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Zahindia and environs
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Joined: Feb 26, 2004
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From: Ullinois

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Tue Jun 24, 2008 7:19 pm  
Zahindia and environs

Good work with the maps Wolfsire. I must admit until now I only passingly studied this area, perhaps in anticipation of your published efforts. The area you're working with is such a melting pot of subraces to rival the Flanaess! I am very intrigued by your use of the Torhoon race from an obscure Dungeon module and would like to know more of your theories behind them. Is Kestrel the people mentioned in GHA in the far western Sea of Dust? I'm guessing from the racial chart that Changar was once the Suel Empire's port? Otherwise it made no sense for them to have two nautical deities. Of course at present it looks like Kersi and Torhoon have cut off these ethnic Suel via the Urlaash region. So many questions, I can't wait to see more.
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Wed Jun 25, 2008 7:08 am  
Re: Zahindia and environs

mortellan wrote:
I'm guessing from the racial chart that Changar was once the Suel Empire's port? Otherwise it made no sense for them to have two nautical deities.


mortellan wrote:
Of course at present it looks like Kersi and Torhoon have cut off these ethnic Suel via the Urlaash region.

The days of Suel glory were a long time ago, and Urlaash had to be re-poplulated after the tROCF. (That is a Torhoon word, IIRC it means torture or something like it). The Suel were an empire, so the presence of another race were just people to rule, not a barrier.

mortellan wrote:
So many questions, I can't wait to see more.

Maybe. This was mostly to add to the very short list awaiting publication. I appreciate the interest and comment thougth.

There is so little work in the area done for conflict or jumping board. I think one of the hardest things to get ones mind around is the Imperium's and Zahindian interaction with Xamaclan. Indeed, I took an interest in Zahindia becaue I knew Xamaclan, notwithstanding tSB, could not be understood without knowing Zahindia. It makes one think that the latter might not looks so meso-american. Then again, there are lots of real world wild theories about norse, west african and egyptian pre-columbian contact.

But I like mining for nuggets. The only thing I have in the works right now is in the area though. It is a very bad pun, but "The Fringe of Slith"- salvaging one of the worst modules ever made Lathan's Gold.
Plar of Poofy Pants
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Wed May 25, 2011 12:35 pm  

I'm quite interested in this region. Unfortunately the maps seem to be missing from the article. :(

What else have you done fore the region, Wolfsire? Also, what canonical sources have you used?
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Wed May 25, 2011 12:56 pm  

I have asked to have the map links restored. You can find some forum threads on the subject. There is not muc canon to go by. IIRC, I used Gygax's Sea of Dust, the Dragon Annual Map and a bunch of non-canon stuff.

Plar of Poofy Pants
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Apr 15, 2011
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Wed May 25, 2011 2:50 pm  

Thank you!
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