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Journeyman Greytalker
Joined: Jul 24, 2003
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From: British Columbia, Canada
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Sat Oct 13, 2012 9:59 am
Greyhawk Adventurer's Atlas - Corrections Thread
The purpose of this thread is to post a record of corrections needed to the atlas text and maps for each entry as it is released. Because there is a lot of detail here, I welcome any and all errors found, so I can fix them and get a final version online.
To keep from swamping the CF mods with re-submissions, I'd like to collect all the mistakes here first. Then I can go through, fix the originals, re-pdf them and send the final version along for update on the site. Hopefully by using this method I can keep the necessity of resubmitting down to one per atlas section.
I have the following from Sir Xaris: for Part 1
...I thought I'd point out some glaring mistakes that can be easily fixed.
First, the map of Ket neglects to label the nation of Ket, itself. The other maps have the national names directly on the map.
Second, also on the map of Ket, there is no label for DM73, though it is mentioned in the notes.
Lastly, within the notes section of the Ull map, you listed Day of Al Akbar as 'I8' when it is really 'I9'. You labeled it correctly on the map of Arir Erg.
Hope this helps to clarify things for others utilizing those maps.
My thanks to Sir Xaris for having a good eye here! To reply to the items mentioned, the following changes have been added to the original manuscript:
- Ket is now labeled properly.
- I8 is changed to I9.
- DM73 has been changed to DM65. I had to update the numbering system of DM (Dungeon Magazine) module codes to fill in some missed items. I got it right on the map but wrong in the the text since this entry was done before the number system change.
This exactly the kind of thing that can help make the project better. So (please!) feel free to do detailed critiques of any mistakes you might find and post them in this thread.
(To err is human - to correct is divine.)
 _________________ <div>Braggi, Swain and Varlet at Large<br /></div>
Master Greytalker
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Wed Oct 17, 2012 8:22 pm
A link to the articles?
[Edit: A silly, silly error was made due to not reading carefully.] _________________ Owner and Lead Admin:<div>Editor-in-Chief of the Oerth Journal:</div><div>Visit my professional art gallery:</div>
Journeyman Greytalker
Joined: Jul 24, 2003
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Wed Nov 14, 2012 3:37 pm
Just a reminder folks - I welcome your corrections as the atlas rolls along. Keep 'em coming as you find 'em. _________________ <div>Braggi, Swain and Varlet at Large<br /></div>
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Fri Jan 25, 2013 12:48 pm
Braggi wrote: |
Just a reminder folks - I welcome your corrections as the atlas rolls along. Keep 'em coming as you find 'em. |
My appologies Braggi... I thought I read somewhere to hold till you had uploaded all...
They have been great work sofar... thanks for all the effort
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Fri Jan 25, 2013 12:49 pm
### Duplicate###
Journeyman Greytalker
Joined: Jul 24, 2003
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Fri Jan 25, 2013 8:49 pm
No worries. And remember: post 'em or PM me as you find 'em!
 _________________ <div>Braggi, Swain and Varlet at Large<br /></div>
Journeyman Greytalker
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Fri Mar 22, 2013 11:14 pm
With the Atlas postings nearing completion, I thought I'd put up an errata list of additional items needing corrections and/or updating so far. Here we go...
Volume 4
Update Verbobonc and Kron Hills: Need to add the village Sobanwych.
Furyondy: Need to add Batles near Castle Hart.
Volume 7
Keoland: Need to add the village of Burle near Saltmarsh.
Volume 11
May want to add a map and entry for the Isle of Dread.
That is all I have found for now. Please add any others you come across as you go along.
General Utility Reminder
One of the comment threads for the Atlas had a mention of how the print can be a bit small. Being someone who has started relying heavily on glasses in my mid-40's, I can empathize strongly. I'd just like to mention that all the Atlas map have been printed at high resolution, so feel free to use the Acrobat Reader's zoom function. The maps should stay crisp right up to about 300% magnification. _________________ <div>Braggi, Swain and Varlet at Large<br /></div>
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Mon Jul 22, 2013 2:26 am
You do not disappoint at all, sir. I was actually thinking of RE Howard as I was reading it. Good influences, all! _________________ <table width="337" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr height="20">
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Journeyman Greytalker
Joined: Jul 24, 2003
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Mon Jul 22, 2013 10:24 am
I'm definitely confused by the post above.
 _________________ <div>Braggi, Swain and Varlet at Large<br /></div>