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Baklunish Magic
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Apprentice Greytalker

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Fri Oct 27, 2023 6:14 am  
Baklunish Magic

Baklunish Magic


The Zashassar of Ekbir is an organization of mages founded in the days following the Invoked Devastation in order to safeguard and protect the immense magical knowledge of the Baklunish Empire. Of course, the cataclysm caused the irremediable loss of a considerable part of this knowledge, notably through the death of the greatest mages of the time. What could be saved has, since that time, been carefully guarded in the mysterious depths of the Zashassar. The magical knowledge preserved in the Zashassar is perhaps the most considerable in all of Flanaesse, but it is also the most secret and best guarded. (Some claim that the secret of the Rain of Colorless Fire is kept in the heart of Zashassar but no proof or testimony has ever come to confirm this hypothesis).

The building that houses the Zashassar is a true architectural marvel, a large hemispherical dome surrounded by three tall, massive pinnacles, all made entirely of pristine white marble. Erected on the Great Square, opposite the glorious palatine residence of the Caliph, the monumental seat of the Zashassar dominates the port city of Ekbir from its full height. The dome is 31 meters in diameter and many scholars claim that this dimension was not chosen at random. It is claimed that the dome extends from below by another hemisphere to form a gigantic sphere, which can only be penetrated, physically or magically, by the members of the Zashassar.
The Zashassar plays no political role in Ekbir despite its considerable power. Mages work on projects known only to themselves in splendid isolation. For them, political problems are trivial things of little interest. They only seem concerned with magic, knowledge, or large-scale quests. Few people know what worries them, what keeps all sorts of rumours alive.

The Zashassar is the most prestigious school of elementary magic in Flanaesse. Many of the most powerful sorcerers of the last millennium have come from its ranks. Its school of traditional magic is also almost without peer, and even the art of Sha'ir flourishes within the building, much to the dismay of the priests of Al-Zarad (Boccob) who claim that this practice is not real magic.

The Sha'ir is a subclass of Occultist whose patron is a noble Genius.

Members of the Zashassar are called zashassaris. They are subject to a rigorous selection which eliminates most applicants. This selection is based not only on magical aptitude and intellectual abilities but also on the qualities of obedience, loyalty, and self-sacrifice. The discipline is hard to imagine. The zashassaris must fit into the mold of the order and renounce all individual freedom to blend into the organization. No fantasy is tolerated. Obedience must be absolute, and the sanctions provided by a draconian rule are merciless. The life of a zashassari is entirely dedicated to the Order, to guarding the knowledge and secrets it contains, and to magic. It is said that any new member must take a terrible oath of allegiance and fidelity to be definitively admitted and that breaking this oath would have dramatic consequences for the perjurer. It is no wonder that zashassaris have a reputation for being completely dehumanized, cold and indifferent. We only meet them very rarely and always when they have a specific mission for their Order. They never turn away from their goal and only speak to outsiders if it is necessary. When a zashassari appears, a feeling of unease and worry becomes palpable around him, such are these mages surrounded by an aura of mystery and power. Zashassaris are normally dressed in all-black hooded robes.

The Order of Zashassar Inquisitors

The Zashassar is subject to control by the clergy of Al'Akbar and a special order of Cult Inquisitors is responsible for ensuring that the mages respect the rule. This control dates to the time of Al'Akbar himself who imposed it on the nascent Zashassar in order to prevent magic from dominating Baklunie society again, as in the time of the Empire, with all the catastrophic excesses that we know. The Zashassar was founded on a commitment to total isolation and loyalty to the caliphs. They must guard magical secrets and sensitive knowledge and prevent it from being divulged.

The Zashassar Inquisitor is a subclass of Sorcerer (Sorcerer – Divine Chosen).

The Zashassar College

To recruit new members, the Zashassar created a college intended to select magicians with the required qualities. This college, open to all, provides basic training in magic and prepares for entry tests into the Order. These tests are notoriously difficult. They test not only intelligence and magical abilities but also will, discipline and alignment. The tests are taken at the end of basic training when students reach the 1st level of magician. Those who fail are excluded from the College while the successful candidates can enter the Zashassar. Even in the College, the discipline is extremely harsh and discourages many apprentices, which allows a first selection. Any PC beginning their adventuring career as a 1st level wizard may have been, at the player's discretion, trained in the Zashassar college. In this case, it is a student who failed the final exams. This failure in no way prevents the pursuit of a brilliant career as a magician, as evidenced by the example of Alhamazad the Wise, magician of Zeif, member of the Circle of Eight, who fled the College because of the harshness of discipline.

Elemental magic is a long-standing Baklunie specialty. It includes the summoning of genies such as djinns (air) and efreets (fire), ordinary elementals or Elemental Lords. The Elemental Lords, without being the object of worship, are studied with attention.
The evil elemental Lords are named Imix (evil fire), Ogrémosh (evil earth), Olhydra (evil water) and Yan-C-Bin (evil air).
The good elemental Lords are called Ben-Hadar (beneficial water), Chan (beneficial air), Sunnis (beneficial earth) and Zaaman Rul (beneficial fire).
The unpredictable and highly evil deity known as Ancient Elemental Evil also plays a role in this picture.
Omnipresent and brought to its highest level of power during the last days of the Empire, the magic of the elements is today in Ekbir carefully controlled and contained to avoid any overflow. The most important secrets are kept in the depths of the Zashassar who does not divulge them. Elemental magic is therefore only a vestige of what it once was. However, Sha'ir, elemental wizards, sorcerers, and occultists still manage to form from time to time.

Astrology is an ancient Baklunie specialty that dates to the Empire and is perpetuated by this college. Of course, the mages of the Zashassar are also very learned in matters of astrology but they keep their conclusions to themselves or to authorized people. The college of astrologers, on the contrary, is accessible to the public. Its members advise all those who come to consult them for remuneration. They are closely linked to the clergy of Istus. The college of astrologers is part of Ekbir University.


The Ekbir Tapestry (unique artifact)
This terrible tapestry is found in Zashassar. It represents a black river in a dark, sinister, and desolate land. This tapestry is said to be a door to one of the Lower Planes, although rumours claim that it opens to an unknown world. Rumour has it that the worst criminals are being sent there in secret.

The Ekbiraa Tourniquet
The garrote is one of the favourite weapons of assassins working in Ekbir. As a result, magical tourniquets have been enchanted for malicious individuals.

Faruk (artifact unique)
Faruk is the name of Azor'Alq's scimitar. This weapon is a true relic with considerable powers. However, she is lost.

Daoud's Lantern (unique artifact)
The most famous relic linked to Daoud is his wondrous lantern carrying powerful enchantments. No one knows what became of her.

The Cup and Talisman of Al'Akbar (unique artifacts)
These two relics so important to the Ekbirite religion were stolen. It is a sacred quest to seek them. The Cup is hammered gold with chased silver filigree and twelve large gems in electrum settings. The Talisman is hammered platinum, shaped like an eight-pointed star, with chiselled gold inlays and a small sparkling gem at each point. It hangs from a gold, silver, and electrum chain.

The Saber of Al'Akbar (unique item)
The prophet's two-handed scimitar would still be in the possession of the caliphs of Ekbir.

The Sword of Azor'Alq (unique item)
Azor'Alq had a magic sword in addition to Faruk. She too has been lost for a long time. This intelligent and haughty sword would be a destroyer of demons.

The Hyacinth of Priceless Beauty (unique artifact)
It is said that the most beautiful corundum was extracted from the heart of the greatest mountain and carved by the gods themselves to make the Hyacinth of Priceless Beauty. This enormous, flaming orange gem is indescribably beautiful and wonderfully cut into dozens of facets that emit rays of brilliant light. The Hyacinth would have been given by the Shah of the Waters of Lake Udrukankar to the envoys of the Sultan of Zeif, Jeref Peh'reen, who possessed it for some time. She then passed into the country of Ket then, towards the South, into Kéolande where we lost her trace. His disappearance would have prevented the sultan from restoring the Bakluni empire by founding a new imperial dynasty.

The Crown of the Caliphs (unique item)
The traditional crown of the caliphs is octagonal and made of gold. She would have great powers.

Reference: Ekbir's Guide, Framework for players and scenario writers for the Living Greyhawk™ campaign in France. Version 2.1. Director: Gaël Richard, Loďc Feitz and Guillaume Gallais.

The next articles will focus on:
• The Zashassar Archivist
• The Zashassar Inquisitor
• The Four Orders of Elemental Sorcery
• the Sha'ir, a Warlock with a Noble Genie as his patron
• and a bonus: EKBIR and the Monastery of Silent Devotion “THE WAY OF THE FOUR ELEMENTS”

Jacques. Good reading (google traduction !)

Dorian Almuren, Chevalier de Greyhawk
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Jul 16, 2010
Posts: 52
From: TregMallin

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Sat Oct 28, 2023 4:25 am  
Re: Baklunish Magic

Docjacques wrote:
Baklunish Magic



The Sha'ir is a subclass of Occultist whose patron is a noble Genius.


Elemental magic is a long-standing Baklunie specialty. It includes the summoning of genies such as djinns (air) and efreets (fire), ordinary elementals or Elemental Lords. The Elemental Lords, without being the object of worship, are studied with attention...


Jacques. Good reading (google traduction !)

Dorian Almuren, Chevalier de Greyhawk

Very good reading.

For that first part, was the patron a noble Genie, as mentioned in the second excerpt? I ask only because in classical mythology the genius was a lot like what people might call a "guardian angel" today.
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Apr 30, 2022
Posts: 127
From: France

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Sat Oct 28, 2023 6:24 am  
Re: Baklunish Magic

TregMallin wrote:
Docjacques wrote:
Baklunish Magic



The Sha'ir is a subclass of Occultist whose patron is a noble Genius.


Elemental magic is a long-standing Baklunie specialty. It includes the summoning of genies such as djinns (air) and efreets (fire), ordinary elementals or Elemental Lords. The Elemental Lords, without being the object of worship, are studied with attention...


Jacques. Good reading (google traduction !)

Dorian Almuren, Chevalier de Greyhawk

Very good reading.

For that first part, was the patron a noble Genie, as mentioned in the second excerpt? I ask only because in classical mythology the genius was a lot like what people might call a "guardian angel" today.

Thank you. Yes, the Warlock boss is a noble Genie. In D&D, I haven't seen the Genie played as an invisible spirit that accompanied men from their birth until their death (the good genie or the bad genie). Maybe in Al'Qadim ?
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