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Canonfire! FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Category: Main -> #greytalk on

·  What is #greytalk on
·  How do I join #greytalk on
·  Are their rules on #greytalk?
·  What happens when those rules are broken?
·  Who is the Community support staff?
·  What happens in #greytalk?

·  What is #greytalk on

#greytalk is a chatroom hosted on server for the purpose of chatting on and about our favorite world, Greyhawk!

IRC stands for "Internet Relay Chat". IRC is a multi-user chat system, where people meet on "channels" (rooms, virtual places, usually with a certain topic of conversation) to talk in groups, or privately. There is no restriction to the number of people that can participate in a given discussion, or the number of channels that can be formed on IRC.

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·  How do I join #greytalk on

There are two options. One is to point your irc client to:
Port: 6667
Channel: #greytalk
Irc clients are advanced chat programs, such as mirc, pirch, trillian, etc. Visit if you don't have an irc client and would like to download one for free.

The other option if you don't have or want to install an irc client, and have joined forces to make the chats accesible to you! Visit to use the handy Java interface. Once the applet loads, just replace -guest- with your desired nickname for the chat and select -greytalk- from the drop down channel menu. Then click the -Connect Now!- button and voila, you're chattin in #greytalk!

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·  Are their rules on #greytalk?

Yes there are:


While we hope that the majority of Canonfire! guests use and enjoy the features on Canonfire!, we also want to present a place for old and new players of Greyhawk to come and share their ideas about (A)D&D’s oldest setting on the various chat clients available with us on Here are a few simple rules to help everyone feel welcome while on #greytalk:

#greytalk is for the discussion of topics about Canonfire!, Greyhawk and gaming in general. While topics can range over a wide variety of areas please avoid egregious topics such as graphic sex and inflammatory comments on real world races, cultures, politics and religions.

Moderators will NOT tolerate such behavior as harassment, open hostility and/or verbal attacks on other guests, a warning followed by a kick or banning may occur if the behavior continues. Remember that Greyhawk is a game and new players are the lifeblood of the setting; help encourage this by being civil and positive where you can.

While we like to talk Greyhawk as much as possible, topic is only *enforced* on Thursday nites. However, at anytime topic on Greyhawk trumps normal room conversations.

No talking about filesharing, hacking or warez in the room. Also please limit talking in all caps, and do not use brightly colored text and scripts while in the room. Spamming and advertising will not be tolerated.

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·  What happens when those rules are broken?

ENFORCING THE RULES (Warning, Kick, Ban)

At anytime if a guest breaks these rules or is generally disruptive moderators will first warn them either in private or public. If the behavior continues the offender will be kicked from the channel. Further breaking the rules or other disruptive behavior will earn a day long ban. Further infractions against the rules can lead to an indefinate ban from the channel subject to review by the Community support staff.

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·  Who is the Community support staff?

Currently the Community support staff is Gary Holian, Don Brown, Randy Patton, Rick Miller and Emma Symonds and other members of the editorial board.

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·  What happens in #greytalk?

What happens in #greytalk stays in #greytalk! ;-)

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Canonfire! is a production of the Thursday Group in assocation with GREYtalk and Canonfire! Enterprises

Contact the Webmaster.  Long Live Spidasa!

Greyhawk Gothic Font by Darlene Pekul is used under the Creative Commons License.

PHP-Nuke Copyright © 2005 by Francisco Burzi. This is free software, and you may redistribute it under the GPL. PHP-Nuke comes with absolutely no warranty, for details, see the license.
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