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    New Living Greyhawk Gazetteer?
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    Master Greytalker

    Joined: Jun 28, 2007
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    From: Montevideo, Minnesota, US

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    Mon Aug 06, 2007 12:45 am  
    New Living Greyhawk Gazetteer?

    When I first found the announcement that the Expidition to the Ruins of Greyhawk (I believe on WOTC site) would be coming out, I believe I also read that a new Living Greyhawk Gazetteer was coming out as well. I read something about they thought that it needed to be updated considering all of the changes that have taken place in the Livng Greyhawk campaign.

    Since then I have heard nothing. I've reviewed the new products to come out and can't find it anywhere.

    Does anyone know about this? Did I imagine reading this? Was an announcement made and then it fell through?

    Also, I have had trouble trying to get signed up for the RPGA or Living Greyhawk or whatever I need to be signed up for in order to receive the Living Greyhawk downloads, modules, etc. Can anyone direct me (in siginficant detail) as to how to do this?
    Eileen of Greyhawk, Prophet of Istus, Messenger of the Gods
    Master Greytalker

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    Mon Aug 06, 2007 3:38 am  

    I've ben trying really hard to keep track of developments in LG. It wouls be sooo kewl to have a formal update supplement.
    Master Greytalker

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    Mon Aug 06, 2007 3:40 am  

    Paul N6

    Yes it would be great to have an updated version of the Gazetteer. Have you heard anything about this out there?
    Eileen of Greyhawk, Prophet of Istus, Messenger of the Gods
    Black Hand of Oblivion

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    Mon Aug 06, 2007 4:10 am  

    I haven't heard any rumors about anything like an updated Greyhawk Gazeteer. There have been one or two folks who have talked about fans doing an updated version of the Gazetteer, that that is all.

    A couple of the authors of the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer visit GREYtalk(see the left hand menu bar) from time to time, and there is not too much optimism about anything new for Greyhawk coming out any time soon, other than “Expedition to Greyhawk Ruins”.

    As I understand it, the problem with doing an updated version of the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer is that each of the authors who wrote material for Living Greyhawk owns that material(they don’t own any specific Greyhawk IP, just their own ideas), and WotC does not, so either the authors sell WotC the rights to that material, or it gets chucked in the trash and something else gets written by WotC instead. WotC has been pretty clear about not specifically pushing Greyhawk material, instead choosing to concentrate on the Forgotten Realms and their newer Eberron setting.

    I wouldn’t expect anything in the way of a Greyhawk campaign setting book unless there are some drastic changes in WotC’s product focus, or if the Greyhawk license gets sold. As it is now, there are no rumors that either of these is going to happen any time soon, if at all.
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    Master Greytalker

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    Mon Aug 06, 2007 4:13 am  

    Not a twitter about any new releases. In fact, I'm doing my own gazeteer so I expect the update will be released approximately 4 minutes after I finish... should be about 2020 then.
    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Mon Aug 06, 2007 7:24 am  

    An Updated Living Greyhawk Gazz...yah! right! I wish! Sorry Eileen, I've not seen/heard anything official on that to support you on what you saw. That would mean some level of WotC/Hasbro contribution in actually publishing it in a high profile way... highly unlikely Exclamation , however the thin strain of hope always runs deep that "someone!" (ya you know! who you are Wink ...have fun at GenCon) in WotC/Hasbro has the right connections and influance to bring GH back. Best resource I can suggest for a compilation of updated GH material would be the ever growing Oerth Journals... I hope to get something of worth/respect in issue #80...maybe #85? Wink

    I foresee that "if" there are great sales on Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk, it would give GH a chance to be consider for revival, introduce a new player base and continue the GH Legacy (tho a whole lotta "ifs" have to get done as well). I believe such would make CF one of the top resource sites for creative fan input/output (I hope your server would be up for such an influx of interest Smile )

    Lets just hope it would stay true to core GH, remain low magic and they would source out some of the fantastic contributors CF has identified for such material to be published (who have already had stuff written for "Official D&D GH related material" (you know who you are and I am familuar with a few of you Wink ), published in our belated and beloved Dungeon and Dragon mags. Sad

    Ah... to dream...perhaps....but sadly I'm not seeing or hearing anything new... the Expedition books released are most likely apart of a marketing ploy by WotC/Hasbro to see how strongly supported a new approach on an old game system would be recieved...and which one would be most likely to take a chance on. Expedition to Castle Ravenloft, Expedition to the Demonweb Pits, Expedition to Undermountain and Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk... this amidst other initiatives that will occurr over the next year to try and see what new-old approach for the 4th Ed release can be taken in addition current runs. Of course this is completely speculative on my behalf...

    Boy did I rant off...sorry.
    Long Live Greyhawk!!...Long Live Canonfire!!!

    Ancient Gamer aka BusterBudd
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    Master Greytalker

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    Mon Aug 06, 2007 10:44 am  

    Hmmm.....Sounds like I was imagining it after all. I didn't really think there was anything out there so my guess is after all these months my brain was affected by a mind fog spell. Wasn't trying to get any hopes up.
    I suppose we could always make our own!
    Eileen of Greyhawk, Prophet of Istus, Messenger of the Gods
    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Mon Aug 06, 2007 10:49 am  

    What Ho All,

    Just to jump in on this subject. I am aware of no official plans to update the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer. While to do so would be awesomely cool, it would be extremely difficult for the authors and editors to identify who exactly wrote what for each region and to get the respective authors' permission to include it in the gazetter. I even doubt if there is a comprehensive list of all those who have held a triad or circle position since the campaign began.

    Living Greyhawk Core Supremo
    Master Greytalker

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    Mon Aug 06, 2007 11:53 am  

    If that is the case, is their any chance of someone producing an unofficial fan update of the regions of Living Greyhawk Campaign.

    Yearly update OJ style, doesn't even have to be indepth, just a "snap shot" of regions so home campaigns can keep pace and have a sense of change within the gameworld.

    I know the main problem is the effort to gather the material and coorindinate but hopefully the various triads once a year can get together and write a short overview of the region and send it to a central group to post.

    Perhaps the OJ staff would volunteer.

    Btw: How is Living Greyhawk doing?
    Site Theocrat

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    Mon Aug 06, 2007 1:53 pm  
    LGG / OJ Updates

    Hi all -
    I'm surprised there aren't more posts of "I wish" in comparision to the many that are already posted.
    However, and I'm no fan of the RPGA, there are what they call the LGG updates. I can't recall if they are on the RPGA Site at WotC or on one of the triads sites. I have one that's fairly recent Living Greyhawk Camaign Sourcebook CY597 v7.5 (2007.05.21).pdf. Now, again, I have it but that doesn't mean that I've actually read it.
    Next, I have thousands of RPGA Modules for LG (again, I've only read two of them, and run 1 (both in year 1 and Pale modules), and to get a complete collection has been difficult. I'd say that maybe those on the Circle of Six might, but even if they did, the time to combine the several years worth of module concepts into even a 1 or 2 page article for each region would be just massive and time consuming. It would also be extremely light.
    As recently as July I went stalking WotC's RPGA site to download their modules - which you can freely do, you just have to have either 1 of 2 things: The password, or a password breaker. The main RPGA site took me to the regional sections, and each regional section gave a small 3-5 line description of the module. This was done very early on when The Living Greyhawk Journal was published.
    So lets say that I gave you a copy of all the RPGA modules that I had (you being anybody that said that they'd follow through with the deal), you'd have to spend the time to reference really only the adventure synopisis and outline of each module and use that to write 3-5 sentances (or more depending on quality of writing and time) of each module.

    Being owner of and the I'm sure we'd be able to find a place for your information. I'm sure Rick would love to have that type of article in the OJ #79 (siince he's due to be fired after issue #81 [start spreading the rumor now!]). But the biggest issue is that I have over 550 regional modules (I'm complete with years1-3 iirc) and several complete regionals of the year 5-7's, but not many. So finding the many holes would be difficult. Then there's the Meta-regionals, that have to be covered. In all, I think the task would just be too great.
    So, no, "you" can't have my collection of RPGA modules.

    Be Well. Be Well Collected.
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