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Updated: 12/16/04
Last Undead Added: Marsimion (Vampire)
Please email any corrections and/or additions to
If you are emailing an addition, please be sure to include information for all 5 table columns.

This page is a catalogue of named undead living in the World of Greyhawk, and although there is a countless amount of undead in Greyhawk, only those whom were given a name have (and will be) added to this listing.

This catalogue was created with the intent to supply Greyhawkers with a valuable (and useable) tool in which to easily locate an undead creature and that specific creature's sources.

Feel free to participate in this feature's creation and evolution by visiting the The Reader's Workshop where the Canonfire! Crew has collaberated to bring this feature to fruitation.

You will notice that the listings below are seperated into 2 distinct sections relating to the form in which the specific undead creature's individual correlation with Oerth is presented.

1. Officially Published (Canon) Undead.
The 1st table is a collection of Undead found in officially published materials as recognized by Greyhawk's Intellectual Property owner, currently Wizards of the Coast.

Some listees may be viewed as otherwise, being from Dragon Magazine, Dungeon Magazine, or the RPGA's Living Greyhawk Campaign materials. These listees were arbitrarily added in good faith.



Ivid V the Undying Animus From the Ashes (box)
WGR7: Ivid the Undying
Rauxes Self Proclaimed Overking of the
Great Kingdom (446 CY)
Artifact: Malachite Throne
Artifact: Screaming Column
Duke Szeffrin Animus From the Ashes (box)
WGR7: Ivid the Undying
The Adventure Begins
Bloodcrystal Ruler of the Almorian Lands
*Fiend Pact with Pazrael a Tanar'ri Abyssal Lord
*Power for Use of the Gate at Onyxgate
Prince Zamasken Animus WGR7: Ivid the Undying Rauxes
-Red Dragon Inn
Noble of House Naelax
Count Madral Ishenvan (failed) Animus WGR7: Ivid the Undying Village of Paralad Ruler of Paralad
Prince Hastern Animus WGR7: Ivid the Undying City of Edgefield Naelax Ruler of Edgefield
Uses Magical Maze Garden for Punishment
Prince Anxann Animus WGR7: Ivid the Undying City of Kaport Bay Torquann Ruler of Kaport Bay
Believes Astrology Can Foretell the Future
Delglath Animus WGR7: Ivid the Undying
Living Greyhawk Gazetteer
-The Sand Castle
Ruler of Rinloru
Priest of Nerull, formerly Erythnul
Holds Artifact: Mace of Krevell
Holds Artifact: Helm of Lynerden the Spinner
*Desires Artifact: Talisman of Krevell
*Held by the Archmage-Prince Lakaster
of Winetha
Darrien Animus WGR7: Ivid the Undying Village of Dastryth Naelax Ruler of Dastryth
Brother of Marrin
Marrin Animus WGR7: Ivid the Undying Village of Errantkeep Naelax Ruler of Errantkeep
Brother of Darrien
General Kalreth Animus WGR7: Ivid the Undying Castle Permanence Warrior Animus
Hates Wizards
Holds Artifact: Spear of Sorrow
Captured Osson of Chathold
Prince Kobasten Animus WGR7: Ivid the Undying Unknown Former Naelax Ruler of the
Shuttleford Villages
Fell Out of Favor With Ivid's Priests and Fled
Prince Kalord Animus WGR7: Ivid the Undying Village of Roqborough Naelax Ruler of Roqborough
Temper Causes Him to Burst into Flame
Holds Item: Signet Ring of Ivid II
Lord Drax
the Invulnerable
Animus From the Ashes (box)
WGR7: Ivid the Undying
Living Greyhawk Gazetteer
D&D Gazetteer
The Adventure Begins
Living Greyhawk Gazetteer
Rel Astra Garasteth Ruler of the Free City of Rel Astra
Holds (Held) Artifact: Crook of Rao
Guardian Tanar'ri Molydeus Fiend-Sage Servant
Acquainted with Andromansis the Death Knight
Jireen the Mage Animus WGR7: Ivid the Undying Roland Leader of "The Five" of Roland
Madman: Believes Doppleganger Stalking Him
Prince Jichrisen Animus WGR7: Ivid the Undying Town of Jennden Werewolf Lycanthrope
Former Ruler of the Town of Jennden
Kept Imprisoned in a Dungeon by His Brother


Xaene Lich
WGR7: Ivid the Undying
TSR9578: Player's Guide
The Adventure Begins
WG8: Fate of Istus
-The Undercity
Ex-Court Wizard of Ivid V
Creator of the Fiend-Knights
Knowledge of the Machine of Lum the Mad
Rexifer Lich WGR7: Ivid the Undying Castle Spiral Member of House Garasteth
Studies Blood War of Tanar'ri vs. Baatezu
Advisor of Princess Bersheben
Considered Most Knowledgable Scholar
Asberdies Lich GDQ1-7:
Queen of the Spiders
-Warrens of the
Fond of the Magic Mouth Spell
Acererak Demi-Lich S1: Tomb of Horrors
TSR1162: Return to
From the Ashes (Box)
Living Greyhawk Gazetteer
The Vast Swamp Was a Mage/Cleric in Life
Once Ruled the Vast Swamp
Plans to be Plane of Negative Energy
Lyzandred the Mad Lich TSR9580:
Crypt of Lyzandred
the Mad
The Doomgrinder
From the Ashes (Box)
TSR9578: Player's Guide
Abbor-Alz Mountains Fond of Traps and Riddles
Vecna the Maimed
Lord of Cavitus
Lich WGA4: Vecna Lives!
TSR1160: Die Vecna Die
TSR9582: Vecna Reborn
D&D Gazetteer
Living Greyhawk Gazetteer
Various Locales Demi-God
Flan in Decent
Ruled Kingdom in the Sheldomar Valley
Artifact: Hand of Vecna
Artifact: Eye of Vecna
Crassius Lich TSR1160: Die Vecna Die Vecna's Palace Servant of Vecna
Vellan Lich TSR1160: Die Vecna Die Vecna's Palace Servant of Vecna
Gundarc the Bald Lich TSR1160: Die Vecna Die Vecna's Palace Servant of Vecna
"The Unnamed" Lich TSR1160: Die Vecna Die Vecna's Palace Servant of Vecna
Meekali Lich TSR1160: Die Vecna Die Vecna's Palace Servant of Vecna
Tutor of Vecna's Students
the Observant
Lich TSR1160: Die Vecna Die Vecna's Palace Servant of Vecna
Nine Lich TSR1160: Die Vecna Die Vecna's Palace General of an Undead Army
Fond of Watching Others Dance
Dragotha Dracolich TSR1454: Return to (WPM)
The Doomgrinder
RPGA: Dragotha's Lair
White Plume
RPGA refers to Dragotha as a "Him"
Murtaree (failed) Lich TSR9579: Star Cairns Rauxes Court Wizard of the Overking (174 CY)
Studied the Tome of the Scarlet Sign
Drokkas Lich WGR3: Rary the Traitor Bright Desert
-Necropolis of Unaagh
Plans to Restore the Kingdom of Sulm
Geshender Lich WGR4: The Marklands Furyondy
-Rhavelle Holdings
Mage Living in Geshender's Needle (A Tower)
Lerrek Lich WGR5: Iuz the Evil Near the Vesve Forest Dwells in the Dungeons of Twin Towers
Dahlvier Lich WGR5: Iuz the Evi
Living Greyhawk Gazetteer
Near the
Fellreev Forest
Worshipper of Nerull
Leads an Undead Army
Holds Item: Sphere of Annihaltion
Ranial the Gaunt Lich RPGA:
Living Greyhawk Gazetteer
Blackmoor Created the Crown of Blackmoor
King Gurramon Lich Dragon #290:
Death Knights of Oerth
Flinty Hills Defeated by Murlynd
the Grim Vizier
Lich RPGA: LGJ #05 Zief Sorcerer/Cleric Master of Kabir Kafez
Haas' Baalbar Lich 1043:
City of Greyhawk (CG10)
City of Greyhawk
Serves Devilish Lords
Kel Virond Lich Dungeon #99 Gran March Cleric of Nerull
Marquess Maerynae
Queen of the Ghouls
(Suel) Lich Dungeon #70 UnderOerth
-City of Kilenor
Queen of the White Kingdom


Saint Kargoth Death Knight Dragon #291:
Death Knights of Oerth
Living Greyhawk Gazetteer
Great Kingdom Lord of the Death Knights
Wishes to Reacquire His Sword: Shatterer
Ties to the Clergy of Hextor
Prince Myrhal Death Knight Dragon #291:
Death Knights of Oerth
Adri Forest Descendant of House Rax
Was betrayed by Ivid I in 430s CY
Lady Lorana Kath Death Knight Dragon #291:
Death Knights of Oerth
North Province Descendant of House Naelax
Sir Oslan Knarren
of Oldridge
Death Knight Dragon #291:
Death Knights of Oerth
Great Kingdom Descendant of House Cranden
Rides an Undead Horse Named Corrigor
Sir Andromansis Death Knight Dragon #291:
Death Knights of Oerth
Rel Astra Acquainted with Lord Drax the Animus
Researching the Reversal of Undeath
Monduiz Dephaar
Death Knight Dragon #291:
Death Knights of Oerth
Bonemarch Descendant of House Torquann
Sir Rezinar of Haxx Death Knight Dragon #291:
Death Knights of Oerth
Sheldomar Valley Has Gone Mad
Wanders the Flanaess
Lord Thyrian Death Knight Dragon #291:
Death Knights of Oerth
Empire of Iuz Descendant of House Darmen
Paid Mercenary in the Iuzian Militia
Minar Syrric
Death Knight Dragon #291:
Death Knights of Oerth
Unknown Descendant of House Darmen
Urkar Grasz
Death Knight Dragon #291:
Death Knights of Oerth
Unknown Descendant of House Torquann
Luren the Boar
Death Knight Dragon #291:
Death Knights of Oerth
Unknown Descendant of House Torquann
Lord Khayven Death Knight Dragon #291:
Death Knights of Oerth
Unknown Descendant of House Rax
Lord Maeril Death Knight Dragon #291:
Death Knights of Oerth
Great Kingdom Created Astrosus the Deathblade
By Using His Brother Farian's Skull
Lord Farian Death Knight Dragon #291:
Death Knights of Oerth
Great Kingdom Lord Maeril's Brother
Was Slain by Saint Benedor
Sir Loran Death Knight TSR1160: Die Vecna Die! Citadel Cavitus Originally From Vast Swamp
-Trollpyre Keep
Killed His Wife, Daughter, and Midwife
"Kas" Death Knight TSR1160: Die Vecna Die! Citadel Cavitus Is Actually an Unnamed Warrior
*Believes He is Kas
*Transformed by the False Sword of Kas
Saint Ferrante Death Knight TSR11442: Bastion of Faith The Bastion of Faith Fallen Paladin of Heironeous
Held in Stasis
Wishes to Destroy Heironites


Son of Chitza-Atlan Mummy C1:
Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan
Shrine of Tamoachan Centaur Mummy
Guardian of the Ruins
Nakhti Mummy Dungeon #94:
Critical Threats
Unknown Priest of Nerull
Kaleb Hoddypeak Mummy TSR1160: Die Vecna Die! Citadel Cavitus 1/2 Brother of Fonkin Hoddypeak
Originally From Geoff
Priest of Vecna
Jalarvin Giantsmiter Mummy TSR11347:
Axe of the Dwarvish Lords
Fighter/Cleric Keeper of the Catacombs


Prince Thrommel Vampire 9209:
Return to the
Temple of Elemental Evil
The Temple / Furyondy Son of King Belvor of Furyondy
Tloques-popolocas Vampire C1:
Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan
Shrine of Tamoachan Guards the Tomb From Graverobbers
Prince Ferrenan Vampire WGR7: Ivid the Undying Blacksplinter Ruler of Blacksplinter
Cranden/Rax-Nyrond Lineage
Served by Ghosts and Spectres
Library of Cranden Spells (vs. Extra Planar)
King Zotlatlan
Dread Lord of Night
Vampire (special) TSR11374:
The Scarlet Brotherhood
Amedio Jungle
Village of
Devout worshipper of Mictantecuhtli
Feeds on His Own People
Is Also Referred to as a Prince
Maskaleyne Vampire WGR5: Iuz the Evil
Living Greyhawk Gazetteer
Dragon #290:
Death Knights of Oerth
Dorakaa Member of the Boneheart
Kelthumiir Vampire RPGA: Dragotha's Lair Dragotha's Lair Sculpter of Statues
Belgos Vampire D3: Vault of the Drow UnderOerth Courts a Demon Mistress
Vlad Tolenkov Vampire Q1: Queen of the Demonweb Pits Castle Near Maldev Magic-User
Servant of Lolth
Ctenmiir Vampire S2: White Plume Mountain White Plume Mountain Cursed (Guardian of Treasure)
Drelnza Vampire S4: Lost Caverns of Tsjocanth
Return of the Eight
Caverns of Tsjocanth Daughter of Iggwilv
Wields an Intelligent Weapon
Ilya Noma Vampire TSR1160: Die Vecna Die Tovag Baragu Former Servant of Iuz
Lord Haroln
the Arm of Vecna
Vampire TSR1160: Die Vecna Die
TSR9582: Vecna Reborn
Citadel Cavitius Servant of Vecna
Leader of the "Fingers of Vecna"
Ylaan Tomas Vampire TSR1160: Die Vecna Die Citadel Cavitius Servant of Vecna
Stigel Vampire TSR1160: Die Vecna Die Citadel Cavitius Servant of Vecna
Xaven Vampire TSR1160: Die Vecna Die Citadel Cavitius Servant of Vecna
Kyrie's Mate
Kyrie Vampire TSR1160: Die Vecna Die Citadel Cavitius Servant of Vecna
Xaven's Mate
the Destroyer
the Terrible
Vampire WGA4: Vecna Lives!
TSR1160: Die Vecna Die
TSR9582: Vecna Reborn
Various Locales Former Servant of Vecna
Domain Lord
Myrle Vampire TSR11347:
Axe of the Dwarvish Lords
Radruundar Infiltrates Adventuring Groups
Blaesing Vampire TSR1162: Return to
The Tomb of Horrors
Vast Swamp Member of the Dim Triad
Absalom Vampire TSR1162: Return to
The Tomb of Horrors
Vast Swamp Member of the Dim Triad
Harrow Vampire TSR1162: Return to
The Tomb of Horrors
Vast Swamp Member of the Dim Triad
Willow Vampire TSR9581:
The Doomgrinder
Valley Near the Doomgrinder Former Druid
Dannen Vampire TSR9581:
The Doomgrinder
Valley Near the Doomgrinder Former Druid
Nanna Vampire TSR9581:
The Doomgrinder
Valley Near the Doomgrinder Former Druid
Mallus Vampire WG10: Child's Play Yatil Mountains Mercenary
Luigi Vampire WG10: Child's Play Yatil Mountains Mercenary
Mother Grubb Vampire City of Greyhawk
City of Greyhawk
-T12: Old Mother Grubb's
House of Fortune
Fortune Teller
Telagos Vampire Dragon #300
-Denizens of Darkness
-Sarcoma Keep
Fighter from Geoff
Izrok Radja Vampire WOC17924:
Libris Mortis
Erehei-Cinlu Necromancer
Res Hundeval Vampire Dungeon #70 Blood Drinker's Hall Guards Outpost With Alena Hundeval
(Vampiric Mist Companion)
Marsimion (Greater)
TSR11442: Bastion of Faith Bastion of Faith Sir Ferrante's Lieutenent


Sileries Akarza
Ghost 1043:
City of Greyhawk (CG08)
Sea of Gearnat Captain of a Ghost Ship
Lyra Ghost TSR1160: Die Vecna Die Citadel Cavitius Sir Loran's Ex-Wife
the Steadfast
Ghost WG10: Child's Play Yatil Mountains Pretends to be a King
Artillis Segrintine Ghost Dungeon #87 Cairn Hills Cleric of Tharizdun
Adelros Melremen Ghost Dungeon #99 Gran March Paladin
Syrgual Tammeraut Ghost Dungeon #106 Relmor Bay
-Dragon's Maw
Sea Captain
Wat Ghost 9209: Return to the
Temple of Elemental Evil
Village of Nulb Assassin
Haunts the old tavern


Baron Krumik Spectre WGR3: Rary the Traitor Bright Desert
-Necropolis Unaagh
Servant of Drokkas the Lich
Ricard Spectre 1043:
City of Greyhawk (CG08)
Sea of Gearnat Former 1st Mate of Captain Sileries
(the Ghost)
Marquis Follgnaw
Lord of shadow
Spectre Dungeon #70 UnderOerth
-City of Kilenor
Former Ghoul
Dorl Tavyani Spectre Dungeon #93 Barrier Peaks Guards His Own Crypt


Lady Karyne
of Marteen
Crypt Thing WGR2:
Treasures of Greyhawk
Cairn Hills Bound by Husband to Guard Her Tomb


Andeve Banshee Dungeon #70 UnderOerth
-The Ghostwood
Former Queen of the City of Angrimm


Anneka Wight 1043:
City of Greyhawk (CG04)
Howling Hills Former Wolf Nomad Chieftan
Husband of Jetta
Anneka Wight 1043:
City of Greyhawk (CG04)
Howling Hills Former Wolf Nomad Chieftan(ess)
Wife of Anneka


"The Wraith King" Wraith Dungeon #90 Perrenland Holds Item: Totentanz Gate


Khuul Ghoul Dungeon #79 Hraak Forest Abyssal Witch-Ghoul
Marquess Murliss
Lady of Worms
Ghoul Dungeon #70 Crystalmist Mts.
-The White Kingdom
General of the Wormeaters
(Great Army of the Ghouls)
Yosef von Linden
Lord of Ashes
Ghoul Dungeon #70 UnderOerth
-Ashen Outpost
Worshipper of Nerull
Marquis Zun
Lord of Ice
Ghoul Dungeon #70 UnderOerth
-Sunless Sea
Worshipper of Nerull
King of Ghouls
Ghoul Dungeon #70 UnderOerth
-City of Kilenor
Leader of the White Kingdom
Artifact: Orb of Shadows


Chantel Zombie 11327:
Return to the
Keep on Borderlands
Yeomanry Unique Species of Zombie
Zombire (special) Zombie L1: The Secret of Bone Hill
11327: Return to the
Keep on Borderlands
Near Restenford
Caves of Chaos
Intelligent Zombie Mage


Skeltar (special)
L1: The Secret of Bone Hill
11327: Return to the
Keep on Borderlands
Near Restenford
Caves of Chaos
Intelligent Skeletal Mage
Viluisk the Mighty (special)
City of Greyhawk (CG04)
Howling Hills Skeletal Haunt


Alair Daraan Poltergeist WGR2:
Treasures of Greyhawk
City of Greyhawk Bound to a Magic Dagger: Bladestar


The Spectre Special WGR7: Ivid the Undying Great Kingdom
Knowledgable Scholar
Shroudgate Switches Locations
No Text Confirms Undead Status
Madame Serena Special TSR9577:
The Adventure Begins
City of Greyhawk
-Thieves Quarter
Fortune Teller/Diviner
Haunts T5: The Deadhouse
Possibly a Poltergeist
Cirosean Special Dungeon #70 UnderOerth
-The Ghostwood
Holds Item: Heart of Angrimm

2. (Non-Canonical) Psuedo-Published Undead. The 2nd table shows representations of Oerth's undead in non-canonical (mostly web) published form, mostly considered to be fan-fiction, or fan-created material and are not officially recognized by Greyhawk's Intellectual Property owner, currently Wizards of the Coast. Also, in this table are Undead present in official products not directly linked to the World of Greyhawk, but have been arbitrarily added in good faith, such as those Undead from I6: Ravenloft.

In this table, the far right column labeled "description", contains redirect weblinks connecting to the particular source of the undead in question on that given row. Feel free to peruse through those pages and learn about these fan made creations or extensions.



Lord Drax
the Invulnerable
Animus Canonfire!
Oerth Journal
Rel Astra Oerth Journal #15
Living Greyhawk Gazetteer I
Living Greyhawk Gazetteer IV
Artifacts of Oerth
Ivid V Animus Canonfire! Rauxes Living Greyhawk Gazetteer I
Xaene the Accursed
Delglath Animus Canonfire! Rinloru Living Greyhawk Gazetteer I
Xaene the Accursed
Duke Szeffrin Animus Canonfire! Bloodcrystal Xaene the Accursed
Former Grandee
of Westkeep
(failed) Animus Canonfire! Lands of the
Scarlet Brotherhood
Keoish Intelligence Report:
Hold of the Sea Princes


Xaene Lich Canonfire! Rauxes
-The Undercity
Xaene the Accursed
Zayene Lich MoZ1-4:
Necromancer Games
Creations Unlimited
Different Worlds
Maze of Zayene Works of Robert J. Kuntz
Vecna Lich Canonfire!
Oerth Journal
Various Locales Oerth Journal #01
Hell on Oerth
Alternate History of the Pomarj
The Hand and Eye of Vecna
Plane of the Fhoi Myore
Scarlet Brotherhood: Origins Revealed
Ancient History: Vecna’s Realm
The Defeat of Vecna
Black Hand Lich Canonfire! Mountains of the
Dwarven Kings
An Overview of Oerik
Arinanin Lich Canonfire! Sea of Dust First Liche of Greyhawk
Syliah Hag-Lich Canonfire! Dramidj Ocean Beneath the Pinnacles of Azor'alq I
Beneath the Pinnacles of Azor'alq II
Ariakin Lich Canonfire! Ravenloft
Demi-Plane of Dread
Lich Lord Conclave
Mikba Lich Canonfire! The Jotens Suloise Myth and Legend: 11 Keys of Empire
Lich Canonfire!
Oerth Journal
Unknown Oerth Journal #11
Bardic Lore - The Treasure of Acherak
Tilorop Lich Oerth Journal Sea of Dust Oerth Journal #01
Oerth Journal #11
Arininan Lich Oerth Journal Sea of Dust Oerth Journal #01
Lerek Lich Oerth Journal Vesve Forest Oerth Journal #02
Oerth Journal #13
Engrin Erris
Lich of Glendour
Lich Oerth Journal Blackmoor Oerth Journal #05
Ranial the Gaunt Lich Oerth Journal Blackmoor Oerth Journal #05
Astrax Lich Oerth Journal Ahlissa Oerth Journal #07
Lyzandred the Mad Lich Oerth Journal Abbor-Alz Mountains Oerth Journal #10
Narsceen Lich Oerth Journal Cairn Hills Oerth Journal #11
Melrevee Lich (Drow) Oerth Journal Erelhei-Cinlu Oerth Journal #14


Death Knights
of Oerth
Death Knights Canonfire! Great Kingdom The Orb of Sol


Strahd Von'Zorovich
Vampire I6: Ravenloft Lands of Barovia
-Castle Ravenloft
Demi-Plane of Dread
The 1st Vampire
Helga Vampire I6: Ravenloft Lands of Barovia
-Castle Ravenloft
Maid of Count Strahd
Sasha Ivliskova Vampire I6: Ravenloft Lands of Barovia
-Castle Ravenloft
Concubine of Count Strahd
Queen of Vampires
Vampire Canonfire! 317th Layer of the Abyss Demonomicon Of Iggwilv
Donal Vampire Canonfire! Unknown Iuz the Evil I
Iuz the Evil II
The Vampire God
Vampire (Deity) Canonfire! Unknown Baphomet
Kalen Vampire Oerth Journal Vesve Forest Oerth Journal #13
Drelzna Vampire Oerth Journal Vesve Forest Oerth Journal #13
Vampire Sewer Queen
Vampire (Drow) Oerth Journal Erelhei-Cinlu Oerth Journal #14
Maskaleyne Vampire Oerth Journal Defiled Glades Oerth Journal #14
Sakatha Vampire
I2: Tomb of the Lizard King Tomb of the Lizard King Seeks to Conquer a Swamp
Eldreth Linkoman
Vampire I12: Egg of the Phoenix Aquaria Magic-User


Aerial Du Plumette
Ghost I6: Ravenloft Lands of Barovia
-Castle Ravenloft
Exchanged His Life For "Wings"
Tethyroth Ghost Canonfire! Various Locales The Rickety Nail
Kelios Ghost Canonfire! Duchy of Ulek POSTFEST I: The Ghost of Kelios
Gilvgola Ghost Oerth Journal Kron Hills
-Dorob Kilthduum
Oerth Journal #09
Malern Ghost Oerth Journal Within the
Diamond Skull of Malern
Oerth Journal #11
Clan Lord Dulfek Ghost Oerth Journal The Mistmarsh Oerth Journal #11


Endorovich the Terrible Spectre I6: Ravenloft Lands of Barovia
-Castle Ravenloft
Accidently Poisoned His Love


Patrina Velikovna Banshee I6: Ravenloft Lands of Barovia
-Castle Ravenloft
Concubine of Count Strahd
Was Stoned to Death by Her Own People


the Proud
Morhg Canonfire! Perrenland Death at Dawn


Stahbal Indi-Bhak Wight I6: Ravenloft Lands of Barovia
-Castle Ravenloft
Was the Advisor of Endorovich
Carnac Wight Oerth Journal The Mistmarsh Oerth Journal #11


Khuul Ghoul Canonfire! Hraak Forest POSTFEST III: Khuul


Chantel Zombie Oerth Journal Southeastern Yeomanry
-Caves of Chaos
Oerth Journal #11

Copyright © by Canonfire! All Right Reserved.

Published on: 2004-11-11 (38223 reads)

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