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Zahindia & the Rakshasa
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Apprentice Greytalker

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Thu Jan 16, 2025 11:43 am  
Zahindia & the Rakshasa

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This article focuses on this region and the Rakshasas. This monster appears in the MM 1st edition and then in each edition of D&D up to the MM 5th edition, of which we present the profile of a Rakshasa Maharajah in the appendix.
We were freely inspired by the following references:

DRAGON ANNUAL 1 (1996); pg. 72. Map of the Toerre.
Article by Skip Williams and cartography by Dave Sutherland. This region is called Zindia. It is described as a tropical land where rich cities arise from humid jungles.

Editor-in-Chief and project coordinator: Rick “Duicarthan” Miller.
The region is called Zahindia.

DRAGON MAGAZINE n°326. “The Ecology of the Rakshasa” by Eric Cagle.

Joe “Greyhawk Grognard” Bloch’s articles on Zihindia and its pantheon.

TalMeta articles published in Canonfire:
• “Sunela, The Suloise Empire in Exile”
• “Osbyle (of the Sunelan Coast)”
• “Nochet - An Olven Realm on the Sunelan Coast”
• “The Kingdom of Zobolfon”
• “Kingdom of Zofon, Sunelan Coast”

Oerth Journal n°26: “The Bounds of Oerth, Western and southern regions”, article by Eric Mona. Erik Mona's article in OJ n°26 validates the TalMeta articles published in Canonfire, concerning the Suléna Coast and describes little the provinces of Zahindia.

Zahindia is a region of Oerth located to the south and west of the former suloise Imperium, which became the Sea of Dust after the Rain of Colorless Fire.
What few people know is that part of this region was the cradle of the suloise Imperium. After the suloise fled from Ishtar in the Far West, the city that was destroyed by the gods, furious at the insolence of this people who wanted to touch the heavens, the survivors fled in their fleets and sailed east and then north. They had to cross the Sea of Thunder then the Ocean of Storms, a region of gray sea lashed by endless tempests, to face the most fearsome maritime monsters but, after a few years, the surviving ships managed to reach the Sea of Pearl and the coast of Sunéla. They established a new city there, New Ishtar, and expeditions explored the surrounding lands.
Note: Sulena, an Empire in Exile, is about the exile of Ishtar and validates the existence of two suloise sea deities: Osprem and Xerbo.
An expedition crossed the mountain range to the east and founded the beginnings of the suloise Imperium. Other expeditions went north and west to discover Zahindia.

Zahindia is a land of ancient gods and riches, a proud and prosperous kingdom with a tropical climate. The jungles of Zahindia offer a fascinating variety of life, elephants, tigers, panthers, cheetahs, gazelles, and gorillas populate these jungles, and beautifully colored birds fill the trees. Yaks and oxen roam the northern highlands, and some have been domesticated by the hill peoples.
Zahindia has vast tracts of forest where no one ventures lightly, and few return. It is a self-sufficient land with great wealth and fertile soil, except in the stony regions of the foothills of the Hima-alaya mountain range “The Residence of Snows". There is a well-developed agriculture and an abundance of precious minerals. The country also produces precious spices, cosmetics, herbs, spices, lumber, jade, and other natural substances worked into intricate pieces of distinctive beauty. There is also a thriving industry of silk and woven goods, especially carpets. In the north, the mines provide copper, silver, gold and iron, the southern coast has rich seaports, Zahindia mainly trades by sea, but merchants from some provinces can be found in Karnoosh and the Celestial Empire of Shaofeng. Zahindia is a nation divided into two peoples, the original population of the Zahindians, the first and by far the most numerous inhabitants of this region, are dark-skinned. The suloise minority is the ruling caste in the coast of Sunéla where the Empire in Exile was founded.

Zahindia is a very hierarchical society with at its head maharajahs or "Princes", assisted by his nobles "rajahs", who rule over a society whose power base is the priestly caste, "the Brahmins", and a noble warrior caste "the Kshatriyas"; below them are the artisans and townspeople, called "Vaisyas", who provide the backbone of Zahindia, the industrial economy, and finally, the servants and peasants or "Sudras", the most populous caste. Below all, there are the Untouchables or "Dalits", whose modest birth leaves them with the task of cleaning up waste and corpses.
The arts (notably the highly codified dance), philosophy and religious culture are highly developed. The Zahindians worship their own pantheon of deities. There are many holy men among the Zahindians who travel from village to village, demonstrating their mystical power to the assembled crowd and performing strange feats for all to see. The villagers pay what they can for these miracles as a mark of respect for the men and gods they represent. They believe that some holy men are spirits of nature, who walk among men to inspect the human domain. The Zahindians worship the Elder Gods of Earth and Heaven and the gods of the Other Worlds. Brahma, is the creator god and demiurge, the last member of the trinity of original deities. The god Brahma has four arms and a head with four faces. He therefore looks to the four directions at once, which marks his omniscience. The other members of the trinity are Vishnu and Shiva. Vishnu preserves and protects the world, while the destructive aspect of Shiva is essential to the renewal and regeneration of the universe.
First among the Young Gods, Indra is the king of the gods and Lord of the Sky, the King of the Storm and the god of War; Varuna, the Lord of Cosmic Justice and Truth, Surya, the god of the Sun and Mercy, Agni, the god of Fire and Lightning and Rudra, the god of Storms and Death. Then there is Lakshmi, the goddess of Fortune, Kali the goddess of Destruction, Ushas the goddess of Dawn, Karttikeya the demigod of War, Ratri the demi-goddess of Night and Thieves, Tvashtri the demigod of Artisans and Inventors and Yama the demigod of Death.
Finally, the pantheon includes Hanuman, whose children are the great apes of the jungle; Ganesh the great god of elephants, Wisdom, and Intelligence; Garuda, the god of all birds and a multitude of small local gods.

But Zahindia is also a place of great evil. Zahindia was created and initially ruled by the Yuan-Ti or "Serpent Men" until they were overthrown by their human slaves. They attempted to control the new human realm using illusion magic, when memories of humanity's past wars faded, but were defeated again. Eventually, they created a religion "the Cult of the Serpent" to replicate the same goal and they nearly succeeded. Their power was eventually destroyed, and they fled to the Dark Underworld. They worship Merrshaulk, a divine aspect of the Serpent.
The Nagas are sinister reptilian beings, large serpents with human heads, endowed with intelligence and magical powers. The Nagas was created by the elder Sarrukhs as a race of servants. They were created by the magical crossbreeding of powerful serpents with the natural intelligence and curiosity of humans. As servants, they served the Sarrukhs as guards, seekers of magic, and explorers of uncharted lands. The first Nagas to be created were aquatic Nagas, who were bred to explore the vast lands and oceans of Oerth. After about ten thousand years, shortly before the War of the Gods, the Nagas began to emerge from the depths of the ocean. They have since inhabited the coastal regions of Zahindia and the Dark Underworld. They worship Shekinester, another divine aspect of the Serpent, and his son Parafaire. Finally, while these two races have almost disappeared from the surface of Toerre.
This is not the case for the infamous Rakshasas. Considered by some to be the embodiment of evil, Rakshasas dominate all they encounter as domineering manipulators, powerful sorcerers, and terrible enemies. Greedy and treacherous, these immortal beings enjoy plotting the downfall of others while increasing their own powers. In addition to their own abilities, Rakshasas are charismatic individuals who attract many servants to their service. Intelligent and deceptive by nature, Rakshasas are the scourge of Zahindia as they prefer to operate in the shadows, using lies, bribery, and betrayal to ensure their safety.

But Zahindia is also the realm of peaceful races who live in communion with nature.
The Aarakocra are an intelligent race of “birdmen” who live in the highest mountain peaks. The average Aarakocra stands about 5 feet tall and has a wingspan of about 20 feet. At the center of the edge of each wing is a hand with three human-sized fingers and an opposable thumb. A fourth elongated finger extends along the wing and locks in place during flight. The hands cannot hold anything during flight but are as useful as a human's when the Aarakocra is perched and its wings folded. Their powerful legs end in four sharp talons that can be unlocked to make way for another pair of fully functional hands. These humanoids have hollow, fragile bones. Their faces combine the features of parrots and eagles. They have a gray-black beak and black eyes. Plumage varies in color, but males typically have red, orange, and yellow feathers, while females tend toward brown and gray. Aarakocras live in small tribes that control a hunting territory and share a communal nest. The eldest male serves as leader, while the oldest of his cadets serves as shaman.
Very shy and nervous, the Phanatons are the hidden eyes and ears of the woods. Lacking proper villages, the Phanatons tend to wander in small nomadic groups, usually containing 15 to 20 adults and at most one child per adult. They are not xenophobic, but are more comfortable with what is familiar, so they tend to observe other races as they pass through the woods. The Phanatons are small, squirrel-like bipeds. Their most notable physical trait is the stretching of the skin that connects their arms and legs. When they stretch their limbs, they can glide, which usually allows them to easily pass from one tree to another without touching the ground. They use this to their advantage and dislike walking much, preferring to spend much of their time in the higher regions of the forests.
In the tropical jungles live the Dakons, who resemble gorillas. These advanced primates are powerful and proud, and they protect their culture with the same ferocity with which they protect their young. Highly social beings, the Dakons live in villages, towns, and even cities. They build their homes in the tallest trees but are also capable of constructing their thatched houses on stilts. A Dakon village has fewer than 100 inhabitants. Towns have populations ranging from 100 to 500, and cities rarely have more than 1,000 inhabitants. Children and young adults make up 40% of any community; adult women make up 35%, and the remaining 25% are adult men. Each Dakon community has a dominant male leader called the ghana, or “war chief”. The ghana is always the most powerful warrior in the tribe. His duties include leading the adult men of his group in the defence of their community and carrying out the policies and orders of the local kaya maghan ("gold king"). The most powerful ghanas compete to become the kaya maghan when the latter position is vacant. The kaya maghan is so named because his position gives him ownership of all the gold mines worked by his people. He keeps as much gold as he wishes and distributes the rest as gifts to his most trusted servants, the ghanas and warriors. The Dakons love gold and spare no expense in adorning themselves with gold jewelry.

In Zahindia, hill and mountain dwarves are known, but very rare. Elves are present but in relatively small numbers, the wild and sylvan elves are the most well-known subraces. Elven half-breeds of these two lines are, of course, known. As a rule, all elven races in Zahindia have a darker pigmentation, as do the human population. Halflings and gnomes are unknown.
The great mountain ranges that encircle Zahindia are home to special subraces of dwarves and elves: the snow elves and the glacier dwarves.
Explorers who venture into the far reaches of the ice sometimes return with tales of magnificent ice cities built atop isolated mountains and inhabited by Snow Elves, beings with eyes as white as snow and hair that curls like fragile wisps of cloud. Snow Elves resemble their brethren, but are slimmer and more robust, living in harsher conditions. Males typically grow to be 7 feet tall, and females to 6 feet tall. Their lifespan is the shortest of their kind, between 750 and 900 years.
Many dwarves inhabit the frozen lands. The mountains are just as rich with metal ores as anywhere else, after all. In general, Glacier dwarves are no different from those who dwell in warmer climates. Their mountain citadels are just as warm, comfortable, and protected from the environment as anywhere else, heated from within by forges and a multitude of dwarven bodies. Rumors of a race of powerful and magical dwarves persist. Known in tales as the Deep Dwarves, these creatures are mythical beings capable of forging priceless magical treasures and even, according to legend, artifacts.
Finally, other races live in the icy heights of these mountain ranges: the human tribes of the Glacier Nomads, the solitary Goliaths, as hard as the mountain stone, and as cold and merciless as its bitter and icy winds, the races of giants like the Verbeegs, the Ice Trolls, the Frost Giants. A White Dragon has not been seen for centuries
When the Suloise came, founded the city of New Ishtar and then invaded western Zahindia, they pushed the indigenous nomads north and east.

Today, Zahindia is a vast region of eleven provinces.
We can distinguish the six initial provinces of the “Sunéla Coast”, strongly marked by the presence of the Suloise:
• The Empire of Sunéla, with its capital, New Ishtar, where the central power sits
• The Protectorate of Nochet
• The Kingdom of Zofon
• The Kingdom of Zobolfon
• The Duchy of Osbyle
• The Duchy of the Western March
And the “Land of Kings”, a country with a rich cultural and historical heritage, which includes the six other provinces, populated mainly by indigenous Zahindians, and ruled by their maharajahs, "Princes", assisted by their vassals, the "Noble" rajahs.
• Sa’han
• Below
• Chomur
• Mulwar
• Jahind
• Changar
For a complete description of these states, interested GMs can read the 5 TalMeta articles and Oerth Journal #26. We prefer to provide a chronology of events as described in the TalMeta articles.

Timeline of Events
Fall of Ishtar (DM’s discretion)
Foundation of New Ishtar and the Exiled Suloise Empire (DM’s discretion)
First War of the Empire against Ryuujin/Huuncha.
3,980 DS. The three children of Empress Vionne are given control of the Sulena Empire and the principalities of Zobolfon and Zofon.
Several centuries of peace.
4,104 DS. The Duchy of Westmarch is established.
4,190 DS. Zobolfon makes first direct contact with a “blood elf” ambassador who claims Westmarch in the name of his Lord Moish.
4,191 DS. The attacks of the Ryuujin hobgoblins on the Westmarch colonies intensify, followed by a full invasion.
By the end of 4,192 SD, Westmarch and most of Zobolfon are overrun, and Ryuujin's ships prowl the sea lanes, attacking Suloise ships at every opportunity.
4,193 SD. The Suloise Empire officially declares war on the Ryuujin Empire.
4,220 SD. After heavy losses, Ryuujin finally sues for peace, agreeing to cede the lands of Westmarch and Zobolfon to the Kingdom of Sunela.
For the next thousand years, peace holds.
4,634 SD. The Huuncha (the most powerful tribe of the hobgoblins) rebel, with the help of Zophon, against their Ryuujin masters.
4,720 SD. The Huuncha League is formed.
5,012 SD. The hobgoblins intensify their raids. Ryuujin declares war on Sulena shortly thereafter.
5094 DS. The Rain of Colorless Fire destroys the Suloise Imperium.
5128 DS. The 2nd Ryuujin War ends.
5198 DS. Jirin II of Zophon is assassinated.
5203 DS. When Garrik the Pretender appears before the Imperial court, accompanied by his young wife Mirianne, the rightful princess of Zophon. His oath of loyalty is accepted by the emperor with some reluctance. The Church of Sheler (a pantheonic cult honoring Wee Jas, Beltar, and Syrul) is elevated to the status of state religion and granted authority second only to that of Prince Garrik I himself.
5231 DS. Garrik I dies mysteriously, leaving his three eldest daughters to serve as regents and administer his kingdom and the Church of Sheler as their own. This theocracy rules Zofon for several centuries.
5290 DS. Peace is shattered once again when a large army of hobgoblins, the natives nelakas, and blood elves cross the border of Westmarch, seizing it within a fortnight. For the next four decades, Zobolfon struggles with minimal support from the Empire, eventually agreeing to return the lands to Lord Moish in exchange for peace.
5308 DS. Bozolfon's war with Zofon.
5390 DS. Drazus IV of Zobolfon marries his daughter Emiree to Prince Noen XII of Zofon, beginning the close alliance the two lands will share for the next decade.
5412 DS. Assassination of the 402nd Emperor by the princes of Zobolfon and Zofon.
War of the Three Crowns for 30 years.
5444 DS. End of the War of the Three Crowns.
Regency Council for forty years.
5884 DS. Second Crown War.
The Duchy of Osbyle is sacked and falls under the control of the Huuncha Pirate Lords.
During the Second Crown War, the Church of Sheler collapses, leaving Zofon free again.
5531 DS. End of the Second Crown War. Ulin I ascends the Imperial throne.
5661 DS. Coup d'état in Zobolfon after the assassination of Hemin II by the Cabal of the Silver Star. Under his leadership, Zobolfon becomes the country it is today, with its Four Castes and its structured society.
5760 DS. The Huuncha pirates attack the ships of Sunela.
5766 DS. The retaliation results in Ryuujin entering the war. To the amazement of many, Zobolfon emerges from the conflict even stronger than before. The Milinoth caste, trained in the martial arts of the Mriduin, proves itself the equal of Ryuujin's fearsome Sam'uri warriors. Moish himself perishes in the final battle of the war, slain by a combination of Milinoth warriors and their Arcanoth supporters.
Intermittent skirmishes along the southern border dominate the next century, as new warlords vie for Moish's lands. Naval warfare lasts for nearly a century.
5801 DS. A series of earthquakes causes Xerbo’s Teeth to collapse. Sailors braving the new passage make peaceful contact with the Olmans of Xamaclan.
5960 DS. A ship flying the colors of the Scarlet Brotherhood struck the Teeth of Xerbo during a storm, killing all but two of the crew. While recovering, the two crew members are talkative. The Empire in Exile discovers the existence of the Kingdom of Shar.
6047 DS. A Scarlet Brotherhood ship stops at Sulena, carrying ambassadors and offers of a formal alliance between the two nations.
6051 DS. The ambassadors sailed east again, bearing gifts and messages of friendship, but no Brotherhood ships have returned to this day.
6079 DS. Scarlet Brotherhood assassins travel through the Furnaces of Hell and then the Himalayas, assassinating nobles hostile to the proposed alliance.

No specific date for:
• The fall of Ishtar (DM’s discretion)
• The founding of New Ishtar (DM’s discretion)
• The Days of Elven Wrath in the Nochet Protectorate.
• The date the principalities of Bolzophon and Zophon becomes kingdoms. Another hypothesis is to speak initially of a Kingdom in Exile and its two principalities. The Kingdom of Exile becomes an Empire in Exil after the Rain of Colorless Fire.

Today, the Sunela Empire is reduced to an alliance between the kingdoms of Sunela, Bozolphon and Zophon. The Nochet Protectorate is ruled by a virtually independent Elven Court. The Duchy of Westmarch is disputed between the empire, the Hobgoblins, Nelakas and the Blood Elves. The Duchy of Osbyle is ruled by a triumvirate of Pirate Lords.

The empire's main enemy is the nation of Ryuujin, an island nation inhabited by humans and great goblin mercenaries who have invaded the southern coast of Zahind, and the Duchy of Westmarch, imposing a militaristic dominion, the "Geitsakuru Dominion", which regularly attacks the Sunéla Coast.

Another adversary is the Huuncha League, a fleet of pirates and raiders who recently seized the Duchy of Osbyle.

The second part on Zahindia will have to include a geography of this region.
The map of the Oerth Journal n°26 will serve as a reference. Brief information on the 6 independent provinces is given in OJ 26. We will have to specify the outlines of the borders, the course of the rivers, the location of the cities and the political map of each province. Additionally, we will need to place the Yuan-Ti, Naga and Rakshasa monsters in this environment.

In tribute to TalMeta

History of the Rakshasa
Rumors that the Arcanaloths were originally demons banished from the Abyss due to their deceptive nature also claim that they are the ancestors of the Rakshasa. The Rakshasa have strongly disputed these stories despite their cruelty, greed, and conniving Tanar'ri-like nature, dismissing them as insults to their honorable race and an accusation of degeneracy. More recently, it has been claimed that the Rakshasa were the result of a hellish ritual from Baator, created from an enigmatic but nonetheless powerful race of Baatezus to escape Baator. Indeed, the Rakshasa display various characteristics of demonic descent, and a popular theory is that they descended, in the distant past, from a race of demonic animals.
It is, however, entirely possible that the Rakshasas are an entirely separate race of demons, as their specific brand of malevolence was quite unique. Many, less specific, legends simply stated that they came from a "faraway land" as a plague that caused poverty to corrupt and drain every society they encountered, and some said that the demons inflicting horror were the manifestation of our nightmares.
Despite the countless documented cases of Rakshasas influencing world politics, the known examples represent only a fraction of the extent of their deceptive exploits. Researchers who have investigated their sinister schemes have found that they can be linked to the downfall of several organizations, trading houses, and churches, instigating untold tragedies and the collapse of entire governments. The elimination of these investigating researchers is one of the rare occasions when the Rakshasas unite. The exact origins of the Rakshasa are shrouded in mystery and legend, not helped by the proud and insidious Rakshasa themselves, who, if they know their history, never willingly share it and probably go to great lengths to make it confusing and contradictory.

Rakshasa Physiology
Rakshasas range from 6'10" to 7'10" tall and weigh between 240 and 350 pounds. Their true appearance is little known due to their ability to assume almost any humanoid form, but they are always distinguished by the richest clothing and most precious jewelry. Their true form is said to be that of a humanoid with the head of a tiger, clad in luxurious furs to match their attire.
A Rakshasa's eyes are slit-shaped, like felines, golden or black, and always contain a glint of demonic and disturbing intelligence. However, their most disconcerting and unique feature is their inverted hands. A rakshasa's palms face away from the body when the arms are at rest, and the knuckles of the fingers are bent backwards to grasp and manipulate objects.

Rakshasa Personality
Their animalistic appearance belies a sophisticated personality with an irresistible thirst for power and material wealth. They combine the habits of a predatory aristocrat with an indolent feline, savoring fine art, music, literature, clothing, weapons, and armor while spending much time lounging lazily in their comfort and prowling unseen. Powerful magic, lost spells, arcane tomes, and secret lore, especially of the evil variety, are of particular interest to sorcerers. Slaves are collected in the same manner as any other art form and are expected to bend to the every whim of their cruel master. This serves to bolster the Rakshasas' already inflated egos.
Rather than steal from other powerful beings, Rakshasas prefer to steal from the poor and needy, using their perceived authority to obtain wealth and objects from those who need them most. Their ability to gain dominance and rise to power while bringing down others was a source of pride and joy to them. They plot the death of a mortal's family, take all they have, and ruin their reputations with vicious slander.

Rakshasa Activities
Rakshasas use their shapeshifting abilities to appear as nobles, high priests, merchant princes, crime lords, and other beings rich in power. They use their natural charisma to form vast networks of servants, lackeys, and henchmen, and despite their pride, they are masters of deception. Rakshasas conceal not only their forms, but their very involvement in events, pulling political strings, creating vast intrigues, and inciting the corruption of governments to ensure their safety. Their innate intelligence is enhanced by their supernatural abilities, and yet countered by their strange sense of honor, as they stick to the letter of an agreement while ignoring the spirit of betraying their supposed allies.

Rakshasa Abilities
Rakshasas are naturally gifted sorcerers, able to use a wide variety of enchantment and illusion spells to seduce their enemies and detect the thoughts of others at will. Most magical spells are useless against Rakshasas, as only some of the most powerful spells could affect them unless they allowed it. Only powerful and enchanted weapons can harm them, but piercing weapons that have been blessed, or potentially those used by good creatures, are particularly effective.

Rakshasa Society
As befits beings of deception, early reports of Rakshasa society contradict later descriptions, though both are based on submission and subjugation, and it is possible that a combination of the two is present. Early claims were that Rakshasas belonged to an unwavering caste system, and that individuals were incapable of rising through the ranks. Later descriptions portray it as a meritocracy based on cunning and ruthless immorality, where Rakshasas constantly wage conspiratorial wars against each other. Slavery, Rakshasa or not, is a sign of power, and their political battles end either in death or domination of the loser.

Rakshasa Religion
The Rakshasas serve the minor god Ravanna, a ten-headed being who is the epitome of their tyrannical ideals of decadence, cunning, and narcissism. Most clerics are chosen by Ravanna based on his needs and desires, and it is practically suicidal for those who know him to ignore the orders of his high priests for such summons.
He commands his servants to rule and dwell in the shadows, giving his clergy the air of a secret criminal organization, and is not averse to choosing members of other races to serve as his priesthood. Befitting a being of such overwhelming egomania, prayers to Ravanna are long and sycophantic, while demeaning the speaker's worth. Her followers typically carry personal shrines with which they make daily sacrifices of blood and coin along with their natural weapons, both artistic and ornate but easily concealed at short notice.
In Zahindia, the chaotic and evil Rakshasas are known to serve another minor goddess, Kali. In the Abyss, the demon lord Fraz-Urb'luu, Prince of Deception, also commands many chaotic and evil Rakshasas known as Raavastas.

Sawai Jakondor Khan , Maharajah of the Great Palace of Mulwar
Medium fiend, Fighter 13th level, lawful evil
Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Hit Points 110 (13d8 + 52)
Speed 40 ft.
STR 14 (+2), DEX 17 (+3), CON 18 (+4), INT 13 (+1), WIS 16 (+3), CHA 20 (+5)
Proficiency Bonus +5
Skills Deception +10, Insight +8
Damage Vulnerabilities piercing from magic weapons wielded by good creatures
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Infernal
Challenge 13 (10000 XP)
Limited Magic Immunity. The rakshasa can't be affected or detected by spells of 6th level or lower unless it wishes to be. It has advantage on saving throws against all other spells and magical effects.
Fighting Style (Great Weapon Fighting), Second Wind, Action Surge, Martial archetype and Martial Archetype features (x2), Extra Attack (2), Indomitable (2).
Martial Archetype: Champion
• Improved Critical
• Remarkable Athlete
• Additional Fighting Style (Duelling*)
Innate Spellcasting. The rakshasa's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 18, +10 to hit with spell attacks). The rakshasa can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:
At will: detect thoughts, disguise self, mage hand, minor illusion
3/day each: charm person, detect magic, invisibility, major image, suggestion
1/day each: dominate person, fly, plane shift, true seeing
Multiattack. The rakshasa makes three attacks with his scimitar or two claw attacks.
Scimitar of Speed +2: Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 6*) slashing damage, In addition, you can make one attack with it as a bonus action on each of your turns.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) slashing damage, and the target is cursed if it is a creature. The magical curse takes effect whenever the target takes a short or long rest, filling the target's thoughts with horrible images and dreams. The cursed target gains no benefit from finishing a short or long rest. The curse lasts until it is lifted by a remove curse spell or similar magic
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Apr 30, 2022
Posts: 136
From: France

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Fri Jan 17, 2025 11:11 am  

Oerth Journal No. 26: “The Bounds of Oerth, Western and southern regions”, article by Eric Mona. Note that the maps differ greatly. The Tal Meta map (of late discovery) shows the 5 provinces of the Sunéla coast that occupy the entire geographical space, with the kingdom of Sunéla being in the far east. The OJ No. 26 map juxtaposes the 5 provinces of the Sunéla coast to the west with the 6 indigenous provinces to the north and east. It is this last map that we use.
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