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    What is this island
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    Grandmaster Greytalker

    Joined: Nov 23, 2004
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    Sat May 26, 2007 7:54 am  
    What is this island

    It appears on most of the maps. Even LGG. AFAIK tSB does not exclused it. The maps for that kind of just miss covering the area.

    Seems kind of big and important. At least as big as the Isle of Dread. On that note. Looking at the Dungeon map of the the Amedio/Isle of Dread, I think it is miss, although it may just be off the map, but the Isle of Slith is definately missing.

    Any info or ideas would be appreciated.

    Plar of Poofy Pants
    Adept Greytalker

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    Sat May 26, 2007 11:59 am  

    I think this may be named in one of Dungeon's Savage Tide adventures--perhaps "The Sea Wyvern's Wake."
    Grandmaster Greytalker

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    Sat May 26, 2007 1:02 pm  

    Thanks for the suggestion, and I will scan the dungeons again, but the dungen map I was referring to was the one in the sea wyverns wake. That big island is just off the map to the east. Scuttle Cove and the Pirate Isles are within the circle just to the west of the big isle.
    Plar of Poofy Pants
    Grandmaster Greytalker

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    Sat May 26, 2007 1:25 pm  

    Chatdemon wrote an article, The Bringer of Doom! Its secrets revealed,, that discuss a history of the pirate isles and the Olman-Touv fight over the largest of these, Sharks Tooth. It looks like a good possiblity. That the Bringer of Doom devistated the island, according to his history would go far to explaining why it has remained insignificant. tSB and Dungeon do not include it in their maps of the pirate isles.
    Plar of Poofy Pants
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    Sat May 26, 2007 2:38 pm  

    When Holian was designing IoD for Dungeon I and I'm sure others lobbied to get that island used for it. I vaguely remember someone doing an area comparison of the 83 map and X2. I'm not sure which was bigger/smaller, but Gary went with a whole new place in the end.
    Grandmaster Greytalker

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    Tue May 29, 2007 8:46 am  

    Do you recall if there was any discussion about that island? Do you have a link? Here is to hoping. Smile
    Plar of Poofy Pants
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    Tue May 29, 2007 10:40 am  

    As far as discussion on the boards, its news to me. Sorry.
    Grandmaster Greytalker

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    Tue May 29, 2007 6:58 pm  


    IMC, I identify the island as Sahu from The Complete Book of Necromancers, also known as the "Isle of the Necromancer Kings," which sums it up pretty well. CBoN is a TSR 2E book and a really first rate one. The author Steve Kurtz took a lot of inspiration from Clark Ashton Smith's short stories, Necromancy in Naat etc., set in Zothique.

    In CBoN, Sahu is presented in a more or less "generic" fashion. However, Sahu belongs unmistakably to the Al-Qadim setting, for which Steve Kurtz also wrote. Parochially, then, one can say Sahu is not generic but part of Al-Qadim and then part of the Forgotten Realms. And there is more than ample support of this. Alternately, and as I like to approach it, CBoN makes the specific generic, even inviting this directly in the text - so there is support for this approach, if that matters.

    To me, it is the quality of CBoN that shines through and makes me want to use this material and Sahu is explicitly ready made for the job.

    Beyond a fondness for Zothique-esque material, GH lacks a true necromancer kingdom. The Ur-Flan were long ago and the other big baddies, while dabbling in necromancy to greater or lesser degrees, all seem to have had other, at least equally important, agendas. Sahu is all about necromacy and nothing but, and while that may strike some as trite, Sahu avoids this characterization, IMO, by drawing from Zothique for inspiration - a unique twist on a familiar theme.

    Whether you might find Sahu appropriate for your purposes (hey, GH stole the Isle of Dread from Mystara afterall), I highly recommend the Complete Book of Necromancers as one of the finest treatments of that subject.

    Oh! And if you are looking for a Greyhawk connection, there is a possible tangental and linguistic one - Tharizdun as Thasmydun (sp) - Thasmydun being a death god of Sahu etc.

    Adept Greytalker

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    Tue May 29, 2007 11:07 pm  

    Grandmaster Greytalker

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    Wed May 30, 2007 7:13 am  

    Thanks, both of you. I will have to look at that.

    I can't tell exactly if Chatdemon was calling that particular island Sharks Tooth, but assuing he was, or giving it that history, the primary attraction is that explains why such a big and centrally located island has had no visible impact in recent history.

    An isle of necromancers might do the same. And quite possibly the two can be related.
    Plar of Poofy Pants
    Grandmaster Greytalker

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    Wed May 30, 2007 11:37 am  

    I just started to scan it, but it looks like it has a lot of promise. Of course the cult of the worms got me thinking about the Age of Worms AP, which I do not own. Scanning the wiki on that, it looks like it probably would not present too much, if an conflict.

    I did see that the a wiki timeline for it says: c -905 CY Kyuss comes to prominence, ruling the jungle city of Kuluth-Mar. With assistance from a spell weaver lich, Kyuss attempts to ascend to godhood. (DNG#130).

    I had Kyuss leaving Sulm in -700 for Elatalhuihle, but those are not necessarily inconsistant and IIRC was a WAG.

    The stuff in Sahu about metal cities calls to mind the Torhoon.

    Search for Kuluth-Mar I could not find much, but from boards it looks like it might have been detailed in the AWAP.

    Does anyone know where Kuluth-Mar is and what happened to Kyuss during and after that -905 attempt?
    Plar of Poofy Pants
    Grandmaster Greytalker

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    Wed May 30, 2007 2:37 pm  

    Found DNG 130 for down load and it explains must, but a lot of it needs to be redone.
    Plar of Poofy Pants
    Master Greytalker

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    Wed May 30, 2007 2:42 pm  

    Great Link Thanael Shocked

    Anymore links avaliable?
    Adept Greytalker

    Joined: Sep 21, 2003
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    Wed May 30, 2007 11:27 pm  

    GVD is right that Sahu is firmly placed in Zakhara, the Al Qadim world, which is (somewhat loosely) set in the Forgotten Realms. The Al Qadim boxed sets Ruined Kingdoms and Cities of Bone have more detail on the Kingdoms of Nog and Kadar and the Old Empires. There's also a very good Dragon article by Wolfgang Baur about a Dark Arabia campaign which ties quite nicely with the above material and Al Qadim in general.

    All this is also discussed in this thread on candlekeep.
    Journeyman Greytalker

    Joined: Mar 04, 2003
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    Tue Jun 05, 2007 4:25 pm  

    Sorry Wolfsire, I've been trying to figure out where this Island is from your image and its just not coming to me... What sea is it in or what cities/nations are the nearest land masses. Is it part of the Lorship or Olman chains or am looking in the wrong part of the world. Could you give a description of where it is (Darline grid coordinates or just "between here and here")
    Grandmaster Greytalker

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    Wed Jun 06, 2007 7:06 am  

    It is not on the Darlene map, just south of it. It is in the Densac Gulf just south of the Olman isles. To the left is the Amedio and to the north the Scarlet Brotherhood. Almost all of the Azure Sea takes up the top half of the map posted. I am pretty sure that this island appears in all the official maps that show this region, ’83 boxed, LGG and, as this clip is from, the Dragon Annual Map. Dungeon’s map of the area for the Savage Tide did not show the island, but it would be just to the left of the area covered; just miles east of Scuttlecove (?)/the Pirate Isles. Interestingly, Slith, also shown on the above described maps, should have been on that Dungeon map, but was not.
    Plar of Poofy Pants
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