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    Joined: Sep 09, 2009
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    From: SW WA state (Highvale)

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    Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:44 am  


    I have a campaign plot that will involve the priesthood of Wastri, but there is no printed material (that I know of) for this clergy. I have read the various posts, as well as OJ #8 featuring an article on this priesthood, but am asking those of you who respond the following information (your perspective, of course):

    Requirements of the priests.
    Weapons allowed
    Armor (if permitted) allowed
    Raiment worn
    Spheres (both Major and Minor)
    Powers given to Specialty priests
    Turning/Commanding ability, if any (including, if penalized)

    Follow the format given by "From the Ashes" if you could.

    thank you!


    Last edited by Lanthorn on Sun Apr 15, 2012 12:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Master Greytalker

    Joined: May 12, 2005
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    Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:28 am  

    Here's what I went with for the Deitybase™:
    Wastri's Clerics

    Sex M (most), F; AB Standard; AL LN, LE; AEx –5%; WPN Standard; AR Standard; RA Dun, gray, and/or yellow robe, bare head; PW 1) speak with amphibians at will, 5) jump; TU Turn, Command.

    Wastri's priests are violently intolerant of demi-humans and will attempt to slay them on sight if possible. (They will cower and fawn if significantly outnumbered.) Any of their spells that affect plants or animals (speak with animals, speak with plants, spike growth, sticks to snakes) are restricted to use on amphibians and other swamp life. Clerics of Wastri also have access to the 2nd-level spell charm amphibian, which functions as the 2nd-level druidic spell charm person or mammal with respect to amphibians.

    Under usual circumstances, Wastri is accompanied by his "Immaculate Image" (a dual-classed monk/cleric of level 12+), three "Greater Servants" (clerics of level 9+), and a pair of huge toads. At the Sacred Polystery, the Hopping Prophet has scores of "Hopefuls"—those attempting to become his clerics. There are also dozens of "Lesser Servants"—clerics of levels 1–4. Hopefuls are dun-clad. Lesser Servants are robed in gray. Greater Servants wear gray and yellow. All help to breed and maintain superior toads. It is rumored that some of these monsters appear remarkably human, just as some of Wastri's followers appear toad-like.

    For 2E spheres, I used Animal, Combat, Elemental Earth (minor), Elemental Water (minor), Guardian (minor), Healing, Necromantic (minor), Plant, Protection (minor), Weather.

    Joined: Sep 09, 2009
    Posts: 2470
    From: SW WA state (Highvale)

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    Sun Apr 15, 2012 12:01 pm  

    Thank you, DMPrata! I appreciate the thorough response.

    Anyone else...?

    Apprentice Greytalker

    Joined: Mar 23, 2012
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    Sun Apr 15, 2012 3:40 pm  

    I think DM Prata hit it on the head. The only things that I might add are to include glaives and guisarmes into the list of weapons allowed, add a Constitution score requirement of 13, and give them full access to the Elemental (Water) sphere. Dragon #71 has an article on Wastri (as well as Erythnul, Incabulos, Nerull, and Ralishaz) written by the man himself! Hope this helps Happy
    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:16 pm  

    I came across this profile on Wastri and his clergy a little while ago when Braggi forwarded some old Greyhawk links. I can't find the original link but I did save this copy.

    Hope this helps,

    WASTRI (The Hopping Prophet, Hammer of Demi-humans)

    Demi-Power of the Prime Material Plane
    Portfolio: Bigotry, Self-Deception, Amphibians
    Aliases: Wug'gi (bullywugs), Krabek (grung), Suujok (grippli)
    Domain Name: Prime Material/The Sacred Polystery
    Superior: None
    Allies: None
    Foes: Zagyg, Trithereon, Corellon Larethian, Moradin Soulforge, Garl Glittergold, Yondalla the Provider, Beltar, Lolth
    Symbol: Grey Toad
    Worshipers Align: LN, N, LE, NE, CE

    Wastri (WAS-tree) is a minor deity of unknown origin and among humans is worshipped by slavers, certain monastic orders, and those who have a hatred of Demi-humans. It is he who preaches the ultimate superiority of mankind, at the expense of humanoids and Demi-humans. In religious depictions, Wastri is typically portrayed in a manner similar to his avatar form (see below).
    Although the origin of Wastri is shrouded in mystery and rumor, some things have come to light within the past decade. This information is only known to a privileged few, and was revealed by a high ranking member of the Scarlet Brotherhood. It seems Wastri once belonged to the now infamous and secretive organization sometime in the early 6th century C.Y. Although not overly bright, Wastri lacked little in ambition and discipline, and progressed through the ranks of the monastic order to assume some noteworthy status, but certainly nothing extraordinary. This changed as of Fireseek 546 C.Y., however, when Wastri returned from an expedition into the Vast Swamp after several years absence. Standing at the gates of Kro Terlep, he stood at the head of a large contingent of bullywugs, grung, and other batrachian creatures, in addition to some humans.
    Reading edicts from a thick tome of malign nature, the physically mutated Wastri preached his now familiar dogma to the Brotherhood and finished by proclaiming himself the savior and guide of the not only the Suel, but of the whole human race. He then called upon the Father of Obedience to step down as head of the Brotherhood and for all human citizens of Kro Terlep to join him or perish. The Father of Obedience realized the threat to the Brotherhood that Wastri presented and he acted quickly. Proclaiming Wastri a traitor and heretic, he sentenced him, and any who would join him, to death. A clash between the Brotherhood and the forces of Wastri ensued, and pitched battle raged in Kro Terlep and the surrounding areas for nearly a month. In the end Wastri was forced off of the Tilvanot Highlands, and he and those followers who still lived descended into the depths of the Vast Swamp to establish the temple complex known as the Sacred Polystery, which was finished a few years later.
    Wastri is in the infancy of his immortal status, having ascended to full Demi-power status sometime in the early 570's C.Y. It is known that Wastri was one of the nine Demi-powers imprisoned beneath the Tower of Magic by another fellow Demi-power, Zagyg the Mad. Based upon what is known of this incident, it is speculated that when he was liberated through means unknown, only then did Wastri emerge as a true Demi-power. Before this, it is assumed that Wastri was only a powerful mortal, or at most a quasi-deity. After his release, Wastri fled back to the Vast Swamp to reorganize his followers and begin to plot revenge on Zagyg. Of course, the fact that the Mad Arch-mage was partially responsible for Wastri's new found power meant little to the Hammer of Demi-humans; someone would pay for his outrageous imprisonment, and over the years the city that Zagyg built, the Free City of Greyhawk, has suffered in his stead.
    Wastri has been active in the few decades since his emergence from the ruins of Castle Greyhawk. He has expanded his "congregation" and is worshipped by the bullywugs as Wug'gi, a bizarre frog god, who encourages the bullywugs destructive behavior. Wastri also serves as the chief deity of the monotheistic grung in the form of Krabek, who is portrayed as a large female grung and Suujok among the grippli, who is a small female frog-like deity. Other deities in the grippli pantheon include an evil snake god (Beltar) and spider goddess (Lolth). It is important to note that these humanoids do not associate Wastri, the human deity, with their own deities. This would not sit well with the grippli and the bullywugs.
    Wastri has no real allies, but in the short span as a Demi-power he has made some powerful enemies. The heads of the Demi-human pantheons all oppose Wastri, though collectively they do not consider him a serious threat to the survival of any of the Demi-human races in the Flanaess. Wastri simply possesses neither the power nor resources to enact his agenda of genocide on a large scale. Among the human powers, Trithereon is the most active in opposing the doings and tenets of the Hopping Prophet and encourages his clergy to actively remove the presence of the clergy of Wastri through either coercion or force. Anyone remotely associated with Zagyg is subject to death, including all the residents of the Free City of Greyhawk. It is unknown whether Zagyg reciprocates this antipathy, but sentiment among religious scholars holds that it is unlikely. Lastly, Wastri has a growing mutual antipathy with Beltar and especially Lolth. Wastri has no love of Demi-humans, including those of the Underdark, and has no respect for Lolth. The differences with Beltar may stem from the Suel pantheons division over Law and Chaos, and relations between the two are also not helped by the fact that both powers take affronts to themselves and their followers very personally.

    Wastri's Avatar (Monk 20, Thief 10)
    Wastri can often be found roaming the Vast Swamp in and around the Sacred Polystery, hunting down any Demi-humans unfortunate enough to cross his path. Wastri's primary avatar form is known as the Hopping Prophet. He appears as a well built, if not oddly proportioned, bald male that has somehow mutated to become both less and more than human. He has a hunched gait, bulging eyes, and splotched skin, in addition to a plethora of warts. Wastri dresses in parti-colored clothing of gray and dull yellow, wearing no armor, relying on his speed and evasive agility instead. He is unmistakable due to his batrachian features and odd gait, a repulsive being with an odd croaking voice to match. Still, he can move quickly enough and hop for considerable distance with ease and accuracy.
    The other avatar form of Wastri is that of a massive gray toad, well over 10' in length. This form has been referred to as the Gray Maw, by a fortunate soul who was lucky enough to escape after seeing it. In either form, Wastri can cast spells from any sphere, though he is highly unlikely to cast any spells while rampaging as the Gray Maw.

    AC: -3; MV: 18 (Hop: 3); Hp: 129; Thac0: 8; #AT: 2; Dmg: 2d6+6 / 2d6+2; MR: 50%; SZ: M (6'); Str 18, Dex 22, Con 19, Int 10, Wis 20, Cha 2 (20 to amphibians); Spells - P: 12/12/11/10/7/5/2; Saves: PPDM-2, RSW-6, PP-5, BW-8, Sp-7

    Special Attacks/Defenses
    Wastri's preferred method of attack is to use Vaktra, his famous glaive-guisarme +4, a weapon that has sent more than its share of Demi-humans to the nether regions. He especially enjoys catching and impaling Demi-humans with its long end spike. Wastri is also quite capable in unarmed combat, being the equivalent of a grand master in martial arts and wrestling.
    In addition to his normal attacks and spells, Wastri can utter a croak that acts as a confusion spell upon all creatures within 40 feet who hear the sound, unless a successful save vs. spell is made. Wastri also can cast a warts enchantment that covers the victim with huge, knobby warts unless a successful save vs. spell is made. The warts make it difficult to grasp any weapon or other object (50% chance per round to drop the weapon or object) and the victims Charisma drops to 3. The affected individual must also save vs. paralysis (mind affecting bonuses apply) or fall into a dejected state of hopelessness for 2-12 rounds. Finally, Wastri can cast a dampness spell over an area of one square mile, lasting for duration of 5-60 rounds. The dweomer reduces the effective range of archery, limits visibility to 60 yards, extinguishes normal fires, and reduces the effect of magical fires by 50%. Each of these spell-like powers can be used once per day.
    Wastri can speak with any amphibian, and command them as he wishes. He is able to summon any or all of the following creatures, one per turn (1x/week). The creatures appear one round after being summoned;
    - 10-40 bullywugs
    - 2-20 giant toads
    - 2-8 poisonous toads
    - 1-4 ice toads
    These creatures are always the largest of their kind (maximum hp) and are fearsome in combat (+1 to hit and to damage rolls).
    Under usual conditions, Wastri is accompanied by the Immaculate Image, three Greater Servants (Abbots, Fathers, or Masters), a pair of Champions and a pair of huge toads.

    Other Manifestations
    Wastri, like most deities in the Flanaess, keeps his direct interactions with mortals limited, and therefore his avatar is not found outside the Vast Swamp (indeed, it is unknown whether Wastri has ventured in avatar form outside of the Vast Swamp since his liberation in 570 C.Y.). Therefore, his priests and others are more likely to encounter his manifestations, which most often are a chorus of croaking frogs, which indicates displeasure or failure, or sometimes a small gray toad, which may lead the priest somewhere or simply vanish. The most common manifestation, though, is a glowing red glaive-guisarme in the likeness of Vaktra, which may point a certain direction and then disappear, leading the priest on. Rarely, the manifestation may move towards the weapon of the priest and merge with it; the weapon then either shatters (indicating displeasure, obviously), or begins to glow with a red enchantment, which then fades in a few rounds. Such a weapon will then be permanently under the effect of an enchanted glaive spell, as if cast by the wielder.

    The Church

    Clergy: Cleric (10%), Crusader (45%) and Specialty Priests (45%)
    Alignment: LN, LE
    Turn Undead: C: Yes (if Neutral), CR: No, SP: No
    Command Undead: C: Yes (if Evil), CR: No, SP: -4

    All clergy of Wastri receive the Religion proficiency for free. All clergy of Wastri can speak a secret language known as Wastongue, which is only understandable by other members of Wastri's priesthood.
    All clergy are familiar with the use and creation of poisons; all crusaders and some higher level clergy members know how to make a special poison only used by members of the faith and their servants. This poison is known as shukta, made from poisonous frog and grung skins, boiled at a low temperature with oils and pitch from trees endogenous to the southern swamps of Oerik. The end result is a clear sap that acts as a contact poison (onset 1 minute; damage is 2-8/2-16). Each application is good for a 6 hour period, or 6 strikes with the weapon, whichever comes first. Although most priests do not use it, some clerics have no compunctions about using it, and one will most definitely find it in the possession of a crusader of Wastri.
    Wastri is not well known throughout the Flanaess, and worship of Wastri is not common. It is mostly concentrated in and around the Vast Swamp, though it has supposedly spread to the Hool Marshes and possibly elsewhere, though this would most likely be in the southern regions of the Flanaess. Most places of worship are dim, dark and chilly, akin to monasteries with large developed underground complexes. Considering the history of Wastri, most of his worshipers are Suel or at least partly so, though all humans are welcome into his faith. Clergy members are known as Wastriggi, though they are also known by less affectionate names by those who do not venerate Wastri. In northern areas, Wastriggi have not exactly endeared themselves to the common populace, but they aren't considered a threat either (something more akin to misguided cultists or fringe lunatics). There have been isolated instances where more militant Wastriggi have traveled north in campaigns of terror, but these are few and far between. On the other hand, some clergy have given a good name to themselves by acting as self appointed protectors of the human race, and striking out on forays against the likes of Drow.
    In the southern regions of the Flanaess, especially bordering the Azure Sea, the story is completely different. Here the presence of the Wastrian faith is more prevalent, and the clergy are better able to pursue their doctrines. The threat the Wastriggi represent is well appreciated, especially by the Demi-humans of the area, who view the Wastriggi as they do the Scarlet Brotherhood, just not as powerful, but far worse.
    A special note should be made of the relationship between the Scarlet Brotherhood and Wastriggi. Although these two factions appear similar in nature, they are deadly enemies. Neither side has forgotten what transpired less than 50 years ago. Also, their geographical proximity doesn't help matters. One will find that Brotherhood members are loathe to enter the Vast Swamp unless in large numbers, and for good reason.
    Specialty priests and the crusaders hold all the positions of power within the church hierarchy, and are generally considered separate branches, though relations between the two are very good, and they support each other well. Clerics of Wastri are left out in the cold in this regard, so many of them are found in the more northern reaches of Wastrian worship, where they can make more of a name for themselves as adventurers.
    Women are welcome in the Wastrian faith, but generally not as common as males; though there is the occasional cleric and specialty priest, most women are crusaders, who usually have had a bad experience with Demi-humans in their past.
    Specialty priests are clad in gray, though some have yellow stoles that denote their rank, which is (in ascending order): Hopeful (dun clad), Least Servant, Acolyte, Adept, Curate, Lesser Servant, Priest, Abbot, Father, Master (leader of a temple), and the Immaculate Image (single highest level specialty priest of Wastri). Crusaders wear yellow cloaks inscribed with runes that denote their rank, which is (in ascending order): Hunter, Slayer, High Slayer, Great Scourge, Champion, Grand Warlord, and the High Holy Master of Extinction (single highest level crusader of Wastri). Clerics are generally referred to as Brother or Sister, preceded by the title "Older" or "Younger", depending upon who is addressing them.

    Dogma: Wastri is perfection. Strive to be like Wastri. Obey your superiors without question. They are closer to perfection than you, and have the wisdom and experience you lack. Instill discipline in yourself even as others instill it in you, for only with great discipline may you achieve perfection. Respect all amphibians, for they are your brethren among animals, and hold the secrets to perfection. Learn from the toad and the frog, and emulate them; doing so you shall progress in your own self evolution to the state of perfection you seek.
    Humanoids are stupid, undisciplined, and inferior. They are only fit to serve humanity, but must be shown with force who their masters are, for the iron fist and the whip is all they understand. Demi-humans are cunning and evil. They are jealous of humanity's destiny to rule all it purveys, and will do all in their power to thwart you and Wastri. All Demi-humans are to be slain on sight, and the extermination of Demi-humankind is to be pursued until not one lives.
    The premise of Wastri is simple, if not bizarre; Humans are superior to all other sentient races. Humanoids are only fit to serve the needs of humans, and Demi-humans are only fit to be slain - especially dwarves, gnomes, and halflings. Amphibians, being superior to all other animals, are sacred to the faith, and are to be held in esteem.

    Day-to-Day Activities: Wastriggi spend much of their time in reflective thought and concentration, in an effort to achieve perfection through discipline. All help to breed and maintain superior toads; it is rumored that some of these monsters appear remarkably human, just as some of Wastri's followers appear toad-like. Crusaders spend more time honing their martial abilities and combat tactics. They are often absent from their temples for weeks at a time, out hunting their species enemy, enemies of the faith, or monsters that might threaten the temple. Clerics journey far and wide to recruit followers and acquire wealth, items, and knowledge useable by the faith as a whole.

    Holy Days/Important Ceremonies: Wastriggi have a few important holidays and festivals which they celebrate. Ceremonies honoring Wastri involve sacrifices, strange musical instruments and croaking chants. The first is the Festival of the Blood Moon, which occurs on the 11th of Coldeven. Known by the faith as Velvengluud, this holiday is one in which all clergy are to set out on a great hunt, capturing Demi-humans and other enemies of the faith, and sacrificing them to Wastri. Of note, lately the Wastriggi in the southern Vast Swamp have been getting into violent clashes with agents and forces of the Scarlet Brotherhood, and not a few have ended up on the altar the past few years.
    The 15th of Goodmonth is known to Wastriggi as Wuhdlok, or the Great Imprisonment. This marks the day in 563 C.Y. when Zagyg the Mad Arch-mage, imprisoned Wastri in the Tower of Power, through "trickery, deceit, and conspiracy from the powers of the universe itself", or so Wastriggi are taught. This begins a mourning period of 7 days, one for each year of imprisonment, in which all Wastriggi assume a state similar to hibernation. This is a greatly held secret, as many temples and strongholds are highly vulnerable during this time (though not defenseless!).
    The 10th of Harvester is known to Wastriggi as Mahdmagleeh, or the Day of Liberation, marking the day in 570 C.Y. when Wastri was liberated from the Tower of Power, through means unknown. This is a day of great rejoicing, feasting and rest. During the evening, great choruses of frog-like chants can be heard for miles as all clergy gather to "sing" praise to Wastri.

    Major Centers of Worship: Certainly the largest and most powerful temple is the complex known as the Sacred Polystery, the domain of Wastri himself, and lies deep within the Vast Swamp. Not a single living thing approaches within 10 miles of the temple without Wastri knowing about it. There are other major temples rumored to exist in the Hool Marshes and Hepmonaland, as well as ruined temple complexes in the Gnatmarsh and even as far north as the Cold Marshes.

    Affiliated Orders: Due to the bizarre nature of Wastri, there are no knightly or military orders which are sponsored by, or that venerate, Wastri outside of those who are his clergy. There are the rare members of other classes who serve Wastri, or who adventure with clerics of Wastri, though. These are generally known and referred to by the title "Cousin" by the Wastriggi.

    Priestly Vestments: Priests and crusaders of Wastri are generally bald and clean shaven, regardless of sex. Priests generally wear dun or gray loose fitting robes that allow freedom of movement, and sometimes wear sandals, though most often will be seen barefooted. Crusaders are often found in armor, and wear the yellow cloaks that denote their rank. Higher level priests wear gray and yellow robes, and also wear yellow stoles during religious ceremonies and holidays. Clerics are generally found far from the major religious centers and therefore dress appropriately for the society that they happen to be in. They may dress in garments of gray and yellow during holidays, but otherwise look no different from those around them.

    Adventuring Garb: The various clergy are restricted, in terms of the armor they can wear. However, crusaders and clerics try to get the best armor available to them. Crusaders always wear yellow cloaks, but clerics may generally wear whatever they desire; they usually have some yellow or gray somewhere though, but otherwise are not noticeably different from clerics of any other faith.

    Crusaders (Hunters/Slayers)

    Requirements: As Crusader
    Prime Requisite: As Crusader
    Alignment: LE
    Weapons: Any
    Armor: Any
    Major Spheres: All, Combat, Guardian, Healing, Law & Wards
    Minor Sphere: Protection & Necromantic
    Magical Items: As Crusader
    Required Proficiencies: None
    Bonus Proficiencies: Tracking

    Hunter/Slayers are Crusaders with the following additions:
    • At 1st level, Hunter/Slayers can communicate with all amphibians.
    • At 1st level, the crusaders are known as Hunters. Before progressing to 2nd level, a Hunter must choose a Demi-human race as his or her species enemy. This is the same in all respects as a ranger's species enemy. The Hunter is now known as an Elfhunter, Dwarfhunter, etc., depending on his species enemy. The Hunter may not progress to 3rd level without killing a member of his or her species enemy, upon which he or she gains the title of Slayer, preceded by his species enemy (Elfslayer, etc.).
    • Although Hunter/Slayers can wear any armor and use any weapon, there are definite preferences in both areas. Certainly all crusaders are expected to learn the glaive-guisarme. As far as armor goes, since crusaders are, by and large, found slogging through hot swampy areas on hunts, it would be very rare to see a crusader in anything heavier than chainmail. If they are in heavier armor, they are either defending a temple or en route to attack a fortified enemy stronghold (such as a dwarven fortress).

    Specialty Priest (Batrachs)

    Requirements: Dexterity 15, Constitution 12 & Wisdom 9
    Prime Requisite: Dexterity, Wisdom
    Alignment: LN
    Weapons: All Hammers, Short bow, Whip, Glaive-Guisarme & Blowgun
    Armor: None
    Major Spheres: All, Animal, Charm, Elemental (Earth & Water), Plant & Summoning
    Minor Sphere: Combat, Divination, Healing & Necromantic
    Magical Items: As druid
    Required Proficiencies: Swimming
    Bonus Proficiencies: Survival (Swamp)

    • Batrachs must be human.
    • Batrachs, and all clergy of Wastri, may use a Horn of the Vast Swamp with no adverse effect.
    • Although not allowed to wear armor, Batrachs are similar to monks in their ability to avoid blows through misdirection and positioning. To reflect this, their base AC improves by 1 point at every even level to a maximum base AC of 2 at 14th level. Their progression can also be observed in a strange hunched gait that becomes more pronounced as Batrachs advance in level. Also similar to monks, Batrachs begin play as specialists in either martial arts or wrestling at 1st level, and progress in their chosen skill as a monk; at 5th level, they are considered a master, at 9th level, a high master, and at 13th level a grand master.
    • At 1st level, Batrachs can communicate with all amphibians.
    • Beginning at 2nd level, Batrachs can blend into the background as if wearing a ring of chameleon power, being effectively invisible at 10%/lvl, up to a maximum of 90% at 9th. This power takes a round to use and the priest must be still and silent for this power to be effective.
    • At 3rd level, Batrachs can pass without trace as a druid through swamps and marshes.
    • At 7th level, Batrachs can shape change as a druid into any batrachian creature, including giant or monstrous variants (such as a fire toad), 2x/day.
    • At 10th level, Batrachs can cast confusion (P7) 1x/day.

    Wastrian Spells

    Leap of Faith
    Level: 1
    Sphere: Combat
    Range: Touch
    Components: V, S, M
    Casting Time: 3
    Duration: 1 round/level
    Area of Effect: Creature touched
    Saving Throw: None
    Similar to the 1st level wizard spell jump, this spell empowers the individual touched when the spell is cast to leap twice per round for the duration of the spell. Leaps can be up to 20 feet forward or straight up but not backward. Horizontal leaps have a minimum arc of about 2 feet for every ten feet traveled but can have an arc as high as 45 degrees. Indeed this is often the case as priests of Wastri are taught a fighting style utilizing this spell consisting of a leap-strike-leap away. When utilizing this style, the priest adds +3 to his initiative and attack/damage rolls are at +1. The priest then may leap away from the defender 3 segments after executing his attack.
    The material component for this spell is a frog or toad leg, which is consumed by the priest.

    Level: 2
    Sphere: Protection, Animal
    Range: Touch
    Components: V, S, M
    Casting Time: 6
    Duration: 2 rounds +1 round/level
    Area of Effect: 1 creature
    Saving Throw: None
    A variant of the 2nd level priest spell barkskin, the recipient of this spell develops a rough, knobby covering over his body similar to a toad. This lowers the base AC of the recipient by 2 plus 1 point for every 3 levels of the caster. In addition, the recipient receives a +2 to saves versus attack forms which are physical in nature. This spell does not function with armor or any other form of magical protection.
    The material components of this spell are the caster's holy symbol and a piece of skin from a toad.

    Enchanted Glaive
    Level: 3
    Sphere: Combat
    Range: Touch
    Components: V, S, M
    Casting Time: 1 round
    Duration: 1 round/level
    Area of Effect: Caster's weapon
    Saving Throw: None
    This spell enables the caster to temporarily enchant a normal glaive guisarme (though there are rumors that other non-magical weapons may be enchanted) into the equivalent of a magical weapon with a +1 bonus for every five levels of the caster. The enchantment is obvious, as it causes the blade to glow with a red radiance, shedding light equivalent to a torch. An additional bonus is the fact that due to Wastri's blessing, the enchanted glaive inflicts double damage dice upon all Demi-humans.
    The material component of this spell is a non-magical glaive, the caster's holy symbol, and a vial containing a mixture of toad poison, the blood of a Demi-human and the spit of the priest, which is then applied to the blade.

    Wugla (Summon Holy Servants)
    Level: 3
    Sphere: Summoning
    Range: Special
    Components: V, S, M
    Casting Time: 6
    Duration: 2 rounds/level
    Area of Effect: 15 yard radius
    Saving Throw: None
    By means of this spell the caster conjures 1d6 gray-skinned bullywugs which appear anywhere within the spells area of effect, as desired by the caster. They attack the caster's opponents to the best of their ability until he commands that the attacks cease, the spell duration expires, or the monsters are slain. These creatures do not check morale and vanish when the spell duration expires or when they are slain. If no opponents exist to fight, the summoned creatures can perform other duties if they are able.
    The material components for this spell are the caster's holy symbol and a crushed gemstone worth at least 50gp.

    Cander Wugla (Improved Summoning of Holy Servants)
    Level: 4
    Sphere: Summoning
    Range: Special
    Components: V, S, M
    Casting Time: 7
    Duration: 2 rounds/level
    Area of Effect: 20 yard radius
    Saving Throw: None
    By means of this spell the caster conjures 2d4 gray-skinned bullywugs and 1d3 gray giant poison toads which appear anywhere within the spells area of effect, as desired by the caster. They attack the caster's opponents to the best of their ability until he commands that the attacks cease, the spell duration expires, or the monsters are slain. These creatures do not check morale and vanish when the spell duration expires or when they are slain. If no opponents exist to fight, the summoned creatures can perform other duties if they are able.
    The material components for this spell are the caster's holy symbol and a crushed gemstone worth at least 100gp.

    Munder Wugla (Masterful Summoning of Holy Servants)
    Level: 5
    Sphere: Summoning
    Range: Special
    Components: V, S, M
    Casting Time: 8
    Duration: 2 rounds/level
    Area of Effect: 25 yard radius
    Saving Throw: None
    By means of this spell the caster conjures 2d6 gray-skinned bullywugs and 1d4 gray giant poison toads which appear anywhere within the spells area of effect, as desired by the caster. They attack the caster's opponents to the best of their ability until he commands that the attacks cease, the spell duration expires, or the monsters are slain. These creatures do not check morale and vanish when the spell duration expires or when they are slain. If no opponents exist to fight, the summoned creatures can perform other duties if they are able.
    The material components for this spell are the caster's holy symbol and a crushed gemstone worth at least 100gp.

    Hachi Wugla (Divine Gift of Holy Servants)
    Level: 6
    Sphere: Summoning
    Range: Special
    Components: V, S, M
    Casting Time: 9
    Duration: 2 rounds/level
    Area of Effect: 30 yard radius
    Saving Throw: None
    By means of this spell the caster conjures 2d10 gray-skinned bullywugs and 1d8 gray giant poison toads which appear anywhere within the spells area of effect, as desired by the caster. They attack the caster's opponents to the best of their ability until he commands that the attacks cease, the spell duration expires, or the monsters are slain. These creatures do not check morale and vanish when the spell duration expires or when they are slain. If no opponents exist to fight, the summoned creatures can perform other duties if they are able.
    The material components for this spell are the caster's holy symbol and a crushed gemstone worth at least 500gp.

    Hutu Matha (Hopping Madness)
    Level: 6
    Sphere: Charm
    Range: Touch
    Components: V, S, M
    Casting Time: 9
    Duration: Permanent
    Area of Effect: 1 creature
    Saving Throw: Neg.
    This aptly named and insidious spell is known to few outside of the faith of Wastri, and is useable only by the highest-level priests of that faith. If an individual is touched by this spell and fails his saving throw vs. spells (mind-affecting bonuses apply); he is immediately ensorcelled and charmed. He acts as if he were under a charm person spell (W1) with regard to the caster. As if this were not bad enough, the affected individual also is afflicted with a delusional insanity that he is a toad, a belief which slowly develops over the course of the next six months.
    The material components of this spell are the caster’s holy symbol and a vial containing portions of a potion of delusion, a philter of love, elixir of madness, toad blood and holy water which is broken on the victim after casting.

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    Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:29 pm  

    Thank you, thedanered! That is the OJ 8 article to which I referred. It has some great information and is very thorough. I am interested in gathering as much information as possible on this clergy before I make my "final" decisions about the powers, abilities, and spell use of the Wastrian faith. The OJ article you mentioned was the first resource upon which I stumbled. Much thanks for your addition.

    I welcome anyone else who wishes to add to this collection of knowledge, particularly the items I bolded above.

    thank you all again,


    Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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    From: LG Dyvers

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    Mon Apr 16, 2012 6:58 pm  

    Okay, Lanthorn.

    Here's what I have found on Wastri.

    From the 1983 Glossography for the Guide to the World of Greyhawk, pp. 47-48, compiled by our own Pluffet Smedger, The Elder, we have stats and a description of Wastri him(it)self. These stats are all in AD&D (1e) format. In addition, it gives a slight bit of information on his clerics. I'll type that for you, but I'm not going to type up the entire write-up. Razz

    "Clerics of Wastri above 4th level are able to use a jump spell (cf. magic-user spells) once per day. Use is at a level equal to that of a magic-user of the same level. All these clerics can speak with amphibians as well."

    From the 1992 City of Greyhawk boxed set, we have an encounter card listing the more common GH deities on the front with a more extensive listing on the back side of the card. Wastri doesn't appear on the front (only Iuz, Mayaheine, and Zagyg get that honor), but Wastri, Rudd, and Zuoken are included on the back with a brief bit of information. Wastri's info. includes the following:
    Race: ?
    AoC: Amphibians, Bigotry
    Align: LN(LE)
    WAL: LN, LE
    Sex: Only with frogs, toads, and human sleazeballs... Just kidding!
    Sex: M

    Within the pages of the 2000 Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, p. 187 to be exact, we have a brief post-Greyhawk Wars write-up on Wastri. His basics remain the same as above, but Self-Deception is added to his Areas of Concern. There is also some additional fluff and his actual domains are listed as Animal, Law, and War. His clerics' weapons of choice include the glaive and guisarme.

    Hope that helps. :)


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    Tue Apr 17, 2012 5:25 pm  

    I haven't seen anyone mention the City of Greyhawk Boxed Set adventure: "Bath Time for the Hopping Prophet." It's all about one of Wasti's clerics and his "toadies" -- really -- and is found in the second booklet, "Greyhawk: Gem of the Flanaess."

    Heironymous Spune is a Lawful Evil, 5th level, Human Priest of Wastri --competely stated. He wears chain mail, a Cloak of Protection +2 and carries a Footman's Flail +1. It also gives a list of his spells.

    It gives stats for his Grung "henchmen," which can also be found in the Monstrous Compendium Greyhawk Adventures Appendix. And, of course, the obligatory Giant Frogs. Wink

    To further what has already been touched on; the LGG, p.187, states that Wastri (WAH-stree) is Lawful Neutral with a tendency to Lawful Evil. Wastri carries a Glaive-Guisarme called Skewer of the Impure. He hates elves, dwarves, gnomes and halflings and dislikes all other humanoid races -- so that leaves them out of the potential "clerical pool."

    Wastri teaches that "Humans are superior to all other races," but that "Orcs, goblins and bullywugs are sufficient to serve humans . . ." Other humanoids deserve only death.

    Therefore, I believe that the vast majority of Wastri's clerics are going to be human, with a break down as follows: 80% human male, 15% human female and perhaps 5% from one of the Amphibian races (male/female of Bullywug, Grung, Grippli, et al). The Amphibian cleric might tend more towards shamanism, be no more than 3rd level and subservient to a higher level/ranking human cleric.

    As Sir Xaris mentioned; his domains are Animal, Law and War and his allowed weapons are Glaives and Guisarmes . . . except for the fact that a Canon Source grants one of his clerics a +1 Flail instead. (see above)

    Hope that helps.
    Mystic's web page:
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    Thu Apr 19, 2012 2:52 pm  

    In response to a PM I recieved, I will add this comment, concerning certain points:

    As I pointed out from a 2e source, Wastri's clerics are allowed a Flail. To this I would add the Mace, Morning-star and possibly the "Hammer." I view these weapons as close approximations of the Flail.

    I see Wastri as fitting a few of the "God Types" offered in the 2e "Complete Priest Handbook" -- to one degree or another: Animal (Amphibian types), Race (prefers Humans), Revenge (against Zygyg/Greyhawk), Sites (lives in the Vast Swamp) and War (hates humanoids).

    The LGG -- while not 2e specific -- gives him influence in the spheres of Animal, Law and War. I would enlarge upon these and change one as well. I'd take his Major spheres from the god types: Animal, Race and Site. I'd take his Minor spheres from the god types: Revenge and War.

    I would give his clerics Major access to: All, Animal, Combat and Protection. I'd allow Minor access to: Divination, Healing, Necromantic and Elemental.

    2e's "Complete Priest Handbook's" close approximation to "Law" is the "Justice/Revenge" god type and this is where I get the Divination, Necromantic and Elemental spheres. This would replace the LGG "Law" suggestion in my campaign.

    Hope this helps.
    Mystic's web page:
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    Sun Apr 22, 2012 10:26 am  

    Firstly, I want to thank all of you who responded to this thread to offer your suggestions and perspective on this priesthood. I appreciate your time and consideration.

    I had forgotten, M-S, about the adventure in the Greyhawk boxed set. In glancing at the spells offered to the priest, I have deduced (from this version at least) that Wastri would have at least minor access to the following spheres: Charm, Healing, Protection, (perhaps) Law, Combat, Guardian, Animal, and Elemental (Water). There could, of course, be others not access by that particular cleric...

    I very much am intrigued by the notion that priests of Wastri could be quasi-monk in their abilities (no armor but rely on quick reflexes instead), as that seems 'logical' given that Wastri, and his clergy, have a penchant for trudging through swamps and bogs where cumbersome, and HOT, metal armor might be more of a hindrance than a help. However, on the flipside of the coin, I have a difficult time fathoming a war-like religious sect combatting demi-humans NOT using more protective armors, as well. Maybe it depends on the terrain or type of mission.

    Nevertheless, I wish to thank you all for adding your two copper pieces on this posting.


    Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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    From: LG Dyvers

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    Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:44 am  

    Remember, Lanthorn, that Wastri's main character class is that of Monk and that he was origianlly a member of the Scarlet Brotherhood, before his apotheosis. Therefore, your suggestion that his clerics be monk-like is an appropriate one.

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