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    Zahindian Timeline
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    Grandmaster Greytalker

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    Wed May 23, 2007 11:04 am  
    Zahindian Timeline

    Rough draft. Most taken from the Greychrondex and OJ1, but also other sources and much assumed. Mostly about the areas surrounding Zahindia, so far setting context for further development. "10,000 years will give you such a crick in the neck."

    The Modern Period (-422 to 591)

    c. 580 CY Greyhawk Wars

    c. 570 CY Shaka of the Vanian Confederation becomes the Shakani Empire by conquering Nipo and the jungles north to Ranka Lost.

    c. 560 CY Hitaxia, having mostly dominated trade in the southern Gargian Bay, begins raiding Wuga Jungle to the West to enslave the fiery but convivial tribesmen for sale in Zahindia and elsewhere.

    489 CY The Master of Hule conquers the Desert Nomads of Mulwar. Monks of the Black Mountains and monsters of the West are gated into Tilvanot Plateau. Scarlet Brotherhood begins to take interest in the far south in hopes of uniting with pure Suel of Kurhmur.

    c 400 CY Dervishes of the faith of Daoud, now Da’oobi, reach as far south as the Princely States of Zahindia following invasion of the Brazen Horde and the theft of the Lantern by Iggwilv.

    c 300 CY The Brazen Horde, incited by Zeif to move from their distant homes in the west beyond Mur, sweep through the Paynims, Tusmit and ultimately into Ket.

    c. 240 Fall of the Ranka Empire, Rana Mor abandoned. Cultured Rankanese devolve into the tribal Bantanese.

    90 CY Seer King of the Ranka Empire dies, followed by evil King Priest

    c. 75 CY Hitaxia forms into great kingdom and sacking southernmost cities of Vanian Confederation.

    c –110 CY Fundamental Thought and Sincere Assertion, mist dragons, arrive at the seven islands later known as the Mist Kingdom, fleeing the Hydranian Isles. Torhoon-Kersi nobility drive north into Urlaash.

    -170 CY Elatalhuilhle falls mysteriously. The Kingdom of Toli reaches its heights, controlling the Jerlea Bay, forts along the Amedio and having trading interests throughout the Densac Gulf.

    -240 CY Fragmentation of the Kingdom of Kunda in Hepmonaland.

    c -300 CY Collapse of Vanian Empire into Vanian Confederation.

    c -350 CY Angket Re founds the Ranka Empire and gives the Heart-Stone of Ranka to the Well of Padma.

    c -400 CY Gargus Rex conquers the Hitaxia and Hydranian Isles and founds the Vanian Empire

    -422 CY Invoked Devastation and Rain of Colorless Fire. Suel in Changar retain authoiry but forced to share power.

    The Wilting Period (c. -1700 to -422)

    -425 CY Founding of the Scarlet Brotherhood (5091 SD)
    (Kevali Mauk presents his vision of the Brotherhood of the Scarlet Sign to the Suloise Council of Nobles)

    After almost 500 years of prospering, the Olman Amedio city-states went to war. Tamoachan was [partially] destroyed in the magical warfare in one day.

    c-450 CY Suel begin fleeing into Northern Chomur, later to become Kushmur. Thugee cult of Beltari spreads throughout Zahindia.
    Elyas destroyed by the Witch Sisters.

    -485 CY Beginning of Bakunish/Suloise War (5031 SD)
    (Emperor Ad-Zol sends 9000 troops across the mountains to punish the black-haired northerners. Bakluni Padishah Ramif sent similar number to meet these troops. Battle of Fields of Padyr fought to inconclusive end.)

    -490 CY Assassination of Emperor Tloqasikukuatl of Chetanicatla, emperor of the Amedio Olman empire, by priests of Zotzilaha (OL 316)

    -644 CY Oeridians driven into the East.

    c -700 CY Sulm falls, and the arid Brightlands are turned to desert. Kyuss, fleeing Sulm, arrives in Elatalhuihle. Suel send Ogre-Magi slaves from their northern borders to Olman courts as gifts.

    c -725 CY Olman empire reaches its height. The Isle of Dread, and other colonies in the Pearl Sea are settled. Trade between North and South at its greatest.

    c -730 CY Kahoatep, dark wizard of the Kepta nation of the Olman from the city-state of Elatalhuihle under orders of the the great king Teraszel completes a tunnel across the Hellfurnaces connecting the Olman and Suel Empires. Shortly thereafter, the Plague years begin for the Suel leading to a one hundred year decline and rising tensions with the Balkunish Empire.

    -800 CY By this time, all seven of the Olman Amedio city-state colonies had declared themselves independent of the empire in Hepmonaland.

    c -1000 CY Neutral Derro, now called Yakshar, fall under the protection of the Goddess Ulla/Uma and settle in Zahindia. Olman begin migration to the Amedio Jungle. The Suel Mage of Power, Elyas, settles in the Forest of Thakana.

    c –1215 CY Imperial Suloise Congress votes to create Derro

    c -1250 CY Kingdom of Kunda founded and beging wars with the Olman.

    c -1200 CY D’kana disappear from the Amedio Jungle.

    c -1400 CY Sulm at its Height. Bright Desert

    c -1600 CY Rise of the D’Kana in the Amedio Jungle

    c -1700 CY Fall of "troglodyte" empire in the Amedio Jungle

    2nd Suel Period (-2269 to c. -1700)

    c. -2200 Suel Mages discovery the Animal Lines of Polaheca.
    -2269 CY Seul years of Conquest and Prosperity. Slavery becomes common and widespread. Kersi fall under the grip of the Seuloise fist. Suel terroritories in Changar expanded. Suel establish colonies in the Polaheca Graslands and battle the troglodytes of the Amedio Jungle.

    The Blossoming Period (-4500 to -2269)

    c –2350 CY Eight Orbs of Dragonkind completed sometime after this year (c 3166 SD)

    c –2400 CY Emperor Inzhilem II, of the House Neheli-Arztin, (5th mage of Power), orchestrates Suloise Wars with monsters in the southern Crystalmist Mts. (today’s Hellfurnaces)
    According to Olman legend, this is about the time that the Olman gods discovered Oerth and the Olman peoples of Hepmonaland
    Fragmentary records from Tamoachan reveal that a civilization of demon worshipping "troglodytes" ruled the Amedio Jungle.
    -2659 CY First year of Baklunish Hegira system (1 BH).
    c -2900 CY Suhfangi spread north driving Oeridians and Bakluni.

    c. -4000 CY Oeridians migrate into Zahindia in the face of Suhfangi pressure eastward. Osprem/Una becomes the patron goddess of Changar.

    -4414 CY Elonzir-b-nar of House Rhola proclaimed First Emperor of the Seul Empire.

    -4462 CY First year of Olven Calender system (1 OC).

    c -4500 CY Founding of the Celestial Imperium.

    1st Suel Period (-5531 to -4500)

    c -5000 CY Expansion of the totemic littoral Proto-Olman into Zahindia and Hydranian Isles.

    -5424 CY Changar and Southern Imperium ruled as Regency Domain, no ships allowed beyond sight of Suel land.

    -5515 CY First year of Suloise Dating system (1 SD), Great Binders imprison Genii Princes

    -5518 CY Suel fleets fail to conquer AnaKeri

    -5531 CY First Protector of the Suel, Alianor-b-Hurn, desiring control of trade, attacks the Kersi settlements in the south, primarily along the rivers of Changar, and proclaims their lands forfeit to the Seul. Apsara and Changer Suel reach an accord.

    Kersi Period (-6233 to -5531)

    - 5775 CY While most flee east, a branch of Grey Elves departing the Suel, who are now called the Apsara or Blue Elves, settle in the eastern high vales of Zahindia

    - 6233 CY A group of beautiful dark skinned humans called Kersi from over the southern sea from a large island continent they called AnaKeri arrived on the southern portion of the Flanaess [sic, the South] in large wooden platformed outriggers.

    Torhoon Period (c. -9000 to -6233)

    -6416 CY Suel learn culture from the Grey Elves.

    -7487 CY Devastation of the Torhoon Empire (-1971 SD)

    c -9000 CY Torhoon Empire expands into Hydranian Isles and Zahindia becoming lords over the Suhfangi in the South.

    Pre-history Period (prior to c. -9000)

    Tribal elemental spirit worshipping Suhfangi spread throughout southern lands and islands.

    War between the Wind Dukes of Aaqa and the Queen of Chaos. Wind Dukes settle the Danavas, Storm giants, in the seas south of Zahindia.
    Plar of Poofy Pants
    Grandmaster Greytalker

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    Wed May 23, 2007 11:06 am  

    I need to check this with the tSB.
    Plar of Poofy Pants
    Grandmaster Greytalker

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    Wed May 23, 2007 11:07 am  

    I'm used to CY, but I think Zahindians would follow SD.
    Plar of Poofy Pants
    Grandmaster Greytalker

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    Wed May 23, 2007 12:04 pm  


    c -1600 CY Rise of the D’Kana in the Amedio Jungle. Suel distracted hereafter by internal and external wars to the north and west.

    2nd Suel Period (-2269 to c. -1600)

    c -4500 CY Founding of the Celestial Imperium. Suel Imperial interest in Zahindia wanes, as Changar Suel keep trade open and empire is distracted from the east and west.

    c -5100 Suel begin 600 year period of internal conflicts, draining resources north.

    -5518 CY Suel fleets destroyed by the Danavas Storm Gilants fails to conquer Hydranian Isles.

    - 5775 CY Elves of mixed Grey and Drow ancestry, who are now called the Apsara or Blue Elves, settle in the eastern high vales of Zahindia
    Plar of Poofy Pants
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