Hi Guys,
I'm attempting to fill in some details on Rieuwood and I've been looking at Anna's amazing maps for details and inspiration. Can anyone point me to any material/articles that reference the following:
Towns (presumably Elven) of Intasinundur and Si'Lanu
The intriguing 'Monastery of the Silent Valley'
Intasinudur and Si’Lanu come from the now-defunct Living Greyhawk Sunndi site. You may be able to glean some information from the Wayback Machine. I’m unsure about the provenance of Monastery of the Silent Valley, but it may be the same.
I'm currently running part of my campaign in Sunndi. It's going to lead to Rieuwood eventually. Here are some of the infos I may provide:
Village of Intasinudur (County of Esparithen)
Gray Olve (400), Humans (200). The gray olven sorceress Lady Eyanata Esparithen nominally rules the olve of the Rieuwood from this settlement. The olvenfolk are subject to Count Hazendel of Sunndi, and they defend the forest from Ahlissan soldiery and humanoid raiders alike.
A good number of humans reside here as well, and trade is conducted with other Sunndian villages. Intasinudur is also reputed to be home to a society of olven magic-users and sages.
Olven religion here is dominated by a circular, open-air fane of Sehanine the Moonbow. A smaller shrine to Corellon Larethian is also attended by the olvenfolk. The human inhabitants of Intasinudur worship at a shrine to Obad-hai and at The Crow's Nest, a tavern that doubles as a shrine to Norebo. The Lusty Lass Tavern offers more typical fare (sans the ritual gambling), and the Cowled Man inn, run by an olven brother and sister, has accommodations available for travelers.
Si'Lanu. 500 Elves. 50 humans. Capital of Lemarthen County. 3000 Elves
Ishtania Lemrathen
Gray Elf. Fem. Wiz 7. 1m62 et 53kg.
STR: 9. DEX: 14. CON: 12. INT: 18. WIS. 13. CHA: 17. COM: 14
Concentration 15, Decipher Script 9, Know Arcana 14, Know Arch & Eng 7, Know Geography 6, Know History 8, Know Religion 6, Know the Planes 6, Listen 3, Ride 2, Spellcraft 16, Spot 3 Feats: Brew Potion, Combat Casting, Martial Weap Prof, Scribe Scroll, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Spell Focus; Languages Common, Elven
Ishtania has golden hair and purple eyes. Her voice is strangely grave for a woman. Melancholic, she likes precision.
Village of Intasinudur (County of Esparithen)
Gray Olve (400), Humans (200). The gray olven sorceress Lady Eyanata Esparithen nominally rules the olve of the Rieuwood from this settlement. The olvenfolk are subject to Count Hazendel of Sunndi, and they defend the forest from Ahlissan soldiery and humanoid raiders alike.
A good number of humans reside here as well, and trade is conducted with other Sunndian villages. Intasinudur is also reputed to be home to a society of olven magic-users and sages.
Olven religion here is dominated by a circular, open-air fane of Sehanine the Moonbow. A smaller shrine to Corellon Larethian is also attended by the olvenfolk. The human inhabitants of Intasinudur worship at a shrine to Obad-hai and at The Crow's Nest, a tavern that doubles as a shrine to Norebo. The Lusty Lass Tavern offers more typical fare (sans the ritual gambling), and the Cowled Man inn, run by an olven brother and sister, has accommodations available for travelers.
Boy, that sure reads an awful lot like my description of Intasinudur in B3.5 Palace of Queen Ehlissa. When it comes to Greyhawk IP, we’re all making derivative works to be shared freely with one another, but I think quoting someone else’s text verbatim without attribution is in poor taste.
You 're right DMPRATA. But I was not aware of the existence of this module as well as the fact you have participated in the writing of it.
I found what I quoted in another unsigned source some years ago and classified it among my archives.
I should have mentioned it. My fault, but there was no bad intent in it.
You 're right DMPRATA. But I was not aware of the existence of this module as well as the fact you have participated in the writing of it.
I found what I quoted in another unsigned source some years ago and classified it among my archives.
I should have mentioned it. My fault, but there was no bad intent in it.
Thanks for that description, it sounds very interesting. I checked the way back machine and also had some living Greyhawk Sunndi material in my archives.
However no sign yet of the Monastery of the Silent Valley. Anyone heard of that before?
I have no idea what the actual story is, but here's some supposition (not canon):
The Silent Valley is the lowland area between the Hollow Hills and the Glorioles.
It's called that because there was a battle between the armies of the Great Kingdom and Sunndi in 355 CY and it was a massacre. Almost everyone died on both sides of the battle, leaving only a lot of very quiet corpses and one survivor.
The survivor founded a monastery near the site of the battle to commemorate the loss of his companions and serve as a center for the healing arts. The monks took vows of silence and promised to heal all who came to them, regardless of their race or nationality.
In 583 CY, the army of the Great Kingdom under Herzog Chelor burned the Silent Monastery to the ground, slaughtering the monks to a man. The monastery was truly silent, not even footfalls heard in the ashes and ruin.
Now it's haunted. The ghosts of the monks still dwell in the ruin, still trying to heal all those who come... except they can't, their touch ages the living, and their mindless, charred corpses are filled with the negative energy of the slaughter and desire only to kill.
The ghosts can't pass on to the next world until their bodies are put to rest and they can pass their oaths on to a new order of monks.
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