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It's been a long, strange journey.
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Joined: Mar 30, 2007
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From: Medway, MA

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Fri Mar 30, 2007 6:21 am  
It's been a long, strange journey.

Hi, folks!

I've been gaming for a good while now (maybe 15 years or so, with a healthy break in the middle), but one of the few aspects of D&D that I never really touched on in that time has been EGG's personal sandbox, Greyhawk. Ironically, it's the very first "world" I was aware of, even before I got to play the game, from reading Rose Estes' "Circus of Fear" (from the Endless Quest series). However, I got into "real" RPGs right on the cusp of second edition, and when Waldenbooks didn't have the Greyhawk boxed set on the shelf, I grabbed the Forgotten Realms grey box campaign set. (In retrospect, this was one of the best gaming purchases I ever made; it's an amazing product - probably the wrong place to advance that opinion, I know. ;) )

Once I had that, the die was cast, and I ran my games in my own version of Ed Greenwood's brainchild for several years, before girls and music edged out gaming's hold on my time and money. Greyhawk releases were few and far between, and not exactly over-promoted (as I'm sure most of you are painfully aware). Dragonlance was the game world de jeur for a few years, then the Realms got the place in the spotlight, and then TSR went buck wild with new campaign settings every other month for a few years. I sat out for Birthright, S&P/2.5e, and the whole TSR decline (I do remember hearing that the M:TG company had bought TSR, and thinking to myself that D&D would simply be cancelled within a year), and got sucked back into gaming shortly before the release of 3.5. I was pleasantly surprised to see Greyhawk as the "assumed setting," but I was (am) a Realms guy, so I ran a few long campaigns with the new FR campaign set. (And, I gotta tell ya - it's downright weird to see the Realms as the "flagship" world; when I started it wasn't "cool" to play in the Realms. Dragonlance was huge, and Greyhawk people looked at you funny. Now it's all you see.)

Well, I've run 3.0 (with 3.5 houseruled in here and there) for a few years, now, and ran two successful long-running campaigns in the "new" Realms. It wasn't until last year that I picked up a few Dragon and Dungeon back issues and saw the new GH hexmaps, the adventure paths, and the "1e modules revisited" stuff. I was intrigued, to say the least. Still, I had my plate pretty well full at that point, GH would have to wait.

Lately, however, I've been on a serious "old-school" kick. Blame KoDT for that one - at first I had to have HackMaster just for a laugh, then I just had to run it. Next thing you know, I'm working on a well-rounded 1e collection, and getting ready to run both games in the near future. 1e modules = GH - and I've come full circle.

Looking forward to learning all about the world that started it all,

Currently playing (or thinking about playing): HackMaster, AD&D 1e, TMNT & Other Strangeness, Classic Battletech, Warhammer Fantasy Battle
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Fri Mar 30, 2007 7:11 am  

Welcome, dig in, and enjoy. You can find a whole lot on GH at this site, particularly with the Search and Search the Forums functions at the top of this page. 1000s of pages of forum discussions and about 700 forum articles, most of them edition neutral.
Journeyman Greytalker

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Thu Apr 19, 2007 8:31 am  

Welcome to the forums.

Don't worry, most of us acknowledge the volumes of text written on Faerun (they make a great doorstop Wink ), but we generally find the elbow room in Greyhawk to be much more GM-friendly.

There's some disagreement on the exact details, but you'll probably find that GH has less magic, more morally grey areas, and fewer "DMPCs" like Elminster or Blackstaff. There are powerful NPCs, but they generally work in spite of (and not through or with) player characters.

BTW, Castles and Crusades works wonderfully with GH...

Adept Greytalker

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Wed Feb 20, 2008 6:06 pm  

(In retrospect, this was one of the best gaming purchases I ever made; it's an amazing product - probably the wrong place to advance that opinion, I know. ;) )
not nessecarily, I was very fond of the 1e FR boxed set myself. Welcome to Greyhawk DWY :)
Apprentice Greytalker

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Sun Mar 30, 2008 1:14 pm  

Telas wrote:
Welcome to the forums.

Don't worry, most of us acknowledge the volumes of text written on Faerun (they make a great doorstop Wink ), but we generally find the elbow room in Greyhawk to be much more GM-friendly.

There's some disagreement on the exact details, but you'll probably find that GH has less magic, more morally grey areas, and fewer "DMPCs" like Elminster or Blackstaff. There are powerful NPCs, but they generally work in spite of (and not through or with) player characters.

BTW, Castles and Crusades works wonderfully with GH...


You'd almost think C&C was made for something Greyhawk like... Wink

Julian<div><br /></div><div><br /></div>
Journeyman Greytalker

Joined: Sep 20, 2005
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Wed Apr 02, 2008 1:31 pm  

Welcome to the Greyhawk fold. A word of advise - do not track down any more of the Rose Estes novels.
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: May 27, 2003
Posts: 28
From: Spindrift Isles, Scotland

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Fri Apr 18, 2008 7:36 am  

For the sake of ease, I'll jump right in here! Smile

It must be almost 20 years since I last played AD&D, or RP of any sort for that matter. I started way back in 1979, and played 1e. for some years after - plus Basic/Expert, Runequest, Boot Hill, Laserburn, T&T, and a whole host of others. But AD&D was my passion, and Greyhawk became our campaign setting with the release of the 1980 WoG Guide ~ happy days. I still have all my vast collection of D&D paraphernalia, and anything I didn't have I've since bought on eBay!

Despite not gaming in all that time - work, family, and other matters all took precedence - I've never lost that love of the game, and I still read through my books and still catch up with events via the net. I joined this place a year or two back*, can't remember exactly (though I guess it'll show when I post this =P), but only came back earlier this week. I've downloaded a whole host of stuff already, and I'll be jumping in and out of the Fora as time allows.

Pleasure to be here!

<*loopy: Wow ~ almost 5 years ago! Time flies by when you're having fun...>
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