Mon Aug 26, 2013 2:45 am
Best of Greyhawk #15 (Released)
Best of Greyhawk (AOL) #15 (July - August 1996)
In this folder the ambiance on the forum started to be sour and was fueled by discussions such as : “Greyhawk is dead”, “This folder is dead”, “What I would like TSR to release as new Greyhawk material”, “I leave this forum and I will never go back”.
Hopefully, in the midst of those depressive discussions some contributions really emerged, among those I have selected only the true Greyhawk subjects.
Man, this folder went and woke itself up real good ! - Good job, folks ! [Iquander]
1. Greyhawk Death ?
- By too many
2. Thieves of the Flanaess
- By Cmillsy
3. Iuz the Evil (Statistics of NPCs)
- By Lefto, Emirikol7 and Iquander
4. Celestian (Description as per Faith & Avatar)
- By Deathleaf3
5. Grey in the Hawk (What really makes Greyhawk, Greyhawk)
- By Nitescreed (with comments by TSR Roger and Iquander)
6. Wizards (How to become one ?)
- By Nitescreed
7. Guns & Firearms
- By Aria13
Best of Greyhawk 15 on _________________ Armenfrast, Sage d'Ekbir<br />aka Belvor_x (Greytalk / AOL 1995-1999)<br />aka 100523.157 (Compuserve 1994 - 1995)<br />