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Elemental Evil announced in 5E
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Apprentice Greytalker

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Tue Jan 20, 2015 9:14 am  
Elemental Evil announced in 5E

Well it is in FR...

Guess I will wait and see how tied into the FRs it is and if it isn't full of Drizz't and Elminster then I will convert back to where it belongs.
Journeyman Greytalker

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Thu Jan 29, 2015 7:59 pm  
Re: Elemental Evil announced in 5E

Barantor wrote:
Well it is in FR...

Guess I will wait and see how tied into the FRs it is and if it isn't full of Drizz't and Elminster then I will convert back to where it belongs.

From the Princes of the Apocalypse Synopsis:
"Called by the Elder Elemental Eye to serve, four corrupt prophets have risen from the depths of anonymity to claim mighty weapons with direct links to the power of the elemental princes."

This sounds like it wouldn't be difficult to convert, since elements have been lifted straight from GH. The Elder Elemental Eye for starters, although I suppose it can be argued that he isn't a GH exclusive deity. The likely choice of the four weapons would be the Chalice Everlasting, the Oerthly Plates, the Unquenchable Scepter, and the Tempest Horn - all of which correspond to an elemental prince of evil and harness some of its power.

If the adventure is well written, this could be a fun campaign to convert to GH. I will keep an eye on this one.
Adept Greytalker

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Thu Apr 23, 2015 10:57 pm  

super easy to convert, there is an appendix to convert it to many different published worlds (Dark Sun, Eberron, Greyhawk, etc.).

Some great stuff to yoink into a Greyhawk campaign.
Journeyman Greytalker

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Mon May 04, 2015 6:14 pm  

Saracenus wrote:
super easy to convert, there is an appendix to convert it to many different published worlds (Dark Sun, Eberron, Greyhawk, etc.).

Some great stuff to yoink into a Greyhawk campaign.

I agree. While very different from the original ToEE, it would easily fit as a revamped temple or an entirely new one somewhere else in GH. And those who disliked the original should be able to get a lot of mileage out of this.

I'll be running my players through this very soon, using the same locations as the original ToEE. I will still refer to the original village of Hommlet though - as nicely devloped as Red Larch is, its no Hommlet. But the rest of the module will be plunked in as is. I may still draw on some of the original material, but having already run it three times previously, I'm ready for something new.
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Mon Oct 05, 2015 7:49 pm  
PotA Is Pretty Good

Princes of the Apocalypse (PotA) is pretty dang good as written and done well for the Forgotten Realms. I think that Sasquatch Game Studio nailed the feel of elemental evil. Saracenus is right, in that the adventure provides some notes on adapting PotA to other campaign worlds, Greyhawk among them. I like how the Greyhawk suggestions include getting the church of St. Cuthbert and the Knight of the Hart involved. Those are things a true Greyhawker can appreciate.

The adventure also suggests planting the whole thing right on top of the classic Hommlet, the Kron Hills, etc... That is a fine idea and would certainly work.

However, I'd spread the rise of elemental evil, placing PotA somewhere else as a new threat in a new area of the Flanaess. There are myriad locations in the west like Bissel, Gran March or Perrenland as a few examples. It's beyond my poor power to try to make a comprehensive list.

Regrettably, I'm running PotA in the Realms as written in the Dessarin Valley. Had I more time I would have fleshed out a place in the Western Flanaess, perhaps southeastern Veluna with a tie-in to the Temple of All Consumption.

Would love to hear what you are doing with PotA, in our out of the Flanaess (but preferably in).

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Don (Greyson)
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