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    Canonfire Forum Index -> Greyhawk- AD&D 2nd Edition
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    Joined: Feb 22, 2011
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    Tue Feb 22, 2011 2:03 am  
    Return to Gaming.

    I've played D&D(basic/expert) and AD&D 1 and 2 for years ever since the 80s and then one day I just decided to quit after the release of 3e sometime around 2000 and haven't played since. During that time, my fellow players went in their own direction in life and there is no way to continue the games we once played, unfortunately.

    I was in IRC one day at a channel that I normally frequent and they were talking about D&D 4 and about playing it. So, I went and watched a session as they played it and I suddenly had the urge to play AD&D again. I went and done a lot of reading and played several modules by myself and play tests to get myself familiar with the rules again which didn't take too long.

    I also called a local game shop around here where I live and that wasn't a good experience. I asked them if they still had AD&D sessions going on and he said no that I should start playing 4th edition. I was like, no, I want to play AD&D 2nd edition. He was like, you should try playing it anyways and then he hung up on me. Oh well. lol

    After not playing for about 10 years, I'm sort of lost and don't know what communities there are for playing AD&D online. I'm wondering if AD&D is just dead and people are moving on to the newer editions, despite some saying they like the old stuff?

    I have looked at some new stuff, especially in the Dungeon magazines and I found that I liked some of the storylines, but not the gameplay. I almost felt like attempting to convert 3E and 4E to AD&D 2. Before I go and spend considerable effort in doing so, I'm wondering if people actually play homebrew/conversion modules. I'm also wondering if there are any conversions that people have done. I'd like to take a look at them.

    Also, Greyhawk happens to be my favorite campaign. Forgotten Realms is ok, but I didn't get into it as much. I also enjoyed playing Ravenloft and Darksun. I didn't get into Spell Jammer that much, but sort of found an interest in it as I read some of the material lately.
    Apprentice Greytalker

    Joined: May 11, 2008
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    Fri Mar 04, 2011 9:26 pm  

    Check out the Adventures in the download section of this website. There are some cool 1st/2nd Edition adventures there. You can also find some good old school stuff on the website.

    Hope this helps.

    Grandmaster Greytalker

    Joined: Jul 10, 2003
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    Fri Mar 04, 2011 9:37 pm  

    Yes I'm sure there are still a few out there still playing 2 edition. However I did covert to 3.5 after playing 1 and 2 edition for years.

    I still like alot about 2nd edition especially the kits, but and I can't really comment on 4th edition. All of the editions have their advantages. 3.5 is still supported by many gaming companies Paizo pathfinder is one of them. While I have not personally read much on pathfinder it is increasingly becoming more popular than 4th edition Dungeon and Dragons.

    The best part of 3rd edition was the skill system works much better then proficiencies did you actually feel like your character knows something. But I don't care for the prestige classes at all.
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