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Grandmaster Greytalker
Joined: Nov 07, 2004
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From: Mt. Smolderac
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Wed Jan 21, 2015 8:26 am
Rushmoors Resources
Looks like my campaign may be moving from Salinmoor to the Rushmoors area (Gotta keep it in a swamp, apparently). Any good adventures, themes, or other resources for that area people know of or would suggest. Also, any good swamp-based adventures you can recommend. The campaign is in late 576, but I can adapt stuff from the LG/Postwars period. Thanks!
Master Greytalker
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Wed Jan 21, 2015 10:39 am
I adapted the module King of the Trollhaut Warrens and put it in the Rushmoors.
Apprentice Greytalker
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Wed Jan 21, 2015 10:44 am
Vecna! Vecna! Vecna!
The module N1: Cult of the Reptile God is based nearby in Orlane. I'm sure more scholars will chime in but that's all I can think of at this moment.
Journeyman Greytalker
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Wed Jan 21, 2015 12:05 pm
Re: Rushmoors Resources
smillan_31 wrote: |
Looks like my campaign may be moving from Salinmoor to the Rushmoors area (Gotta keep it in a swamp, apparently). Any good adventures, themes, or other resources for that area people know of or would suggest. Also, any good swamp-based adventures you can recommend. The campaign is in late 576, but I can adapt stuff from the LG/Postwars period. Thanks! |
I2 Tomb of the Lizard King and I8 Ravager of Time are both excellent swamp adventures. I have posted a review of I8 here.
And, of course, Tomb of Horrors D: can be located in a swamp. I believe its default location is the Vast Swamp.
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Wed Jan 21, 2015 1:25 pm
It's not for everybody, but I enjoyed running "Old Man Katan and the Mushroom Band" in Dungeon #41.
Master Greytalker
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Wed Jan 21, 2015 3:58 pm
Man, totally blanked on the N1 thing! Yeah, if you haven't done that one, I'd say go for it. That's a really cool module. And yes, the Vecna tie is hard to ignore.
Grandmaster Greytalker
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Wed Jan 21, 2015 6:48 pm
I was planning on working Vecna in somewhere. And maybe the Malgari. Good suggestions, all. Unfortunately the party just fought a bunch of myconids, so it might be a little too soon for Old Man Katan, but I'll keep it in mind.
Grandmaster Greytalker
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Thu Jan 22, 2015 4:38 pm
Okay, these two I'm really stumped on; I'm looking for locations for sidetreks on the way north and the Crypt of Thestos and Tower of Cjaian are jumping out at me, but I'm not finding anything at all searching online. Anyone know anything about these two sites? I'm assuming they were probably in LG modules.
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Sat Jan 24, 2015 4:17 pm
There's "Song of the Fens" in Dungeon #40, if you're in the mood for singing trolls. I was looking for this the other day because I remembered there being another swamp adventure in a nearby issue that I connected to "Old Man Katan."
"Kingdom in the Swamp" in Dungeon #4, if you have room for an ancient king who once had a pact with Orcus. Maybe he just ruled over the wild lands in the north, where the Kingdom of Iuz is now; I like the idea that the region already had a demonic past. You could even borrow the name "Kingdom of Thrydric" as an archaic, forgotten name for the Kingdom of Iuz, if you liked, though it was actually probably a petty lordship that didn't cover all the lands between the Cold Marshes and Lake Whyestil. Or maybe it did, eventually; Kenither the Gaunt had a demonic ally. In any case, Kenither the Gaunt rules only a single castle in the Rushmoors now, having been cursed by Orcus for reneging on his part of the bargain.
"The Rotting Willow" in Dungeon #5. Describes a small village, some swamp encounters, and three mischievous boggarts.
Grandmaster Greytalker
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Sat Jan 24, 2015 4:37 pm
Thanks, Rasgon!
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Tue Jun 23, 2015 8:25 pm
smillan_31 wrote: |
Okay, these two I'm really stumped on; I'm looking for locations for sidetreks on the way north and the Crypt of Thestos and Tower of Cjaian are jumping out at me, but I'm not finding anything at all searching online. Anyone know anything about these two sites? I'm assuming they were probably in LG modules. |
I was looking through the Necromancer Games module The Vault of Larin Karr and I decided that the Barony of Westgate and its vicinity in Keoland is probably one of the best places to put it. The Tower of Cjaian in neighboring Sayre (on Anna's map) would make a good stand-in for the Tower of Crus in the Necromancer Games module; it's a 50-foot-tall tower formerly inhabited by a vampire and currently inhabited by a wizard, said to predate human settlement in the area.
I'm thinking the module's village of Twain would become Woodsage, Thorfax Mines would become Greyhill or Dourstone, Bostwick would be Millen (and the ruins across the river would be the module's graveyard), and Pembrose would become Montvale (ignoring the river in Pembrose, which is unimportant to the adventure). Lord Kyle's Manor would become the DeMontvale Estate and the Hobgoblin Keep of the module would be Rhiannon Keep. The other Gaskar Hills encounters could be set in the Good Hills, and the Forest of Nin becomes the Dreadwood.
I think the "Crypt of Thestos" might be a decent place to put the Temple of Gray Mountain from module B7 Rahasia, but that's mainly because it's in a forest and "Barony of Raya" sounds a bit like "Rahasia" to me.
Grandmaster Greytalker
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Wed Jun 24, 2015 7:55 am
rasgon wrote: |
smillan_31 wrote: |
Okay, these two I'm really stumped on; I'm looking for locations for sidetreks on the way north and the Crypt of Thestos and Tower of Cjaian are jumping out at me, but I'm not finding anything at all searching online. Anyone know anything about these two sites? I'm assuming they were probably in LG modules. |
I was looking through the Necromancer Games module The Vault of Larin Karr and I decided that the Barony of Westgate and its vicinity in Keoland is probably one of the best places to put it. The Tower of Cjaian in neighboring Sayre (on Anna's map) would make a good stand-in for the Tower of Crus in the Necromancer Games module; it's a 50-foot-tall tower formerly inhabited by a vampire and currently inhabited by a wizard, said to predate human settlement in the area.
I'm thinking the module's village of Twain would become Woodsage, Thorfax Mines would become Greyhill or Dourstone, Bostwick would be Millen (and the ruins across the river would be the module's graveyard), and Pembrose would become Montvale (ignoring the river in Pembrose, which is unimportant to the adventure). Lord Kyle's Manor would become the DeMontvale Estate and the Hobgoblin Keep of the module would be Rhiannon Keep. The other Gaskar Hills encounters could be set in the Good Hills, and the Forest of Nin becomes the Dreadwood.
I think the "Crypt of Thestos" might be a decent place to put the Temple of Gray Mountain from module B7 Rahasia, but that's mainly because it's in a forest and "Barony of Raya" sounds a bit like "Rahasia" to me. |
Once we delved more deeply into character background and motivations they actually ended up not going as far north as I thought they might. Right now they're in Raya, in the village of Blun (Yep, Nulb spelled backwards, using the Nulb map turned a quarter turn clockwise) on the road between Daerwald and Tanglewoods. Currently they're dealing with an infestation of Far Realm critters whose origin is an old Malhel stronghold. If they end up staying in the area your suggestions could be good places to go next, although for once I've got plenty of ideas and options if they choose to move on to somewhere else. I've only glanced through Rahasia, but I'll give it a full read now. Thanks for all this.
Adept Greytalker
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Fri Jun 26, 2015 3:00 pm
Rushmoor Locations
My two coppers:
Check out an article on the Fading Lands in Oerth Journal # 9. The "Maze of Skin" is a freaky mystery that is in the heart of the Rushmoors.
Additionally, one of the early fan made modules that made its way on the interwebs was a series of modules called collectively "The Lost Temple of the Elements". The final adventure was set in the Rushmoors. Here is a link to the archive mirror site that you can find this series.
For my money, N1 is still one of the best modules out there, so definitely give that one a whirl.
Journeyman Greytalker
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Sun Jul 12, 2015 8:03 am
Isn't I7 Baltron's beacon in a swampy area?
Grandmaster Greytalker
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Sun Jul 12, 2015 4:42 pm
vonbek wrote: |
Isn't I7 Baltron's beacon in a swampy area? |
Yep, it's in the heart of the Hool Marshes. Considering they're still in southern Keoland, that's always a possibility for later, although the arc they just finished that was near Daerwald had some elements of I7 in it. Don't want to do too much similar, at least not this soon. Tharizdun and the Far Realm has been a theme that keeps popping up, so Nakimas could fit pretty well.
I'm going to try and keep the next arc a little more mundane since the last arc was stopping a Far Realm incursion by a minor Elder Evil, and the one before that was bringing the town they were in that had been transported to the Plane of Shadows back into the real world.
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Tue May 24, 2016 3:01 pm
I8 Ravager of Time was already mentioned by Luz, but I think it would work really well in the Rushmoors.
Legendary wizard Makhrazt = Vecna
Lords Spiritual = Knights of the Watch
Ulm = Probably a legendary leader of the Knights of the Watch. His relics include a skull and a mummified hand, and while these are standard saintly relics they'd work pretty well for a Vecna cult, and that the idea that a robe of Vecna completes magic begun using books from Vecna's library tracks. He could have been a leader of the Knights of the Watch who was secretly a worshiper of Vecna.
River Clhag = Javan River