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The Wand of Black Ice - a New Magical Item
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Grandmaster Greytalker

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Fri Mar 14, 2008 11:13 am  
The Wand of Black Ice - a New Magical Item

The Wand of Black Ice - a New Magical Item

A very nice piece from grodog.

Dont let the title fool you, this is not only a new magic item, but new spells, in 1E nonetheless, in character intro, and campaign notes.
Plar of Poofy Pants
Adept Greytalker

Joined: May 14, 2002
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From: Renton WA

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Fri Mar 14, 2008 1:58 pm  

I like the wand and the new spells, I also like the format, all in all a very good article.

I would like to see mention of what happens when a person is no longer in a web of weakness though... does the strength return? if so a what rate?... what about if a character can't get out of the web before reaching 0, do they die? simply become paralyzed until they regain at least 1 point of strength (assumming that strength returns at some point)... and finaly what happens when you use it on a monster that is not normaly given a strength rating (which would be most of them)...
Apprentice Greytalker

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Sun Mar 16, 2008 10:41 am  

Oddly enough, I named a magic wand the exact same thing for a NPC in my online (partially-complete) gazette.

Mine is just a nasty variant of a "cone of cold" weapon really... Smile
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Thu Mar 20, 2008 5:40 pm  
Re: The Wand of Black Ice - a New Magical Item

Wolfsire wrote:
A very nice piece from grodog.

Dont let the title fool you, this is not only a new magic item, but new spells, in 1E nonetheless, in character intro, and campaign notes.

Thanks, Wolfsire!

cwslyclgh wrote:
I like the wand and the new spells, I also like the format, all in all a very good article.

And thank you, Wes!

cwslyclgh wrote:
I would like to see mention of what happens when a person is no longer in a web of weakness though... does the strength return? if so a what rate?... what about if a character can't get out of the web before reaching 0, do they die? simply become paralyzed until they regain at least 1 point of strength (assumming that strength returns at some point)...

Strength definitely returns, I'll have to back to my notes to see, but IIRC I based the spell on combining web with ray of enfeeblement; I think the strength drain would last as long as the victim was still within the web of weakness, and then return relatively quickly (I'll define a rate after digging around a bit).

cwslyclgh wrote:
and finaly what happens when you use it on a monster that is not normaly given a strength rating (which would be most of them)...

Wing it! ;) If you're playing 3.x, most monsters should have STR stats; if you're playing 1e, many monster STRs are mentioned in the MM or in passing in the DMG (under the STR score info in the beginning, IIRC). I'll post some relevant numbers after some more digging.
Allan Grohe<br /><br />
Adept Greytalker

Joined: May 14, 2002
Posts: 429
From: Renton WA

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Fri Mar 21, 2008 11:31 am  

Thanks for the response :)

If you're playing 3.x, most monsters should have STR stats
actually my next greyhawk game will likley run with either the 1e rules set (with a few imports from 2e that I realy like, or thought that it did better) or BECM (sans I). Either way this wand could be fun in the hands of a high level bad guy at some point.
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