anyone find anything in the rubble of Shiboleth? Apparently someone can, as the gnomes' trail leads to a newly erected gladiatorial arena, an infiltration of Baklunish spies, and the mystery of who murdered their father four years ago. A Gran March regional adventure for APLs 2-12, and Part 2 of the War of the Undying series.Sean Flaherty72-12Gran March
GRM6-03 Crystal ClearIt is now obvious that the Vecna-worshiping undead from the Lortmils are not focused on the Dim Forest. A showdown is coming, with Gran March's greatest hope coming from an unlikely ally, and you will be key to stopping this threat once and for all time. A Gran March regional adventure for APLs six to twelve and Part Three of the "Occluded Whispers" Series. It is strongly recommended that participating PCs have played at least one of the two previous adventures in this series.Daniel Wheeler and Joe Masdon96-12Gran March
GRM6-04 Curtains Drawn AroundWatcher Corum Valstier has been kidnapped by some unknown enemy of Gran March masquerading as a fellow knight. The fiend has brazenly called out the Knights of the Watch, the Church of Heironeous, and heroes of Gran March at large challenging them to catch him if they can. Following the creature's trail should be no problem as it begins a cross country trek from Orlane to points east leaving a trail of chaos in its wake. Catching it and rescuing Valstier, however, may prove more challenging. A Gran March regional adventure for APLs 6-12, and Part 4 of the Outsiders In series. Ed Podsiad and Sean Flaherty 96-12Gran March
GRM6-05 The Trouble with WeedsThey say that vineyard in Orlane is haunted, but the Gran March army says it isn't so. Adventurers wanting to test their mettle are now flocking back to Orlane to kill undead. Will your group of adventurers find out the truth? A Gran March regional adventure for APLs 4 - 12, and the epilogue of the Shadow, Sun, and Sword Series.Will Dover84-12Gran March
GRM6-06 War of the UndyingA year has passed since the awakening of the Watcher Helerain Brogan and the retrieval of his restless soul from its tomb. Now the Watcher's ancient enemy the Baklunish lich Feyza Bahun has been found and Watcher Brogan is calling upon all those who have sworn an oath to destroy the lich to aid him. Finding a lich's lair is difficult enough, but most would question the wisdom of those who voluntarily enter one and expect to leave alive. An EXTREMELY DANGEROUS Gran March regional adventure for APLs 2-12 and Part Three and the conclusion of the War of the Undying series.Sean Flaherty72-12Gran March
GRM6-07 AthenaeumDanger lurks in the august halls of Gran March's grand library. Your future tells of tomes, knowledge and transformation. How high must you climb to find an enemy so familiar it might have once been one of your own? Others were here first, and might seek to reclaim knowledge once promised and never delivered. A Gran March regional adventure for APLs 2-16, and Part 3 of the Shattered Reflections series. Military Time: Yes. Caravan: Yes.Joe Masdon92-16Gran March
GRM6-08 Coming HomeAll Lortenford celebrates the return of a favorite son. Captain Trellheim Ennister has come home and brings along his bride-to-be, but do the pealing bells perhaps signal something more foul afoot? Sometimes coming home is more difficult than one foresees. A Gran March regional adventure for APLs 2-12.Pete Winz and M. Sean Molley72-12Gran March
GRM6-IN1 Mound of TroubleThe allied forces of Geoff, Gran March, Keoland, Bissel and the Yeomanry were victorious in a final, massive assault on the giant-held city of Gorna. However, it was not the force of the gathered armies that broke the backs of the Giants. The new chaotic faction has a back door into the Gran March, which is seen as a threat. The mission is to close the door permanently without causing diplomatic strains. A Gran March Interactive adventure for APLs 2-10. Note: Particular interest to Gran March Military, Syrloch, School of Hard Knocks and Dimwood Elves. Strongly recommended for Military PCs.Michael Gellar and Greg Gershowitz62-10Gran March
GRM6-IN2 Notorious F.A.T.Long ago, a brilliant gnomish inventor's dreams came crashing down when one of his inventions was used in an attack on Fort Tribulation. Can his reputation be salvaged, or are his dreams destined to become nightmares? A Gran March Dungeon Crawl Interactive, APLs 2-10. Military: Yes.Brett King62-10Gran March
GRM6-IN3 The Depths of HaradaraghSince it's rediscovery in the spring of 595, the area around the lost Flan city of Haradaragh has become associated with ill omen. It was the site of a githyanki incursion against Gran March and plagues and other unsavory events have manifested at irregular intervals. Since the breakup of the glacier and the revelation of the city, for the government of Gran March has been seeking an explanation of these strange events and understanding of the city itself.R. Michael Hinds and Sean Flaherty62-10Gran March
GRM6-IS2 ExigencySometimes things are best not disturbed. Some things are best left asleep. Some people's thirst for knowledge or loot knows no bounds. These three facts make an unsettling combination that falls to others to resolve. A Gran March regional introductory adventure for 1st level characters only P. Dennis Waltman 11Gran March
GRM7-01 Gnome FriendsA young gnome was brought into Ander's Falls near death by a kindly merchant. The local clerics were able to heal him, and he revealed that his village had been ransacked by Mountaineers. A Captain of the Sixth is sending you to determine what really happened to their gnome friends. A Gran March regional adventure for APLs 2-12, and Part 1 of the Homefront series.Andrew Garbade72-12Gran March
GRM7-02 GulletWith Gran March preparing for battle with bullywogs and their allies, all intelligence on their sacred and military sites is important information to gather. One such place of interest has been recently discovered in the Rushmoors. A dangerous Gran March Regional adventure for APLs 2-12. Part two of the Homefront series.P. Dennis Waltman72-12Gran March
GRM7-03 Who Sleeps Upon Your BedA year and a day have passed since Watcher Corum Valstier, Most Gallant Hippogriff was abducted by the mysterious creature calling itself Maimbua. The days have passed with breathtaking excitement, the days have passed with anxious anticipation, the days have passed with quiet dread. In all the days come and gone nothing has been heard from Maimbua, but on a day of renewed hope everything changes. Watch your step, as you never know what might lie beyond the next door. A Gran March Regional adventure for APLs 6-12, and Part Five of the Outsiders In series.Michael Eshleman and Sean Flaherty96-12Gran March
GRM7-04 The Thread WithinA serious crime took place just outside Shiboleth, and you have been assigned to the case. A Gran March Regional investigative adventure for APLs 2-8, and Part Three of the Homefront series.Michael J Roderick, Sr.52-8Gran March
GRM7-05 CurrentsA pleasant cruise down the Sheldomar River; the river does most of the work on the downward leg, so what will the characters find themselves doing? And with a full moon there should be plenty of visibility for travel at night. A dangerous Gran March Regional adventure for APLs 2-12 and Part 4 of the Homefront series. Creatures larger than medium are unlikely to participate, characters larger than medium cannot participate and wild animals will not find welcome on deck.P. Dennis Waltman72-12Gran March
GRM7-06 The Order of Underworld TravelersMore than a year ago, hundreds of tons of rock collapsed into a cavern below Shiboleth filled with daemons, killing them and destroying their gateway from Gehenna. Ancient vampires who were caught between the Gran March army and the daemons were also crushed by the collapse. Some folks are concerned that the threat from one or both of those sources is not truly crushed. No one really wants to go into the muddy, dangerous, shifting ground beneath the flooded sinkhole to investigate. Volunteers are being accepted. A Gran March Regional adventure for APLs 2-12 and Part 4 of the Shattered Reflections series.Joe Masdon72-12Gran March
GRM7-07 To Prove the Warm AffectionIn the fields northeast of Buxton's Crossing grain has given way to gaiety. Between Proman and Buxton's Crossing, just off the road, a large traveling carnival and marketplace has established itself and attracts merchants, patrons, and all that accompany them. A large broadside by the road proclaims, "BAZAAR OF THE BIZARRE – Limited Engagement Only!" Can trouble help but be hard on the heels of opportunity? A dangerous Gran March Regional adventure for APLs 6-12, and Part Six of the Outsiders In series.Michael Eshleman and Sean Flaherty96-12Gran March
GRM7-08 Thrall"Fear should reach your enemies through walls of thickest iron when no more than your name breaches their stronghold." - The Precept of Immortality "To savor the oppression of your foes, you must allow them hope. Then take it indifferently, as you take their lives." – The Precept of Tyranny Daemons and angels. Knight and Death. The plan of the Master Vigilant revealed, even if he does not survive the revelation. A dangerous Gran March Regional adventure for APLs 2-16, and Part 6 of the Shattered Reflections series.Joe Masdon92-16Gran March
GRM7-09 The Lost and the FoundMadness has been sweeping Gran March. Otherwise peaceful citizens are attacking their neighbors for no reason. Can you discover the cause before it is too late? A Gran March Regional adventure for APLs 2-8, and part seven of the Homefront series. This adventure is also related, though not directly a part of, the Outsiders In series..Thorin Palladino52-8Gran March
GRM7-IN1 Stuck in the MuckThe Rushmoors have always been a mud pit needing to be filled in. If not for the many attacks this would be well underway. Two years since the Bullywug assault on Fort Tribulation, the Warden had decided to strike back at the denizens that have plagued Fort Tribulation for so long. A Gran March Interactive Adventure for APLs 2-12. Recommended for Gran March Military, Druids, members of Accepted Religions, and those that would stick it to the Bullywugs. Michael Gellar and Eric Pelkey72-12Gran March
GRM7-IN2 The Hard Road to PeaceThe wars in Gran March's neighboring lands require focus. The time has come to eliminate distractions. Let us start with a certain lich queen. A Gran March Battle Interactive for APLs 2-14 and part 5 of the Homefront series. Brett King82-14Gran March
GRM7-IN3 Troubled WatersGran March
GRM7-IN4 By Right of ConquestFor millennia, land in the Sheldomar Valley has been claimed by those with the strength to take it and to hold it. Invaders laying unlawful claims are not to be tolerated and allies should come together to retake lands wrongly seized. The time has come to reclaim Shiboleth. A Gran March Regional battle-intensive interactive for APLs 2-14, and Part 5 of the Shattered Reflections series.Joe Masdon and Nick Perch82-14Gran March
GRM7-IN5 Hammerstrike"Cavalry, " Knight Colonel Jabbar began, "is a force that can disrupt communication, supply and reinforcement should it be allowed to wander unscathed behind the lines We won't be unscathed for long, but disruption is the goal. We will fill the GMS Lortenford with so many fighting men and woman that there will be barely room for a few rats and weasels. Then we will stealthily make our way near the first target. Small teams will be unloaded along a fighting front. The teams will make their way a shore and push past any resistance on the bank. They will march to a logistics base where they will take their mounts and then the disruption and havoc can truly begin…….. . A Gran March Interactive Missions adventure for APLs 2-8. P. Dennis Waltman52-8Gran March
GRM7-IN6 HammerfallKnight Colonel Jabbar began, All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. We will use the river to swiftly move forces with stealth under cover of night to a place that they are not expected. Those who defend the Hammer see the river as protecting their flank; we will use it as an avenue of attack. An amphibious landing, then swarm the walls before the defender can rally. A Gran March Interactive adventure for APLs 2-8. Characters not well suited to amphibious and siege operations should request transfer to other units. This adventure takes place after Hammerstrike and thus this adventure should be played AFTER Hammerstrike. GRM 7-IN5Joey Martin, Dennis Waltman & Doug Wood52-8Gran March
GRM7-IS1 Inauspicious"Meet me at the Distant Star in Ghostgate" the Ridefinder's message said, "your assistance is needed in a matter of importance." A room in this high class inn and an initial retainer were excellent starts to any adventure. A Gran March Introductory adventure for military and non-military characters alike.P. Dennis Waltman11Gran March
GRM8-01 ConsequencesHeroes faced with two choices, chose the easy way seeking short term good and ignoring long term evil. Now it is time to pay the piper and it's the Hellscepter that calls the tune. For many it's the second visit to a gnomish village on the border with Veluna. Will it be the easy way or the hard way this time? A Gran March regional adventure for APLs 4-16. At some APLs this game can run long.P. Dennis Waltman104-16Gran March
GRM8-02 Pest ControlPestilential Politics in Orlane are getting out of hand. One body's already turned up; will there be more? Will you get to the heart of the matter or will it get to you first? Do you have both the courage and audacity to act? A Gran March regional adventure for APLs 4-14 and part 10 of the Homefront Series.Michael J. Roderick, Sr and Mark Malcolm94-14Gran March
GRM8-03 Witness"Leave a witness." - Master Vigilant Marax To savor his rise in power and prominence, Master Vigilant Marax has demanded witnesses to his audacious triumphs. To savor his defeat, others now demand witnesses to his utter failure. A small, select group will be chosen to be either the victims of his final victory, or the mechanisms of his final defeat. A dangerous Gran March Regional adventure for APLs 4-16, and Part 7 of the Shattered Reflections series.Joe Masdon104-16Gran March
GRM8-04 DeceitLies are the stock in trade of those living in the underbelly of Gran March. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to put paid to one of the biggest deceivers in Gran March history. When surrounded by guile, can you find the truth? A Gran March Regional adventure for APLs 2-16 and Part 11 of the Homefront series.Pete Winz92-16Gran March
GRM8-05 QuorumWith threats of armies north and south, individual Knight Colonels making individual decisions and much of the Battle Seasoned troops still outside the nation, the times demand one leader and Gran March does not have one. The call to elect a new Commandant has come. Can enough of the Electors make it to Hookhill in order to elect the needed leader or will Chaos reign. This is a dangerous continuous TwoRound Gran March Regional adventure for APLs 4-16, and the Finale for the Gran March region. This game contains spoilers for GRM 7-2 "Gullet", GRM 7-3 "Who Sleeps Upon Your Bed," GRM 8-1 "Consequences," GRM 8-IN1 "Vanguard," GRM 8-2 "Pest Control" and GRM 8-4 "Deceit." While some of these spoilers are minor, GRM 7-2 and GRM 8-2 should definitely be played before this game. Parties having a character who possesses or is bonded to Hellbreaker could have an advantage. All other year 8 games take place before this game in the timelineP. Dennis Waltman104-16Gran March
GRM8-IN1 VanguardGran March
GRM8-IN2 Cattail CelebrationThe Cattails plan to celebrate an auspicious wedding. Omens and portents say that this wedding will be important to the future of the Cattail clan, if the Otters and their friends don't ruin the wedding and destroy the Cattails. To help the Cattails celebrate this momentous event, respected citizens of Gran March are in need of diplomatic representatives. A Gran March Regional adventure for APLs 2-14.George Harris and Michael Montague82-14Gran March
GRMN4-01A week in the lifeIt is a month before Richfest, and the Weaning is underway. Warriors about to muster out of the military mix with recruits in their last two months of basic training. The barracks talk is about graduation, reassignment, and life as a veteran. What could spoil this beautiful summer morning? An adventure for 1st level characters that are either active duty members or veterans of the Gran March military.Edward Tostanoski 11Gran March
HIG1-01 A Path Less TraveledWith the Harvest festival fast approaching, the town of Highfolk is preparing for its annual Race of Heroes. Glory goes to the fastest team. Can you stand up to the test, and win fame and fortune? An adventure for characters level 1-2. Jason Bulmahn 21-2Highfolk
HIG1-02 Deep in VesveAn escort mission takes you into the heart of the forest known as the Vesve. It seems a simple enough task, yet the tales you've heard about the vast woods keep you on edge. Ready for anything, you begin your trek Recommended for resourceful PCs. A two-round event. The Mystery of F.M.A., Part 1. For characters levels 1-4. Chris Tulach 31-4Highfolk
HIG1-03 Of Elven MakeBrewfest may be ending soon, but tomorrow looks promising. A treant is scheduled to speak, but several thefts were not. Who is behind these robberies, and can you stop them from spoiling your fun? An adventure for investigative PCs, though others may still apply. The Mystery of F.M.A., Part 2. An adventure for characters level 1-4.31-4Highfolk
HIG1-04 Grave DisturbanceThe Smiling Halls of Good Fortune, temple to Norebo in Verbeeg Hill, wants your help. They promise good pay and easy work. It seems as though you're in for a break from danger and death at every turn. Then again, it is a long journey from Highfolk town to Verbeeg Hill… Recommended for investigative PCs. A Slow Rot, Part 1. An adventure for characters level 2-6.Chris Tulach42-6Highfolk
HIG1-05 Burning WayHeaps of soot and ash are all that remain of many of the halfling owned inns throughout the Highvale. The stories spread about the cause of the flames are even stranger. Some say it is a curse brought upon the stout folk, others say it is something far more sinister. An adventure for character levels 1-6. Shadow of the Dragon, Part 141-6Highfolk
HIG1-06 Power of ChoiceThe murder of councilman Telvest Lorewin at this year's Harvest Festival has the town of Highfolk fearful that the escaped assassin will strike again. When the mysterious killer is sighted once more, heroes are needed to bring him to justice. Will you succeed where other stalwart adventurers once failed? Recommended for sneaky and intrigue-oriented PCs. A two-round event, for characters levels 16.41-6Highfolk
HIG1-07 Highway, Low WayThe Wyvern's Sting, a bandit group marauding about the Fairdells, has planned a grand heist - one that will surely spell the ruin of a well-respected gnome miner. You are all that stands between the bandits and their goal. Your trip will take you through the Highvale and into the treacherous Clatspurs during the beginnings of winter. Recommended for resilient PCs. For characters levels 1-6.Chris Tulach41-6Highfolk
HIG1-08 What's a Half-orc to Do?Strange occurrences plague farms of the Western High Vale. Farm animals have disappeared, crops are burned, and odd scrawling has been painted on barns. A young half-orc is accused and only the PCs can prove his innocence. Recommended for open-minded PCs. For characters levels 1-641-6Highfolk
HIG1-09 Out on the HuntText to be entered41-6Highfolk
HIG1-10 Grave occurrenceText to be enteredChris Tulach63-8Highfolk
HIG1-11 A Gnomes AffairText to be entered41-6Highfolk
HIG1-12 Winter TearsText to be entered41-6Highfolk
HIG2-01 The Shadows PartText to be enteredChris Tulach63-8Highfolk
HIG2-02 Eyes In The DarkText to be entered41-6Highfolk
HIG2-03 Fires of VengeanceText to be entered63-8Highfolk
HIG2-04 Grave ConsequencesText to be enteredChris Tulach63-8Highfolk
HIG2-05 KinsmenText to be entered64-8Highfolk
HIG2-06 Love tastes BittersweetText to be entered41-6Highfolk
HIG2-07 Dark & Restless DreamsText to be entered61-10Highfolk
HIG2-08 Knife In The WoundText to be enteredChris Tulach85-10Highfolk
HIG3-01 As Luck Would Have ItPssstttt, Buddy. Did you hear? The Smiling Halls of Good Fortune have been robbed! I might have some information on where they stashed the loot, but it will cost you. The PCs are on the trail of the greatest robbery in Highfolk history, and everyone seems to know it. Role-playing intensive, recommended for light-hearted gnomes and morally flexible, investigative PCs APLs 2 to 10. Greg Marks 62-10Highfolk
HIG3-02 Face of a Thousand ScarsWho said that adventuring would never be complicated? A mysterious woman needs your help, and only a brave adventurer such as yourself can do that for her. But danger lurks always over yonder. An adventure for characters of level 4 through 14. Andrea Paulinski 94-14Highfolk
HIG3-03 SiegeTrue darkness has fallen over Quaalsten in the heart of the Vesve Forest. Two armies of evil lay siege to it, and those in Highfolk and Flameflower struggle to provide aid to the beleaguered town, all the while preparing themselves for the inevitable conflict if it is lost. The minions of the Old One have waited long for this day, and it's up to a few brave souls to deny victory to the terror that stalks the ancient forest. An adventure for selfless, heroic PCs of levels 1-12. Blood on the Trees, Part 1.Chris Tulach71-12Highfolk