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Why the GK Attacked Sasserine
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Grandmaster Greytalker

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Thu Sep 07, 2006 5:52 pm  
Why the GK Attacked Sasserine

Okay. I think I have a scoop, however paltry, here. I think I know why the Great Kingdom attacked Sasserine in the background for the Savage Tide adventure path and I think it will be revealed in the Overload for the AP.

Simply put - The GK acted to stop a precursor action by a Demogorgon cult that foreshadows the action of the Demogorgon cult in the STAP. Consider three Dungeon adventures -

The "adult" adventure that introduced Scuttlecove, featuring Demogorgon, which will also appear in the STAP.

The Isle of Dread (which concludes the STAP) adventure, that features Demogorgon.

The lost temple of Demogorgon adventure set in and around Irongate, which features Demogorgon, right next door to the GK. Not yet revealed to connect to the AP.

I believe the last will be revealed to be connected to the AP, likely in an adventure in the AP. The GK/Sasserine connection will be revealed in an Overload.

If I'm right, I should get a cookie. Wink If I'm wrong, won't be the first time. I think I'm right. Cool
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Thu Sep 07, 2006 6:35 pm  

I should add that this works with the Demogorgon references in Ivid the Undying, if memory serves.
Master Greytalker

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Fri Sep 08, 2006 1:13 am  

Yeah - Demogorgon (aka Ahmon Ibhor aka the Sibilant Beast) is a big nasty in the GK - Ur Flan, Death Knights, the Maw of the Abyss (who killed several Imperial Princes at Carnifand before the Knight Protectors took it down/banished it) and all that.

It might be a plausible reason - will have to see how they play it out. I don't see what they didn't just Find/Replace GK with Keoland though (probably because Keoland has less recognition with the general Dungeon reader than the Great Kingdom; oh and because Aerdy is better, obviously - right, Sam? Wink ).
Apprentice Greytalker

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Fri Sep 08, 2006 7:31 am  

The outline of the STAP has Vandeboren turning into a Death Knight ala GK's Death Knights so that all certainly makes an interesting tie-in.

Of course if Sasserine were more directly tied to the GK it would make even more sense....

After all the British had a vested interest in sailing over here to kick our asses in 1776.
Black Hand of Oblivion

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Sat Sep 09, 2006 8:01 pm  

The GK would have little vested interest in Sasserine though.

The GK might have an interest in the undocumented larger WESTERN portion of Oerik however. As far as vested interest goes, Sasserine cannot remotely compare to the wealth in raw materials and land that North America represents. Sasserine is a mere dot on the map of what GK colonial interests should or would be.

The GK angle is kind of weak, but perhaps the STAP will go across the seas to those lands. I don't know. Still, it seems strange that Demogorgon would be twisting it's twin villainous mustaches so far from the land where it's plans were foiled; if the GK figures into the STAP and Demogorgon's ultimate plans at all.

Last edited by Cebrion on Sat May 10, 2008 6:33 am; edited 1 time in total
Apprentice Greytalker

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Mon Sep 11, 2006 9:25 am  

Cebrion wrote:
The GK might have an interest in the undocumented larger WESTERN portion of Oerik however. As far as vested interest goes, Sasserine cannot remotely compare to the wealth in raw materials and land that North America represents. Sasserine is a mere dot on the map of what GK colonial interests should or would be.

The GK angle is kind of weak, but perhaps the STAP will go across the seas to those lands. I don't know. Still, it seems strange that Demogorgon would be twisting it's twin villainous mustaches so far from the land where it's plans were foiled; if the GK figures into the STAP and Demogorgon's ultimate plans at all.

Yeah I guess my last line was more sarcastic in my head then typed out like that. Happy You hit the nail on the head though, it doesn't make much sense, unless one particular noble in the GK had a vested interest and made some sort of raid for a particular all out naval attack certainly doesn't make sense at all.
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Sun Sep 17, 2006 4:45 pm  

Nice theory GVD. I look forward to seeing how it pans out.
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Sat Sep 23, 2006 3:25 pm  

Sasserine is growing on me so I'm going over the threads on it. The attack by the GK was one of the things that initially turned me off but the more I thought about it there some good ways to explain it. I would still be hesitant to call what happened an all out attack by the Great Kingdom, but more the act of an agent or agents of the GK.

The first thing that sounded good to me was mentioned in the main Sasserine thread by Woesinger I believe. In this case you had privateers and seadogs operating semi-independently raiding Sassarine.

Initially my reaction to Glenn's Demogorgon idea was lukewarm, which is my own failing I admit, that being I prefer low-fantasy reasons for things happening. The might of the GK coming to bear on Sasserine in order to wipe out a Death Knight connected Demogorgon cult seemed a little too dramatic to me but then I thought of it in the context of the Knight Protector's crusade to wipe out the Death Knights and the resources (ships, money, support structure) the Knight Protectors would have had in their heyday. At that point in time the actions of the Knight Protectors would might seemed indistinguishable from the actions of the GK.

Am I totally off the mark due to dating and/or crap reasoning on my part?

Regardless, this is a great idea Glenn, and I hope you get a cookie.
Master Greytalker

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Sat Sep 23, 2006 8:51 pm  

Except the GK would still have to launch multiple attacks over a 450 year period. Cut the times when they are still expanding and when they are faced with rebellion and collapse, and you have maybe a 100 year time period for the GK to find Sasserine, decide it is the source of a Demogorgon cult, something that isn't explicitly stated anywhere in the background, and then launch multiple attacks.
No way.
Master Greytalker

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Sun Sep 24, 2006 4:25 am  

I stand by the privateer get-around plus perhaps one private (and presumably failed) expedition by the Knights Protector to squish some Demogorgon people, though that does seem very extreme unless the threat was enormous or the expedition was fairly small and backed by a particularly fanatical KP (or group thereof).
Master Greytalker

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Sun Sep 24, 2006 6:46 pm  

I concur, not everything has to be a tangled plot.

Especially given the privateet history of the south province - the isolated privateer scenario is the most likely.
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Sun Sep 24, 2006 8:30 pm  

Woesinger wrote:
I stand by the privateer get-around plus perhaps one private (and presumably failed) expedition by the Knights Protector to squish some Demogorgon people, though that does seem very extreme unless the threat was enormous or the expedition was fairly small and backed by a particularly fanatical KP (or group thereof).

I'm reaching but what about intelligence that the Orb of Sol had turned up in Sasserine, paired with subsequent rumors of a cult of Demogorgon in the city? That would account for a bit of fanatacism on the part of the KPs wouldn't it?

I do like the attacks being a mix of privateers and one raid by the KPs though I would say that the latter sacked the city. It sounds more dramatic, plus you know how those Hextorian KPs get carried away.
Master Greytalker

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Mon Sep 25, 2006 8:00 am  

The Orb of Sol would do it alright!

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