Tue Apr 10, 2012 3:45 pm
the Hierarchs - Unnameable Hierarch
I looking for information about Unnameable Hierarch - Erac's Cousin.
I saw something on Great Library of Greyhawk, but i wander if i can find something else ?
I would like to propose something lightly different about this Secret Group and who survive to the Blood Moon and why.
Why Erac's have so hatred toward Sheild Lands : The Hierarchs swore upon the ashen altars of Molag's Hall of Dread that they would march into Admundfort and line its walls with the intestines of that nation's earl.
Maybe Erac's was a shieldander or something like that..maybe the cousin of Holmer Family and Erac's was promoted to a higher rank but he was not chosen and after this defeat he looked revenge against the Holmer Family.
it is possible ??