In PMing back and forth with one of our esteemed members, I though I would create yet another Lanthorn "fun" thread designed for us to share a bit about ourselves (like so many other, previous posts).
If you would, please list any proficiencies or skills you have acquired over your lifetime, referencing the appropriate game edition you use. No skill ratings are needed...after all, we can only conjecture what our scores would be, yes?!
I will go first, if I may, to get the proverbial ball rolling.
I use 2e primarily, with a touch of 1e flavoring. According to those rules, I believe I would have the following proficiencies:
Speak English
Speak a smattering of Spanish
Reading/Writing (English, some Spanish)
Ancient History
Animal Lore
Fishing (greatly atrophied)
Gaming (esp. poker)
Hunting (also atrophied)
Local History (basic)
Prose/Creative/Technical Writing (not sure what that we be considered)
Artistic Ability (minor)
If there was a Teaching proficiency, I'd definitely have it!
...perhaps some more...need to check a few more books...
2nd edition
Artistic Ability: Painting Miniature Soldiers
Cooking (atrophied since marriage)
Direction Sense
Languages, Modern (English)
Ancient History (concentrations too numerous to list)
Local History (concentrations too numerous to list)
Reading/Writing English
Gaming (Monte Carlo simulations, wargames)
Funny. I've added points to my skill BECAUSE of marriage! Picked it up watching mama and refined it over time, but I'm still no Iron Chef.
Languages, Modern (English)
Modern English. "I'll Melt with You."
Interested how you picked this up. That's quite the proficiency! Did you apprentice yourself to a mentor, or go to college? Or am I totally off on this...?
Now you've got me intrigued. I am wondering if you had some military experience. You didn't mention hunting, though, so curious about that. In what terrain are you versed for Survival?
Going off the 2e handbook...
Language: English
Read/Write English
Charioteering (automobile)
Riding, Land-based (bicycle)
Survival (woodland)
Local History (New Hampshire)
Ancient History (Folklore & mythology)
Carpentry (Double points)
Skiing (my siblings both have multiple points in this; I've just got one)
Animal Handling
Animal Lore
Animal Training (dog)
Landscape Design
Playground Safety (it's a certification)
Boating (canoeing/kayaking)
Direction Sense
Weather Sense
Bowyer/Fletcher (this is a considerable stretch)
Weapon Proficiency: hammer
Esoteric Lore: X-Men comics
My undergraduate degree is in Aerospace Engineering. I am currently in the military, and my survival focus would be woodlands and desert. As for hunting not being on the list, my understanding is that hunting involves catching food, not folk shooting back. I am hardly General Zaroff
Taking a leaf from Nellisir I should add:
Bartering (I ran a short-lived black market trading MREs for British rations)
Close Quarter Fighting
Charioteering (my car is that old)
Riding Airborne (the pilot's license is actually good for something)
I had to dig through all the PHBRs and DMGRs for these, it was quite fun!
Fun post Lanthorn! Following in the 2nd edition style;
Languages, Modern (English)
Languages, Modern (French)
Reading / Writing (English)
Reading / Writing (French)
Charioterring / Riding, Land Based (Car)
Riding, Land Based (Bicycle)
Ancient History (Folklore & Mythology)
Artistic Ability (Drawing & Painting)
Local History (British Isles)
Musical Instrument (Flute)
Survival (London) - this does indeed need it's own skill
(A bit of a meagre list but I've only included things I think I have a full point in)
Chief Proficiency? Google-ing it.
If i need a recipe (cooking) google it.
how do i make a bow? Google. does it work? well i haven't shot my eye out yet.
about 50% on english but probably as good as what passes for proficient these days.
Tumbling (my kung fu is strong)
weapons galore - i think i spent all my slots into weapon prof instead.
parrying sword
short composite bow
and chopsticks.
Languages, Modern (English)
Languages, Modern (German)
Languages, Modern (Spanish) <Hey I live in TEXAS
Languages, Modern (French) <Passive knowledge worked 11/2 years in Northern Alberta
Reading / Writing (English)
Reading / Writing (German)
Charioterring / Riding, Land Based (Car)
Riding, Land Based (Bicycle)
Ancient History (Folklore & Mythology)
Artistic Ability (Oratory)
Local History (Ancient)
Local History (American)
Local History (Theology)
Wolfling wrote:
Survival (London) - this does indeed need it's own skill
Tooo funny ... may be its a Feat?
Also For variety, 3rd edition;
Craft (Civil Engineer)
Gather Information ..... < What do you think brought me here a year ago?
Handle Animals (Horses, Cows, Pigs, and Dogs)< Again Texas... says it all.
Knowledge (dugeoneering) <spelunked over fifty caves in 12 states and two countries.
Knowledge (history)
Knowledge (local)
Knowledge (nature)
Knowledge (religion) <Minor in School was Theology.
Knowledge (Nobility) <because of its close ties to History, I have always love Genealogy & Heraldry worked on this as member of the SCA
Linguistics (See 2e Above)
Ride (see handle animals) <hey does that mean I get a synergy bonus??
Perform (Oratory) <Hey aren't all DMs Proficient in this skill?
Perform (dance) <Again, You can't live in Texas if you don't know how to two step
Survival (Member of the East Texas Counsel for the BoyScouts of America) Though not sure this would prepare me for London Wolfling
a MINUS in Direction Sense <my wife says I cant find the car in the drive not to mention a parking lot.
A MINUS in Search< my wife says I man-look for things....
Wolfling wrote:
Oh boy - looking down that list I read like a bard.
LOL Seeing similarities there myself, Although I can't carry a tune in a bucket and was politely asked to "leave" band in junior high....
Oh boy - looking down that list I read like a bard.
LOL Seeing similarities there myself, Although I can't carry a tune in a bucket and was politely asked to "leave" band in junior high....
I look at mine and wonder what I've learned since high school...also, while I'm sure I complained at the time, there are benefits to growing up without a tv in rural New Hampshire. Spent a LOT of time outdoors.
My undergraduate degree is in Aerospace Engineering. I am currently in the military, and my survival focus would be woodlands and desert. As for hunting not being on the list, my understanding is that hunting involves catching food, not folk shooting back. I am hardly General Zaroff
COOL! I was trying to discern your background based on the proficiency clues you offered. What a highly specialized degree you have there, my friend!
I had to dig through all the PHBRs and DMGRs for these, it was quite fun!
That was the point of this. Glad you had fun, and hoping everyone else is, too.
Fonce, as a newbie to these parts (at least posting), please introduce yourself to us on the "Welcome" forum. We'd love to get to know you a little more.
fonce wrote:
Chief Proficiency? Google-ing it...
That might be equivalent to a Research proficiency of sorts. You had a very funny response, I might add.
Tumbling (my kung fu is strong)
weapons galore - i think i spent all my slots into weapon prof instead.
parrying sword
short composite bow
and chopsticks
DUDE! Are you Bruce Lee??? A samurai??? Ninja????
Must be military, too! Maybe you are Rambo.
Last edited by Lanthorn on Mon Feb 04, 2013 4:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
DLG, you have a most eclectic, lengthy list of proficiencies. You must be a Texas elf who has lived for centuries. Surprised I didn't see the following as well:
Cooking: BBQ and Chili specialization
Fire-Building: Charcoal specialization
Cobbler: Boots only
Seamster: Blue jeans and Hat only
Languages: Texas drawl
Wood Cutting: mesquite only
See ya'll later,
(p.s. I spent 8 yrs in the Lone Star State, and still miss good Tex-Mex, Whattaburger, mesquite BBQ (!!!), and the occasional steak)
DLG, you have a most eclectic, lengthy list of proficiencies. You must be a Texas elf who has lived for centuries.
I was hesatant to put the 3.5 version for that fear actually, but as I get board easily, I have devulged into many varied pursuits... probably why it took 6 years to finish my degreee!!!
Lanthorn wrote:
Surprised I didn't see the following as well:
Branding actually this is almost nonexistant... most tattoo or eartag,
Lasso/Lariat can't claim what I have no ranks in
Cooking: BBQ and Chili specialization Is there any other form of cooking?
Languages: Texas drawl ROFL... got me on that one... was always teased in Canada for speakin "Texan" they never could get use to ya'll or Ma'am
Barrel-riding Wrong sex and Weight class
6-shooter humm does that qualify as a martial weapons feat?
Sh*t-kickin' Ah well really couldnt claim that.. its like amunity to sleep for elves, or constitution bonuses for dwarves.. Texans just come by that naturally
I've been poking around on this board for a couple of years enjoying the fine postings. I wanted to contribute a funny. Thank you =) I'll go ahead and visit the welcome section.
Military yes
Bruce Lee no, but I'm Chinese.
Keep up the great posting I greatly enjoy visiting this forum.
In PMing back and forth with one of our esteemed members, I though I would create yet another Lanthorn "fun" thread designed for us to share a bit about ourselves (like so many other, previous posts)...
-Every once in a while, I'll sneak in what I suspect will be a major NPC, who happens to based on my favorite heroic character:
If I get to the point where I can't role play Me realistically, I have a real problem...
Therefore, I actually have some practice calculating this. but it does get tricky. What is the dividing line between "common knowledge" and an honest to goodness proficiency (yes, I have rules to figure that out, but NPCs only get so many proficincies!). It gets harder when you try to figure the exact skill level. You also have to tweeze out the difference between skill slots (or points of feats in D&D 3.5) vs. the statistic (STR, INT, whatever) its based on, and also calcualate what bonuses you get from class or levels...
The other problem is converting "modern" skills to the quasi-medieval skills of the Flaneass.
Lanthorn wrote:
...If you would, please list any proficiencies or skills you have acquired over your lifetime, referencing the appropriate game edition you use. No skill ratings are needed...after all, we can only conjecture what our scores would be, yes?!
...looking forward to reading YOUR skill sets,
-I'll do the AD&D1/AD&D2 version (as well as I can remember it), then some notes on the D&D 3.5 version (which I use). As I posted above, the exact degree of skill is tough, but I'll take a shot anyway, with class, level and stats weeded out:
What I'm 100% sure of (In D&D 3.5, translates to at least a +1 or better, or with some enhancing feat:
English (Native);
German (in D&D 3.5, at least +2);
Reading & Writing, Roman/Western (in D&D 3.5, reading & writing is assumed except for barbarians, although others can get a bonus skill point by taking "Illiteracy"; I must have opted out... );
Arabic (in D&D 3.5, reading & writing is assumed. I actaully spell better than some supposedly literate native speakers, but an 8 year old can beat me in reading, as for listening and speaking... );
History, Military, Western World;
History, U.S.;
History, Western European;
Geography, Eastern U.S.;
M16A1/M16A2/M4 Rifle/Carbine (with Expertise or Specialization, depening on my class);
Swimming (in D&D 3.5, anyone with 10 STR can swim under normal conditions. I'm not that great, so it would probaly be standard, assuming 10 STR or higher).
In D&D 3.5, I'd have Profession (Soldier, U.S. Army), although some of it might be out of date. Not sure how that would translate to the older stuff.
Same for Profession (Intelligence Analyst).
Dungeon & Dragons, Greyhawk!
Janitor (Hey. I'm tidy, and I know how to use a buffer. ).
(In D&D 3.5, I'd probably have at least +1 in Climb and Jump. Either that, or I'm inherently stronger and more agile than I think. Or maybe just lucky... sdfg);
M203 Grenade Launcher;
M249 Squad Automatic Weapon;
M9 Pistol;
M1911A1 Pistol.
Mechanic, Wheeled Vehical;
Use Rope;
Land Navigation;
First Aid- Heal in D&D 3.5;
Foraging (Eastern U.S.);
History (any number);
Geography (any number);
Religion (Chrstianity);
Religion (Islam);
M60 Machine Gun;
P1853 Rifle-Musket;
(In D&D 3.5, I generally translate the laundry list of weapon proficiencies into Simple and Martial Weapon Proficiencies with some sort benny feat for M16 et al, probably Weapon Focus);
Endurance (in D&D 3.5, it usually contributes to a +2 BSB, which would be a Ftr or War, or maybe Great Fortitude);
(In D&D 3.5, maybe Balance);
(In D&D 3.5, maybe Bluff, Intimidate and Sense Motive, either that, or it's my inherent CHA and WIS scores... );
(In D&D 3.5, maybe Decipher Script).
How about anti-profiencies/anti-deficiencies? I almost got myself run over when I stalled (someone else's) Mustang in a 4 way intersection....
Last edited by jamesdglick on Fri Feb 08, 2013 10:32 am; edited 3 times in total
WOW, james, and here I thought that the Dark Lord had an expansive list of skills!!!
-Lanthorn, Envious
-That's becuase I'm old!
And maybe the DM has been overly generous with the experience points.
Under "Possible", throw in M72A2 Light Anti-Tank Weapon.
Actually, as I pointed out, I'm not sure whether they would all count as proficiencies or skills in game terms or not. IIRC, the AD&D2 DMG actually discusses this. I also didn't mention that I can handle a little trigonometry. Does that mean that I have Knowledge: Mathematics? I still remember a good chunk of the Mendeleev Chart and how valence shells and ions work. Does that mean I have Knowledge: Chemistry? By Flaneass tems, maybe, but in The Real World, it probably just makes me a bright guy with acess to "common knowledge". I can darn a sock, but if I need serious sewing, I take it to a pro'. I can make a meal without poisoning myself or setting the house (or myself) on fire, but I don't think that gives me Profession: Cook.
Biology? Carpentry? Plumbing? Masonry? Electronics? Computers? Typing? Literature (and which types)? Serbo-Croatian? Tumbling? Psychology? Sociology?
Biology? Carpentry? Plumbing? Masonry? Electronics? Computers? Typing? Literature (and which types)? Serbo-Croatian? Tumbling? Psychology? Sociology?
Yeah, not sure how to handle knowledge skills like that from a proficiency perspective. Like you and so many of us (especially college grads) we all have at least basic skills sets in many knowledge-based proficiencies. I didn't add them to my list because I consider them, for the vast majority of us in the modern world, to be 'basic' and relatively commonplace. However, if they are not, I would add A LOT to my own repertoire...
BW, very good point. I sometimes grapple with the notion, "Does the PC (or NPC) have the possible (pre)requisite skills, or knowledge base, to even garner a roll for possible success?"
A lot of times this is a total DM call. At others, I look at the character sheet and determine this based on the proficiencies listed. It is not always cut and dry. Sometimes I even ask the player to defend his argument why he believes his PC should get a roll. I can be moved by reason and logic, after all.
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