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    Journeyman Greytalker

    Joined: Nov 14, 2008
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    Tue Jun 16, 2009 1:44 am  

    Hello all.
    I have just started a new adventure in Ratik and I was as usual shocked by the compete "sparseness" of GH lore on this land. I found tidbits of information on Ratik on the old Living Greyhawk regional website (distilled from the adventures, actually since there was almost no general information on the land) plus old dragon magazines, FTA and the original campaign setting.
    What I collected, though, is not much, not even the GHWiki has an entry on this country.
    I am always amazed when I realize a setting with so much information, history and so many legends as greyhawk has such a sparse and difficult documentation.
    This website has been a life saver, really.
    Apprentice Greytalker

    Joined: Jul 23, 2008
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    Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:57 am  
    Re: Ratik

    MToscan wrote:

    This website has been a life saver, really.

    Sorry I can't help you with Ratik. But just wanted to "second" what you said above!
    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Tue Jun 16, 2009 8:07 pm  

    Oddly enough the only thing of interest that I can remember about Ratik is that the capital, Marner, plays host to company known as Blackdog's Frigate Infirmary (Book One p.38 of the War Captain's Companion Boxed Set for the Spelljammer setting) that specializes in repairing ships of all kinds and is subsequently a popular stopping point for spelljamming vessels. It even goes into a little bit about the town's economy.

    Beyond this the only other thing of note is that the current ruler, Lady Evaleigh, was briefly featured in the first of the Gord the Rogue series (Saga of Old City) as Gord's love interest, but that too offers very little in the way of information about Ratik itself.
    Apprentice Greytalker

    Joined: Dec 06, 2003
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    Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:59 pm  

    The good news is that you can make Ratik however you want!

    If you have information on the surrounding lands you can infer a lot of what happens there by looking at what happens there.

    Have fun with it.
    Journeyman Greytalker

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    Wed Jun 17, 2009 11:37 am  

    I was just going to post a few links to a few other discussions on Ratik. May not be much, but I did remember being a part of at least one, and found a few others while I was at it:

    In discussing Fireland, we ended up discussing Ratik a bit. Only info I have is what was in the LGG. Still I liked it. I wanted Anced to run something there. But then again it's been hard of late to actually meet up and see each other. He said he always loved the setting.

    In this one Gargoyle suggests running a collection of generic modules there, and its not a bad idea.

    I was going to give you the Ratik triad site, but then I reread your OP and saw that you actually had their site already. Well for everyone else it's:

    But yeah, for the most part its a blank slate. If you come up with enough truly original stuff you might consider an article for Canonfire or perhaps the Oerth Journal (if you have enough info). Obviosuly make sure its your info, and not reposts of others. I for one would be excited to see what you come up with.
    Journeyman Greytalker

    Joined: Jun 12, 2003
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    Wed Jun 17, 2009 1:13 pm  

    Yeah, Ratik was kinda dead in LG because it was Hawaii's region, and apparently Hawaii didn't have a very large gamer population. Still, that link to Ratik's old LG website contains links to downloadable PDFs of old mods that may be of some help.

    Didn't know about the spelljammer references to that region, that's kinda cool.

    former BK triad
    Journeyman Greytalker

    Joined: Mar 04, 2003
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    Wed Jun 17, 2009 4:07 pm  

    As far as Living Greyhawk, Ratik was also part of the Nyrond metaregion (Metaregions were groups of 5-6 regions that could organize to produce adventures that crossed regional lines or in areas like Ratik that weren't active) There were a couple of metaregional adventures (like NMR7-02) that took place in or around the area.

    Still, I've always liked having a place or two in the game world that weren't developed and I could evolve on my own as I took my players through it. Living Greyhawk scenarios can be difficult to track down and often times aren't very well written (having written a couple myself - Smile ) so they may not suit what you'd like to happen for the area.
    Apprentice Greytalker

    Joined: Feb 15, 2002
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    Thu Jun 18, 2009 12:29 am  

    About all I remember about Ratik is this:

    *It's long been a target of seaborne raiders; if not the Cold Barbs then the Sea Barons. It has been able to form some effective defences, however (likely a strong feudal system of coastal forts and cavalry patrols).

    *It has valuable mines in the Griffs/Rakers range and lumber from the Timberway; apparently, it can feed itself, which is valuable enough compared to the overpopulated areas of the Cold Barbs and Sea Barons.

    *It has fought a long battle with the humanoids in the Griffs/Rakers chain; it's success in this regard is one reason (of several) why the humanoids invaded the North Province of Aerdy back in the day to create the Bone March.

    *It's in the middle of a succession crisis with the unconfirmed death or capture of it's Archduke (title?). Everleigh (Gord's ex-girlfriend) is the widow/chatelaine in the absence.

    *It has no useful alliances available to it. To the west is the Pale (insular are more interested in subverting Nyrond), to the South is the Bone March (um, yeah), the Sea Barons (who COULD be useful, under the right circumstances), and the North is full of Barbarians (Ratik has a treaty with the Frosts, but the Snow and Ice are wild cards). Nyrond is no help, with it's internal problems, but Rel Astra could be useful if gainful contact could be made.

    I gather all this from several sources: Old (pre #100) Dragon magazine articles, the 'Tales of the Old City' novel, LG campaign notes, etc. I'm probably wrong on a couple of points, and I admit that my assessment contains a large dose of analysis. Hopefully, it helps.

    But remember, the minute the player characters make a decision that changes what you want to do as a GM, it's no longer canon. And it shouldn't be. 'Canon' just refers to what existed before the die is rolled anyway; it's your Greyhawk now.

    Gary and Dave would have it no other way.
    Apprentice Greytalker

    Joined: Apr 17, 2009
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    Thu Jun 18, 2009 7:44 am  

    I found this page:

    It looks like a personal campaign resource, and its author freely mixes material from other (A)D&D worlds, but it contains a few notes about Ratik and a couple of decent maps. As long as you aren't looking for strictly canonical material, maybe you could find it useful.
    Grandmaster Greytalker

    Joined: Nov 07, 2004
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    Thu Jun 18, 2009 11:22 am  

    The alliance with the Frost Barbarians is extremely important. This "Northern Alliance" was what gave the previous archbaron, Lexnol the military strength to keep from being overrun by humanoids like the Bone March was in the 560's. It also allowed him to declare independence from the Great Kingdom. The relationship was mutually beneficial, giving the Frost Barbarians the training and military technology they needed to gain relative independence from the Snow Barbarians. Lexnol even made some in-roads with the Snow Barbarians, though there has never been a formal alliance or treaty.

    Unfortunately in recent years (586 CY) Lexnol's heir, Alain died in an ill-conceived invasion of Bone March. His son's death broke Lexnol's mind, leaving his daughter-in-law, Evaleigh, daughter of the Count of Knurl, in charge. Knurl, in the southwestern Bone March, bordering on Nyrond, is the only part of the Bone March to remain free of humanoid rule. Many of the land's feudal lords are distrustful of her, both for her being a foreigner and lack of decisiveness. She also makes the barbarians uneasy since they have traditionally dealt with Lexnol.

    There is a Council of Great Lords that is made up of 14 of the most powerful human and dwarven lords of the land that acts as an advisory body to the ruler. He or she also consults with the burghers of the country's towns and cities. The population is mainly human of Great Kingdom heritage though there are a considerable number of Frost Barbarian and some Snow Barbarian farmers in the northern lands of the archbarony. Amongst the human population is a considerable number of refugees from the Bone March. There are also a fair number of dwarven and a few gnome populations in the hills and mountains. Some bands of wood elves live in the Timberway Forest and at least some of them are willing to serve the archbaron. There is a decent (6%) halfling population, but they get no mention otherwise, probably (I would guess) because they are fairly well integrated into the human population, and not native to the region.

    Most of the military might is concentrated on the southern border with the Bone March, and there is a Volunteer Borderers force that patrols it. It might also be interesting to note that the largest remnant of the Knight Protectors of the Great Kingdom lives in Ratik, where they were driven along with other refugees by the invasion of the Bone March.

    Possible hooks:

    If you like mixing in some political intrigue Ratik is ripe for it. The PC's could be part of a delegation to the court of the Frost Barbarian king at Djekul, where they would have to deal with the possible intrigues of representatives from the Snow Barbarians and Scarlet Brotherhood. Likewise some agents of those two groups could be cooking up plots in Marner to harm the Northern Alliance.

    From the threads Mikel suggested above they could end up joining an expedition to Fireland, or even just looking for something needed for an expedition. Maybe it could be an expatriate Frost Barbarian navigator who had been there or maybe a rival stole Korund of Ratik's map of the route.

    They could end up involved with the Knight Protectors to recover some treasure of that order which was left behind in Spinecastle and recent rumors or other intelligence points to. Maybe even something as powerful as the Orb of Sol, which had previously been in the possession of St. Benedor of the Ashen Hand, but might have possibly passed into the keeping of the Knights.

    Dang! Maybe I need to run a campaign set in Ratik. Evil Grin
    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Thu Jun 18, 2009 11:55 am  

    I ran a quick Ratik campaign using the 1st edition rules. I had the North Province Aerdy rulers as the evil antagonists, spurring on Bone March humanoid attacks on the kingdom. IMC, Ratik was somewhat like medieval Normandy, Vikings intermixed with Romanic/Frankish civilization. Dwarves were a strong presence, organized somewhat like the Highland clans of Scotland. Since my "group" were all members of my family, the PC's were all related as well. It was nothing deep, but it was enjoyable. The angle I wanted to really develop was a successful Suel Barbarian/Ratik alliance offensive into North Province and Bone March to link up with the Gnomes, and push back the Great Kingdom.
    Adept Greytalker

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    Fri Jun 19, 2009 10:14 am  

    MikelAmroni wrote:

    In this one Gargoyle suggests running a collection of generic modules there, and its not a bad idea.
    Yeah, I didn't have much to go on for Ratik, so I just used the generic WotC 3.0 modules, changing names where appropriate. I did style the nation's names, customs and dress after Scotland, however...
    Greyhawk is dead; long live Greyahwk! It is not heresy; I will not recant!
    Grandmaster Greytalker

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    Sat Jun 20, 2009 8:10 pm  

    gargoyle wrote:
    I did style the nation's names, customs and dress after Scotland, however...

    Did you do the accent when you were playing NPC's? Smile
    Adept Greytalker

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    Sat Jun 20, 2009 10:50 pm  

    Oh, aye laddie! Ah always doo!
    Greyhawk is dead; long live Greyahwk! It is not heresy; I will not recant!
    Grandmaster Greytalker

    Joined: Jul 09, 2003
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    Sat Jun 27, 2009 12:27 pm  

    Dragon #57 has info' on 578-579 Greyhawk*, including a detailed description of the defeat of the Vilr Rune Tribe in the battle of the Loftwood, with hints at the TO&E of Ratik's regular army, which I use: 10 infantry companies, each of 225 men; 4 volunteer borderer companies, each of 225 men; 4 cavalry companies, each of 125 men.

    I figure the Human Ratikkers as Scots, but Lowlanders & Borderers, rather than Highlanders (except for a few Flann speakers in the mountains).

    In terms of attitude, I see a combination of post-Roman Britain (with the Great Kingdom filling in for the Roman Empire, and the Humanoid Hordes filling in for the Saxons, Picts, and Irish), 50s-70s Israel (with the Humanoid Hordes filling in for the Arab Hordes), and 1919-1944 Finland (with North Province/Kingdom filling in for the USSR).

    *The particular campaign I run has been going on (and off) since 1988, but due to lapses, in certain parts of the campaign, it's still 578!
    Grandmaster Greytalker

    Joined: Nov 07, 2004
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    Sat Jun 27, 2009 9:10 pm  

    578! Good man! I've rebooted my GH campaigns a couple times, always starting in 576 and never got past 577-78 that I remember.

    Lowland Scots is probably a good model though I think more along the lines of the Teutonic Knights. Given the ethnic mix of Sof and that the majority of the pop. is descended from immigrants from the GK I figure that many of those immigrants were from the south of the GK where there was a good deal of Suel blood. Together with the barbarians who were conquered and became subjects of the GK this accounts for the S. Given the degree of animosity the North Province/Kingdom has for for Ratik I also assume that it's not just political but that most of the Oeridian blood comes from the Aerdi heartlands and Solnor Compact coast where Oeridian blood is so predominant. The smallest group, the Flan, I assume is from native Flan tribes who were driven into the uplands by the Frost Barbarians and might have welcomed the Aerdi at first as liberators, plus some Flan serfs from the North Province who might have sought greener pastures in the north. Probably a good deal of mixed blood too.

    Accent wise given my thoughts above I assume that it's close to what I would call Ahlissan with some variation due to the influence of Fruz and what I call Standard or the Overking's Common speakers. Culturally they're probably much like other Great Kingdom-influenced areas with consideration given for the climate. Dress includes more furs and heavy wool. My $ .02 worth anyhow.
    Grandmaster Greytalker

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    Sun Jul 12, 2009 9:27 am  

    smillan_31 wrote:
    ...Lowland Scots is probably a good model though I think more along the lines of the Teutonic Knights...


    I can see the analogy for the time period after Cadni Vir had stabilized Bone march, and the Great Kingdom was moving into Ratik, but I think those times are past.

    On another thread, someone compared the Gran March to the eastern territories of the Teutonic Knights, and I've always thought so myself, and I think there's a better case for continuing the analogy into CY 570s and beyond...

    On the other issue, the Scots (including highlanders) are a mish-mash of British (i.e. Cymry), Pict, Irish, Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Norman-French, so the Suel-Oerid-Flann thing works out (no matter how you interpret the SOf thing).

    Joined: Oct 06, 2008
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    Sun Jul 12, 2009 10:15 am  

    jamesdglick wrote:
    On the other issue, the Scots (including highlanders) are a mish-mash of British (i.e. Cymry), Pict, Irish, Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Norman-French, so the Suel-Oerid-Flann thing works out (no matter how you interpret the SOf thing).

    Actually, the Scots are of Celtic descent, as are the Cymry and the Britons, from whom we get the name Britain/British. Wink

    The Picts are a people -- of the British Isles -- that predate the arrival of the Celtic tribes. The Picts were "pushed back" by the Celtic tribes (Greek Keltoi) a century or more before the advent of Julius Caesar.

    The Angles, Saxons and Jutes -- a.k.a. Anglo-Saxons -- are actually Germanic tribes that arrived in Britain later.

    The Norse are also descended from Germanic stock. The Vikings -- a.k.a. Norsemen -- settled the northern portion of France that we call "Normandy." Interestingly, the Germanic tribe known as the Franks are now know to us as the French.
    Mystic's web page:
    Mystic's blog page:
    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Tue Jul 14, 2009 8:30 pm  

    I think Gygax's Sagard the Barbarian gamebooks were set in Ratik. Might get some info there.
    Grandmaster Greytalker

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    Mon Jul 09, 2018 9:39 am  


    How did Lady Evaleigh get to Ratik safely? I don't get the impression that she teleported. Routes going through North Province, the Bone March, or the Pale (and then the Rakers) are all problematic...

    Silvereel wrote:
    I think Gygax's Sagard the Barbarian gamebooks were set in Ratik. Might get some info there.

    -Did you?

    Joined: Aug 03, 2001
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    Mon Jul 09, 2018 8:33 pm  

    jamesdglick wrote:
    How did Lady Evaleigh get to Ratik safely? I don't get the impression that she teleported. Routes going through North Province, the Bone March, or the Pale (and then the Rakers) are all problematic...

    Circa 579 CY, Lady Evaleigh was being held prisoner in Stoink. In Stoink, Gord bluffed his way into escorting her downstairs, then blundered into a drainpipe which, by sheer luck, turned out to be an old secret escape route that led to a shed. They made it to the docks and stole a boat, traveling upstream and stopping for a week in Midmeadow. From Midmeadow they traveled with an armed caravan toward Womtham, crossing the headwaters of the Duntide where it emerged from the Flinty Hills before turning south to Womtham (random encounters included a group of gnolls, a wyvern, and some hill giants). They spent three days in Womtham, then joined a group of pilgrims and traders bound for Innspa. Halfway to Innspa they left the group to travel to the village of Finton, where they spent the night at an inn.

    From Finton, Gord and Evaleigh took a rough road east into the Flinty Hills. In the hills, the road turned south toward Innspa, so Gord and Evaleigh took a narrow, precipitous path that turned northeast until it forked. They took the northerly fork into the "very heart of the Flinty Hills," where they were mugged by a band of hillmen. Gord challenged the leader of the band, Rendol, to a duel, and managed to win thanks to his acrobatics and hidden daggers. As agreed, the other hillmen let them leave alive. Continuing in the direction they'd been traveling, the path turned into a road after a few miles, and an hour later they reached a tiny settlement called Owlsthorpe. Finding no welcome there, Gord broke the lock of a barn, where they spent the night. The next morning, after paying the angry barn owner, they road east toward Knurl, taking a ferry across the Harp River two days later. They spent the night at a hostel and the next morning they passed through a hamlet called Faselfarm and soon to Castle Blemu in Knurl, escorted by knights serving Lady Evaleigh's father. There, Gord was arrested (for relieving Evaleigh of her virtue) and spent the next few months in prison.

    Gord finally managed to escape, only to find Gellor in the middle of busting him out through more diplomatic channels, having somehow convinced Count Dunstan that Gord was an agent of King Archbold of Nyrond.

    Gellor went on to explain to Gord that if he had waited another day before trying to rescue Evaleigh, her ransom would have been paid and she would have been escorted to Knurl in safety and comfort.

    Saga of Old City doesn't discuss how she got from Knurl to Ratik (because she and Gord had parted ways at that point), but I presume she had an armed escort along the Teesar Torrent and thence to Johnsport, which Saga of Old City tells us was at the time held by Ratik. The Bone March wasn't terribly safe at the time but it was in the process of being invaded by Nyrond, Spinecastle was under siege, and the Northern Alliance was at its strongest, and the Great Kingdom and North Province was focused on Nyrond's army rather than Lady Evaleigh's party. Ivid's army, for its part, was turned back at the Adri Forest by an alliance of woodsmen in Patchwall of that year.
    Grandmaster Greytalker

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    Wed Jul 11, 2018 10:19 am  

    rasgon wrote:
    ...Circa 579 CY, Lady Evaleigh was being held prisoner in Stoink…

    Gellor went on to explain to Gord that if he had waited another day before trying to rescue Evaleigh, her ransom would have been paid and she would have been escorted to Knurl in safety and comfort...

    -Oops. Embarassed

    Maybe I should have been more specific. I knew all the stuff up until Gord and Evaleigh part ways.

    rasgon wrote:
    ...Saga of Old City doesn't discuss how she got from Knurl to Ratik (because she and Gord had parted ways at that point)…

    -And that's the problem... Cool

    rasgon wrote:
    ...but I presume she had an armed escort along the Teesar Torrent and thence to Johnsport, which Saga of Old City tells us was at the time held by Ratik. The Bone March wasn't terribly safe at the time but it was in the process of being invaded by Nyrond, Spinecastle was under siege, and the Northern Alliance was at its strongest, and the Great Kingdom and North Province was focused on Nyrond's army rather than Lady Evaleigh's party. Ivid's army, for its part, was turned back at the Adri Forest by an alliance of woodsmen in Patchwall of that year.

    -I'll have to go back and reread the part about the Ratikkans actually occupying Johnsport. Dragon 57 mentioned that Ratik planned to move on Dekspoint after proving some sort of cooperation between the town and the humanoids (I've planned an adventure around this), but that would mean they pushed even further south. Obviously, it didn't stick.

    Still, getting Evaleigh from Knurl to Johnsport itself would be dangerous. Maybe teleporting her would have ben easier. Perhaps some adventurers could assist? Wink

    Since you went to the effort:

    rasgon wrote:
    ...Gellor went on to explain to Gord that if he had waited another day before trying to rescue Evaleigh, her ransom would have been paid and she would have been escorted to Knurl in safety and comfort...

    -But Knurl would have been out a good chunk of change. Not that Gord would have cared at first, but Gellor could have pointed out that they need those funds to fight.

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    Thu Jul 12, 2018 8:49 am  

    jamesdglick wrote:
    -And that's the problem...

    I imagine her father's soldiers would be sufficient to protect her on the journey through the Bone March. But you're right, hiring some adventurers to help protect her would be helpful.

    I'll have to go back and reread the part about the Ratikkans actually occupying Johnsport. Dragon 57 mentioned that Ratik planned to move on Dekspoint after proving some sort of cooperation between the town and the humanoids (I've planned an adventure around this), but that would mean they pushed even further south. Obviously, it didn't stick.

    Page 227. "The talk was of the warfare with the humanoid bands still infesting the upper regions of the Blemu Hills, and how the count's forces were gradually driving these hateful creatures northward. Gord had heard that companies of gnomes were assisting, and that the Ratikkans were holding Johnsport and besieging Spinecastle."
    Grandmaster Greytalker

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    Mon Nov 04, 2019 1:15 pm  

    jamesdglick wrote:
    Dragon #57 has info' on 578-579 Greyhawk*, including a detailed description of the defeat of the Vilr Rune Tribe in the battle of the Loftwood, with hints at the TO&E of Ratik's regular army, which I use: 10 infantry companies, each of 225 men; 4 volunteer borderer companies, each of 225 men; 4 cavalry companies, each of 125 men.

    I figure the Human Ratikkers as Scots, but Lowlanders & Borderers, rather than Highlanders (except for a few Flann speakers in the mountains).

    In terms of attitude, I see a combination of post-Roman Britain (with the Great Kingdom filling in for the Roman Empire, and the Humanoid Hordes filling in for the Saxons, Picts, and Irish), 50s-70s Israel (with the Humanoid Hordes filling in for the Arab Hordes), and 1919-1944 Finland (with North Province/Kingdom filling in for the USSR).

    *The particular campaign I run has been going on (and off) since 1988, but due to lapses, in certain parts of the campaign, it's still 578!


    I can see the analogy for the time period after Cadni Vir had stabilized Bone march, and the Great Kingdom was moving into Ratik, but I think those times are past.

    On another thread, someone compared the Gran March to the eastern territories of the Teutonic Knights, and I've always thought so myself, and I think there's a better case for continuing the analogy into CY 570s and beyond...

    On the other issue, the Scots (including highlanders) are a mish-mash of British (i.e. Cymry), Pict, Irish, Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Norman-French, so the Suel-Oerid-Flann thing works out (no matter how you interpret the SOf thing).[/quote]

    Hmm. Seems someone's been using my ideas, including my typos:

    "Dragon #57 has info' on 578-579 Greyhawk*, including a detailed description of the defeat of the Vilr Rune Tribe in the battle of the Loftwood, with hints at the TO&E of Ratik's regular army, which I use: 10 infantry companies, each of 225 men; 4 volunteer borderer companies, each of 225 men; 4 cavalry companies, each of 125 men.

    I figure the Human Ratikkers as Scots, but Lowlanders & Borderers, rather than Highlanders (except for a few Flann speakers in the mountains).

    In terms of attitude, I see a combination of post-Roman Britain (with the Great Kingdom filling in for the Roman Empire, and the Humanoid Hordes filling in for the Saxons, Picts, and Irish), 50s-70s Israel (with the Humanoid Hordes filling in for the Arab Hordes), and 1919-1944 Finland (with North Province/Kingdom filling in for the USSR)."

    S Millan's, too:

    "Lowland Scots is probably a good model though I think more along the lines of the Teutonic Knights. Given the ethnic mix of Sof and that the majority of the pop. is descended from immigrants from the GK I figure that many of those immigrants were from the south of the GK where there was a good deal of Suel blood. Together with the barbarians who were conquered and became subjects of the GK this accounts for the S. Given the degree of animosity the North Province/Kingdom has for for Ratik I also assume that it's not just political but that most of the Oeridian blood comes from the Aerdi heartlands and Solnor Compact coast where Oeridian blood is so predominant. The smallest group, the Flan, I assume is from native Flan tribes who were driven into the uplands by the Frost Barbarians and might have welcomed the Aerdi at first as liberators, plus some Flan serfs from the North Province who might have sought greener pastures in the north. Probably a good deal of mixed blood too."

    Hmmm. Maybe we should sue for copyright infringement, except this isn't copyrighted. Laughing
    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Mon Nov 04, 2019 2:44 pm  

    Maybe you can get the guy to add a citation?

    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Mon Nov 04, 2019 7:33 pm  

    From what I recall of Sagard the map from the first book is very "Ratik-like" (and it is mentioned by name), except that the western portions are all underwater — almost as if the strip of land presented is more of a peninsula. The subsequent books become less Ratik/Flanaess-like.

    Granted, there was an article in Polyhedron #21 where Gygax suggested that Sagard the Barbarian took place in an alternate Oerth called "Yarth."

    "By the way, action takes place on Yarth, a place somewhat similar to Oerth, the setting of GREYHAWK, et. al. It has fewer magical properties than Oerth but more than Earth. It is not impossible that additional works will be contracted for in months to come, action being set on Yarth or perhaps another alternate world, Aerth.* On Earth, magic is virtually non-existent. On Uerth,** dweomers are weak, chancy things. Yarth has a sprinkling of things magical, Aerth is highly magical, and Oerth is pure magic.

    * As detailed in the "Epic of Ærth" sourcebook for Gygax's Dangerous Journeys roleplaying game.
    ** As mentioned in the 3e module, "Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk."
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    Canonfire! is a production of the Thursday Group in assocation with GREYtalk and Canonfire! Enterprises

    Contact the Webmaster.  Long Live Spidasa!

    Greyhawk Gothic Font by Darlene Pekul is used under the Creative Commons License.

    PHP-Nuke Copyright © 2005 by Francisco Burzi. This is free software, and you may redistribute it under the GPL. PHP-Nuke comes with absolutely no warranty, for details, see the license.
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