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New St. Cuthbert Magic Items
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Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Nov 28, 2011
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Wed Dec 24, 2014 12:34 pm  
New St. Cuthbert Magic Items

A little background here is that I have an older Character that is a 11th level Priest of St. Cuthbert and am considering make a couple of magic items. Looking for opinions to make sure they fit within the ethos or not or should they be modified a bit.

1) Chapeaux of St Cuthbert
acts as Ring of Free Action and can do the following powers once per day
Beguiling, Detect Evil, Shillelagh and ESP.

2) Sword Of St Cuthbert
+1 Sword but in the hands of worshipper of St Cuthbert it does the following
acts as Ring of Free Action, +2 vs Evil opponents, +4 vs those in service to Iuz.

Joined: Sep 09, 2009
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Wed Dec 24, 2014 5:27 pm  

I always enjoy new, homebrewed magic items. The first sounds good to me, but note that priests/clerics of St Cuthbert are not permitted to use edged weapons (only mace, hammer, sling, staff, cudgel), so a sword may not be your best choice for the second item. I suggest you alter it to one of those mentioned...or use the Mace of Disruption instead.

Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Nov 28, 2011
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Wed Dec 24, 2014 5:51 pm  

The sword was meant for a fighter follower of St Cuthbert but a mace would work as well.
Black Hand of Oblivion

Joined: Feb 16, 2003
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Wed Dec 24, 2014 10:22 pm  

One recommendation on the chapeaux. Instead of the one hat, make items for each of the Cuthbertine Orders, not put all of the Order's different special powers into one item. The Chapeaux could have a hat, the Billets a club, and the Stars an amulet, hat pin, or cloak clasp in a starburst shape. I would not give the powers of the Orders to thee items, but other powers that would help the orders in their appointed tasks.

Chapeaux: friends, enthrall, or bless.

Billet: being "anointed" with a billet could result in remove fear, protection from evil, sanctuary (on others), or similarly minor effects. You can also bash the irreverent with it, and why would you not! Razz

Starburst Pin: detect evil, zone of truth.

No effect higher than 2nd level, if you want the items to be something common to members of the Orders. Maybe members have to achieve a certain rank (5th level perhaps) to be given one by their Order. Flesh it out a bit more, and you might want to submit it as an article for the front page! Cool

Yes, you have to write a standard five paragraph essay: Intro, Body 1 (Chapeaux), Body 2 (Billets), Body 3 (Stars), Conclusion! Perfect!!! Laughing
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Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Nov 28, 2011
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Thu Dec 25, 2014 12:09 am  

In the service of St. Cuthbert High Priest Ian McCavish came up with three new Magical devices to further the aims of the church. As there are three orders for the Church each with a different role the items created reflected each order.

Chapeaux Of St Cuthbert
Made of the finest wool this Chapeaux to worn on the top of a steel helm was made to keep the member of the Chapeaux safe on their journey to convert more to the flock.

Acts as a Ring of Free Action also once per day the Priest may cast Beguiling, Friends and Enthrall.

Cudgel of St Cuthbert
Made of fine harden Bronzewood this stout club is +1, however vs worshippers of Iuz it is +2 weapon.

As Billets of St Cuthbert are charged with protecting the members of the church it also has the following powers useable once per day Protection from Evil 10' Radius, Remove Fear and Bless.

Starburst Pin of St Cuthbert
This silver cloak pin is shaped as a starburst and grants the wearer +1 on all saving throws.

Stars of St Cuthbert are charged with making sure the devout stay devout to St Cuthbert as such the clasp grants the following additional powers Detect Evil as Paladin ability and once per day allows for the use of Mind Read (2nd Level TOM spell) and Zone Of Truth (2nd Level TOM spell).
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