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    New Postfest Idea

    Where should the village be in the Flanaess?
    Greyhawk Meta-Region I: The Sheldomar Valley
     14%  [ 2 ]
    Greyhawk Meta-Region II: Tuflik, Fals, and Velverdyva Trade Route
     14%  [ 2 ]
    Greyhawk Meta-Region III: Iuz's Border States
     21%  [ 3 ]
    Greyhawk Meta-Region IV: Nyrond and Her Environs
     21%  [ 3 ]
    Greyhawk Meta-Region V: Splintered Suns
     7%  [ 1 ]
    Far North
     7%  [ 1 ]
    Far South
     14%  [ 2 ]
    Total Votes : 14

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    Black Hand of Oblivion

    Joined: Feb 16, 2003
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    Sun Jan 06, 2013 10:33 pm  
    New Postfest Idea

    As I review the Postfest forum to look at the Next Postfest thread, I see that abysslin has actually beat me to the punch (dammit! Razz), though his thinking is a bit more grandiose than mine. Okay, maybe this was done before with Salinmoor /Seaton, but that is a great example of what could be done. Rather than flesh out a small town or city, how about we write up a village, but not necessarily one that is known? This way, we would be putting together something that could be plugged into anybody's campaign without disrupting anything that might already be there.

    First, we need to decide a few things. Any village needs a few basic things. Here is a short, but by no means all-inclusive, list:

    * Inn/tavern
    * Blacksmith/farrier
    * Elder/Mayor/other leadership
    * Cleric/Druid/Healer-Herbalist
    * Farms & farmers (lots of them)
    * Hunters/fishermen

    That pretty much covers the basic requirements for a small community, and this village could literally be anywhere in the Flanaess. Depending on where the village is placed, the above could change drastically. The village could be on a river. It could be on the coast of an ocean/sea. It could be on the plains, and get its water from wells. It could be in the mountains. It could be in a marsh/swamp. It could be in the frigid north. It could be in a more tropical area. It could even be in an area that not much is known of at all- a pulp "lost civilization" type of place (though not necessarily an utopian Shangri-La).
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    Mon Jan 07, 2013 8:25 am  

    All of those options offer great inspiration! Happy

    I went with the Far South, however, as I would like to develope some tropical adventure options. Since the Baklunish West (specifically Ull) aren't offered above as options, I expect Mortellan will support my vote, at least. Razz


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    Mon Jan 07, 2013 9:00 am  

    Naw! For me, the Flanaess proper is not as developed (over-done) as some here seem to think. Why are people already "bored" with the Flanaess? Confused

    With the current "turmoil," I'd like to explore "life" on the frontier between Nyrond and the "new" kingdoms to her east. Life in a frontier village near Chathold -- for example -- should be quite interesting. Wink
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    Master Greytalker

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    Mon Jan 07, 2013 12:31 pm  

    Well ... I've played with the Meta-Regions before ... so I haven't any problem knowing what they entail.
    But, I know that not everyone has. It might be a good idea to define the nations that are included in those metaregions, so that folks won't have to try to guess or look it up.
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    Black Hand of Oblivion

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    Mon Jan 07, 2013 1:44 pm  

    SirXaris wrote:
    All of those options offer great inspiration! Happy

    I went with the Far South, however, as I would like to develope some tropical adventure options. Since the Baklunish West (specifically Ull) aren't offered above as options, I expect Mortellan will support my vote, at least. Razz


    I did forget to put in "other". This isn't really meant to be an LG thing either, or tied to the events of a particular period in time. To be blunt, it would be better if things were not related to any events, as that leaves the village more open to being dropped into anybody's campaign "as is". I just used the region names as people are familiar with them, so write-ins are perfectly fine.
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    Mon Jan 07, 2013 7:14 pm  

    Cebrion wrote:
    . . . it would be better if things were not related to any events, as that leaves the village more open to being dropped into anybody's campaign "as is".

    That's perfect. A "generic" village that can be set down in any module or home-brew setting. Cool

    Great detail, Ceb! Thanks for making that point!
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    Journeyman Greytalker

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    Tue Jan 08, 2013 2:15 pm  

    Are we posting the villages here or as we did on the Tavern post?

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    Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:53 pm  

    Mystic-Scholar wrote:
    Cebrion wrote:
    . . . it would be better if things were not related to any events, as that leaves the village more open to being dropped into anybody's campaign "as is".

    That's perfect. A "generic" village that can be set down in any module or home-brew setting. Cool

    Great detail, Ceb! Thanks for making that point!

    Agreed, for my 2 cp a re-usable generic would best suit.... if we must catagorize, maybe, coastal, mountains, woolands, plains, etc?

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    Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:12 am  

    Dark_Lord_Galen wrote:
    Mystic-Scholar wrote:
    Cebrion wrote:
    . . . it would be better if things were not related to any events, as that leaves the village more open to being dropped into anybody's campaign "as is".

    That's perfect. A "generic" village that can be set down in any module or home-brew setting. Cool

    Great detail, Ceb! Thanks for making that point!

    Agreed, for my 2 cp a re-usable generic would best suit.... if we must catagorize, maybe, coastal, mountains, woolands, plains, etc?

    Don't forget the possibility of underwater and extraplanar cities/towns. Wink

    Black Hand of Oblivion

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    Wed Jan 09, 2013 2:41 pm  

    baronzemo wrote:
    Are we posting the villages here or as we did on the Tavern post?

    Offerings would not be put here, but submitted. Also, I do not mean that everybody submit an entire village, but, once a village locations is decided upon, each person submit one or more (see below) locations in the village. Maybe we will set up the locations by mapping the village and numbering the locations, and people then choose a location to write up. We may choose to say that some locations are "major" locations (such as an inn/tavern), such that a person will be limited to writing about just one such location, while other locations may be labeled as "minor" locations (farmsteads, village cottages, etc.), such that one person might be allowed to write up two or three such locations (as they are not going to be very complex).

    still people should post what land they wish the village to be in. I may post other polls to help narrow things down so far as location.
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    Wed Jan 09, 2013 9:59 pm  

    Oh lord is it that time again?

    So clarify this for me, is the theme an entire village or just a combined effort to make locations in one nameless village?
    Master Greytalker

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    Thu Jan 10, 2013 2:08 am  

    Cebrion wrote:
    Also, I do not mean that everybody submit an entire village, but, once a village locations is decided upon, each person submit one or more (see below) locations in the village. Maybe we will set up the locations by mapping the village and numbering the locations, and people then choose a location to write up.

    Now that is a very cool idea. Most write ups of locations are very consistent in tone because it's normally one writer. This idea introduces the concept of individual personalities within the village both creatively and literally. It could be a huge mess. On the flip, it could be a remarkably vibrant success. I'd love to be a part of this.

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    Thu Jan 10, 2013 3:44 am  

    Ragr wrote:
    Cebrion wrote:
    Also, I do not mean that everybody submit an entire village, but, once a village locations is decided upon, each person submit one or more (see below) locations in the village. Maybe we will set up the locations by mapping the village and numbering the locations, and people then choose a location to write up.

    Now that is a very cool idea. Most write ups of locations are very consistent in tone because it's normally one writer. This idea introduces the concept of individual personalities within the village both creatively and literally. It could be a huge mess. On the flip, it could be a remarkably vibrant success. I'd love to be a part of this.

    Yup. This was not what I initially expected, but now that Cebrion clarifies it, I like the collaborative idea immensely. Happy

    Journeyman Greytalker

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    Thu Jan 10, 2013 7:59 am  

    Count me in on this one. I'll do 2 or 3 of the smaller villages.
    Master Greytalker

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    Thu Jan 10, 2013 10:07 am  

    Btw Ceb, based on the polling above, good luck deciding where to set it. Laughing
    Grandmaster Greytalker

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    Thu Jan 10, 2013 2:00 pm  

    Cebrion wrote: about we write up a village, but not necessarily one that is known? This way, we would be putting together something that could be plugged into anybody's campaign without disrupting anything that might already be there.

    First, we need to decide a few things. Any village needs a few basic things. Here is a short, but by no means all-inclusive, list:

    * Inn/tavern
    * Blacksmith/farrier...

    ...carpenter, cooper, wheelwright, maybe a mason or thatcher. The blacksmith could double as a wheelwright. Tailor? Cobbler? Weaver? Ever notice how few glassblowers there are in the Flaneass?...

    Cebrion wrote:
    * Elder/Mayor/other leadership
    * Cleric/Druid/Healer-Herbalist
    * Farms & farmers (lots of them)
    * Hunters/fishermen...

    ...herdsmen (shepherds, cowherds)...



    Ragr wrote:

    ...Most write ups of locations are very consistent in tone because it's normally one writer. This idea introduces the concept of individual personalities within the village both creatively and literally. It could be a huge mess. On the flip, it could be a remarkably vibrant success. I'd love to be a part of this.

    -A rationale for why the village is so "inconsistent" might be helpful. Different factions? Old inhabitants and newcomers (like Hommlet?). It might be better to wait, and come up with the rationale in retrospect.

    Or maybe not. Laughing

    Mystic-Scholar wrote:
    Cebrion wrote:
    . . . it would be better if things were not related to any events, as that leaves the village more open to being dropped into anybody's campaign "as is".

    That's perfect. A "generic" village that can be set down in any module or home-brew setting. Cool ...

    -Yeah, I'd like it to be "generic", although it's kinda hard to come up with something which would fit equally well in Ekbir, the Duchy of Gradsul, or Ratik.

    Ragr wrote:
    Btw Ceb, based on the polling above, good luck deciding where to set it. Laughing

    -If we have to pick, one way or the other, I figure it would be nice to set it up somewhere near a module which doesn't have a village, so I picked Nyrond et al. It could be on the civilization-side of the the pass on which In Search if the Unknown (Quasqueton) is located, which would put it in Tehn, the Pale, or Ratik.

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    Thu Jan 10, 2013 3:26 pm  

    More possible townsfolk to add to Cebrion and jamesdglick's lists:

    Chandler (candle maker)
    Apothecarist (herbalist/doctor/midwife)
    Barrister (lawyer)
    Scrivener (scribe)
    Baliff (officer of the court)
    Catchpole (chicken catcher)
    Reeve (sheriff or officer of the church)
    Furrier (skins and tans animal hides)
    Ferrier (shoes horses)
    Nedller (makes needles)

    Here are a couple of links listing good selections of possibilities:


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    Thu Jan 10, 2013 4:13 pm  

    Great links, Xaris! Thanks! I'll be looking those over tonight.

    You know, Cebrion, you may have to coordinate this thing so that everyone isn't writing up the same business/location. Wink
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    Journeyman Greytalker

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    Thu Jan 10, 2013 6:35 pm  

    SirXaris wrote:
    Don't forget the possibility of underwater and extraplanar cities/towns.

    You rang? ;)
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    Thu Jan 10, 2013 8:05 pm  

    SirXaris wrote:
    More possible townsfolk to add to Cebrion and jamesdglick's lists:

    This may also be helpful:
    Allan Grohe (
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    Thu Jan 10, 2013 8:06 pm  

    Ragr wrote:
    Btw Ceb, based on the polling above, good luck deciding where to set it. Laughing

    Yes, some sort of decoder ring would be handy :D
    Allan Grohe (

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    Thu Jan 10, 2013 8:09 pm  

    Nice reminder, Grodog! Cool
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    Thu Jan 10, 2013 9:39 pm  

    grodog wrote:
    SirXaris wrote:
    More possible townsfolk to add to Cebrion and jamesdglick's lists:

    This may also be helpful:

    That's appears to be another great listing, grodog. Thanks!

    Grandmaster Greytalker

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    Fri Jan 11, 2013 10:51 am  

    SirXaris wrote:
    grodog wrote:
    SirXaris wrote:
    More possible townsfolk to add to Cebrion and jamesdglick's lists:

    This may also be helpful:

    That's appears to be another great listing, grodog. Thanks!


    -Besides my irritation with a Flaneass full of glass but no glassblowers, where are the salt gatherers? I've never fleshed out Saltmarsh, so Cebrion's village might not have to handle this... Razz
    Journeyman Greytalker

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    Mon Jan 14, 2013 5:28 am  

    jamesdglick wrote:
    where are the salt gatherers?

    Perhaps there is an opportunity to introduce a variant of Salt Old-Woman? (the inspiration for my salt hags)

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    Mon Jan 14, 2013 10:31 am  

    Another variant could be Big C decides on one town and its location and the community fleshes out its inhabitants using the 'commoners' list provided by Sir X, James, and others .....
    The Community could supply the background and base statistics ( that could be mod to fit whatever flavor version you prefer) with some adventure hooks for the area?

    DISREGARD.. duh Embarassed
    too much late night gaming.....
    after revisting the entire thread... I think that was what he was getting at here.....
    Cebrion wrote:

    Offerings would not be put here, but submitted. Also, I do not mean that everybody submit an entire village, but, once a village locations is decided upon, each person submit one or more (see below) locations in the village. Maybe we will set up the locations by mapping the village and numbering the locations, and people then choose a location to write up. We may choose to say that some locations are "major" locations (such as an inn/tavern), such that a person will be limited to writing about just one such location, while other locations may be labeled as "minor" locations (farmsteads, village cottages, etc.), such that one person might be allowed to write up two or three such locations (as they are not going to be very complex).

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    Mon Jan 14, 2013 11:01 am  

    jamesdglick wrote:
    . . . a Flaneass full of glass but no glassblowers . . . where are the salt gatherers?

    Two valid "gripes." Now I shall have to consider the creation of a Glass Blower "shop" and a Salt Gatherers guildhall.

    In the "real world," salt was once worth it's weight in gold and there really are too many glass windows, vials, decanters, etc. in Greyhawk not to have a Glass Blower.

    I'm going to get to work on this. Cool

    Of course, I'll have to go with 3.5 stats . . . Heroforge is simply too good a tool to pass up! Laughing
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    Grandmaster Greytalker

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    Mon Jan 14, 2013 2:48 pm  

    Mystic-Scholar wrote:
    jamesdglick wrote:
    . . . a Flaneass full of glass but no glassblowers . . . where are the salt gatherers?

    Two valid "gripes." Now I shall have to consider the creation of a Glass Blower "shop" and a Salt Gatherers guildhall.

    In the "real world," salt was once worth it's weight in gold and there really are too many glass windows, vials, decanters, etc. in Greyhawk not to have a Glass Blower.

    I'm going to get to work on this. Cool...

    Glassblower strikes me as a craft Gnomes would specialize in- lots of fire, but not metal. Wink

    In the D&D 3.5 PHB, silver is pretty valuable. The two sources are seaside and mines.

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    Mon Jan 14, 2013 6:17 pm  

    jamesdglick wrote:
    In the D&D 3.5 PHB, silver is pretty valuable.

    Err, did you mean "salt?" Confused
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    Grandmaster Greytalker

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    Tue Jan 15, 2013 10:43 am  

    Mystic-Scholar wrote:
    jamesdglick wrote:
    In the D&D 3.5 PHB, silver is pretty valuable.

    Err, did you mean "salt?" Confused

    -Yeah. That too. Laughing
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