In my storyline a god shows up in a dream to one of the druid players. He mentions that his followers all but forgotten if there is any left in Greyhawk. They used to send him sacrifices of blood and bone. He is worshiped for the hunt, warriors, forest, mountains, maybe SUEL origin or a primordial against the SUEL for the destruction they caused. Maybe helping Wee Jas or against her?
Do any of the olds gods fit this description in anyway? I will get it to fit.
Here's one suggestion if you don't mind an evil god;
Karaan (CE, possibly demi-god) - "a vile god of savage lust and wanton destruction, representing the dark side of nature. His symbols are gnawed, broken bones and bloody teeth". Mentioned in the Book of Vile Darkness
One of the Animal Lords might work? Wolf Lord for example.
I might be imagining it but isn't there some Wild Hunt type figure associated with Obad-Hai?
If you're open to making the god be indigenous to the Flanaess, you might consider creating an aspect, or scion, of Obad-hai whose worshipers were destroyed during the Great Migrations. Maybe someone in the lands that become Iuz and/or is implicated in Iuz's Soul Husks?
Also, Rasgon once wrote an alternate "origin" for Iuz, which suggested that his appellation "the Old" derived not from Graz'zt and Iggwilv but rather from some indigenous power or spirit of wilderness and the hunt.
Finally, although this hero-god isn't thematically on point, you might read about Vathris, who was featured in the Living Greyhawk Journal #3, among other places, to glean inspiration for how the god you choose / create has been reduced in power. Here's a recent warlock patron description of him.
I'll put in my two cents for the snow elven god Tarsellis Meunniduin.
His areas of concern are mountains, rivers, and the hunt.
His godly domain is the Wild Hunt—difficult to get more hunt-based than that.
IMC, he was one of four seasonal deities worshipped by the Flannae—Tarsellis (winter), Ehlenestra/Ehlonna (spring), Berei (summer), Obad-hai (autumn)—and also revered by the olvenfolk. He was the consort of Ehlenestra, but betrayed her for Megwandir, who'd later become Lolth. Upon realizing the magnitude of his deed, he tore out his own heart and hurled it to the Oerth, where it was buried in the Crystalmists.
My three-year campaign is concluding right now, with the PCs having won their way past the Wild Hunt into his stronghold to replace his heart within his body and (they hope) redeem the god. This should come to a climax this very Saturday.
Llerg is looking like a great choice. But he is still well worshipped in Greyhawk. Not very forgotten.
The the snow elven god Tarsellis Meunniduin. Not sure if he is well worshipped in Greyhawk. But does sound like a good fit.
Gorellik, ancient gnoll god of hunting. Sounds interesting. He would be upset that the ancestral Gnoll tribe in the Caves of Chaos were
Karaan is CE and a good choice. Karaan is the god of beasts, lycanthropes, and bestial humanoids. He represents the dark side of nature, opposing both Ehlonna and Obad-Hai. He's often depicted as a hulking humanoid figure covered in fur with a predatory appearance and terrible claws and teeth. He has not yet been depicted as having a bob haircut with blonde highlights.
The idea is a god shows up in a dream of one of the players that are attempting to route out the Hidden Temple in the Caves of Chaos. That a forgotten god is playing with the mortals attempting to mess with these Jasiden priests of Wee Jas that has taken over the Temple. My Greyhawk version of this Mystara campaign module. This sect of Wee Jas is frowned upon and not sanctioned by the main Wee Jas church.
You find yourself stepping through a fey forest, your feet cushioned on a carpet of deep green moss. You seem to be floating along slowly with motes of light drifting from boughs, dancing from leaf to flower.
Off to the fields on your left, within a circle of young trees, a small fire cast a hazy red glow up among the budding branches. Your eyes could make out a single figure seated there, seemingly holding its hands in the flames. As you stride between two slim trees and step into the pool of light, the hooded figure turn slowly to study you, its face hidden in shadows despite the fire before it. It held its hands in the flame, they withstood the heat, the long sinuous fingers spread wide.
"Strangers wander through," this figure said in an oddly accented voice. "Such as I. Have you summoned me, then? It has been a long time since I walked on soil." The other laughed softly and beckons you to the fire. "I seek sensation once again," it said, "but my hands feel nothing. To be worshipped is to share the supplicants pain. I fear my followers are no more."
"Blood has been spilled behind the walls of caves, Egalgina (Suel word for The Everlasting Palace), upon stone once holy in my name. This, this is new to me. Once I reined in minds of many mortals, and they fed me well with blood and split bones. Long before the first towers of stone rose to mortal whims, I walked among many hunters." The hood tilted up and you feel the immortal eyes fixed upon you. "Blood has been spilled again, but that alone is not enough. I believe I am here to await one who will be awakened. One I have known before, long ago."
The primeval god rose abruptly, "an ancient fire that will give you warmth in times of need," it said. "But I hold you to nothing. Seek Madarua who will lead you. They are the chosen one. I must prepare for battle, I think. One I will lose." wistfully he says, "Perhaps. If so, the child gods have made a grave error, after all," a ghastly smile seemed to come into his tone, "I will lose a battle. I will not die." The god turned away from the fire then. His voice drifts back to you, "Play on, mortal. Every god falls at mortals hands. Such is the only way to immortality."
You feel that a great truth has been revealed to you with those final words, a truth you now given leave to use. The primeval God leaves the pool of light, heading across the fields. You stare at the fire and shivered.
scene inspired by Steven Erickson of the Malazon book series.
While leafing through some Pathfinder 1e books, I came across Cernunnos, who is presented as a chaotic good empyreal lord.
In Greyhawk, this might be an ancient Flan (or fey) power, perhaps named Kurnos or Kurnenos, who might be related to Obad-hai and rasgon's notion of the being that supplies "the Old" to Iuz.
Alternatively, one might use Oberon, who was detailed, along with the other powers of the Seelie Court, in Carl Sargent's 2e Monster Mythology, among other sources.
Or if you're looking for something more evil, you might consider Balan, "Master of the Infernal Hunt," in Green Ronin's Legions of Hell. He's a unique devil serving Belial.
Also, Mammon is another possibility. The 2E Guide to Hell mentions that he'll sometimes revert to his former form & take a nightmare & pack of hellhounds out on a hunt across Minauros.
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