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Return of the Ur-Flan Pt II
Posted on Mon, September 13, 2004 by Farcluun
gvdammerung writes "The Return of the Ur-Flan is an adventure and resource document for introducing the Ur-Flan into a campaign. Included is an adventure, background on the Ur-Flan, one new prestige class, one new spell, three new magic items and three new monsters. This is Part 2

The Return of the Ur-Flan Pt 2
By: gvdammerung
Used with Permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission from the author. THE UR-PRIEST

An Ur-Priest is a member of a sub-grouping of the Flan, the Ur-Flan, who have turned their backs on the gods. The Ur-Priest does more than despise the gods. An Ur-Priest actively steals divine power to harness to his or her own ends. While many Ur-Priests see themselves as helping mankind, and the Flan especially, throw of the yoke of service to the divine, many other Ur-Priests see a path to increased personal power.

Bards, wizards, sorcerers and the rare druid can become Ur-Priests. Wizards most often take up this path as they can more readily imagine that there are powers equal to, or greater, than those of the gods.

Ur-Priests generally work alone in areas with low Flan populations, as almost all Ur-Priests are of Flan stock. In areas with heavy Flan populations, Ur-Priests easily work together. However, there is no one Ur-Flan organization to which all Ur-Priests swear allegiance. Groups of Ur-Priests may or may not work together, or even at cross-purposes.

Hit Dice: d6


To qualify to become an Ur-Priest, a character must meet the following criteria -
Alignment - Any non-Good
Level - 7th + (Note: I use a modified version of 3E. BABs, Skills and Feats may be substituted.)
Special - Only an Ur-Priest can train another Ur-Priest


Skill Points at Each Level - 4 + Int Modifier
(Note: I do not use 3E Class Skill restrictions. Class Skill Restrictions may be added.)


All of the following are features of the Ur-Priest prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency. An Ur-Priest is proficient with all simple weapons, but not with armor or shields.

Spells. Each day, an Ur-Priest can cast a small number of divine spells by stealing energy from the gods. The number of spells per level is given in the accompanying table. To cast a spell, the Ur-Priest must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spells level. Ur-Priest bonus spells are based on Intelligence, and saving throws against these spells have a DC of 10 + spell level + Intelligence modifier.

The Ur-Priest’s spell list is identical to the combined Cleric and Druid spell lists. An Ur-Priest does not pray for spells but instead concentrates stolen divine energy to power his or her spells for a day. An Ur-Priest gains no special abilities associated with either Clerical or Druidic spells or spellcasting to include spontaneous casting and turning undead.

Level 1 - Divine Spell Resistence. At 1st Level, the Ur-Priest gains spell resistence 15 against all divine spells and the spell-like powers of outsiders.

Level 2 - Steal Spell. At 2nd Level, the Ur-Priest may, a number of times per day equal to his or her level as an Ur-Priest, steal any memorized divine spell from a divine spellcaster who is within 75 feet of the Ur-Priest. The memorized spell simply vanishes from the divine spellcaster’s mind and cannot be cast by that spellcaster. The Ur-Priest gains the ability to cast the spell at the level of the divine spellcaster from which it was stolen. The stolen spell remains available for the Ur-Priest to cast up to a maximum of 8 hours and does not count toward any spell per day limits otherwise applicable to the Ur-Priest. The stolen spell is a bonus or free spell, once stolen.

This power also works against Outsiders who have levels of clerical spellcasting ability.

Level 3 - Deny Divinity. At 3rd Level, the Ur-Priest may dispell divine magic, as the spell, a number of times per day equal to his or her level as an Ur-Priest.

Level 4 - Drain Divine Power. At 4th Level, when the Ur-Priest utilizes his or her Steal Spell ability (see Level 2 - Steal Spell), the target suffers the additional effect of an Energy Drain, as the spell, with the number of levels drained equal to one level.

Level 5 - Abjure Divinity. At 5th Level, the Ur-Priest gains the ability, once a day, to sever the link between a Cleric and his or her divinity for 24 hours. The targeted Cleric loses all spell casting ability instantaneously and may cast no more spells for 24 hours. Only a Wish, Limited Wish, Greater Restoration or Miracle can undue the effect of Abjure Divinity. Magic items carried by the targeted Cleric are not affected and may still be used.

The Ur-Priest
Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Divine SR 15
2nd +0 +0 +0 +2 Steal Spell
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Deny Divinity
4th +1 +1 +1 +3 Drain Divine Power
5th +2 +2 +2 +4 Abjure Divinity

Level 0 1 2 3 4 5
1st 4 2 0 0 0 0
2nd 5 3 1 0 0 0
3rd 6 3 2 1 0 0
4th 6 3 3 2 1 0
5th 6 3 3 3 2 1


The Ur-Flan practice a variety of magic called “red necromancy.” Red necromancy augments the Ur-Flan’s other arcane spell casting abilities. It has no relation to, or effect on, divine spell casting (see Ur-Priest prestige class for details on Ur-Flan divine spellcasting).

Where black necromancy relies upon energy from the negative plane, red necromancy harnesses the energy or power inherent in the blood of living, sentient beings to power spell effects. Ur-Flan wizards ritually sacrifice sentient creatures, spilling their blood and transforming the power inherent in the blood into spell energy that is then available to cast spells over and above what would otherwise be a wizard’s daily spell casting limit. Red necromancy has no effect on the “soul” or “spirit” of the sentient creature, only the blood is involved; red necromancy does not involve soul sacrifice.

Sacrifices must be sentient creatures, who are killed in the process of sacrifice. They must be subdued prior to being sacrificed because the sacrifice must be accompanied by ritual preparations that are generally incompatible with blood-letting and death in combat. All sacrifices must be performed while the victim is tied, chained or otherwise bound to a specially prepared stone Menhir. The spilled blood is absorbed by the Menhir and then converted into spell energy by the Menhir. Ur-Flan wizards are then able to tap the spell levels stored in the Menhirs to power additional spells.

Blood Sacrifice

Every 10 hit points possessed by a sentient creature that is sacrificed on a Menhir is converted into 1 level of spell casting power, sufficient to cast one 1st level spell. Thus, 20 hit points translates into 2 spell levels, capable of powering two 1st level spells or one 2nd level spell. If 30 hit points are sacrified, 3 spell levels are stored in the Menhir capable of powering the casting of three 1st level spells, or one 1st level spell and one 2nd level spell, or one 3rd level spell - and so on.


A Menhir is a specially prepared, single standing stone. Menhirs come in 5 size categories. The size of the Menhir determines how may spell levels it can store. To create a Menhir, a wizard of at least 8th level must succeed on a Craft (Stonework) check against a DC determined by the size of the Menhir. The following Table illustrates the these features of a Menhir.

Menhir Size


Storage Capacity (Total Spell Levels)


DC to Craft Menhir


To harness the power held within a Menhir, a wizard of at least 8th level must be touching the Menhir. See Harnessing Menhirs, Dolmens and Cromlechs, infra.


A Dolemen is a close grouping of 2, 3 or 4 Menhirs which are surmounted or topped with a single capstone. Dolmens hold only that spell energy that is contained in each of the individual Menhirs that make up the Dolmen. The formation of the Dolmen does not add any additional spell energy or any additional spell energy storage capacity. What a Dolmen does is broadcast the spell power contained in each of the Menhirs that comprise the Dolmen over distance.

To tap the spell power contained in the Menhirs that comprise the Dolmen, a wizard of at least 8th level must either touch the Dolmen or be within a specified distance from the Dolmen.

Dolmens come in 5 size categories that must match the size of the constituent Menhirs. The size of the Dolmen determines how far away a wizard can be from the Dolmen and still draw spell energy from it. Fewer levels of stored spell energy can be drawn upon by the wizard as the distance from the Dolmen increases. Distance does not effect storage capacity; it only effects how much of the stored spell energy can be tapped over a specified distance.

To create a Dolmen, a wizard of at least 8th level must succeed on a Craft (Stonework) check against a DC determined by the size of the Dolmen. A successful craft check is also necessary for each of the Menhirs that comprise the Dolmen. See Menhirs, supra.

The following Table illustrates these features of a Dolmen.



Close Range (Full Spell Energy Available)


Medium Range (Half Spell Energy Available)

1 Mile
10 Miles

Distant Range (Only 1 Spell Level Available)

1 Mile
10 Miles
100 Miles

Craft (DC)


At the given range, a wizard can only draw stored spell levels from the Menhirs that comprise a Dolmen as indicated on the above table - Full, Half or a Single Spell Level.

In any 24 hour period, when a wizard has drawn all of the power indicated, he or she can draw no more until the next 24 hour period or until he or she moves closer to the Dolmen.


A Cromlech is a grouping of between 1 and 20 Dolmens, which must all be of the same size, and between 10 and 500 additional, individual Menhirs, which must be of the same size as the Dolmens. The Dolmens are clustered together in a group and surrounded by the additional, individual Menhirs. Cromlechs come in 5 sizes categories. See Table, infra.

A Cromlech holds only that spell energy that is contained in each of the Dolmens and the additional, individual Menhirs that make up the Cromlech. The formation of the Cromlech does not add any additional spell energy or any additional spell energy storage capacity. What a Cromlech does is allow a number of additional, individual Menhirs, not counting those contained in the Dolmens in the Cromlech, to broadcast their stored spell power. In other words, Menhirs not contained in a Dolmen can broadcast spell power, as if they were contained in a Dolmen, if they form part of a Cromlech.

The broadcast range of the additional, individual Menhirs in a Cromlech is determined by the size of the Dolmens contained within the Cromlech. See Dolmens, supra. To tap the spell power contained in the additional, individual Menhirs, as well as the Dolmens, in the constituent Cromlech, a wizard of at least 8th level must either touch the Cromlech or be within a specified distance from the Cromlech, as determined by the size of the Dolmens within the Cromlech. See Dolmens, supra.

Cromlechs allow for truly tremendous spell power to be tapped at a distance. The difficulty lies in crafting the Cromlech. To create a Cromlech, a wizard of at least 8th level must succeed on a Craft (Stonework) check against a DC determined by the size of the Cromlech. See Table, infra. A successful craft check is also necessary for each of the Dolmens that are incorporated in the Cromlech. See Dolmens. Finally, a successful Craft (Stonework) check is necessary for each additional, individual Menhir, and each Menhir in each Dolmen, that comprises the Cromlech. See Menhirs, supra. This involves a potentially huge number of Craft (Stonework) checks.

The following table describes the size categories of Cromlechs, the number of Dolmens contained in each size category of Cromlech, and the number of additional, individual Menhirs contained in each size category of Cromlech.



No. of Dolmens


No. of Additional, Independent Menhirs




O’sagom’oor is the largest Cromlech still surviving or yet built since the resurgence of the Ur-Flan. It is of Huge size.

Harnessing Menhirs, Dolmens and Cromlechs

When a wizard wishes to tap the spell power stored within individual Menhirs or from Menhirs formed into Dolmens and Cromlechs, the wizard must Concentrate for a full round, during which time the wizard can do nothing else. If the wizard’s concentration is disturbed (attacked etc.), the wizard must make a Concentration Check against a DC of 20. If the Concentration Check is failed, the spell power drawn is lost by the wizard and from the Menhir where it was stored.

A wizard draws spell power from a Menhir, Dolmen or Cromlech at the rate of 1 spell level per round. Spell levels thus drawn can be held by the wizard as long as he continues to draw additional spell levels or for a maximum of 10 rounds thereafter, after which, if a spell is not cast that utilizes the drawn spell levels, the drawn spell levels dissipate.

Drawn spell levels can be used to cast any spell the wizard has memorized for that day. Each spell requires the wizard to draw and hold a number of stored spell levels equal to the level of spell he or she seeks to cast. A 9th level spell would require a wizard to spend 9 rounds drawing one spell level per round. The wizard could then, in round 10, cast the spell, or wait up to 10 additional rounds to cast the spell.

When any spell is cast, all drawn spell levels not used to power the spell are lost. It is not possible to draw spell power and hold it while casting other spells, memorized normally.

Where power is being broadcast by a Dolmen or Cromlech over distance, in any 24 hour period, when a wizard has drawn all of the power that can be broadcast, he or she can draw no more until the next 24 hour period or until they move closer to the Dolmen or Cromlech.

Destroying Menhirs, Dolmens and Cromlechs

Menhirs have 100 hps. Dolmens have 100 hp per Menhir incorporated into the Dolmen, plus 50 hp for the capstone. Cromlechs can only be destroyed by destroying every Dolmen and Menhir that comprises the Cromlech. A damaged Menhir, Dolmen or Cromlech will continue to function until its integrity is completely destroyed.

Use of Menhirs, Dolmens and Cromlechs

If you run Return of the Ur-Flan, A Savant Iquander Adventure, you should use the foregoing to stock the Ur-Flan stronghold in Redspan and the surrounding area. Destroying such a stronghold can add to the confrontation with the Ur-Flan. Of course, scale to the level of the PCs.


Sentinel Stone

Large Construct

Hit Dice - 18d10 (100hp)
Initiative - -1
Speed - 0 (A Sentinel Stone is immobile)
AC - 27
Attacks - Special (see below)
Damage - Special (see below)
Special Attacks - Slow, Wind of Cold
Special Qualities - Construct, magic immunity, damage reduction, 20/+1
Saves - Fort +9, Ref +0, Will +9

Climate/Terrain - Any
Organization - None
Challenge Rating - 10
Treasure - None
Alignment - Neutral

A Sentinel Stone appears to be nothing but a large Menhir, but is never actually incorporated into a Dolmen or Cromlech as would be a true Menhir. The Ur-Flan wizards who create Sentinel Stones place them near Menhirs, Dolmen’s or Cromlechs as guardians.

The Sentinel Stone is unintelligent but possesses a rudimentary awareness of its surrounding and what goes on there to a radius of 100 yards. Sentinel Stones are incapable of movement, and attack only through their Slow and Wind of Cold special abilities. Unless one of three triggering events occur, a Sentinel Stone remains completely inactive.

If a Sentinel Stone is attacked, it will defend itself, attacking its attackers in turn. If any Menhir, Dolmen or Cromlech, or component part thereof, within the radius of the Sentinel Stone’s awareness is attacked, the Sentinel Stone will attack the attackers in turn. In each of these instances, the Sentinel Stone will never attack first. It will only respond to attacks.

The third trigger is a command to attack given by an Ur-Flan wizard or Ur-Priest who has attuned themselves to the particular Sentinel Stone. A Sentinel Stone will never attack any wizard or Ur-Priest to which it is attuned. To attune themself to the Sentinel Stone, the wizard or Ur-Priest must spill 10 hp of their blood over the Sentinel Stone. An attuned Sentinel Stone can be ordered to attack specific targets or to attack any living being moving within its area of awareness. In this way, entire Cromlechs can be turned into maze like death traps as multiple Sentinel Stones are placed on guard against all intruders.


A Sentinel Stone is immobile and only attacks via its Slow and Wind of Cold abilities.

Slow (Su) - Every other round a Stone Sentinel generates a Slow field as per the spell. The Slow field functions as if cast by a 10th level Wizard. Ur-Flan Wizards often will set up Sentinel Stones in patterns to create interlocking Slow fields. Such interlocking fields will have “gaps” that only the Ur-Flan Wizards know of, creating an invisible maze composed of the Slow fields.

Wind of Cold (Su) - Every other round, when the Sentinel Stone is not generating a Slow effect, the Sentinel Stone radiates a freezing wind effect called a Wind of Cold. The Wind of Cold functions like a Cone of Cold spell cast by a 10th Level Wizard and manifests as a draft of frigid air. A Gust of Wind spell cast on a Sentinel Stone will prevent the Sentinel Stone from generating a Wind of Cold for 1d4+1 rounds.

Magic Immunity - A Sentinel Stone in immune to all magic effects accept a Gust of Wind (see Wind of Cold, above), Transmute Rock to Mud and Stone to Flesh. A Transmute Rock to Mud spell cast on a Sentinel Stone negates all of the Sentinel Stones attacks for 1d4 rounds as the Sentinel Stone reforms itself. A Stone to Flesh spell cast on a Sentinel Stone negates its damage reduction and lowers the AC of a Sentinel Stone to AC 17.

Bloody Skull (aka Bloody Skel)


Hit Dice - 4d12 (26hp)
Initiative - +5
Speed - 30ft
AC - 14
Attacks - 2 claws +2 melee
Damage - 1d6+2
Special Attacks - Stench
Special Qualities - Undead, immunities
Saves - Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +2

Climate/Terrain - Any land and underground
Organization - Any
Challenge Rating - 4
Treasure - None
Alignment - Neutral

A Bloody Skull or Bloody Skel is the undead remains of a victim sacrificed by the Ur-Flan to power their red necromancy. The Bloody Skull appears much as a skeleton with the addition of bits of cartilage, sinew and gristle still adhering to the bone and constantly oozing blood. Of particular note are the unnerving “eyes” of a Bloody Skull which are gristly pits that “weep” tears of blood.

The Bloody Skull spontaneously results when a victim is ritually sacrificed by the Ur-Flan in a (red) necromantic ritual. The resulting undead is under the complete control of the Ur-Flan who participated in the ritual sacrifice. Over time, Ur-Flan sacrificial sites become nearly overrun with Bloody Skulls, unless the Ur-Flan destroy those they do not wish to use as guardians. Those that are kept as guardians are often ordered to bury themselves to be kept out of the way. Bloody Skulls continue to ooze blood, however, and Ur-Flan sites thus guarded are often described as being built on “bloody ground” that is literally sodden with bloody earth.


Bloody Skulls make reasonably effective combatants, attacking until destroyed. They can often surprise opponents by bursting out of the ground where they are shallowly buried. Worse, mass graves filled with Bloody Skulls and covered over with a thin layer of topsoil can “erupt” and drag down opponents, who were unsuspectingly walking over the mass grave, into the mass grave where numerous Bloody Skulls attack at once. Few survive being dragged into such a trap.

Undead - As undead, Bloody Skulls are immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning and disease. They are not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Immunities - Bloody Skulls are immune to cold damage and take half-damage from fire, due to their constant moistly bloody sheen. Bloody Skulls only take half damage from piercing or slashing weapons.

Stench - Bloody Skulls smell foully of blood and the grave, exuding a terrible miasma. The Stench of a Bloody Skull effects anyone within a 5 ft radius of the Bloody Skull as a Stinking Cloud, unless a Fortitude save (DC 15) is made each round one is within the area of effect. The effects of the Stench dissipate immediately if one moves outside the area of effect.

Soul Shriven


Hit Dice - 9d12 (58)
Initiative - +6
Speed - 30ft
AC - 13
Attacks - Slam (hand) +6 melee
Damage - 1d4+1
Special Attacks - Enervation, Paralysis, Mystic Jar
Special Qualities - Undead
Saves - Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +8
Abilities - As per clerical victims stats

Climate/Terrain - Any land or underground
Organization - Solitary
Challenge Rating - 9
Treasure - None
Alignment - Neutral Evil

When an Ur-Priest kills a cleric with his Drain Divine Power ability, the level drained cleric will rise as a Soul Shriven. These terrible, intelligent undead look just as they did in life and do not automatically appear “undead,” unless they suffered some physical trauma, which has not been concealed or “healed.” They retain all the physical and mental abilities and skills they possessed in life but loose all class abilities and feats.

The Soul Shriven suffers from a terrible hunger for the life force that has been drained from it. This hunger dominates all other considerations for the Soul Shriven, which attempts to satiate its hunger by feeding on the souls of others with its Mystic Jar ability. Ur-Priests rarely suffer a Soul Shriven to survive, as they do not have any automatic control over the undead creature. When a Soul Shriven survives its creation, it is either by luck, accident or when the Ur-Priest wishes to use the Soul Shriven as a weapon.

Ur-Priests will occasionally keep a Soul Shriven confined where it cannot effect its surroundings. Usually, the Soul Shriven will, by its mere presence, guard the area where it is kept. The Soul Shriven can also be released into the midst of oncoming opponents in the defense of the Ur-Priest’s base of operations or sanctuary. Ur-Priests are loathe to use Soul Shriven, however, because these undead have a deep and abiding hatred of the Ur-Flan, who they have a mystical ability recognize by sight or smell.

If a Soul Shriven has satiated its hunger, it is possible to negotiate with it, particularly if harming the Ur-Flan is involved. However, no bargain will prevent the Soul Shriven from attempting to feed when it again becomes hungry.


Undead - As undead, Soul Shriven are immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning and disease. They are not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Enervation. The hunger of a Soul Shriven physically manifests as a field of Enervation that surrounds the undead at a 5 ft radius. All within this area must make a Fortitude save (DC 20) each round or become shaken for that round. When a Soul Shriven has fed its hunger, it does not generate an enervation effect.

Paralysis. Any hit by a Soul Shriven’s slam attack must make a Fortitude save (DC 15) or be paralyzed for 1d4+1 minutes. A Soul Shriven uses its paralysis attack to set up victims for its Mystic Jar ability. When its hunger is satiated, Soul Shriven often wear gloves to avoid accidentally giving away their presence by paralyzing someone with an inadvertent touch. This ability is not abated with a Soul Shriven’s hunger.

Mystic Jar. A Soul Shriven hungers for life energy to replace that drained from it in its creation. It feeds this hunger by absorbing the souls of sentient creatures into its body. Absorbing the soul of another sentient creature is a death attack that takes one round per level or Hit Die of the victim to complete. The victim must make a Fortitude save (DC 20) to negate the Mystic Jar attempt in the first round. If the victim fails the save, they are unable to move, cast spells or attack and die at the end of a number of rounds equal to their Levels or Hit Dice. If the Mystic Jar attempt is interrupted before this time is up by the destruction of the Soul Shriven or by moving the victim beyond the range of the Mystic Jar, the victim permanently loses levels equal to the number of rounds that had elapsed before the Mystic Jar was interrupted. In such case, the Soul Shriven’s hunger is satisfied by the numbers of levels it successfully absorbed before the Mystic Jar was interrupted. A Soul Shriven will never, willingly interrupt its Mystic Jar or allow it to be interrupted.

The range of the Mystic Jar ability is 5 ft per level of the cleric who was transformed into the Soul Shriven.

Every level absorbed by a Soul Shriven satisfies the Soul Shriven’s hunger for one day. Absorbed levels are used up one per day. Each day one level of energy absorbed by the Soul Shriven dissipates and Soul Shriven’s hunger grows. A Soul Shriven is hungry for life energy when it has no absorbed levels left and becomes incapable of doing other than attempting to feed its hunger. A Soul Shriven may choose not to feed and may act “normally” until all absorbed levels have been consumed.

Note - Negotiating with a Soul Shriven is possible if it is not hungry. Soul Shriven are as intelligent as they were in life and retain all their knowledge and memories, but lose all class abilities and feats. However, undeath changes a Soul Shriven’s alignment to Neutral Evil and, being intelligent, a Soul Shriven may decide to feed before it is again overcome with hunger.

Soul Shriven can make useful allies for those who oppose the Ur-Flan, bearing in mind that the Soul Shriven will be uncertain allies due to their hunger. However much a Soul Shriven who is not hungry may appear and sound “rational” and “normal,” Soul Shriven are ultimately evil undead who must feed on the life energy of the living with appalling frequency.


Father Immelese was killed by Imolar through the use of the following spell -

A Murder of Crows

Conjuration (Summoning)
Level: Clr 4, Wiz 4
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 full round
Range: Special (Creatures will be summoned from within 20 mile radius)
Effect: See below
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: None

This spells summons 1d10 ravens and one dire raven (use stats for Dire Hawk in Monster Manual II) per caster level, which arrive in 1d10 rounds. The summoned avians will follow the commands of the caster, who is granted limited telepathy with the summoned creatures. If directed to attack, the ravens will fight to the death for the caster. The caster requires a raven feather to cast this spell.

Design Notes

These design notes form part of the foregoing text, The Return of the Ur-Flan - A Savant Iquander Adventure (hereinafter “RUF,”), authored by G V Dammerung.


RUF is a work of fan fiction. It is in no way real. If you imagine RUF has any relevance to your life or that of others outside the context of the Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game, published by Wizards of the Coast, you are wrong and should seek immediate psychiatric help and physical restraint by proper authorities.


In my home campaign, I use a combination of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Edition elements. I say I play 1.2.3E or 123E. I have not adopted any portion of 3.5E. RUF reflects this, in that it does not adhere to any one rule set in its entirety.

The adventure and the source material that follows it are drawn from my campaign notes, informed by what I have adopted of 3E. The original material reflected in my notes is a combination of 1st and 2nd Edition rules. The addition of 3E elements is by design as I am moving my campaign to incorporate 3E elements. So, I am retrofitting certain concepts for my use going forward. There may be bumps in the road.

Certain portions of the source material that follows the adventure are inspired by, adapted and modified from, published D20 works, notably the Book of Vile Darkness and the Slain roleplaying game. A comparison between these published D20 works and my modifications and adaptations will reveal that I have significantly changed the published material, often only keeping a name or a basic concept. These modifications and adaptations are inspired by the identified published works but are ultimately distinct from them, as a comparison will demonstrate. No challenge to any copyright is intended by this use of these materials.

Some will find my version of the Ur-Priest prestige class over powered. A similar sentiment may be felt toward Menhirs, Dolmens and Cromlechs. It is my intention that the Ur-Flan be more than just formidable. I think this is accomplished. I also use the Ur-Flan as continuing villains in my campaigns and these elements give the Ur-Flan more variety and staying power.

My use of the tag - A Savant Iquander Adventure - reflects something of my campaign. I have a long time player who loves Sherlock Holmes and wanted to play such a character. They ended up playing the Savant Iquander, who ended up a cross between Sherlock Holmes, Indiana Jones and Dr. Who. As I ran the actual adventure, Savant Iquander was more than just an introduction to the adventure; he was an active participant. I have modified the adventure to give Savant Iquander a different place in things as an NPC. If people like this approach, I can do some more “Savant Iquander Adventures,” with accompanying source material, he has had a few.

Notice of Copyright and Terms of Use

The Return of the Ur-Flan - A Savant Iquander Adventure is copyright G V Dammerung, 2004. All right are reserved.

This work, RUF, was first published electronically at on Monday, August 23, 2004.

The Author grants to permission to electronically publish, post, archive and republish RUF without limitation on the Canonfire website, so long as such is done on a not for profit basis and so long as these Designers Notes are included in such publication, post, archive or republication and so long as G V Dammerung is acknowledged as sole author of the work. Such acknowledgment is deemed made by the inclusion of these Design Notes in their entirety, to include the Notice of Copyright and Terms of Use.

Author grants to the owners and or domain holders of any other website permission to electronically publish and archive this work on their websites, so long as such is done on a not for profit basis and so long as these Design Notes are included in such publication or archive and so long as G V Dammerung is acknowledged as sole author of the work. Such acknowledgment is deemed made by the inclusion of these Design Notes in their entirety, to include the Notice of Copyright and Terms of Use.

Permission is granted to individuals copying or downloading this work from or any other website to make private use of this document to include photocopying, provided that individuals copying or downloading this work from or any other website may not utilize this work, or any part thereof, for profit.

This work, or any part of this work, may not be electronically subdivided, split, edited, reedited, published, posted, archived or republished in parts or just in part without Author’s express permission.

This work utilizes material subject to third party copyright. Such use is not intended as a challenge to such copyrights. This is a work of fan fiction intended to support and expand the use and value of the third party copyright materials to consumers, chiefly other fans, in the spirit of the Open Gaming Licence (OGL). This work is produced on a not-for-profit basis and any for-profit use is strictly disclaimed and prohibited.
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Re: Return of the Ur-Flan Pt II (Score: 1)
by chatdemon ( on Thu, October 07, 2004
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Nice adventure. Im really not much on the 3e thing, but the monsters and magic will be easy enough to convert, and the ideas and 'fluff' aren't tied to the rules anyway.

Great stuff

Re: Return of the Ur-Flan Pt II (Score: 1)
by CharlesObergfell on Thu, August 25, 2011
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RUF I&II are great,great stuff, a long time GH fan I was like everybody else fascinated by the early history of GH. These sensible representation of the Ur-flan with (in part I) a lovecraft tune despite the 3rd orientation, myself I prefer AD&D or 4th ed, is a magnificent interpretation, a deeply intelligent understanding of Ur-flan characters and civilisation. Bravo I'll ad an Italian saying " Se non è vero, è ben fatto" (If it's not true it must be like that). I'll use with delight the RUF, bravo, bravo.....

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by damipenny on Sun, April 22, 2012
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So far, Mr. Tebow has worked with brands like Louis Vuitton Alma MM M93595 [] Jockey, Nike and EA Sports, though some industry professionals say that he will have to come to peace with New York and what it represents if he is to thrive here. I don't think Louis Vuitton Artsy GM outlet [] that this guy is going to be first pick in New York, said Kelly Cutrone, the founder of People's Revolution, which recently handled the fashion shows for Jeremy Scott and Nicholas K. Do you want him front row at Dolce men's? I don't. After all, louis vuitton handbags outlet [] is very, very to the right, Ms. Cutrone said. He doesn't believe in abortion or a woman's right to choose. That's problematic, she explained, particularly artsy louis vuitton handbag [] in a city rife with empowered women who make their own money (not Bible Belt beauty queens), gay men and people who support gay and lesbian rights — the very people who Louis Vuitton Speedy 30 outlet [] run the fashion industry. Asked if she thought Mr. Tebow might receive the Victor Cruz treatment, Ms. Cutrone said, I don't think Anna Wintour is going to be jogging over there. Spring weather usually tosses a lot of bad fashion louis vuitton speedy handbags [] trends onto the city's sidewalks. But this year, with our strangely early spring, the journey between my house and Bergdorf's is absolutely perilous cheap Louis Vuitton Belts []. I worry — I do! — about those late-middle-aged women in super-high platforms and skinny J Brand jeans. A ballerina in toe shoes would have more contact with the pavement than these babes do. Women love platform shoes, for their Louis Vuitton purses [] sense of superiority and comfort (relative to other high heels); I love platforms. For 20 years I had a favorite pair of Lagerfeld black suede platforms — from the era of Louis Vuitton Monogram purses [] Karl Lagerfeld's high-fashion label, with crisscross ankle straps — that almost every year I left at Shoe Service on West 55th Street for a perk-up. As men know, good shoes can be repaired Louis Vuitton 4 KEY HOLDER M93517 [] and worn for a long time, and the Lagerfeld platforms, aside from being well made, were a classic sin trap style — sexy and shapely but rather modest in height. A decade ago it probably louis vuitton sarah wallet [] became obvious to me that I couldn't replace them, not in style or quality, and certainly not in cost. It wasn't just that platforms became absurdly big — like a giant Idaho potato wedged Louis Vuitton Zipp Wallet [] under the ball of your foot — or that the height of the stiletto heel seemed to almost taunt the wearer (or victim?). Rather, these new platforms ceased being feminine and interesting. They were louis vuitton luggage [] consistently of a type: sleek, aggressive, challenging. This trend started six or seven years ago, as part of the dominance of accessories, and it hasn't stopped. In fact, it's gone further mainstream, to judge by the feet I see most Louis Vuitton Travel KEEPALL 50 [] days on Fifth Avenue. [] Dami

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