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    Specialty Priests of Rudd
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    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Thu Sep 15, 2011 5:32 am  
    Specialty Priests of Rudd

    I believe this was put up in a Dragon magazine at some point; but seeing as I don't own any Dragon magazines......does anyone know what the specifics are for Specialty Priests of Rudd? (i.e. in the sense of the various Gods' write ups in From the Ashes)

    Rudd has long been one of my favorite deities and while I have come up with houserules for Clerics of Rudd; I'm curious what the "official" rulings were....


    Adept Greytalker

    Joined: Jul 29, 2006
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    Thu Sep 15, 2011 4:52 pm  

    The main details have been incorporated into the GHwiki:

    As for 2E priests...ahem: "Luckdealers" rolleyes :
    AB: CH14 (demihumans OK)
    AL: CN, CG
    WP: any (rapier or stiletto 1st)
    AR: any (leather preferred)
    SP: all, chaos, charm, combat, divination*, numbers, thought, time
    PW: 1) something about having the option to take a swashbuckler kit and weapon specialization, 4) Nahal's reckless dweomer 1/day, 8) Luck 1/day (opposite of unluck in ToM)
    TU: No

    IMO, Miller's write-up on Rudd sucks and isn't worth tracking down. I'm a junkie when it comes to 2E lore on GH gods and priests, but I won't touch the Miller articles with my ten-foot pole.

    For Rudd, he basically equated luck with gambling and cards and threw in the weapon specialization thing to cover the skill AoC. Her character is a one-dimensional swashbuckler without any interesting relationships or ambitions (likes to gamble! Doesn't like games of purely random chance! If you cheat, don't get caught!).

    There aren't any juicy references to obscure sources (a key component of any good GH article!) and neither is there any historical depth (born in Bissel, hung out in the Wild Coast, Ull, and Ekbir. The Baklunish connection is interesting, but nothing more is said). Rudd was high on everyone's list as one of the Nine, but Miller blew the chance to say anything about Castle Greyhawk and strangely listed Zagyg as an ally.

    Most unforgivable is Miller's failure to weave the Oeridian gods into anything resembling a pantheon like Lakofka did with the Suel gods. He lists Norebo as Rudd's father (later sources ignored this) and throws Raxivort in without without even attempting an explanation.

    I would have liked a different take on Rudd considering there are already two patrons of gamblers. Also, Norebo already has gambling churchs on the Wild Coast and elsewhere just like the ones described for Rudd.

    I'd recommend the following:
    *Remove her patron-of-gamblers aspect and play up the swashbuckler/adventurer/daredevil/"extreme sports" side of her character.
    *Bissel is landlocked - move her birthplace to a coastal city befitting a swashbuckler.
    *Tie her ascension into some interesting Flanaess prehistory (Rudd was born around the same time Gaxmoor disappeared...).
    *Give her followers a cool granted power rather than unbalancing the game with weapon-specialized priests.
    *Give her some fellow godling buddies a la Murlynd, Hewerd, Kelenan since she loves slumming in the Flanaess so much.
    *Finally, replace all of her crappy FR-sounding titles (Lady Luck, the Laughing Goddess, the Queen of Cards, etc.) with something cool.
    That was probably more information, personal opinion, and ranting than you expected, but I hope some of it was useful!
    Master Greytalker

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    Thu Sep 15, 2011 5:56 pm  

    My 1E version of Rudd's clerics — drawn heavily from the Andy Miller article — is included in The Oeridian Pantheon of my WORLD OF GREYHAWK® Deitybase™.
    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Fri Sep 16, 2011 7:28 am  

    Vestcoat; DMPrata; thanks so much for this; you guys rock! Smile

    Do either of you (or anybody else reading the thread) know if there was any material on Rudd BEFORE the Miller articles?

    (And thanks for reminding me about the GH an idiot; I COMPLETELY forgot about that wonderful resource...DOH!)

    Having only the 1st Edition boxed set books and the From the Ashes card; I had my own interpretation of Rudd; which is/was QUITE different from this version......

    Like you vestcoat; I gotta say; I really don't much care for this version of the Goddess.....I always envisoned more of a "dungeoneering" kind of Adventurer as opposed to a Swashbuckler/Gambler. My own very brief take on Clerics of her had them having the ability to use Bows (from the "Bullseye" symbol); and a "Luck" ability gained at 4th (and which subsequently improved every 3 levels after that: 7th, 10th, etc.); whereby any one roll a day (or two a day at 7th, 3 at 10th, etc.) could be either re-rolled or +4 (or 20%) added to it...BEFORE the die roll is made; either way; the final result stands. (i.e. the re-rolled die or the roll with the bonus added to it)

    I don't remember off the top of my head what all the spheres I had available were (I'm at work a the moment..can look it up later when I'm at home); but I know I had Healing (but not Necromantic) available and they COULD turn undead. (I'm actually a big believer in allowing almost ALL clerics have the ability to turn undead....frequently; from a game mechanics sense; this is a nice potential "knockout" punch that is frequently one of the few powerful weapons PCs have against undead at low to mid levels).....

    Anyway; thanks again for the info; I really appreciate it!

    Adept Greytalker

    Joined: Jul 29, 2006
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    Fri Sep 16, 2011 10:08 am  

    Nothing official was written about Rudd before the Miller articles (Eric Boyd did a better job on Kurell in Polyhedron 132) and I don't have any notable fan sources.

    Max and Prata - I like those granted powers you made up!
    Prata - good titles! Much better than Miller's. And props for taking Zagyg off her allies list. :)

    Here are my pencil-written notes from '96...
    SP: chaos*, charm, divination, numbers, protection, summoning, time, and travelers.
    ADD: light, slow poison
    PW: 1) +1 bonus to non-proficient weapon penalties and attacking with two weapons, +1 to AC when parrying or tumbling, 3) +1 bonus to dexterity checks, 5) attempt ANY non-weapon proficiency that doesn't rely on knowledge 1/day with a minus 2-4 penalty, DM's choice (thus, modern languages, ancient history, herbalism, and spellcraft can't be attempted, but juggling, direction sense, swimming, and tightrope walking are possible. I also gave them slight chances to attempt any one thief skill 1/day but didn't work out the details), 8) 1/week can roll a special save vs. breath weapon when reduced to zero HP, success allows priest to survive with 1-2 HP.

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    Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:02 pm  

    Mad Max of the Vale,

    In spite of the fact that you 'dissed' on good ol' Fharlanghn... Wink

    The information mentioned by Vestcoat can be found on the November 1999 Dragon magazine, Issue #265. It's only cuz Rudd is allied with Trithereon... Happy

    see you 'round,

    Grandmaster Greytalker

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    Sun Sep 18, 2011 12:11 am  

    Russ Taylor has a list of all greyhawk deities in a 2e format. here's the link.

    I do like the alternative aspect for Rudd discussed here. It seems like Rudd was a bit rushed when published. I figure Rudd would be a god of sports and other skilled games, Dardevils is good and second chances can work as well.


    Master Greytalker

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    Sun Sep 18, 2011 7:02 am  

    Argon wrote:
    Russ Taylor has a list of all greyhawk deities in a 2e format. here's the link.
    Whoops! I forgot to cite Russ Taylor's Rudd write-up earlier. My version (linked above) is an amalgam of his and Andy Miller's.
    Adept Greytalker

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    Fri Oct 07, 2011 5:25 am  

    Russ Taylor's site seems to be gone, i get a dead link.

    vestcoat wrote:

    I'd recommend the following:
    *Tie her ascension into some interesting Flanaess prehistory (Rudd was born around the same time Gaxmoor disappeared...).
    *Give her some fellow godling buddies a la Murlynd, Hewerd, Kelenan since she loves slumming in the Flanaess so much.

    Later in 3E Rudd is described differently in the Living Greyhawk document LGDeities.pdf. See also this old Rudd, LGG vs. Dragon #263 thread on WotC forums.

    And in the much older fan netbook Best of Greyhawk 9 there's an entirely different version presented (including a 2e specialty priesthood), as an ascended mortal acolyte of Istus from the Sultanate of Zeif who went Spelljamming and became a friend and lover of the still mortal Kelanen.

    I'm sure someone (hint hint rasgon?) could weave a great story incorporating all these different sources and incarnations.
    Adept Greytalker

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    Thu Nov 15, 2012 4:06 am  

    This thread from last year has caught my eye as a new player has just chosen Rudd as his patron deity.

    I'm interested to hear how any of you mesh the skill and luck aspects of her portfolio together?

    On the one hand you could say that to be as lucky as possible you want to increase your odds by being skilled at the task in hand too.

    On the other hand you could say that skill and luck are quite opposite approaches. The person who seeks to be as skilled as possible seeks to cease relying on luck to achieve their goals?

    To me I feel it makes Rudd wishy washy. Just read her write up in the LGG;

    Depend upon skill for success but also on your good fortune. Never rule out the long shot but don't count on it...

    ...a little bit of this ... a little bit of that...

    Her ethos goes on to state that "Successful people make their own luck".
    That part I like and think makes an interesting demi-goddess of skill and self-perfection. I'm not sure a Chaotic alignment gels with that but I'm sure there could be a rationale.

    I can see a goddess of self-improvement being allies with Trithereon who also seeks to help people themselves but to infact be at odds with the gods of fate and chance as she espouses a very different path to success.

    As she's supposed to be an Oeridian deity I like that they would favour hard graft and skill over luck and leave the reliance of fortune to the Suloise and the Baklunish.

    I'd love to hear any other thoughts on this?

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    Thu Nov 15, 2012 7:32 am  

    I have information about Rudd I will gladly share from an older issue of Dragon if you need it, such as weapons, armor, spell spheres, etc. for her priesthood.

    Grandmaster Greytalker

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    Thu Nov 15, 2012 8:11 pm  

    Actually Rudd is fine by your description.

    In other words. Rudd favors those you take chances, though those who think luck alone will carry them are doomed to fail. For those that practice and train often find that luck is easier to come by.


    Adept Greytalker

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    Fri Nov 16, 2012 12:30 am  

    Yes please Lanthorn that would be great!

    Argon - you've helped me sum up Rudd with those words - I think for me she is the demi-goddess of success which neatly combines the balance of luck and skill to get ahead in life.

    Thanks guys!
    Grandmaster Greytalker

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    Fri Nov 16, 2012 4:45 pm  


    No problem glad to help.



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    Fri Nov 16, 2012 7:58 pm  

    Here's what I have for you:

    Specialty Priest (Luckdealer)

    Prime Requirements: Wis, Char
    Requirements: Charisma 14
    Alignment: CN, CG
    Weapons: Any but very large, rapier and stiletto first
    Armor: Any, but leather preferred
    Major Spheres: All, Chaos, Charm, Combat, Numbers, Thought, Time
    Minor Spheres: Divination
    Required Profs: None
    Bonus Profs: Gambling

    Halflings, Elves, Dwarves, and Gnomes are all allowed to be Luckdealers.
    They may take the swashbuckler kit (either fighter or thief).
    They can specialize as a swashbuckler (see kit). Half of all wpn profs must be devoted to rapier, stiletto, sabre, main-gauche.

    At 4th lvl, cast Nahal's Reckless Dweomer once per day.
    At 8th lvl, cast Luck (opposite of Unluck from Tome of Magic) once per day.

    No Commanding or Turning Undead.

    Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.

    Adept Greytalker

    Joined: Sep 20, 2004
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    Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:43 am  

    Sorry Lanthorn, I forgot to thank you for those speciality priest details!

    I was just browsing through Legends & Lore and stumbled upon the description of Sif in the Norse Chapter. She and Rudd are chips off the same block.

    Sif is described as the goddess of excellence and skill although she is an intermediate deity not a demi-god. She looks after young warriors and those dedicated to excellence in their pursuits.

    The requirements for a speciality priest of Sif are as follows and might give some of you some inspiraiton for your own version for Rudd;

    Abilities: Standard
    Alignment: Any good
    Weapons: Any
    Armor: Any
    Major Spheres: All, Charm, Combat, Elemental, Protection
    Minor Spheres: Divination, Summoning
    Required Profs: None

    At 5th lvl - raise one ability score of priest's choice by 1 point
    At 10th lvl - advance directly to 11th level (!)

    No Commanding or Turning Undead.

    Joined: Sep 09, 2009
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    Tue Dec 04, 2012 3:06 pm  

    From one 2e follower to the other, my pleasure.

    Let me know if there's anything with which I may be of assistance.

    -Lanthorn the Luckdealer Wink
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