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    Wild Coast CY570
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    Master Greytalker

    Joined: Apr 13, 2006
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    Mon Feb 20, 2012 1:42 am  
    Wild Coast CY570

    Hi all

    My new campaign is shaping up and I wanted to find out if any of you know of any sources of info I've missed or forgotten (not sure how you'd know what I've forgotten Wink ) that might inspire, inform or delight.

    The year is CY570 and the setting is the Southern Wild Coast (Fax, Elredd, Badwall).

    I'm planning on incorporating B1 and B2 into the setting as I've 4 new players aged 12-18 and a few old saddos (myself included) who desire some dewy eyed old school action.

    Not necessarily relevant but I'm using BRP as a system with lots of concessions to 1e feel.

    Any help gratefully received.
    Grandmaster Greytalker

    Joined: Nov 07, 2004
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    Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:37 am  

    If you can find them, the adventures "Setting Sun" in DNG # 73, "Ruins of Nol Daer" in DNG #13 and "Lord of the Scarlet Tide" in DNG # 85. They are all set in the Wild Coast area after 570 but there is some good info in them that cold be applied to that time period, and they could be retrofitted or just used as-is.

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    Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:22 am  

    Jacobs, James. "Lord of the Scarlet Tide." Dungeon #85 is also set in Narwell, and provides back history around the town's origins as well as a link to the underdark if you choose to incorporate that angle in your campaign.
    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:47 am  

    You can retro-engineer from Slavers to get some approximation of pre-wars Wild Coast. I don't have it handy, but I think maybe two of those three cities are treated there.

    Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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    Mon Feb 20, 2012 2:56 pm  

    One of the adventures within Fate of Istus is located within one of those Wild Coast cities. Whether you like the adventure or not, the background and fleshing out of the city itself could be helpful.


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    Mon Feb 20, 2012 4:00 pm  

    See also Joseph Bloch's "See the Pomarj - and Die!" in Dragon #167 and Mike Beeman's "Playing the Political Game" in Dragon #90.
    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:13 pm  

    While I visit this site often to pick up tidbits of wisdom, I rarely post replies myself. However, I just recently started a campaign that is set in the Wild Coast and the Verbobonc areas. In researching these areas I complied a list of adventures throughout them. While I am sure it is not complete, its what I use to string together a cohesive campaign. It includes 1st - 3rd Edition adventures (although I play in the 1st Edition and convert everything to fit my campaign).

    I relied heavily on area maps done by Braggi so he really deserves the credit for this list. It is as follows:

    Potential Adventures
    1.Puppets (1-3; WG11) - Wild Coast (Narwell) to Dyvers
    2.The Forest Oracle (1-3; N2) - Principality of Ulek
    3.Patriots of Ulek (1-3; WGQ1) - Principality of Ulek
    4.Temple of Elemental Evil (1-8; T1-4) - Verbobonc (Hommlet & Nulb)
    5.Last of the Iron House (2-4; Dungeon #39) - Wild Coast near Elredd
    6.Tamara belongs to me (2-4; Adventure card) - Gnarley Forest
    7.A Serenade before Supper (3-5; Dungeon #53) - Verbobonc (Ironwood)
    8.The Mines of Elsidell (3-5; OJ4) - County of Ulek (Elsidell Village)
    9.When a Star Falls (3-5; UK4) - Western Pomarj
    10.The Hidden Temple of Erythnul (3-5; Vortex #8) - Suss Forest
    11.Born again Ogres of the Blinding Light (3-5; CG2) - Duchy of Ulek
    12.Legend of Garthula (3-5; Dungeon #91) - NE of Dyvers (Nyr Dyv Coast)
    13.Servant of the Ebon Sickle (3-5; PC12) - County of Ulek (Silverwood)
    14.Amid the Deepening Dark (5th; OJ#19) - Suss Forest
    15.Defection (3-6; PC09f) - Gnarley Forest/Wild Coast
    16.Diambeth’s Delving (4-6; WG8) - Wild Coast (Elredd)
    17.Hopeful Dawn (4-7; Dungeon #41) - Veluna (Veluna City)
    18.Tealpeck’s Flood (6th; DM82) - Duchy of Ulek
    19.Mist Hold (5-7; QMG1) - Veluna (Northern Lortmils)
    20.The Setting Sun (5-7; Dungeon #73) - Wild Coast (Newtemple)
    21.Verbeeg of the Gnarley Forest (5-7; Adventure card) - Gnarley Forest
    22.Helm of Selnor (5-7; WGR2e) - County of Ulek
    23.The Ghost of Kelios (5-7; PC18m) - Duchy of Ulek
    24.The Grinning Blue Devil (7th; OJ#20) - Gnarley Forest
    25.Ruins of Niole Daer (5-8; Dungeon #13) - Suss Forest (near Elredd)
    26.The Sin Eater (5-9; Sourcebook) - Greyhawk Plain (Two Ford)
    27.Dark Heart of Oak (6-8; Adventure card) - Gnarley Forest
    28.Blackthorn (7-9; Sourcebook) - Gnarley Forest
    29.Sacklewood: To Capture a Troll (7-9; PC4) - Wild Coast/Suss Forest (near Elredd)
    30.The Dying of the Light (7-10; Dungeon #84) - Duchy of Ulek (Village of Briarwood)
    31.Law Unending (8-9; PC18j) - Suss Forest (Lost City of the Suel)
    32.Lord of the Scarlett Tide (8-10; Dungeon #85) - Wild Coast (Underdark near Narwell)
    33.Just a little feud (13-15; ART1a) - Principality of Ulek

    Hope this helps you dig up the information on the area you are looking for. Happy adventuring!

    Master Greytalker

    Joined: Apr 13, 2006
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    Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:38 am  

    Frustratingly I'm missing Dungeon 13 & 73 although I do have the one with The Scarlet Tide; I also remember not liking it that much when I first read it but I'll have another look, if only for the back story. Cheers to smillan and dark lord.

    Even more frustrating is See The Pomarj And Die because I definitely had that issue of Dragon and remember reading the article, but can I find it now? Can I heck. Dragon 90 I do have so some compensation there. Encyclopedic as ever, Rasgon.

    Slavers naturally is a great resource although the older players know it too well for me to run it as is. Good steer, Chevalier.

    Schoolboy error time Embarassed . How did I forget that Elredd was in Fate Of Istus? So, somehow Sir Xaris, you do seem to know what I've forgotten Cool .

    And, that's a great list that I look forward to wading through, thedanered. I'm bound to have some of that stuff somewhere.

    Thanks to all.
    Grandmaster Greytalker

    Joined: Nov 07, 2004
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    Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:02 am  

    thedanered wrote:
    While I visit this site often to pick up tidbits of wisdom, I rarely post replies myself. However, I just recently started a campaign that is set in the Wild Coast and the Verbobonc areas. In researching these areas I complied a list of adventures throughout them. While I am sure it is not complete, its what I use to string together a cohesive campaign. It includes 1st - 3rd Edition adventures (although I play in the 1st Edition and convert everything to fit my campaign).

    I relied heavily on area maps done by Braggi so he really deserves the credit for this list. It is as follows:

    Potential Adventures
    1.Puppets (1-3; WG11) - Wild Coast (Narwell) to Dyvers
    2.The Forest Oracle (1-3; N2) - Principality of Ulek
    3.Patriots of Ulek (1-3; WGQ1) - Principality of Ulek
    4.Temple of Elemental Evil (1-8; T1-4) - Verbobonc (Hommlet & Nulb)
    5.Last of the Iron House (2-4; Dungeon #39) - Wild Coast near Elredd
    6.Tamara belongs to me (2-4; Adventure card) - Gnarley Forest
    7.A Serenade before Supper (3-5; Dungeon #53) - Verbobonc (Ironwood)
    8.The Mines of Elsidell (3-5; OJ4) - County of Ulek (Elsidell Village)
    9.When a Star Falls (3-5; UK4) - Western Pomarj
    10.The Hidden Temple of Erythnul (3-5; Vortex #8) - Suss Forest
    11.Born again Ogres of the Blinding Light (3-5; CG2) - Duchy of Ulek
    12.Legend of Garthula (3-5; Dungeon #91) - NE of Dyvers (Nyr Dyv Coast)
    13.Servant of the Ebon Sickle (3-5; PC12) - County of Ulek (Silverwood)
    14.Amid the Deepening Dark (5th; OJ#19) - Suss Forest
    15.Defection (3-6; PC09f) - Gnarley Forest/Wild Coast
    16.Diambeth’s Delving (4-6; WG8) - Wild Coast (Elredd)
    17.Hopeful Dawn (4-7; Dungeon #41) - Veluna (Veluna City)
    18.Tealpeck’s Flood (6th; DM82) - Duchy of Ulek
    19.Mist Hold (5-7; QMG1) - Veluna (Northern Lortmils)
    20.The Setting Sun (5-7; Dungeon #73) - Wild Coast (Newtemple)
    21.Verbeeg of the Gnarley Forest (5-7; Adventure card) - Gnarley Forest
    22.Helm of Selnor (5-7; WGR2e) - County of Ulek
    23.The Ghost of Kelios (5-7; PC18m) - Duchy of Ulek
    24.The Grinning Blue Devil (7th; OJ#20) - Gnarley Forest
    25.Ruins of Niole Daer (5-8; Dungeon #13) - Suss Forest (near Elredd)
    26.The Sin Eater (5-9; Sourcebook) - Greyhawk Plain (Two Ford)
    27.Dark Heart of Oak (6-8; Adventure card) - Gnarley Forest
    28.Blackthorn (7-9; Sourcebook) - Gnarley Forest
    29.Sacklewood: To Capture a Troll (7-9; PC4) - Wild Coast/Suss Forest (near Elredd)
    30.The Dying of the Light (7-10; Dungeon #84) - Duchy of Ulek (Village of Briarwood)
    31.Law Unending (8-9; PC18j) - Suss Forest (Lost City of the Suel)
    32.Lord of the Scarlett Tide (8-10; Dungeon #85) - Wild Coast (Underdark near Narwell)
    33.Just a little feud (13-15; ART1a) - Principality of Ulek

    Hope this helps you dig up the information on the area you are looking for. Happy adventuring!


    Great list, Dane, although I have to observe that for me "Puppets" is the WG-7 "Castle Greyhawk" of Wild Coast adventures. Smile
    Adept Greytalker

    Joined: Jul 29, 2006
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    Thu Feb 23, 2012 9:36 am  

    Don't forget Artifact of Evil for some info on the Principality, the Pomarj, SB activities, Strandcastle Keep (Strandkeep Castle?), and a lost city in the Suss.

    RJK's Stalk was on the Wild Coast in the OC and Dark Druids was in the Gnarley.

    The Drachensgrabs are also known as the Suenha Hills in GH Adventures and the Wormjaws in the Gord books.

    There's an interesting tidbit about a Drachengrabs wizard named Tsunroon the Traveler in one of the Wizards Three articles.

    Finally, you may want to decide how many different things actually sleep beneath the Drachensgrabs, as every GH author has a different take on that old Folio reference:

    * The "Pit of Geburah" aka "Lair of the Pit Fiend" - RJK (unpublished, summary available online)
    * Temples of Tharizdun - Carl Sargent, Dr191, p67
    * Krovis - Joe Bloch
    * The Twisted Forest - Jim Ward & company, GH Adventures
    * The Oerth Dragon - A1-4
    * the Tarrasque - some fan material

    EDIT: Also, GH Adventures' "House of Cards" takes place in Elredd and gives the approximate location of another (The?) "lost city" in the Suss.
    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:27 pm  

    smillan_31 wrote:

    Great list, Dane, although I have to observe that for me "Puppets" is the WG-7 "Castle Greyhawk" of Wild Coast adventures. Smile

    I couldn't agree more. I have read through this adventure before. That's an hour of my life I'll never get back. Sad

    Master Greytalker

    Joined: Apr 13, 2006
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    Mon Feb 27, 2012 11:16 am  

    Thanks, vestcoat.

    Beginning to pull some of the strands together.

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    Mon Feb 27, 2012 2:26 pm  

    Anyone ever do a chronology of the afore mention list of modules? Might prove helpful to some that wanted to play thru in a "series fashion"
    Just a thought

    Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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    Mon Feb 27, 2012 4:58 pm  

    Dark_Lord_Galen wrote:
    Anyone ever do a chronology of the afore mention list of modules? Might prove helpful to some that wanted to play thru in a "series fashion"
    Just a thought

    It's a good thought. Idea

    And, if anyone were to compile such a chronology, an excellent place to post it would be in the new Living Greyhawk Core Meta Region Forum: City of Greyhawk & Surrounding Lands. Wink

    Master Greytalker

    Joined: Apr 13, 2006
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    Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:30 am  

    On Anna's map of the Southern Wild Coast there is a town called Braxem placed between Elredd and Badwall. I've had a search about for any info on this town but have come up empty; does anyone know of any information or the source of the town?

    Joined: Aug 03, 2001
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    Fri Mar 02, 2012 7:48 am  

    Ragr wrote:
    On Anna's map of the Southern Wild Coast there is a town called Braxem placed between Elredd and Badwall. I've had a search about for any info on this town but have come up empty; does anyone know of any information or the source of the town?

    Slavers, pages 63-65. Its proper name, insofar as it still has one, is "Braxem's Village" - Braxem is the necromancer who rules it.

    "This village lies 20 miles west of Elredd in the wilds. It was a prosperous farming community until the orc army burned all the wooden buildings, and now only the stone church, an inn, and the local gaol still stand. Orcs living in this town have erected crude tents for shelter against the elements."

    The description goes on for several pages, including an illustration of the necromancer Braxem and 2nd edition statistics for him and his undead minions.

    In 570 CY, Braxem's Village would still be a prosperous farming community, and it wouldn't be named after Braxem. You'd have to come up with a different name for it. Some agricultural-sounding name like Millhaven or Sunhaven or Sunnydale would fit.

    I'd be tempted to call it Sunnydale, make the church a church of Pelor, and play up the Buffy the Vampire Slayer vibe as it inevitably gets overwhelmed by undead hordes (or do the PCs manage to slay Braxem and save the day before he can do his fell work?). That might be too silly, though.

    Last edited by rasgon on Fri Mar 02, 2012 8:08 am; edited 1 time in total

    Joined: Sep 07, 2011
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    Fri Mar 02, 2012 8:04 am  

    Ragr wrote:
    On Anna's map of the Southern Wild Coast there is a town called Braxem placed between Elredd and Badwall. I've had a search about for any info on this town but have come up empty; does anyone know of any information or the source of the town?

    "There is a villian within the Slavers book that you might be interested in then. 20 miles west of Elredd in the wilds there is a village that used to be a farming community until the orcs burned it down. Now there is a 11th level wizard named Braxem who rode in on a skeletal drider allied with Klim in exchange for permission to use the numerous dead bodies now available in the conquered Wild Coast. In turn, the wizard would provide undead troops and magical assistance for the Slavers. He pays the orcs 1gp per body they dig up or find. His current army is 120 skeletons and 17 zombies which completely circle the village. He also has the use of a new magical item called the Bone Wheel of Nebirkoss that helps him create a bone colossus, which stands guard over his hut."
    Published in the Slavers series and also listed in the compilizatiion by Steven B. Wilson --Tamerlain
    GREYCHRONDEX VERSION 4.2 (5/15/01)

    shows a 591 date if that fits your campaign
    LOL I KNEW Rasgon Would beat me to this ... I had to look it up, he probably knew!
    Master Greytalker

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    Fri Mar 02, 2012 8:06 am  

    That's fantastic, Rasgon.

    That's easily re-named and could serve as a home for one of the characters who is a local. Millhaven's good; Sunnydale might sound too much like a retirement home.

    If I follow your final piece of advice it's more likely to be Buffy the DM Slayer, however. Smile

    Master Greytalker

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    Fri Mar 02, 2012 8:09 am  

    Damn, just as I was thanking him too, DLG.

    Further kudos to you, my friend. Just have your books to hand next time and you may beat him.

    Though, I doubt it. Cry

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    Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:48 am  

    Ragr wrote:
    Just have your books to hand next time and you may beat him.
    Though, I doubt it. Cry

    LOL not a chance, I think he has them commited to memory or keeps them under his pillow or something!
    Grandmaster Greytalker

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    Sat Mar 03, 2012 1:33 pm  

    thedanered wrote:
    ...I just recently started a campaign that is set in the Wild Coast and the Verbobonc areas. In researching these areas I complied a list of adventures throughout them. While I am sure it is not complete, its what I use to string together a cohesive campaign. It includes 1st - 3rd Edition adventures (although I play in the 1st Edition and convert everything to fit my campaign).

    I relied heavily on area maps done by Braggi so he really deserves the credit for this list. It is as follows:

    Potential Adventures
    2.The Forest Oracle (1-3; N2) - Principality of Ulek...

    -Me, too, with modifications. The Wild River is the Jewel, and I changed the Yet to an ogre, since the west side doesn't get that high (and that cold). It also decreses the level of difficulty a tad.

    I put The Keep on the Borderlands (B2) just to the east of where the Jewel meets the Handmaiden (turn the map 90 degrees).

    smillan_31 wrote:
    thedanered wrote:
    ...Potential Adventures
    1.Puppets (1-3; WG11) - Wild Coast (Narwell) to Dyvers...


    Great list, Dane, although I have to observe that for me "Puppets" is the WG-7 "Castle Greyhawk" of Wild Coast adventures. Smile

    -But I think it's canon. Larissa Hunter is destined to become the Magister (Magistrix?) of Dyvers.

    I roll with it. When I get arounf to using it, I'll change the Halflings to Gnomes, and play Freddie straight. The PCs will never know the difference. Razz
    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Sat Nov 23, 2019 4:55 pm  

    Gathering information on the Wild Coast for an adventure and this thread popped up in my Google search! What a gem! Resurrecting this thread and will likely begin with Puppets and go from there.
    Love the list and the ideas about Braxem's Village.
    <strong><em>Winter is coming...</em></strong>
    Grandmaster Greytalker

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    Mon Nov 25, 2019 10:04 am  

    There was an adventure in the back of Greyhawk Adventures (with the 0 level character rules) set in Elredd, I think.
    Grandmaster Greytalker

    Joined: Jul 09, 2003
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    Mon Dec 02, 2019 11:43 am  

    jamesdglick wrote:
    There was an adventure in the back of Greyhawk Adventures (with the 0 level character rules) set in Elredd, I think.

    -The short adventure was "House of Cards", set in Elredd. Ward, Greyhawk Adventures, pp. 113-116.
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