Fri Sep 25, 2020 4:05 pm
muskethulhu - Cthulhuhawk Late 7th Century
Im not a fan of Gunpowder but I love the three Musketeers and I love the Cthulhu mythos and I love Greyhawk, so...
At the end of the 7th century the Flanaess is rocked by foul mythos cultists. Both the Arch-Clericy of Veluna and His Most Royal Majesty of Ferundie have combined their strongest defenders, the Holy Inquisition and the King's Musketeers, into teams of investigators (as well as Judge, Jury and Executioners) to root out the horrors of the Outer Dark now spreading across the Flanaess.
The Dark Vampire-Queen of Keoland is a bastion for these evil forces and her evil minions aid these cultists while Veluna and Ferundie prepare for war.