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[quote="Cebrion"][quote="Icarus"]So ... did you upgrade to Dropbox Plus?[/quote] No. "Free" is the main point of things. If it is required, we'll migrate things to GHO, per grodog's generous offer. Might take grodog up on the offer anyways, just for redundancy (never a bad thing). [quote="Icarus"]I can't seem to figure out how to get it to link directly to an image. All I can get it to do is make a link that opens to the dropbox site to actually view it there. Is your GreyWalken image in Dropbox? How'd you get it to link directly?[/quote] I moved it to photobucket. Photobucket underwent some restructuring of things a while back too (a year ago or so?), but nothing so drastic as what Dropbox is doing.[/quote]
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Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 6:11 pm
Post subject: Re: Dropbopx update
Cebrion wrote:
Icarus wrote:
So ... did you upgrade to Dropbox Plus?
No. "Free" is the main point of things. If it is required, we'll migrate things to GHO, per grodog's generous offer. Might take grodog up on the offer anyways, just for redundancy (never a bad thing).
I'm buried under GaryCon prep, Brian, feel free to ping me about this again in two weeks---I'll have recovered by then, hopefully! :D
Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 3:33 am
Post subject: Re: Dropbopx update
Icarus wrote:
So ... did you upgrade to Dropbox Plus?
No. "Free" is the main point of things. If it is required, we'll migrate things to GHO, per grodog's generous offer. Might take grodog up on the offer anyways, just for redundancy (never a bad thing).
Icarus wrote:
I can't seem to figure out how to get it to link directly to an image. All I can get it to do is make a link that opens to the dropbox site to actually view it there.
Is your GreyWalken image in Dropbox? How'd you get it to link directly?
I moved it to photobucket. Photobucket underwent some restructuring of things a while back too (a year ago or so?), but nothing so drastic as what Dropbox is doing.
Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 8:13 am
Post subject: Dropbopx update
So ... did you upgrade to Dropbox Plus?
I can't seem to figure out how to get it to link directly to an image. All I can get it to do is make a link that opens to the dropbox site to actually view it there.
Is your GreyWalken image in Dropbox? How'd you get it to link directly?
I agree, they're specifically doing it so that people can't make direct HTML links to their content. They're making that a paid service. But, from what I read, that's going to change in September for Dropbox Plus users, as well.
I understand it's their business choice, but, if I can't use the service for anything more than storage anymore, I will simply change storage options to another service that will allow what I need.
Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 4:00 am
Post subject:
Not really. I made sure to share everything - mother file, then listed file, then opened actual file page and shared from there, just to make sure everything coincided (might not have needed to do that, but I did anyways). You will want to make sure that people can only *view* and not *edit* the shared files. Otherwise, no, it wasn't intentional to have the file open as it does, but that is how it works. I'll see if i can change that, but, for me at least, the link pops open the mother folder briefly first and then switches to the direct link page itself. If you want to adjust certain link settings you now have to upgrade to Dropbox Plus to be able to do so. I would seem these changes are intentional to mess with folks who host files on Dropbox as Canonfire! does. I don't like it, but I get it.
And my "GreyWalken" signature is now broken too! Those bastards!
And it's back! You
deny the GreyWalken!!!
Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 3:53 am
Post subject:
Cebrion wrote:
So, it looks like all of the links are dead. I messed with Oerth Journal #01 as a test. Somebody try and use the link to see if anything pops up. It did for me, but we'll see if it works for everyone else. If it does work, there's only 281 more files left to update!
Yep ... all of my links in the Artwork of Icarus thread in the Reader's Workshop are dead, too.
I went to Downloads, and clicked on OJ#1, and it opened just fine.
Although, it opened in the same frame as this one, rather than a new tab, so, I don't know if that's intentional or not.
But, there you have it. Only 281 more to go.
Just for reference, was there anything specific that you had to do? So I'll know how to update mine.
Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 3:34 am
Post subject:
So, it looks like all of the links are dead. I messed with Oerth Journal #01 as a test. Somebody try and use the link to see if anything pops up. It did for me, but we'll see if it works for everyone else. If it does work, there's only 281 more files left to update!
Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 7:11 am
Post subject:
Thank you for posting this.
I had no idea this was coming up!
I guess I haven't been paying attention to emails from Dropbox, or something.
I too, use Dropbox, and will have to update all of the files that I have linked for my artwork in carious threads and such.
is going to be, as you said, a tedious pain in the butt. I think I only have about 60 or 70 to do.
Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 3:08 am
Post subject:
Thanks for the offer. Either way, a change will need to be made to everything. However, on GHO there would be control. Please PM me the details of how GHO file hosting works, and I'll give it a look.
Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 6:22 pm
Post subject:
Do you need space on GHO or are you fine working through this with Dropbox?
Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 3:53 am
Post subject: Dropbox change, and its effect on Canonfire!
As some of you may know, Canonfire! uses Dropbox to host many of its uploaded files, and does so using its "Public" folder. On March 15, Dropbox woll be changing all Public folders to standard folders. What this means is that all file links will likely be changed, and thus broken. Files will not be lost, but every single file link will likely need to be updated. This will result in nearly every single file in the Downloads and Articles sections becoming inactive for a period of time. I had to do this once before when the files were initially migrated to Dropbox, and it is a simple, but very long and tedious chore. There will be many links to reactivate (282 actually, so not too bad!
), and I will begin the updates after March 15th, as I find the time to do so. I'll start with Downloads and then proceed to Articles. The files are very organized, so hopefully it will go much more quickly than before.
This change will not affect any files sent along with Articles submissions (or that are already in the queue and have not yet been posted) during this time. However, any queued or submitted Articles or Downloads will not be posted until after March 15th (i.e. until after the Dropbox change has been fully/successfully rolled out and I can see what the effect is), and the files for such submissions will receive top priority.
Thanks for your patience.
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