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Apprentice Greytalker

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Wed Oct 18, 2006 5:50 am  

I've read the history on Womtham that I scouted on this site. Is that THE definitive history of that town? Because in building the module I am, I've made a lot that's quite different.
Master Greytalker

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Wed Oct 18, 2006 7:48 am  
Re: Womtham

TyphoonChicken wrote:
I've read the history on Womtham that I scouted on this site. Is that THE definitive history of that town? Because in building the module I am, I've made a lot that's quite different.

Could you provide a link? The search tool can't find the article you refer to.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Wed Oct 18, 2006 8:09 am  

Actually, the definitive history of Womtham is whatever you decide to make it. The real strength of the Greyhawk setting, and D&D in general, is that it is purposely designed to allow flexibility and creativity by the DM.

I personally do not like the whole Out of the Ashes direction Wizard had taken it. So I modify as I see fit.

By the way, cool choice Womtham. That is where my current Greyhawk campaign is centered. I drew maps years ago detailing the city, but it became so large is scope that I set it down and have yet to pick it up again and finish it.

I think Womtham is a good choice because...

1. It is the only significant city that far north in the country of Nyrond.

2. Great merchant/shipping port on the Duntide. You have the Flinty Hills to your north and vast farmlands to your east and a whole lot of other geographic features as well as boardering countries.

3. There is a great deal of money and goods that can ship through here.

4. It is an extremely strategic military post. In so many ways it gurds the northern border of Nyrond as well as keeping the waters clear for commerce, etc.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Wed Oct 18, 2006 8:28 am  

Argermax wrote:
Actually, the definitive history of Womtham is whatever you decide to make it. The real strength of the Greyhawk setting, and D&D in general, is that it is purposely designed to allow flexibility and creativity by the DM.

I personally do not like the whole Out of the Ashes direction Wizard had taken it. So I modify as I see fit.

By the way, cool choice Womtham. That is where my current Greyhawk campaign is centered. I drew maps years ago detailing the city, but it became so large is scope that I set it down and have yet to pick it up again and finish it.

I think Womtham is a good choice because...

1. It is the only significant city that far north in the country of Nyrond.

2. Great merchant/shipping port on the Duntide. You have the Flinty Hills to your north and vast farmlands to your east and a whole lot of other geographic features as well as boardering countries.

3. There is a great deal of money and goods that can ship through here.

4. It is an extremely strategic military post. In so many ways it gurds the northern border of Nyrond as well as keeping the waters clear for commerce, etc.

I chose it because of the proximity to the Bone March and the Northern Province of the Great Kingdom, both areas frought with corruption and evil.

Good storylines IMO have conflict, and without a lot of evil, there wouldn't be a whole lot of conflict, LOL.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Wed Oct 18, 2006 8:29 am  
Re: Womtham

Woesinger wrote:
TyphoonChicken wrote:
I've read the history on Womtham that I scouted on this site. Is that THE definitive history of that town? Because in building the module I am, I've made a lot that's quite different.

Could you provide a link? The search tool can't find the article you refer to.
Journeyman Greytalker

Joined: Mar 04, 2003
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From: Nyrond

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Wed Oct 18, 2006 1:52 pm  

Check out for the Living Greyhawk stuff on the city and its environs.
Master Greytalker

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Thu Oct 19, 2006 1:05 am  
Re: Womtham

TyphoonChicken wrote:
Woesinger wrote:
TyphoonChicken wrote:
I've read the history on Womtham that I scouted on this site. Is that THE definitive history of that town? Because in building the module I am, I've made a lot that's quite different.

Could you provide a link? The search tool can't find the article you refer to.

That looks like a bit of fan elaboration on the write up of Womtham from The Marklands. AFAIK, the Marklands writeup is the only definitive canon on the city. The stuff in that PDF that isn't from Marklands isn't definitive per se - if by definitive, you mean canon. As Argermax says though - the definitive version for you game is what you want it to be.
Master Greytalker

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Thu Oct 19, 2006 1:06 am  
Re: Womtham

TyphoonChicken wrote:
Woesinger wrote:
TyphoonChicken wrote:
I've read the history on Womtham that I scouted on this site. Is that THE definitive history of that town? Because in building the module I am, I've made a lot that's quite different.

Could you provide a link? The search tool can't find the article you refer to.

That looks like a bit of fan elaboration on the write up of Womtham from The Marklands. AFAIK, the Marklands writeup is the only definitive canon on the city. The stuff in that PDF that isn't from Marklands isn't definitive per se - if by definitive, you mean canon. As Argermax says though - the definitive version for you game is what you want it to be.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Thu Oct 19, 2006 5:32 am  

Varthalon wrote:
Check out for the Living Greyhawk stuff on the city and its environs.

Wow, I was waaaaay off on Womtham. I'll have to do some tweaking, thanks! In fact, it might be too big for my purposes.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Thu Oct 19, 2006 6:48 am  

Woo Hoo! Thanks everyone for your help. I think I found the PERFECT location. The town of Arndulanth and its surrounding areas has all the elements I will need. Thanks again, you folks are a great resource!
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Thu Oct 19, 2006 10:32 am  

I forget the issue but there is a full page map of the city of Womtham at the back of one of the early 3X issues of Dungeon. It is not very inspired IMO but it is there.
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