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Laminating the maps?
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Apprentice Greytalker

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Mon Jun 06, 2011 2:16 am  
Laminating the maps?

Hello all. I have a practical question regarding the maps that you get in the boxed sets like City of Greyhawk and From the Ashes.

I'm currently trying to start a campaign set in the beloved Greyhawk setting and, with all my out of print resources, I'm trying to avoid too much wear and tear on them.

Has anyone gone to the trouble to have the full-colour maps that come with these sets flattened out and laminated? Or even had them copied in full colour, and the copies laminated?

I'm not sure of the wisdom of such a thing, but it'd be awfully nice to have some fully folded-out and protected versions of these maps to use when learning about Greyhawk and planning adventures.

I really cringe every time I fold one out and then fold it back again, and I nervously check the corners for signs of fraying. I know I'm obsessing but then again I don't want to have to buy any of these things again. Just wondering what others have done regarding these maps Happy
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Mon Jun 06, 2011 3:21 am  

I had my first GH Guide and From the Ashes maps laminated. Back when I hung them on the wall for game sessions it was great for tracking a journey using wet erase markers. I've gotten away from all that though and they reside in a tube somewhere. Yes, they will last longer than if folded up, but they lose some of their 'old map' feel if they aren't fraying a bit. (like my City of GH maps)
Apprentice Greytalker

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Mon Jun 06, 2011 5:56 am  
Laminating the maps?

I move around the country quite a bit and, in order to protect them, I have had most of my maps laminated. I have even had some of the multi-part maps put together and laminated whole as well. Yes, you do lose some of that feel (I have kept some in original condition, or bought extras, due to this) but, for me, it seems to have offered the best protection for the majority. my 2 cents.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Mon Jun 06, 2011 6:09 am  

I went to a local craft store and bought some inexpensive poster and picture frames. If you measure them out right, you can get sizes that will still show the hex letters and numbers on the boarders.

This way, I could avoid laminating them but have great visuals and keep them protected at the same time.

I have the two maps from the original Greyhawk box set, a copy of the City of Greyhawk map from one of the Living Greyhawk booklets and a blown up printed map of the Great Kingdom from the "Ivid the Undying" suppliment. I still need to get a few more frames for the Greyhawk maps found in the Dungeon Magazines (#117-120, I think).

Anyway, if you have the wall space, this is an alternative to laminating your maps.


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Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:51 am  

I laminated mine, then hung them on the wall. They roll up real nice if you want to take them to another location for gaming purposes. Or if you're moving, of course! Happy

I use one of those old-time map cases. (Worked for Nicholas Cage too!) Cool
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Master Greytalker

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Mon Jun 06, 2011 10:04 am  

Yup. Years ago, one of my players took a JPG of the Darlene maps to Kinko's and had a large poster map made. I think it cost him around $40, but I could be wrong. It's currently taped to my wall, and I print out detailed overlays showing small settlements, roads, etc. for the areas in which the PCs are traveling. This picture is B&W, but you get the idea:

Apprentice Greytalker

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Mon Jun 06, 2011 1:01 pm  

Wow! I'm blown away, thanks so much everybody! That is all so helpful, and it is good to see how others have handled their maps. I had forgotten about getting the Ivid maps printed, thanks for reminding me of that, so I'll work on this soon.

I like the idea of the poster frames so I'll see what I can find and go from there. Like being able to still get at the maps if I need to, but it's also good to know that laminated ones can be rolled up. Will look for map tubes as well, very cool!

Thanks everyone, and also the Deitybase is just awesome Happy
Apprentice Greytalker

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Mon Jun 06, 2011 1:49 pm  

I wish i had !!!! I had the box set one and some my friends uncle made(maps) and some my free time city and castle maps. Not all GH but they came in handy in a pinch. It all was basically wallpaper.

Most lost over time as my room held many parties and some how beer and smoke hurt paper..... Cry

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Mon Jun 06, 2011 4:30 pm  

Prymus wrote:
some how beer and smoke hurt paper..... Cry

Yep! In my career I've been called upon to paint the homes and apartments of heavy smokers . . . oft times I did nothing more than wash the walls (a necessary step) and the home owner thought I had already painted! Shocked

Smoke builds up on the walls and turns them a brownish color. Destroying maps hanging on the walls would be no problem for your cigarette smoke. Wink

FYI Happy
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Apprentice Greytalker

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Tue Jun 07, 2011 8:51 am  

Mystic-Scholar wrote:
Prymus wrote:
some how beer and smoke hurt paper..... Cry

Yep! In my career I've been called upon to paint the homes and apartments of heavy smokers . . . oft times I did nothing more than wash the walls (a necessary step) and the home owner thought I had already painted! Shocked

Smoke builds up on the walls and turns them a brownish color. Destroying maps hanging on the walls would be no problem for your cigarette smoke. Wink

FYI Happy

I never partook in the legal stuff most my friends did that,it never seem to effect me like the more aromatic stuff ..... Don't even get me started on the game we played on the fungus !!!! Laughing it had to last all of 2 hours then we all peaked ........ Shhhhhh my mom will hear us !!

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Tue Jun 07, 2011 9:46 am  

Prymus wrote:
I . . . partook . . . the more aromatic stuff ..... Don't even get me started on the game we played on the fungus!!!! Laughing

What can I say, Dean? You guys were trying to re-live the '60s back then! Wink Cool Laughing
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Apprentice Greytalker

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Tue Jun 07, 2011 1:17 pm  

Mystic-Scholar wrote:
Prymus wrote:
I . . . partook . . . the more aromatic stuff ..... Don't even get me started on the game we played on the fungus!!!! Laughing

What can I say, Dean? You guys were trying to re-live the '60s back then! Wink Cool Laughing

I miss the 80's some times

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Thu Jun 09, 2011 5:38 am  


Prymus, my friend, we ALL lament our "lost" youth! Shocked

Except for Rasgon and Chaoticprime . . . who are still enjoying theirs! Evil Grin

Laughing Laughing Laughing
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Adept Greytalker

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Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:35 pm  

Back in the day, there was a guy who used to show up at GenCon with a laminating machine. Folks would bring their maps and such to the convention, knowing he'd be there. You'd drop your maps or whatever off at his table, and by the end of the convention your stuff would be laminated.

I did that not only with my Darlene WoG maps (which are currently hanging on my wall, even after all these years), but also with my War in Europe maps (wish I still had THAT game!).

Much later, I took the 4-map set that appeared in Dragon to the local Staples and had them laminate those, too.

On the whole, I'd say it's well worth the investment.
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