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Legacy of the Black Crusade
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Master Greytalker

Joined: Aug 17, 2004
Posts: 924
From: Computer Desk

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Fri May 09, 2008 11:04 am  
Legacy of the Black Crusade

Nicely done smillan

It is coherent and entertaining; the hinted avarice of the black pearl was a nice touch - still with Zilchus?

One nitpick - first mention - sasserine has galleys; subsequent mentions caravels. Personally I would be consistent and choose galleys; caravels are more of an eastern open ocean vessel.
Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Nov 07, 2004
Posts: 1846
From: Mt. Smolderac

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Sun May 11, 2008 8:32 am  
Re: Legacy of the Black Crusade

Crag wrote:
Nicely done smillan

It is coherent and entertaining; the hinted avarice of the black pearl was a nice touch - still with Zilchus?

Thanks. I would imagine the pearl is kicking around the former GK somewhere, probably having been looted during the civil wars, unless the Zilchans took it with them to Ahlissa where they seem to be pretty secure.

Crag wrote:
One nitpick - first mention - sasserine has galleys; subsequent mentions caravels. Personally I would be consistent and choose galleys; caravels are more of an eastern open ocean vessel.

That was actually on purpose. With Sasserine's trading area I'm assuming they have both types. Galleys for the close harbor action and caravels for the pursuit on the open sea. Galleys would have been better pursuers with light winds but I'm assuming that's not the case.

In my thinking on naval architecture in GH I'm saying that in the east they developed rounder ships like cogs - possibly influenced by barbarian ship design - and in the southwest, sleeker vessels like the the markab and qarib. The former eventually evolved into the carrack while the latter evolved into the caravel. In the Azure Sea you get some mixing of types although I see the caravel still being the primary type in the west.

Thanks again.
Master Greytalker

Joined: Aug 17, 2004
Posts: 924
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Sun May 11, 2008 5:00 pm  

Interesting take; I agree I see galley type being dominate in the Baklunish West and along the southwest coasts. In the Azure Sea you get the mix of types. Personally I see the solnor and far north as too violent to be ideal for galleys.
Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Nov 07, 2004
Posts: 1846
From: Mt. Smolderac

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Sun May 11, 2008 7:42 pm  

Crag wrote:
Personally I see the solnor and far north as too violent to be ideal for galleys.

Agreed. I've seen some people classify Northern European longships as galleys. Yeah, they did both use oar banks and have square sails but architecturally were pretty different.
Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Nov 23, 2004
Posts: 1212

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Mon May 12, 2008 8:50 am  

I enjoyed that a lot. I did not think the GK attack was really one of the weak elements of Sassy. You did an excellant job of proving that true.
Plar of Poofy Pants
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