Thornward. Gateway between the lands of the Bakluni and the lands of the Flanaess. After the Kettite withdrawl from the lands of Bissel, the city of Thornward became the Berlin of the Flanaess, divided into quarters and ruled by (at times) factions hostile to one another. And so it stands today, divided and almost rivalling the infameous City of Greyhawk for it's rampant corruption.
Part I gives an overview of the city, it's rulers, laws, culture, and it's quarters.
by Wayne Rossi and Jesse Dean
Thornward, Neutral City of, Part I
by Jesse Dean ( and Wayne Rossi
Used with Permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission from the author.
Ruler: Various Diplomats and appointees.
Capital: Thornward (21,480)
Religions: Evris E'Selant, Church of Voll, Dire Cult of Nerull, Temple of Enlightened Knowledge, shrines to various travel and merchant gods.
Demi-Humans: Elves (300), some others
Humanoids: Hobgoblins (1,000)
Resources: Textiles (hemp, wool, flax), Alcohol (Ale, Mead, Whiskey, Peach Schnapps)
National Alignment: Neutral
Population Alignment: Lawful Neutral, Neutral, Neutral Evil
Coinage: Bisselite Lion (gp, uncommon), Velunese Crook (gp), Velunese Staff (ep), Velunese Tower (sp), Ketite Rial (sp), Gran Marchian Helm (cp)
The Lirtlemark of Bissel was long the border state of the Flanaess, at the edge of the Baklunish West. During the Greyhawk Wars, when it fell to its Baklunish compliment Ket, there was a change in the face of the rulers, a bit more proselytization than usual, and a good deal more taxes. Life went on. When Veluna and Gran March negotiated a withdrawal of the Ketite forces, Beygraf Nadaid was most resistant about giving up Thornward, a major source of income for his coffers. The ultimate settlement was that Bissel would be returned to autonomous rule, and delegated officials from each of the four nations would rule Thornward. The citizens of Thornward breathed a sigh of relief. That would not last long. It turned out that Bissel, Gran March, Ket, and Veluna had all had the same idea: use Thornward as a place to rid themselves of corrupt officials. Over the course of a rocky first year (which included more than one open clash of drunken Bisselite and Ketite soldiers), a vague pattern developed. If a map of the city were held so that the Fals River was at top (meaning a Northeast-Southwest orientation instead of a North-South one), the division would look like a large "X." Velunese, who are notorious for fleecing the merchants who enter and leave the city by river, mostly patrol the Northeast quarter. Ket has taken up the Northwest quarter, thus giving it control over the major trade gate coming from the Baklunish West. As a protective measure, so the Ketites and Bisselites have no common border within the city, Gran March occupied the Southwest quarter, and Bissel has control over the Southeast. Each of these quarters is now referred to by the nation that holds it at present. Thornward is a trade city, and now intrigue and bribery are all but a way of life. Each quarter is rife with spies from the other governments, and tavern brawls over political issues are now common (and a well-known quick and easy form of assassination).
Getting into Thornward
Entering Thornward is hardly an easy task. After a wait of several hours, which is all but unavoidable, one must hand over all possessions to the guards, who then go through (with a scribe) the painstaking ritual of cataloguing everything that enters and assessing tariffs, although if a few silver coins are among the items handed over, there is a tendency to be very quick and lax about this process. Weapons must be licensed, which may incur an outrageous fee, even though the official price is only 1 silver piece. If a total of 1 gold piece is given to the guards for each entrant, inspection only takes a quarter of an hour, roughly and there is only an extra 1 gold piece worth of taxes. If there is no palm greasing, it can take well over an hour as ink spills, things are dropped, the blotter needs replacing, an item needs to be looked up, and so on and so forth; furthermore, the tariff for a well-armed person rises to 6 gold pieces or higher!
Economics and Life in Thornward
Thornward is famous as the gate of the Flanaess, and as it is now the border between Ket and Bissel, it is quite literally such a gate. Travelers coming to or from civilized Bakluna almost universally pass through, even on a brief basis, and goods from the surrounding states of all varieties are available. Even the Bissel Quarter, which is the most pro-Flanaess of the portions of the city, does not miss having an air of exoticism and spice, and there is ample trade in all portions of the city. Although Velunese coins are the most common (except for the Ketite Rial, which has been in profusion since the conquest), those as diverse as the Gold Ivid of the former Great Kingdom have been known to make appearances. Similarly, goods from as far away as Dyvers or Zeif may be found, but are sold at exorbitant prices.
What this means for the people of the city, then, is that there is an incredible deal of competition between the resident tradesmen and the incoming traders, both Ketite and the great numbers from Bissel and Veluna. Although Gran March is a presence, it cannot be argued that Mitrik and Lopolla are the key trading partners with Thornward.
The regions around Thornward are most notable for production of the raw materials for cloth, such as wool and hemp. This is spun into cloth and sold, and Thornward-made clothing is considered somewhat fashionable in the surrounding area, especially in Bissel at large, though Ketites almost religiously wear Ketite or Ekbiri clothes (particularly silk).
Daily life in Thornward does not vary much between quarters, although there is a shade of contempt for the East in the Ketite Quarter, and more than a bit of hatred of the Bakluni in the Bissel Quarter. Bread is the local food staple, and most meat is either mutton or fowl (chicken and pheasant are the most noteworthy), though fish is also popular in the Velunese Quarter. There is an abundance of spice in Baklunish foods, sold throughout the Ketite Quarter, which is of particular discomfort to those of Oeridian and Suel extraction. The general blandness of food in the other areas is almost insulting to Baklunish folk.
The wide-legged pantaloons and loose blouses of the Suel folk are most popular here, in close contest with the flowing, single-piece robes that are favored by the Baklunish. It is a caveat, though, that in traditional Baklunish culture (this restriction is softened considerably in Ket), pants are not worn in good company, and "civilized" men tend toward robes whenever possible. It is presently the fashion for men to wear their hair a few inches below the ear, and to keep their faces (especially sideburns) clean-shaven, though modest moustaches and goatees are acceptable. Women are expected to keep their hair up; elaborate combs and clips are the style of the day, and dresses are fairly short, all a reflection of a rising economy.
A day in the life of an average citizen of Thornward is hard, with an intense competition-driven economy and the necessity of supporting the current government. Over the course of an average year, taxes on a normal family will amount to about 2 gold pieces per year, plus a third gold piece spent appeasing the corrupt officials. Merchants must pay several times that, depending upon how well off they are, and have more frequent needs to bribe officials.
The Rulers of Thornward
The leaders of Thornward tend toward intrigue as a way of life. There are frequent informal meetings of the four, as well as a formal council every other month, under the stipulations of the treaty that split the city amongst four rulers. The council meetings are bureaucratic, and their abstract goals are almost never met. The real use of power is behind closed doors, where there is a more select group who will know what is actually going on.
Reldath of Bissel: (0-level human(Oeridian-Suel); AL: N; Age: 38) Reldath was a minor official in Thornward before the wars, and kept his position through the Ketite occupation. He hates the Ketites, and works to keep the Bisselite quarter relatively free of the Baklunish influence that has prevailed in the rest of the city. His efforts are rather futile, though, and the others would like to see him ousted. Reldath of Bissel is a man who keeps his beard well trimmed, his hair short in the Eastern fashions. Since taking his present office, Reldath has grown soft, and tries to hide his extra weight with a girdle. He is fairer than most people of Oeridian extraction, and the slight wave to his light brown hair hints at Suloise blood.
Orwen of Veluna: (2nd level Human (Osf) Priest; AL: LN; Int 16) A weaselly bureaucrat who had, through intrigue, worked his way up the Velunese chain of command, Orwen was a man that the Velunese government was glad to see out of Mitrik. He has wormed himself into most of Thornward's better places, and holds the most influence of the four rulers of Thornward. He is a fairly impartial man, and will take a bribe from anyone, provided it is large enough. Orwen of Veluna is reputed as a weasel, and he earns it with looks as well as actions. He wears dark hair slicked back, and has a thin, greasy, face, with the look made complete by a pair of dark, beady eyes.
Verin of Ket: (4th Level Human (Baklunish) male Fighter; LE; Age: 30; Cha 16) The most charming of the four leaders in Thornward, Verin is a snake of a man with good grooming, as Karn of Voll said upon meeting him. Verin is ambitious, and was probably given the position in Thornward to prevent him from upsetting things in Ket during Nadaid's crucial early years as the Beygraf. Verin is very accommodating to anyone who has the money to pad his purse, but he has a vengeful streak. Rumor has it that Verin would like to see Thornward completely under his thumb within the next two years. The Ketite has a round jaw that many find trustworthy, and a hard look to his green eyes that adds credibility to his lies. He is average height, of a good build from military service, and his personable smile hides the heart of a snake. He has the dark hair and golden skin of a Bakluni, wearing the former fairly short.
Arlas of Gran March: (2nd Level Human (SOf) male Fighter; NE; Age: 41) Before Thornward, this irritating, sniveling man was just an irritating toady who was capable enough that the military of the Gran March got him out of its hair. There is little that Arlas will not do to make sure that his superiors feel he is doing a good job (regardless of how he is really doing). A fairly pudgy, pale man with kinky strawberry blonde hair, Arlas looks as out of place in Thornward as he is. His face would not be as round and unappealing as it is if not for his extra weight, and he generally wears an imposing uniform (to little effect) to hide his pathetic stature.
The Law in Thornward
Prior to the Ketite invasion, the legal system in Bissel was mostly based on the fairly simple court system of Furyondy, a magnificent simplification of the nightmarishly Byzantine legal codes of the Great Kingdom at the time of Ferrond's split with the Empire. The rigorously detailed Ketite codes of laws and court system that lays on the very edge of theocracy was theoretically in effect during the occupation, but the Ketites were more concerned with growing rich than with making this "barbaric" city turn toward an enlightened way (leaving that to the priests, as custom demands). Graf Imran was content to let the old Furyondian system of justice run, the only notable change being that an Amlan e'Selant would oversee trials instead of a priest of one of the eastern faiths, and Al'Akbar's name would be substituted for Heironeous's when that became necessary.
The treaty declaring Thornward a neutral zone changed all of that. To avoid disputes, it attached a lengthy, detailed set of laws to the city's governance, and required exacting procedures. The newly appointed delegates initially scoffed at it, but saw the code's potential shortly after it became implemented. Thanks to a stipulation requiring notification of various officials, an arrested individual could well languish in the gaols for a week or longer before even having a court appointment set up for a month later-though there is a system, unofficial but similar to bail, allowing for an outside source to pay a hefty sum to speed the judicial process along. The best way for an accused individual to win is both to have the judge well paid off, and to supply an alibi to state the person's innocence. Enemies may attempt to derail this, though. All told, a guaranteed positive verdict in the courts usually costs the individual somewhere upward of 40 gold pieces. If someone is working specifically against the accused, the minimum rises to a whole 60 gold or more-and all this assumes a relatively lenient court!
Actual penalties are also very harsh, and usually involve the unfortunate offender finding himself shipped off to the home country of the rulers of the quarter he was convicted in, and given a number of years in hard labor. Convicts from Thornward are, in the quarries and the like where such prisoner labor takes place, viewed with a sort of contempt-which may not be deserved, given the incredibly corrupt nature of the Thornward governments. It is perhaps ironic that the only punishment the occupational governments of Thornward carry out with all due expediency and zeal is the death penalty, which is generally reserved for such crimes as murder and treason, as well as espionage (when the spy actually survives to reach the gaols).
Due to certain laws, a record of all happenings in the courts must be kept. These records tend to take a certain sense of liberty with the truth, and are specifically written to be illegible to all but the court stenographers who write them-a proprietary act, to be sure, and one that keeps a thriving restricted group of stenographers wealthy.
Thus far, only the issue of the official laws of Thornward has been touched upon. It is worth mentioning that there are only a few crimes that are punished: murder (in certain cases, usually when not backed by an influential individual or when aimed against the government), robbery (from a member of such class as to afford attracting the guardsmen's attention) , treason, espionage, sedition, failure to pay taxes, and a class of crimes of convenience used to harass an enemy, such as solicitation, loitering, and similar trumped-up charges.
Personalities at Large in Thornward
Davean Trul: (5th/6th Level Half-elven male Fighter/Thief; N; Age: 26; Dex 16, Cha 16) Davean Trul is a young looking half-elf of indeterminate human descent who acts to lead one of a number of small rogue bands who act to prey on the merchant traffic which makes its way through Thornward. Only the best of these are able to avoid destruction by the merchant princes and Davean's is definitely one of the best. In addition to taking from the merchant princes what he wants Davean also acts as an informer for the Temple of Enlightened Knowledge. Every week he trades information that he has gleaned for a sizable chunk of money. Davean has some sort of special favor with the Grand Lorist as she often drops everything to see him. It is rumored that he may in fact be her son but most believe that she is just overly fond of him rather than them being related. Davean is slim and agile with a look of grace about him. He always wears an eye patch on his left eye and claims that he lost it years ago to a Bisselite mercenary. His garb and weapons vary depending on his mood but he frequently is seen wearing a leather jacket and pants and being armed with a scimitar and jambiya.
Erenal: (7th level Human (Bo) female Thief; N; Age: 27; Dex: 18, Cha 17) This beautiful courtesan is a master of intrigue, and knows more about Thornward than most criminal masterminds and officials combined. She is the single best source of information on anything that has been talked about in Thornward for three days or more, and is perfectly willing to sell knowledge, if the right price is found. Erenal, as a courtesan, is blessed with Baklunish green eyes and just a golden tint to her tan skin, giving her a charming, exotic look. She is fairly small, but in the prime of her health and youth, and any man with a functional libido will be drawn to her. She takes advantage of a sensuous, if slight, build in the elaborate dresses, which often have a slit down one (or both) side. She has an abundance of long, dark hair.
Jazenth Teldars: (6th level Human (BO) male Bard; CN; Age: 31; Int 15, Cha 18) This handsome, dark haired, dark skinned, lute-playing bard roams the drinking institutions of the Ketite and Velunese Quarters, and prefers to sing in Baklunish to Common. He trades in legends and secrets, but is utterly capricious and enjoys spreading false rumors and intrigue to see the effects it will have on those around him. There is occasionally rhyme and reason to his actions, but he mostly delights in being antisocial and chaotic.
Vidar Cagan: (8th level Human (Suel) male Fighter; CN, Age: 26) is young Frost Barbarian wanderer who arrived in Thornward a few weeks ago and has loved the city ever since despite its odd culture. Vidar has spent the time since his arrival in a binge of drinking, wenching, and gambling with some odd mercenary work for various people around the city to refresh his money supply. Vidar is a tall, muscular man with blond hair, a long, braided beard, and blue eyes.
Velunese (Northeast) Quarter
A red sash with the seal of Veluna as a pin marks the bureaucracy that rules the Velunese quarter. A demanding, inefficient machine, the docks are run with a clockwork slowness that involves countless cargo searches, endless paperwork, and exorbitant tariffs. Naturally, the more the palms of the bureaucrats are greased, the faster their work will go. The Velunese quarter sees a lot of the trade from the Fals River, and consequently there is a decent-sized market here (though not as great as the large market currently in the Ketite quarter). The law is fairly in tact, and certainly the guards come at a higher price than in the rest of the city (though in Thornward, everyone has a price). Still, it is fairly well kept, although there is still the stink of corruption and the political brawls that so often erupt in Thornward.
The three hundred elves that live in Thornward are almost exclusively in one small neighborhood of the Velunese Quarter. Humans generally avoid this neighborhood, and the olves are happy to keep it that way. They are generally peaceable, though there are rumors of a small group of olven thugs who will occasionally mug a human passerby.
Places of Note:
The Gryphon's Feather (High Quality)
Sign: A feather which is blue at the top, yellow in the center, and red at the bottom, on a white oval. Above the door is a plaque, "Ye Gryphon's Feather."
Description: One of the best drinking and gambling establishments in Thornward, the ample Gryphon's Feather (or simply the Gryphon) has an astounding score and a half small tables over its main room, each comfortably seating four patrons. Another dozen and a half can be served at the bar, for a comfortable capacity of about 140, though 160 can (and usually do) manage to squeeze into the popular tavern each Freeday. All comers are welcome so long as they are willing to buy drinks and do not engage in political fights (those who do are physically removed from the premises and blacklisted).
The main floor of the Gryphon consists of three rooms: the large tavern (which houses, as mentioned, 140-160), a private dining hall (which holds another dozen), a gaming room (two dozen), and five small, relatively soundproof side rooms that can be rented and have four fairly comfortable seats. There is also an elongated kitchen and storeroom, accessible behind the bar. The tavern floor, which is the majority of the Gryphon, boasts a modest stage, where bards, alone and in groups, and actors perform. The gambling room is known for card and dice games; twenty-one (blackjack) and craps are the most popular. A small second floor boasts Jereth's spacious living quarters, with a comfortable room used to entertain business guests and those in need of help, and a back room generally held to be his bedroom. There are several other rooms, held under lock and key at all hours, and constant rumors as to what is contained therein fly, though Jereth has never declared anything about them.
Regulars: Writing about the Gryphon's regulars is an exercise in futility, since it will ultimately attract any noteworthy individuals at all levels of society who are not especially tied to one of the other drinking establishments at Thornward.
Tavern Quality: High. The Gryphon prides itself particularly in its selection of Keoish brandy, which goes for a premium price but is enthusiastically bought by any who can afford it both as an excellent drink and as a status symbol, and has a large stock of Velunese fireamber wine as well. The local brandies, whiskey, and schnapps go for the normal prices. Most of this is served in copper goblets or well-made clay mugs, though by tradition, Keoish brandy is served exclusively in glass. The meals are rarely special, though there is a remarkable spiced, fried chicken commonly served over rice.
Security: Excellent. The bouncers, a full dozen large warriors (Mixed human Fighters 2/N), are quick to eject any who break Jereth's rule of no political brawls. Fadril, the headwaiter, has an excellent memory for those who are thrown out in this manner, and they are not welcome to come again.
Crew: Fadril has one shy of a dozen waitresses, mostly young lower-class girls, but in fine dress thanks to Drenil. The service is quick and speedy, and the bartender, Garen, is efficient and attempts to be more popular than he is with the patronesses.
The River Market-Kept well regulated by the Velunese occupational government, this is probably the "cleaner" of the markets in Thornward, and it specializes in goods that are fit to be sold in the far stricter markets of Veluna, Furyondy, and the rest of the area known as "Old Ferrond." It is here that the more legitimate and straightforward business of Thornward goes on, though officials will naturally hold up those unwilling to grease palms in bureaucratic red tape, as it were. However, it is strongly under the influence of Bishop Karn, and is thus less enthusiastic with regard to backhanded deals and sales.
"The University at Thornward"-This is not so much a place as an organization. The University has a fixed faculty, as it were, of seven professors and three grammar instructors. The latter teach the idle well to do to read and write, and the students then move on to the meat of the instruction by the professors. The areas of specialty of these seven are, in no particular order: history, literature, philosophy, astrology, alchemical principle, algebra, and biology. Each is fluent in Old Oeridian, Ancient Baklunish, and Ancient Suel. Classes are held as the professor and his students find convenient, and travel about the city as there is open space. A class has generally about ten to twenty students, though history and literature sometimes have as many as twenty-five idle learners. There is a fee of two Helms per lesson, which is held every other day and lasts for about three hours of lecturing and debating. The students are generally third and fourth sons of well-to-do merchants or nobles, and engage in heated (and drunken!) arguments in the taverns after classes.
Personalities of the Velunese Quarter:
Jereth: (4th Level Human (OS) male Fighter; NG; Age: 33; Wis 17) The proprietor of the Gryphon's Feather, a tavern of considerable note just inside the Velunese quarter, is among the most able men in Thornward. He has a strict policy: no one gets into a political fight while in the Feather. Those who do are quickly escorted to the street, and asked not to come back. However, if someone needs a favor, he can make sure that it's done. It should go without saying that there are great amounts of gambling in every tavern and inn in Thornward. Though his dark, straight brown hair and brown eyes, and most of his facial features, are very Oeridian, Jereth's fairly light skin belies some Suloise admixture. He is in excellent shape physically, and dresses at the height of fashion. His hair is generally worn slicked back, whether it is the style of the moment or not.
Lissandra (3rd Level Human (SO) female Mage; NG; Age: 27; Int 16, Wis 15) A capable herbalist and occasional sage and alchemist, Lissandra is the Velunese Quarter's (and indeed all of Thornward's) foremost merchant in magical components and those elixirs, poultices, and draughts of reputed healing properties. She is somewhat introverted, and not personable, but at the same time Lissandra is no one's fool, and drives a very hard bargain for the rarities that no one else in Thornward has. Once coin is paid, though, and this girl of sandy brown hair opens up, Lissandra can be a veritable fountain of knowledge.
Ketite (Northwest) Quarter
In the Ketite quarter, a degree of racism uncommon in the Flanaess at large takes place: the more Baklunish one looks, the better treatment he will receive. Caravans to and from Ket come through here, and Baklunish merchants are treated significantly better than those who are not. This is where the large open-air marketplace of Thornward is located, and it has taken on a particularly Baklunish air with the years of Ketite rule. The faint smell of spice can be smelled, and there are vendors of all kinds here. Taxes extracted are quite severe, though the exact degree depends upon the race of the merchant in question. As always in Thornward, a little bribe goes a long way. Ketite officials are probably more for sale than most others in the city. They are easy to bribe, and after a disturbance, there is a relatively small fee in exchange for the guards to ignore the obvious guilty parties and round up the usual suspects. Everything runs fairly smoothly in the Ketite quarter, regardless of the corruption beneath.
It is worth noting that the Ketite Quarter has been subjected to the policy of recent Beygrafs to supplement their troops with hobgoblins. There are a full thousand hobgoblins in the quarter, and half of those are involved in the Ketite guard patrols. Demihumans and non-hobgoblin humanoids are treated exceedingly poorly by these guards, and harassed without real reason. No hobgoblins stray into areas other than the Ketite and Gran March quarters.
Places of Note:
The Altar d'Ket-The sign of this restaurant, like everything else about it, is far from humble. Built in the traditional style of the cities along the Tuflik River, the Altar d'Ket is one of the most extravagant restaurants in the city. Its prices are exorbitant-but its service is excellent, the society is high, and the food is the best Baklunish cuisine outside of Bakluna (many would say east of Lopolla, or even east of Sefmur). The wealthier Ketites of the Quarter come to the Altar almost without fail weekly, and even the richer inhabitants of the Velunese and Gran March Quarters will dine here with as high frequency as monthly. Well-paid spies also visit the Altar on finer days, and would kill for a position as a waiter here (though that rarely happens; the serving-girls are hand-picked). The owner, Fharen Sedal (10th level Human (Baklunish) male Thief; N; Age: 49; Dex 18, Int 16, Cha 16), is quite fond of conversing with customers, though he gives little personal information. He is generally assumed, from appearance, accent, and mannerisms, to be a Ketite. In reality, Fharen is a Tusmite spy, as are the chefs and all the serving-girls of the tavern. He gathers copious information, through himself and his employees, and becomes rich on the side. It is doubtful that Fharen will ever be exposed, given his general popularity.
The Bazaar-The major economic center of Thornward, this large bazaar once housed a number of buildings whose owners either died in battle against the Ketite armies or were forced out of the city or killed due to an overenthusiastic opposition of the occupation. The buildings were razed in favor of a large, open-air bazaar, in the true Zeifa tradition. Any merchant who pays a fee of one Rial may have a space in the bazaar that is as long as he is tall, though there are good booths that may be rented for no more than another Rial. Most merchants lay their wares out on wooden tables with elaborate cloths over them, which are usually more than enough to cover the wares underneath the table. In the Bazaar, nothing is as it seems and anything, quite literally, may be bought for a price. Merchants, as a rule of thumb, start out at 1.5 times the usual starting price of an item; an average haggler can work this down to 1.1 times, and an expert may, on a good day, come as low as .8 times the normal cost.
Personalities of the Ketite Quarter:
Darath Heissan (7th Level Human (Bs) male Fighter; NE; Age: 38; Dex 15; Int 15, Cha 6) Darath Heissan is one of the most successful slavers within Thornward being directly responsible for almost a third of all the slave trade going through the city. Darath works for none of the merchant houses though he has contacts with most of them, even if they are not directly involved in slaving, as he has been known to provide other useful "services" before. Darath himself is a cruel spiteful man who actually enjoys capturing people and subjecting them to slavery, mistreatment, and eventually death. He is a rather gangly 6' tall with one an eye patch over one eye and a constantly foul body odor.
Drenil: (5th Level Human (Baklunish) male Fighter; hp: 37; LN; Str: 17) A Ketite captain of the guard, Drenil is among the best known officers of the law in terms of getting things accomplished in Thornward, be it a false arrest or an unexpected loophole, a prison break, or whatever the imagination can conceive. Additionally, his price is fairly reasonable. A Baklunish man with a hard face, a strong build, and close-cropped black hair, Drenil is a statement of authority when he wears the red and black uniform of the Beygraf's Guards. He has a thick moustache and carries a scimitar at all times.
Hasran al'Khiren (5th Level Human (Baklunish) male Thief; LN; Age: 24; Dex 17, Int 16) This young, gold-skinned thief wears his hair cropped short, and a thin moustache and goatee help to accentuate the thin lines of his face. Hasran is actually mostly involved in stealing items of value in arcane and ancient research, and will probably not bother with anything from before CY 300. He is notably the possessor of over half a dozen books, including one rather speculative work on the pre-migration area of Bissel. He knows of the undercity, and is currently looking for help investigating it.
Master Sergeant Uruk Da'trog (7th Level Hobgoblin male Fighter; LE: Age: 31; Str 17, Int 15, Cha 14(17 to hobgoblins))Uruk Da'trog is one of the many sergeants of the hobgoblins in Thornward and the de-facto leader of the whole group of them. Sergeant Uruk rose to his present level of influence and power during a battle against a large force of Paynim raiders who attacked Ket in 589 CY. While most human soldiers and officers around him were routed Uruk was able to hold his contingent strong and eventually able to beat back the raiders before they were able to strike deeper into Ketite territory. For this he was called to Lopolla(sp), a great honor as most hobgoblins aren't permitted to even enter the city, to see the General of Ket himself. The General was impressed with both Uruk's honor as well as ruthless battle skill and promoted him to the rank of master sergeant, the highest rank that a hobgoblins has yet to receive in the Ketite army. With this rank he was assigned to Thornward and given command of one of the larger contingents of hobgoblin soldiers. Once in Thornward Uruk quickly insinuated himself in the local hobgoblin community as the hobgoblin in charge, even above and beyond any other sergeants and, in some cases, even the human officers. Since then Uruk has set himself up as a quasi-military dictator and informant for the general, controlling most of the hobgoblin soldiery to collect extra money and fees beyond those mandated by Ket and using the money to enrich himself and those who are loyal to him. Uruk is 6' tall with rusty brownish-red hair and hard looking yellow eyes. He is heavily muscled and wears a bastard sword with splint mails at all times in addition to the badge marking him as a Master Sergeant of Ket.
Gran March (Southwest) Quarter
If not Veluna, one would have hoped that the traditionally militaristic Gran March would furnish a government free of corruption for Thornward. Unfortunately, it is exactly the opposite; instead of sending its cream off to rule a city that is being occupied to keep away from all-out war, the nobility of Gran March instead used it as a post for the more cowardly and craven. It is run laxly, kept full of arrests and tariffs and the like to ensure that, when anyone of real standing from the Gran March comes, their section of Thornward will seem orderly.
Places of Note:
Thornward Society of Thaumaturgy Hall
Location & Layout: The Thornward Society of Thaumaturgy Hall, known to most as Thaumaturgy Hall, is located within the Gran March Quarter within a stone's throw of the Baklunish Quarter. The actual Hall is nothing more than a large two-story building that once served as an inn and tavern until the Society's founder purchased it and converted it into a hall for the organization to meet. The first floor still serves this function with several large tables for the half-dozen or so members to meet with guests and servants. A small kitchen and storeroom as well as a bar rounds out the first floor.
The second floor contains the majority of the general rooms that are used in the daily operation of the Hall. The largest of these are the four bedrooms which act as residences for members of the society who prefer not to hold their own accommodations or for guests of the Society. In addition to this are the servant quarters, a small library, and a laboratory in addition to a supply room for spell casting supplies that are maintained for the members.
Security: Kyrila Tran(Baklunish-Flan female/Abjurer 5/LN), the most respected member of the society, is responsible for handling any and all security measures that the Hall itself needs. As such she has placed Glyphs of Warding and similar spells throughout all accessible portions of the building with only the Magi and servants knowing them. Beyond this there is little security beyond whatever is provided by whatever wizards are present at the moment.
Crew: The Thaumaturgy Hall is staffed by a trio of servants of Baklunish descent named Zelrin Daeth, who is responsible for acquiring supplies and handling finances, Alira Fasa'n, who handles the cleaning and cooking of food, and Sudir Evnyd, who maintains the Hall and acts as a host and guide for those visiting the Hall. In most cases the servants seek to stay out of the way of the wizards because they not only fear them but because in their view it is best for servants to be seen and heard as little as possible.
Personalities of the Gran March Quarter:
Haratio Darnavan (9th Level Human (Of) male Fighter; N; Age: 32; Str 17, Dex 18, Con 15) At 5'6" tall Haratio Darnavan does not cut an imposing figure. However, his brown eyed, salty brown haired man is one of the most skilled swordfighters in Thornward if not Bissel and Ket. Many assume on first sight that Haratio is some sort of dandy or a fool with his colorful clothes and ornate hat but these are mere distractions to draw the viewer into thinking he is less competent than he is. One must understand that Haratio is on a mission. 3 years ago his sister and their family were brutally murdered by street thugs in search of their wealth. Haratio, an adventurer and sailor in Grasdul, heard of this and vowed vengeance. He now wanders the streets, his soul consumed with a desire to kill every last thug who preys on the people of Thornward. He will not rest until they are dead or he is…
Hellena Balan (0th Level Human (SOf) female; LN; Age: 44) is the matron of one of several smaller merchant families that are active within Thornward itself. She owns a string of taverns throughout the city. Hellena is a cold, severe women who has been hardened by the recent years in Thornward and the corruption she has had to deal with. She has considered leaving the city altogether but that would probably disrupt her finances to a degree that would result in her losing most of the status and wealth she has. Hellena is an overweight woman with light brown hair that has a touch of grey to it and a perpetually dour expression on her face. She rarely wastes her time with anybody unless she thinks they have something she needs or has no choice about dealing with.
Turin the Lockmaker (0th Level Human (Of) male; LG; Age: 67) Turin is a near legend in the Gran March quarter, a kindly trusting old man with an unparalleled knack with making locks. Dwelling in a small shop just south of the Society of Thaumaturgy Hall. Turin the Lockmaker works his days away with the one joy in his life: making intricate locks. He makes all kinds and all varieties for his clientele, which vary from hardhearted criminals to some of the local churches. Regardless of who they are though Turin is more than willing to sell them a lock with a smile and pleasant conversation. Rumors abound about his background varying from those which say he is a polymorphed gnome or a retired thief who is just working with the medium, which he loves. Regardless of his past it does not change his present status as a locksmith of unparalleled skill.
Bissel (Southeast) Quarter
All of the other quarters are utterly corrupt, and unfortunately, the Margrave of Bissel decided that he needed his best and brightest working in Pellak, and sent his worst to Thornward. More than any of the other sections, this one is a mess; uncaring bureaucrats are notorious for tying up caravans and merchants having anything to do with Ket for days for no reason, and they do little better for the rest of the would-be traders. Indeed, the Bisselites are unfriendly to any who were not from Thornward before Bissel fell, which is problematic, since the population beforehand was considerably smaller than it is now. Their price is much higher for non-Bisselites.
Places of Note:
The Margrave's Rest (Good Quality)
Sign: The closed entrance to the Margrave's Rest has the symbol of the March of Bissel on a field of black. Below the symbol is the name the Margrave's Rest in stylized Common letters.
Description: The Margrave's Rest is the most prominent inn and tavern within the Bissel Quarter. It is a three story building with the first floor devoted to acting as a tavern and restaurant and the second and third floors acting as accommodations to visitors from Bissel, Gran March, and other points south. Ketites and others of Baklunish descent are not welcome to stay within the inn but are able to use the tavern.
The tavern is large enough to accommodate sixty people and is packed on most nights with Bisselites(and some others) grumbling about their precious city being overrun with foul Ketites as well as discussing politics and business within the city. As can be expected there are usually at least a dozen spies within the tavern at one time representing most of the major factions in the city. Most of the spies know of the other spies present and are constantly playing at cloak and dagger tactics spreading information and counter-information through the tavern goers and using the Margrave's Rest as a base for espionage within the Gran March and Bissel quarters. This espionage is aided by the fact that it lies across the street from the old Castle Thornspire. Deaths seem to happen in the area at least once every week or two as a direct result of this intrigue.
The first floor consists of the tavern and a kitchen. The tavern consists of ten large tables, a fireplace, a large bar that can seat fifteen, a stage that allows entertainers to amuse the crowd, and a desk near the entrance to the upper floors that serves as a location for people to pay for a room for the night. The tavern doubles as a common room at two hours till midnight when the tables and benches are moved aside and thirty cots are set up for those who can't afford larger rooms. Drunks are also placed upon these cots and money to pay for it is removed from their person. If they lack the money they are thrown into a nearby alley. The kitchen is pretty standard for such locations save it has an underground storage chamber to serve as a storehouse for the inn's wines and food. This chamber also houses a secret room that holds the inn's profits.
The second and third floors house most of the inn's bedrooms as well as a number of rooms for other uses. The second floor contains six bedrooms, five of which are semi-private and one private, two servant's rooms, a storeroom, and a sitting room for employees. The third floor contains two more private rooms, a conference room with a large table, the owner's bedroom, and a large balcony overlooking the street and facing the castle.
Regulars: The Margrave's Rest is the regular inn for the travelers from the Sheldomar Valley, working class and merchant class Bisselites of the city, as well as those for looking for information about these groups. Daeric val-Irik(Half-elf(Oeridian) male/0-level/LN/Age: 44) is a regular at the inn whenever he is visiting the city from his homeland of the duchy of Ulek where he purchases elven-crafted items for sale in Thornward. A former captain in the military of Bissel, who goes by the name of Hurdon Galar(Oeridian male/Fighter 3/NG/Age: 35), is also seen here frequently drowning out his sorrows in liquor. If he were given a reason to live again he would serve as an able ally and companion.
Tavern Quality: Good. Special include orange juice, Grasdul Froth (a stout beer imported from Keoland), smoked salmon (from the Yatils), hummingbird eggs (from the Vesve forest)
Inn Quality: Average. Common room flop space 1 silver Tower/night, semi-private rooms(shared with up to five other people) cost 5 silver Towers/night, and a private room costs 5 gold Lions or Crooks/night(up to six may fit in this room.). Baths are also available for 5 copper Helms.
Security: Average. A pair of guards patrol the inn at night in order to prevent potential break-ins and to protect the customers. Arrangements can be made to hire two additional guards for 5 silver Towers/day to help defend those customers with a more paranoid mind-set.
Crew and Customers: The owner/proprietor is Terrance Valas(Oeridian-Suel male/Thief 3/Neutral/age: 51) is an aging gentleman who claims to be a retired trader of antiquities but is in reality a cousin of the current Margrave. He acts to gather information and contacts for the government and keep an eye on what is happening within the city. Working for Terrance is a variety of male and female servants who maintain the vital functions of the Inn. The tavern will have between 10 to 20 customers in the morning, 15 to 30 in the afternoon, and 30 or 60 in the evening. The inn is generally at 1/2 capacity with 5 to 20 flopping in the tavern. Terrance frowns on ladies soliciting in the tavern and generally has his security throw them out.
Personalities of the Bissel Quarter:
Adrian Garades (11th Level Human (OS) male Fighter; N; Age: 39; Str 17, Cha 15) This hard-faced veteran's luxurious black hair has run to grey at the temples, and is tightly streaked, but he wears his face clean-shaven. Radically pro-Bisselite, Adrian spent the Ketite occupation in and out of dungeons for minor acts of "terrorism." He makes impassioned speeches in the Margrave's Rest, usually after a few too many glasses of the local whiskey, and has caused a handful of small riots in the non-Bisselite quarters of the city, but is influential enough among the Bisselite diplomats and well to do that he is usually bought out of the dungeons within a few days.
Ballaos Daringar (4th Level Halfling male Fighter; CG; Age: 28; Dex 16, Wis 16) Ballaos is a halfling on a mission. Almost a year ago this native of southern Bissel returned to his home village after yeas of wandering to find that his beloved younger brother had fallen prey to Baklunish slavers. Ballaos responded to this with a vow of vengeance declaring that he would not rest until those who had taken his brother were punished. Since then he has tracked the slavers to Thornward where their trail disappeared. Since then he has been working to discover who is responsible for this grave injustice and make them pay...Ballaos is tall for a halfling being 2'10" in height. His curly brown hair, hazel eyes, and a lightly tanned skinned are considered handsome among halflings but his determination with vengeance and nothing else often drive potential love interests away. Ballaos is frequently found at the Margrave's Rest where he can vent his frustrations to a sympathetic ear.
Dethelor: (14th Level Human (Of) male Fighter; NE; Age: 44; Str 18/00, Con 16, Cha 16) The epitome of the brooding dark knight, the massive Dethelor is, when he has a proper motivation, utterly unstoppable. Rumored to come from places as varied as the Iron League and the pits of Hell, Dethelor's solid frame is complimented by an excess of black-from boots to cloak, tunic and leggings, gloves, belt, and the bucket-shaped helm he often wears, Dethelor is an imposing figure. He is also darkly handsome when he removes the helm, black hair tied back and falling down the length of his cloak. Generally, Dethelor seems to be waiting for something, but he has a commanding presence and the sheer physical power to be sure that anything he wishes to succeed in, he will succeed in.
Gedirn of Hookhill (8th level Human (OSb) male Bard; NG; Age: 30) The leader of Lord Adhel's Men, a Gran Marcher acting troupe (which has left the Gran March and the Gran March Quarter of Thornward because of some particularly bad relations), Gedirn fancies himself one of the western Flanaess's up and coming playwrights. Though his stories are far from original (borrowed from every legend and every bard's tale Gedirn has heard in his life), he specifically focuses on drama, and cares less about creating an original story than enthralling an audience. Gedirn himself is a man of fairly dark hair, and a tan complexion. He dresses extravagantly, as does his troupe, numbering a dozen between himself, six other actors, and five stagehands. Each play costs a Helm to enter, and by fifteen minutes before showtime, is standing room only. Most of the taverns in Thornward are quite happy to let Lord Adhel's Men perform for a modest cut.
Talan Daras (6th level Human (BO) male Assassin; NE; Age: 29) is a frequent visitor of the taverns in the Bisselite quarter, where, on occasion he preaches the superiority of Ketite culture and military might. This has not endeared him to the people of the quarter but if they knew his true purpose they would like it even less. Talan is an expert at causing "accidental" deaths in political brawls for various Ketite officials. He also does freelance work for those who can afford them and was responsible for the death of Haras Calar, the catalyst of the recent organization of a handful of the wizards of Thornward. Talan is a darkly handsome man of medium height and build who always wears extravagant Baklunish dress and can always be found with a scimitar at his side.
Continued in Part II
Note: Bissel, Gran March, Ket, Sheldomar, Veluna