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    Unknown and Petty Gawds of Greyhawk
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    Journeyman Greytalker

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    Mon Dec 14, 2015 7:17 pm  
    Unknown and Petty Gawds of Greyhawk

    This thread is for integrating into GH the deities of Unknown Gods (Judges Guild) and the gods of Petty Gods.

    If a contributor hasn't got a copy of Unknown Gods, he won't be able to do much about those gods. But Petty Gods is available as a free PDF on RPGNow.

    I will get it rolling with a few from Unknown gods

    Pasperus, God of the Southern Stars (UG)

    The bastard, cast-off child of Celestian by a mortal woman (or in some account, a fallen astral deva).
    Some pirates of the far southern seas worship him.
    His northernmost shrine stands in the vile burg of Scuttlecove.

    Tel Star, God of the Northern Stars (UG)

    Referred to in the Flanaess as "The Tel-Star". Reputed to be another son of Celestian. But a heresy in The Pale claims he is actually the chaotic portion of Pholtus, expelled from the god before history began. A Chaotic sect hidden in the Pale serves him by attacking agents of Law.

    Bachontoi, God of Red Wisdom (UG)
    An ancient hero-deity of Suloise origin. He gained fame as a soldier and a magician in the Tilva lands long ago. When the Scarlet brotherhood first formed, he joined it in the hopes he could help rebuild the greatness of his fallen nation. But he soon grew disgusted with the cruelty and corruption he saw in the brotherhood. For a time, the evil monks tolerated his protests and remonstrances, but soon they grew tired of the old man's moral arguments.
    The Father of Obedience sent assassins to murder the old soldier-sage. Bachontoi had prepared for such treachery. He defeated the asssasins and escaped the Tilva lands with a manuscript of ancient Suloise lore. Using secrets he had unlocked from the book, and hidden from the Father of Obedience, he quested for immortality.
    He has recently returned to the Oerth from distant planes, and has begun subtly aiding enemies of the Scarlet Brotherhood. But he does not wish to see hostile armies ravage the Tilva country, because he still hopes to see a reform of the people there.
    Allied with Lydia.

    Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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    Mon Dec 14, 2015 9:29 pm  

    Though I don't own a copy of that source material, I must say that those three are certainly interesting petty gods for the Flanaess. Smile

    SirXaris' Facebook page:

    Joined: Aug 03, 2001
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    Tue Dec 15, 2015 12:30 am  

    Here's some notes I made on the Original Petty Gods gods a while ago, before the revised and expanded edition was released:

    Ath, god of oaths and wells. Lawful neutral. Son of Geshtai and Mouqol?

    Abondiance, goddess of ephemeral wealth. Neutral. Spoilt daughter of Zilchus and Sotillion.

    Adessec, god of stairs and ladders. Chaotic neutral. Associated with the Infinite Staircase. Son of Berei and Allitur.

    Aglaos, god of torches. Neutral. An elemental prince? Perhaps related to Joramy and Zodal, or other demigods of fire. Brother of Meifer and Mico. An enemy of Grugzaret.

    Aglet, god of frayed rope. Chaotic neutral. Related to the god of crafts or Ralishaz?

    Anwynn Wood, god of favors. Lawful neutral. A servant of Istus?

    Arolohnso, god of the undercity (of Dyvers?) A deified form of Dyvers' original architect, believed by his followers to be the creator of the universe. Of Oeridian heritage, though his long existence as a personification of Dyvers' dungeons means he has intimate knowledge of the ancient city of Tycheron, where Dyvers now is, and Kas.

    Aspix the Forsaken. Chaotic evil. An older god of Tycheron, now forgotten. Allied with Adessec.

    Atra, goddess of vice, addiction, and uncontrolled urges. Abondiance's black sheep sister, or a pre-Devastation Baklunish goddess, the black sheep sister of Xan Yae, forbidden in the tenets of Al'Akbar.

    Attrecoppea, goddess of very small spiders. An animal lord, allied with Istus and Lolth.

    Aurus Argentus, god of currency debasement. A renegade son of Zilchus and Sotillion.

    Azwa, god of mysterious stone heads. A forgotten pre-Olman deity.

    Barococar, god of absurd architecture. A rival of Daern and Arolohnso, once worshiped (not exclusively) by Zagyg. allied with Adessec. Chaotic neutral. Thought to be a deified ancient Oeridian architect, possibly a contemporary of Daern, though he is just as fascinated with ancient Suloise and Flan architecture.

    Behzd, god of lost items. An ancient Suel deity related to Dalt and Vatun, imprisoned in the Amedio and desecrated by the Olman.

    Beorl, god of honey, mead, and beekeepers. A servant of Bralm.

    Chelk and Jodj, servants of Ralishaz. Gods of stains and vandals.

    Chulg, Outer God of heptagons. A Far Realm entity known to the ancient Suel, Flan, Torhoon, aboleths, illithids, and Olmans, and to the cult of Boccob.

    Clavibor, dwarven demigod of doors and locks. A son of Vergadain and onetime apprentice of Abbathor. Lawful neutral.

    Clobrek, god of broken weapons and fumbles. A servant of Ralishaz.

    Coprolias, god of spontaneous outbursts and curse words. A servant of Ralishaz.

    Davy Jones, patron of drowned sailors. Might need a better name. Serves Procan, Panzuriel, Nerull, and Sekolah, terrified of all of them.

    Deeker, god of petty vengeance. A deified xvart and/or a servant of Kurell.

    Dekardinis, god of the ten foot pole. A servant of Fharlanghn.

    Digiskleros, collector of dead mens' fingernails. A servant of Allitur.

    Dinud, protector of eggs. Worshiped by lizard men, nagas, dragons, kenku, bullywugs, kobolds, and many others. A child of Io, Merrshaulk, or Shekinester.

    Diplodias, god of crop rot and poor harvest, a servant of Incabulos.

    Drasheeng, goddess of misperception due to intoxication. A servant of Olidammara.

    Ellspeth, goddess of damsels in distress. The third sister of Abondiance and Atra. Rescued by many hero-gods, including Trithereon and St. Cuthbert.

    Eraisho, god of protection from angry gamblers. A servant of Norebo.

    E'rsae, goddess of rumor and gossip. A servant of Syrul.

    Fluxalle, god of corroded cookware and bad beer. A servant of Ralishaz. A deified halfling, scorned by Olidammara and Wenta and the dwarven god of brewing. Venerated by some Rhennee tinkers.

    Gadfiel, goddess of spells gone awry. A servant of Ralishaz.

    Galdu Aurkitu, god of mislaid and unexpectedly found things. A son of Norebo now serving Ralishaz. Responsible for the imprisonment of Behzd.

    Glorfall, god of academic arguments. Lawful evil. A former servant of Delleb, allied with Mellifleur.

    Gnunnug, god of the number seven. Associated with Lendor, eternal enemy of Chulg. See also Qualdoni, god of the number four, and Tricruxia, goddess of three.

    Groin, god of the Battered Dwarf tavern (in Dyvers?). A servant of the dwarven god of brewing.

    Grugzaret the Snuffer. A goblin deity, god of subterranean darkness. Also worshiped by some orcs, bugbears, kobolds, and other light-sensitive races. Allied with Shargaas, Grankhul, Skiggaret, Gaknulak, and Stalker.

    Haiah, god of judicious retreat. A kobold deity, allied with Gaknulak and Kurtulmak. Sometimes worshiped by others fleeing battle.

    Harbordorim, a former proxy of an unknown dead or forgotten god, possibly Ranet, Anubis, Lolth, or Aspix.

    Heka-Kup, god of hiccups. A servant of Ralishaz.

    Iracaecus, god of blind rage. A servant of Erythnul.

    Jhillenneth, mother of horrors. A daughter of Beltar, monster goddess of sustenance. Worshiped by manticores and countless other monstrous races.

    Joogengeld the Mocker, a servant of Ralishaz. He who laughs at your expense. A rival of Zagyg.

    Kaladis, goddess of marriage. Subordinate to Wee Jas, Pholtus, Heironeous, and other gods of order.

    Kalantos, god of axe executions. Possibly a deified executioner, worshiped by the Mercykillers. A servant of Heironeous in his aspect as god of justice and god of axes. Lawful neutral.

    King Under the Mountain, god of the oppressed and downtrodden. A specific ancient king, identified with a particularly beloved Aerdi or Keoish monarch and thought to be sleeping under a hill or mountain. Possibly the Good Hills. An ally of Krovis (Dragon #167), who sleeps under the Drachensgrabs.

    Khaldranath, the Ox Lord. An animal lord.

    Lacta Lacrima, goddess of pointless regret and wrathful remorse. Bride of Kurell? Perhaps once a nymph.

    Lord Barleycorn, evil variation of John Barleycorn (worshiped in the Hold of the Sea Princes). God of scarecrows and human sacrifice. Came to Oerth from the extraplanar town of Samhain. Allied with Nerull.

    Lord Downall, god of drains and floods. A mad ancient Baklunish deity, once associated with Geshtai. Worshiped in Dyvers, Greyhawk, and Esmerin. Enemy of Mosht Al Blopp, Skerrit, Juiblex, and Raxivort.

    Machuk the Smith, a pre-Olman deity.

    Magpie Princess, an animal lord.

    Maladmin, god of bureaucracy. Allied with Mellifleur and Glorfall, a servant of Lendor. Lawful evil.

    The Man in the Moon, origin unknown.

    Meer-Smah, god of preventing flatulence. A servant of Zilchus? Enemy of Odxit.

    Meifer, god of lantern-lighters, worshiped only in Dyvers and/or Rel Astra and/or Sigil. Sister of Mico, god of burning oil. Perhaps a child of Joramy and sister of Aglaos, god of torches. An enemy of Grugzaret.

    Mespilus, god of an obscure fruit. Probably karafruit, conceivably yarpick fruit if "bletting" makes the fruit useful.

    Mico, god of burning oil. Brother of Aglaos and Meifer, allied with Keoghtom and Pyremius. Chaotic neutral.

    Mixmalix, god of pratfalls. A servant of Ralishaz.

    Mosht Al Blopp, god of fetid pools. An ancient Baklunish deity. Eternal enemy of Lord Downall, ally of Juiblex and Naaragiga. Worshiped in the Greyhawk and Dyvers sewers, and by some wererats, ratmen, and xvarts.

    Naaragiga, goddess of molds and jellies. worshiped by some drow and vegepygmies. Allied with Mosht Al Blopp and Zuggtmoy. Chaotic neutral.

    Nanefesterad, god of false friendships. A servant of Syrul.

    Nazarash the Shatterer, god of broken glass. A servant of Ralishaz.

    Nebius, god of fogs. Perhaps a minor elemental lord of the Plane of Steam. Perhaps a son of Procan.

    Neuph, god of silence. Perhaps a child of Aerdrie Faenya.

    Nocton Zython, god of hallucinations and dreams, illusionists, lotus eaters and sailors. An alien deity, enemy of Incabulos. Discovered Oerth only recently. A servant of Boccob?

    Nwee, god of boredom and ennui. A servant of Lendor.

    Obnomeht, god of dentistry. Former servant of Pelor.

    Ochlos Volgus, god of angry mobs. Servant of Erythnul.

    Odxit, god of unexplained smells. An elemental god, enemy of Meer-Smah.

    Old Snicker, god of insults. Servant of Ralishaz.

    Ophurton, master of prophets. Servant of Zilchus.

    Ouk of the Stump. God of amputees. The god that Hextor's, and possibly Ophurton's, extra limbs came from.

    Qualdoni, god of the number four. Associated with the god of death and with other number gods such as Gnunnug and Tricruxia.

    Qurgan Quagnar, god of three-legged toads. A crippled rival of Wastri, possibly of ancient Batrachi derivation.

    Pakkan, spirit of the mammoth. Guardian of Telchuria, allied with Telchur. An animal lord.

    Palester Olhm, god of death by a thousand cuts. Neutral. Cursed by Nerull.

    Pilikke, god of skipping stones. Member of the Seelie Court.

    Rosartia, goddess of lost time. Associated with Istus? Found on the demiplane of lost things, protector of important artifacts and such. A rival of Galdu Aurkidu.

    Satrum, goddess of blood letting and torturers. A servant of Erythnul, probably. Chaotic evil.

    Screbblo, gnomish god of shoes.

    Seshati Pyhatia, goddess of female scholars. A scorned lover of Delleb who specifically recruits from followers of Delleb. Not associated with Lydia.

    Silvarno, god of late submissions and missed deadlines. A servant of Delleb who cannot die until his masterwork is completed.

    Somnau, god of forgotten injuries. Servant of Pelor?

    Saint Vineria of the Eyes. Servant of Pholtus. A blind martyr who fought a beholder.

    Tau, guardian of tombs. The same as the Olman deity Chitza-Atlan. Servant of Mictlanteotl.

    Tremella of the Cups, servant of Olidammara. Also known among the pre-Devastation Baklunish.

    Tricruxia, goddess of the number three. Associated with other number gods such as Qualdoni and Gnunnug. Said to be the daughter of a menage-a-trois between Wee Jas, Celestian, and Fharlanghn.

    Tybesi-O, god of food and gluttony. Possibly a Oerth-Japanese deity. Or a servant of Olidammara or wayward child of Zilchus and Sotillion.

    Tyop, god of typos. A wayward servant of Delleb. Deified accidentally.

    Undek, a restless spirit of Nerull's dead father (some say).

    Vydia, the charlatan god. How is this even a god? Maybe more of a powerful planewalker, enemy and cherished example of the Athar. Any mythology he claims is false. Occasionally found in Sigil, but doesn't claim to be a god too loudly there. He may be on the cusp of quasi-deity status, or may have become a kind of quasi-deity through false belief. May be a result of the Planescape adventure Harbinger House.

    Vexarus Mouse-God, perhaps a servant of Incabulos, a treacherous lieutenant of Raxivort, or an animal lord.

    Whisper Will, god of crossroads and Unseelie Court patron of will-o-wisps.

    Zikcub, patron of sickly animals, a deified pet tiger (perhaps empowered by Obad-hai, or the Beastlands)

    Zirkonia, god of shiny things. Worshiped by kenku?

    Zzyzz, petty god of irrational fears. More of an ascendant spirit.

    Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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    Tue Dec 15, 2015 12:16 pm  

    rasgon wrote:
    Zzyzz, petty god of irrational fears. More of an ascendant spirit.

    Additionally, he carries a magical staff which magnifies his voice when he speaks into it, always has a unique hairstyle, and his favorite word is "Green?".


    SirXaris' Facebook page:
    Journeyman Greytalker

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    Tue Dec 15, 2015 2:58 pm  

    I knew Rasgon would get in on this. ;)

    I am a big fan of the small gods stuff in GH. It seems like a natural fit with demigods, local deities, heroes, and so on.

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    Thu Dec 17, 2015 2:04 pm  

    Dragon #293 had a really interesting article on small gods, dividing them up into ancestral gods, heroes, saints, and gods of the land. They include Tumblemoon, a divinity worshiped by rabbits and a single gnome, and Ruslant the Unsleeping, a 600-year-old corpse venerated by the Valkurmos family; Ruslant has a spirit trapped inside who needs to be watched over and entertained by a hereditary Keeper. It offers advice and knowledge but has no supernatural powers. Angwa the Cave of Whispers is a sentient cave venerated by local halflings, who sometimes helps his flock in exchange for stories. Lomeriseh is a sentient mosaic in a ruined city, venerated by a tribe of elves who pray to it for good weather, healing, and protection from their enemies. Ydernac, Grandmother Oak, is a massive oak tree whose roots reach into a subterranean grotto, where the local dwarves have carved runes and prayers and leave tokens in exchange for healing.
    Journeyman Greytalker

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    Thu Dec 17, 2015 4:32 pm  

    rasgon wrote:
    Dragon #293 had a really interesting article on small gods, dividing them up into ancestral gods, heroes, saints, and gods of the land. They include Tumblemoon, a divinity worshiped by rabbits and a single gnome, and Ruslant the Unsleeping, a 600-year-old corpse venerated by the Valkurmos family; Ruslant has a spirit trapped inside who needs to be watched over and entertained by a hereditary Keeper. It offers advice and knowledge but has no supernatural powers. Angwa the Cave of Whispers is a sentient cave venerated by local halflings, who sometimes helps his flock in exchange for stories. Lomeriseh is a sentient mosaic in a ruined city, venerated by a tribe of elves who pray to it for good weather, healing, and protection from their enemies. Ydernac, Grandmother Oak, is a massive oak tree whose roots reach into a subterranean grotto, where the local dwarves have carved runes and prayers and leave tokens in exchange for healing.

    That all sounds pretty cool.

    I might snag a copy of that issue just for those.
    Grandmaster Greytalker

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    Fri Dec 18, 2015 12:57 pm  

    rasgon wrote:
    Here's some notes I made on the Original Petty Gods gods a while ago, before the revised and expanded edition was released:

    Arolohnso, god of the undercity (of Dyvers?) A deified form of Dyvers' original architect, believed by his followers to be the creator of the universe. Of Oeridian heritage, though his long existence as a personification of Dyvers' dungeons means he has intimate knowledge of the ancient city of Tycheron, where Dyvers now is, and Kas.

    Aspix the Forsaken. Chaotic evil. An older god of Tycheron, now forgotten. Allied with Adessec.

    Arolohnso reminds me a bit of Cloacina, the goddess of the main sewer trunk of Rome.
    Where does Tycheron come from? I know it's related to Kas, but what's the source? Hand of the Revenant?

    rasgon wrote:
    Coprolias, god of spontaneous outbursts and curse words. A servant of Ralishaz.

    Someone's Latin dictionary really paid off on this one. Laughing

    rasgon wrote:
    Davy Jones, patron of drowned sailors. Might need a better name. Serves Procan, Panzuriel, Nerull, and Sekolah, terrified of all of them.

    Reminds me a bit of Pyaray, the Tentacled Whisperer of Impossible Secrets, from the Elric series. Maybe a deified kraken of some sort?

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    Fri Dec 18, 2015 1:08 pm  

    smillan_31 wrote:
    Where does Tycheron come from? I know it's related to Kas, but what's the source? Hand of the Revenant?

    It was mentioned in Vecna Lives! When the PCs ask the Doorkeeper about Kas, he says, "Kas of Tycheron, arrived last day of the First Age." Vecna Lives! was fairly vague about most things, so it didn't elucidate where Tycheron was.

    Erik Mona placed Tycheron "along the northern banks of the Velverdyva, not far from modern Dyvers" in his article Ancient History: Vecna's Realm.

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    Tue Feb 23, 2016 10:01 am  

    Dyrantil, God of Alchemy (Unknown Gods)

    Legend has it that Dyrantil was once a mortal alchemist dwelling in the realm of Ahlissa back when it was ruled by the Flan, and that he was the first to synthesize the legendary philosopher's stone. One legend says he learned his skills in secret from his own master's homunculus, and that he killed his master (or the homunculus did) when he had learned enough. When the Suel of House Zelrad conquered that land, Dyrantil moved his laboratory to Zelradton and spent centuries in obscurity, building constructs and creating homunculi. Dark myths imply he betrayed his own people, supporting the invaders and taking the Zelrad prince as his new patron so that his work could continue uninterrupted. When his patron, in the hope of forcing him to delegate his work to an apprentice who would betray him, put out his eyes, Dyrantil made himself new ones from blue agate (or out of philosopher's stones) and continued on as before. Aided, it is said, by visions from Boccob, Dyrantil bootstrapped himself to the status of quasi-deity with his own alchemical rites.

    Centuries later he was visited by a young Keoghtom, who posed as the son of an Aerdi prince and begged to be trained in the arts of alchemy. Dyrantil refused to train the ne'er-do-well at first until Keoghtom admitted his true identity. Most legends have Keoghtom being banished before completing his apprenticeship after delving into some secrets or lore that Dyrantil had forbidden him to investigate, some say because he jealously thought his apprentice might surpass him.

    Dwarves in the Iron Hills claim that Dyrantil was actually one of their kind (an apprentice of Dugmaren Brightmantle, perhaps), and that humans stole his secrets and claimed them as their own innovations. Dyrantil is popular among alchemists in Zelradton and Irongate, though his fame has been eclipsed by Keoghtom and Nolzur elsewhere.
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