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Street Map of Crockport
Posted on Wed, August 20, 2003 by Legate
Yabusama writes "An exciting and stylish new map of the Furyondian City of Crockport! Set following the Greyhawk Wars whilst still ruled by malevolent Xenvelen. Set your adventures there and explore its ways and alleys!

Map of Crockport
By: Yabusama
Used with Permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission from the author.

This is a large map of Crockport I created using Adobe Illustrator for my campaign. I have used official sources where possible and just plainly made up other bits. This map is large (84cm x 60cm) but should resize with no problems.

As you can see on the map I have shown Crockport as a walled town, with many siege engines arrayed arounded its southern walls in particluar ( you should be able to make out trebuchets, catapults and ballista), with a trench system for the defenders also present on the southern front aswell.

There are mutliple orcish tribe camps scattered around the lands outside of the city walls, together with the remains of two small villages. All inhabitable buildings are shown in white, whilst those ruined are shown in a sort of smudged outline.

Let me know what you like/dislike about the map. I also have maps of the Vesve region, Dyvers (in progress), Greyhawk City (in progress), Ironstead, Flameflower and Quaalsten. I am happy to post these if anyone wants them.

As I have already said this map is probably not totally canon, so please dont flame me to death lol


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Re: Street Map of Crockport (Score: 1)
by Yabusama on Wed, August 20, 2003
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All feedback welcome ;-)

Re: Street Map of Crockport (Score: 1)
by Wolf on Fri, August 22, 2003
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Very nice map. Please post other maps as you complete them. I'm especially interested in Dyvers and the Vesve region.

On a side note, if you concentrate all your defensive power on one side of your defenses, any attacker will immediately assault the opposite side. Given that the northern side of the city has a lesser inclination, it will be even easier to attack.
All this to say that the war-machines should be evenly divided among all sides, or if unevenly split, the easiest side to attack should have the most defenses.

Re: Street Map of Crockport (Score: 1)
by Kirt on Fri, August 22, 2003
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That is a great map, an excellent resource for DMs.

I have a question about the seige engines, particularly the trebuchets. After seeing that PBS show where they built and tested the trebuchet, I was amazed at the range, power, and accuracy of the engine. However, the loading time and adjustment required make these useful against only stationary targets. I can't see them as being effective against any living opponents. So what good are they defending a city? Good against other seige engines, I suppose, but there are easier ways to get rid of those (especially in a fantasy world). Even if trebuchet are in use defending a city, would they really be set up in defensive positions? It seems more likely that they would be packed up, protected from weather and sabotage, until they were actually needed.


Re: Street Map of Crockport (Score: 1)
by Chico on Thu, August 28, 2003
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Ouch, by Pelor, years that i didnt checked the new files here on CF, and then just in time someone build this handsome crockport streep map for me, and i was looking for some freeware map builder; thanks so much yabusama youre da man :)

Now what about some Chendl map, or maybe Grabford? ;P

Re: Street Map of Crockport (Score: 1)
by Mordas on Mon, November 03, 2003
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Speaking as one of Yabusamas, battered players.
The idea of adventuring to Crockport is exciting, the map is great and I have spent many hours trying to work out how we are going to sneak(!) in.
Just one complaint about the map, theres no sign with "hidden unguarded entrance here"......
Oh well best zoom in a bit closer.
Looking forward to Redoubt.

Re: Street Map of Crockport (Score: 1)
by carlanco on Wed, November 05, 2003
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First of all it's a great map!

Now, I guess the crest under the name is the one the city used _before_ being taken (correct me if I'm mistaken). What would be the one in use now?


Re: Street Map of Crockport (Score: 1)
by Abysslin ( on Sat, February 07, 2004
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I never realized the difficulty of fantasy cartography until I recently headed up my own mapping projects and I have now come to sincerely appreciate work like this. Beautiful.

Re: Street Map of Crockport (Score: 1)
by coach008 on Fri, October 10, 2014
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