The Noble, Character Class For Greyhawk |
Posted on Thu, December 09, 2004 by Farcluun |
Anced_Math writes "This is a character class based upon the Aristocrat, but designed to serve as a PC Class. Concentration is upon a well rounded charater whose primary emphasis is upon leadership, knowldge, diplomacy and the occasional muscle.
The Noble, a Character Class For Greyhawk By: Anced_Math Used with Permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission from the author. The Noble - A Player Class
A Noble is the builder of nations, the destroyer empires, the forger of fate. They are not the Aristocrats... they are whom the Aristocrats wish to be. They are the founders of great houses, the saviour of a people, the defender of the oppressed. Their power comes from the loyalty they inspire; their family, friends and followers believe that the Noble will lead them to happiness and safety.
Adventures - Fate is filled with ladders and slides. Many members of the aristocracy wake up one day to discover they are homeless and destitute, have slid down due to their own actions or that of others.
Nobles climb the ladders and if they slide down they climb again. Adventures are the most common method of accomplishing this goal. Some seek out battle, some seek the diplomatic route, some work to make sure that their comrades return, but all are valued by the comrades.
Characteristics - No other character's deeds follow them as closely, no others reputation is as important. Their training gives them the advantage; they may garner their education through the King's College, from a retired druid near the village, or from the streets of a decadent city. In many ways, Nobles are like the rogues, making their way through flexibility, talent, and determination.
Alignment - Nobles can be of any alignment, as many care not for methods, and others do not care for hierarchy. Most are lawful, and many are good, but neither is a requirement. Rather than alignment, they have a goal; how they go about achieving this goal varies, but woe to the person who opposes them. Good or evil, lawful or chaotic, the Noble makes a dangerous opponent.
Background - The Noble treads a treacherous path, similar to that of the rogue, but it is the heights that they walk, not the depths.
There are aristocrats, persons who through breeding and lucky birth are the upper crust. Then there are Nobles... those who through ability and determination, become the masters of their own destiny. Where a aristocrat needs the security of a noble house, a Noble does not need titles or breeding to assure their fortunes. The Noble is to the aristocrat what the Fighter is to the warrior, the Lion to the house cat; it is dangerous to confuse the two. They come from many backgrounds, born to vagabonds and kings, rich and poor, and every gradation in between. They come from nations at war, from empires at peace. Their nobility does not necessarily surface at the beginning of their life; on occasion even a crusty old aristocrat or a fat, lazy merchant finds that they are called, and find the Noble within. Regardless, a noble shines through wearing rags and covered in dust.
Races - any race can have nobility; it is a question of character, not of beginnings. Humans most often hear the inner voice, but this is generally due to their vivacious nature. Longer lived races often expect something of the Noble in every member or not at all, and rarely see such a distilled form of character.
Other Classes - Nobles skills and abilities often overlap the other classes. They are strong warriors, adequate healers, capable diplomats, depositories of vast knowledge, competent charlatans, and capable performers. On a team, where they excel is in bringing groups together and extolling them to greater accomplishments. Their presence and guidance often make the swordsman stronger in battle, and at the same time helps the catburgler see herself as a spy or the cleric as a peacemaker among politicians. The fill the void, help others with their weakest points.
Game Rule Information Abilities - If a Noble has a primary ability, it is Charisma, used to lead from the front and make others believe that the battle will be won. However, the Noble is the definition of balance, and the charismatic leader two weak to lift a sword rarely inspires the devotion a noble will need to accomplish their goals. Therefore, a balance of all abilities are useful. Dexterity is the skill least used by the noble.
Alignment - Any
Hit Dice - D8
Initial Skill Points - (6+Int Modifier)x 4; At each level - (6+Int Mod)
Weapon Proficiencies - All Simple and Martial Weapons
Armor Proficiencies - All Armor & Shield
Initial Gold 6d8x10gp of equipment
Class Skills - The Noble's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Chr), Decipher Script (Int); Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Chr), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Innuendo (Wis), Intimidation (Cha), Knowledge (Int, All*); Listen (Wis) Perform (Chr), Read Lips (Int; Exclusive Skill); Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (Int), Spell Craft (Int), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), and Wilderness Lore (Wis).
Class Features Allowance - The Noble Starts play with more gold than the average class. In addition, every year they will receive an allowance of the same amount as they received the first year.
LEVEL | HIT BONUS | FORT SAVE | REF SAVE | WILL SAVE | CLASS ABILITIES | 1 | +0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | Bonus Feat, Allowance, Natural Leader | 2 | +1 | 0 | 0 | 3 | Inherit Item, Knowledgeable | 3 | +2 | 1 | 1 | 3 | Natural Born Leader, Item Familiar | 4 | +3 | 1 | 1 | 4 | Leadership, Bonus Feat | 5 | +3 | 1 | 1 | 4 | Coat of Arm, Hospitality | 6 | +4 | 2 | 2 | 5 | Battle Cry | 7 | +5 | 2 | 2 | 5 | None | 8 | +6/+1 | 2 | 2 | 6 | Inherit Fortune, Bonus Feat | 9 | +6/+1 | 3 | 3 | 6 | Lordly Might (Lord’s Grace) | 10 | +7/+2 | 3 | 3 | 7 | None | 11 | +8/+3 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Inherit Item | 12 | +9/+4 | 4 | 4 | 8 | Bonus Feat | 13 | +9/+5 | 4 | 4 | 8 | None | 14 | +10/+5 | 4 | 4 | 9 | Lordly Might (King’s Grace) | 15 | +11/+6/+1 | 5 | 5 | 9 | None | 16 | +12/+7/+2 | 5 | 5 | 10 | Bonus Feat | 17 | +12/+7/+2 | 5 | 5 | 10 | None | 18 | +13/+8/+3 | 6 | 6 | 11 | Lordly Might (Divine Right) | 19 | +14/+9/+4 | 6 | 6 | 11 | None | 20 | +15/+10/+5 | 6 | 6 | 12 | Bonus Feat |
Natural Leader Feat (AEG Mercenaries) - allows the Noble to motivate another player character in a skill check. Using this feat is a full round action. It can be performed 1+ Chr Modifier times per day, and the bonus the other PC receives is 1 + Chr Modifier to one skill check.
Bonus Feat - At 1st, 4th, 8th,12th, 16th, and 20th level. This feat can be any feat for which the Noble meets the requirements, even metamagic feats. This is due to the flexibility and broad learning of the class.
Natural Leader - At 1st level, the Noble automatically recieves the Natural Leader Feat, as per AEG Merceneries. The Noble aids others in their actions, by providing inspiring confidence and boosting morale. A number of times per day equal to 1+ the Noble's Charisma Bonus (if any) you may spend a full round action to aid another with a skill check. The subject gains a morale bonus equal to the Noble's Charisma Modifier to that skill check.
Inherit Item (I) [1]- Character inherits one permanent magic item rolled randomly by DM. The more powerful the item, the more difficult the adjutant story. Minimum requirements - Minor Item has no story; Medium Item comes with enemies equal to 4+Character's level of LVLs/HD; Major Item has enemies of 10+Character's Level of HD. If potions, scrolls or items with charges are rolled, roll again. (1-60%, Minor Magic Item, 61-90% Medium Magic Item, 91-00% Major Magic Item).
Knowledgeable - Due to the nobles broad learning, he can make a Knowledge check in any field, even those in which he does not have ranks. The DC for these checks, should he have no ranks, is +5 on the DC.
Natural Born Leader - At 3rd level, the Noble automatically recieves the Natural Born Leader Feat, as per AEG Merceneries. The Noble aids others in battle, by providing inspiring confidence and boosting morale. A number of times per day equal to 1+ the Noble's Charisma Bonus (if any), the Noble may spend a full round action to provide a morale bonus equal to his Charisma bonus. This bonus is applied to all attack rolls for a number of rounds equal to 1+ the Noble's Charisma Bonus. The Noble may divide this bonus to any number of allies within a 30ft. Radius.
Item Familiar [2]- The Noble gains this feat as per the Unearthed Arcana. This item can be the inherited item or another, at the players discretion.
Leadership - The noble receives the leadership feat (As per the DMG., pg. 45,) two levels earlier than other classes have it available. However if they choose the Special Cohort Option, a noble can only have intelligent (Int 10 or more) cohorts who speak the local language. People a seeking a leader of men, not a beast master. In addition the Noble will use an expanded leadership chart at higher levels, increasing their personal retinue beyond the size of any other class.
Coat of Arms [3] The noble can select a their coat of arms. This does not have to be chosen at this time, and can be chosen at any later time. However, once chosen, it cannot be changed. It is indelibly linked to the character. It can be modified, but only slightly and with DM approval. The Arms can be awarded by the local lord, the nation's king, or painted out according to the designs of the character. It is a reflection of his fame, ability and character. When a coat of arms is chosen, the character's reputation begins to be known. This reputation modifies the leadership score of the character, for good or bad as per the DMG, pg. 45. The Coat of Arms must be chose before Hospitality, Lordly Might, King's Grace or Divine Right can be utilized.
Hospitality[3] - The noble may request hospitality from any lord, noble, mayor, chieftain, etc., and be expected to receive it under most circumstances. If the notable is a noble or official in the noble's own realm, then hospitality is automatic. This hospitality generally extends to the Noble, his mount, and one other person, and should extend as long as the notables resources reasonably allow. Other nobility will generally extend Hospitality to the Noble's party members. Should there be unusual circumstances, the Noble may be forced to make a Diplomacy check, but the roll will be at +5, as this is nothing less than the Noble's due, and is not an unreasonable request.
Example: The Noble requests Hospitality from the Baron De Aulzur, the wealthiest man in the region. The Baron grants it for the entire party until all wounds are healed. The Noble request Hospitality from the Mayor of Thornwood, a small village. He grants it to the Noble by putting him up at the local inn, for two nights. The Noble request Hospitality from the Tribal Chieftain on the border. After a successful Diplomacy check, he grants Hospitality to the Noble, and one person for each point of success on the Diplomacy Check, for one night per point of success.
Battle Cry - Feat (AEG Merceneries) - You know how to inspire comerades in battle. As a free action, you can voice a thunderous battle cry. It affects all alles within 50'. You and your allies gain a +1 morale bonus on all attack rolls and to all saves against fear effects for 1d6 rounds. You may perfom this feat a number of times per day equal to 1 plus your charisma modifier. Special: Battle Cry cannot be used in conjunction with any bard special ability or any spells requiring a somantic component.
Inherit Fortune [1] - Upon visiting the character's ancestral home or other quesing locaion (and only upon completing such a journey), the character receives his inheritance/boon. If the Noble has no ancestral home, then he must quest for a place to call his home, and upon finding such a place, he will discover his legacy. Inheritance is generated with 4 rolls of d% + Leadership score, one on each chart below.
Inheritance Table Coin 01-18 None 19-75 1d4 x 10000gp 76-100 1d12 x 1000pp
Goods 01-21 None 22-66 2d10 Gems 67-100 2d5 Art
Items 01-19 None 20-58 1d6 Minor 59-92 1d4 Medium 93-100 1d2 Major
Land(s)- Equals d%+Leadership Score 01-25 None 26-65 Country Farm/City Townhome (Players Choice) (50,000 gp equivalent) 66-92 Country Estate/ City Home (Players Choice) (100,000 gp equivalent) 93-100 Country Estate With Keep/City Manor with walled Gardens (500,000 gp equivalent)
Inherit Item (II)[1]- Character inherits one permanent magic item rolled randomly by DM, but the has 20% added to the actual roll. The more powerful the item, the more difficult the adjutant story. Minimum requirements - Minor Item has no story; Medium Item comes with enemies equal to 4+ Character's level of LVLs/HD; Major Item has enemies of 10+ Character's Level/HD. THESE ENEMIES ARE ALWAYS FORMIDABLE. (Example: A Faction of Nobility, the local Assassin's Guild, or the Church of Ornis, etc.) If potions, scrolls or items with charges are rolled, roll again. (1-60%, Minor Magic Item, 61-90% Medium Magic Item, 91-00% Major Magic Item).
Lordly Might (Lord's Grace) - at 9th level a Noble gains lord's grace. This is the grace of someone who knows your worth, and their own. A Lord's Grace prevents random, unprovoked or unjustified attacks from people who know or suspect the Noble's Stature. This Grace causes all creatures with an intelligence of 3 or more who participate in a society, (for or against) to make a will save (DC 5 + noble's lvl + chr bonus), before they attack the noble. If the Noble engages the person(s) in dialogue the save DC increases (DC 5 + noble's lvl + chr bonus + (intimidate or diplomacy). This DC is further modified by the saving creatures alignment according to the following table:
This only affects creatures that interact with the society, though enemies are affected as they may fear reprisals, or do not know the strength of the characters. Lord's Grace does not require that the Noble declare his Grace; rather it is his persona, how he acts and carries himself. If the Noble is standing at the front of a group, speaking for or acting for a group, then this protection extends to all member, so long as the number persons does not exceed the Nobles Level. If the Noble attacks, then this protection is dispelled. Creatures who fail their save will retreat, wander off, dissipate into the crowd, etc. If they are cornered, then they will suffer a -4 all attacks, saves, and morale checks. This should provide a chance for the Noble to role-play and demonstrate his character. A character with Lord's Grace adds +1 to his total when calculating his leadership score. Also, at this level and beyond, the number of follower increases by a multiplier of 5. Thus, instead of 5 1st level followers at 10th level with a leadership score of 10, the noble will have 25. The number of Cohorts are unaffected. Finally, In battle if the lord or his standard can be seen leading the troops, all cohorts and followers receive a +1 on attack and damage dice. This affects all who can see him.
(King's Grace) - at 14th level a Noble gains king's Grace. This functions the same as Lord's Grace, but it's protection is stronger. All creatures with an intelligence of 3 or higher who interact in any society is subject to the save. The modifiers remain the same. However, if the creatures fail their save by more than 10, they surrender and throw themselves on the Nobles mercy. If the creature fail by 5 or more, they attempt to flee immediately. If they fail by less than 5, they behave as Lord's Grace. Even if the creatures save, if they save by less than 5 on their roll, they will suffer a -4 on all attack, save and morale rolls. A character with King's Grace adds +2 to his total when calculating his leadership score. Also, at this level and beyond, the number of follower increases by a multiplier of 10. Thus with a 15 leadership score (including the +2 listed above), instead of 15 1st level followers, the noble will have 150. This replaces the x5 multiplier of Lord's Grace. The number of Cohorts are unaffected. However, at this level, cohort level limits are increased; a Noble can have a cohort who is of higher level than he, provided the cohort is not more than 5 levels beyond their Character level. Finally, In battle if the lord or his standard can be seen leading the troops, all cohorts and followers receive a +3 on attack and damage dice. This affects all who can see him.
(Divine Right) - at 18th level a Noble gains the ability of Divine Right. This functions the same as King's Grace, but it's protection is stronger. All creatures with an intelligence of 3 or higher who see the character is subject to the save. This includes all creature, except only Outsiders, Undead, and Dragons. The modifiers remain the same. However, if the creatures fail their save by more than 10, they surrender and throw themselves on the Nobles mercy. If the creature fail by 5 or more, they attempt to flee immediately. If they fail by less than 5, they behave as if affected by Lord's Grace. Even if the creatures save, if they save by less than 5 on their roll, they will suffer a -8 on all attack, save and morale rolls. A character with King's Grace adds +5 to his total when calculating his leadership score. Also, at this level and beyond, the number of follower increases by a multiplier of 100. Thus with a 25 leadership score (including the 5 levels above, instead of 135 1st level followers, the noble will have 13,500 1st lvl followers, 1300 second, etc. This replaces the x10 multiplier of King's Grace. The number of Cohorts are unaffected. However, at this level, cohort level limits are increased; a Noble can have a cohort who is of higher level than he, provided the cohort is not more than twice their Character level. Not only does the Noble have this affect on people, he can now influence organizations as NPC's (Table 5-3&4 DM's Guide pg. 149). He also begins this level with organizations perception moved either one step better or to indifferent, whichever is better. This specifically includes all churches that are public in their worship. Why they lend their support depends on the church. Have no doubt, they support the Noble at this stage, and indicate his divine right. Finally, In battle if the lord or his standard can be seen leading the troops, all cohorts and followers receive a +5 on attack and damage dice. This affects all who can see him.
[1] If the Noble Character does not come from Noble, Wealthy or aristocratic backgrounds, then the Player and DM should craft another story where the Character finds or earns the Magic Item(s). There should be no risk or adventure involved. Possible plots are the item is in an abandoned barn, on the body of an aged knight who died on the road, found in lost cave, or dropped by bandits fleeing the local sherriff. In any event, the character should not have to defend their ownership.
[2]In Lieu of the Item Familiar Feat, the DM can allow the Signature Item feat detailed below.
[3] The Character can choose any Coat of Arms that they desire. However, it should be something, in device or form, that the local people would identify as a Heralic device. The Bio Hazard symbol may look "cool," but it does not tell the Baron De Alzur who or what just rode into his keep armed to the teeth.
Signature Item [4] - At 6th Level, the Noble can choose a signature item feat. This is either a Signature Armor or Signature Weapon. This ability requires the Noble purchase a masterwork item or other non enchanted item, and it will become more powerful as the character grows in power. The Noble must spend either experiance or gold upon this item. If the item is ever lost or destroyed, the Noble can start again at the beginning, but cannot recover the lost experiance or gold. All improvements must be worked out with the approval of the DM. A story component is required, and without such, the item cannot be created. Often utilization of this feat will be delayed for several levels past acquisition. In effect, they can create a magic item at reduced cost, and without the aid of an particular materials or assistance. The DM may expect a quest for items or for an exceptional smith who can aid with crafting. The costs are as follows:
These Bonuses can be spread among two or more similar items, such as armor and shield, with DM approval. They should not be spread among multiple types of items, such as shield and sword.
[4] If the Noble Character has no skills or magic to effect this, then perhaps his trusty henchman or follower who happens to be great swordsmith, or a cleric or other NPC who desires to advance their cause. Regardless, the only cost of these item(s) is the time necessary to forge/enchant, as per the DMG. They absorb some aura from the noble, they help provide that air of mystery, and should reflect something of the character.
NOBLE LEVEL | ARMOR BONUS | EXPERIENCE | GOLD | WEAPON BONUS | EXPERIENCE | GOLD | 1-2 | 1 | 250 | 500 | 1 | 500 | 1,000 | 3-4 | 2 | 500 | 1,000 | 2 | 1,000 | 2,000 | 5-6 | 3 | 1,000 | 2,000 | 3 | 2,000 | 4,000 | 7-8 | 4 | 2,000 | 4,000 | 4 | 3,000 | 8,000 | 9-10 | 5 | 3,000 | 8,000 | 5 | 4,000 | 15,000 | 11-12 | 6 | 4,000 | 12,000 | 6 | 5,000 | 22,000 | 13-14 | 7 | 5,000 | 15,000 | 7 | 6,000 | 30,000 | 15-16 | 8 | 6,000 | 30,000 | 8 | 7,000 | 50,000 | 17-18 | 9 | 7,000 | 50,000 | 9 | 8,000 | 100,000 | 19-20 | 10 | 8,000 | 75,000 | 10 | 9,000 | 150,000 |
| |
Average Score: 3.8 Votes: 10

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Re: The Noble, Character Class For Greyhawk (Score: 1) by abysslin (abyss@canonfire.com) on Thu, December 09, 2004 (User Info | Send a Message | Journal) http://www.canonfire.com | Congratz on your 1st Canonfire submission, A_M! Next time submit something that doesn't include tables, lol... (which you better check to see if I have done correctly) |
Re: The Noble, Character Class For Greyhawk (Score: 1) by mortellan on Thu, December 09, 2004 (User Info | Send a Message) | Good article Anced! A month too late for my poor aristocrat character, but still a good alternative. I especially like how they acrue more money and inheritances, good touches. The poor NPC aristocrat has no cushion like that to fall back on, just DM whim. |
Re: The Noble, Character Class For Greyhawk (Score: 1) by Maraudar on Thu, December 09, 2004 (User Info | Send a Message) | Great piece A_M. Now I'll have players clamoring to be one. :) |
Re: The Noble, Character Class For Greyhawk (Score: 1) by Anced_Math (mlheath@mindspring.com) on Fri, December 10, 2004 (User Info | Send a Message | Journal) http://www.greyhawkonline.com/granmarch/ | I am actually running a Noble character, and drafted the character class with the aid of Castamirr (not a Canonfire Member, but deserves credit), who is the DM. I should point out that he liked the Item Familiar, due to it's romantic/story based side. I like it too, however, as I am progressing, the item is progressing; it is proving to be EXTREMELY Powerful. Anyone who allows this class should monitor this closesly; by 15th level, the only published weapon more powerful is the Sword of Kas.
Note the [4] Note, the signature item feat is an alternate to the Item Familiar Feat |
Re: The Noble, Character Class For Greyhawk (Score: 1) by IvorMac on Fri, December 10, 2004 (User Info | Send a Message) | Great character with very good possiblities. When I read the part about Divine Right I was reminded of the English Civil War. Though the issue about Divine Right then and yours is quite different it gave me some ideas about Gran March and the leadership of the Watch Hmmm. |
Re: The Noble, Character Class For Greyhawk (Score: 1) by castlemike on Sat, December 11, 2004 (User Info | Send a Message) | Really nice work. I was using something similar but not as nice as this. You might be interested in checking out a Magical Medieval Society which goes into pretty good detail regarding a Magical Medieval society breakdown (Feif and Manor breakdown numbers (including costs and income) based on population and ranking as Royal, Noble or Gentry) their take based on incorporating magic into medieval Europe. |