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Fighter Kits and Class Alternatives Part 1
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Grandmaster Greytalker

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Sun Sep 18, 2011 3:28 pm  
Fighter Kits and Class Alternatives Part 1

Ok folks its posted. Would love your feedback on the article. Those of you that still use 2E should be able to convert this easily to suit your campaigns.

Until the Starbreak!


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Sun Sep 18, 2011 8:08 pm  

Well written, thoroughly researched, nicely detailed.

I say well done. My characters will no doubt be running into Swashbucklers and Rhennee Darkhagards in the City of Greyhawk and this information is going to be very useful.

Some friends and I will be starting a game in Greyhawk in the next couple of weeks and this information is going to prove very helpful there too.

Looking forward to Fighter Kits and Class Alternatives Part II.

Thanks, Argon. Cool
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Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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From: LG Dyvers

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Sun Sep 18, 2011 8:57 pm  

Argon, that was a great write-up. Nice job. Smile

I have one question:

"When attacking with this weapon, he increases the critical threat range and increases the multiplier for scoring a critical hit."

By how much? Wink

Grandmaster Greytalker

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Sun Sep 18, 2011 9:16 pm  

Sir Xaris,

This depends on what the character's critical threat range is currently with the weapon. So if the weapon is normally a 20, it is now on a 19 or 20, and if it is normally a 19-20 then the range increases to 18-20. In both cases the multiplier remains the same.

On another note before someone else asks. Treat the claymore as a great sword, broad sword as a longsword, and a dirk like a dagger. As far as damage, critical threat range, and multiplier are concerned.

I hope this answers your questions Xaris.



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Mon Sep 19, 2011 5:48 pm  

When I think of 'Myrmidon,' I think ancient Greece, or perhaps Rome. So I find myself wondering where I would place such soldiers, for I think of them as a military unit. For me, an individual Myrmidon would be a 'survivor' of a fallen unit.

Perhaps the Great Kingdom? Or the Pale? Maybe Keoland. I'll have to decide that later. For now, I wish to point out what I think is a contradiction in your description. You wrote:

'The Myrmidon is the ultimate soldier. Soldiering is his life . . . He brings discipline.'

Then you write:

'or characters who don't like to take orders.'

The 'ultimate soldier' takes orders and follows them, because he expects the soldiers under him to do the same thing. Can you, perhaps, explain this discrepancy for me?

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From: LG Dyvers

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Mon Sep 19, 2011 6:44 pm  

Argon wrote:
I hope this answers your questions Xaris.

It does. I didn't know if you intended for the critical threat range to increase by one (as you have now explained) or to double, for example.

Regarding Mystic-Scholar's comment about the Myrmidon: Historically/mythically, the Myrmidons were the personal mercenary unit of soldiers led by Achilles. From the original 2nd edition kit and that ancient reference, I have always seen the Myrmidon as a highly trained, highly disciplined, professional soldier - either as part of an elite unit within the armed forces of a nation or as part of an elite mercenary band.

I played a Fighter that took that kit as a single character back in the days of 2nd ed. She was/is Sir Xaris' oldest child. Highly trained in weapon skills and discipline by her two very Lawful Good parents, she chafed under the strictness of their parenting. At the age of 16, she (having a high intelligence, but low wisdom) felt that she had learned enough to take care of herself and ran away from home. Thus, she is a Neutral Good Myrmidon without a unit to be a part of. Cool Seemed to work for me. Smile

Grandmaster Greytalker

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Mon Sep 19, 2011 10:25 pm  


Thanks for your praise and queries. Ms I believe you misquoted the article a bit. The line read as the following.

He’s often rigid and contemptuous to rugged individualists or characters who don’t like to take orders.

I don't see this as a contradiction. It is stating a typical Myrmidon would be rigid and contemptuous of those characters who are rugged individualists or those who refuse to take orders.

It is not the Myrmidon that refuses to take orders.

I hope this clears up the confusion.


Journeyman Greytalker

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Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:34 pm  

Great article Happy

I am sure to use each in my upcoming campaign. The Rhennee Darkhagards is just what I have been looking for to enhance a plot that I was busy with.

I too await eagerly part II

Yours Graciously
The Dark Herald.

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Tue Sep 20, 2011 7:02 am  

Argon, my "misread," thanks for the clarification. Happy

Sir Xaris, I knew that, but thanks. I was speaking of how I view them as a "type." Greek Hoplites and Roman Legionaries come to mind -- for me. Cool

Well, Argon got his topic going at any rate! Wink Evil Grin

Nice job, Argon. Cool
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Grandmaster Greytalker

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Tue Sep 20, 2011 6:30 pm  

Thanks for the feedback Dark Herald.

MS, even the best of us make mistakes. Just glad I could clarify things for you.



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Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:12 pm  

Argon wrote:
MS, even the best of us make mistakes.


I do too much proof reading for you to catch very many though. Wink

And that's the secret. Evil Grin
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