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    Forgotten Gods of the Suloise III
    Posted on Fri, October 05, 2001 by Toran
    chatdemon writes "When the Suel failed to achieve their ultimate victory against the Bakluni, the few followers of the goddess Tomaari that had not already been exectued for treason became the scapegoats and were exterminated. Today, her clergy survives in the lands of the Sheldomar, training the officers of the Royal forces.

    Author: Chatdemon

    Forgotten Gods of the Suel: Tomaari

    by Chatdemon (
    Used with Permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission from the author.

    To lead an uninstructed people to war is to throw them away.

    - Confucius

    What follows is the information on the Suel Goddess Tomaari, translated into 3e D&D stats.


    Lady Strategy, The War Maiden

    LN intermediate goddess of Honorable Warfare, Tactics, Strategy and Patience

    Even a society like the Suel Imperium, known for its unimaginable arcane might, resorts to the use of simple force of arms from time to time. For the soldiers who the Suloise leaders employed to fight their wars, Tomaari was a popular matron. Fair, just and impartial, her faithful who embraced her teachings and patiently conducted their wars first with the minds, then with their blades were said to be invincible. Such was quite literally true for centuries, until the coming of the great war against the Baklunish, when savage arcane might began to rule Suloise battlefields, and the Tomaarik clerics who made outraged protests against the barbaric treatment of their enemies were executed for treason against the Emporer. The distrust of Tomaari's followers, brought on by the Emporer's propaganda against them to hide the atrocities of the war he was waging, grew to the point where after the Rain of Colorless Fire, the few remaining clerics were put to death on site, being accused of making a vile pact with their goddess to avenge their fallen comrades by handing the Suloise people to defeat. Such claims were obviously untrue, but the the feverish discrimination and executions continued to the point where Tomaari's faith was almost all but wiped from the face of Oerth competely.

    One man can claim credit in history for saving the goddess' faith, and returning her few followers to a position of trust and honor among their people, Anhus of the Rhola house. Anhus, a battle hardened veteran of the war, walked away from the fallen empire in Slerotin's exodus, and when his clan finally settled later near what would become Niole Dra one day, he spent the remainder of his days overseeing the construction of a fort housing a temple to Tomaari and training grounds for new clergy and warriors to help carve a nation out of the Sheldomar valley. For years his fort was known as the Citadel of Patience, and some of the finest generals and admirals of early Keoland were schooled within its impenetrable walls. The building stands to this day, though expanded upon greatly over the centuries, but bears another name; The Royal Academy of Warcraft, a school for those who will serve as officers in the King's army and navy. The weatherworn stonework symbol of Tomaari still rests proudly over the main gates to the complex, and some of the academies most experienced instructors are taken from her clergy.

    Warfare is the sport of nobles, and nobility and honor are the keys to victory. Strategy is the only art men may ever truly master, for only in war is the superior tactician undisputably evident upon conclusion of the contest. Patience, planning and merciful treatment of your enemies will bring victory, steel, wood and fists are merely the tools by which we enact our craft. Tis better to die brave and honorable than live as a barbaric coward.

    Tomaari's faith is still somewhat widespread throughout the Sheldomar, being a refined alternative to the brutality of Hextor's followers. Her clergy are found as officers and advisors in almost every military organization and outpost in Keoland and the Gran March, with a similar but less widespread presence in the Ulek states, Sterich, the Yeomanry and in Hochoch among the Geoffan liberation army. In times of peace, the clergy are founding teaching the local militias, or engaging in games of war, from simple draughts and 'king's field' (a keoish variant of chess, played on a hexagonal board), to more detailed and complex wargame type simulations.

    Domains: Law, Protection, War, Community, Glory

    Weapon: Broadsword

    Garb: Tomaarik clergy are most often found clad in fine armor, of the best type their proficiency and finances allow, with royal blue tabards emblazoned with the symbol of their goddess, a shield depicting two swords crossed beneath a lions head.

    Note: Forgotten Gods, Suel"
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    addendum (Score: 4, Informative)
    by chatdemon ( on Sat, October 06, 2001
    (User Info | Send a Message | Journal)
    I decided to add a few comments about Tomaari's church's involvement in and positions on some of the current and recent military campaigns within the Sheldomar, to give some ideas as to how they might be added to another game.

    The easiest route for introducing the church into a game where they haven't played a signifcant role in Sheldomar history is to have a small cult dedicated to her survive within the military academies and among the 'armchair generals' of the area, rising to some level of renewed popularity as Keoland begins post-wars thoughts of military expansion. Tomaari may be viewed by some as a sort of saint figure in the service of Heironeous, or any other good or lawful militant religion.

    WESTGATE sphere of conflict: The Tomaarans are mostly responsible for King Kimbertos' renewed interest in recapturing and holding Westkeep. Two factors led to this course of action, first, there is the strategic value of Westkeep in launching a later campaign south to reclaim Sea Princes territory. The Tomaarans advocate a two pronged stab south, launching from Westgate in the east and Cryllor in the west, with a probable accompanying naval invasion occuring simultaneously at various points along the Jeklea coast. Second, the loss of Westgate to the Sea Princes has been a thorn in the side of the Tomaaran church, who feel ashamed of the fact that the mighty army of Keoland was bested by a bunch of pirates manipulated by cultists (the Scarlet Brotherhood). The recapture of Westkeep serves to remove this disgrace from their record and, in their view, restore the Keoish warmachine to its rightful position of respect in the southern Sheldomar.

    PRINCIPALITY OF ULEK s.o.c.: PoU is caught in the middle of a prolonged, ugly campaign against Turrosh Mak's empire, and the Tomaarans advising Prince Corond's army fear they are simply outclassed. They advise continued use of guerilla tactics on the eastern front, turning the orcish strategy upon itself along the Jewel River and keeping the lines stabilized there until further aid can be negotiated from Keoland. They are realizing that the short term benefits of allied trade with the Lordship of the Isles carries a heavy cost in terms of relations with their immediate neighbors, and are urging the Prince to cease these activities and begin serious negotiations with King Kimbertos, perhaps ceding portions of the Principalities western lowlands back to Keoland if need be to secure the military aid needed to win the war against the Pomarj.

    GEOFF s.o.c.: The Tomaaran church is angered by what they see as pointless posturing on the part of Duke Owen, whose recent much heralded return to Hochoch is, they fear, putting too much unwarranted confidence in the liberation troops, who are now clamoring for more bold and even foolhardy raids into their captured homeland. The favored longterm tactic is to slowly use guerilla strikes captained by rangers and other woods folk to drive the giants back into Geoff proper, and then strike in force out of Hochoch, with a flanking attack coming north out of Sterich, church representatives have been sent to Marchioness Resbin in Istivin to negotiate such a course of action.

    STERICH odds & ends: Tomaaran clergy are busy in villages across the March, training a new generation of militias in the tactics of guerilla warfare and trench style siege defense tactics to prepare for any renewed agression by the giant and humanoid forces. Rumors of Marchioness Resbin meeting with tacticians to plan the closing of her borders to Keoish troops are unconfirmed, and as King Kimbertos' attentions currently lie elsewhere, are generally ignored in Niole Dra for now.

    YEOMANRY odds & ends: The church is outraged about freeholders along the Javan ignoring their warnings and funding poaching and lumbering raids into the Dreadwood. With known opportunists like Count Ignas holding court in Cryllor, the church fears that such foolhardy acts will be seen as veiled acts of war and renew Keoish aggression along the border. Militia training focusing on tactics similar to those being taught in Sterich is taking place in the Jotens and Crystalmist foothills, and along the muddy borders of the Hool marshes.

    GRAN MARCH oddds & ends: The church is similarly unhappy with the decision to focus too much effort into the Geoffan liberation, which they feel is drawing resources away from supporting their Bissel allies in securing their borders from the potential of renewed Ketite opportunism. The potential political gains in strong alliance with Geoff are seen to bring th scrutiny of the Keoish crown upon their long term agenda, and the church has begun to argue vocally with the policy, causing tension between them and the Knights of the Watch.

    AMEDIO colonization & beyond: The church is reluctant to advise any sort of campaigns across the Jeklea Bay, as piracy and the Scarlet Brotherhood naval presence make supporting troops on foriegn soil risky. The church advises a long term campaign of reclaiming the Sea Princes lands before any moves are made into the Amedio, to enable more secure overland support of the colonization troops.

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