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    Vecna Adventure Help?
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    Apprentice Greytalker

    Joined: Aug 31, 2004
    Posts: 114
    From: Charlotte, NC

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    Tue Nov 30, 2021 4:49 am  
    Vecna Adventure Help?

    Hi All,

    I am nearing the end of my campaign and I always had it that there is a hidden temple to Vecna buried in the nearby hills. It hold the Sword of Kas, which was found by those who worship the God of Secrets and hidden away from the world as it was the weapon to almost destroy their master. The players, of course, are going to find it.

    I haven't read Vecna Lives or any of that series and I am short on time so that I don't think I will get to finish it. I'm trying to figure out what to fill the secret temple with. My default answer is a Liche, but I worry that might be too powerful.

    The party is six players that are level 8 and possibly 9 before the adventure. We are playing 5E and half the party is very experienced players. Since I added the 6th, they have been mowing the enemy down. The party does NOT have a cleric, though, which makes turning undead nothing to worry about, but they do have anti undead weapons (Paladin with a Sun Sword).

    The temple was buried and sealed off from the outside world, so it will all be undead beings inside. I figure the intelligent undead go through a routine of worship to Vecna. There is a dwarven mining company that burrows too deep and discovers it. The priests send swarms of undead to try to defeat the miners, who call in the players.

    I'm looking for some good undead to be in the place. Not everything from the older editions has been ported over, but it's pretty easy to do so. A Lich might be too powerful for them at this stage. What is another good intelligent undead High Priest of the temple?

    What are some good mid level undead? Maybe a Bone Golem or such? Crawling Hand swarms? Hordes of U-Flan ghouls are easy enough to throw at them. I want to make it memorable, though.

    Any ideas or thoughts?

    Joined: Aug 03, 2001
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    Tue Nov 30, 2021 6:26 am  

    Darakhul high priestess:
    A high priestess of Vecna, this intelligent ghoul teaches her flock that secrets are best discovered by consuming the flesh of those who keep them.

    Necrophage ghast:
    Mages of the Ur-Flan, these intelligent ghouls serve their high priestess.

    Mad ghoul:
    The presence of the Sword of Kas caused this ghoul to go mad seeking to possess it and keep it from others of its kind. The high priestess walled it off in another part of the dungeon, where it has been scratching at the walls ever since, trying to get back to its prize.

    Ancient void disciple:
    A schism among the undead has resulted in the Ancient Void Disciples declaring allegiance not to Vecna, but to the primeval void (or to Tharizdun). They are not yet strong enough to take the Sword of Kas from the ghouls, but may be open to an alliance.

    Either a failed experiment of the void disciples, or something they have chosen to worship, believing it to be a herald of the void that whispers secrets even Vecna doesn't know. It is a spirit of pure madness, and it knows nothing at all.

    Clerics corrupted by the ghoul priestess, the huecuvas serve as acolytes to the ghouls and to the disciples of the void.

    Bilemaw ghoul:
    Lacking the intelligence of the high priestess or the necrophages, these specialized ghouls simply spew disgusting black bile at their superiors' orders.
    Apprentice Greytalker

    Joined: Aug 31, 2004
    Posts: 114
    From: Charlotte, NC

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    Tue Nov 30, 2021 1:01 pm  

    Wow! That is definitely some Ghoul-tastic stuff! I can see myself using some of that.
    Apprentice Greytalker

    Joined: Aug 31, 2004
    Posts: 114
    From: Charlotte, NC

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    Wed Dec 01, 2021 7:25 am  

    Does anyone have any non-ghoul caster undead? Priestly, preferably. I'm just not sure what I want to go with.

    Joined: Aug 03, 2001
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    Wed Dec 01, 2021 8:25 am  

    heychadwick wrote:
    Does anyone have any non-ghoul caster undead? Priestly, preferably. I'm just not sure what I want to go with.

    Mummy priest of Orcus:
    Mummy court priest:
    Mummy acolyte:

    Bodak priest:

    Forsaken priest:
    Huecuva (alternate version):
    Huecuvas don't cast spells, but they might make effective undead acolytes for the forsaken priest.

    Also, since you mentioned a dwarven mining company, here are a few undead dwarves:

    Dwarf Plague-Host:
    Plague-born dwarf:
    Zombie dwarf:
    Ghost dwarf:

    Joined: Jul 26, 2010
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    From: LG Dyvers

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    Fri Dec 03, 2021 3:17 pm  

    I remember the greater mummy being a more powerful version with clerical spell-casting abilities from earlier editions, but 5th edition has a version of its own.,message%2C%20poison%20spray%2C%20ray%20of%20frost%2C%20true%20strike

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