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    What edition of D&D do you play?

    Which edition of D&D do you play?
    Original D&D
     2%  [ 1 ]
    Basic D&D
     2%  [ 1 ]
    1E AD&D
     14%  [ 6 ]
    2E AD&D
     29%  [ 12 ]
    3E D&D
     51%  [ 21 ]
    Total Votes : 41

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    Journeyman Greytalker

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    Tue May 18, 2004 4:07 pm  
    What edition of D&D do you play?

    It seems like there are still people out there playing older editions of D&D and I was wondering what the percentages are.

    I play 3E and I'm loving it.

    I started on Basic D&D and then moved onto AD&D 1E at the tail-end of its existance before 2E came in in '89.

    And, even though I absolutely love 3E, I have very fond memories of 1E and was actually musing over the concept of returning to the 1E rules to "re-run" all the classic modules.

    Nevertheless, I'm interested to see what Canonfire folk are playing. Happy
    Journeyman Greytalker

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    Tue May 18, 2004 4:16 pm  

    Damn it! I tried to include Hackmaster but it didn't add it to the poll.

    If you play Hackmaster you'll have to just submit a message.

    Journeyman Greytalker

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    Tue May 18, 2004 4:30 pm  

    Curious as to the percentages myself. Started on 2e in early '90 and haven't changed yet.
    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Tue May 18, 2004 4:43 pm  

    I still have my 1E books and many of the modules from first edtion. I presenlty play 3E and I like it. I started playing in 1980 and bought the original D&D with the Chainmail manual as well. Unfortunately I do not have them anymore. I loved D&D from the start and played First Edition until a the earily 90's and then later started 3rd edition. I did not play 2e mainly because I did not like the format. It did not really seem like much of a change from 1E to justify the cost. I had a 7-8 year haitus . I am very much enjoying it again.
    Journeyman Greytalker

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    Tue May 18, 2004 4:44 pm  

    Tedra wrote:
    Curious as to the percentages myself. Started on 2e in early '90 and haven't changed yet.

    Wow! I have utmost respect for you, Tedra. 2E was a great game and I played it from '89 to 2001. Twelve years of great gaming and memories!

    I started 3E in 2001 -- a year after its release -- and I must say, for me, its an amazing improvement on the game. I would never go back to 1E or 2E (except to run a "nostalgic" campaign).

    If I may ask, what are your reasons for not updating, Tedra?
    Journeyman Greytalker

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    Tue May 18, 2004 5:07 pm  

    IvorMac I also have a bit of old 1e stuff still kicking around. I was 'raised' on 2e but my hubby started back know, like '79 or so when he was a wee grade school lad.
    Baggins Thank you! And as for why I haven't updated. Well, truthfully, its simply that I don't feel I have the strength to learn a new set of rules. I've been playing for about 14 years now and and I'm very comfortable with 2e. There's already enough useless information taking up my brain space as it is. And it makes me tired all over when I pick up the 3e books and try to read through them. Laughing Yes, though I haven't updated, I do own a few 3e publications. I'll eventually learn it, and probably try it, but its more a 'wooby' thing with me I suppose. 2e is just comfy for me. And there is also a money issue, since I know myself...when I start with 3e I'll just have to buy everything there is out there. Wink
    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Tue May 18, 2004 5:20 pm  

    None of the above.

    I played 1e in the early and mid 80s, but changed to DragonQuest in '87. I've tried other systems, such as Runequest and GURPS and even played a couple of sessions of 2e. Although it was fun for a few games, it is not something I could play a campaign in. I haven't tried 3e, but I've looked over it and it's just not for me. I prefer systems without classes and levels.
    Journeyman Greytalker

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    Tue May 18, 2004 5:32 pm  

    adhevan wrote:
    I played 1e in the early and mid 80s, but changed to DragonQuest in '87. I've tried other systems, such as Runequest and GURPS and even played a couple of sessions of 2e. Although it was fun for a few games, it is not something I could play a campaign in. I haven't tried 3e, but I've looked over it and it's just not for me. I prefer systems without classes and levels.

    Yes, I love systems without classes and levels too. I used to play GURPs fantasy and it was great. D&D has a soft spot in my heart, however, and I'll always play it. Happy

    What's DragonQuest? Is this still available or is it out of print. Do you use this to play Greyhawk or your own campaign?
    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Tue May 18, 2004 7:12 pm  

    I still play 1e with alot of 2e thrown in (inevitable with so much Greyhawk material published in 2e format). I've been playing 1e since it was released (still have my original books), and it's just too late to change to yet another edition. Old dog and all that.
    Adept Greytalker

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    Wed May 19, 2004 12:57 am  

    If you're interested, we ran a similar poll on the Canonfire main page last summer. Here are the results.

    As for me, I play Basic D&D these days, with the Expert, Companion, etc books and the Cyclopedia.

    I love 2e and Hackmaster as well though, they just get too cumbersome sometimes when I want to run a lighthearted, fast paced campaign.

    I never really got into 1e, honestly, and 3e/3.5e just doesn't seem like the same game to me. I end up tweaking it so much that I might as well stick to the older editions.
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    Journeyman Greytalker

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    Wed May 19, 2004 1:16 am  

    2nd ed for me, heavily flavoured by the simplicity of 1st ed. Been playing since the dawn of time so its what I know and love. The thing that stops me going to 3rd ed is the cost and as Chatdemon said, it doesn't feel like the same game.
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    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Wed May 19, 2004 3:54 am  

    I play primarily 2e, having evolved through becmiD&D and 1e. I have tried 3e, but prefer the pace and feel of 2e, so that's where I'll probably stay. 3e is fun, but to me it is too different from what I've been playing for over 20 years to switch whole-heartedly.
    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Wed May 19, 2004 4:14 am  

    Baggins wrote:
    Yes, I love systems without classes and levels too. I used to play GURPs fantasy and it was great. D&D has a soft spot in my heart, however, and I'll always play it. Happy

    What's DragonQuest? Is this still available or is it out of print. Do you use this to play Greyhawk or your own campaign?

    It is an RPG put out by SPI and has been out of print since 1981 or so. It won the Origins award for Best Roleplaying Rules in 1980. It ran into financial difficulties and was acquired by TSR, who actually released a third edition of it in 1989. The third edition was not very good, though, in my opinion. They also published a Forgotten Realms module, [i]The Shattered Statue[\i], that used both AD&D and DragonQuest rules. You can find the rulebook online here:

    And yes, I am currently running a DragonQuest game set in Greyhawk.
    Adept Greytalker

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    Wed May 19, 2004 8:26 am  

    I play 3.5 mostly at the present, but happily play any edition if given the opportunity.
    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Wed May 19, 2004 11:36 am  

    I play 3.5 mostly.

    My main D&D source these days is Living Greyhawk, which is also run in 3.5.

    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Thu May 20, 2004 5:29 am  

    Playing 3.5 all the way! However, we just finished a campaign playing "Basic" (Rules Cyclopedia) D&D.

    It's all about the players and not the game IMO. However, players seem to prefer 3.5 over most editions for the fact that material is actually being released for it. Alos, 3.5 gives players the unique opportunity to tweek out characters and make them very unique from one another. Players like it, so I run it that way.

    Prince Omote Landwehr, Holy Order of the FPQ ~ Castles and Crusades Society
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    Thu May 20, 2004 7:40 am  
    Another v.3.5 User Here.

    I too, am a D&D v.3.5 user (and advocate). I have played all of the editions. I have fond memories of buying and playing the D&D Basic set (mine was in a red box with red books and dice I had to fill in with white crayon). I eventually went through Expert and Companion before moving onto to AD&D. I moved along to AD&D 2nd Edition when it came out. Then, I took a ten year break when I went active duty. When I got home, v.3.0 had been out for about two years and I adapted it. And, now I play v.3.5, moving along with the evolution of the contemporary game.

    I like to see the game change and evolve. So, I buy and go with the latest edition. And, I figure that my financial support will help keep D&D around.
    Don (Greyson)
    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Thu May 20, 2004 7:49 am  


    I started playng 1e in the mid 80s and then switched to 2e (with a lot of house rules when I started DMing). I moved to 3e when it came out and now I'm waiting for the 3.5 books which wil arrive soon!

    As Greyson and cwslyclgh said, I have fond memories of older edition games and play any edition if given the chance.

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    Master Greytalker

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    Mon May 31, 2004 2:20 am  

    I have one active campaign set in Greyhawk and one in Mystarra. The Mystarra uses the Cyclopedia. The players in that campaign enjoy the "less rules are better" approach and the weapon mastery rules.

    The Greyhawk campaign is grounded in 1st edition, with a few 2nd ed imports like NWP and some spells, some Cyclopedia imports like War Machine Mass Combat and Fighter Combat Options, and a lot of homebrew tweaking like a standardized spell/enchantment cost system and lots of economics rules.

    The Cyclopedia (and its antecedants in Basic, Expert, Companion) I've been playing since grade school ('82). Jon Pitcains (sp?) and Penny Petticord would personally handwrite replies to questions in those days.

    1st ed I've been playing since high school ('87).

    Also in high school I ran a campaign using the Fantasy Wargaming rules of Bruce Galloway. It is a great system, especially for the freedom of the magic rules (no pre-ordained spells, you just describe what you want and roll against a difficulty level) but the combat system is more realistic than fantasy and might be too brutal for Greyhawk play. Although it would be fun to run a gritty Greyhawk Dark Ages campaign with them.

    Haven't made the switch to 3e for the standard reasons (time to learn and money to invest), plus since the two active campaigns I run use other systems, the long developed characters (10th-14th level) might suffer in the conversion.

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    Mon May 31, 2004 9:59 am  

    the long developed characters (10th-14th level) might suffer in the conversion

    From my experience in switching, no previous edition character suffered much. Yes they were greatly changed by the conversion due to prestige classes and feats, but IMO they all became more powerful overall.
    Master Greytalker

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    Tue Jun 01, 2004 6:12 pm  

    From my experience in switching, no previous edition character suffered much. Yes they were greatly changed by the conversion due to prestige classes and feats, but IMO they all became more powerful overall.

    I don't care whether the characters become more powerful or less powerful (the players might care, but I don't). I was talking more about the history of the characters.

    For example, I wouldn't switch from 1E to 2E rules for rangers because one of the main PC's is a ranger. She has spent game time and memorable encounters working on her mage spells. There would be little rationale for the spells to "dissapear". I know this specific example doesn't work for the transition to 3E. But my point is, if the abilities of the characters are supported by lots of background stories, I think changing those abilities violates the background stories and harms the suspension of disbelief.

    I have nothing in principle against switching to 3E for a new campaign, but I would be against converting an existing campaign. At least as far as rules for the main PC's are concerned. I could, for example, see changing rules for how mages work if none of the main PC's are mages.

    That being said, I know VERY little about 3E.
    Journeyman Greytalker

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    Tue Jun 01, 2004 9:01 pm  

    Kirt wrote:

    For example, I wouldn't switch from 1E to 2E rules for rangers because one of the main PC's is a ranger. She has spent game time and memorable encounters working on her mage spells. There would be little rationale for the spells to "dissapear". I know this specific example doesn't work for the transition to 3E. But my point is, if the abilities of the characters are supported by lots of background stories, I think changing those abilities violates the background stories and harms the suspension of disbelief.

    This is very true. One possible way around this -- albeit, a little contrived -- is to create somekind of World-Shaking event. WG8 Fate of Istus tried to do that when 1E went to 2E but that adventure was quite laughable.

    FR had the Time of Troubles which was better but still too contrived. (And later, FR realeased a 2E product called Arcane Age. This product presented the FR setting in an ancient age; but get this: the designers actually provided the 1E rules in this 2E product! Why? Because the campaign was set BEFORE the Time of Troubles; ie. before 2E.)

    I don't think there need to be an *official* campaign explanation when TSR/WotC updates their worlds, though. It's something that should be left to individuals.

    I had a World-Shaking event take place when I went from 2E to 3E. One PC fought a Tharizdun-like god-in-the-flesh from an alien dimension. When the god was defeated, this created a *ripple* in the multiverse which "revised" reality in the past, present and future!
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    Wed Jun 02, 2004 6:17 am  

    1st Edition w/ heavy 2nd Ed influence such as NWPs and THACO.
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    Adept Greytalker

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    Wed Jun 02, 2004 7:35 am  

    1st Edition w/ heavy 2nd Ed influence such as NWPs and THACO.
    just to note that THAC0 is not a 2e term, it was used first in 1e and even BECMI products (mostly adventure modules) to help make the DM's life easier... it is simply an acronym meaning To Hit Armor Class 0 (Zero) and from knowing that you can figure out what the monster needs to hit any other AC with out looking at a chart.
    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Wed Jun 02, 2004 8:00 am  

    I started out with 1E while in college and introduced to my brothers and friends back home. We played it for a number of years but never got into 2E at all. About the time 2E came on the scene we were all going our separate ways, i.e. marriage, kids, further schooling, moving to other states, etc. Over the years we would still occasionally play some great 1E games.

    This past December during the Christmas holidays, for the first time, we got to play a 3.5 version of the game and we long time veterans love it! We are all switching though 1E one-nighters still pop up from time to time. This does not mean we like all the changes they have done, but overall, IMO, they have made D&D richer and deeper.
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    Wed Jun 02, 2004 8:11 am  

    cwslyclgh wrote:
    1st Edition w/ heavy 2nd Ed influence such as NWPs and THACO.
    just to note that THAC0 is not a 2e term, it was used first in 1e and even BECMI products (mostly adventure modules) to help make the DM's life easier... it is simply an acronym meaning To Hit Armor Class 0 (Zero) and from knowing that you can figure out what the monster needs to hit any other AC with out looking at a chart.

    I mean as it pertains to Hit Dice.

    ( I'm sure everyone knows what THACO means, Wes ) Wink
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    Adept Greytalker

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    Wed Jun 02, 2004 9:11 am  

    ( I'm sure everyone knows what THACO means, Wes )

    you would be surprised at how many people do not... especialy people who started playing with 3e...
    CF Admin

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    Wed Jun 02, 2004 10:12 am  

    Yikes! 3rd Ed. doesn't have THACO?
    Kneel before me, or you shall be KNELT!
    Adept Greytalker

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    Wed Jun 02, 2004 10:44 am  

    nope, because in 3e AC goes up from 10 rather then down... so anybody can hit AC 0 on a roll of 2 or better (becasue 1 is an automatic miss for attack rolls).

    in 3e a characters Base Attack Bonus is basicaly 2e THAC0 in reverse ;)
    Journeyman Greytalker

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    Wed Jun 02, 2004 4:27 pm  

    cwslyclgh wrote:
    nope, because in 3e AC goes up from 10 rather then down... so anybody can hit AC 0 on a roll of 2 or better (becasue 1 is an automatic miss for attack rolls).

    in 3e a characters Base Attack Bonus is basicaly 2e THAC0 in reverse ;)

    Yeah, this is one of the best changes to D&D! I've found that working out if you can hit or not is now 10 times faster.

    And in the end, you get used to the idea of AC 30 being a great AC. (This would be AC -10 in 1E and 2E). Wink
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