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O Blinding Light!
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Joined: Aug 03, 2001
Posts: 3318
From: Michigan

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Fri Dec 24, 2021 6:32 pm  
O Blinding Light!

To the tune of "O Holy Night" (Adolphe Adam, 1847):

O Blinding Light! Blind us to temptation!
Overwhelm our sight for in blindness do we see!
O starborn gods, coalescing Astral forces
The sun and moons bind you to Order's truth!
Once you ruled us as powers and principalities
Till Pholtus returned from the supernal spheres!

O, Sacred Sun! You shine among the heavens!
The light! The Blinding Light! It shines from beyond this plane.
The light! The Blinding Light! O Light! O Blinding Light!

O Blinding Light! Solars, planetars, and devas!
Will guide our souls to the celestial planes.
The One True Way to light and life eternal!
Your strict path allows no deviation!
If our eyes offend, burn them both to ash!
For 'tis better not to see than for us to lose our way!

O Holy Moons! Mistress and Handmaiden!
The Light! The Blinding Light! Will heal your lycanthropic curse!
The light! The Blinding Light! O Light! O Blinding Light!

Beyond the crystal sphere, in the phlogistonic ocean;
In the starry void of the galactic spiral arm!
The Prime Material Plane is all part of his order!
And far beyond, in the concentric planar wheels!
Only the Light which blinds those who do evil;
Will save you from your error and free you from your sins!

O, Blinding Light! Him Who Orders the Winds and the Seasons!
The Light! The Blinding Light! O light of resolution!
The Light! The Blinding Light! O Light! O Blinding Light!
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Feb 13, 2020
Posts: 43
From: Emigre from Mystara

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Sun Dec 26, 2021 1:35 pm  

Love it! Pholtus decreed it shall be!!!

Joined: Aug 03, 2001
Posts: 3318
From: Michigan

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Tue Dec 28, 2021 8:53 am  
Re: O Blinding Light!

rasgon wrote:
O starborn gods, coalescing Astral forces
The sun and moons bind you to Order's truth!
Once you ruled us as powers and principalities
Till Pholtus returned from the supernal spheres!

Indulging in some self-criticism, this Gnostic-inspired part makes the song way too weird, way too quickly. The first verse should be more of a statement of basic principles, not esoteric mysticism.

How about:

O wayward souls, your eyes see only darkness;
but in the light, our eyes see only truth!
The light that overshines the dark chthonic forces;
the light that shines from the supernal spheres!
Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Jul 09, 2003
Posts: 1377
From: Tennessee, between Ft. Campbell & APSU

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Wed Dec 29, 2021 9:42 am  
Re: O Blinding Light!

rasgon wrote:
To the tune of "O Holy Night" (Adolphe Adam, 1847)...

-I always assumed that "Oh Blinding Light" was to the tune of "Amazing Grace"... Wink
Apprentice Greytalker

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Sun Jan 02, 2022 12:17 pm  

Firesign Theatre did a song called 'Oh Blinding Light', which I'm fairly sure is where Gygax got the idea.

I like Rasgon's version much better for Greyhawk's world, of course.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Mon Jan 10, 2022 8:43 pm  

I think this is a great take on the song! Thanks for sharing Rasgon.

Years ago, I came up with my own version of the song - it was set to the Amazing Grace rhythm and represents the Pholtus Church Militant and is rather zealous. At least that is how they are portrayed in my campaign.


O Blinding Light that pierced the night
And saved me from despair
You are my strength, my sacred sight
The end of woes and cares

‘Twas light that taught my eyes to see
And light to my heart spoke
Tis Pholtus who ended misery
And scorched foul Aerdy’s yoke

Next Nyrond brought its pagan wrath
And evil occupation
But Blinding Light, the one true path
Our Emancipation

His light has blessed our land the Pale
Preserved us from all doom
Against our foes we have prevailed
And sent them to their tomb

When we grow cold from evil’s hold
And shiver from its ire
Regard our Lord who has us told
All pagans for the fire!
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