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Canonfire! FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Category: Main -> The GreyTalk Mailing List

·  What is Greytalk?
·  How do I join or leave the list?
·  How do I receive a digest of the list?
·  Quick Posting Guidelines
·  Completely Off Topic Messages
·  Virus Warnings
·  Spam - A Note
·  Flames and Flamewars
·  Rules and Rules Questions
·  Non-Plain Text Messages
·  What should go to Greytalk and what should be submitted to Canonfire?

·  What is Greytalk?

Greytalk is a mailing list dedicated to the discussion of and continued growth of the World of Greyhawk, a fantasy role-playing world created by E. Gary Gygax for use with the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons game and later with it's successor, Dungeons & Dragons. The list is adminstered by Gary Holian.

To post to the list, send a message to

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·  How do I join or leave the list?

To subscribe, send a blank message to

To unsubscribe, send a blank message to

This is not digest mode. You get every post to the list individually. For digest mode, see the next section.

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·  How do I receive a digest of the list?

To join the list in digest mode, send a blank e-mail to

To stop recieving digests, send a blank e-mail to

You do not need to be subscribed to the list in non-digest mode to recieve digests. All e-mail to the list itself must be sent to, sending it to will result in an error message.

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·  Quick Posting Guidelines

Avoid responding by quoting the entire post and adding one or two lines at the top or bottom. This is the unpopular "me too" post. Trim your quotes to remove everything that isn't directly necessary.

On the other hand, don't trim too much of the original post away, because otherwise, no one will know what you're responding to or talking about. Some quoting is usually necessary in a discussion.

Check your subject line. Make sure there's one on your message, and if you're in a discussion which has drifted away from the original topic, make sure the subject line reflects the new topic accurately.

When delving into anything that does not deal directly with Greyhawk, at least have a little courtesy and put [NGC] in your subject. Or, better yet, just don't post it.

Check your it meant for everyone on the list to read? If not, send it to just the person you're addressing.

Last, read the following sections, and see if your message fits into any of them. If it does...rethink posting it.

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·  Completely Off Topic Messages

Don't post them at all. Keep them to yourself.

This covers everything from your well-wishes to people stricken by natural disasters, holiday greetings, out of town messages, and other assorted messages that haven't got the least bit of a connection to the World of Greyhawk.

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·  Virus Warnings

Do NOT post these.

We don't care. All too often, they turn out to be hoaxes, and then the list is flooded with posts correcting the incorrect information. And we don't really want to see them in the first place, or we would have signed up to recieve warnings from someone more reputable than a random poster to a mailing list.

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·  Spam - A Note

Spamming, or posts about business opportunities, get rich quick schemes, or advertisements for products are not welcome. It doesn't matter if you are advertising something Greyhawk or not.

If you absolutely must advertise whatever you're selling, put it in your sig file and advertise with your normal posts to the list.

Auction notices are technically spam, although many are willing to turn a blind eye to them because of their limited nature and the fact that they are for books which are otherwise often hard to find. But this doesn't make them right.

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·  Flames and Flamewars

While you may disagree with some of the ideas posted to Greytalk, personal attacks on the posters are discouraged. Disagree with the ideas, but leave the person out of the argument. If you must carry on a war of personal attacks, do it via email and not on the list.

HOWEVER, nothing is more annoying that having to sift through a flamewar, and then running across some self-righteous fool telling everyone to stop arguing and return to the discussion or posting content. Espically when they aren't offering any of their own. Don't waste everyone's time by trying to play mother to the list. We don't need to see it.

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·  Rules and Rules Questions

No, these are NOT on topic. While Greyhawk may be a setting for a role-playing game, this list is not devoted to a specific ruleset. There are people using all versions of D&D, as well as a number of non-Wizards of the Coast rules systems, including ones they've made up themselves. So posting a question about how to compute some attack roll or how two spells from the Player's Handbook would interact is not on topic. There are more appropriate forums for that kind of discussion.

If your question is about something specifically tied to Greyhawk (ie: a kit/prestige class about the Knights of the Watch from the Gran March), then it is on topic. But, just because you somewhere added the word "Greyhawk" into your post does not tie your discussion to Greyhawk.

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·  Non-Plain Text Messages

Don't post them. While HTML and MIME may be fancy and your client may support them, not everyone else's client does. In addition, they can seriously mess up the digests, or at least make your message come out all garbled. People won't bother to read them from the digests, so you are missing part of your target audience.

And do NOT post attachments to the list. Attachments are not usable to the digest subscribers, and instead just provide pages and pages of random gibberish for them to wade through.

In other words, anyone who posts messages that aren't plain text probabily deserves to get themselves flamed for being inconsiderate, despite the fact that flames are frowned upon on the list.

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·  What should go to Greytalk and what should be submitted to Canonfire?

The kind of content which should be submitted to Canonfire is finished pieces of creative work, such as spells, NPC's, writeups of towns or countries, religions, and so on. It is not intended for general discussion.

Greytalk, on the other hand, is set up for general discussion and questions. They should be sent to the list. Creative materials can also be sent to the list, in the hopes of stirring some discussion about them.

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Canonfire! is a production of the Thursday Group in assocation with GREYtalk and Canonfire! Enterprises

Contact the Webmaster.  Long Live Spidasa!

Greyhawk Gothic Font by Darlene Pekul is used under the Creative Commons License.

PHP-Nuke Copyright © 2005 by Francisco Burzi. This is free software, and you may redistribute it under the GPL. PHP-Nuke comes with absolutely no warranty, for details, see the license.
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