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Specialist Wizards and opposition schools
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Journeyman Greytalker

Joined: Jan 11, 2009
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From: Gulf Breeze, Florida

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Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:52 pm  
Specialist Wizards and opposition schools

I have a question about specialist Wizards I wanted to ask the group. When a specialist, in this case let's say an Invoker wants to cast a spell that comes from two different schools of magic, one of which is his opposition school (Enchant an Item- Enchantment/Invocation, Guards and Wards- Evocation/Enchantment, Limited Wish- Conjuration/Invocation...just to name a few), does that mean the spell is off limits to him? I understand if the spell is just from his opposition school, but if a spell is also from his specialty I think he should be able to cast it. It may be a mistake, but in the Wizard's Handbook it lists Limited Wish as one of the best High-Level spells for Invokers under the Invoker section so it got me thinking about the question. If the Invoker can't cast any of these double school spells I don't think it's much of a game breaker, except in the case of Enchant and Item. Loss of access to that spell definitely takes away one of the most powerful and unique things about being a Wizard.

Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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From: LG Dyvers

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Thu Sep 12, 2013 8:29 pm  

Such spells are not part one school and part another school. They are fully both schools of magic. Therefore, if the wizard has access to either of them, s/he is able to cast the spell normally. The only way the spell would be off limits is if both of its schools were opposition schools to that wizard.

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Black Hand of Oblivion

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Thu Sep 12, 2013 8:46 pm  

Many people also use the Players Options: Spells & Magic spell list, which creates a new spell school- Universal, which include spells like enchant an item (What?! An Invoker can't make a wand of fireballs?!), dispel magic, permanency, and other spells which any wizard should be able to use. The Universal school is not barred to specialists of any kind. Sir Xaris is correct, but I still recommend using the Spells & Magic schools list, as it corrects most of the insensible aspects of the 2E spell school system.
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Journeyman Greytalker

Joined: Jan 11, 2009
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Fri Sep 13, 2013 9:08 am  

I agree with you SirXaris, I was thinking along the same lines. I think Invokers are one of the best specialist Wizards, but they do have some limitations, although from this question I think it's more open now.


I forgot to check the Spells and Magic spell list and I had the book sitting right next to me too! I like several of the changes/updates from that book and think it brings even more flavor to Wizards.
Journeyman Greytalker

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Fri Sep 13, 2013 2:08 pm  

Last edited by BlueWitch on Wed Feb 12, 2014 4:42 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Fri Sep 13, 2013 6:02 pm  

I have a player who runs an Invoker battle mage, and this issue has come up before. I agree with BW. My understanding is if one of the schools is not barred, the mage is allowed to cast it.

Ceb's point is good, though, in that Spells & Magic seems to solve the problems you mentioned.

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